The LARGEST FAKE Bed Defense in Bedwars

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in today's video we played some lucky blocked bed wars and ran into some viewers doing some very crazy things see the thing is when i stream lucky block bed wars there's a lot of viewers that manage to get into our games the thing with that is though this particular game this particular viewer decided to make a fake bed defense not only three blocks tall like normal not six blocks tall like the fake fake bent defense i've done before not nine twelve fifteen the thing was like thirty blocks tall it was kind of ridiculous it literally looks like a skyscraper to the point where i couldn't even see the base it was that large of a fake bed defense so welcome to the largest fake bed defense in bed wars stacking the titles baby let's go anyways though if you guys do enjoy the video make sure to subscribe turn on notifications and if you haven't already check out all my social medias they're up here at the top of the screen and linked down in the description anyways that's all i got so let's hop into it really nice words there we go oh quick rush quick rush do i have diagonal roast no there's no no go go diamond go diamond and then you can get straight to mid for red blocks oh yeah i don't i'll get some blocks okay spam blocks underneath yeah oh [Music] i almost griefed myself that was close oh god open the block it did nothing also i'm stranded here oh man wow i got two red blocks that gave me literally nothing also here's half a stack one of my red blocks gave me nothing too what is that so so we got one item which was a a spicy sword the fire aspect diamond out of four blocks one item six uh that's sad yep should probably go for yellow just because they're connected to our like base pretty much [Music] so that we don't lose it if we leave their base unless they don't know what they're doing they know what they're doing we'll walk up here and punch it and see yeah they're just standing here oh my god what the heck we should have kept them alive holy crazy you just deleted that guy i didn't realize it did that much damage oh my god it does three hearts no matter what armor they have and then you spam three of them so they just evaporated so even if if you're like stacked somebody hits you with three gravity guns you're on one heart and if if they take fall damage it's just a straight up insta kill it's a bad time to meet me i guess for him [Music] no red's kind of derpy oh and green walked off the map oh but he blocked clutch good effort oh his bed got broken right as i did that oh that's a yikes oh man uh that's uh that's unfortunate wait great team's doing the fake bath defense all right let's leave him let's leave him for a bit then yeah you know the drill that what it always that looks so unnatural what the heck they raised it too many blocks they did an extra one it works better on the lower islands as well oh oh apocalypse [Music] oh this guy looks like he's going to our bay on our base our bed's gone our bed is gone ah rip this guy failed the tnt jump oh my gosh uh who who why yeah when they failed yeah damn right i yelled him somebody got carmen for the hell huh she had a freaking punchbow somebody got karma that's what it seems like oh don't oh my god i'm really surprised none of them shouted l after you died it's probably because they just shouted in response i'm happy i'm happy because i'm sure if they would have they could have yeah what a block clutch my chat's doing it for you don't worry oh my god oh frog helmet nice should i force sword of justice frog helmet let's go oh we both have sort of justice oh unless all right catch you guys you almost block clutch 10 emeralds 12 diamonds thank you i'm out of there all right i got four red blocks one of these has a bed it's not that one it's this one just kidding it was this one oh that that's a weird looking bed uh okay i got two magic toy sticks fire expect diamond sword which i don't need and a jerry that's a scam artist sick eight emeralds for one yucky yes that's kind of cool the wrong game is at their base none of what team white they're both on the the diamond island going towards pink ah one of them's going back though i think white's probably the team i'd want to leave because they they kind of be falling off the map and stuff you know what i mean i think they're kind of competent they uh build in the bed defense a bit and one tried tnt jumping and failed but yeah that sounds that sounds like the type of players i'd want to fight what do you mean they're tossing the pink team oh wait oh yeah he's no wait wait the comeback oh i think pink won that because of his skeleton with suit in the eye oh my gosh those are using wrong color wood for their bed defense wait is it not the right they're using dark dark wood instead of look at the giant bed defense it's literally phoenix this is my this is a mod in my stream and i got a instant weapon upgrade that i can't use [Music] squid are you nearby damned yeah can you hear this um yeah i can actually [Music] that's gotta be the your your next killing method you gotta trap some gundam spam and kill his ears with anvils just break his ears until he leaves the game that's actually be so funny this guy on pink team is talking like you i i probably would say that yeah like it's literally something you'd shout at somebody if you're getting repeatedly rushed like stop obsessing go run someone else i've probably said that before but i'd personally prefer that you just dc that's fair fedex how upset would you be if i magic toy stick to your fake bed defense [Laughter] he just goes on a rampage starts banning everyone in the chat pointing a bow at me okay fine you gotta do the uh the double layered fake bed defense if you get a placeable bed you're like mine and then you put up a bed over your fake bed defense and then looks like they got your their first bed and then there's like maybe another fake bed defense on top of that i just do the fake bed defense but on top the actual bed defense i made like the whole floor for and everything is just actually has a bed in it like instead of it being the fake one they like dig down thinking it's fake and it's like in the actual on the top oh that's how they get you good fight not expecting that yeah it's because i don't play like a normal person i play really weird styled on him man he's gonna try to make sure that doesn't happen again but i mean that's about all he could do come over here aqua all right i'm on my way i i was just gonna come over here and chill i didn't know you wanted to fight got another one he's got another one yeah throw it all right what are you gonna do i'm gonna do i don't take fall damage what's up oh he's nervous we can do hmm what's up he just tossed his items yeah this is a stick up give me all you got this i don't know tell him to drop his sword and stuff do you want everything this is a is a stick up drop all your items give him a few acts he's actually dropping all his items tell him his sword too yes or two i guess we're on cooldown oh good there's the gaps oh perfect perfect i'm gonna drop some stuff in there real quick he actually gave me his fireballs he gave me seven gaps he's literally giving me all his stuff oh my god it's actually worked robbing players at bed wars and then we're gonna watch we're gonna make him watch me burn it you see these gaps you gave me this fireball this is a robbery what are you gonna do about it [Laughter] is more emotional trauma than anything else oh my gosh uh sword two disbelief sword two you throw it in there you throw it no no no no you throw it in there no you you you throw it in there yeah there we go he's burned his own sword there you go all right we're cool man you can live yeah he's cool he got he gets to live at least a little bit longer yeah we'll save him a little bit but we're coming back you're coming back yeah i'll be back with the venture don't get too stacked i'll make you burn it again all right i'll go kill white team now oh that's a lot of skeletons well they're behind you oh oh my god yeah pro prop 4 is uh can't be matched yeah it's kind of annoying though oh my god oh you're attacking me again okay they almost did as much as the skeletons all right and get rid of that there you go you cool where are you going oh oh [Music] oh my gosh i shot him in the pillow i pushed him off with the towel oh my gosh you couldn't even give him the dignity of taking his own life out of the game he's out he's out later later you've messed with my my guy that i just robbed a second ago right you messed with him too much don't worry i'm just stomping all over this lobby right now this is your world and they're all living in it yeah pretty much that was that was pretty brutal actually now i think about it i was gonna go in on his own terms and you denied him that you know if the guy would have jumped a second earlier my telephone would have hit the bottom of that other island i would have died by the way so that's why i shot it so fast because i was worried i was gonna shoot the other island by accident all right pink team it's it's time for your rations what have you got for me i'm gonna rip this island a little bit look at him doing some renovations okay you need some more time i'll finish the rest of white team before i come back and and demand he pays taxes oh white fell in the void all right pink you know what time it is it's time for rent [Music] pink team your rent is due sees you hello i'm back [Laughter] what's up take my taxes mr irs agent wow this actually works bro why is this working oh his sword too oh sick yeah this time we're keeping it you know return on investment a little bit you know we're keeping some of these here you know what for your service you get a hair net congrats you're now my official lunch lady you're employed now all right have fun kermit we'll see you later what is this fake bed defense what the heck what is that bro it's as tall as the roof it's uh oh it's a bit noticeable i guess if you're more experienced you might notice something done it's so dumb the heck it's so dumb know what is this like what what is this oh he's got his bow drawn watch out hey great team your rent is due i got a magic toy stick what are you gonna do about it they better come over the mid and pay up what are you gonna do what are you gonna do oh that was him that was him he damaged your property not me no you you missed your bow shot magic toy stick the vet defense somebody started checking in my chat and they're all just spamming it now you might have to oh my gosh how many layers thick is that how how big is that there's one layer of wool all the way around and almost to the top is a layer of wood all the way around and then there's at least like five layers of wool on the bed better have property insurance great i don't know if you'll be able to pay for that dude i like this this pink team guys i have 12 ice bridges and i'm not afraid going to minus 300 don't test me do it do it i'm calling your bluff do it do it he's got the ice bridges on him man yeah he's throwing them up yeah throw him again throw him again hit the fireball over there breaks all the items yeah this is a like a really large fake bed defense could i actually i want to see the i want to see the whole thing i want a tour well the top of it's not covered it's this is basically just walls is what this is oh it doesn't have a roof on it hey guys oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm noticing some hostility yeah guys a bit aggressive might want to get him checked for rabies or something i don't know if you oh geez i don't know if you realize but uh the irs doesn't take kindly to getting stabbed um oh that's like a big bad defense inside of there yeah i'm really curious what would happen if i magic toy sticked it from up here well let's see welcome to factor cap what could possibly go wrong oh he's aiming at me he's aiming he pulled a gun he pulled the gun the stream caught after what i said all right now that i've built a barricade and i'm completely safe it's time to magic toy stick the bed defense now let me look at him and wait for him to turn around with his gun any second now any second now any second now where's the stream delay where's the stream delay and any second now any second now maybe he muted might have muted it maybe he muted it also you got the wrong type of wood my guy yeah the dark oak's not helping it uh blend in with the other islands too much i heard it just let me finish okay i'll let you finish the the largest fake bed defense my guy yeah whatever you guys i need to go collect more rent from pink team yeah rent's overdue this guy should be uh half a bit more this time yeah i think he's got he's got more taxes to pay big team your rent your rent is due again team your rent is due coming back oh my god he's firing right into the oh my gosh big team was doing extreme property damage to great team that was him no aqua did not do it he just blamed that on me that was him trying to point fingers at the debt collector what's going on oh he's trying to get me killed so he doesn't have to pay rent anymore i see how it is he's the one i can see him throwing fireballs right now [Music] he's self-incriminating right now he just showed up to the court case with the murder weapon can i sue pink can you be my lawyer well first i have to collect rent then i can sue him all right there's the gaffels all right he's dropping his blocks okay he's set up a trap for me a little bit all right be careful don't make me bring out my bodyguards i have a few iron golems all right don't yeah there's more than that i know there's more than that don't make me bring out my bodyguards rest of it he's like i don't have any nose you know you know what you want me to bring out the bodyguards on you what are you gonna do what are you gonna do this is so stupid [Music] i'm at the point where i have more pink wool than my own wool what i think of something there it is that's what i was talking about that's what i'm talking about right there i knew he was holding out on me i knew it i just had to bring out the big guns yep yep yep your rent your rent [Music] okay he's got all sorts of types of wool i'm gonna build a rainbow bed defense real soon you know what here you go for being a good person you can have this anvil that makes a lot of noise all right and we'll max out our shop using all the stuff that he gave us of course perfect all right well i'll be on my way i have so many items because of that guy paying me his rent but i don't know what to do with them oh the guy that copy my inventory just died maybe he was opening one of your blocks or something like related himself or something i think he would announce in the chat though wouldn't it i guess for just him it would i don't know [Music] drop down into it and there's all this stuff [Music] okay oh nice yep oh my god that's a lot of skeletons oh my god oh there's even more stuff in the gin it's a mosh pit dude nick your rent is due [Laughter] oh no he's actually oh my oh my god how many boats do you have what the heck is that many fling bows does that suffice this man just dropped five fling bows sure i just want to shoot you in the video hold back i just want to shoot you with a few of them in the corner just i just need to i have no inventory room there we go oh perfect okay there we go i just had to clear up some inventory space all right so what if i told you um there was a scheduled airstrike coming in in about five minutes what do you think about that um you just gotta finish this bed defense right here here i'll build it for you here you go let's do like this oh look look perfect now it's my fake bed defense actually it's pink team's fake bed defense i used his wool that's right also how do i get 37 offensive lucky blocks when did this happen property damages pog as he blows up what the heck property damage is pog can i sue him now sure sure sure yeah so that's fine you're gonna need a hearing yeah yeah who am i the judge the jury and the executioner is how it works i don't think they they thought it through that far so i guess you you'll have to assume all those roles all right that's fair enough he uh he ran out of wood and it's himself yeah good as new oh here here here's some wood or you can buy some gold or buy some gold use the gold to buy wood first try nice you need to break this these lucky blocks here i'm not breaking them i'm going to copy your inventory if that happens and i'll be sad oh oh oh oh he just copied my inventory oh you gotta collect you gotta collect your uh your taxes your rent is due oh now you should know exactly what he has right yeah i have the exact same items oh watch out pink is uh pink is coming over here oh yikes oh man he probably thought it was his rent that was due all along oh your bed defense is gonna have a bad time with apocalypse [Music] yeah natural selection the whole thing's gone all his hard work well might as well finish the job he copied my inventory again all right i think there's only one one way to settle this roulette where did he just go how do you tell a bow away um he's on top of red i i can see you uh sir why are you are you running away from me okay we'll go over to red then to do it that's fine classic roulette okay hi all right oh oh what we're gonna do is we'll spam place them all fill up this whole thing and whoever dies first to roulette loses leaving it completely up to chance on who wins we just fill in the whole floor with roulette blocks knowing my luck i'm probably gonna die on the first block but it'll be funny so it's fine oh he's breaking them already wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't start back hold your horses you got to fill it in first okay break them break up first one to die to roulette loses first one to diner loses roulette kill him please not me not me please please kill him please kill him what the hell does it not happen fully rng come on come on how how are we getting so many grappling hooks and good items really good roulette him roulette him game why what [Music] what's going on roulette him we're let him what do you mean you can't rule let his finals i don't think that's how that works no the dragon no guess who can't roulette you guys just broke like over a hundred maybe not as finals did they change that i swear it used to work i i'd get finalized as as a roulette a lot before i was gonna play connect four or something to figure out who wins connect four okay all right are we fighting now i think we fight you're opening red blocks on me aren't you excuse me i need to grab these oh oh i get a bed nope [Music] joint wait i could just set it up right here oh perfect okay so what we'll do you're getting a beacon yeah love cobwebs he has cobwebs this is so scuffed he's giving me coffee okay we're at that point huh oh just in case the dragon needs the cobwebs i'm still running away defuse how long does it take oh it'll disappear after that one block oh god oh my oh my god oh my god that was kind of uncalled for men [Applause] that was kind of uncalled for not gonna lie oh oh [Music] oh let me try and get bedrock oh that's why he did it okay is he literally gonna get a piece of bedrock oh and they're in the void yep you tried your best oh okay ooh what's up oh my god jesus [Music] [Music] oh no you go up whatever you go out the door how are you not able to get out this massive door oh perfect in your own cobwebs like that [Music] no go back in i insist oh my goodness no no going back in really i insist he gobbles himself off he's out the other side almost oh sure would be a shame if i had one of those too but he's in cobwebs it doesn't work oh that's good to know [Music] oh [Music] oh my he has a lot of those hey does wait is this kelly the ceiling i probably oh my god oh my i thought you were dead i actually saw you he got the void thinking i was he was gonna win life lessons kids to pay your taxes or your tall home will get blown up by a fireball raining storm of death [Music] true [Music] you
Channel: Zyph
Views: 312,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The LARGEST FAKE Bed Defense in Bedwars, Using HACKS in Bedwars, The FAKE Bed Defense in Bedwars, Zyph Face Reveal, Bedwars, bridge, the bridge, minecraft bridge, breezily, god bridge, moonwalk, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, hiding spot, bedwars hiding spot, funny, laugh, zyph, #1 bedwars speedrunner, #1 Bedwars Player, Scaffold Bridge, The LARGEST Bed Defense in Bedwars, Bed Defense, The Bedwars SCAFFOLD Bridge, mc, The FAKE Bed Defense Strategy in Bedwars, fake, LARGEST FAKE, LARGEST
Id: M4Gh6jAxFRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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