The Splatoon 3 Iceberg EXPLAINED: A Deep Dive into the Anarchy Splatlands

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the Splatoon Series has finally gotten its third game Splatoon 3 it brings you the old the stuff that we all love works well and meshes it with new features and content a brand new story mode new characters updates to multiplayer modes a card game new weapons and more ways to express yourself all of this combines together to create the most definitive version of Splatoon and if you're like me then you love all of the gameplay variety and enjoyment this brings but also you're a bit of a fiend for the lore and stories in these games right that's what I'll be presenting to you all in iceberg form I've made two videos like this covering Splatoon one and two so if you haven't seen those I'd recommend checking them out if you want to know more about the hidden and not so hidden things that lie in those games since this video will be mainly focused on Splatoon 3 but I hear you asking what is an iceberg well an iceberg or an iceberg chart is an image is used to layer information from top to bottom as well known to not very known with information sometimes becoming more mysterious and disturbing the further down the iceberg chart you go for this video we'll be taking a look at this Iceberg chart made by JG Ultra the previous videos I spoke to our creator and as you can see there's a lot to cover regarding the game's Story characters community and more we'll be going through every entry from top to bottom all five layers so buckle up get comfy and enjoy the Splatoon 3 iceberg foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign let's kick things off with official Splatoon map by Nintendo on the 7th of September 2022 Nintendo released part 1 volume 7 of their ask the developer regarding Splatoon 3. in this part producer Hisashi nogami game director seta inuy director shintaro Sato and sound director Toro minegashi asked questions about Splatoon 3 and the franchise as a whole in the interview transcript an image of the Splatoon world we know is attached giving us an incredible look into the scale and complexity of the lens everything's here even things we didn't know about and I will be your guide the border between inklings and octoling segmenting both societies with one labeled as a wasteland in the other as a Haven calamari County where the squid sisters grew up is off the map but still labeled there's a border Zone underneath here which houses agent 4's home presumably in a town and in Coastal Connector Road from their house leads up to the inkopolis area we became so accustomed to in Splatoon 1 and 2. we have roads leading to other places from here like Mount nantai the place where Pearl met Marina thinking she was some country bumpkin Marina went to the mountain every day for a week hoping to see Pearl there again and then they formed off the hook lucky for Marina pearl made her trips up there to practice her Shockwave causing singing so they were bound to see each other again they also contact agent 8 and Captain cuttlefish from there in the opto expansion from there we have the ingopolis tide Rider line Pearl's house is just outside of the city and since her family is Rich their house is stacked there's also a very interesting path Route 108 from the mountain that leads to splatsfield going past the cape where the great turf war between the inklings and the octarians happened well before the events of the Splatoon games maybe we'll get something about that in a future DLC in the octoling turf we can find octo Valley and octo Canyon the story mode areas from Splatoon 1 and 2 respectively from here we start to move to the left side of the map going past the salmonid swim Zone near encopolis which is the salmon run area of Splatoon 2. we can see here that there's a physical salmon Jammer Dam right here to restrict their swim Zone from getting too close to incopolis could this also be a way to prepare for what the book of midday chapter 10 verse 10 is prophesying as shown in Splatoon 2's 17th sunken scroll you know when the smoke rises from the seven seas and the pink fish emerged from the sea devouring all the creatures of the land too from here Hammerhead bridge now open connects incopolis to splatsville passing the Nils statue and the deep sea Metro accessible by Commander Tata and the incopolis underground we have the outer splatlands desert in the north Anarchy Bay and the salmanid swim own in the South where we do salmon runs in Splatoon 3 we can also find splatsville our new home a bustling City where we can participate in turf wars training splatfests salmon runs table Turf Battles by gear buy stuff for our lockers giant porta potty and really just hang out and finally we have the crater where the start of the story mode takes place before we're taken to Altona The Last Resort it really puts it all into perspective just how much there is and how many places we go to and are referenced over the three games so let's go visit Altona the main area for Splatoon 3 story mode Return of the mammalians after investigating the fuzzy ooze around the crater Captain cuddlefish the new agent 3 and little body get dragged into Altona one of Humanity's last shelters built in the depths of a volcanic crater the humans built a society where they wanted to survive preserve their already gathered knowledge image and prosper again they built the AI Orca which acted as a keeper of Humanity's Collective knowledge knowledge that Commander Tada the AI antagonist from Splatoon 2's opto expansion was presumably supposed to pass down to the next capable species and it talks to US during Splatoon 3 story mode chiming in every now and again but most importantly giving us access to the Alterna logs logs that inform us of Humanity's fate the humans also refine the body fluids of the squids that lived in the volcano's ocean and turned them into liquid crystals the crystals reacted to the humans thoughts and feelings by projecting images of their desires the surface of the Earth which were used to create altona's artificial Sky I'll get into all of that later with Craig cuttlefish missing and it being revealed to us that is no longer the captain the new new squid big Splatoon made up of agent 1 AKA Kelly agent 2 AKA Marie the Captain the new captain formerly known as agent 3 and the new agent 3 go through the six Altona sites to rescue coddlefish we don't see anything from agent 4 agent 8 Pearl or Marina but the Splatoon does get help from little buddy you know just just a little bit of help and some help from deep cut the Anarchy Splat cast presenters of splatsville consisting of shiver fry and big man as well as being presenters they secretly banned us who steal treasure sell them and share the profits with those who aren't so fresh in splatsville and they take a small cut too so let's take a closer look at each member Shiva she's an octoling that can be a bit cold cuckoo crazy and has Allied herself with sharks as we see in Splatoon 3's sunken scroll 3 and her boss fight she rides Master Mega who attacks for her a clear reference to a Megalodon an extinct shark species known for its size her name refers to shivering being cold and is a clear reference to a cool color design with the occasional craziness in personality and in her eyes and most importantly a shiver is the term for a group of sharks in other languages her name also ref references sharks and if you're Spanish you get Megan Fry on the other hand is an inkling pretty much Shivers opposite she's loud extroverted and knows the ways of the Onaga Clan's moray eel manipulation as shown in Splatoon 3 sunken scroll 11. we see this in a boss fight as she attacks agent 3 with eels her name derives from the word fry a method used to cook food heat hot the opposite of cold and of course fry is the term used to describe a group of eels in other languages her name also references eels and if you're Spanish Angie and finally we have the legend big man the manta ray the first we've seen of his kind he's this black cast's hype man who usually reacts to his other co-host dialogue in entertaining ways even acting as a sort of backdrop for them at times as seen in Splatoon 3 sunken scroll 12 he's part of the Manta Clan and this is their early morning ritual to enhance the Mind Body and bodily toxins nice and hey maybe this ritual helps him do whatever um whatever this is during his boss battle his name's origin probably comes from what he is a manta ray big manta ray big Manta big man in other languages his name mainly references the fact that he is a manta ray and if you're Spanish you get reyan I just love the Spanish translations of their names they're strangely cute unique and I would say they're very fitting for them we also confirm that fry and big man are part of Clans which begs the question is Shiva part of one too probably take a look at Splatoon 3 sunken scroll 2. long ago our splattered lands were almost washed away by a great flood all was presumed lost until three lights appeared and United to consume the disaster thankful for their salvation the townsfolk threw a festival with three portable shrines as a tribute those logos sure do look like Clan Insignia and look at what they did some sort of swirl information to consume now looking at each of their designs You could argue that each announcer is based on a culture of some kind Shiva Japanese fry Middle Eastern or Indian and big man Brazilian if this is the case then The Inspirations from these cultures create some very creative and fun personalities attached to these characters and here's a fun fact they'll recognize you as agent 3 in splatsville after you've beaten the story mode when you walk up to this black cast room window waving and saying hello differently compared to if you hadn't beaten it in the story mode despite starting off as pseudo-antagonists they help out during the final section of the game leading to the final fight and then the great zap fish is returned having been taken by Mr Grizz Mr grizz's reveal after agent 3 beats shiver the site 4 boss Mr Grizz out of all people reveals himself as cuttlefish's kidnapper so agent 3 goes through sites 5 and 6 to get to the final section of the game the captain cuts through the fuzzy ooze and agent 3 climbs their way to the rocket on the way we find cuttlefish dehydrated by Griz and then [Music] foreign [Music] look I think we all had our theories on who Grizz would be and if he would have any part in Splatoon 3 story mode I even touched on these ideas in my Splatoon Iceberg part 2 video making the assumption that the salmonids will be a vital part of the story mode and Grizz will either be an ally or a foe well Grizz is definitely a foe there were theories out there that Grizz would be revealed to be a bear mainly due to the Bear posters we see on the arc Polaris salmon run map I always thought it would be ridiculous for him to be a bear but you know what I think it works his design and how he's handled in the story fits in very well and caught me way off guard it was all a possibility and even then I didn't see it coming I also didn't see the amount of corporate talk and jokes he makes coming either it always gave me a chuckle but what about the salmonids they aren't exactly a vital part of the story but rather little body and the golden eggs are Splatoon 3 3. sunken scroll 8. Salman is mature by returning to the waters where they were spawned sometimes in very rare cases a young salmonid will stray too far from their original school during a run and become lost their wandering quests to return home can lead to prolonged starvation and an insatiable appetite we can confidently assume that our small fry little buddy has lost their way to their spawning grounds causing this insatiable hunger but without them agent 3 wouldn't be able to progress through each site and we wouldn't have been able to defeat Grizz in space with our small fry powering up into huge fry little body big body and three lights again uniting to consume a disaster first in the splattered lands and now here in space against a world-ending threat that would have turned Earth into a giant fuzzball turning every land creature into a mammal oh but none of this could have happened either if it weren't for DJ Octavio flying in to stop agent 3 and Lil buddy from plummeting back to Earth and for remixing calamari incantation again the three mix beautifully incorporating his style deep cuts and of course the squid sisters he's just an absolute Legend he was accused of stealing the great zap fish by cuttlefish Was Defeated and still helped agent 3 defeat Grizz to save his octarians and the world but how did Grizz accumulate all of this power the Ooze the rocket ship by using the golden eggs unsuspecting inklings and octolings collected under grizzco during Splatoon twos and Splatoon 3's salmon runs as a potent energy source alongside the great zap fish ironically the golden eggs and a salmonid gave him his doom and the return of the mammalians was stopped even so we can still participate in summon runs so who's in charge of grizzcon now I'll explain later in the video moyo lockers and other meme lockers going back to splatsville the lobby area through this door here leads to the locker area where you can view friends and other players lockers it doesn't have much functionality but it's neat you can get things to put in your locker by going to hotlantis and buying stuff from Harmony by finding things in the story mode or by using the Shell drone unlocked after beating story mode there's a lot of goofy stuff you can find and buy so naturally people have taken advantage of that in the form of meme lockers the biggest one we've seen is the Muay lockers whether it's just the moyo by itself kitted out or threatening the player they're there we have other lockers too like ones with just a gun in them specific items and so on why not go forth and make an absolute monstrosity of a locker player projections back to the lobby area you can practice your aim and movement while waiting for a battle or just for the fun of it you'll also have noticed that your friends are projected onto some sort of the seating areas in the lobby and you can see their most recent activity and if they all randoms are partied up with you then they'll get projected in the shooting range area of the lobby if they're on it as some sort of 2D nightmare it can be hard to spot but the projections actually come from a projector mounted on the ceiling and you can even see the light coming from the projector it's a small but neat detail that helps immerse you into the game's world and you can see the same thing happen in the salmon run lobby area 2. weapon redesigns and Origins a lot of weapons have been redesigned for Splatoon 3 to make them look a bit more fresh and to fit the game's overall aesthetic for the most part they're pretty cool some are very subtly changed While others have drastic changes and you'll be able to tell if you sunk a lot of hours into the Splatoon series obviously each weapon in the game is based off of a real-life weapon or object some of these are very obvious like a water gun an NES zapper a paint roller a paintbrush a bucket Etc some of the Inspirations I think are particularly interesting are the 96 scale redesigned with a barrel Source from a water purification device the tri-slosha a fresh new design based off of a paintbrush cleaning bucket honestly all of the buckets have cool Inspirations like the sloshing machine based off of a washing machine the blah blah one of my favorite weapons based off of a bathtub and the explosure based off of a few dual canister and heater ballpoint splatling is based off of a well ballpoint pen The Clash Blaster my all-time favorite weapon in the Splatoon Series yeah that's right I'm that guy and I love being that guy and it's based off of a pencil sharpener that fires crayon ammo a complete contrast to the Blaster and range Blaster which is inspired by a hot rod car design and spray can and that brings us to Splatoon 3's new weapon classes stringers and splatanas based off of bows and katanas respectively the splatanas are a bit more interesting design wise seeing as the splatano wiper is based off of a car wiper and the swatana Stamper is based off of a wheeled date stamp although it does look like a chainsaw as well as every weapon having real life Inspirations they're based off of they can also have in-game explanations to why they exist like the previously mentioned explosia made from a repurposed industrial heater according to Sheldon which year that does fit in with the design the one I find the most interesting is the Dynamo roller Sheldon tells us that he designed it using his granddads and Moses shellendorf's blueprints it flings with incredible power due to the Dynamo moda in it which also weighs it down a bit causing a longer swing World building it really immerses you into the game's world and it's some cool stuff now to end off the first layer we have new hidden Salmon Run waves Salmon Run returns in Splatoon 3 as Salmon Run next wave with this comes new maps a whopping two and a total of three total playable maps on release yeah so the one returning from Splatoon 2 is the spawning grounds and you know what I have a gripe with these new stages gone fishing Hydra plant is too small and the tide goes high for what feels like 70 of the time so the map gets even smaller than it usually is and Sockeye station I mean it's alright the small Tower is great for charge weapons and most times there's enough room to move around most times I say there's a chance that new maps are going to be slowly released for us to play too other than the new stages there's new bosses like the fish stick flipper Flopper Big Shot slamming lid mug mouth and Coho Zuna a new reward system that lets you buy stuff to customize your character and Locker new gear to grind for wild card weapon rotations and New Waves available to play 24 7 focusing on the new hidden waves we have three firstly we have the mod mouth eruption mod mouths are a new boss type enemy thought to be the spirit who haunt the depths of the splatland Seas but due to the Youth of splatsville throwing bombs into their mouths to defeat them we now know that they're just salmonids who've gotten stuck in a pipe and coated in mud so naturally they are robbed out of the holes from gushers those Grace with the red knobs on them and they spawn lesser salmonids from their mouths they take a total of four bomb throws or sudden attack projectiles in their mouths to defeat and they drop golden eggs when taking damage and defeated there are golden variants of mud mouths that drop more golden eggs when defeated and they spawn quahawks the bigger lesser salmonids honestly it's a pretty fun wave to get since it's a lot more laid back than the usual ones and presents its own unique challenge changes another New Wave we have is the giant tornado a tornado appears and shoots boxes of golden eggs onto dry land for players to break open and take to the egg basket salmon is Will fling around the player and each golden egg collected will be worth two eggs because of the long distance between the boxes and the basket just like the mudmouth wave this one is also pretty laid back and you can easily get around 30 or so eggs each time you complete the wave and that brings us to the extra wave the new fourth wave you'll notice that as you play salmon run a meter depicting a big-ass salmonid will begin to fill once it's full and you complete a salmon run the completion music will distort and this will happen foreign boss whose name derives from the quahogs and Yokozuna the highest rank in professional sumo wrestling the name definitely fits the profile your aim is to take this thing out before the time limit hit zero with your allocated weapons and the Egg Cannon bosses will still spawn and drop golden eggs so instead of putting them in the basket you can lob them at kohozuna and anything in your way to do a nice chunk of damage this boss puts up a good challenge as you have to balance killing lesser salmonids bosses and attacking kojo zuno but as your rank and hazard level increases it starts to get way too hard especially on smaller stages and high tide unless you're an absolute Beast defeating or losing to kohozuna rewards you with scales of differing Rarities bronze silver and gold which can be used to buy Cosmetics with the types and amounts of scales you get being based off of your ranking and hazard level 2. hopefully we get some new king salmanid bosses that'll appear in the extra waves too kojo Zune is fun but leaves you wanting more plus it'll make for some fun variety [Music] for this layer I've enlisted the help of a Creator you may know from a previous Splatoon Iceberg video or another one of my videos we've collabed before and here we go again without further Ado give a big round of applause for big Mars hello what's up Gamers How We Do how we doing thank you so much to Sunflower for having me uh I'm really happy to be here so let's get straight into it with uh Lobby takeovers ever since platoon one players have been able to create posts for other players to see an in-game main Hub areas uh via the mailbox during Splatoon 3's lifespan including the demo we've seen a few Lobby takeovers done by using this same feature a takeover happens when a bunch of people make posts related to a topic meaning that every post you see in the lobby is related to that same topic you have your usual ones related to Splatoon content like splatfest but you also have ones that are related to things outside of Splatoon among us some furries are popular uh post related these have been blasted all over Splatoon 2 and of course return for Splatoon 3. during the demo Among Us was all over the main Hub and obviously still appears here and there however some of the furry posts were a bit um grotesque you know depraved furry [ __ ] it's not something you want to stumble upon when you're playing Splatoon of all games and if it's something you want to see or even post [ __ ] off don't bring to the children's game what this stuff was especially High during the last splatfest the gear vs grub versus fun and like I'm not saying you completely get rid of furry stuff there's people creating beautiful not so explicit furry art and that's fine all in all though it's pretty interesting to see what gets posted and what events dictate that cheater Splatoon 1 and 2 tracks heard in lobby there are a lot of songs from previous games that have made their way into platoon 3 and not just in the lobby wave prism broken Coral oh oh [ __ ] this is one of the long ones oh you sneaky devil you all right come on I can do this I can do this okay Jesus there's so many really you silly [ __ ] all right wave prism broken Coral Riptide rupture shipwreck and fins and Fiddle seafoam Shanty seasick kenosis chop screwery and tropical ink mowing incoming incoming rip entry undertow don't slip and dolphin surge shellfish spin Splat hooks Sucker Punch split attack incus pink it's a Seascape cracking up and meta little pod foreign do you recognize any of these any of them sound familiar because if you played any of the previous games and you've definitely heard them at one point it's nice to see songs returned too there's already so many new songs that it's nice to see some of the old ones return canonically all of the songs found in Splatoon games are made by in-game bands so the songs wouldn't just disappear also that's one of the things I love about Splatoon how the lore is so interwoven because like if you look into it as well you could there's like the bands like break up and stuff like the band from Splatoon 1 I'm pretty sure breaks up and you can see some of the characters in later games I don't know it's really cool scheming that s or B2 dude in test fire Lobby that s or B2 dude what is a spot two where that's been uploading Splatoon content ever since platoon 1 and has cemented himself as a big part of the community during Splatoon 3's demo his inkling was found by loads of people standing outside of grizzco Industries looking like he was scheming something who's planning a bit of tomfoolery immediately was posted all over Twitter to the point where dude noticed and made reference to it in a Twitter post by Milana another spot tuber it was a pretty funny situation and dude even made a video about it which I've been showing throughout this entry Nintendo app in case you didn't know Nintendo has this all-in-one app you can download for smart devices it allows you to see which of your friends are online and use Nintendo's voice chat services and as well you can get like some game specific Services which platoon 3 has a lot of you can order one piece of gear per day that isn't in regular splatville Shops look at and create the freshest fits for your stats cheer on Krusty Sean all while on the bike what who the hell is crusty Sean what is this cheer on crusty Sean while he goes on a bike Journey with the turf you've Inked Landing you some exclusive gear check your catalog album weapon stages flat Fest Story Mode 3 plays Duke your code stuff change settings check stages and game modes and be your battle and salmon run history there's a lot going on in the app and I'd recommend checking it out mainly for the daily gear drops but one other cool thing you can do with the app is you can add app related widgets to your phone home screen if your phone allows them you'll be able to see stuff like current gears stages on rotating and the rotation schedule from your phone's home screen okay that's [ __ ] sick actually sorry I didn't write this script but this that's that's so cool that's so cool if if that was around during Splatoon 1 I would have I would have had that all over my phone all over my phone JoJo's Bizarre Adventure diamond is unbreakable reference Splatoon 3 sunken scroll 5 for the inklings and octolings of the splatlands aggressive action is the best way to make a splash in the local sense Utes will often dress themselves in a style of delinquent or hooligan to imitate peers during combative courtship rituals known as rumbles after singing and reading this I wouldn't be surprised if it was a reference to josuke from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure as a whole actually it has to be it has to be right it's all there the attitude the exaggerated facial expressions the Japanese lettering the uniform the hairstyle the probable reference to josuke's deliquint or hooligan style inspired by fashion of the 90s High School hoodlum thog and Yakuza overall 10 out of 10 scroll and for the final entry we have there's a highway system underneath splatsville underneath this glass area in the hub area we can see a highway with cars driving around on it this is strange because we see roads in slatsville so why are there some below it the rows up here are blocked off so it was an underground highway made to make sure traffic could still pass through the area just below it it's hard to say and it's kind of strange I get that the inklings and octalings are constantly walking these streets here but to block off this whole area indefinitely in a major city because of some kids hanging out is is just bizarre all we do know is that the main Hub area is blocked off from road traffic and there's a highway or some sort of road underneath and just like that we're done we're done ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed uh thank you again to some flower for having me he's really great I hope you enjoyed the video the videos such a [ __ ] Banger so far man I've been loving it whoa um if you want to check out my stuff you can go over to Big Marsh on YouTube or my twitch big Marsh TV a big big it's a big Marsh for covering layer 2. he's an awesome guy that makes great content on his channel and he streams so if you think you'd be interested in what he makes why not give him a watch and subscribe foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] S I said I would talk about their fate so here we go all of this can be read in the Altona logs found through playing Splatoon 3 story mode log001 the fall of humanity as technology advanced at an exponential rate so too did prosperity and ultimately conflict before long the entire world was embroiled in the end nearly all life on Earth was wiped out as humans squabbled natural disasters intensified volcanic eruptions leveled cities the sea Rose and began to consume the planet Humanity experienced a mass extinction event soon the surface of the Earth became a Barren Wasteland completely inhospitable to life era against the odds computed to be 42 791 to 1 Some Humans survived therefore the planet was only nearly completely inhospitable to life these survivors found shelter in a vast Cavern created by cataclysmic volcanic eruption the cavern provided shelter and a massive pool of accumulated sea water provided life for while Humanity was being decimated marine life flourished all manner of squids octopuses and Jellyfish had propagated in the Deep the surviving humans had found a source of sustenance log002 the rise of civilization again the surviving humans appointed scientists to lead their new Society believing that science would provide a wiser path forward fully empowered these scientists took on the Monumental task of establishing a sustainable ecosystem within the cavern they dubbed this new Society Altona and began the process of recreating the earth they had once known of course not even the scientists are immune to Nostalgia the humans began constructing large-scale 3D printing operations this allowed them to create some of Humanity's favorite artifacts within the confines of Altona additionally they created a robust information management system designed to indelibly record all of Humanity's precious knowledge such a system would naturally require some sort of Record Keeper a computer that could autonomously observe and record data the scientists achieved their aim with the development of orca also known as the omniscience recording computer of Altona log003 a new sky as life in Altona move forward one scientist discovered a new way to make liquid crystals from the bodily fluids of squids these new crystals could change color in response to faint and fleeting electrical signals emitted by living organisms to put that in more human terms these crystals could read minds and then output imagery that match the viewers innermost thoughts humans were enchanted with this new invention and began Mass producing the crystals eventually they lined the walls and roof of Altona as the crystals absorb the collective desires of those in Altona they assume the appearance of the sky as it was seen on the surface long ago at last after 25 years of being confined beneath the Earth Humanity could once again look up and see the sky log004 Humanity's final day the years passed with prosperity the population of Altona grew like a rising tide the scientists now Elders of their kind believe they had done all they could to advance the civilization of Altona they began selecting new leaders to succeed them entrusting to them the world they helped to build Humanity's new leaders inherited both the Brilliance of their predecessors and their unquenchable thirst for Innovation this new generation born and raised in deep Alterna would prove to be every bit the match of those they were to succeed they soon grew Restless at the site of the Liquid Crystal Sky believing they deserve to behold the reality that existed outside the cavern the elders who knew what awaited outside the safe haven of Altona issued stern warnings to the Brash young scientists nevertheless the young scientists pressed on with their plan the construction of a massive rocket ship to escape Escape Alterna sadly as the boosters were ignited for the first time during the launch test tragedy struck the energy from the rocket boosters overloaded the cavern's liquid crystals a violent and terrible Chain Reaction ensued without warning the stone walls of the cavern began to shatter raining debris down on Humanity Altona the last civilization of once prosperous Humanity was no more and those few who escaped the Carnage were soon followed into death you'd think after what we've read that this rebuilding of human society in a cavern was Humanity's final chance of survival but if you complete the final secret level of the story mode which requires a lot of hard work skill and patience you will unlock a secret Alterna log .exe recall for a moment the first apocalypse that devastated the human race those who escaped into the caverns of Altona were not the sole survivors there were others who escaped via a giant rocket ship the arc Polaris launched in the nick of time this ship was Laden with many of Earth's species that had been placed in a cold sleep the mission was simple find another planet to replace the Earth considering the circumstances of its launch the Polaris had a smooth Voyage until it reached the edge of the solar system it was at that point that debris struck the vessel damaging its navigation system the crew was able to turn the ship around and head back toward Earth but the effort was in vain there was not enough fuel to attempt a landing The Arc Polaris drifted aimlessly for ten thousand years eons passed the one stable orbit of Polaris decayed over time until the ship found itself in the inescapable pool of the Earth's gravity re-entry was not kind to its inhabitants all perished save one the humans of Altona and the humans of the arc Polaris all met with a terrible fate Humanity truly is no more if the name Arc Polaris rings a bell then there's a good reason for it I mentioned it earlier in the video because ruins of Arc Polaris is a playable stage in Splatoon 2 salmonron this area has the ruins of the ship floating in the water and something peculiar I also mentioned that we can find signs warning us of an active bare area what makes these signs such anomalies is that their warnings to be careful of a mammal and they're written in English a stark contrast to everything else found in Splatoon and now we know why we saw those warnings now the name of the ship is important as well Arc most likely a reference to Noah's Ark the vessel that Noah built to save himself his family and the world's animals from a flood that got Unleashed on the world in the Book of Genesis The Arc Polaris did have animal life on board other than human life and the ship did fly away from a disaster on Earth so there are some similarities now that brings us to Polaris a star that's part of the Ursa Minor Star constellation Ursa is also the Latin word for Bear one big bear one small bear Ursa Minor Ursa Major could it all be related somehow I talked about some of this stuff in my other Splatoon Iceberg video specifically the part two one so it's pretty cool to see some of this stuff start to make more sense what might also be interesting to point out is that we get two bear signs but we know that there were at least three bears on the ship could these two things have nothing to do with each other or is there more to Grizz being an ursine anomaly but going back to log.exe I didn't read it all the one creature that survived Arc polaris's Crash Landing was you'll find out later but you can already guess who that was how inklings came to be one thing I chose to not mention until now is that there are a total of seven alternate logs and this entry relates to logs five and six log005 fresh intelligence awakens as the inner walls of Altona collapsed thousands of tons of rock and liquid crystals plunged into the waters below as these crystals wash to and fro among the Flotsam and Jetsam of Humanity's former Colony they broke into microscopic fragments because they had repeatedly absorbed and reflected Humanity's wishes over so many years the crystals now retain those feelings little by little the squids octopuses and assorted sea creatures that thrived in the waters of Altona absorb these crystals into their bodies this process continued until one day the marine organisms began to feel something something fresh these fresh impulses bore a striking resemblance to Humanity's passive desire to return to the Earth's surface spurred by these impulses and whatever else may have been floating in the polluted Waters the sea creatures began to evolve rapidly each species developed pulmonary respiration mobility and other traits consistent with land-dwelling creatures they began to adapt their intelligence grew at a remarkable Pace across Generations some species even gained extraordinary camouflage capabilities a point of no return arrived the sea creatures of Altona set foot on dry land and never looked back like humans they strove for the surface of course Survival on land was harsh but the creatures were persistent soon they found the tunnels that humans had used to escape the apocalypse with their path forward now clear these fresh fledgling beings left the ruins of Altona behind and set their sights on the surface world log006 the land of fresh Beginnings the beings that emerge from the water soon emerged from the cavern of Altona itself from there they flourish quickly it wasn't long before they had explored every corner of the world this epical event gave great significance to the crater above Altona and its surrounding territories now referred to as the splatlands the region would from that point on be known as the land of fresh Beginnings among the creatures that now thrive on the surface these newly evolved beings having scattered themselves across the globe soon gave rise to distinct cultures and unique ways of life out of all the species now roaming the Earth squids and octopuses soon distinguish themselves via intelligence and fresh Vibes so to speak it wasn't long before they became the Apec species of the planet now I must fast forward a bit five thousand years later A peculiar individual was born this squid quickly Rose to Fame in the splatlands due to some unique characteristics yes this individual was embraced as a prophet gifted with numerous Revelations that they shared among their fellow squids it was another turning point for squid kind during this period the foundations for modern cephalopod civilization were lead that individual squid is now widely known and celebrated as the progenitor of the modern day Inkling and that's how sea life became land lovers all of the Mysteries surrounding how this came to be has been answered not the explanation I was expecting but it's Unique and works nonetheless what do you think of the explanation do you like it do you hate it if you had a theory on all of this how good was your guess let us know in the comments section down below continuing on with talk of Altona Alterna Skybox the Skybox in Altona has what I believe to be two anomalies on it firstly this massive black shape of nothingness surrounded by glitchy crystals alternolog 004 explained that these crystals that surrounded Altona were overloaded during a rocket launch test a violent and terrible Chain Reaction ensued and the walls of the cavern shattered raining debris on Earth's last remaining humans so then why does the Skybox look mostly clean you'll even have noticed that the ground level of Altona still has broken and sunken remnants of humanity but I think that Grizz attempted to clean up the place seeing as it's not a complete mess and the sky is mostly back but this point in the Sky Box isn't fixed so maybe it's unfixable or maybe it's the first point in which the crystals started to overload a reminder now the second anomaly is where things get a little spicy look at the shape of this Cloud right here does that not look like a zap fish to you specifically the great sapfish if griss were to a fixed Altona Sky then maybe his wants and dreams imprinted A little bit onto the crystals too he did need the great zap fish to launch his rocket so could that have been the Catalyst and Could This Cloud next to it be a golden egg too opponent fuel source something Grizz also needed the egg part might be a bit of a stretch considering that this Cloud might just be a small dot but hey I feel like some connections can be made Captain agent 3 is confined to this way and booya for the most part they're silent throughout the story mode having Marie speak on their behalf however after beating Grizz and saving the world you can return to Altona and you'll be greeted by the gang after some talking this happens [Music] a Booyah from the captain the first thing they say this is an obvious reference to the fact that we the players also use Booyah to communicate with teammates in each game among other phrases I did state that the captain used to hold the agent 3 title and that's because they were the playable inkling in Splatoon 1 story mode as a side note by default the captain is female and has green eyes but if the game detects an octo expansion save file then agent 3 will look like the one the player described in the expansion that's why my agent 3 is male and not female anyway my whole point here is that in Splatoon 1 we play as the captain formerly agent 3 it's most likely that they booya because we the players communicate with phrases like Booyah and they've been able to communicate with these phrases since platoon 1 and it's a general nod to that but despite this Marie is able to speak for the captain telling us what they've said he even questioning if we can hear them so there has to be more to how the captain communicates right unless Marie is pulling our leg and she's making up what she thinks the captain is thinking or wants to say mummified squid Splatoon 3 sunken scroll 21 seems these are instructions on how to mummify an inkling maybe in olden times inklings thought if they preserved their bodies after death they could be revived someday but that's well there's no way this is a real one stuck here right no of course it isn't right huh unless I have a pretty good feeling that this actually is a mummified squid and it looks like a dried squid snack Splatoon one sunken scroll 4 shows us that inklings went through some sort of Egyptian inspired period so the act of mummifying adds up this act is done to preserve a body through embalming and wrapping it in cloth or by drying a body to preserve it the second one clearly applies here I explained this in my previous Splatoon Iceberg videos but did you know that according to the art of Splatoon a book full of official art from Splatoon inklings can preserve their bodies by Sun drying and in the Octo expansion it's noted that inklings lose their ink and become drier with age so that explains why cuttlefish is over 100 years old and looks crusty maybe this ties together why cuddlefish was able to be rehydrated after getting sucked dry after being all dried up because he was mummified and then revived when he's body reacted with the moisture of the captain's tear could that be the method needed to revive a mummified inkling tears are mostly made out of water so it's no wonder why we never see any sort of revivals outside of being splattered and respawning because inklings don't react well to water so who would have thought to revive an inkling with water tri-color turf war is rigged come on we've all been thinking it if the game actually allows you to play the game mode during a Splat Fest you may notice that it can be a bit of an uphill battle for a certain team that team being the team of four if you don't know a tricolor turf war is a splatfest only game mode where three teams versus each other so a 4v4 V4 no a 2v4 V2 a 4v4 V4 would be too much fun for Splatoon servers to handle the team that's ahead when the halftime report is announced is the team of four and the other two teams play in pairs of two the team of four spawn in the middle of the stage with the other team spawning on the other sides and then a turf war is played out there's also an ultra signal that spawns in the middle of the map and the team that claims it has their team's Idol representative calm and Reign Inc everywhere so why is it rigged the team of four is sandwiched between two other teams constantly pushing into them where the middle is no not only does the team of four have to fight a constant uphill battle but these matches can have a massive influence on which team wins A splatfest if your team's winning at half time and then struggles during the tri-color Turf War then say goodbye to winning a splatfest because the game mode may not be as balanced as it can be You could argue that we've seen proof of this before the game even came out during the test fire with scissors winning at the halftime report and then the tri-color turf war came in and rock one I know what I said didn't happen in every region but it's still something to think about going into the future purposefully throwing to avoid being the team with the highest amount of points at half time anyone and now for the final entry of this layer we have tactical is insane Buffs truly the Buffs given by the beverages that are handed out by the cooler are insane taking a beverage gives you 29 ability points in swim speed and run speed and 57 ability points in intensify action quick super jump quick respawn special saver and ink resistance for those of you who don't know or understand what action points are also known as AP they're a unit of measurement in Splatoon given to a player's Main and sub abilities with 10 AP being given by a main and three AP by a sub to put that into perspective if you have three pieces of gear all with the same Main and sub abilities you'll have 57 AP in that ability the same amount of AP as most of the Tactical as Buffs and these Buffs last 15 seconds long or if a player gets splattered before that time and can last longer if the player are using the tactic cooler special has special power up equipped the cooler can't be destroyed by both teams ink so you can use it as a small wall to hide behind too despite all of these incredible upsides there's a few small downsides honestly I don't even know if I call them downsides because they're not that bad the AP given by a beverage does not stack with abilities on equipped gear so if you have 23 AP in swim speed and then you get the Tactical as buff you get an extra 6 AP and if you have something like 35 AP you get no buff same thing applies to the abilities that get boosted by 75 AP I can understand having 29 AP in run and swim speed but the other abilities that rarely happens and even if it does so what you go from Big to Big with the other Buffs speaking of Buffs the quick super jump and quick respawn can be negated if you're splattered by someone with respawn Punisher that's one of the only ways to counter the Buffs given by the cooler and you only counter two out of the seven Buffs while also handicapping yourself with respawn Punisher since it also affects the user so yeah the Tactical as Buffs are insanely good I'd say it's one of the best specials in the game so if you haven't on your weapon kit why not play into it and put some special charge and special power up on your gear to become the ultimate team support [Music] Harmony has been a character since platoon 1 but made her debut in three Harmony is the sea anemone girl who stepped in to run the hot Lantus General Store in the manager's absence you know the store where you can buy items for your locker and claim catalog Level Up Rewards she also has a small clown fish in her hair just like Annie the cooler heads headgear shop owner in Splatoon 1 and splatnet gear shop owner for Splatoon 2 and 3. just like Annie's clown fish it too is neglected and dying she is the vocalist synth player and is in charge of the visuals for the band abxy with their localized name being more recognizable chirpy chirps the chirpy chirps are a four-person chiptune style band most likely inspired by the real world Japanese chiptune band ymck so that makes abxy their Japanese name which probably references the ABX and Y buttons found on Modern Gaming controllers and you can see a loose resemblance of this text on their album art the chirpy chirps banty and even on Splatoon 1 and 2's heavy splatling remix the band members consist of obviously Harmony nuigi and inkling and the band's guitarist and backup vocalist Ray Yan a flapjack octopus and the band's bassist and shikaku a crab and the band's drummer so far we've heard a total of four of their songs shelfai and split and splat first heard in Splatoon 1 and then there are two other songs blistered and wave prism first heard in Splatoon 2. you can also hear them all in the lobby area of Splatoon 3 and their Marie's favorite band as stated in Splatoon 2 at The tentakil Outpost you'll also notice that their album cover in Splatoon 2 has various Nintendo consoles in it which hints to the band's music being created with sounds from those consoles among other things I know I've brought this up in the video but World building this sort of stuff is amazing at creating immersion soon that sucks you into the game's world making you feel like it's been lived in dead fish's songs are about her life after sanitization making a quick detour back to Splatoon 2 this theory was thought up by the iceberg Creator himself JG ultro in saying that he's going to present his theory and take us through it there was once in octal warning Godless by the name of the tsuda ahatu her early life circumstances to this day are still unknown presumably in her teens she began to start making music it was called her by her moniker dead fish from here on out she became an underground hit among England culture infused ended up starting to Pile in after you after deal none of them seemed appealing for dead fish's career just a dead end she wanted more one day after a walk in the harbor she was offered a special deal leaving golfless with no music deals or joined the deep sea Metro and reached stardom she of course decided to leave for the deep sea Metro that's where everything came crashing down unlike popular belief tracklist does not represent the order of the songs instead I believe that these audio logs are about a tragedy the zombification process this is the demise of dead fish entry number zero shell she's in the process of sanitization and currently during the process is becoming a shell of her former self entry number one progress after finally being free from the sanitization progress she's finally beginning to make music not only to become famous in the ranks of Cambo corpse but also feeding into her corruption entry number two ripped refused about being ripped and separate from the reality she once knew and is because starting to begin a new life entry number four zono she has no idea why it's the way she is and is beginning to go insane not understanding your circumstances entry number five thirsty during the sanitization progress sanitization is to make something clean and well perfect while dehydrating the people affected makes them all thirsty because they're all dried up and on the brink of death entry number six frisk Frisk of either one of two things it's either searching for something illegal in law but it could also mean to leap and Skip frolically meaning that currently during her process she's now perfect and happy entry number eight regret forget her decision to go to Campbell Court and is currently in the process of coping about ruining her life so she made the song regret entry number nine party this mostly means that she's beginning to participate in the octoline's inhabitants in Cambo Corp and she's beginning to transform her life entry number 11 above it's another song based offered for coping it wanted to be back onto the surface again entry number 12 awake a song potentially better insomnia and only being able to make music until she dies Andrew number 13 shade her doubt that she'll never make it back to the surface and is in the cast of a shade of Doubt Mission Number 14 Crush finally being Crush under her feelings ever being able to make it back to the surface and she finally breaks in tree sixteen salty her depression causes her to become in a fit of rage going through the five stages of grief entry 19 bless in the end she accepts the fact that without being with Cambo Corp her jeans would have never came true but at the same time hoping and praying that she will be safe again and that is where our tail ends laughs I think it's a pretty interesting take on the song names and if we did get the other songs that are missing maybe we'd get more to theorize on but what do you think is it a plausible Theory and string of events do you have anything to add or discuss leave a comment about it down below and thanks to JG Ultra for presenting his thoughts on the entry Marigold to understand who and what Marigold is we have to understand what staff are and what a specific sunken scroll is trying to tell us so firstly staff are goldfish specifically looking a lot like the Chinese species ranchu that appear in splatsfield to help the player and run certain activities as of now there are three staff found throughout the game one can be found managing the crab and go in the lobby a place where you can use tickers to gain a boost to rewards in online battles another can be found running the table Turf battle Dojo where you can play table Turf card battles and the last one is where you spawn in splatsville allowing you to Recon stages now Splatoon 3 sunken scroll 24 subject name Marigold nishio oranda Alias Anarchy District 3 3 Square plazon Rouge Alias square square 196 Ranchi you Alias South Guild Province tailfin City square square square District it's a bit confusing but it's thought that Marigold is a name these three share while having their own aliases you can also get a marigold table Turf card which looks like all of the staff hinting that these might be their actual everyday looks but they're laying low looking identical as staff for now as Marigold it's obvious that there's something definitely going on here my guess is that they're criminals of some kind that excel in Shady business which might be the case as you'll soon see Mr grizz's backstory for this we have to take another look at log.exe and reveal the only survivor of the arc polaris's re-entry into Earth band number three an experimental subject who had retained Consciousness within his cold hibernation survived for 12 000 years he had dreamed and plotted fully awakened band number three came to a terrible realization he had not landed on a new planet he was back on Earth and yet it was not an earth he knew this Earth it seemed was dominated by sea creatures not a single mammal to be found in the course of his search for a single fellow mammal bear number three used navigational equipment from the wreckage of the arc Polaris to discover Altona it was a wasteland of course but a few of the liquid crystals that had once covered the walls and ceilings remained with knowledge built during his thousands of years of dreaming he repaired some of altona's facilities and began researching the crystals This research wore fruit when bear 3 compounded some of the liquid crystals with his own fur the experiment created an entirely new substance with one terrifying property it could transform any living creature into a mammal bear number 3. realize the implications immediately he could restore the planet to a mammalian Paradise he began stockpiling fuzzy ooze as he called it within altona's still intact rocket for such Adventure he would acquire the acquisition of thousands of golden eggs these were used in the creation of fuzzy ooze although the exact details have never been recorded in my memory banks but band number three had a plan he founded a corporation that would go on to employ locals to collect his golden eggs under the name grizzco Industries Mr Grizz as he was now known would pay handsomely for them with fuzzy ooze Productions peaking thanks to the assistance of unsuspecting inklings and octolings Mr Grizz took the final steps to set his plan in motion the rocket was loaded it wouldn't be long now a grand plan shot down by the new new squid big Splatoon Chris's backstory is quite tragic in a way he was conscious in hibernation and dreamed for 12 000 years that's enough time to make anyone go mad alone with their thoughts once back on Earth his worldview shattered and so too did he and then to bring his version of balance back to the Earth he tried making mammals reign supreme on land again just like how it used to be back when he first lived on Earth but times change things can regress backwards but things can progress forwards too and you realize that too late the poor guy but the aftermath of this leaves us with one very important question who's running grizzco you beat the story mode and Bam grisco is still open for shifts so then what's going on well for starters you can find a new statue in the grizzco building a salmonid represented by Lil Buddy's huge body form holding a bear in its mouth rather than a bear holding a salmonid in its mouth with this bear obviously representing Grizz so it's very likely that whoever's working for Grizz or has taken over knows about what happened to Grizz we can start pointing fingers towards Little Judd with around 85 percent of you also pointing fingers at him for being up to something and around 57 of you thinking that it has to do with grizzco Industries also thanks to everyone who helped answer that poll by the way I'll be doing more in the future for videos so be on the lookout for those but why little Judd well he has a headset and microphone on at all times and if you go and fight him in a table Turf battle you'll notice his intensity is just through the roof but more importantly he uses a element deck hmm could he be running grizzco now little Judd could be talking in place of Grizz using a voice changer of some kind but that's a lot of effort especially when he needs to be announcing the winners and losers of online battles so that's where a Splatoon 2 Theory comes in clutch theorizing that Grizz doesn't even talk to us over the radio he just uses a bunch of voice lines that play when needed the same could be said for when he's defeated and not in charge of griscoe anymore making Lil jod's job so much easier and that leaves us with another question who's behind the counter because this person sounds exactly like one of the marigold staff thank you [Music] but who my money's on the table Turf stuff purely because she's stationed behind the grizzco building being the closest to it it's hard to say what's going on but it's clear that someone or a body of people have taken over grizzco Industries and our suspects a little Judd who oversees the workplace like a CEO or store manager and one of the staff working as an employee in the workplace building and with that I'll leave you all with a few questions we need to speculate on for the future who's Manning the helicopter why can we only play on a select few stages and why is Salmon Run much harder than it was in Splatoon 2. foreign [Music] the fate of off the hook let me get something out of the way first I always thought that the fate of Pearl and Marina started here in this Nintendo Instagram post made for squidmas 2019 but where's Marina it sounds like she ran away considering that the chaos vs order splatfest happened a little over five months before this post well as it turns out she's here behind the camera as shown by Nintendo of America's Twitter post a day later I just thought I'd mention that in case other people were confused about this post like myself so going back to the fate of these two it seems like they're just making music June 24th 2022 Nintendo of Europe tweets this out while on tour off the hook seems to have scouted a few new members and reformed as an act calling itself damp socks featuring off the hook listen to their hot new single candy coated rocks hashtag Splatoon 3 3 hours later Splatoon North America made a similar post and then their splatoon's Japanese North American and European Twitter pages post about another song by this collab band tentacled to the medal a few days before Splatoon 3 would be released these two songs can be heard while playing multiplayer matches in Splatoon 3 just like other off the hook songs could be in Splatoon 2. so you'd think that we'd see Pearl and Marina in Splatoon 3 somewhere right in the base game we only ever get to see them in sunken Scroll 22. after leaping from incopolis Square to the world stage off the hook has found their new side project performing vocals for a rising rock band as damp socks featuring off the hook discovered online their super talented collaborators offered an upbeat Melancholy sound that had off the hook hooked so sometime after the events of Splatoon 2 off the hook went worldwide and then teamed up with damn socks to perform vocals for them and piano we can see Five band members here in total some sort of fish which I assume could be a tuna an angle fish an octopus Pearl Marina and their outfits are looking pretty fresh too so where's Pearl and Marina now probably touring with them but I have a feeling that touring is going to come to an end or it's already ended August 10 2022 Nintendo of Europe tweeted out this image stating large-scale paid DLC is planned for hashtag Splatoon 3 stay tuned obviously this image has white silhouettes of Pearl and Marina most likely taken from this image of them and this DLC I have a feeling it might have to do with the complexities and struggles associated with keeping up the Persona and hard work that comes with being a music artist maybe Mount nantai will be involved too considering that's where Pearl and Marina met and it wouldn't be a DLC without a main enemy either so I wonder who it'll be a music Corporation perhaps will the chaos first order splatfest have anything to do with it at all so yeah we know that off the hook has been making music with damp socks and something big is coming up for them now I don't know about you but before Splatoon 3 came out I thought that Splatoon 2's chaos vs Auto splatfest would have played a massive role in Splatoon 3 story mode just like the Kelly vs Marie Splat first influenced Splatoon 2 story mode or that it would have been referenced at least once in Splatoon 3's vanilla content but no did it even matter did the chaos first order splatfest really determine anything looking at the ask the developer Volume 7 Splatoon 3 part 1 article we looked at in layer 1 when talking about the Splatoon world map we can see that there's a section dedicated to this topic here's a quote from inora so many players participate in the Splatoon series as splatfest that even the developers can't predict the outcome in the world of the Splatoon series we create each game's design and sound and the principles of characters behaviors by reflecting how players have actually played the franchise so the trends and values in the inkling World change significantly depending on the outcome of the final splatfest therefore the chaotic splatsville is a city that rapidly developed with the arrival of the chaos craze after the splatfest well I guess we have our answer but this doesn't get rid of that feeling I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that chaos verse order didn't have a grand effect on the game or in effect described by nowhere and honestly it feels like Splatoon 3 could have been made without a final splatfest to influence it we have some music weapons and an overall setting that is related to chaos but they don't commit to it as much as they could when you think of chaos you think of something that goes all in on it in Splatoon 2 we saw the effects Cali vs Marie had on Kelly running away and joining forces with DJ Octavio basically shaping the story mode for that game and there was a whole story made for those events we saw nothing like that from Marina or Pearl in Splatoon 3 maybe it's being saved for the future DLC either way the game could have used more chaos when committing to the whole splatfests affect the outcome of the next game shtick bring back the chaos splatfest gear bring in more chaotic looking gear some crazy rule breaking game moves rebellious squid and octo kids Salmon Run is pretty chaotic with enemy spawns so let us fight back with more chaos than just grizzco weapons the game's music can be a bit chaotic in multiplayer matches and this one Salmon Run song [Music] what's up with that that's pretty cool where's the fast heavy metal where's the Flames why can't we properly explore the splatlands why can we only explore the outer parts of it and that's where the problems arise that myself and other people face expectations there's so many possibilities that could have come from Pearl winning for team chaos so many insane and chaotic things but this is Splatoon after all an e for everyone game with a younger fanbase in mind every sequel in the series continues what made the previous game great and adds on to it so why do something risky and off the beaten path when you can do what's always worked and add a bit to it right famous dance moves outlive Humanity despite Humanity being gone for thousands of years inklings and octolinks emote in ways that feel familiar it seems that they learned these dance moves from ancient history books and we get moves like break dancing an energetic style of dance originating from 1970s African-American and Puerto Rican communities in the US The Running Man and the shuffle dance moves developed in the 1980s from Street and Rave dance scenes and then this pose comes after the shuffle I have no idea what it's called but I've seen anime girls and pop stars do it and then we have hand movements the finger guns into a twirl into a 90s hip-hop pose a hip-hop dance with all probably seen before I'm not sure if it's called the crisscross seeing as a crisscross is a salsa dance but it might be a hip-hop version of it either way we all definitely know the last part to this emote the dab a gesture where a person drops their head into the bent crook of a slanted upwardly angled arm something that we couldn't escape for years it was everywhere and it sucked I hated it fun fact it's illegal to dab in Saudi Arabia because it's thought to allude to Illegal substances but not in splatsville all of these dance moves and more outlived humanity and now all these crazy goobers are doing them could the liquid crystals that evolved marine life have something to do with this too other than making them want to go to the surface of the Earth maybe other human habits were instilled in them too like the ritual that is moving your body to a rhythm it would also explain why so much in Splatoon mimics and parodies human life so in a way it's kind of beautiful a species can die out but the way they express emotions and their ways of life can be passed on to other dominant species and change in small ways making them the same but different Hideki naganuma could have been splatoon's music producer Hideki naganuma is a Japanese composer and DJ who primarily does work for video games and is best known for his music in the game's Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future it's no secret that splatoon's music and some of its aesthetic share similarities to Jet Set Radio so you'd think that naganuma would be a perfect candidate for Splatoon but Nintendo doesn't seem to think that so much so that they've rejected all of his offers to work with them since leaving Sega in 2008 even with fans rallying to get Nintendo to feature music from him in the Splatoon series here's a quote from naganuma on Twitter replying to a fan about this to tell the truth I tried to be an employee of Nintendo twice in the past after I left Sega but I didn't pass they said that there's no position that I can display my ability to the full that's the reason why Splatoon didn't need my music that's a very polite way to turn someone down by telling them that they won't get to use their talents to their fullest working under them I say that there's truth to that why have someone go all out making that type of music when it doesn't represent the game as a whole and technically he's helped compose two Nintendo games while working under Sega Sonic Rush for the Nintendo DS a great game which came out in 2005 with the song right there right on from the game appearing in Super Smash Bros brawl and 4 and Super Monkey Ball 3D for the 3DS as a Higher by Sega so despite not working with Nintendo directly he has been able to work for them indirectly and recently he's been composing Music For an upcoming game called bom Rush cyber Funk a spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio so it's nice to hear that his talents are being utilized properly something Nintendo says they can't do although it would have been great to hear his music in a Splatoon game considering what he's made take a listen [Music] foreign level music negative aura during the final stages of Splatoon 3 story mode agent 3 has to climb up the buildings that support Chris's rocket you'll have some downtime in between each section of the area and this is where the level's negative Aura comes from the music is so somber almost Lo-Fi sounding it's a remix version of a tune you'll have heard all throughout your time setting up loading into and playing salmonron [Music] it's a reminder that Grizz is the enemy but for what reason what is he doing that would make him the game's antagonist as we complete more levels and climb further up to the rocket the music gets more and more distorted miserable despairing and unsettling and then you reach Grizz and learn of his ultimate plan to bring his balance to Earth and that's where the music takes on a whole new meaning it's a twisted reminder that you me and everyone else who participated in Salmon runs as happy little workers under grizzco Industries have been murdering salmonids and stealing their eggs for a purpose to turn every living creature on the surface of the Earth into a mammal we unknowingly made this idea a possibility all of the fun the incentives the promotions the capsules the gear we've received the mysteries of griscoe tricked us into being the happy little workers we'd become and that point is personified as it gets more intense and distorted with salmon run shifts continuing after grizz's disposal will we all make the same mistake again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now we've made our way to the final entry of this iceberg we have to visit the Oscar developer Volume 7 Splatoon 3 part 1 article one more time another quote from in nowhere this may be something a bit unusual for a Nintendo game it is also the year 2022 in the inkling World in many other games for example the characters do not age even if time passes in the real world or time moves forward in the game regardless of the time in the real world but in Splatoon 1 2 and 3 the same amount of time has passed in the squid world as in the real world therefore the characters grow the cities and cultures develop over time for example this character is called merge and he has grown so much taller in the five years between Splatoon 2 and 3. first of all shout outs to merge and his glow up secondly the Splatoon world that we know ages and grows with us Splatoon 1 released in 2015 Splatoon 2 released in 2017 and Splatoon 3 released in 2022 that's seven years all of the characters we've grown to know and love have gotten older and hit different stages of Life they're all doing drastically different things than when we first met them in the previous games Cali and Marie they were idols and announcers before questioning their places in the world mixing the worlds of inklings and octolings and stepped away from the spotlight a similar thing can be said for Pearl and Marina 2 and what about the agents they're older now and agent 3 is the squid big splatoon's new captain cuttlefish is still old but look at him now the octolings they've now been accepted into inkling society when they were first shunned DJ Octavio was once an enemy and then put his life on the line for his people and the rest of the world everyone has done so much growing over seven years here's another big point inklings and octolings can start participating in organized turf wars at the age of 14. look at the inklings in Splatoon 1 and then the inklings in Splatoon 3 they're so much taller what could that tell us that the inklings and octolings that participate in turf wars have grown up since when they first started participating could the average age of turf war participants have gone up either way I definitely think that it's a subtle reminder that seven years have passed in our world and the Splatoon World things change and hey your life has changed over seven years too hasn't it I know mine sure has Splatoon 1 came out while I was in high school when I was a completely different person to who I am now so much younger naive I had way less worries and responsibilities during Splatoon 2's five years I was growing as a person figuring out how to be an adult I met a really special person around this time too she actually introduced me to the Splatoon series and she appeared in some of my videos too with adulthood comes more freedoms I'd go out a lot with my friends we drive to places all the time and I went overseas with loved ones every now and again too I started properly making YouTube videos during this era too because video creation is my passion and I wanted to take a good crack at it the last time I had properly tried to make content on YouTube was when I was back in high school and uh I made a lot of questionable content but you live and you learn Splatoon 3 rolls around and some things are the same some things are different I'm still doing YouTube taking it more seriously than ever I work another job on the side I've completed my degree but haven't really done anything with it yet I still go out and hang with friends a bunch but it's different now since a lot of them have full-time jobs and other responsibilities sadly someone's come and gone too and I take care of my diet and physique a lot better now I'm definitely not the same person I was years ago even a year ago it's like I've gone through three stages of life during the release of the Splatoon Trilogy maturing and shaping itself over the seven years like I have like you have how different are you since splatoon's initial release how has your journey through life gone down over these seven years has it been similar to mine or has it been different if you want to share it with everyone feel free to do so in the comments section it'll be pretty interesting to read about and in the end we'll all eventually move on from the Splatoon series from the consoles the games released on the map rotations will end the servers will shut down and will move on with our busy grown-up lives looking back at what we've experienced as a fond but distant memory just like how the inklings octolings and characters we've all come to love will move on with their lives with the adventures and hardships they went on or becoming a distant memory [Music] um [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to my house [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] thank you kind of come back here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] through there [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Sunflower
Views: 110,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splatoon 3, splatoon 3 ost, splatoon 3 music, splatoon 3 big run, splatoon 3 iceberg, splatoon 3 lore iceberg, splatoon 3 splatfest iceberg, iceberg explained splatoon, splatoon iceberg, iceberg de splatoon, splatoon lore iceberg, iceberg de splatoon 3, the splatoon lore iceberg, splatoon iceberg explained, iceberg splatoon, the splatoon iceberg, splatoon icebergs, The Splatoon 3 Iceberg, Splatoon Iceberg Sunflower, Splatoon 3 Iceberg Sunflower, Splatoon 3 Iceberg Explained
Id: 6iWjbfKZUsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 34sec (5554 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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