Bed Defense: 1 Second vs 1 Minute vs 1 Hour

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welcome to something brand new on the channel it's Bed Wars bed defenses but each player has a different amount of time to build it today I'm playing with Wally bear gamer boy and Target and each player I play with has a little bit more time than the last the first one Wally bear has one second to build a better defense gamer boy has one minute to build a better defense and Target he has an hour um I am so sorry Target if you guys wouldn't mind while you're under this video subscribing to me you should go over to Target and subscribe to him too he got put through the ringer in this video anyways it's a fun time everybody's goal is to try to see whose Bed can last the longest anyways that's all I got so let's hop into it we've been practicing your drag clicking or any any kind of crazy clicking you want to Butterfly click some blocks down what we doing I I don't I don't know I'm trying to I'm trying to think of like what I can feasibly do in one second I'm trying to think like I well what happens if I go accidentally over one second well I mean you're just gonna have to use that extra time to remove it you know okay okay yeah yeah and and that time only starts as soon as you place the first block I know it's it's gonna you're gonna have a lot of counting to keep track of it do you want me to do you want me to count it down for you or do you oh yeah I need you to step away and you just oh okay okay I'll back up I'll back up it's too intense You Can Count me down all right the countdown's gonna be longer than your amount of time but let's go three two one go stop oh my gosh there's a guy here they're already here wow you actually kind of popped off are you trying to make a sus bed to Fizz Wally what are you doing here buddy [Music] oh is he gonna go for it I know this guy's looking goofy what does he do he's trying to he's trying to team with us he likes our bed defense he's waiting for his teammate oh oh he's about to jump oh his teammates coming I'm here oh there we go I'll get the other one okay got it done okay okay we're fine dude the bed was half broken okay so we just gotta play Ultra aggressive because um I mean our bed defense held up addition oh that guy's gone he went flying I already looked up to look for him he went on a world tour man and he's gone okay let's just go next just go now let's go to Red let's bring it on to the next guy I'm gonna grab a quick Gap all right let's see he's gonna look back he thought he won that he was getting the hits in and then immediately block draft that's two in a row I got it perfect I'm dead oh oh God I'm Up on the Roof okay we can stall we can stall we're good they're a little sketched out to fight me because I hit him with a knockback stick and he got a little worried which is honestly I respect that but uh yeah he's dead to it now oh the other guy ice Bridge the way and left his teammate to die okay that's some good team teamwork right there my team has a humongous defense how how much time you think it took him to build that one oh my gosh at least at least they're no that probably took them probably like a minute I would say you think a minute okay so so that's that's kind of like the level of the of the next stage up just moving your way up slowly I don't think we're gonna run into anybody that's building for an hour though what do you think you know who I'm Who I'm gonna have build for an hour right I was about I was about to ask you that well if you were to take a guess out of anybody that I know who do you think's gonna build a bed defense for a long amount of time who do you think comes to mind I didn't feel the better defense for a long last time yeah is it Target yeah it's Target it's Target oh my gosh yeah he's the only one crazy enough to go for that kind of bet defense like me so uh I was like okay yeah yeah we could do that that'll work okay I'm ice bridging oh zooming the cross these white guys oh this guy's clapping me wait so with White's giant bed defense they they don't even have a a bed no I think aqua team broke it oh then they're immediately gone okay so it's just there's the people you gotta worry about yellow yeah we're about to we're about to be wow where did where is yellow oh my gosh I won with half a heart let's go that was like oh okay yellow has a interesting defense what bro you like triple extended and then I'd knock back stick them across a gap and he clutched what the heck okay yellow has a uh water what is that they have a water on their bed okay all right wait what if okay this is just a thought like an idea okay what if I what if I ice Bridge the water and it blocks The Source wait try it try it does that actually work I don't know we're about to find out I also need to make sure I'm on the right y level I think I am it's hard to tell where's the water and go take it oh I just know I was on the right way level two I got another icebridge we can try it again yeah yeah let's try it again did it work did it block the water um wait did you wait did it go around that was their icebridge and they okay I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna try to understand what I just witnessed okay let's try it I switch forward it doesn't it it stops like wait it goes around it yeah it goes around it oh no you have diamond armor when did that happen dude I I just ran through mid and it was completely full it was like okay we'll make some purchases I mean I just filled in the icebridge and now the water should be going down yeah my normal ice Bridge with the pink wool on it yeah the pink wool in the middle completely normal hey I got him stuck in the ice Bridge he's trapped in there wait what yeah they have obsidian oh God oh I died okay I hit him off oh my gosh dude oh dude if I would have I almost clutched with a bridge egg to stay alive there that would have been nuts okay I'm gonna try to I'm gonna envis and see if I can sneak by undetected trying to get me oh perfect timing man are they are you at their base or where are you yeah I'm at the base oh yeah oh yeah oh so so you're on their team now you're respawning there or something what's going on lagged or something oh yeah yeah I hate that all right pick up some yellow wool and just box them with yellow oh don't worry I'm not even boxed in I'm just mining with invisible wooden pickaxe we're mining uh you're still you're going right now yeah I'm mining we're just here oh he sees me oh crap okay oh my gosh one of them is right here let me grab some yellow wool oh he hit me by accident bruh are you mining again uh trying to uh I think they know I'm here wait he doesn't know wait his teammate ran off is he gonna bait his other team oh no he knows no he knows oh God wait let's see can I get out of here on like three hearts wait actually okay okay I'm out of I'm out of there um I'm on the roof on like three hearts okay get that guy out of here all right you got you got a wooden pickaxe yourself are you going full stall gang I'm I'm stalling I'm stalling okay okay oh I'm gonna die bro okay I got that guy off this guy doesn't even see you okay I'm just mining I'm just mining I'm underneath the in stone mining obsidian with a wooden pickaxe make sure yeah yeah yeah this guy is still chasing me just just pull them both away from their base I can get it did I kill that guy I don't know all I can see let's go is the other one on you no he has no clear in there wait dude it's like it's like more than half broken let's go I can't even tell it breaks so slow where's the animation I'm gonna oh it's close it's close I'm gonna make noise just to distract them yeah just just do anything to pull their attention it's so close come on man it's literally on the edge come on break one last Pixel Man yes it broke let's go let's go with the wooden pick yeah yeah pop out pop out wait wait where'd he go hello he's on fire yeah later buddy yeah last guy's in the wait hey oh we gotta kill him with a wooden pickaxe right we mined that with this [Music] yeah what are you gonna do about it oh yeah we got these wooden pickaxes he's intimidated for sure did he unplug his PC what's going on hello bro definitely dc'd yo yo wake up hello surely he's just typing slow right like foreign [Laughter] [Music] he really just gave up on us huh yeah yeah it's like against the wall here your knockback's sticking there we go yeah if if we're unlucky enough he comes back right now perfect [Music] nice little fishy all right now what happens first the drown or the AFK I think the drown happens first yeah I hope so I gotta say the pink glass is a nice upgrade very fancy it is it is very fancy 07 give a little salute later buddy we will see you around and if we look across the map our bed defense hey we touched perfectly attacked baby let's go let's go wait I'm really confused I hold on I what what's a bed defense just like that's exactly why I brought you in here because I wanted to teach you a new bed Wars scale today what's this video called can YouTubers build bed defenses uh can I have all your iron yeah sure buy as much wool as you can with extra because as soon as you start placing blocks it's just that's the only box you can add the whole time wait wait okay so if I I can buy wool to like Bridge places right or no yeah it's just as soon as you start building the bed defense your time starts okay all right start the time start the time oh God okay all right speed run in the bed defense at the top start the time we're five seconds in we're five seconds in we're butterfly we're butterflying see me flutter let's go we're done stop the time well dude you got to keep the time still going you gotta keep go keep building uh here's a stack of blocks I have nothing else to add I have nothing else just build on it you have 30 more seconds that leftovers wood I'll do some of that as well at this point it's gonna just hurt us because someone's gonna be able to block in please you have a minute to build you have 20 seconds left okay okay I'm still going I'm still going yeah yeah just keep building you got you got 12 seconds this is definitely going to work so five four three two one you're out of time no more wait wait one more one more okay one more okay there you go I missed that block the benefits would have been ruined now what possibly could Target be planning for his one-hour bed defense also there's two people here and they're just gonna dig into our bed defense and it's over by the way oh my God oh my God I'm nice okay just gotta hope they don't blow it up if we're gonna have a bad time because we can't repair it oh no what would we possibly do without being able to repair this bed defense maybe we should blow it up yeah that's what I'm thinking I need a place to this placing TNT on our bed count as me building up our bedrooms a little bit I don't know if that if that can fly maybe you give them the TNT oh no that would be fun it's a great idea okay I'll get rid of yellow team real quick okay they don't cause any more problems on my beautiful bed defense [Music] all right the other one is oh my God he flew like 30 blocks and he's gone all right so uh now now that now that you've made your bed defense in a minute do you do you have a name for your bed defense do you want to give it a name yeah I think I'll name it like D's I'll name it D's do you have any questions about that name oh yeah yeah why'd you call it Deeds it's nuts that's why ah yeah okay all right let's see how it is all right green definitely has eight M's so they need to leave the game oh no he knows even if somebody stop in the window [Music] and he's dead okay wow 11 emeralds you yeah they I figured they had something oh lee okay here you're on your here hold on you should head back and I need to kill this uh red guy before he gets over to over to D's he's trying to invade D's I'm just really excited to go through and explain what your bed defense was called to each person that's gonna be fantastic wait now I'm confused again you just confused me about the whole challenge yet again you're welcome you have to explain my bed defense too no no it's just to give context I'm not gonna it has nothing to do with it right it has nothing to do with the challenge I just wanted to make sure that they they knew of these you know okay again yeah yeah it'll it'll just be the way that I intro them into naming their own bed defense you know oh well I just bought a Tracker and then he immediately died so there's that that's great red team as well yeah he's he's over he's over at gray we could ask him what he thinks of our bed defense uh yeah I'll ask him right now I'll say yeah what do you think of these you think he'll fall for it yeah maybe he won't know what it is and you'll have to ask ask the age-old question of what is these by the way he's in this he is pretty close to me I will say yeah uh he's currently at the diamond gen of pink and white but he's heading over okay now he's running away oh there he is he's no longer invis yeah well ask him what he thinks of these in a different way all right I'm gapping up okay [Music] oh he dropped silverfish he's crazy yeah you got this though I believe in you the silverfish are so good yeah I'll hit him with a fireball oh wait I hit you with a fireball hold on oh yeah there you go let's go couldn't stop these man Unstoppable the diesel is pretty powerful yeah I mean honestly these was a freed up that's just how it is Target it's it's your unlucky day you have an hour to build a bed defense well I mean I can just do it that easily I could just like one layer boom done I I could just Shred the competition well you see the difference is that you have to be building the whole time the entire time or at least in the process of trying to be able to build Tony's here as well hi Tony hi hi yeah all right I'll take care never mind all right okay okay listen I'll go to Mid you take care of a wood bed defense by the way your time starts as soon as you place your first block on the bed defense just so you know I place it now we have too much time your time still hasn't started guys blue just started going to Mid blue just started going to Mid are you gonna you want to start your time here's a block all right your time has begun there you go wait why did I do it out of wool oh God no wait wait wait we need we need wood oh my God Red's here wait what oh geez side rush I better this is my first fight in like a month on bedworth perfect get out of here you got it yeah oh wait he's alive if there's a ledge there we'll just leave him down there you know I mean there's two emotes over there don't you worry one bit [Music] eight seconds I can get two more how do we want to do this defense yeah so Target it is your choice on how the back defense is built so in your amount of time like it could be just wool it could be wood you could make the entire thing obsidian it's up to you what you want to do this thing not not just wide but thick you know okay all right you know you're gonna do a different thing for each layer or what are you thinking well it's not gonna be one C it's not gonna be two it's gonna be 60. so huh my point is we have to really build up the numbers and make this benefits really large but we need to put obsidian on the base layer okay Red's been getting aggressive so I say we terminate them okay man I don't know we have green on a bridge now so yeah if we can just keep it to just blue Blue's building a big bed defense it looks like so if we just have two big bed defenses we'll be set yeah they do and they have like a watchtower on top I almost trapped red uh before we took the latest let me just take out the team well I can start the players we only have an hour Tony we only have an hour no big deal we only have an hour go home yellow what do you mean I am home Bed Wars is my home I am Paul I was just sitting above their base that's why you said that how did I miss that over a bed should shout go home red yeah I will yeah oh yeah that he's in the void perfect okay you see the first bit of the frame work set out yeah that's that's what that's what that's what my plan is [Music] wait I want to see this what is this framework oh my God hey no we're going for the Gusto you know oh the classic phrases back that's how you know we're building the bed defense right there that's right now we found a whale oh oh that's a H that's uh that's the void well I blue is currently oh no okay they're stacking up yeah uh just keep going do I on Nick and then come back it could help us or it could hurt us so you never know oh you're totally right could hurt us it turns on it depends on the person all right now you just need to inform them that we are all best friends now and they won't die anymore I I think that's a that's a very non-confrontational beckoning of a message do you agree yeah wait why am I even getting a KB stick why did it get Fireballs what do you mean what I you know I I remember doing these videos now I I remember now how absolutely rude people are they're still fireballing aren't they or is that someone else no they still are they literally spent their entire life savings to Fireball this thing yeah and uh he's now dead I'm not dealing with that that's what happens people hey blue team's doing it now stop he's got another he's got another whoa oh God wait he has more oh I told you sometimes it makes it better sometimes it makes it worse you see the trick with these uh oh but see the trick with with these defenses right is that um you have an hour to do it and we've already used 12 and a half minutes of this time right but if we go to the next game you still have lost those 12 and a half minutes so oh God yeah so we continue like Valiant people yeah so you gotta you gotta get filled maybe we invest in glass and put that on the outside that is so much fun one of them has a bow that's really yeah you just shot me with it really dude you're gonna grab a bow it's like rude [Music] hand it over come on you want to live another day you better hand it over we're almost a fourth done with the bed defense is that is that good news hey progress I mean to be fair your bed defense so far is bigger than all the other ones but um that's kind of to be expected to be fair okay I mean why because it's like one minute versus the whole hour yeah I mean I don't know gamer boy put in a shift in that one minute though that was pretty big bad defense okay well listen they all have Diamond Enchanted armor and we only have prop one iron I'm very concerned Why wow he really doesn't I could have killed all three of them there they really just don't care oh well we'll see if that is their downfall what oh hi that did seven hearts that was such a weird timing you yelled as soon as I got hit off the map that was weird I just kind of felt that psychic connection listen we're doing really really good yeah this is good if you can complete this that's a that's a dub and that's already in like you're only 16 minutes in and you already have like almost a full outline this is the right team for it they're not very good I literally ran at them with less gear and comboed them with a knockback stick [Music] I'm I'm punching this guy and he hasn't hit me I He's very mad at me now okay oh God I'm running okay go Tony go just keep building I'll keep them occupied what which Diamond gin never mind he's running replace the TNT thanks for the Boost buddy oh oh okay I'm getting my blood clutch but I die to fall out so all right listen listen we are literally uh arching down on the back half now so there is hope honestly I'm impressed with how fast this has been put up already especially for two people yeah because I'm not really helping at all uh these guys have a lot of emeralds by the way like a lot of them I know without their emeralds to be completely honest with you you want to keep getting us protection if you can I'm trying to but uh there's three dudes with diamond swords and diamond armor controlling middle yeah this is the only part here right here oh we finished right wait wait we got it oh no no right here Harry right here oh crap okay you can also add stuff on top since you have the amount of time like you can put like a wood layer around it or uh whatever you're not using like glass or random blocks Ah that's a fireball I hope you're getting a good angle of this it looks great this looks fantastic is there any blocks we need to clean up on the outside you know uh not on the right side of the base it looks great on this side I gotta run around the map check the other side um this guy has quite a few arrows and he's looking at me so I'm gonna just be here for a bit I think hey Mike look at the inside oh this is cool wait Tony I thought we finished it there's a glue on top of us oh my gosh what there's a guy I I was gonna say I was like I thought we finished the talk oh my God wait wait hang on hang on hang on I have to knock him oh he just that he finished it let's go oh man oh my god oh oh hey buddy they're built there hello Fireball you step back hey a fireball on this part's actually better than the fireball out there don't be careful if they can't Tony get him get him Tony get him oh God get back up um okay well one of them died never happened to you next if you try anything in there well oh my gosh okay we're careful Tony careful we only need one alive right Tony's like please let me kill this guy oh that guy's got jump boost and Fireballs up here yes he died okay hang on you kept the most stacked guy alive he's coming run okay okay okay now now we have control of mid that's right uh yeah what is he gonna do now against our prop two oh hey I got diamond armor let's go hey but look at that bed defense I mean yeah pretty nice all right I need to fix this little like blue thing that's on it oh no it's here yeah it is where is he oh my God run oh God oh God oh we can't lose walks off the map he's that Midfield I was panicking for no reason Tony yeah seriously oh my gosh I'm gonna do what they couldn't do the whole game hey level 322. hey crumbling oh my god wow let's go um [Music]
Channel: Zyph
Views: 131,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bed Defense: 1 Second vs 1 Minute vs 1 Hour, 1 Second vs 1 Minute vs 1 Hour, 1 Sec vs 1 Min vs 1 Hr, Bedwars Bed Defense, The FAKE Bed Defense in Bedwars, The LARGEST Bed Defense in Bedwars, I Placed 100 Beds in Bedwars, Bedwars, bridge, the bridge, minecraft bridge, breezily, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, hiding spot, bedwars hiding spot, funny, laugh, zyph, Zyph Knockback, best bedwars player, #1 bedwars player, Scaffold Bridge, Obsidian Trapping, The Bedwars SCAFFOLD Bridge, fake
Id: X5_FWx0x1Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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