Pastor John Hagee - "Knowing The Mind of God"

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[Music] what does god think about the way you think your attitude about your future your hopes and dreams for tomorrow determines your success and your failure the bible introduces the concept of change your thoughts and you change your life say that with me change your thoughts and you change your life reading philippians 4 and 8. finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are noble whatsoever things of just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there's any virtue and if there's anything praiseworthy think on these things say that with me think on these things father god thank you for the joy of being in this house today let the anointing of the holy spirit empower us to understand the mind of god concerning our thoughts about ourselves our families our future because our thoughts will determine exactly that in the authority of jesus name we pray and all of god's children said amen you may be seated first of all the bible holds you responsible for your thought life listen to the voice of solomon in proverbs 23 7 he says as a man thinketh so is he say that with me as a man thinketh so is he if you think you can you will if you think you can't you won't if you think you're going to be beaten you will be beaten if you think you will fail you will because your thought life determines the quality of your life philippians 2 5 let this mind be in you which is also in christ jesus paul writes in romans 12 2 be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed how by the renewing of your mind how do you renew your mind you renew your mind by washing it in the word of god ephesians 5 26 says you renew your mind by washing it in the word of god i assure you if you want to turn your life around start reading the biblical truth about what you should think about and how you should give your life and your pity pot mentality will transform into a champion for christ isaiah 26 3 i will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee not whose mind watches fake television three hours a night but whose mind is stayed on the principles of righteousness what you think about what you brewed about what you are depressed over everything that goes through your brain is something that you decide whether it stays there or not listen to the story of a man and his wife i say it's two people and two attitudes about their life this is a true story a famous writer was in his studies and he began reflecting about the past year and he wrote the following one last year my gallbladder was removed and i was bedridden and suffered for several days two the same year i reached the age of 60 and was forced to leave the publishing company where i'd spent the last 30 years three the same year my father died four the same year my son failed his medical exam he was in a terrible car accident and as a result he was hospitalized for several weeks and my new car that he was driving is a total loss his concluding statement this past year was a horrible year his wife walked in read what he had said she sat down and wrote her point of view on another piece of paper gave it to her husband and said read this she wrote one last year i finally got rid of a gallbladder that did nothing but give me pain and suffering for years now i feel wonderful two i turned 60 with good health and retired from my job now i can utilize my time to do what i want to for the rest of my life three the same year my father died at the age of 95 without suffering without depending on anyone and without any critical condition he peacefully stepped into eternity into the hands of god four the same year god blessed my son with life my car was destroyed but my son was alive and without permanent disability her conclusion last year was a fabulous year [Applause] listen to this because this is the whole point it's not happiness that makes you grateful but it's gratefulness that makes you happy it's gratefulness that makes you happy which one of these two people are you at your house don't raise your hand just which one of them are you you win the war of the mind when you recognize that your attitude is contagious when you go home and the dog hides behind the door it's you you have a mind like concrete it's thoroughly mixed up and firmly set a wife said to her husband i'm not a grouch i've just been in a bad mood for 40 years in a church in the deep south the pastor was late for the sunday morning service and suddenly the devil appeared in the pulpit the church members dove out the windows some of them hid under the pews they ran in mass to the front doors and there was a pile up in the lobby trying to get out a man was sitting on the front seat he didn't move he didn't blink the devil said aren't you afraid of me and he said absolutely not and the devil said why not and the man said because for the last 20 years i've been living with your sister don't raise your hand partner this is a bad time that's an attitude one of the greatest statements that's ever been made about your thought life was made by the richest man on the face of the earth king solomon he said as a man thinketh so is he say that with me as a man thinketh so is he listen to saint paul after he had been stoned and beaten and left for dead in the streets of jerusalem for preaching the gospel he said finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things of good report think on these things say that with me think on these things bible will establish the fact that your success or your failure is a direct result of your thought life your attitude is reflected in your speech from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh that's the word of god your attitude embraces faith or it wallows in doubt believe in the god that believes in you believe in the god that believes in you you are the child of god you have access to god you have access to the most supernaturally powerful thing in the universe in the authority of jesus name that is an awesome pleasure and an awesome privilege in the mind of god your attitude celebrates in victory or it wallows in the slime of self-pity i'd rather change my mind and succeed than to have my own way and fail think about that your attitude refuses to be pushed by your problems or to be led by your dreams do not let your past control your future do not allow other people to define your future don't let other people drag up your past and try to destroy your present you are a child of god you have the free moral agency to become who you want to become this is the day the lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it rejoice in the lord give the lord praise in the house you cannot read the bible and not be a joyful person the bible says rejoice and be exceedingly glad rejoice that you have the health to be in this service today rejoice that your name is written in the book of life rejoice that angels are going before you to prepare your way and behind you as your rear guard that's an actual bible fact the bible says he will give his angels charge over you to protect you in all of your way i know i'm alive today because of the guardianship of the angels of god [Applause] rejoice that nothing is impossible to you if that was the only verse in the bible it would make christianity the most exciting experience on the planet nothing shall be impossible to those that believe and are called according to the purposes of god rejoice that god is your father you are somebody you are a child of god you have access to god get happy about who you are your attitude determines your success your failure the bible-based attitude does not depend on your circumstance the bible-based attitude is a rock-ribbed confidence that endures no matter what the circumstance happens to be every person in this auditorium and those of you who are listening across america and around the world let me share with you a man who had a heartbreaking situation and let's look at how he responded it's job the richest man in the east so says the bible a powerful and a righteous man who made a daily sacrifice for each of his ten children think about that at the end of seven days he had killed seventy animals praying for the well-being of his children job experienced the greatest tragedy in all of the old testament he lost 10 children in one day in one day he lost everything that he owned and he was an awesome man of wealth all of his herds were destroyed in one day the emotional agony of that is beyond your ability to grasp or your heart to understand what was his response what was his attitude toward god job did not blame god he said the lord has given and the lord has taken away blessed be the name of the lord that's an awesome awesome story but it actually happened god gave job 10 more children and restored his wealth while he was yet alive to be greater than it ever was before because the god that gave the first can give the last job was righteous and when he got to heaven the 10 children that he lost were waiting there today in heaven there are 20 children sitting at job's table the ten he got when his ten were lost god restored the whole family and there there now around the throne of god just as it will be with your family [Applause] in genesis 12 god gave abraham a promise that shaped the history of the world he promised to give him a land flowing with milk and honey he promised to make his name great and to this day abraham's name is known all over the earth why because god never breaks a promise please send your best gift possible today when you do you'll receive our newest devotional promise problem provision with your donation of 175 or more we will include our behold i make all things new scripture art piece our daily truth devotional and the hagee ministries prayer journal regardless of the trial you're facing god will see you through to the other side if you'll simply trust and obey send your gift today call the number on your screen or visit slash provide [Applause] but remember the secret whenever the worst happens he did not blame god he did not become angry he did not become bitter if that's the way god does i'm done with that don't you ever do that because god can replace anything that you ever lose if you woke up this morning and you didn't see your picture in the obituary column you've got something to be happy about [Applause] what happens to good people when bad things happen to them they become better people with the help and the grace of god you are a child of god you are royalty nothing is impossible to you when you change your thoughts you'll change your world say that with me change your thoughts and you'll change your world give the lord praise in the house [Applause] your attitude determines your attainments your attitude determines your teammates consider saint paul in doubting thomas the disciple of jesus the apostle paul after he had been beaten and stoned and left for dead his response he sang in a roman prison and god sent angels down to shake that prison off of its foundation paul and silas walked out of that prison with the jailhouse keys in one hand and a convert in another hand because in the worst of circumstances they gave the lord praise jail house rock was not created by elvis presley it happened from saint paul consider doubting thomas he had jesus for a pastor and you can have no better thomas was never beaten he was never put in prison he was never stoned for his witness for christ he saw miracles for three and a half years he was a couch potato christian if there was one following the crucifixion he said i cannot believe that jesus has risen from the dead unless i can touch his body pity pot christianity is stinking thinking stop it you got hurt back in 1985 get up and get over it get up and get over it stop saying i can't and start saying i can do all things through christ stop saying if because by god's grace you will stop saying it's impossible because nothing is impossible to those that believe and are called according to the purposes of god don't say i don't know the right people you know god the father the son and the holy spirit and that's enough to turn the world upside down they were promised in the new testament you shall receive power after that the holy spirit has come upon you power over the world the flesh and the devil power over powers and principalities in the heaven power over sickness and disease power over poverty it is the lord that gives you the power to get wealth hello christians you are connected to enough supernatural power to terrify every demon that's in the pits of hell you have that kind of power rejoice and be exceedingly glad [Applause] the bible says daniel in chapter 11 verse 32 the people who know god take action say that with me the people who know god take action they don't sit around and whine about how bad things are you go through the problem you don't sit there and let the problem whip you quitting is not a solution here excuses people make well i'm not an expert at anything the titanic was put together with experts the ark was put together by volunteer help which boat would you like to take a cruise on look around you analyze the conversations of people you know who lead unhappy unfulfilled unsuccessful lives they're constantly whining about the circumstance their family their boss their church their marriage something something is this you stop it this is the day the lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it saint paul said forgetting those things with your past say that with me forgetting those things with your past for those of you who have a lot of gray in your hair and you've been here 40 years you've heard me say this several times but there are scores of people here and thousands watching that need to hear this i want to teach you the most therapeutic phrase that you'll ever find in theology it's get over it put waiting around in the misery of your past i'm going to point to you and when i point to you i want you to say get over it have you been hurt have you been criticized have you been rejected have you failed there you are now you're over turn to your neighbor and say i feel better one of my favorite quotations comes from president calvin coolidge he says press on nothing in the world can take the place of persistence talent will not nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful men with talent genius will not the world is full of educated derelicts persistence and determination alone are omnipotent end quote life is like a wheelbarrow you get nowhere till you start pushing the righteous arise the bible says and they take action you have the ability to do anything that god has placed in your heart to do get up and do it because god will go with you and make it happen [Applause] the attitude of fortitude turns adversity into advantage if what you're doing doesn't have resistance what you're doing is not worth doing i can tell you that every church we've ever built every building program the school christians united for israel sanctuary of hope the national television ministry there was always the committee of naysayers saying you can't do that now it's just not possible to get that done now it almost became the anthem of encouragement to me it was a cardinal sign i was on the right track and the more i heard that the more inspired i became to get it done [Applause] without the resistance of water a ship cannot float without the resistance of air a plane cannot fly without the resistance of gravity you can't walk out of this building have you run into a mountain of impossibility climb over it if you can't get over it go around it if you can't go around it go through it if you can't go through it turn it into a mountain and turn that mountain into a gold mine and sell it to the government quitting is not an option [Applause] adversity is opportunity to those who possess the attitude of fortitude a rubber band is effective only when it's stretched a turtle gets nowhere until it sticks its neck out remember the tea kettle though it's up to its neck in hot water it sings its finest song god uses no one until you graduate from the university of adversity joseph came to the throne of egypt through the pit his brothers threw him in they sold him as a slave to the midianites he was sold again to potiphar who was the chief of police for pharaoh he was falsely accused by a desperate housewife of rape he was sent to prison innocently where he stayed for 12 years adversity turned that fuzzy face boy into a statesman of steel that was able to give a nation the the wheelbase and the potential to birth the jewish people for 340 years when they became a nation why he had grit he had the fortitude to endure the wind of adversity moses was raised as a prince in egypt with wealth and power but god banished him to the backside of the wilderness for 40 years until he learned to hear his voice and learned the discipline of doing what needed to be done and then he went and faced pharaoh and liberated the jewish people abraham lincoln became america's greatest president after being defeated 12 times the 13th time he ran he became the president of the united states that's the attitude of fortitude john bunyan wrote pilgrim's progress in bedford jail other than the bible pilgrim's progress is the most read book in the history of christianity with the attitude of fortitude you can never forget who you are you can never forget your dream you will never give up on the mission because your goal and god's goal you will get there keep going the victory is ours through christ the lord say that with me the victory is ours through christ the lord can we stand together how many of you in this room can say pastor there are painful thoughts and memories in my past that destroy my peace and happiness of the present i want peace of mind in my life and i need god's help to have that peace of mind if that describes you lift your hand please right where you are everyone in this audience and those of you who are watching by television i want you just to lift your hands toward the lord and pray this prayer with me heavenly father heavenly father in the authority of jesus name in the authority of jesus name i received the peace of god i receive the peace of god that passes all understanding and i pray and i pray that you would give me the supernatural power to control my thoughts a thing of peace that the prosperity of the lord that the prosperity of the lord will follow me all the days of my life because of the goodness of god because of the goodness of god in the authority of your name lord jesus christ lord jesus christ i receive forgiveness of all of my sin i receive forgiveness of all and i receive your peace forever forever amen amen give the lord a shout of praise in this house thank you for being with us do you have a promised land you've been trying to reach god has your provision ready diligently seek him and obey him do it with an attitude of praise please stay tuned to the end of our program today pastor hagee has a blessing for you and every member of your family i want you to continue watching that you can receive it becoming a legacy partner with hagee ministries allows you to make a difference in the lives of millions of people all over the world technology is allowing us to connect with so many people through the use of online platforms and social media you can now watch live services and on-demand content from hagee ministries at become a part of a lasting legacy call the number on the screen or go to partner [Music] cornerstone church invites you to feast 2022 october 21st through the 23rd your family will enjoy three days of free rides midway games food music and spectacular fireworks with pastor matt hagee friday night outdoor praise and worship with natalie grant saturday night grammy award winner ty tribbett sunday night be our guest for our annual night to honor israel with pastor john hagee for more information call the number on your screen or visit feast and now your blessing with pastor john hagee and now may the lord bless you and may the lord keep you and may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you giving you his peace may you come to the point that you're willing to accomplish what god has designed specifically for you may you begin to be led by the holy spirit growing into a new dimension of great faith that you have never known before may the holy spirit empower you to resolve your problem to get through your problem and to receive the provision of god may you understand that it takes great faith obedience and praise to receive the promises of god may you never be the same again as you live your life in obedience and praise to almighty god receive this blessing amen [Music]
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 50,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O7-vCfZE75o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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