A Devoted Church | The Living Church p4 | Steven Francis

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it is it is a joyful thing to come into the house of god don't you think we are not children to be dragged anybody here dragged by someone nah sometimes teenagers if you don't come you don't get the allowance so better come but we come willingly to the house of god amen now some will be thinking about all these new things that is happening keep the altar area conducive you know when god is increasing his presence in our life and his presence in the service and when we are ministering to people we want to honor the time and keep the area anointed and no gossips you get what i'm saying every chat is good chat but when it's done in the wrong time in the wrong place it is not a good chat but we wanted to have chat but do it outside the sanctuary so that the deposits that has been laid in this place through prayer through tears through fasting some of the people have been told by god to come almost every day seven in the morning and they are praying they are basically laying down seats of prayer and faith in the sanctuary and we want to keep it conducive for the holy spirit to come amen and we don't want to mess it up by fleshy performances or throwing the flesh you know and so we want to enjoy your fellowship but at the coffee shop down the valley uh at the traffic light whatever [Laughter] inside we keep it as a sanctuary as a place for the presence of god amen so when you're coming in you know you are coming into a place where the in the auditorium the sanctuary is saturated with prayer and faith now oh my my previous church didn't do it let's not do our future based on the past that's the problem with humans they complain about the past but they do the same thing so you know what happened in the last church you were part of the problem do you realize that you cannot come out complaining and then do the same thing contributing to the same thing again so change the atmosphere now we are not even seeing god manifest in his manifested presence we are seeing his grace manifesting in a graceful way the manifest power and the presence of god comes when people start walking being healed cripples standing up that's manifest power of god so if he sees to do that let's start in the simple ways keep the flesh out and the bible says idol speech increases ungodliness and the word increases ungodliness procopto doesn't appear anywhere else except another one more greek word idol speech has that level of power to poke holes into your vessel after you pray like seven hours oh you know and then you come out and you talk idle speech straight away poke holes into your vessels boom whatever you get gain over seven hours is just gone over minutes of idle speech but what is idle speech don't talk to anybody about the weather that's not idle speech talking nonsense and unnecessary if it's nothing to talk about anybody then talk about someone you get what i'm saying now yeah this if there is a reason of mentioning the bible then we have to look into it why the bible mention it amen now the pastor in kentucky was very blessed and he was very thankful that our congregation blessed the entire trip to look after the whole thing and i saw uh told him to send a video sent so that our church will be blessed there so that there is evidence that we went there to minister and not do anything else it's a pretty nice country church so praise god for that and then of course i went to angelina and i and the team went to see the the noah's ark how many of you know there is an ark in kentucky is the bible lane that's why it's there everybody is still finding where did the ark come in stop it's just here all are searching for ararat which is in turkey it is yes here i would have given them the address it is safely landed in fact now there is a cafeteria on the fourth floor yeah maybe we should organize a day and we should go huh what do you think church members are like herds they have to always organize and bring them praise god i enjoy your company and the presence of god in this place as i mentioned to you sometimes people may get very uptight why do we keep bringing rules and these and that because to honor god's presence and learning how to flow in the anointing of god it's not just about me it's about you if we will lay the right atmosphere your anointing and the graces you carry will just easily come on you amen and that is why some people feel that they are able to pray here more than they are home because here they are the the the feel is being tilted by so many sons and daughters who are praying for you they are crying for you so when you come you come into an open heavens unhindered i bring that same environment to your home no one should say i cannot pray in my house no one that's your house if not sell the house and buy a new one no one should say if it's your house you better break every stone and turn every stone until that house is occupied by you and not by your flesh huh your house is not a battleground it is god's ground it's your job to turn it around again don't sign your uh a deed off to the devil to come and stay it's your house hello three people say yes the other one are you still with me yes every room pray over and declare jesus don't say that's not my room that's my daughter's room who paid for that room you it belongs to who huh ah amen amen even you thank you brother hallelujah i forgot that [Laughter] if it's jesus then clean more [Laughter] are you following her you got to keep this in mind we respect privacy don't give room for secrecy privacy of our children yes we respect but secrecy is where demons build their nest don't allow that turn over everything ever notice that some things that you don't touch cockroaches will build lay eggs in that area because they know no humans touch that area and that is why turn jesus said turn over everything turn it around that the presence of god will come and fill this place amen and i pray that you and i will be open in your heart to let the word of god turn every part of your inner recesses if you thought this preaching was offending to me praise god praise god then i'm overturning something there god overturns things in my heart while the worship goes on when i'm hard in some matters the lord will say no you got to forgive that person not forgive means i'm not angry against that person but when i make a decision of discipline okay this is what i'm going to do allah say no you got to take it easy don't be too hard that type of thing you get what i'm saying because why the lord turns things around and sometimes like what uh the testimony we heard about our children you have things about them and you want to say things and the lord will say no you got to be softening because this is what they are going through we let the holy spirit turn tables around in our heart that means you are sitting in the right church listening to the right message amen amen okay praise god let's turn to the book of ezekiel chapter one we are studying and i also want to acknowledge oh what a worship today system since the angeline's first sunday service did a good job fantastic okay i also want to acknowledge pastor michael's messages you know many of you i mean have grown up in church you know there are pastors and assistant pastors and but i don't think so you would have seen our sons and daughters in our church in this church preaching as much than compared to any other church you have attended okay that's number one number two i've been in this game for just long enough to know how sometimes had sons and daughters or pastors and associates or assistants they are there they will preach but they don't flow in the same spirit but every time i look at michael james and and uh angeline who are the preaching group as well as sister uh rebecca she she is like a reinhard bonke in the woman's body oh my goodness when i was watching that the way they carry the flow of the anointing the messages in the way they preach the spirit in which they carry the word and i'm so thankful that god has given us such a body and i want to also be thankful for a team that is flowing through with what god is doing god brought us here to do something right he didn't just start another church there's enough churches here he did not ask us to start another church but he said start something that will turn things around amen that requires extra effort it cannot be the same effort so before i start the holy spirit told me to realign my what i wanted to say so i was going through all the readjustments and of course our precious sister shared about from hendersonville what's your name sister roland huh corolla oh like oh toyota corolla okay next time i'll remember the toyota then don't get upset with me okay so um about all the challenges she went and you know i i i saw an uh advertisement and about this particular t-shirt and i sent that to our son and so but i have a revised version to just share to you in short so that we all will remember what we should do are you okay okay so the devil appears and say to someone do you know there's a storm coming to a child of god creating fear so the child of god tells back to the devil yes but didn't you hear the devil said what i am the storm [Laughter] because greater is he that is in me than he that is in this world amen tell your neighbor i am the storm hey did you say you sound like a wind did you stay in a stormy way okay let's try out one two three go ah some of you whatever you do at home just do it in church it's the same give the same power [Laughter] don't be like a lion we know if it's a storm everybody will know how come there is an alert for hurricane in every do this do this what about when god is about to move in [Music] you cannot pray for a storm and just behave normal and so our actions and our prayer must be online are you we cannot say god move but nothing in the cam is changing and so now we are seating it in prayer we are sitting it through evangelism all this town is totally saturated with the gospel but people say then why are we people pastors have told me oh we have done that oh we have done that when i talk about this oh yeah we have done that so i came up with this answer think whether correct or wrong who says every minute there are 10 000 children born around the world every minute 10 000 children that means every minute you have 10 000 souls opportunity do you understand anybody who said we've been there done that praise god that's your time this is my time now it's my time to saturate the city and when i'm dead someone is go god is going to raise up someone else until jesus comes the gospel of the kingdom will not stop amen oh don't keep on hearing to the pastor i have been there done that okay praise god in australia they have another statement anybody from australia okay been there done that wrecked it that means they broke it that's australians that's good years ago i prophesied in australia about these coming problems and today australian city is just upside down we have to pray for the peace of the nations amen in ezekiel chapter one there is a powerful demonstration of god's anointing and vision to ezekiel he saw the very personalized bodyguards of god which no one else got to see moses saw in shades he was commanded to build a karubim but he has not seen it the good thing about all the different manifestations of god except for few prophets who are very close enough to see the different characteristics of the same appearance of angels or visions some of them saw brand new that the others have not seen you can say the measurement of the amount of visitations or encounters moses could be the top boy but isaiah saw something the others have not seen ezekiel saw something which these other guys have not seen are you with me god will give us listen two types of revelation one is general which everybody will know what you're saying there's nothing for you to muck around but then there will be specifics that will carry your call that will come when you break through from the crowd and go forward in the spirit you will have specific revelations the problem is we want to run as a group but we want to have specific revelations it will never come because you're just doing what everybody would be doing pray normal you know it's nothing more that you're doing you you get what i'm saying hello are you following me oh when i was running for the uh cross-country championships in my school in my school i was the top seven and i came to the top three but i couldn't be top one my physic my strength was not good enough the top guy always remains the top so whenever people are signing up for the championships the moment they see the school running team is that no one will join because they know they will never beat this group but to run a race which is just 15 minutes 4.8 kilometers i don't know how many miles is that okay we trained the whole year whole year three times a week now from there oh yeah top seven great fantastic and then we were sending to the national uh inter schools that's the national level cross-country championship i was number seven in my school but when the inter schools all came together you were running with the best with every school right i went to number 35 my same timing of 15 minutes because national record is 12 minutes man there were 4.8 kilometers how many miles is that come on three miles yes thank you my brother all the way but of course it's not a straight road right it's through the jungle and forest and you're coming through planes up down through the trees and by the side of the river and then it's called cross country the guys will all stand together the moment they blow boom you are taking off as speed as you can once they are in the close quarters they will jab you they play cheap so either run as close as fast as you can the moment you break away then you don't stop man you your stamina all the way through there's no resting it's a different ball game now if god has called us to run in a speed which others now have failed then our dedication must be twice correct because just being normal as it is we saw the the spirit of the world is stronger than normal it is doing more to bring people down therefore we increase in the presence of god are you with me if not the church and outside will not show any difference it will be the same if lives are to be changed it doesn't change by human love it changes by divine love and divine means it is god involvement and these are the gang of heaven which ezekiel got to see the personal bodyguards four angels who had four faces and i talked about this this will be the fourth uh part uh in the series that we are talking about the living church if you have not watched the other three you got to watch because we laid a foundation why the church must be strong living and powerful powerful of course it can be people are so powerful in money but you still don't know what to do i remember one pastor friend you know he was employed by this particular church these are all singapore stories and they said they've got 2 million in the bank and the church has 40 people and they don't know what to do i said well the easiest thing i'll give you a supernatural council employ me i spend the money man because i've got projects i know what to do with the money do you see with money without vision you still go nowhere so please don't pray money is answer money is not then i've got another pastor friend he's got 5 000 members but he does doesn't know where to stir the shape so they are still as lost every time we come together you'll pray what is god telling me to do man you're a i i think you should have a vision right for that number of yeah but it doesn't have a personal vision they have a corporate id they know where they are going but they don't know what's going on inside so please don't think numbers alone means anything money alone means anything all these are part of god's favor but without god we can be nothing amen a big church will do big things a small church must do something mustn't be excused why we are small you know that's a small country church even um even a rat will make his presence known in the household [Laughter] yes or no so make your presence known how small you are make your presence known that god has sent us here hello there's a very weak amen for a powerful statement [Laughter] [Music] ezekiel chapter one four phases four different types of uh uh uh creatures that was there and they were all having the power of the presence of god and we talked about living means the freshness of god we we talked about that and you and i are responsible to keep our spirit man fresh before the presence of god amen don't be don't be stale you must know how fast you can become fresh each one of us must know how long you must spend the reading the bible to become fresh how long must i pray to remain fresh but this is the trick okay if this is your if this is your vessel and if your watermark is already here your effort is just that little to top it up right but if all the time you drain yourself empty then every time you come before god you need to keep yourself up and that's a lot of hard work so don't go right to the bottom keep yourself up you know sometimes your work situation is challenging your family situations are challenging and your uh colleagues uh colleagues are challenging and the situation could be very compromising you're using up the oil that god has given to you but don't wait right to the end then every time you come before the presence of god you are struggling to top it up because you don't have the luxury of three to seven hours to pray right let's say you only have one hour then every time you use up top it up again and so it's easy to feel the presence of god working through you all the time it will be easy to sense what god is asking you to do for this week because your oil mark is there why will it be easy if it's empty you'll be crying say god fill me fill me when you are crying and fill me there is no directional changes there are only personal feelings hello you can have all the plan and the map drawn out with your fantastic car without gas you go nowhere so what's the point of having this fantastic vision to change the world but they just don't know how to top it up even without a map if you know how to top it up god's directions will come to you amen so we focus in topping it up it's not a prideful thing because once you're overflowing you'll share with others it's a natural by-product of having jesus inside your life now ezekiel chapter one is about the different visions that he had heavens were open he saw the visions of god the hand of the lord came upon him and then verse 5 and from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had human likeness plus the last session that i shared with you we touched a little bit on the last probably 15 minutes or so about how the church no matter how anointed we are there is a human factor to us huh have you heard uh uh uh uh uh stories or read in the papers where it's a brand new sports car the moment the fella paid for it and drove it out he wrecked it and he died that's it it was all okay the ministry is great as you are out and admiring oh fantastic church oh god i wish i could be used by it until you're outside to admire it looks nice put your fit into it then you'll know the price you must pay to maintain the cost of action are you following the same way no matter how anointed we are remember there is a human factor to us as long as the word human factor is attached to the anointing corruption problems lack of it more of it is very possible to happen problem comes the moment god releases the oil into human vessels are you with me the problem is never with god's anointing it is pure and original but when it comes into human vessel the human vessels manifest different attitudes so how do i work with as a team if all the human attitudes could be put it together with the flow of god the fruit of the spirit we will have the differences yes but the different marker mustn't drop so low you sound like the world you smell like the world you think like the world that means that person is not conditioned for a church level of leadership huh imagine i sign up in a in a in a place where to sign up as a bouncer what do you think see a very quick reaction in this church which is true every anybody will love i think the interview guy will love you sign up as a bouncer yeah that must be are we handling cats [Laughter] because the moment the word bouncer you have an image prefix in your mind how the guy would look like isn't it huh how is that we are saying more than a conqueror and and someone like a jellyfish comes and say you have me i'm the one are you i think so that's what everybody's saying hello are you drunk or what hello what are you talking about if you are not then please go back to the sunday school get yourself repaired and come back because it is going to get hot the enemy is a real enemy this is not tom and jerry game you know tom and jerry who is tom you know who's jerry right but the cat never seems to die in every episode every five minutes no matter what it does to trap it it comes back alive and play but that is nice to watch and laugh but in real game in real life it's not like that and sometimes you don't stand up sometimes it's too late to say i'm ready and so that is why at the same time we don't become paranoid you see they enjoy the presence of god to know that is a human factor in our serving it calls for a dedicated living lifestyle we are not like the world we don't sound like the world we have to struggle through where is the margin all of us have to go through the same spot when i was in the military i'll be fasting and praying and when i come into my bank my cam my bank mate you know we we share the same uh uh um double bait you know in our bank that will be about 40. so each uh will be a double bait you got to share with your your partner and he will have all kinds of uh new girls pasted over everywhere you cannot say anything to him and but he's my close friend right but you know i'm a holy man right he said yes i know you're a holy man so close your eyes yeah because i like to see you don't like to see this is my part that's your part i said but when i walk through i can see that yeah close your eyes and walk two years you're gonna still go through that i can't curse him okay whatever meant but the point is can i still remain my heart holy without being infected with it because our thinking of holiness and radical living is that the devil is doesn't exist in the world anymore every people everybody that you think about is holy they are floating like angels and they i love you and they flow from the stage our idea of what it is to walk in love we want to be doing the things of god without being challenged and we want everybody but if that's not the way you chase it then give me a a dictionary the way you like it i will say the same way husband wives argue they say but that's not the way you should have said have you ever written a dictionary for each other please say such things in this stone in this level in that modulation using this english nobody knows that is why the beauty of husband wife even if they are 80 years old they are still arguing i want you to understand that's the truth of it isn't it that's human that keeps the family alive in fact some families their joy is arguing with one another it keeps them they are talking and they're laughing some family dynamics don't change it you change they will stop god has its beauty in handling humans when it comes to church we cannot look like a copycat we all sound the same we do the same no no no there is a lot of personalities mixed but god is the maker of them all amen there will be strength and weaknesses but god is the maker of them all and the lord showed me this and i want to share with you being spiritual or supernatural doesn't give any one of us the right to be arrogant doesn't give any one of us the right to say i know what god told me really if you know then show more christ likeness because you know much more than i do are you with me the more you have seen it then the more you must demonstrate don't even dare to say god said if that part of your life is not demonstrated with some christ-like action because the devil carries pride and arrogance god is righteous injustice he takes pride in his children he is jealous for his children i am a jealous god his jealousy is different like as though someone is staring about his family it's not the pride proud are you with me so how can i handle this the hardest part in learning to serve god if there is anything that we should do more is learning to handle humans together problem starts when humans do things not machines nothing wrong with this pulpit you see until i have to mess it up then something happens to it they don't have life they don't create any problems to anyone humans create problems so there is a human appearance but even then god has decided that he died for us amen and rose from the dead that is why in romans 12 1 the bible says therefore i urge you brothers in view of god's mercy oh look at that in view of god's mercy to offer yourself as what sacrifice still past tense frozen ah let me see ah yes i forgot this is america in the freezer sacrifice no living sacrifice holy pleasing to god look at the qualities that are set not your version of living god's version of living sacrifice it must be holy and he must be right and in fact if you think it's too much it is just a reasonable spiritual act of worship in other words who you are is the first worship as you enter into the house of god these instruments and someone playing in fact i wanted to play but it's okay i wanted to follow what jeff did halfway just go and play but if i play you you'll fall under the pentecost fire so i rather don't are you following so god is looking the first aspect is the living worship that is why even when you don't know how to play an instrument when you are worshiping god humbling yourself your worship arises before god why this life must be the first act of worship the secondary is all the things that we are doing that is why holy vessels when they play something happens unholy vessels when they play something also happens oh god this is this model you know this is not a good model that worship leader he plays that's a powerful no it's not about the model it's about the vessel that is playing in here the vessel brings the presence of god are you with me think about that very importantly what the bible tells us why we must focus on people management why we must focus because the church is full of people different personalities coming through one of the most mysterious scripture for me for me about church and management when i'm i've meditated this for more than 30 years still you'll find the challenge in acts chapter 2 verse 42. the book of acts chapter 2 verse 42 the bible says and they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers of praying they devoted themselves and the word devoted appears all throughout the book of acts they devoted themselves now the word devotion sounds uh a little bit alien yeah i love to pray i want to pray i like to pray the bible here says they devoted themselves can you say that with me devoted now the word devoted means they give themselves continuously step fastly to a specific action they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and then there will be an always a group of people will say but i am devoted to god i don't have to devote myself to my pastor's teaching don't be clumsy that's not what it says that's not what it says unless your pastor is speaking full of flesh then you shouldn't be in that church right hello if i'm preaching like a circus monkey you shouldn't be in this church if i'm preaching like a outside trainer for positive thinking he shouldn't be in this church because a church means it's a holy man preaching holy message it distinguishes his sound i shouldn't sound like anthony robbins are you fair enough are you i shouldn't sound like a politician because a man of god must speak a message that comes from god he shouldn't sound like a journalist a newcast newscaster that means you just took out notes from cnn and abc and put it all together and is giving you a concise message no that's not what it is he is a man from god hello so you have your criteria right they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching because their god's presence was coming through and the word simply means they are steadfast and giving themselves continuously and because of that word devotion you'll find the presence of god coming through how many of us are devoted to the things that we believe god is working through in the ministry of the church you see we are swimming against the tide oh we are roving we are roving we are rowing it's hard it's nice to see a boat from far but when you start rowing you know i remember when i went to the school leadership training five full days out of 2000 students 40 were chosen recommended so i was one of them it was fun then he came for canoeing two miles canoeing and a big uh boat with the oars when you have to do this everybody got chosen except for the girl there's one girl nobody chose so she cried to me literally stephen i know you are a christian you will not say no can you please choose me i go no one else everybody runs so i got to choose this girl right i said okay come on halfway canoeing then i know why nobody choose her because she don't want a canoe she don't want to pull she don't want to roll she doesn't want to admire everything and i'm feeling the push man and it's two miles you know what it is teamwork everybody moves together everybody roll pull roll poo and then it's so easy i said wow how come it's getting tighter and it's tighter and i turn around you won't believe what she was doing [Music] halfway we are in the ocean roaming into an island halfway i felt the waves are coming strong and the boat is not really moving much the canoe is becoming tighter oh hey hello halfway she is putting her sun block halfway putting the whole hello this is not the time to start you know but the sun will burn me oh wow can we then she did it after a while another halfway again was getting tight again i was starting tight and then i turned around are you robbing or not yes what are you doing i'm putting my waterproof lipstick hey i wish in those day i'm talking about 1984 i wish we would have cell phone for me to even take and show you you know whether i'm saying the truth i'm just marking around for the sake of sermon illustration i'm not why god sent me all the monsters i don't know you know what that was just two miles one way i got a draco for the next two miles coming back because this is miss universe nobody wanted and now i know why when you bring miss universe to one location you got to bring miss universe back so we were the last one to come out of the 40 the captain of the training he's a navy seal guy they were sent to us to train because it's all the sea sports stuff okay since both of you are so late and she looks so beautiful i want you to drag the canoe [Music] half a mile away from the shore capsize the canoe and swim and bring it back so i got nothing else to do right my partner is beautiful when all the way there cap's eyes the moment i kept saying she was screaming at me you know why he said you got my hair wet with salt water okay good great so i say you push from there i pull from here backstroke you front stroke will pull it in and the body is not moving anywhere why instead of swimming she was hanging on so that i will pull her a half an hour exercise lasted one and a half hours that resulted in 300 push-ups when i reached the show pumping motion down sit pumping motion down have you any guys been to military you know this is the drill oh i celebrated miss universe for five days because she can't be changed that's how it is you know sometimes we have all these beauty queens in your team ministry [Laughter] they want to look beautiful but they don't want to do anything they want to share the glory share the cup but they're not contributing enough they will latch on into someone who is always hyper contributor because they know the moment you latch with hyper people their hyper active contribution covers your leg but the work will become heavy it's nice for a while because i feel like a savior for you i'm the one oh there's nobody like you i always waited all my life like you yeah sure it's nice for a while for a week after a while the work will become heavier heavier heavier are you with me or sometimes at home children's parents feel the same you have four children but you are still cleaning the house on your own because none of them are doing it i've been there done that say amen quietly team ministry there is a human component to it here all of them moved together they had the wings of god they were serving god and so god is teaching us even though god has given us a very important human component of our life how can i bring it under god's subjection so i can be useful to god are you with me they devoted themselves just on that word i've meditated for hours thinking about this word they devoted themselves when i was 18 or 19 i i decided on that day i'm going to devote myself to the things of god and the things of serving god devoting when someone is devoted when you look at the person you know that person is a devotee towards god he's not just a christian going to church he's devoted to god hello do you carry that label as a christian or a person who's devoted to god and you know if your non-christian friend can say that you passed the test because non-christian friends are always truthful they don't flatter the ones who flatter all inside the church we flatter one another because they're so afraid to hurt you know sometimes to tell the truth helps a person towards god than to tell a lie and see them falling to hell hello keep in mind it is hard oh i'm not like that then bring that person to me i am like that [Laughter] i'll bring them to gary gary's 10 times like that someone have to tell the truth are you listening or not because we are dealing with real challenges and sometimes when men come to the ministry even daughters when they come to the ministry they will handle the truth better than going around the bush and telling all kinds of stories tell me what i need to change and that's the challenge of serving god together when there is a human component to our lives what did the holy spirit showed me he showed me about this scripture i shared with you about romans i shared with you about acts chapter 2 then he showed me the surpassing glory of god placed on us in jars of clay turn with me to second corinthians chapter four in jars of clay they're surpassing i use where is that in 2nd corinthians chapter 4 verse 7 for we have this treasure what is the treasure which god's glory earlier the verses will say it is god's glory but we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to god and not to us somebody say amen the glory that you carry it belongs to god so don't behave like an owner god can't remove and give it to anybody else god can give it to anybody else it belongs to god but who are the vessels jars of clay it's not jars of gold it is not vessels of silver even though you know what paul told timothy he said become a vessel of honor in other words god trusts us no matter who you are you can be as fragile as a clay the bible says in the book of jeremiah he is the potter and we are the clay so if god is working on a clay do you think he will work something which will keep breaking no he makes us to become better so paul now tells the saint paul who said we are josh of clay later on he tells to timothy become a vessel of honor did the power change no the same power in clay and honor gold or silver same power what is changing the vessel is changing why is the vessel changing because the vessel is so thankful to god that god you have invested on my life thank you so i'm changing i'm transforming slowly by the power of god amen what if for many of us this church that you are in is your last run that means this is a place you got to change it's no longer the vessel of clay is becoming a vessel of owner for the things of god are you with me you know i was very saddening just last five uh uh in the last two weeks of almost seven people that i know in malaysia a couple of them are my cousins one of the uncle who came and spoke to me about jesus when i was 15. now he's about 70 and one of the sisters that i baptize and pray about seven of them in the last two weeks or three weeks put together have died of kobe did malaysia so kind of one after another i was hearing over and over and over especially i remember about this particular person i've invested so many hours and so many days that has become months and has become years to speak about god yet nothing came out good out of that when that person died it was just 43 years old will anyone know when we will end our story no we don't so the time that is given to us count it for the glory of god amen don't take it for granted don't take it for granted this life that we have how important it is the among the seven the only one that i really had too much burden is about this uncle i'll be smoking outside the house and he will come he will smile and talk to me about jesus and purposely i'll go out for another smoke i'll come you'll talk to me about jesus the smile that he had every time he comes i'll stop smoking okay just for your sake because you're a good man and when i accepted christ and he attended my meeting and i was preaching like fire or he was crying and i said look because of your prayer god changed me because of you i am what i am because of god you see when those people died in this way for covet it hurts you are you with me but this is life which is so fragile it can happen to any one of us i want to encourage all of us to recognize the presence and the power of god that is working through it requires us to devote ourselves constantly devotedly bible school is coming it's an eight-month program it's going to be every every week is going to be a challenge i'm going to look out for a lot more emails i'll say pastor can we extend the uh i can't finish this i can't finish my assignment i can't finish my book reading because i have to look after my horse dog cow cat and everything else finish grasshoppers and crickets because some time you're going to run out of animals soon it's welcome but devote yourself sleep less eat less study more that's called devoted to the things that god has called you to are you with me now i'm serious man because that's what i did for 10 years when the lord told me study eat fast one book is reading and i'm eating or because you are devoted because after that i have to take our children to swimming pool i have to take them to here and then i have to minister i have to pray i have to do this then i have to take care of my beautiful wife think about all the important works that i was doing amen [Laughter] for living creatures i pray in the name of jesus that god will release an anointing upon us though we are weak we will become strong though we don't know much but god will give us an anointing to do much god will give us the fervency to change from within amen god knows what fire temperature to set for each vessel we all will have different levels of heat to cook us up because we all come from different backgrounds so when someone is going through a deeper fire don't mess around god is at work it's a human component to it but when they come into the presence of god it is different that's why whenever people say i saw jesus i pay attention to the attitudes oh i saw an angel i pay attention to the attitude because no one can see god and the heaven life and remain normal anymore something about them will change if nothing is changing then probably you didn't see an angel was there probably saw an angel that ran away and fall away the other one said you could see one of them because you are becoming like one your actions and lifestyle is proving you saw the wrong one are you listening are you with me jesus himself said we shall know them by the word buy the fruit so don't break about what kind of tree you are the fruit speaks for itself oh you cannot say you know who who planted me who it doesn't matter who planted you man what you're giving out your fruit vindicates you your fruit justifies you you cannot say we have god and anointing in this church if we are walking in the flesh they rather don't come here because there is nothing good and nothing different than from just every other church are you with me it is important it's not about come and see my pastor please don't waste time bringing anybody to see me bring them to see jesus really because no lives are changed by a human no one is healed by a human no demons care about a human no worship will rise up because of a human it comes because of god so bring them to see god are you with me are you with me hey then sometimes even doesn't take me to pray someone could pray for them in the coffee shop and god's power is already coming are you with me all the ushers can touch and say oh i feel the anointing and pray and the power of god is taking place you can be healed even before you come in into the sanctuary your hearts can be so encouraged even before you come into the sanctuary you waited for the message god waited for you that's the grace that we are praying and believing that god will manifest his grace because if you're true oh the anointing is in the sanctuary now what about the guys who are working in the sound room what about the guys and the kids who are out there in the sunday school is the anointing manifesting there absolutely somebody say amen but some people say i don't want to come to church can i come to your house the power of god you will carry to the house will manifest in the house therefore we become vessels of god you don't have a problem with divisions you don't have a problem with the angels you don't have a problem with your accounts but the problem always come because it's human the human factor in every ministry then we thought oh jesus will choose those problemless people he chose 12 he is full of problems of their own imagine peter now since your master is dead can you go back to fish please because he's not going to provide for you anymore so all of them went back to their work while jesus was gone they were out there fishing in john chapter 20 jesus came and made for them breakfast remember do you remember or not how can the king of kings and the lord of lords the resurrected savior cook some fish for you instead of rebuking them and capsizing their boat swim back you deserve it i tell you [Laughter] i just leave you for 40 days and you go back to your old ways instead of that he makes them fish and say come on in i want to tell you another thing now because they did the good thing you see they didn't go and drop anybody they just went back to their job they did the right thing but god says now i'm calling you for a higher level of faith go there in jerusalem and wait till the holy spirit come upon you say the word till the holy spirit. when god tells you to pray till the holy spirit come upon you and he doesn't tell you how many days then wait until he comes for some of you will take a year why it's a year because all throughout your life you've been so lazy you don't want to pray through and so god gives you this time because he looks for this marker you see if you buy if you buy this bottled water half filled will you buy it or you look it's tainted will you buy no or you picked it up from the store and by the time you did this it's already open will you buy it it's just a water and how much is it i don't know how many cents man it's just how many cents only in america in singapore is about one dollar fifty cents one dollar fifty cents for three dollars three dollars something you get about 24 bottles isn't it in america yes or no hey be proud of your country you know [Laughter] for that few cents you have such a quality control and some people will read even the chemicals just for a few cents okay good if you go to india you have to they have to open the bottle in front of you it cannot be opened from there because they could fill it up from the tap or river water you know this clowns do a lot of things there so you got to put there in front of you they must open or then it's new one now if god is presenting you to others how will he present you empty bottle holes dirty murky open up not good enough to be consumed if you look yourself as a vessel what grade would you give but yet we are crying i want to be used by god yes that is why i am working in your life because when i present you as the water of life to someone who's dying for the thirst you must give life to them and not drink and die faster do you know some people die faster because they're in fellowship with someone else they shouldn't because they zap the energy out are you with me let me share with you a new simple for others but for me it's a revelation i shared with the elders just a few days ago i was uh i brought my my my uh what what table what table camping table i know what's extra table a folding table it was in the shed so uh you know we had a dinner and we had a eldest meeting we came to the house and now last week i was a little bit lazy and i left it out in the backyard instead of putting it in the leaves came and it dropped and created so many stains a brand new table looked like it's a thousand years old so i could i took all the stain removers and pour it and you know i was scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing praying the spirit baha brochure you don't curse the table table doesn't know anything just pray in tongues your life will change and jesus came and stood beside me it says son you know many lives are like this table it's brand new but when you put it outside to the world the world will take away your beauty the world will transmit its sorrow to you it's problem to you the lack of peace of the world will come into you my children will always want to be left outside they don't pay attention to things i tell you so when they are left to the elements of this world it will give your sorrow and take away your beauty and that is why a 30 year old person can look like 50 something because they don't have sorrow they are smoking they are drinking their heart pumps like as though they are 75 ready to stop because they don't care because the world's curse is transmitted into the body but when that person or any other individual comes into god and god's teach them lifestyles of holiness lifestyles are being set apart where god says don't smoke don't do this don't do that because your body is the temple of the holy spirit don't sleep with the wrong woman don't sleep with the wrong man don't spill your seed around and create new problems because they will take away your wealth in other words you work for nothing you will have nothing and so god gives us wisdom moral values hygienic values religious values and god makes you and then suddenly you see you can be 50 you can be 70 you will look like a 40 year old the joy of heaven comes inside you the strength of heaven comes inside you something about you always bubbles up when people around you instead of sapping the energy you are releasing the life inside somebody say amen oh just by scrubbing that table you want to have the revelation come to my house scrub my tables [Laughter] every finisher of my house will give you a new revelation pay attention god can do the same to you pay attention to jesus i don't want to test the church until we are outside let's do the work now wait till i share with you when we are out of this series i'll share with you what the lord spoke to me in kentucky who is coming i pray in the name of jesus today you and i will be strengthened with pure love encourage one another strengthen one another it is absolutely impossible we are in church we have not offended anyone yet there will be plenty of offenses but walk in love plenty of challenging moments walk in peace see the rational point in between everything else i was thinking about someone and i just told angeline while we were praying the lord said you know when thinking about that person you got to show more love i remember once in our i'll i will finish with this uh that was a big serious problem that took place in our malaysian church the church would be planted that required an executive decision that i had to make to to keep them out of the church so that was the executive decision we all agreed and so i came and now this person was sitting in front of me elders were all sitting and we were talking jesus came he stood beside me look at him i'm looking now look at look at him from my eyes and it's as though the lord gave me a specs you know the lenses came and i'm looking at him as a crawling baby crawling and crying and doing all the messy and you know and the lord said can you forgive him for my sake i said how can you ask me this you i will do it i started crying you know i'll do it right i know and that is why i'm telling you for my sake forgive him can you believe the redeemer's blood is still bleeding on your behalf can you believe the redeemer's blood is still interceding in front of the father's face can you believe the redeemer's blood is still speaking and making way for you that is why even the hardest heart you think they will not forgive when they look at you again now i've forgotten about it something happened in between what was the transaction the riddimous blood now if that is true how many of us have to forgive your husband how many of you have to forgive your wife how many of you have to forgive your children who ran away from your house or stole things from you how many of you have to cancel their past files and throw it and burn it in the trash and never to look at it again how many of you have to forget your past pains or what your stepdad did what your stepmom did don't become don't live their life some of you talk about them but you're living their life you are living their hurts you are living in that past memory instead of living and celebrating the goodness of god how many of us have to get out of it are you with me can we all stand up together you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 3,303
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Id: cCzcxaDt1E4
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Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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