The Complete Splatoon Lore Timeline

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welcome welcome everyone today we are going to break down the entire history of the world of Splatoon we'll be covering everything from the end of humanity to the great Turf War all the way up until after Splatoon 3. let's waste absolutely no time and get right into it but before we get into it real quick if at any point you would feel yourself enjoying this video it would mean the world to me if you considered subscribing alright let's go the story of Splatoon actually starts in an alternate version of our time constant Civil War and World Wars led to the destruction of the Earth the amount of civil wars that took place before the great flood is unknown but we do know that world war is three four and five were fought before the great flood somewhere towards the end of this time Judd is born and was so good at judging things that human militaries would use him to determine where they would need to launch attacks for some unknown reason the printer that produced splatfest themes was made its purpose then was unknown in this timeline global warming becomes much more of an out of control issue than it is in our own timeline for reasons unknown one warring Nation dropped a nuclear warhead on Antarctica melting the entire ice cap this is very important because today's Humanity in our timeline doesn't have a warhead powerful enough to totally melt Antarctica with one Warhead which really just proves the point of how much Humanity's military Powers really grew in this alternate timeline compared to our own today and Humanity having weapons powerful enough to completely destroy Antarctica could potentially be the reasons why the splatlands are the way they are today that we see them in Splatoon 3. the nuclear bomb going off in Antarctica set in motion the total and utter destruction of humanity but Before Destruction Judd was frozen in quieter sleep by the brilliant Professor who may be responsible for the creation of the splatfest printer Judd was the cat of this professor the professor would often rent Judd to warring countries and profit off of Judd's unnatural prediction abilities but when the great flood hit the professor in a final Act of redemption chose to save Judd instead of himself injecting Judd with an immortality serum which Humanity just somehow developed and still managed to go extinct and then placed Judd into Cry of sleep and set to wake when the world was habitable again some people found creative waves to survive the flood but for most of the world's human population they die in the billions the age of humanity is over except for a lucky few multiple groups of humans split off and tried to find ways to survive the great flood some were successful and most weren't one group of people made the underground domes that currently make up octo Valley but the humans didn't survive there another group of humans made the arc Polaris with its mission to travel through space until another Earth-like planet could be found along with the humans a bear was brought with them on the arc Polaris this bear would be used as a test subject unlike the humans this bear was not unconscious for the journey to a new Earth he was less conscious for what the humans can assume to have been thousands of years Arc Polaris on its Voyage out of the solar system was struck by something and was forced to go back to Earth as the last place they could possibly seek to find repairs however on its Voyage back the ship ran out of fuel leaving Arc players suspended in Earth's orbit for thousands of years but to make Baden worse Arc polaris's orbit finally decayed enough to be pulled back down to earth landing near future incopolis with one Lone Survivor who we'll get to later but the human survivors with the most potential were the people of Altura Alterna is another underground Dome similar to octo Valley but within the group of survivors they placed their scientists as their leaders betting on the scientist's intelligence to leave them to long-term survival the leaders of Alterna created a brilliant technology such as underground upside down cities and a mysterious Crystal with the ability to read minds these crystals were mass-produced and lined the walls of Alterna to give the humans a reminder of the sky from the outside world for a generation the humans prospered and it looked like Humanity had a real chance of surviving the apocalypse but when the first generation of alternative leaders became too old the Next Generation had to step up and continue running the underground Nation this generation had never seen the outside world before the one that their parents had destroyed and hid from them they yearned to know what Earth was like from the outside of alturna and against the Judgment of their Elders they built a rocket to fly out of alturna when the rocket was launched for the first time catastrophe struck the rocket melted the crystals of the alternanine walls and melting debris rained downed on the people those who didn't die in the Calamity eventually withered away the last colony of humanity had been destroyed once and for all leaving All Humans extinct the collapse of Alterna didn't spell Doom and Gloom for all sentient life though the crystals that had melted dripped their way into the water down to where the Aquatic Life that the alternans FED upon during their stay these sea creatures weren't negatively affected by the debris they were empowered the thoughts and feelings of The Last Hope of humanity aided in rapidly advancing sea life influencing them to evolve towards the shape of humanity this shortened the millions of years needed for evolution down to just a few thousand leading the sea creatures out of the water the most prominent species to rise being the inklings and the octarians though of course there were many more species such as the jellyfish for example jellyfish evolved into a hive mind with a rare scenario some jellyfish Breaking Free from the hive mind and developing their own personality one downside of the inkling's rapid Evolution did arise when they made their final leap from water to land they lost their ability to ever go back into the water their new bodies couldn't handle the water breaking through their cells so when the inklings left the water they could never come back around this time that the inklings and octalinks became sentient the professors cat Judd awoke from his ten thousand year Cry of sleep it's important to note that inkling Society didn't just jump from leaving the ocean to massive cities while inklings are often described as lazy and obsessed with who can be the most quote-unquote fresh they had more primitive Societies in between as well exploring the world after they broke free from Alterna the main group of inklings to know are the inklings that broke off and made some ancient egyptian-like group from this era we know that they worship Judd and a sarcophagus can be seen in schellendorf Institute that appears to be an artifact of this time another important note of that Society is that inklings appear to have splatter shots which brings into question how built into inkling culture is Warfare could this idea of warfare be built into them due to their evolutionary aid from the Humanity's crystals as of now we don't know for sure we do know that inklings for as long as they've existed have always been a superstitious people from their very early times to even modern incopolis with the crane and the turtle and incopolis square being two deities they believe in the opposite Society the inklings the octarians stated themselves primarily but did have good relations with the inklings for a while octarians unlike inklings have many forms the octolinks are the most important members of the octarian world but also consist of many forms of octatroopers which are severed grown tentacles at some point the tide started to rise again which covered large amounts of land race relations between inklings and octarians started to break down over tensions about lost land the tension eventually boiled over into one of the deadliest most horrifying wars in the entire history of the Earth the great Turf War it's important to note that turquoise didn't originate from the great Turf War the ancient egyptian-esque inkling time period is shown to have turf wars that got judged by Judd however the tarf wars we participate in aren't the same types of turf wars that took place in the great Turf War these were large-scale battles for undetermined amounts of time most species started with the inklings the official story is that inklings were devastated during the first year of the great Turf War because they couldn't wake up on time and the great octo weapons which fun fact are some of the bosses we fight in hero mode 1 and 2. the inklings won in the second year after the formation of the squidby expletian hey that's the name of the game consisting of Captain cuttlefish the leader most is shellendorf Sheldon's grandfather who is the weapon maker and two other unknown inklings and Judd and modern inkling times cuttlefish and judder the only survivors of the original squidbig's platoon and it's not 100 certain if Judd was 100 neutral in this conflict or if he truly sided with the inklings Judd likes to judge so he may just have integrated with whoever won anyway the inklings had quote unquote won the great Turf War because they had more tentacles however when you look much deeper into the war it gets so much more darker we have always heard about the great octo weapons and the octarians just wiping the floor with the inklings this may have been true at one point we see the octarians had rain bombs on inklings assaulted them with whatever this monster is however the inklings had their own weapons of mass destruction this right here this is an inkling weapon of mass destruction so inklings beat the octarians through some insane means and we can definitely see that they don't have some form of Geneva Convention because tensions between these two military forces didn't ever really get better and they still used some pretty horrific tactics towards each other after the war post-grade Turf War were able to see the true scale of the destruction of this conflict had on places the war was waged so the great turf war ends with an octarian defeat the inklings and their allies have total control over the good parts of the surface and force octarians to set up their society deep in the Wasteland in an underground caves made by the groups of humans that tried to survive the apocalypse with octerian-made kettles acting as access points between certain important caves the two major locations the octarians developed are octo Valley and octo Canyon located about a mile away from octo Valley octo Canyon is the commercial hub of octarian society the octarian underground takes up a lot of power to run the octerians use massive monitors to make their locations underground like one more quote-unquote natural as opposed to how humans use crystals and Alterna they also continue producing their octo weapons Octavio the leader of the octarians pursues a career in music for some reason becomes known as DJ Octavio and for another reason that we don't understand never leaves his octopus form for those who don't know DJ Octavio is an octoline so the octarians underground domes after like 60 to 70 years start to show their age and run low on electricity and eventually they'll have to take drastic actions if they don't want the lights to go out but for now that's where their story ends incopolis is a region grew in popularity among the inklings when the ties rose that crossed the great Turf War the great Turf War had long lasting effects on the region leaving deep craters towards the outside of oculing turf incopolis is part of a greater region called encadia where Splatoon 1 and 2 take place isn't a part of incopolis called The incopolis Tide Rider line inside the line are incopolis square and incopolis Plaza which are located about 0.75 miles away from each other some other important parts of Acadia are the incopolis underground which consists of the deep sea Metro and mount nantai which currently has no evidence of suggesting this but looks it would be a very important strategic point in any past or future war with the octarians as it's a high ground point right between the two territories and kopolis has two main connections to the spotlands the highway that for some reason goes right on the border of octo Canyon and hammerhead Bridge which only recently got finished in its construction while splatsville is super far away from angapolis there's one specific spot where you can see the actual city of spotsville from octo Canyon put onto the characters of Splatoon Pearl is born in the year 11996 or 21 years before the events of Splatoon 2. Marina is born 11 9999 or 18 years before the events were Splatoon 2 they'll be important later but for now Callie and Marie are born in 11998 or 19 years before the events of Splatoon 2. Kelly and Marie are cousins who get their original burst of popularity in a youthful singing contest in their hometown of calamari County Pearl also participated in a youth singing contest where her voice was so powerful it destroyed part of the contest part of the destruction action caused by Pearl it's the original wooden bridge in the reef we see this in the Splatoon 2 trailer but in game it's Stone this is actually because Pearl's voice destroyed the bridge Pearl's voice will be very important later 16 years prior to the events of Splatoon 2 and inkling who will later go on to take up the title of agent 3 would be born in the year 12001 a few years later an inkling who will take up the title of agent 4 is born in 12003 finally an octaling who later escapes to freedom and becomes agent 8 is born in 12003 as well Kelly Marie find a job hosting incopolis news a hit newscast for inklings looking to compete in turf wars as well as getting jobs hosting Splat fests splatfest are competitions over two topics these topics are believed to be random but are actually radio waves sent off by Humanity getting bounced back to the fax machine I mentioned earlier Cali and Marie are the grandchildren of Captain cuttlefish the same war hero of the great Turf War Captain cuttlefish dedicated his life after the great Turf War to spying on the octarians it sounds bad but don't worry the octarians treat the inklings much worse we left the octarians in a pretty bad position they don't have enough power and they're desperate they need to find another source of electricity and capitalist is powered by these beings called zapfish they have an alliance to the inklings it's not exactly sure what the zap fish are getting out of this because it sure as hell isn't protection but the inklings got power the octarians are aware that the inklings are using the zapfish so with relations absolutely gone the octarians strike they steal many zap fish from the inklings including the great zap fish the main source of power in inkopolis Captain cuttlefish instantly becomes aware of this and heads out to incopolis Plaza to recruit someone to help him he meets a young inkling who he names agent 3 cuttlefish guides three through octo Valley to save the zap fish that the octarians have killed captive it's important to know that when we free the zapfish the octerians were already exploiting them for their energy agents 1 and 2 also help three along the way after Captain cuddlefish is kidnapped by an at the time on known as sailing it's never officially stated but the story makes it very obvious that Asians 1 and 2 are Cali and Marie when agent 3 makes their way to the great sapfish and finds cuttlefish the zapfish is sucked up by DJ Octavio in his octobot King Mech agent 3 fights back against the octobot king and DJ Octavio exploits the great zapfish until finally Cali and Marie hijack the octarian airwaves and perform the most influential song in all of post human history the calamari incantation the power of the calamari incantation was enough to drive present octalink's desires for Freedom so through the roof that they finally stood up to octavia's oppression and saw the world for what it truly is this caused a lot of octalings and radius of Kelly and Marie to flee from octo Valley and search for a new life switching back to the main Splatoon plot agent 3 was able to free cuttlefish in the great zapfish who returns to incopolis Plaza DJ Octavio is captured and imprisoned the day had been saved fast forward a year where a splyfest appears that would put a pause on splatfest for a certain time period the spot Fest makes this question the functionality of how the great fax machine works the theme of this splatfest was Cali vs Marie this makes us question splatfest because of the themes are just human signal is being beamed back to Earth but all humans are dead then why are they battling over two inklings humans should all be dead before any inklings exists but either way inklings are pitted against each other for 48 hours the winner of the splatfest being Marie by 20 points the conclusion of this splatfest led to a non-dramatic falling out between the two it's important to note that one of the octoings Saved by the calamari incantation is an oculing neem Arena Ida an elite octal and responsible for the production of some OCTA weapons like flutters it's unknown how she fled octo Valley but after her Escape she eventually meets Pearl using her voice to her full potential atop Mountain anti Pearl had already been making music to a lackluster degree of success she had an incredible voice but no one to help produce a sound for her to sing to until she met Marina who desperately wanted to make music with pearl who eventually agreed after hearing Marina's demo of ebb and flow when they finally finished ebb and flow it was a smash hit the boom in popularity gave Pearl Marina the opportunity to run angapolis news in a developing part of incopolis the events of the final splatfest brought Italian Marines a new famous they had never experienced before after releasing their first solos they began to drift apart Marie began to spend most of her time filming late night shows often putting her in positions to not return home until late at night Cali became a side character on a popular show who quickly grew into a fan favorite on a day off Marie while doing chores at home began to wonder if Callie truly felt okay about how this final splatfest ended she'd always believed that she didn't really care but began to doubt the notion she believed that Cali could be holding her loss against her Cali one morning was awoken by a call from her manager informing her that she had a delay in her recording schedule to accommodate a different performer Kelly decided to make the most of her time and find Marie to invite her to go do something she found Marie out eating with Krusty Shawn when she heard them talking to each other gleefully knowing how hard it was for Marie to get out of her shell when they first moved to nikopolis she decided not to intervene and to just let them keep talking without joining in Kelly headed back to their shared apartment alone Marie had found Cali up early making breakfast one more morning and was invited by Cali to go shopping with her she agreed and the two went window shopping together in arowana mall before getting something to eat while together they talked about their work and what they'd been up to with how busy they've been however deep in their minds they were both worried about each other Kelly decided to tell Marie that she'd seen her out talking with Krusty Sean which Marie was taken off guard after hearing however they'd quickly gone back to gossiping about people they knew Sheldon had been busy preparing a new spot in a new location which would have been rapidly developing in another part of incopolis eventually they had both realized that they hadn't seen Captain cuttlefish in quite some time they didn't worry about him as they believed there was no harm due to the octarians being defeated but little did they know what they were really stepping into they ended up talking for a whole day and when they realized it was getting late they decided to head home Marie was packing for her clothes for a trip to their hometown of calamari County she decided it was a good idea after learning of having three days off in a row Cali was invited to go but had an event she couldn't miss after leaving the train station off the calamari County the loneliness of leaving Cali behind began to set in when Marie got home and saw her parents she was quickly reminded of how much she loved their small town home eventually Marie's parents asked about Cali which Marie was at first why I'm talking about but the more questions that came in the more Marie grew anxious for Cali the more questions they asked about Cali LED Marie to the conclusion that she had no idea how Cali was truly doing she eventually was able to calm herself down and fall asleep Marie was at the train station waiting for Cali to arrive but when the train pulled in Cali was nowhere to be found Marie convinced herself that Cali had just overslept again and missed the train she waited for Cali to get off the next train she didn't arrive she waited for hours but Callie was still nowhere to be found Marie called Cali's office and was told she headed straight from work to their apartment her office informed Marie that Cali left the office flustered but believed this to be because she wanted to get out to calamari County she called Cali several times but to no answer Panic took over Marie she got her trip short and returned to incopolis the following morning she spent the whole three-hour trip on her phone searching for some clue as to where Cali could be when Cali arrived she took off to her apartment when she got there there had been no sign that Kelly had been working there after having an idea where she could be she rushed out of the apartment continuing to search for Cali she rushed stock the valley to look for Captain cuttlefish but found no sign of him Marie looked over and beheld the horrific sight of the snow globe that held Octavio captured shattered Marie left octo Valley in complete distraught over what should be held but when she got back to incopolis it was shrouded in the news that the great sapfish had once again been missing the people of incopolis believed that the great sapfish would once again reappear shortly after its disappearance but Marie knew what was truly behind all of this her suspicion led her to believe Octavio had once again been responsible Captain cuttlefish wasn't here to help her this time to start this Mission she was all alone and would have to figure it out by herself it wasn't long before the people of ingopolis realized that Cali had gone missing too with all eyes on Callie and the great sapfish the burden was placed on Marie to solve the issues facing incopolis Marie decided to do what cuttlefish had done two years prior look for a recruit to help take down the octarians but but due to her immense popularity Murray would need to keep a low profile as to not let too many people know about the octarian threat she decided to start her search in a new part of town that Cali had told her about incopolis Square before Marie could find a new agent a lab mishap caused the cloning of some of Judge cells resulting in a second mammal being created on Earth Lil Judd Lil Jud arose from his cloning pod fully aware that he was a clone and behind the scenes absolutely despised Judd due to an inferiority complex something bad hasn't officially come of this yet though it's very likely that something will happen in the future and other weird creature news at the time a currently unknown creature named Mr Grizz opens up a for lack of better words Shady operation called grizzco Crisco was made on the surface to quote unquote create a better world for inkopolis what griscoe actually does is March out into salmon and swim zones to meet the salmonids salmonids are the evolution of Salmons in our world who surface every 70 years to return to their homes they however evolved much differently than inklings and octolings while they're sentient their culture worships death and eating themselves they see being eaten by other creatures as one of the greatest honors a soldier can have they carry unconventional weapons such as frying pans and spoons to the battlefield rather than ink-based Weaponry like inklings and noctlings do what I just described is the normal stamina called a Chum a possible Theory as to why the salmonids look the way they do is because of not having the alternative's memory crystals to Aid in their evolution while inklings got an unprecedented boost in their evolution from Alterna salmonid's web zones aren't located near Alterna leaving them to evolve naturally and like I've said they've achieved sentience so while their intellect may be on the same level as inkling they still look like Aquatic Life due to their lack of unintentional human interference this Theory could also back up as to how they're able to enter water and land but like I said this is a theory the more important salmonids are the boss salmonids boss salmonids are created due to salmonids going under more stressful conditions so things like moths and Steelheads are both still salmonids even though they look drastically different some of the more notable salmoned bosses lore wise are the ones seen piloting different Contraptions like the steel eel and the Scrapper these are made out of repurposed octarian technology this is possible due to an alliance between salmonids and octarians the octarians give salmon and some of their technology in exchange for some of the salmon its power eggs the alliance between salmonids and octarians has little to do with why griscoe is interested in the salmonids the interest in salmonids comes from what the boss salmonids carry their golden eggs something so important to the salmonids that it's off limits for trading with the octarians however inklings do not have any trade agreements with the octarians and either way if they did would not receive any golden eggs so as long as the contact with salmonids is permitted like it appears to be in grizzco it's illegal for citizens of incopolis to have any contact with salmonids unless given permission it's not totally known if griscoe has the specific permission and if they don't it could be one of the reasons as to why griscoe is so shady besides the you know the fact that point we really don't know why we're hunting salmon it's and taking their golden eggs Mr Grizz hires inklings to go out into stamina territory and kill salmonids and boss salmonids and make off with their golden eggs the more golden eggs they have the higher the rank they have and the higher their pay goes up while Mr Griz seems to communicate with inklings during salmon runs we don't actually know who Mr Grizz is nor is he actually communicating with us in real time his speech we hear during salmon runs is pre-recorded instruction it's unknown how inkling interference in Salmon runs is affecting salmon and population as we appear to seriously wipe out a nice chunk of their people every salmon run back in in Coppola Square Marie eventually finds an inkling willing to help her find Cali in the great sapfish who she deems agent for agent 4 is a new inkling to incopolis having lived very far away from the city and choosing to spend their time at school thus leading agent 4 to be unaware of who Maria is at the start of Splatoon 2. along with Sheldon Marie guides agent 4 through octo Canyon another region of octarian territory they go through five sectors of octarian territory every time agent 4 clears through a sector of octo Canyon and saves five zapfish per sector a mysterious voice tells agent 4 and Marie to turn back over time Murray begins to confide in agent 4 how much she misses Callie finally the story concludes when agent 4 confronts DJ Octavio and Cali Octavio kidnapped the Great South fish once again for the same reason as last time but Cali was abducted in order to boost his ratings among octarians seeing someone as popular as Cali in support of Octavio is a Surefire way of making the octarians look up to him more we can see how deep this Cali Love runs and one of the bosses we fight in as the octave Samurai that agent 4 defeats is a massive Cali fan when agent 4 rushes to meet Cali DJ Octavia reveals to us that he had hypnotized Cali agent 4 is left by themselves to fight off DG Octavio in his octobot King 2. once again being powered by the great zapfish against this well Marine Sheldon eventually find their way to the confrontation Marie armed with the hero charger with a mysterious ink called low tide ink it's unknown how this ink works but apparently it helps with memory loss and Recovery Marie Snipes the Hypno Shades off of Cali and brings her into the light together the squid sisters hijack the octarian speakers and play a new remix of the calamari incantation called The Spicy calamari incantation the remix quickly brings Cali to her senses the squid sisters back together help agent 4 defeat Octavia once more together they take him down and reunite Octavia with his prison snow globe the squid sisters reunite to create a new song called Fresh Start to talk about octo expansion I've grabbed my longtime friend and collaborator Joey peer Leone to help me talk about the subject so Joey go and talk about an expansion you've never played before that I totally scripted during the exact same time as the events of Splatoon 2 agent 3 and Captain cuddlefish are out in Patrol in Octo Valley where they run into a lone octoling the octoling in agent 3 break into a fight before a conclusion can be reached an unknown party captured agent 3 Captain cuttlefish and the octoling captain cuttlefish in the octoling wake up next to each other after being knocked unconscious unknowing of where agent 3 is Captain cuttlefish is the octoling agreed to team up to break out of wherever it is they found themselves in when they get out of the first chamber they're held in they find themselves in a giant Subway eat fresh the only thing there being a lone ringing telephone the octoling answers the phone which reveals itself to be a guide to sea creatures looking to enter a place called The Promised Land which is assumed to be incopolis but before the telephone can bring the octolian Cuttlefish to the surface they would need to complete a series of tests to find what the telephone calls the four things and only then can the telephone bring them into the promised land the telephone then gives the octoling a cq80 device and dubs the octolink subject 1008 Captain cuddlefish however doesn't like this name and chooses to call them agent 8 or 8 for short despite the name agent 8 isn't technically part of the new squid beak Splatoon like cuttlefish the squid sisters agent 3 and agent 4. the agent 8 title is strictly a nickname unless stated otherwise later in the future after all instructions have been given to the pair a train pulls into the subway station this train is called the deep sea Metro when agent cuttlefish board the train they meet an intelligent sea cucumber appropriately named c q cumber who instructs 8 on how to use the CQ 280 device after their introduction they managed to stumble into contact with pearl and Mourinho over a radio channel who after hitting it off with Captain cuttlefish in a rap battle decided to help him and 8 escape the deep sea Metro and return to inkopolis so together through mostly agent 8 they tracked their way through the Metro controlled by the cq80 to venture into test site after test site after every test site is completed agent 8 earns a mem cake a mem cake is the physical manifestation of one of her lost memories through these mem cakes it's revealed that agent 8 was an average octoling who was heartbroken and torn over seeing the zap fish kidnapped by Octavia while eight looked up to Octavio their feelings changed after seeing the treatment of the zapfish after exposure to the calamari incantation agent 8 is torn between leaving their life and friends as an octarian but eventually decides to leave their old life behind and starts a journey to inkopolis to start a new life every train line 8 travels down contains one of the four things that her and cuttlefish need to escape to the promised land so they head to every train line and pass every test which leads them up to the third thing being collected at this point in the story cuttlefish starts to get very concerned with agent 3 not showing back up yet he decides to draw a missing poster for agent 3. after they collect the fourth thing and bring it to the telephone the telephone shoots off its pole and pulls the four things together to create the device to take them to the promised land the telephone invites the two into the device where Marina asks the Fatal question doesn't that look like a blender the blender closes and locks 8 and cuttlefish inside Marina desperately tries to shut down the blender but to no avail her last attempt at freeing the pair was an urgent distress signal which was answered in seconds by none other than agent 3. agent 3 topples the telephone and destroys the blender leaving a large hole in the ceiling of the metro and leaving three unconscious Perla Marina agree that it's best for eight to go through the hole created by three which she does this leads eight into the coccyx face where she must avoid all enemies as she has no weapon she successfully breaks free from the coccyx phase and enters the Villi phase where she tricks a sanitized octo Trooper into leading her to a Splat bomb which then leads her to finding an octo shot having found a weapon agent 8 leaves the Villi phase and heads to the belly phase the belly phase is the most disturbing of all in this phase we see the creation of the sanitized octarians on the topic of sanitized octarians there's one character in specific who gets brought up a lot that being dead fish dead fish is the octolink who produces the music we hear all throughout the deep sea test sites dead fish came to octo expansion's antagonists actually wishing to be partially sanitized in order to produce better music leaving her half conscious only able to work on music but anyway agent 8 uses the octarian containment cells as a way to escape the belly she eventually does and finds herself in the intestinal phase where she must Dodge security lasers to find a power chord to activate an elevator to the surface their Journey Through the intestinal phase leads them to a power core inside of the diaphragm phase in this phase agent 8 hit several locks holding down the power core which appears to actually be a zapfish eight takes the power core into the peristalsis phase where they protect the power core from destruction by the sanitized octarians after plugging the power core the elevator is activated agent 8 begins to ride up the elevator but runs in the captain cuttlefish held against his will by a partially sanitized agent 3. agent 3 and 8 fight a vicious battle up the elevator but eventually concludes an agent 8's Victory the elevator leads eight to a ladder which leads to the real promised land inkopolis when eight cuttlefish in an unconscious agent 3 arrive in angapolis Pearl and Marina come to pick them up with their Fleet of helicopters on their way back to inkopolis the place of the trio was in starts to rise out of the water revealing the Nils statue ran in control by the telephone who reveals himself to be Commander tartar a sentient AI created by a brilliant Professor who literally can't be anyone else but the professor who made the splatfest printer and put Judd and cryo sleep he announces that he had made a primordial ooze made up of the grinded remains of test subjects that had completed the tests and wants to use the primordial ooze to sanitize the whole world to create the perfect life form sanitization of a sea creature overrides all of their personality and essentially zombifies the sea creature as after sanitization they have no vital signs though of course there can be exceptions such as dead fish and the partial sanitization of agent 3 which gets broken by eight Marina figures out a way to stop the statue from firing the primordial ooze the statue is solar charging so if they stop the statue from charging in three minutes it wouldn't have enough energy to destroy the world so to stop it from charging they could cover the statue in ink but to cover a statue in that much ink that we need the help from Arena's hyperbombs with their plan made agent 8 launches onto the statue to cover in ink agent a activates all of Marina's hyperbombs that are launched onto the statue and succeeds in covering it all in ink after the job is done Marina learns that the statue still intends to fire with enough capacity to destroy angapolis however Pearl comes in to save the day remember that super powerful voice that she has while she's also got a super powerful killer whale powered by her voice to go along with it as soon as the statue fires Pearl fires back with a loud and the beams cross with pearls overtaking tartars destroying the statue and presumably killing tartar but his death is still up for debate the characters reunite together and bask in their success of saving the world on their way back into inkopolis with Marina sharing a hug with pearl that may or may not end up becoming relevant in the future [Applause] cannon-wise octaling start and turning incopolis a spot Festus decided the pits squids and octopuses against each other this being the first blotfish that octalings as a whole participated in a year later it's announced that the splatfest printer would once again stop with one more final Fest this final Fest pitting chaos in order against each other chaos being the side chosen by Pearl and ordered being side chosen by Marina Pearl tells Marina that she's invoking splatfest Article 4 meaning that the loser has to live in the world of the Winner's choosing the Splat fist lasted three days and the squid sisters came back to make more music with off the hook for the final spot Fest the final Fest concluded with a chaos Victory beating order 3-0 Pearl tells Marina that the only chaotic thing that she wants for Off The Hook was to break into more music genres and that nothing could ever happen to break them up after the final Fest while Pearl announced that she only wanted to break into more music genres inkling still wanted a chaotic change in their lives which came the mass migration of inklings to the city of Chaos splatsville splatsville in the spotlands is located around 270-ish miles away from inkopolis before modern times the Splat lands after inklings for the most part ventured out of them from Alterna fell victim to a flood which presumably was the flood that led to the great Turf War it said that three lights appeared sharing the logos of each deep cut member in quote unquote consumed the disaster showing that deep cut has some deeper connection to something that we really just don't understand at this point which led the citizens of the splatlands to celebrate with festivals with three portable signs as tribute which can still be seen in the first half of the splatfest with shiver fry and big man moving through the square presumably on these same shrines the splatlanes were never fully abandoned though it was a place of much lower interest after incopolis became more popular though of course after the final Fest in Splatoon 2 caused Mass migration to the splatlands with one individual taking particular advantage of the situation and making something amazing the new splatsville Lobby was designed by a fiddler crab named Glenn Fiddler who believes this Lobby would be something to revolutionize inkling's Turf War experience which he was right about with all the inklings moving out to the city of chaos this caused rapid development in the city bringing it from a rundown dump to a modern Hub of everything fresh in the post-apocalyptic World Indus could be Splatoon news Captain cuttlefish officially steps down as the captain and gives the position to agent 3 agent 3 will now just be referred to as Captain from this point forward to avoid any confusion the new squid big Splatoon found something hidden in a crater out in the splatlands a different type of ink with hair growing out of it which when coming into contact with would cause rapid hair development which is shocking because at this point in Earth's history there are only two creatures left on Earth with Hair slash fur and both of them share the same genetic code along with this discovery the great zapfish is once again missing leading cuttlefish to search for someone to fill the role of agent 3 and search for answers to Splat fills by biggest questions on the surface everything in Splat school is going great the turf war scene is the biggest it's ever been off the hook is collaborating with a new band to make damp socks feet off the hook some of the members of Squid's God started a new band together deep cut is taking the World by storm inkling and octaling relations are at an all-time high since the pre-tide rise Splat fists are back grizzco is keeping inklings and octalings paid everything is going great until one inkling junk collector from Outer spotsville sees a weird man hanging out of a manhole and decides to follow him this leads our inkling though this could also be an octaling but for Simplicity I'm just going to refer to them as an inkling to the crater a divot in the splatlands covered in fuzzy ooze in this crater they meet cuttlefish who at this point the story is retired but still helps out the new squid big Splatoon when they need it cuttlefish invites the inklings to the new squid beak Splatoon as the new agent 3 filling the spot the captain used to have the inkling agrees and can now be to stop being referred to as the inkling and now can be called Agent 3. agent 3 Works through the crater with the help of their small fry friend this small fry got set operated from its family in the salmon run and now has an insatiable hunger this hunger just so happens to be subsided by the fuzzy ooze which it affects their immune to in three's Journey Through the crater they fight off the fuzzy octarians which are octo Troopers emboldened by the fuzzy ooze they're much more lethal than the octarians found in the deep sea Metro and the octoling territory to accommodate these stronger octarians agent 3 has a new type of hero suit more powerful and much more modular than the previous two agent 3 passes through the crater clearing out all the fuzzy ooze and saves the zapfish trapped inside the crater when cuttlefish in them Reach the bottom of the crater they're confronted by Octavio who accuses the trio of stealing the octarian Army to which cuttlefish quickly fires back with an accusation of stealing the great zapfish to which we promptly then go to kick Octavio's ass after the said ass kick when our team gets to actually talk to Octavio we learn for real the octarians didn't steal the great sapfish and that the octarian Army is really missing but before the crew could really get to figure anything out the layer of sediment that Octavio crashed into gives out sending everyone falling below a mysterious fuzzy tentacle grabs cuttlefish and takes them away from three and small fry leaving them to fall into the new land below three flashes into Consciousness and sees a trio looking over them before quickly losing Consciousness again when agent 3 finally comes back they awake having their Heroes destroyed and the hero shot barely functional they meet the rest of the squid big Splatoon and what remains of Alterna the place is a shell of its former self now covered in fuzzy ooze the objective of their mission in Alterna is to find cuttlefish Marie has a tracker on him and it picks up in three places so the goal is to check out all three places for cuttlefish after the plan is established The Record Keeper of Alterna Orca which stands for omniscient recording computer of Alterna Orca introduces themselves to the new squid beak Splatoon and informs them that he's responsible for documenting all of alterna's history and running its facilities agent 3 fights through Alterna collecting power eggs to destroy the fuzzy ooze pay for test sites and earn more power eggs and sardinium to repair the hero gear when agent 3 is about to get through alterna's First Sight the Splatoon is confronted by deep cut who reveal that doing the Anarchy Splat cast is just a day job to them when in comparison to the real job of being treasure hunting Bandit and they see the squid being Splatoon as a threat to their bottom line letting them know that deep cut means business if they want to take anything for themselves regardless agent 3 keeps traveling through Alterna searching for cuttlefish agent 3 Works their way through cozy and safe Factory in search for the first cuttlefish beacon in this Beacon cuttlefish is nowhere to be found but fry is and she's not happy but three taking the quote-unquote treasure that was setting off the Cuttlefish tracker fry hops into the dead corpse of the Octo Stomp and starts controlling her eels for his ability to control the eels is a family secret passed down from generation to generation but they're no match for three who easily dispatches fry and her eels after three's Victory they take the item giving off the signal and bring it back to Future Utopia island with the rest of the squid beak Splatoon three gets to the second signal and is confronted by shiver shiver has her own shark named master Omega shiver comes from an assumably a line of shark Tamers though her shrunken skrull isn't exactly as clear as Fry's is regardless three and small fry by against shiver and master Mega and win shiver and master Mega Retreat and three once again takes the treasure and shuts off the signal leaving one signal left and you'll never guess whose the next signal is big man is the only remaining deep cut member to not get absolutely Smoked by three and small fry shows up to stop three two then promptly lose and have three take the treasure and stop the signal three signals down but still no sign of cuttlefish over the course of the journey cuttlefish has been able to radio under the squid beak Splatoon but only briefly over his few Communications he tells them that he's being held against his will for an unknown reason but in his one final broadcast to them his captor is revealed to be Mr Grizz who apparently needs something from cuttlefish one more signal is given out and cuttlefish is confirmed to be on the massive rocket ship in the middle of Alterna at first all hope seems to be lost as the ship is covered in such a large amount of fuzzy ooze that not even small for I can eat at all until the to take a look at all the treasure collected from deep cut and assemble it into a razor Captain finally shows off that they're not useless and turns the raids are into a special and shapes all the fuzzy ooze out of the rocket area allowing the Splatoon to make their way up to save cuttlefish until they're once again confronted by deep cut ready to make one last stand against the squid being Splatoon to take the treasure back instead of breaking out into a fight they just give it to them I mean like what are they gonna do with an old razor anyway deep cut feeling terrible for how they've treated the squid beak Splatoon decides to help them make their way up to the rocket and find cuttlefish part way through the rocket Journey we encounter Mr Grizz and meet him in his true form Mr Grizz is a bear who was taken on the arc Polaris and was the creature that wasn't unconscious through the whole journey when Grizz returned to Earth he found he was the last mammal on earth he didn't know about The Judds along his depressing Journey he found Alterna and somehow the crystals that the alternans made and found that when they combined them with the golden eggs plus his fur plus the crystals would combine together to make the fuzzy ooze Mr Griz sought out golden eggs through his company grizzco when inklings would unknowingly help fuel their own potential apocalypse unless agent 3 could stop him from using the fuzzy ooze to turn everyone into a mammal cuttlefish is also found who's been completely dehydrated by Mr Grizz and assumably to be dead though of course this is a kid's game and is able to be revived nearly instantly by rehydrating him through Captain's tears cuttlefish wakes back up and is a shell of his former self but still alive priority once again returns to Mr Griz who has taken the rocket to space with his intentions to fire the fuzzy ooze all over Earth and confer every life form into a mammal deep cut comes around and helps three ride up to space fry uses her eels to make a Vortex shiver gives three a boost through Master Mega and big man gives three a spacesuit three and small for I make their way up to space to confront Chris also small fry can apparently fly don't ask questions about that because we don't get any answers three and small fry eat away at the fuzzy ooze on the Rock and push Grizz back until Grizz destroys the rocket and sends three and small fry back into space when all hope seems law DJ Octavio comes flying in Saving three and small fry to power up for the final battle small fries and boiled in by the three lights that saved the spotlight so long ago and becomes huge fry I've got no clue if three lights operate independently of deep cut or if there's some like family lineage connecting to deep cut and when they see the trio needs help they do something but regardless the spirits transform small fry into huge fry to confront the now master of Mr Griz three Pilots the octobot to suck up all Mr grizz's Fuzzy oosh and you have all the context you need for that not to sound 18 plus while huge fire engages in physical combat with Mr Grizz there are two outcomes to this fight in the bad timeline Grizz isn't stopped in time and shoots all the fuzz used all over earth once again you have all of the context you need for that to not sound 18 plus fuzzy ooze consumes the entire Earth and all life on it turning the entire planet into a living mammal but in the Canon timeline Mr Grizz is knocked unconscious by a beam of ooze the three sucked off of him trying to explain this game makes me hate Splatoon and myself all of the ink is fired back at Grizz and stops him leaving Grizz stranded in space and our heroes return to Alterna deep cut returns to splat's villain announces that the great sapfish has come back and is an invisibly bad shape and in Alterna the squid beak Splatoon thinks small frying 3 for their work saving the world after the events of hero mode life stays pretty normal same good music same good Turf War same good splatfest so they seem to happen less frequently and grisco which is somehow functioning normally with Mr Grizz stranded in space still while there probably will be some negative ramifications to this later on it's a good thing grisco is still running because in Cadia and the splatlands are now falling victim to Big runs a big one is an event that was prophesized way before modern incopolis times in something called The Book of madai from what we've seen of it it seems to be the inkling version of The Book of Revelations from the Bible the one verse of the book of Medi that we have seen comes back from Splatoon 2 and reads when smoke Rises From The Seven Rings the pink fish will emerge from the sea devouring all the creatures of the land in Splatoon 3 during a big run we can see this prophecy coming true with the cloud of smoke and seven rings of light beaming out while the salmonids invade inkling territory proving the prophecy correct the prophecy was made long before grizzca was invented so while grisco may have been created for nefarious purposes it's continued existence post Return of the mammalians campaign now seems to act as a last line of defense for the inklings from Total salmon and invasion okay it's done that's it you know every important event from the Splatoon series you can now leave this video and say that you are decently knowledgeable on the lore of a kids game this video is an enormous task to take so if you enjoyed it let me know leave a comment hit the like button and if you're feeling a little adventurous and want to learn more about Splatoon lore then maybe subscribe to my channel but if there's anyone you should be subscribing to it's the three editors that help me make this video gamma human Jack and ton bin this video wouldn't have been possible without them and their Channel links are in the description so you can see all the videos that they've made as well also big thanks to Joey pearlioni for talking about octo expansion even though he had no clue what he was talking about alright Gamers that's it for me see ya foreign [Music]
Channel: rizirone
Views: 423,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: splatoon, splatoon 1, splatoon 2, splatoon 3, octo expansion, splatoon 2 octo expansion, octolings, inklings, off the hook, squid sisters, calamari inkantation, calamari inkantation 3mix, splatfest, anarchy rainbow, deep cut, splatoon 3 splatfest, splatoon lore, splatoon 3 ost, splatoon 3 gameplay, big run, splatoon 3 big run, big run splatoon 3, splatoon 3 story mode, rizi, rizirone, rizirone splatoon, rizirone splatoon lore, rizirone splatoon 3, grizz, splatoon 3 news
Id: 8Nk4P5nJeDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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