The Sims Stories: The Sims 2 with Story Mode

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace if you need a website they've got you covered the Sims 2 is personally my favorite era of the Sim series not only is the main title just video game Excellence but one of my favorite spin-offs comes from this era as well the main game The Sims 2 on PC and Mac is one that I hold near and dear to my heart because of its ability to tell a good story this game doesn't rely solely on the power of our little imaginations to give it substance it lays out a ton of amazing lore for the player to start with and lets you take that story any direction you may choose so many iconic characters from the sims series come from The Sims 2 it's truly an incredible game still to this day now if you happen to be a Sims fan upon the release of the Sims 2 in 2004 chances are you didn't have a sick ass gaming PC that you could just load that disc right up into and start controlling little people a lot of Gamers had family computers in 2004 ones that maybe didn't like have excellent specs and couldn't really run the Sims very well that's why I was a Neopets kid EA's solution was to make a whole separate version of The Sims 2 to cater to that specific group of players and they called this series the laptop friendly The Sims stories The Sims stories refers to three games the first to come out was The Sims life stories in 2007 followed by pet stories later that year and Castaway stories in early 2008 life and pet stories featured two dedicated story modes passed away got one big beefy one and each game also included a free play mode none of these games would work with the Sims 2 expansion packs but they were still really great Standalone games even though they didn't feature every single little thing from The Sims 2 like they omitted fears and then the Elder life stage is just completely gone from the Sims pet stories altogether the thing that makes these games the most unique to me is the inclusion of real life dedicated story modes we're used to only seeing that on on some of the console versions of the Sims really unfortunately EA discontinued their sale in 2012 making them abandoned wear I highly suggest that you seek out and play these games yourself but if you'd like to just see what kind of wacky weird Shenanigans happens in The Sims stories I mean hey I've got the video for you this one it's this one life stories the more base gaming edition of The Sim stories we have two story lines to follow as well as two neighborhoods you can jump right into the tutorial Riley story or a free play version of Riley's neighborhood Four Corners the other storyline in this game Vincent's story and his neighborhood bville is yet to be unlocked but we can do that from progressing in Riley's storyline each storyline has 12 chapters to play through in order to complete I'm not going to bother running through the tutorials of all these Sim stories games as they all play pretty much the exact same as the Sims 2 on PC and Mac I mean I'm assuming that we've all simmed here Riley harlo has been living in Sim City all her her life until she lost her job facing eviction Riley turned to the one person she could count on her Aunt Sharon Sharon has always been kind enough to help Riley out in a pinch so Riley arranged to stay at her aunt's house in the suburb of Four Corners until she was back on her feet I'm so sorry sweetheart but I have to take care of something very urgent at the bank I should be back before tonight remember the house is yours all right free house some of our first quests are just very basic semi type of things like eating changing our outfit and our appearance love the style in The Sims 2 by the way so many cute options I gave Riley a cute little hairstyle New Life new cut some neighbors came by to welcome Riley to the neighborhood one of them even gifted her a coffee maker how sweet oh my God all the sounds and the music it's just it's so nostalgic for me even the really bad laughing is triggering something inside of my brain can't help but notice that Riley and Mickey Smith seem to be hting it off well if I'm being honest I kind of did that myself she obviously needs a new man to spice up her new life I also can't help but notice that Aunt Sharon never came home and the little blurb at the end of the day pointed that out as well but it's time to stop being a deadbeat moocher Riley needs to get a job I picked the first one that came up a job in the entertainment career track which she'll start tomorrow Riley has an urge to check her email mostly to see if any of her old friends tried to contact her but the only email was from Aunt Sharon Riley I went to help out an old friend I'll be back in a few days make yourself at home love Aunt Sharon well since we have the house all to ourselves why not invite over our new crush Mickey Smith H he brought over one of the other chicks Agora at least she brought Riley a gift you know a pretty unassuming house plant I'm still a little annoyed but whatever nothing's going to stop Riley from turning this into a date her new goal is to hit on Mickey but we have to increase her romance points with him quite a bit before we can unlock that interaction Riley's really laying it on thick Agora did not like that though she came in and poked Riley for flirting with Mickey I knew she was weird I don't care if he was her man first he obviously is way more interested in Riley don't think this is over you haven't heard the Last of Me Yeah run away girl anyways I think we've made some good progress with Mickey time for him to go home and to take care of Riley's needs oh okay a fire thank God I had a fire alarm this time but I guess that concludes chapter 2 of Riley's Story the next day Riley has her first day of work she's finally a contributing member of society she still has reservations about this whole Agora problem and decides to talk it over with her new friend Fiona Fortuna she has some very interesting information for us apparently an old flame of Riley's from high school Dylan moved back to Four Corners 2 weeks before Riley did what a strange coincidence he used to be pretty immature and girl crazy back in the day but Riley just can't can't stop thinking about him girl get up after work the next day she decides to call up Mickey and ask him out for dinner hopefully this will help keep her ex off her mind they have a lovely little date they play some chess and canoodle over dinner God I miss the good old days when going out to dinner worked this came out more than 15 years ago and it works better than D out God sorry you know I can't resist complaining about the Sims 4 the perfect end to a perfect date night Riley and Mickey's first kiss oh my God the cutcenes this was fabulous Mickey gifted us a rose and Riley went home totally stoked the next day Riley was minding her business working on her creative skill when Dylan decided to give her a call hi Riley I heard from a mutual friend that you were in town how awesome is that say I'd like to swing by your place around eight and ketchup how about we make it dinner is that cool is that cool Riley no she actually wants to entertain this well I guess she is single but she doesn't know a damn thing about cooking obviously hence the house fire so we better get her cooking skill up to avoid embarrassment that night Dylan was waiting outside oh he greeted her with a kiss okay that's a little forward Riley enjoyed it so much that she wanted to do it again I am not technically dating Mickey she says she is being pretty scummy though in my opinion anyways Riley and Dylan have a beautiful spaghetti dinner prepared by yours truly and he gives her a housewarming gift that's kind of thoughtful I guess but you know Riley is rightfully confused how to feel about all this the next day Mickey did you forget about him invites Riley out to the park to hang out Riley beats him there and while she's contemplating her next move some lady Ashley Sinclair comes up and introduces herself oh great she works at the bank with Dylan who apparently just won't shut up about Riley weird way to put it girl I see you he also apparently speaks highly of my aunt too interesting I don't know if they know each other or not but I guess they do hey I don't need this lady here at the park while I'm here with my other man when Mickey does eventually show up we grill up some hot dogs and have a really nice time together Riley says that settles it Mickey is the guy that I want he's so nice and sincere and cuddly I wonder how we'd like a visit from the tickle troll okay I guess we're doing this here and now in public he liked that apparently enough to ask Riley to be his girlfriend he gives her a painting and that's the end of their date but the beginning of their relationship everything seems to be going perfect for Miss Riley the next date she has with Mickey is at the gym they get their workout on and decompress with some hot tub time but things can't stay perfect forever of course Dylan shows up he's really getting in oh God oh God this is not good for Riley ah [ __ ] hey Riley I had a great time with you the other night how about I come over tonight for a second course great now Mickey's pissed off off and they're fighting fighting over me though you know kind of cool Riley how could you do this to me I thought I could trust you Agora was right you are a hussy oh wow I have not heard that word in a long time well I guess things with Mickey are over Dylan's more than happy to take me back though he says my aunt apparently thought that Mickey was no good too where is she anyways that was not a good look for Riley worst date ever which is saying something because it was a gym date those are not fun came over the following day to Proclaim his love for Riley apparently he hadn't stopped thinking about her since high school that's kind of sweet she's you know really out of other options too so maybe this thing with Dylan is worth giving a try they have a sloppy wet make out Fest of an evening jeez get a room and Dylan takes off under suspicious circumstances uh Riley I have to get going I just received a call from work and I need to take care of things I'll see you soon Riley's going to totally ignore all of those red flags she's totally smitten she can't help but think about how he's hurt her in the past however and how things ended with Mickey it's just it's not good Riley got a call from Fiona informing her that Mickey and aora are set to be married and as quick as possible too of course it's Agora just the cherry on top Riley's pretty upset but figures maybe a shopping spree with Dylan can help get her mind off of the impending wedding sorry can't talk I have to go to uh work that's weird she can just go by herself I guess retail therapy am I right ladies do I even have to say women be shopping no way the nerve of this guy Dylan he's all over Ashley like a cheap Sue ooh sick burn Riley what's the big idea and what's so funny yeah don't [ __ ] with me you have no idea how good you had it with me you're going to get it Riley you and that whining ant of yours why does he keep mentioning my aunt I don't even know where she is luckily he dropped his wallet during our little tussle so I get to buy more clothes this photo is hilarious poor Riley the two got two timed such as life it is now Riley's mission to win back Mickey no matter how long it takes he refuses to come over fine we can just talk on the phone until our friendship is high enough after a few conversations he finally agrees to come over it's going to take a lot to repair what they had but after a few days of hanging out things between them started to pick back up again oh my God a robber I forgot about robbers oh shoot I forgot you have to call the police if you don't have a burglar alarm damn it we'll get them next time as if that wasn't bad enough the next day Mickey came over to deliver some bad news this is so hard for me to do I'm so happy we were able to patch things up but I made a promise to Agora what kind of a man would I be if I broke that promise to soften the blow he gave Riley his childhood bear she's heartbroken but she knows Agora is not the right woman for Mickey what could you possibly want Dylan here to kick over my trash Riley you and your aunt have cost me everything get out of here both of you I'm not done with either of you what is going on police do something about this man playing in my trash wait is that a Sharon that's him officer that's the man that kidnapped me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa everybody this is crazy oh Riley I was so scared Dylan tricked me into getting a large life insurance policy then trapped me in his basement well luckily he's getting arrested that scamming lying cheating two-timing no good kidnapper the officer says please be careful as he wasn't the only one involved in this scheme wait I need to know more about the scheme when he kidnapped Aunt Sharon and made her get that life insurance policy he was trying to force her to make him the beneficiary she wouldn't so he set his eyes on Riley he planned on marrying me and doing away with both of us cashing out on the life insurance and keeping the money for himself and his accomplice could that be aora luckily Aunt Sharon managed to escape stealing a really nice TV from him in the process and went to the police foiling his plans too bad that ugly as woman Dylan was conspiring with isn't here sounds like she had a personal Vendetta and would get me where it hurt the most oh that ugly is woman that has to be Agora and she's marrying Mickey despite Riley we got to stop this wedding but first time for a new TV nice job Sharon Fiona said that the wedding is happening right now we have to hurry I object I've always wanted to do that Riley tells Mickey everything and here comes the Waterworks Agora claims she really did love Mickey and wanted to share the money with him but he's not buying it the wedding is off you you ruined everything you bet I did kicked her ass and she left the wedding in handcuffs so now what I mean the show could go on and you know that's exactly what Mickey thinking too he proposed to Riley and they got married right then and there what a happy ending Riley and Mickey go on their tropical honeymoon and return home to Aunt Sharon's she decides to give Riley the house and a sexy new bed and walks off into the distance what a strange woman Riley's next goal is to get pregnant and start a family which I of course can make happen for them we convert the second bedroom into a nursery as well can't use build mode while completing the story however which is interesting I want to get rid of this ugly wallpaper but whatever while we wait on Riley and Mickey's baby it's business as usual in the household Mickey's got a job as a party DJ of [ __ ] course he does and their final goal is to have a baby shower or housewarming this actually took me a couple tries not going to lie it's very difficult to keep party guests entertained in The Sims 2 I had to put in a bar I had to cook meals and then when I finally did have a good party not enough people were there so it didn't count after about six parties I think it was finally good enough to allow Riley to give birth right then in there welcome to the world baby that's the end of Riley's scripted storyline but we can continue to play with her household in for Corners just in free playay mode however we have one more Sim life story to get to in this game we've unlocked Vincent's story despite being the wealthy CEO of Gigantor Computing networks Vincent Moore has never been lucky in love while on a business trip to Sim City Vincent has overseen the finish of J cn's biggest project to date The Sim sat 9,000 communication satellite the launch is Flawless the hands have been shaken and the bonuses are in the mail now Vincent eagerly returns to his modest mansion in bville to see his new girlfriend Samantha Hayden Samantha told Vincent she had a big surprise waiting for him when he got back Vincent it's been 3 weeks since we started seeing each other it's time we may made it official I planned our wedding while you were away I bought a wedding arch with your titanium card what the hell yeah this is all moving way too fast for Vincent they've only just started dating three weeks ago I think Vincent and Samantha should take a break she leaves and by the way she leaves and the place is a total dump I was going to make Vincent clean it all up but then I realized he's [ __ ] loaded we'll just hire a maid instead and we'll be getting rid of that wedding arch too while we're at it that's more like it Vincent's buddy Greg arrives apparently he was the one who was supposed to be watching the house dude um back so soon I was going to clean up and everything sorry about the mess some friends Vincent has seems like they're all a bunch of freeloaders he doesn't have an answer really about Samantha's wedding arch scheme either he just kind of let all that happen at least he gave me a new computer don't ask about your old computer Vin it really needs new people in his life well now that Samantha's out of the picture what kind of shenanigans will Vincent get up to the next day Greg invites him down to the bowling alley to help get his mind off of everything and brings another friend Sherman along dude it's so good you made it out what with yesterday being so crazy and everything I don't really want to talk about that right now Greg I thought I liked Samantha but I didn't think she' tried to pressure me into marriage after 3 weeks what in the hell is Sheran talking about he's like a troll under the bridge with all this riddle speak Greg thinks that Samantha was just after Vincent's simoleons he also thinks the Barista is a total cutie and that Vincent should go over and try to talk to her I'll take a coffee and oh how embarrassing I lost my number can I have yours I'm embarrassed to say that that would probably work on me the Barista Naomi thought it was pretty cringe but cute enough for it to work see I'm loving how fluid this conversation is it really is this easy to give the game just a little bit more life I'm looking at you Sims 4 Naomi leaves and Greg tries to take her number off of Vincent's hands fat chance buddy Vincent's on the prowl now great Samantha's here with Vincent's buddy Johnny Cullen too and business competitor Vincent will show her he's going to flirt with some ladies to get back at Samantha it's um it's not going so great oh she's laughing at me that was pathetic you're really taking this hard aren't you Johnny says later chump maybe Vincent's got to work on his game a little bit Greg signed him up for an eating service though you know maybe he is a good friend after all helping Vincent get back on the saddle Vincent ordered a pool table the perfect item to turn this Mansion into an epic bachelor pad single man in his 30s Vibe time to ask Naomi on their very first date we'll have them hit the park and see where it goes they spend some time getting a know each other play a little game and it's going really well until Samantha shows up of course she does who is she talking to and why is this Mystery Lady handing Vincent a gift it was great seeing you last night Vinnie I got you a tiki torch to make next time even hotter you have my number if you want to party again see you later Playboy oh no it was a setup now Naomi thinks Vincent's a dirty little player he didn't even have a chance to defend himself life goes on though Vincent still has to go to work it's sad whenever he calls up Naomi she doesn't answer maybe she's ignoring him I don't blame you girl he goes to try her email but sees that a message had rolled through from the online dating app from a girl named Sasha you know what this could be good perhaps it's not meant to be with Naomi oh this chick is forward oh she just wants to try on clothes I see what's going on here she likes a man with money hey nothing wrong with that but Vincent's not her guy luckily there's an old golfing buddy of Vincent's here at the moment he thinks they would probably get along a little bit better Vincent Cuts loose and heads home bummer the next day another online match calls Vincent up and invites him out to Don calamari one of Vincent's favorite restaurants what did you say your name was I'm Alexa Alexa star great my name is Vincent hello she hangs up how rude when they meet in person she still wasn't even interested in his name just the coffee well we'll keep trying maybe there's some sort of connection here that can form somehow miraculously now what would Samantha be doing in the kitchen she's a little troublemaker oh drugging the food Alexa Alexa are you okay what happened did I just fall asleep in my food I'm so embarrassed I'm leaving another date ruined by Samantha are we kidding Gregs convinced Vincent to throw a party at his house Greg also managed to convince Naomi to give Vincent another chance the catch is that I have to invite Alexa so Greg can creep on her it's cool everyone's having a good time swimming in the pool and Samantha decides to come crash the party she's messing with my stereo a man it's broken Vincent electrocuted himself trying to fix it this is is not good Greg says he saw Samantha do it and now the dots are connecting for Vincent he's perif fried now too fabulous he at least hit it off a little bit with Naomi before the party ended so that's a plus Sherman calls and gives Vincent a heads up that Samantha and Johnny are planning on getting married why would she care about what Vincent's doing then like go be with your man Vincent's ready to move on he'd like to ask Naomi out on another date we'll see if Samantha tries to involve herself with this one remember the first time we met I think I owe you a cup of coffee you sure do that reminds me did you ever find your lost phone number I like Naomi I think Vincent should end up with her this date went amazing too these love birds even kissed for the first time tonight before our date ended Naomi gifted Vincent a new stereo to replace his broken one she's just so thoughtful and Vincent's still electrocuted damn he would like to hang out with Naomi again but instead of going out she'd like a homecooked meal some spaghetti and meatballs and electricity I mean Sparks sure are flying I love that Sherman always has the hot Goss a little convoluted but good information nonetheless it's official Samantha and Johnny are getting married this is kind of concerning to Vincent is she just trying to get back at him and why his biggest business competitor of all people personally I think this is a terrible idea but he decides to invite her over to talk things through Samantha congratulations on your engagement I hope you and Johnny work out I just want make sure that this isn't something you're trying to do to hurt me you think you can just brush me off to go for the poor Barista you're clueless ooh it's heating up now Samantha I've tried being nice to you but I'm not going to let you talk about Naomi that way I think you should leave now good for you Vincent stand up for yourself she's mad no one treats Samantha Hayden this way and gets away with it hey not the stereo again really why are you obs obsessed with stereo Samantha please can we just wash our hands of each other and be done with this oh you want to wash your hands of me do you wash this Jesus lady get a grip it's not that serious Samantha what's wrong with you get out of my house now or I'm calling the police if you want to bring the heat I brought some matches holy [ __ ] that was kind of sick as [ __ ] damn what a walk out a few days later Greg came by the house dude did you hear about Samantha and Johnny's honeymoon no nor do I care to Greg oh so you didn't hear about Johnny's company going under and him flying right back here to find out what was going on oh now he's peaked Vincent's interest the success of Vincent's satellite caused a lot of investors to pull out of Johnny's company and they went under overnight well that is music to Vincent's ears I bet but I think it's time to just move on from all of that and focus on on Naomi Vincent asks her on a date to the plaza but of course guess who decides to crash the party Samantha and her loser ass husband Johnny when will we ever know peace Vincent's trying to get them to just leave him and Naomi alone but they're so bitter and sad that they just can't let it go great Johnny lunged at Vincent and Naomi jumped Samantha oh that is a down ass [ __ ] they both got their butts whooped and ran off leaving Naomi and Vincent alone finally for good hopefully Naomi wants to just call it a night and make plans to come over the following day oh she wants to see Vincent's satellite in the telescope how sweet is that she cares about his work and thinks that it's cool I really think these two are just such a great pair and Vincent thinks so too cuz he decides to ask her to move in damn that's a lot of money for a barista but yay finally Vincent's luck is turning around and he found a good partner with a good heart what the [ __ ] was that was that Vincent's satellite oh please Grim Reaper spare her life otherwise this would just be so so awful your request intrigues me mortal I will give you what you ask but on one condition I will return Naomi to you but you will forfeit all your Earthly belongings you must value her more than your own worth so do we have a deal heck yeah we have a deal Vincent and Naomi are endgame to me and that concludes Vincent's story we can now play free play in bville and place Naomi and Vince onto a new lot to start a new life if we so please I'm more interested in showing off the detailed story mode of these games but I will say the free play mode is pretty legit to neighborhoods and laptop friendly you got to be kitten me speaking of kittens it's time to dive into the next game of the series The Sims pet stories this one includes features from The Sims 2 pets Expansion Pack and has two story modes to choose from as well as a free play mode of course both story modes in this one have 12 chapters as well beston show comes unlocked already so we'll start here Alice Whit has inherited her grandparents house recently she moved back to Garden Heights to take ownership of the property but money problems have put her on the verge of financial ruin a starving artist she hasn't been able to make ends meet every month but she's determined to make a better life for herself her dog Sam she may be forced to move if she doesn't come up with the simoleons to pay her taxes her friends Amaya and Thomas are there to help but ultimately Alice must find a way to save her house this [ __ ] dog man I'm not much of a dog person I'm a cat lady so this type of [ __ ] really pisses me off Sam's kind of cool though you know I could put aside my biases for this one oh is someone at the door friends H maybe not can I help you no dear we are here to see how much work this house will need once I undoubtedly Own It haven't you heard you owe the bank 120,000 Simoleons and I have purchased the deed in case you can't pay I doubt you'll be able to pay the full amount so I will be the new owner um excuse me oh well you know maybe she's right Alice is kind of broke Diana dor and her cronies here need to get out of Alice's house it's still hers you know I'm not going anywhere you degenerate this property is practically mine why don't you and your filthy Mongrel start packing up all your things I'm not going to let Alice lose her house okay we have to come up with a way to get that many Alice decides to sleep on it while Sam drinks out of his own piss puddle real useful that guy Alice is unemployed you know the whole starving artist thing so I'm not really sure how she's going to make that money the newspaper we should check the newspaper not for jobs apparently but Alice sees an ad for a dog competition that would apparently award enough simoleons to save the house I question that realistically like come on but hey if this story line says it's going to work then I'll suspend my disbelief let's go to the park and register Sam for the competition before you register we must verify that your dog can compete a basic run through the A-frame here we can't let every mut register for this event you know ah shoot that doesn't look great hey this man is laughing at us but who is this other mysterious man Brock and what's all this Whispering about uh I'm Sorry Miss wit there's been a sort of misunderstanding please come forward and register not sure what words were exchanged but thank you mysterious man I think he was one of Diana dor cronies from earlier well let's go scope out the competition permission to speak denied civilian you can't psych us out show her your Warface meat I love that his name's meat yeah I don't think any of these competitors are going to give us much trouble we end up going home and inviting our friend Amaya over and she brings Thomas some other guy apparently they're all friends Alice catches them up to speed on her situation and her plan to get the money when Amaya runs off to go get something she returns with an A-frame to train samwin and tells us that Thomas apparently has a crush on Alice but Alice insists she has enough on her plate Thomas does ask to schedule a doggy play date tomorrow though and Alice ends up accepting however it's training time we got to get Sam's skills up he is such a naughty dog though this is going to be a lot of work I'm afraid oh great now the sink's busted and the repair men don't have time to come out well Thomas came by Alice asks him for help and like a true gentle gentleman he gets that sink fixed up real quick and even mops up the puddle afterwards Thomas's dog and Sam have a little play date and he givs us a new dog training contraption that was nice maybe Thomas is the kind of person Alice can end up with Alice needs to visit the store for a dog training magazine and whose sign is plastered all over it none other than Diana dor does she own everything around here whatever let's get that magazine and get out of here oh Thomas is here too are you hungry I haven't eaten anything yet and I'm starving I could eat all right this has turned into a whole thing now we sent Alice and Thomas over to the diner where they share a meal and he gives her a chew toy for Sam I should really get going I have a few things to do at home before I go to work my boss doesn't tolerate me being late he is such a nice guy oh God Alice was out for such a long time she's worried that Sam might have torn up the house no Sam peed and chewed up the furniture bad dog better get this clean up you need to start acting like a good little showd dog if you want to be a showd dog Sam if we want to get him behaving better Alice is going to have to put work into this as well Thomas dropped by again the next day with yet another dog gift a high jump to train Sam on remember Alice don't tell anyone where you're getting this stuff okay interesting I can keep a secret don't know why but I'm fine accepting a little help here all right Sam let's get trained up first we're mastering the A-frame then the Seesaw now the high jump what a good boy our first dog show is the very next day and of course Sam has to go get all dirty better bathe him and hurry on over to the competition once we're checked in Alice and Sam wait patiently for it to be their turn to compete Alice is wondering where Thomas is you know she was under the impression that he would be here to support her and Sam she calls but ends up getting his answering machine if this is Alice good luck a that's nice we better just carry on without him we made pretty good time honestly I'm sure that we could have done better I could have clicked faster or whatever but Sam did all right hopefully it's enough to get us through this round of the competition oh great what is she doing here of course Diana dor comes to steal my thunder and my money her and her stupid Poodle right at the end though her dumbass dog precious fumbles the bag a little bit and doesn't finish as quick as she should have maybe that's a good sign Alice what what are you doing you're going to get us disqualified oh God this this is Mayhem a dog fight and a cat fight the judge didn't see us fight apparently he only saw the dogs so crisis averted I suppose but even after all of that Diana dor won this competition but since the other contestants have been disqualified due to the dog fight Sam will proceed to the Sim City finals alongside Diana and her dog I didn't realize we sucked that badly but thankfully we're able to squeeze into the finals well young lady I guess you'll be losing that house to me after all there is absolutely no no way your pitiful little rag of a dog will beat my precious don't bet on it Diana we're going to be the Best in Show at the finals and I will keep my house we will see dear by the way I've decided to fire your friend Thomas I know what he's been doing for you and I find it absolutely unacceptable I suppose I'll be evicting him as well perhaps you can live on the street together what a witch it's also news to me that Thomas worked for Diana is there some sort of conspiracy going on here why would he help me so so much with this competition if he knew she was going to compete too that night a quote old guy was hanging out in Alice's front yard there's no old people in this game so that's funny but Alice goes to greet him and I guess he's some sort of dog whisperer Caesar Milan type he's very spiritually connected with his dog and wants to show Alice how to do that with Sam and so the mysterious old man teaches Alice the way of the Paw and she is now more connected with Sam than ever before the man gives her a paw statue and leaves how strange maybe this will help us win in the finals Alice is sleeping peacefully when the burglar alarm goes off Sam come here boy where is that dog yeah some guard dog huh oh no where is Sam the cops are too busy [ __ ] great my dog is missing the only clue a single stinky coffee cup from Cafe grounds Alice has to leave and go investigate she sees Brock is there and confronts him Brock what did you do with my dog dog Sam I don't know what you're talking about lady I thought this guy was cool what the heck listen I don't care why you took him but I'm worried Sam is probably very scared and I don't want anything bad to happen to him all right lady I don't want anything bad to happen to that little dog Reese has him back at the abandoned house but be careful if you go there because Reese is a mean one oh I'm going to go give reys a piece of my mind we arrive at the abandoned house and confront reys and he dares shove Alice oh thank God Thomas is here to help they get into it and Rees runs away with his tail between his legs Sam is saved and we know now that Diana dbor had to have something to do with this oh there's a tire jump in my front yard with a note I know this doesn't make up for losing your dog but I hope that it will help you beat Diana Brock how funny thanks for the help Brock you should look for a new place of employment Thomas comes bearing more gifts thanks for this new piece of training equipment I thought you lost your job though let's just say I still have contacts inside he ends up leaving and now my whole yard is littered with dog show training structures before we can get started on training though Diana dares show her ugly mug she is shocked to learn that Sam is home safe and sound and says that even if Sam beats precious in the dog show and we win the money to buy the house back she has no intention of even selling it back to Alice she even has the nerve to steal our special paw statue Sam get her out of here turns out the Paw was just symbolic and we never needed it to be a good dog trainer that was within us all along wow this story is just wild we just need to look within ourselves to fulfill our destiny thanks mysterious old man Otis you're kind of bizarre but I get the message that night there was a package on my doorstep the final piece of dog training equipment that we need it's time to master all of these obstacles we're going to need to be perfect in order to win the Sim City finals tomorrow Alice arrives and wow this is intimidating but all that work is going to pay off we sit through the first Duo they do all right they got a little over 12200 points we should be able to beat that right Amaya's here to cheer us on I wonder if Thomas will show up but look who's here Diana dor she says as long as she's around Thomas will never find another home in this town what is her problem now she's threatening to steal Amaya's house this can't be legal right why does she have so much power around here it's time for Alice and Sam to compete Sam's doing super well going through each obstacle with no problems at all we get to the end with a final score of 1638 at least beating the previous competitors we'll just have to hope it's good enough to beat Diana oh no her dog is amazing her dog is doing trick shots [ __ ] guess we'll have to say bye to the house Alice was ready to admit defeat when precious fell off the Seesaw oh no I mean yes they've been disqualified that means Sam and Alice won the competition and 120,000 simoleons Jesus Christ Thomas and the cops are here to arrest Diana she's arrested for extortion conspiracy embezzlement and dognapping see I knew there was something weird about her good riddance lady Thomas is back Alice has enough money to pay off the house and the day is saved all thanks to little Sam Amaya Thomas come over for dinner and Thomas's dog gives birth to puppies what the hell now we just have two random little puppies hanging around apparently they're Sam's I don't know when they had time to do all of that but that's the end of Alice's story I tried to have Alice and Thomas end up together after the fact but they actually have zero chemistry and she is totally repulsed by him so that didn't work out at all but we'll keep the puppies our next story is with Steven loyal an accomplished Sim City Chef who leads a quiet and ordered life in the desert suburb of Mesa Flats lately he's been unusually busy getting ready for his cousin's wedding and helping his employer Julianne cater the annual Mesa Flats midnight masquerade ball little does Steven know his life is about to get turned upside down his boss Julianne wants Steven to make the salad and lobster thermador for the midnight masquerade ball what an honor and the ice sculpture jeez this is such an opportunity for Steven he's so distracted that he forgets all about his cousin's wedding that's happening right now his cop buddy comes over to tell him about a con man and missing person's case he's working on and then is like yeah you're missing your cousin's wedding so he quickly Gets Ready in order to make it on time oh no Steven missed the ceremony Celeste I lost track of time I'm really really sorry it's no wonder you aren't married yet Stephen ouch no worries though stevenh joins his cop buddy James at the buffet table hey James who's that guy over there I haven't seen him before that guy with the lantern jaw that's Gordon Fletching he's just moved into town so kiss the ladies goodbye Steven decides to introduce himself to Gordon ah celeste's late cousin Steven late cousin sorry friend that was just a little joke excuse me well he's a real charmer Steven's got his sights set somewhere else though a lady on the Dance Floor named Rachel who's already dating Gordon damn celest friend Aaron can't watch her cat diva while she's on her honeymoon so she asks Steven if he can do it instead he's worried that it'll distract him from his work but ends up agreeing to do it anyway Aaron brings over the cat after work the next day she's kind of cute Steven thinks so you know he invited her in for coffee Steven you should keep an eye on Diva oh man Diva stop scratching up the couch this guy has no idea what he's in for cats do what they want Steven get ready to have your house totally taken over see cat on the counter poor Diva doesn't have anywhere to go po so she's going inside the house Steven has to go visit the pet store and buy a litter box and Gordon shows up to steal all the ladies of course oh gosh is that Diva unbelievable who owns this mangy fur bag her name is Diva and I think she's adorable way to go diva listen just keep that thing away from me while you're at it stay away from Rachel I saw you gawking at Her She's Mine H Steven's already forgotten all about his work responsibilities that Darn Cat taking up all his time Celeste sent over a cat condo to help keep Diva distracted but it turns out Steven's just kind of a procrastinator he wants to work out so that he can compete with Gordon in the dating scene and that night he ends up calling Rachel who's on a date with Gordon and invites her out anyways she's like yeah sure they can meet at the club after they're having a good time it seems getting to know each other and dancing so Stephen have you thought about who you'll ask to the midnight masquerade oh great Gordon's here to interrupt our night Gordon have you met Steven we've met Rachel I've been thinking about your proposal from the other night and I'd like to discuss it with you right away and then he steals her away it kind of sounded like she wanted Steven to ask her to the masquerade ball so maybe there's still a chance what the heck is going on here Diva what are you doing girl H okay we got to go get her Hey get out of my house dog and stop eating my couch oh it's Aaron's dog whoops she's cool with it though and Steven decides to ask her out on a date maybe since Rachel's preoccupied with Gordon he can keep his options open you know uhoh my stomach is acting up Steven's datee is vomiting in the hallway now the whole restaurant is sick it must be something in the water Aaron suspects that was kind of random um because they just decided to completely move on from that and take a photo in the photo booth and that's the end of their date Julian is going to be here today to pick up the first course for the Masquerade Steven needs to get to work he prepares a beautiful salad and waits for Julianne to come pick it up Diva Diva no no Diva ate the salad what the [ __ ] Julian's coming back later tonight to get the salad but Steven's out of groceries now at damn cat oh Aaron's at the store too are you feeling any better today I am I was worried about you so I took some of my special soup over to your place oh that's so nice of her what the heck Diva did you follow Steven here a Aaron thinks that she really likes Steven and salad Steven really likes Aaron and decides to ask her to be his date to the ball I'd have loved to go with you Steven it's just that Gordon already asked me this morning what I thought he was with Rachel what a scumbag oh well there's a more pressing issue at hand Stephen has some arachel soup and quickly prepares the salad for the ball don't you dare eat this one Diva now it's time to move on to the lobster thermador Juliana is pleased with this dish too Diva was so good she didn't even try to eat the lobster now that step's got a little bit of free time he decides to invite his cop buddy James over James is pretty bothered by Diva's presence though not a cat guy and wants to meet at the bar instead okay fine so the news is that the police and Arbor Falls have determined the con Man's last name starts with s that means Gordon Fletching can't be our guy Steven's upset that Gordon is taking Aaron to the masquerade but remembers his connection with Rachel he's like man what should I do when Rachel walks in she smokes them at a card game and Steven's just you know smitten again while she's in the bathroom in runs Gordon who confronts Steven about talking to Rachel you can't have two chip dude that's just greedy ah shoot Steven's got his ass whooped and James gets jumped too don't you know that that guy's a cop Rachel's like what the [ __ ] and Gordon has the nerve to ask her to the masquerade luckily Rachel says no that she'll actually be attending with Steven what a surprise turns out she was hoping that he would ask her finally Stevens got his date the next day Rachel invites him out to the club again but stev really got to work on this ice sculpture he's being bad though and decides to go with her anyways and naturally Gordon's there to cause trouble they're trying to avoid him but he still tries to come over and flirt with her what a weirdo Steven decides to kiss her to show that they're together but unfortunately Aaron sees them what does she care though she's going to the ball with Gordon Steven's so [ __ ] dumb oh my God are you and Rachel dating now well we uh Gordon just sort of really dude sort of Rachel's pissed rightfully so and leaves how humiliating Steven's aspiration the next day is to call Aaron and try for a doover maybe Gordon's not the only scumbag in this story after all I can't believe this he's inviting her out on a date Steven's close to the restaurant owner and introduces him to Aaron this beautiful young lady would be a wonderful wife don't you think oh my God this makes me sick what about poor Rachel huh you feel like home to me Steven but I think that you and I are at different places in our lives Aaron Gordon is a no good lying two timing what does that make you Steven she doesn't like this confrontation and decides to leave good for her Rachel seems to have cooled off and invites Steven to pick out a mask for the ball so it seems like they're still on lucky him and then he decides to buy Aaron flowers red roses I cannot believe this man now this is where I'm even more confused about the story James is here and implies that Gordon's the actual con man but it's not confirmed until we know his real name I guess he's after Aaron and Rachel not just romantically monetarily whatever it's time to make the ice sculpture for the ball and have our boss pick it up Steven tries to devise a plan to take down Gordon and now it's time for the midnight masquerade our boss is very happy with Steven's work on the dishes and ice sculpture for the ball that's one thing he's got going for him Gordon slated to perform some music cool he should be preoccupied with that but he's got the time to come over and flirt with Rachel she agrees to dance with him and Steven says hi to Aaron I wish this whole situ wasn't so complicated I like spending time with both of these girls but that fraud Gordon has made me look like the jerk you know what no comment Gordon takes off his costume when he takes the stage G so Steven runs and puts it on in order to fool his henchmen the henchman Falls forward and reveals their plan to steal both Aaron and Rachel's Simoleons and that Gordon's real name is Gordon schnickel James has to know about this Gordon is declared the king of the midnight masquerade but James puts a stop to the whole thing and goes to arrest Gordon oh no the henchman's getting away get him Diva get him Diva yeah that's right jail for the both of you Diva saved the day and now Steven gets to pick who he wants to be with Aaron or Rachel I don't think he deserves either of them but I guess he'll go with Rachel and they even get to move in together ending Steven story I guess Steven gets to keep the cat so after completing both of these story modes we can continue playing with these Sims in either Mesa flats or garden Heights but we still have one more Sims stories game to play now the Sims 2 cast away I mean you know they set the bar pretty high I'm a Castaway lover The Sims castaway stories I will say is wildly different gameplay-wise it's much more aligned with the Sims 2 than the console version both games have similar concepts with Sims being Cast Away on a deserted island but very different stories they were released only 3 months apart so I mean I'm assuming that they were getting developed at the same time by totally different teams I that's a pretty fair assumption as were all of these games probably but Castaway stories if it wasn't different enough is special they got one big huge story mode with 24 chapters and then one free play mode to start Shipwrecked and single sailing the world on the crew of a luxury yacht has been rewarding but lonely could that be about to change the captain just announced that the ship is heading for Shor leave at meet your mate the hottest singles resort in the world this is a once in a-lifetime opportunity to meet the love of your life we can choose between these two characters or create our own for the story let's go with Jessica a storm is Raging it's absolute Mayhem on bored when the boat sinks and leaves Jessica Cast Away she wakes up 2 days later on a mysterious Shore uh what happened that looks like my cruise ship Jessica wonders if the others made it but immediately kicks into survival mode she finds a hatchet and steamer trunk washed toore and digs it out which we place on the beach using the build by mode Jessica's got some good instincts she finds a way to quench her thirst and gathers coconuts for later in this game we don't use simoleons as currency but rather resources and food the levels of which are indicated on the bottom left we can use resources to purchase items and build by or just buy mode and story mode we don't get to build so instead of crafting like in the other Castaway game we can just buy a fire pit and place it on the lock it's about to rain we need to to build Jessica shelter quickly that was a pretty good first day I would say oh no what's going on monkeys no the monkeys are stealing our stuff those are my coconuts they made a total mess those bastards never mind that for now Jessica needs to go for a swim to replenish the hygiene need and learn how to fish she can't just live off coconuts forever Jessica notices this very convenient pile of wood and determines that she can use it to craft a raft but she's going to need more supplies more logs of course but also something to tie them all together maybe she can find something in the jungle ah can't cut these with our Hatchet apparently we'll need to find a machete oh look found a machete okay into the brush we go a mysterious plane crash looks pretty old Jessica finds a map in the wreckage which we can now use to fast travel to locations we've visited before the next area is where those monkey thieves live along with a mysterious Idol the monkeys attack Jessica for trying to take it but they're easily bribed with bananas they're kind of my friends now even Jessica places the idol back at her camp and goes full on nutso this Idol is now her very own Wilson Spalding mind if I call you Spalding good this could be a start of a beautiful friendship very funny upon further examination she notices that the idol is missing a jewel oh you want to know what I do for a living uh well I guess you could say that I'm a self-employed yeah you call me a liar you can't just throw out words like lazy and Clinging On to the false hope of rescue I'm trying we really need to come up with a plan to get home in the meantime we can pick a job for Jessica to go do for a couple hours each day when she comes home she'll have collected a certain amount of resources and food and can even get promoted we can also enlist monkeys to be a part of our household kind of like pets and they can get jobs too make themselves useful they mostly just hang around the camp and do [ __ ] though Jessica needs to find bindings for her raft she searched the plane ruins again but instead of finding rope she find Spalding's missing gem in comparison to the console version of Castaways there's not a ton to interact with in the environment in that game you could click on every tree and gather a crafting resource but this one is much more simplified so we have Jessica gather food before going home to replace Spalding's Jewel uh-oh Jessica is now sick with a mysterious disease maybe she shouldn't have messed with this Idol and lightning split apart a tree I think the island is trying to tell us something it did unlock a new area however one with a house Shady Lagoon looks like a fabulous place to set up camp there's even a medical kit perfect Jessica's illness is cured I wonder who built this structure in the first place there were ropes inside of the house great these will definitely work for Jessica's raft we still need a few more parts before we can set sail though for now we can move on over to the Shady Lagoon this place is more like it Jessica decides to take Spalding out to explore some new areas of the island and finds the ruins of a shrine she places Spalding on the ruins and it opens up a new passageway looks like this is where you belong Spalding it's been fun except for when you tried to kill me oh great more survivors we finally found some people oh they think they've been saved ooh sorry guys I don't have food or video games or a cell phone or a helicopter they are survivors from the same wreck and have been getting food from an elderly gentlemen they haven't even been getting their own food the Coconuts in the tree are apparently too high up they haven't started building a raft because it seems like a lot of work these people are hopeless do you think Robbie has a girlfriend I don't care girl Hugh thinks he's the one in charge yeah right buddy I better find this elderly gentleman that's been taking care of these lost causes Professor Reinhardt you know he probably knows what's really going on here Jessica runs past a couple of hyenas in the swamp and finds the professor in the Boneyard he's interested in the raft that Jessica started building and tells us that we can find a good wooden pole in The Crossroads near the village you know for a mask how do you know so much about the island I've made a study of the natives of these islands and their Customs for years interesting so he was already here or was he on the boat before heading off to the crossroads Jessica picks up a bone just in case oh great the plan is to steal a wooden Pole from the natives of the island sounds like a great [ __ ] idea this cheetah or jaguar or whatever doesn't really seem to care about what I'm doing but I'm more concerned about this mysterious Professor Jessica thinks he's kind of creepy look at that Mast ew what the H get away from me he's being sort of helpful though you know maybe he can tell me where to get a sale for my Mast Jessica decides to invite him over to the Lagoon for dinner oh perfect the freeloaders have taken over my home it's not technically my home but Jessica was here first damn it the professor points out that we may need their help later just don't tell them about the raft fine they can stay they should at least at least have the decency to clean up after themselves though the professor thinks I can weave a sale out of grass Jessica's harvesting some grass out in scavenger Fields when a little girl runs past she's being chased by hyenas Jessica throws the bone quick thinking girl and Saves the Day the little girl is nanii daughter of the chief she's inviting Jessica to the village where Outsiders are not typically welcome but the chief will surely want to thank Jessica for her good deed all she did was throw a bone now Jessica gets to meet people in the village and has to befriend all of them before getting to meet the chief they'll also give her gifts and little quests which I didn't realize until I had befriended my fourth villager your friendship with them increases faster if you do their quests they have a pretty banging setup over here too there's workout machines and everything they basically took all the items from the Sims 2 and gave them a jungle theme I I love it Jessica first gets to meet Nan's mom before meeting the chief why would anybody want to leave the Island that's what I'm saying but Jessica misses her home which is understandable n's mom offers to weave Jessica's sale how nice is that Jessica is taken to another part of the village the harbor where she gets to befriend four more villagers before finally meeting the chief he invites Jessica to the volcano Festival as an honored guest how special is she the chief gives her a shell phone very cute Jessica it is a tradition that the honored guest of the festival choose a date who is she going to pick she met a lot of cuties but I decided to go with a Colo he was the most romantic when they met previously when the first Chief died of old age tuku tuzu went mad with grief he spent every waking moment creating new potions tuzu wanted a potion that would cheat death itself instead he became consumed by his greed and lust for power the festival was a time of Second Chances a time to witness the true power of the volcano the tribe and love several years ago they invited Outsiders to witness the festival the next day the shaman lost his power some say that the volcano took back others blame The Outsiders what happened to The Outsiders oh they're no longer with us okay cool apparently it's all chill now though the festival is more so about celebrating life and courting a mate how perfect that's just what Jessica's planning to do the chief is so generous as to allow Jessica to live with the tribe and Jessica Pond you know if she moves into the village she may never leave but she really should just move over there the other Castaways have fully taken over the Lagoon is he laughing what a dick I'm out of here these guys suck you especially the villagers gave Jessica the nicest house ever even brought her raft over here for her the sail is finished but is she ready to leave well not quite apparently she needs a Rudder the chief is happy to have one made if she will do him one small favor our old village was abandoned because of a curse this curse took many lives so we fled in our haste I left my sacred drum behind in a basket will you fetch it for me the shaman has forbid any any one from the tribe from returning to the Old Village so Jessica is perfect for the job since she's an outsider before she goes we get to check out Jessica's sick ass house and get a good night's rest tomorrow is going to be a big day the Shaman's home the creepy hollow is guarded but they allow Jessica to pass she's on official business she asks the shaman if he will grant her permission to enter the Old Village he said yeah sure I have a Jaguar guard in the area but if I want to avoid the curse I should return the stolen Idol to the temple I think I already did that right oh he wants me to bring the idol to him no problem we collected the idol which was not where I left it because those monkeys stole it and then we return to the shaman to give the idol back what the hell Jessica's a taken woman Shaman now to just pass the Jaguar Jess can do this by giving her an herbal charm which worked like a charm and then she was permitted to enter the Forbidden Village wow this place is a ghost town literally because Jessica starts rumaging through baskets and sees ghosts death awaits us all but he follows you oh yeah pick up the mysterious n great idea she finds three ghosts and three NS and is prompted to return the earns to the graveyard nearby the ghost thanks her for her help Jessica retrieves the drum and returns it to the Chief and it's Lua time baby a colo's here Jessica needs to prove herself to him by drinking volcano water doing a little limbo and walking across hot colds you are truly the woman for me him and Jessica have their very first kiss that night the chief declares Jessica a friend of the tribe and his reminder of Jessica's eventual departure really upsets a Colo the next day she figures she better make it up to him but apparently he's run into the jungle very upset no he has the curse the chief warns Jessica that they should flee but she promises that it's just an illness and even goes to kiss him to prove that it's chill I guess the volcano did not like that the curse does not affect you how could this be I told you it's just a disease I had it and cured it with medicine now I'm immune the chief's like okay sick give us the medicine but Jessica had used it all on herself she's thinking that she can take the raft back home and go get more but that would take too long a cola wouldn't last long enough for her return she still has to at least try oh professor's here what the hell it's raining fire no my raft the sail's all burned up it'll take forever to get a new sail woven and I've got to go now I don't know if this helps you but there was a research base here long ago you may be able to find a replacement sale there are you [ __ ] kidding you've been sitting on this information the whole time old man what the hell this would have been nice to know about a lot sooner Jessica grabs a parachute and attaches it to the raft time is running out she's got to go what does the professor want now the disease came from an idol which protected the temple The Cure must be inside the temple itself but it's been sealed for a long time Legend says that to open the temple you need the staff of tuzu which is hidden in a petrified tree on Volcano Island I hate this guy how the hell does he know all this and why did he keep it from me whatever there is no time to explain Jessica needs to set sail for volcano island she starts exploring the island looking for this mysterious staff that she only just found out about and finds it in the Petrified Forest a rock slide is triggered when she tries to grab it now she has to find another way back Dead Man's Cove oh literally how long have you been here what's your name Pitman I was chief engineer on the Solomon Queen okay he's not dead but pretty close to it the professor doomed us all what does that mean he bribed me to get into the engine room didn't think it would do any harm but then the explosion and here we are wait what oh no he died before I could get more information he has to be talking about Professor Reinhardt though right I wish I could plead for his life but it's not an option never mind we've got to get back to the island the whole village is sick now we have to hurry to the temple reinhardt's waiting for us there Jessica confronts him but he brushes it off it doesn't change a thing my theory that the temple contains a cure is still reasonable hand over the staff and we'll find out what he's not even certain that there's a cure my God this guy I've been trying to get inside this Temple ever since the alamina stationed me here years ago after we crashed the volcano festival and witnessed the power of the House of tuzu the race to steal the staff was on what a dick apparently he stole the staff and hid it but was banished from the island before he could use it and now he's back and has tricked me into doing all of his dirty work for him hand over the staff if you want your true love to survive heck no I'm going to open this Temple myself of course that little weasel runs right in and drinks from the Golden Goblet it really did work he's younger now I guess his plan was a pretty good one the Shaman's here you hold the the power to judge him Jessica point the staff at him and choose I choose to banish him he sucks real bad later nerd now the village is cured of disease thanks to the power of the staff and aolo and Jessica are engaged true love prevails the other Castaways decided to crash the party they want to live over here on this side of the island and the chief leaves the decision up to Jessica [ __ ] no these guys suck luckily a helicopter comes to the rescue everyone is saved well not everyone you know people work there entire lives in hopes of retiring to a place like this one day I'm staying me too I don't want to lose my tan or Robbie Jessica decides to stay as well she can start a new life here with her love their marriage is the end of Jessica's story or is it just the beginning we can continue playing in the Shipwrecked and single world as it's now been converted to a traditional Sims 2 style world with lots and such there is also another world to play ju mommy Island but I'm capped out on Sims for a bit I will say that the free play mode is super interesting in this game in particular with the whole resources food build bu system and all and some of these Lots public and residential are pretty cool 10 out of 10 recommend these were really fun games I didn't even mind that we were missing some features from The Sims 2 just because you know the story modes that's riveting stuff again highly recommend you go seek out these games and play them for yourselves even if you just wanted to play some new Sims 2 neighborhoods good stuff but if you're interested in the making of this video or anything else that I would have to say about it uh feel free to check out my blog on list the it's kind of where I just practice my writing skills but I also give a little bit more insight onto my video creation process and you know what I love having a website yeah and that's possible with the help of today's sponsor Squarespace if you're a small business owner or a creative of any type listen up having a professional clean website is something that is so important to your potential clients and customers it's the first impression that counts and for a lot of small businesses that first impression is online creating a website that looks good and works properly is an incredibly daunting task but that's where Squarespace comes in Squarespace has tons of templates to choose from with categories for many different types of websites and it's incredibly easy to customize from there bloggers can find great templates artists and creatives that need online portfolios Merchants looking to sell products online resta that need to display a menu heck even put your 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any specific series that you would like to suggest that I move on to next please feel free to leave them down below I do have one in mind actually two um and that's Harvest Moon and Rune Factory in due time in due time it takes me a while okay especially games like those oh my God you could play them for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours if you liked this video you would probably like the video where I played The Sims Medieval that is a banger game also don't forget about my second Channel I do have a second channel that I'm posting more casual gaming content on feel free to check that out I hope you're having a great day and you continue to do so and I will see you in the next
Channel: liss the lass
Views: 151,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liss the lass, liss the lass lets play, the sims, the sims stories, the sims 2 story mode, sims life stories, sims castaway stories, sims pet stories, full lets play, in retrospect, video game iceberg, full gameplay
Id: DhUUOYL49xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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