The Storm Couldn’t Stop Us!

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that is one big pile of straw dinosaur poop  nick i found a needle no way oh that lucky day all right quickly change the bearing  on b-spine swap the chain out   we're gonna hook it back up to the header as  you guys probably have noticed the header's a   little dirty yes we cleaned it up last year  so i can only mean one thing yes we've been   in the field already harvesting i just didn't  record it it was just a trial run and then we   had a squealing bearing that we fixed but we're  over that now we're gonna pick it back up again   and we put the header on the ground and it  worked so let's even get it back up again is it amazing how powerful those feeder houses are oh pretty sure i know somebody wants to go for a ride   i don't think he's ever been in the combine  tell the truth it's always been kobe both combines are in the field this is  awesome we are getting the crop and we   are putting in the combine we're gonna put in  the truck and we're gonna put in the pins so   be very thankful for what we have you know it's  uh don't get me wrong i'm slightly discouraged   because we've had a fairly drought year and um so  the yield is down quite a bit and then we got hail   a lot of hail and that's not very easy to see and  so usually this time of year is in a very exciting   time of the year because all the hard work and  everything we put in to try to make the best   crop that we can and see the fruits of our labor  and then you know there's not really going to be   a whole lot out there and it's it's discouraging  but you know it's okay to be discouraged it's how   you go about being discouraged that matters um  and you know what count your blessings and we are   truly blessed there are so many wonderful things  that we haven't given and opportunities and   hey we're still farming so just part of the  struggle your first combine ride for the season   just got started today goby what do you  want to do you want to go huh you want to go that's quite a ladder how about over here  let's try these new tires out you ready wow he's on a diet okay well we're in the  cab what do you think oh i better turn the   air conditioning on a little cooler because uh you got a warm companion in with me  huh good boy yeah like your haircut hey guys welcome back to the farm we are farming  harvest season has kicked off as you saw the   comments you took off the fields um it's gonna  be slow going uh right now they're running about   seven to ten bushels an acre in our peas some of  this did see some hail so that's one reason why   the number's a little lower we'll see how it goes  the rest of the peak crop but at least half of   it's gone so the other half we'll see we can get  i'm gonna go fire the 4520 up with the westfield   mkx 130 94 foot 13-inch auger and we're gonna  go ahead and get some bins ready for some peas i do really like this auger it's been a really  good auger we've had one season with it so far   really like it it's nice being able to drive over  the swing out without having to have that extra   grain deck it's just a pain to move  around twice it's all in one package   and this thing's got pretty high capacity  but it's a little overkill for this grain   bin that's okay though overkill's not  a problem when you're farming right yeah got some spring wheat still sitting around  from the corner so i'll get a broom and a shovel   and clean this out and get ready for seed  gotta open the top up put the auger over it   everything's just slow this year slow and low key  there's just not gonna be a lot of trucks moving   it's not gonna lie a lot of things as long as the  call might just keep operating around the hours   that's what matters got comfortable back in the  saddle again overall no it's working very well uh   the crop yield isn't working that well but we're  cutting off this field where it hailed on half of   it pretty hard then kind of spread out a little  bit more and then the other end didn't get hardly   any hail and according to that it's running around  anywhere from eight to 12 for the yellow peas   we get down there where it starts hailing you're  getting into the the five to seven four to six   three to two and then that one zero  then so we're cutting what we can   um but we're glad that um um may west it has  uh provided us with these uh paddle fingers   on the reel what it does it fills in between the  those narrow tines that way if there's any uh   material that's going to fall through between  the tines it will help pick it up and kick it in   so i see they are helping so it's good on these  kind of crops when you have to cut down on the   ground they're already short you need all the  help you can get first truck of 2021 coming off   the field we need about 25 of these more like  30 to build a contract that we pre-sold already   i don't think we're gonna get it and then  we needed about another three of these   including some of the pcs we already  have on the farm to see next year's crop   i don't think we get that either  but we'll see you never know   some of these peas might do a lot better than  we're expecting and some of this hailed ground   we might be able to recover some of it there  we go first load of 2021 crop yellow peas going   to demand this stuff is uh certified seed  so it's important that we get this stuff   and we're gonna put it on air it's a  little wet but that's okay that's okay now the peas that we have here they're small  we're not used to it that small but not like   terribly small but i mean it still could be used  as seed so this here is actually seed we bought   this year and we were hoping to grow more  seed for next year so we're trying to get   as much as we can off this field because this is  a new variety and we want to update our variety   we're getting some but not not a whole lot oh boy just had a rock go through the rotor i  don't know what kind of damage was done hopefully   nothing too serious i'm gonna investigate  here and take a look i think i got it through it went in so fast i couldn't even shut  it down before it got almost all the way   through the rotor so i think it went through  the rock or the straw chopper and everything   else so let's take a look visually i don't see  any knives on the straw chopper broke off from   this angle obviously i can't see half of them um  the straw spreaders a couple dings couple dents   nothing out of the ordinary so pull the cover  and take a look see how you look at the rotor ah i think you guys heard that the rock got in it shattered it so i think  the majority of the rock went out the back   but i got little fragments everywhere in here  let's see now what happened trout chopper   brock once i got caught in it and uh it's  jammed up so i'm gonna take it back to the   shop and work on it there all right well i  brought it back to the shop just investigated   you can see there's a big mark down  there if you look closely right here   so the straw had a knife hit a rock and then  it uh broke the bolt and then now it's gouging   right there we can fix it just a bolt thank  goodness he's going to look on crack see if   there's any type sign that it might come apart  because those would be bad if they flung off   this thing it spins pretty quick or any new knives  ah these rocks are bad it's gonna be a tough year   it's gonna be a tough year for rocks all right  cool pretty sure that was it so i'm just gonna   engage the separator real  quick just for a little snip all right we'll see if it sounds pumpkin it's  hot here yesterday was nice today not so nice oh right there oh what whoa did you see that lightning  bolt well it's not there anymore   it's been gone okay say bye bye to camera bye  bye make making progress a little bit of weeds   in this but they came up after the peas finished  out so they're not really affecting the yield   i'm grinding through them but look at that 21  bushels an acre i like it i like it if only it   was that way across the whole farm that's  not a great year but on a year like this   that is money all right that's it day number one  is done go to bed starting tomorrow see you again   well we're back in the saddle again did you  check in huh did you punch your time card   um no he pawed his time card did you okay another  day huh another day another bunny listen to that right there yellow piece inside the wall i wanna  show you guys something really cool what's gonna   happen this year with these green bins these  are these west steel bins we got from agi   well we added on their mid manager sure  track system so it'll basically keep   tabs on what's going on in the grain bin  because these are larger bins there's a lot   more potential for stuff to spoil for things to  go wrong so there's probes and there's moisture   sensors temperature senders there's all sorts  of uh sensors that then gather data that then   tell the system should it kick the fan on should  turn the fan off cool these down add moisture by   pumping in cool air in the night that's humid  a lot of really cool things we're excited about   it we'll be able to handle that remotely so i'll  keep you guys updated on how that goes but i think   i'd try it out just got back to the field and  dad had an alarm come on and a bunch of smoke   surrounded the combine unfortunately it was  just a belt slip and we think it's the straw   chops but the back end of this thing is plugged  up tight we don't know what happened you said the   spreader alarm was going on saying the straw  spinners weren't working our speed was low   but it happened quick so i'm gonna take this up  pull it all out dig in there it's gonna get fun   i'm gonna swim in some peach half and hopefully  find out that nothing jerry's done because   i don't want to calm mine  down right now that'd be bad news she's packed he might have gotten a rock stuck in  one of these spreaders here and then it   might have jammed it up and then it just kept  backfilling it did this we'll find out shortly so and we're back we got shut down for a little  bit decided to take a break while the crop   dried out from a little bit rain we got um it was  actually my grandma's 91st birthday so worked out   a great time to eat some cake celebrate her  birthday she's the last of the welker family   of that generation from the farm but uh  yeah another storm coming right there here we go it's coming out on top of us i am  stopping and i am going to drive back to the truck   there's lightning coming down everywhere it's not  coming down super hard but it's definitely going   to make things a little tacky it was looking  like a pretty good system coming over but   over there it's raining real hard yeah i would  sure stink get a combine struck by lightning   take it out of commission for a while  oh my goodness did you see that one   yes i did i like literally  turned my camera off right now   that was a massive one all right let this thing  cool down shut it down get out and then um   come back tomorrow the peas and the hopper  will get a little bit of water on them but   they'll blend and mix out when we throw this on  air tomorrow anyways in the bin so it'll be okay you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 320,613
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Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: IT3d3Vb9xtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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