The Squad: Season 2 | Battle Royale Compilation | Fortnite Animation

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- Drift is joining Battle Royale. That's right, the world famous Pop Star, Graffiti Artist is joining the death match to promote his new album. He recently bought out the Lazy Links Country Club, and it is being reported that his music label has paid for an incredible squad. Some of the best warriors and intelligent minds money can buy. (laughter and crashing) - Perhaps, we should knock? - Perhaps. - Wait, what? Where are we going? - Battle Bus, get in the cart. - We're dropping now? - I'm Huntress, this is Ragnarok. - I'm a god. - And that's Noir. - Drift, what do you know about inter-dimensional travel? - What? - Have you seen this? (suspenseful music) - Oh my god, oh my god guys. - Where are we dropping, boys? - Oh my god, please just don't let me die. Oh man, I'm gonna ruin my shoes, too. Oh, wow. This is actually kind of nice. - We gotta swing Drift down to Paradise Palms for an event real quick. - What event are we going to? - Spring Break, baby. (upbeat music) - All right guys, spread out and find some guns. - Wait, I thought I was supposed to have a Spring Break concert. - Dude, what is up with the douche-y hair? Are you like a Vine star? Or a vlogger, or a Paul brother? - What? - You're not really having a concert here. We just dropped here because it's low-key and open. We'll be able to see our enemies. - Freeze (bleep). - Oh god, they have weapons. - That one on the far right appears to be holding a banana. - Wait, what? Oh, that's Todd, he's a default skin. - I builded the wall. - Hey, uh guys, how about like we settle this maybe in a nonviolent fashion? Like a dance off? (dance music) - Wow Drift, served by a default skin. Tisk, tisk. - Wait, wait. How about a race on the golf cart track? - (sighs) Okay, fine. (rock music) - Three, two, one. (gunshots) - Jesus. - I know, right, that was easy, hop on. - I'm keeping this, this is evidence. (soft piano music) That we are total badasses. - So guys, where are we going? - What is that blue shimmer ahead? - Run it over. Run it over. - Oh my god, guys, it's a dimensional rift. (screaming) (heavy guitar music) - [Drift] Oh my god, oh my god, we're gonna die. - [Huntress] Ragnarok, didn't you pick up some wood from that default skin? - [Ragnarok] I used it all. - [Huntress] What, on what? Well, that's it, we're gonna die I guess. - Well, that actually wasn't so bad. Okay, that's it. I've officially come to the conclusion that you guys are crazy. Some mentally deranged detective, some bald mythological warrior. - I'm the god of war. - Kratos is the god of war, idiot. - And you, well I kinda like you. - Hey you guys, I think I've found something. - What the heck is that? - [Drift] Wait, I've seen these things on the History Channel. - Really, you, watch the History Channel? - Who the hell cares, there's a (bleep) ton of chests on it. (guns shooting) - Oh, (bleep). - Over there. It's LeBron James. We're getting ambushed. - I see a red line due west. Take that! (disappointing music) - Um, what the hell was that? - Stink bomb, get ready to smell like crap all day. - You realize you're gonna smell like crap too right? - Well, I. - And aren't those like $2,000 shoes? (heavy guitar music) - Ah, my shins, (beep). - Mister James, have you seen this burger? - Looks like I'll be taking my talents to heaven. - Wow, so much for the best team money can buy. Now, there should be one more squad member. Excuse me, mister park ranger, sir. Have you seen any enemies running around? - Hold on one second. - God of war, huh? Defeated by a shopping cart, tisk, tisk. - All right guys, enough bickering. Let's go investigate (gasps) A viking ship. Finally, I can learn more about my culture. - Hey check out that stupid llama face on your culture (laughs). - Right, so we're just gonna ignore the fact that we found an ancient Moine that appeared to inter-dimensionally travel here. - Shut up, Noir. - We also just left like four unopened chests on it. - [Ragnarok] Enough, Noir. (sad music) - I'm so excited to find out where I come from. - Hello, who's there? - Don't move, or I'll put a Dusty Divot in your chest. (record scratch) - My mans, my mans. Pause the tape. Now this (beep) right here, the compact SMG, c'mere boy. Bro, this gonna make your whole squad look like some doo-doo ass default noobs. Now this (beep) wouldn't knock even my hat off my head, just another crazy part of this trash ass game. All right, I'm out. (record scratch) - Wait, I come in peace. Me and my entire squad. We are only here to roam the island in enjoyment. Freedom, and eat the gross ass mushrooms off the ground. - I knew it! My culture is one of peace and love, I am so happy. - What, you're the most violent person I know. - Regardless of one's past, we're a squad that forgives. - Yes, Panda here is endangered. Tricera Ops people have all been murdered. And Chomp is on the run after mauling a lifeguard nearly to death. - Screw you, shark dude. I got a gnarly gash in my leg, bro. - Tell us what happened Tricera Ops. (people screaming) - (laughs fiendishly) Yes, all the dinos must be wiped off the earth. (laughs manically) - Guys, I have a pretty sketchy feeling about this. - Shut up, Drift, you're always scared of everything. Let's put a smile on that face, huh? - Now, come inside with me, and I will tell you the tale of an ancient place called Tomato Town. Now. - Damn it, why am I always dying first? - I knew it was a trap, just like that girl who catfished me. We met up and she slapped me with a catfish. (audience laughing) - Damn, I know I'm a snack, but this is ridiculous. (loud explosion) - Holy (beep). - You know, Viking culture has always been kind of lame, anyway. - Shut up, Drift. - You shouldn't be mad your culture ended up being some B.S. pee strap with some lame ass dinosaur. My harvesting tool. - Look Huntress, sometimes the place a person comes from doesn't affect them in any way at all. And sometimes people go through life never knowing where they come from. And sometimes, people do find out and realize where they come from completely sucks monkey (beep). But my point is, you decide how you let it affect you, okay? - What do you think that viking was going to tell us about? An ancient Tomato District? Sounds like it could be tied to the burger. - Would you shut up about that damn burger. - I wish, I wish I could. It's haunted me, haunted my dreams, my consciousness. I don't know, sometimes I wish that I could shut up about it. You know, you spend your whole life chasing something, and when I finally get it, I have no idea how I'm going to feel. I could be up to my nipples in a warm pool of regret. - This is the strangest car ride I've ever been on. Why don't we stop talking and listen to my new single, Luv Royale. ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ - Oh my god, this is terrible. - Please turn this off. - I'd rather listen to Lil Pump. - Okay, okay, Geez. Everybody's a critic. I can't imagine you guys doing any better. Hey, check it out. Those are the mushrooms that crazy viking was talking about. - Good, eat one, and shut up please. - Noir, you first. - Eat it, eat it, eat it. - Okay. But y'all some (beep). Not bad. - So why don't we head towards Wailing Woods? - Oh my god guys. It's the storm. (suspenseful music) - Turn the car around, get in. - Noir, hurry up. Noir? (voice echoes) - All right guys, this is it. Our chance to win the Battle Royale. A whole new squad taking over. - Ha, that was pretty cool wasn't it, Yeet? (majestic music) - Okay we should probably go check on Noir now. Noir, Noir wake up. Wake up Noir, season five is almost over. Noir, season six just started and there's some crazy cube floating island. Wake up Noir, Season six is over. We better get him to a hospital. - Screw that, I'm not carrying his ass. He's heavy. - Which direction is the hospital? - It's that way. - I know you guys are worried about Noir, but I have a replacement who is gonna help us out a lot. Hey, it's me, Noir. Has anybody seen that hamburger? - Guys, I have some bad news. - Wait, you look familiar. - Aren't you dead? - We weren't exactly able to get Noir back, but with modern technology, I was able to upload his consciousness into this robot llama. - Hey guys. - Noir? - Is it really you? - Yes it is. Luckily, now I can resume my quest for the burger. I will not stop until I find. - I like him better already. (lively music) - You guys, search the main floor. I'll go upstairs. - Wait, what do you think is down there? (dark suspenseful music) (quirky music) - [Ragnarok] This is strange. - Right? What kind of sociopathic douche would film themselves alone in their basement with a green screen? - Well, might as well keep looking around. Oh my god, it's Ninja. (suspenseful music) (phone dialing) - Hi, Epic Games? Yeah, yeah it's me. Yeah so this team just pretty much beat me. No, they're not stream sniping, I don't know if it's like a bug or something. - Wow, thank god you had that freeze trap. - I know, right? I was using it to keep Noir's body meat cold, so we could use it for food. Kidding, can you imagine? Yes, yes you can, you're imagining it right now. (gunshots) - Oh (beep). Our fort's gonna be destroyed from the bottom up. - Don't worry guys, I stole these clown condoms from the hospital. - Um, those are balloons. - You know, you probably just needed to use one or two of those. - Not a problem, maybe from here we can see Greasy Grove. I think that's where the burger could be. (Ragnarok shushes) - I'll show you my Greasy Grove. (suspenseful music) - Jesus, I'm freezing my buns off. - Buns, you say? - Not those kind of buns. - God, I hate this game. (record scratch) I mean uh, line? Oh, okay. Up there. (suspenseful music) There's a lot of metal in my skull. - Stand back. - Yes, looks like there's a plane here. - Wait, why did we even come in here if the plane is outside? - Who the hell wrote this piece of shit? (dramatic orchestral music) - Here we are at the Squad Season Finale. All the stars are just now arriving. - [Paparazzi] Todd, Todd, can we get a photo? - Yeah, I'm super excited about this finale. But what I'm even more excited to share with you guys, is the climate change documentary I'm executive producing. - My dress, it's an Alexander Wang. - Yeah, what? My mouth is small, is it that big of a deal? - A season three? Dude, I don't (beep) know. I'm holding out, I need at least seven figures. - [Cameraman] Right, and aren't you supposed to be a robot llama? - Come here. (suspenseful music) - All right, one, two, three. (guns firing) Just give me one second. - Well, (beep). - Let's head northeast. There's cover there and I think the storm is clear in that direction. - No, you've got no say in this, little boy. Huntress and I will decide. - No. For years I've heard a voice in my head saying, "Follow d-rift." I kept thinking I should be looking for a dimensional rift, and maybe the voice just had some sort of Jamaican accent or something. But now, with my new biotechnology, I realize d-rift is Drift. - Ha, follow me, (beep). (majestical music) - This, this is it. - What do you mean, it? Also, whatever happened to Yeet? - He got vaulted, just like everything else I've ever loved in this game. - Oh my gosh, so much history! Now where are they? - Who are they? - Guys, I haven't been entirely truthful with you. I'm not a robo-llama, I'm not really even Noir. - You're the Hamburglar? - That's right, that's how I was getting all those McFlurries. And now, for my ancestors, I must destroy this Tomato Temple, and I need to defeat. - Not so fast. - Ninja? We knocked him, he should've died. - Unless. - He had a squad with him in the game. - Well, well, well. - [Hamburglar] There they are. - That's right, Hamburglar, why don't you put your ancestors' spirits to rest now? And defeat us. - This is crazy. - No, it's history. During the Food Fight Wars, my people were destroyed. Tomatoes thrown all over them, ridiculed. So I became the Hamburglar to find the Burger and defeat him. But he grew strong and with his other edible allies. - That's right. And nobody is gonna. (gunshot) - Not so fast, beef boy. (suspenseful music) - It's Tfue. - No, it's Tanner. - Who the (beep) is Tanner? - Wait, how did you get out of prison? - Oh, you know, paid sponsorships, video promotions. I've seen some stuff, man. A lot of stuff. And if you wanna see some stuff, head over Vid Watch, the new content streaming app, and use the code roach to save on your subscription today. - But she was our doctor in the last episode. - Yeah, that was my doctor skin. - There's no doctor skin. - Okay, does anyone really pay attention to the lore? - I think the lore of this game is part of why it's not going anywhere. - What an idiot. - I know, right? This game is definitely dying, like bad. - No it's not, what are you talking about? They update the maps every season. There's tons of new vehicles. - Oh, yeah, because I can't ride on a shopping cart at Walmart. (group laughing) - Well, people are still buying battle passes, so. - Yeah, because it's pay to win. - That's it. - Well, there we go again, folks. Our heroes collide like a drunken semi-driver and a baby stroller. Oh, what? You wanna see the battle? Okay, roll it, Jim. - The storm is closing in. - All right, I'm not gonna get knocked first. (laughs) yes, in your face. (suspenseful music) - I'm so happy to be killing again. - No, Ragnarok. - Well, we're screwed. Game over, the fat lady is singing. - Wait, that's it, singing. Noir, put your DJ Yonder skin back on. Play this. - ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ - Oh my god, what is that terrible noise? - I can't take it. (screaming) - Just drown it out, Caroline. Nothing a little calming music can't fix. - Tanner, what are we gonna do? - I don't know, the music is so bad. - Maybe we should shoot each other at the same time and put one another out of this misery. - Oh, that won't be necessary. - Look, do you want v-bucks? I've got my mom's credit card. I can teach you how to build, I can edit stairs. - Ha, Jonesy, I don't care about any of that. I am sick of you and your default friends making us who buy the battle passes look bad. It's the most embarrassing thing in the world to lose to a default. And letting a default win Battle Royale is even worse. Now just in case anybody is watching. (Tanner screaming) - Good work, Noir. Looks like this season five parody is over just in time for season eight. (happy music) - So that was it, for reals this time. Turns out, Noir was secretly the Hamburgler. And the original squad of defaults had been sent by Epic Games to defeat Ninja, who had become too much of a dominant force in the game. I don't know, is that what happened? I was kind of in and out. Doesn't help that the writing is complete ass. Anyways, I'm glad I could provide some closure and clear that up for you. Bye, bye, now. (happy orchestral music)
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 8,494,001
Rating: 4.8028102 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite funny moments, fortnite battle royale funny moments, fortnite animated, fortnite battle royale, season 8 animation, arcadecloud, fortnite season 8, fortnite funny, fortnite season 7, fortnite new, funny, fortnite: battle royale, season 7 fortnite, fortnite animation, new fortnite season, squad, fortnite best, arcade cloud, drift, dj yonder, new fortnite update, Drift fortnite, ragnarok, fornite, cartoon fortnite, the squad, fortnite season 6, fortnite moments, fortnite
Id: zeF7WbEyULc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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