Trying Competitive Bedwars Duels...

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in today's video it was myself and fizzy trying out competitive bed wars duels in rush bed wars basically the way it works is quite simple both myself and fizzy went into some duo games of rush bed wars and in rush bed wars you start with maxed out generators and you can build bridges extremely fast so it made these games very quick and very intense basically the way the rules work is every time you break an enemy's bed you get one point and if you're the top killer between the two of us you also get one point first person to get to 21 points wins if you guys do enjoy all the trolling and shenanigans along the way make sure to subscribe turn on notifications if you haven't already check out all my social medias up here at the top of the screen and linked down in the description anyways that's all i got so let's hop into it last time i gave you a four point lead i'm not doing that what do you mean gave you oh no i didn't know i wasn't i didn't mean to say he gave you i was carrying you what you talking about say that what are you talking about what i'm going what team what's team redder pink um i'm good i'm caught up red red red red wow you're really blocking me off like that alley red red alley i'm not gonna lie red stop building this way no oh and he died dude that's perfect oh one point for me maybe all right are we going pink now they're our next rush uh uh sure okay well oh pig's here no no and then we're doing the point for the top killer yeah all right pink pink's rushing us they're mining our bed right now nope there's another one on the roof i'm running i'm running you mean you're running you kill him no he's still on top of our base with like noise he's team signing us bray all their vet's gone [Music] ah what the heck where'd that guy come from where do you want to go next uh blue oh wait it's not a base no how's this guy alive there we go okay so we're going blue goodness oh yeah go blue oh no better not be your pearl that was mine i i was pearling to stay alive oh okay okay i'm coming i'm coming i'm kind of behind [Music] are you kidding me right now game why is there no build allow dude you can't build there why that's so dumb why just that one spot where i boxed in can you not build that's unfortunate oh no i jumped oh i thought i was about to just like be behind by like four thousand points i know oh it's one of the ones or we just do if we get eliminated there's no top killer that's fine yeah all right so we're both at one point where we headed uh green green all right we're all we'll we'll always do our side rushing okay and it just kind of depends on who rushes us a little bit though yeah yeah oh god it's over lagging yeah let's get it oh gosh my bridge just placed an extra block what the heck was that fine green team open your eyes no no no look at him behind you you doofus oh my gosh yes oh my gosh all right where are we going next aqua yeah i cannot believe that they just both turned around while chasing you to their bed and just started it going for me i know oh oh my god the project didn't hit you no no no no no no white white stop nope brooke's is gone the red's gone no one's getting those points i wear next white uh sure since okay [Music] yeah why are you using ladders homie no no no no no white recognizes us by the way okay soda's red this is going great i think i forgot the screen not gonna lie hmm my white team [Music] oh god please go easy on me white go easy no okay i gotta get this kill no oh my god got it oh my gosh we're next pink or not pink gray uh sure it's either gray or blue [Music] oh you stomached i did yank the generator though so yeah the uh or at least the emeralds the emeralds it's just the part that matters i didn't want to i didn't want to be rude and steal the gen because i was going for those m's i just split whoever got the m's to get to it yeah it's always the second person in the forge gets the m's yeah that's true oh my god oh my lord no did you make that pearl yeah [Music] i guess we're going for gray next then yeah all right we're going for blue that's the last one that's two points this game for me then then you got uh yeah one from white i think okay so it might be top kill though yeah so i got this it's very different than fours because there's a lot more points to get yep oh great not like oh my god he got a little uh he got the the one two oh crap i need to hurry up we're going to blue now i don't know what you're talking about yeah i i don't know either no i heard a pearl thanks no all right now it's it's time to go on a rampage now it's all about kills up there it's all about kills now let's go red don't steal my kill i'm killing you so you don't steal it you'll put a chest gg all right finish you can't finish you there you go then there's a pink guy right here murdered sorry i need kills sorry man no oh my gosh no no no no no no um is there anybody up there no i don't think so your team kills count ready no i'm running i'm running i can fireball you right now and you would have no idea i'll give you permission to fireball mason no no no i'm not going to team killed team kill yeah you don't want that just because it's duos and it's going to be getting points so much faster oh wow okay okay oh do you see an enemy no i don't know what you're talking about i don't know either that's is that gonna hit him i didn't mean to hit you i did not mean to hit you no come here okay don't die i don't feel bad oh no are you kidding me right now are you kidding me right now are you kidding me right now no way man's in a cubby [Music] no you got top killer you got it oh i got it so i got three points the game i'm at four all right so i got two so i'm at three okay the lilly little elite redeemed stream viewer the lilly lilly lilly oh don't forget team huh just say gray or green green is the stream beaver okay let's see let's just get gray first then yeah right here hi oh holy crap that's just rude you know what go ahead go get it get it get it okay with my hand we're getting red next i'll just head over to red okay i would not like to be followed i would not like to be followed right now all right three two one you gotta die sorry i i we're on a time crunch i can't i can't take a picture for 12 hours uh go go go go go go go go go okay i got red spent all right you call the next one uh white white oh frick that's on the opposite side of the map gosh dang it man i wonder why i chose that one i wonder why i mean i'm on the opposite side of the map as well so it doesn't really help me but come here where are you running too buddy okay you're off the map nice so you said blue right is that white [Laughter] oh well white's dead so we can go for aqua i guess they're right next to them gosh dang it zyfe what that's me no no that's not the right blue i was talking about these guys are insane by the way i just got like hit through a wall aqua team okay yeah blue might come to our base not a good good not a good thing oh god oh god i'm gonna send you back to your base okay he's dead now he's fine no he's filling the void as a final what and you got it yeah it's her all right can we get green right here or yellow uh we can do green sure okay i'll do green when you suggested green first so i'm just going with what you said first man i'm sorry are you gonna do yellow you wanna do yellow oh you wanna do yellow no i'm getting green i'm walking on top of yellow bed are you on top of yellow's bed maybe yeah you could do green first though [Music] okay and green bed is gone okay yellow yellow sped is [Laughter] hate gone so i've gotten two beds this game the blue's next blue snake oh my god i don't even have an axe yet that's unfortunate why is he hitting me yes dude you're the one mining his bed why are you attacking me oh my god the brain cells where are they at final killer uh you're gonna get the top kills i mean yeah this is not good oh my god [Music] i don't know where is he you definitely have a tracker no i don't why'd you pearl i'm just pearling around i want to find him why'd you pearl oh i thought there was actually oh is that where he is he's at her base i found him no i found him i don't want to talk about [Music] stop it [Music] i know zife has a pearl and he's gonna steal this no no no no stop running stop running stupid use your brain stop stop run keep running boy keep running stop run forever why are you running towards my teammate actually he's running away okay good [Music] oh i clutched [Music] stop no come here this is a viewer come back [Music] boy where are you going you got places to be we going on a world tour oh my god no why would he put himself in an enclosure no he pearled to you who got it i got it i got it i got it i think you got tough kills anyways that's four oh my goodness oh hi blue hi blue all right we're going blue and not mean to buy a pickaxe no no no no no no they broke our glass i cannot believe there's no hell we ever recover it was all i'm showing the game sorry chat [Music] how did i i fell three blocks and took two hearts of fall damage that didn't make any sense yeah their bed's gone those ours let's hopefully even kill you nevermind we're good hey nice nice all right you call the next team all right you know their phone number oh you got worked out all right i'll try to start stabbing them um gray grey let's do it let's do it okay [Music] i'm going for the oh my god please oh lord that's a far feral oh oh you're dead that was very close though i was so close also they don't have a bed um oh all right uh i guess why i don't i don't know where either team is so uh that's awkward wow yeah that's weird yeah everybody fought their their side rush yeah why is uh across the map from pink white's grabbing a lot of m's as well all right white team oh my god geez six everyone's ten diamonds boys worth pink's mining their bed as well all right it's just yellow yellow team then dude this is going to be weird for points i have one that's the only point so far yeah okay [Music] oh that's so close half a heart or one half hearts got one you're lucky i'm dead i'm dead oh no did you go for the pearl yeah i barely missed oh rip no how many kills do you have i think if you get almost all of these you'll beat me by like one i'm gonna have like four or five and then i'm gonna get knocked back stick then oh no no no no no oh no [Music] he's killing people too catch kaboomer what what what a guy that guy did the thing hmm yellow is that uh the emerald generator in between white and pink with diamond armor and awkward is that white so yellow is trying to probably go kill aqua probably aqua just killed his other teammate that would make sense actually diamond sword as well fantastic oh wait what did you just do you got a funny kill or something yeah i bopped him off and he messed up his pearl and hit the side of the island and died poor guy having a rough day oh no oh it's this dude yeah he's gonna run for a while yeah he has full diamond yeah you just say the capo cool okay oh my god i'm so close all right what's your score ten okay i did not mean to get a tier three axe okay oops you can activate bridge building by left clicking with the wall in your hand you did not know that all right oh they're doing that at the front of their base okay they like walls you get a high pixel game um okay hi jelly fan oh this team's so derp oh no oh god no no no no no no no no okay you get the bed i'll even care i need the i just wanna die i don't wanna die they haven't heard the point okay jelly fanning off flawless twice in a row what are you doing okay that is so good for me oh you got it no all right here we go next i don't know i can't see the vases near us well let me just see if this team is alive aqua no aqua's dead uh let's go do blue they rushed us okay i guess that's one part for you somehow yoinked that kill he was literally about to die of fall damage and i hit him before he hit the ground oh you have a pearl oh god yo fizzy what happened man don't want to talk about it you're actually about to get so many points oh my god i don't want to i'm just going to drink my water i just turned around i see you walk off the map did you throw a pearl oh did you miss a pearl is that why oh okay that makes sense i overshot the island somehow you threw it over the island i threw it like on i tried to hit the grass and it like went over the grass into the void bruh no i just died i just died i got a bed though i'll take the extra point you got two points i got zero how many kills oh i guess we eliminated so it doesn't count right yeah yeah so now it's nine to ten so you caught up with that game oh no no no no no no you're gonna clean them and get the bed no why why please suspect come on don't worry i'll split the gym oh cool i thought you're going to bait me with the 100 0 split i would never yes expecting it happened he was mining our glass oh did he break any he broke the glass lame was it a ceiling how did i die there i don't know you're killing them and he kills me what the heck uh who do you wanna go for next uh yellow all right oh no no no no no no no no oh spotted [Laughter] let's go the bridge egg just made me fall into the void are you kidding me what the heck were those hit what the dude mode hypixel hello i recognize so many of these names in the chat okay what team what team i don't know uh who has a bed red pink and gray we're on like the same side of the map okay do red next no no no it was five go away i don't know what you're talking about i don't know either i guess ah no no i'll stand here and let us both die i got all day okay what he did not touch the ground he did not touch the ground at all that fight oh my whoa hi i looked over at my obs and maddie's just there you backed up for half a second and i was able to snag it okay what's next uh oh pink's the only one yeah i mean i got one i got that bad so i have one point you have two right now yeah oh no oh no we're literally tied 11 11. let's go that's not good is he right yeah that's me that's my name no oh that guy almost got destroyed oh no this guy's on wait where are you i grabbed armor almost destroyed that guy oh no you have three points i have one i need to get top killer here bro oh i almost hit him in the one by one almost oh my gosh please he's running for his dear life what kb okay oh yes [Applause] last score was nine to ten right i just didn't put it in the party chat well so i'd be at 12. okay what are you at 12 as well okay so 12 12. gotcha oh no there's people above us to the right yeah i see that oh you dropped down on us hit him down with the bridge egg oh i just got it's got two finals for that i think wait wait a guy oh no he's right here hilo's bed just got destroyed and i got these two finals what the heck okay well i guess go for white the other way i'm gonna go for a great actually just go for green they're gonna rush down yellow's area [Music] bye-bye [Music] oh no okay [Music] [Music] gosh dang it okay we go can we go for white now oh i should have let them respawn so i could have farmed kills can we go can we go for white white where is that over here oh it's like literally right next to you uh yeah i guess pearl if you have a pearl as well you're already next to them [Music] yeah might not even get it there they have sharp you can go for blue if you want yeah white's bed's gone oh you jerk okay we're going who are we going for now let's just finish white nope i had to sprint jump oh my i knew you're gonna come right behind me [Music] why did he come out right then red i am now entering your base and i cannot get your bed you're going through every team that's alive yeah don't worry right i'm not getting your bed i just ran through red ran through grey and now i'm at blue what the heck they better defend you they defended me really hard there's no one here are you serious yeah let's do it [Music] i see zooey's in a chat and i see a number five dude okay i'll get red so it's gonna be my third bed i mean it's my bed what how ender pearls baby let's go oh he's on zero [Music] what so cannoli is that yeah yeah mixable [Music] oh geez i didn't see that guy oh oh you still have top kills because you like farm them while they're alive right i just got a lot of i got four points again that's what i need to do is i need to kill them more because i i break the bed first and then i just get the final kills let's get it let's get it let's go for our side opponent yeah whoever is to our right pink hi pink you're gonna give the bed to fizzy right or you could not do that okay one kill from me all right who are we going for next uh [Music] we can do we can just do our diagonal over there red okay so [Music] i i'm lazy oh no the why above me why'd you do it above me so that i can use it and you can [Music] my axe is faster boy let's go what axe do you have i have an iron axe i have a wooden one i'm getting blue sped here oh is that who we're going for next yes okay no please okay i'm so dead i'm dead i'm dead oh i have i've only gotten one point hey guys we're both at 17. yeah you're gonna be at 18 if you get no beds and just kill holy crap i just came in at one time both of those dudes you got them both really low yeah they jumped in the hole with me what did i have last night 15 oh god this challenge i'm good target said yeah we're doing it in duo's this time instead yeah so we're both at 17. he's like right now yeah okay you could easily get 20 right here if you get final killer i mean top killer and then two more beds i just have to get more kills than you right yeah okay how many do you have potential for points i think i had like four or something not even i think it should be somewhere around there yeah uh it's gonna play it smart you cheers i'm gonna be a loser well you won the last time we did this true hey if you win this time just gotta have a rematch final rematch true just do a dream style it'll be rematch like and then like finale and then finale rematch and then grand finale and then grand finale rematch are you ready yeah dude i to play that ultimate game again so badly oh the ultimate chicken horse yeah that's a really fun game you need to download it on steam i can do it i can get it yeah maddie's flexing her channel points in my chat you know all i'm saying is that like technically you have infinite yeah technically ivan no aqua broke yellow bed are you serious yes yes my points yes i thought they were being pacifists so i was getting geared up all right not messing around i got a sharpness diamond sword diamond armor what okay where the heck are these people yellow and aqua okay this is aqua base right here hey bud [Music] bro what [Music] oh my god aqua's actually good this is a problem [Music] no that's my bed get out of here yellow team huh oh my oh my what this guy's cracked yeah for real yeah okay that dude that's not gonna cause a kill but it's still funny that's the easy one i don't have any gaps dude [Music] oh can block in in there yeah i'm also going to die if i do that yeah wait no no no way no way i burned the death no i still got the bed though and i got top kills let's go you got 20. oh no you got 19 because the other bit i got all the remaining kills that i er all the remaining points i could get other than that one bed yellow is bigger so yeah you're at 19. yeah we're gone side opponent yeah kind of rude man what [Music] why me are you not playing blocks here why did you not play here i don't know i tried as well i thought you were just blocking it oh my gosh [Music] oh my god i broke that piece of wool oh you can get those kills i died and you want to go for next whoever's on the uh well we need to kill that team but um oh yellow's here they want screenies okay hi hopefully you got your picture i'm sorry i can't be as lenient with that because i don't have youtube rank they'll just straight up banned me again yeah okay so yellow team uh sure where you going white oh hello [Music] are you kidding are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me yo what are you doing why just pearl from top of our base okay all right yellow yep frick that's 21. why not now that's only one point i'm at 20 20. i'm at 18. so if i get top killer i win yeah we just i just need to get 21 to tie you if you get top filler yeah you need to get the exact same what points are you at 18. all right so we'll just go get green yeah oh well their bed's gone blue by has got oh god you're running out of point options you gotta go to gray i gotta get top killer and gray oh my gosh oh i almost got it i'll get gray uh-huh gotta get gray yes sir that's that is what i have to get now [Music] or not hey fizzy no phone that is just mean you are sad oh my god i guess we have to do a tie breaker boys no i think you win no i mean the next time you beat me the first time silver fish out of here what why not dead [Music] it's gonna be 21. man would add insult to injury jeez fizzy holy crap thank you for the prime it makes people better i'm bored i'm just gonna keep jumping in the void i liked it that timing couldn't have been worse for you man oh my gosh the void sky is looking really beautiful oh we should win this game you got it man it was like oh yeah you can do it oh my goodness because what points would you be at if you got top killer i'd have been at 21. oh if i got that bed and top killer i would have been at 21 so i'm at 20 right now i think okay i'm pretty sure you beat me by one or two oh silver fish bruh man [Music] oh my gosh okay there's just one dude left where's he at i have no idea oh he's that way he's that blue baby yeah and oh he backed up i was gonna hit him in the face with the bridging [Music] all right on the wrong base are you going to kill with the golem i i placed the golem on him and now he's on half health because of it mom you're blue oh no all damage baby let's go you still got top killer though you still got top killer yeah i'm pretty sure it was 21 to 20 or 21 19. gg let's go [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Zyph
Views: 51,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trying Competitive Bedwars Duels..., Trying Competitive Bedwars..., How I Got Banned... Playing Bedwars, Bedwars, bridge, the bridge, minecraft bridge, breezily, god bridge, moonwalk, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, hiding spot, bedwars hiding spot, funny, laugh, zyph, hiding beds, mc, fake, unbreakable, Barrier, Out of the MAP, Zyph Youtube Rank, zyph lost youtube rank, youtube rank zyph, yt rank, youtube rank, How I Lost YouTube Rank, ban zyph, Competitive Bedwars, Ranked Bedwars, ranked
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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