Spider-Man: The New Animated Series | Episode 5 "Keeping Secrets" | Hall Of Heroes

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h [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah best dress please the girls got hips like snack trays catch me if you can what no acceptance speech you didn't thank your manager your agent your assistant your shrink the dolly llama I'm a witch what can I tell you so you had some sudden need for a paper weight or is there a big market for stolen cable TV Awards okay first of all spandex you might want to rethink that second not everything's about money money sweetheart if it's worth something to them it's worth something to me and third [Music] [Music] [Music] damn it [Music] okay that was humiliating and this is so not spandex lines forming buddy are you waiting for a message from the Mother Ship or are you going to jump never mind if you need some inspiration I'm getting naked down here I don't know who you are but I think I'm in [Music] love who makes up these nicknames these newspaper guys read too many Comics where's Harry I thought he was going to honor us with his presence this afternoon wouldn't bet on it it's like he's turning into you I don't know what he's up to he's never home he says he's at the library or something like he even knows where that is think we should be worried worried about what your disappearing act afraid I was off somewhere running up a bartab the size of the national dent it's not like you couldn't afford it yeah well you guys can call off the intervention okay I met someone wow who's the lucky babe of the week it's like they have an expiration date stamped on their forehead guys I know this is hard to believe trust me even I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around this but I think I actually like this one he's not kidding I don't think he is wait a sec if you're so hot on this girl how come we haven't met her you embarrassed of us or something that's what it is we're not good enough for her well that's true you're not but that's not the reason I just wanted to take my time with this one I didn't want to rush into anything huh go figure man that's great so can I ask you a question who are you and what have you done with Harry Osborne if you keep acting like a jerk I'm not going to let you meet her tomorrow night I thought I'd make dinner for the four of us you cook yeah who as in preparing food for human consumption by means of heat just shut up and be ready at 7:00 so where did she grow up oh I don't know Upstate someplace I think where does she work I mean you said she's not in school what' she do wait did she already graduate ooh maybe she's like 40 and that's why he's been hiding her guys enough with the third degree you're giving me a headache whoa take it easy buddy we're just kidding around I know but do me a favor and back off okay I mean it I'm a little bit freaked here hey harry it's going to be fine yeah don't sweat it all right we'll try not to chew with our mouths open or spit when we talk or do anything else that might ruin your potential happiness promise thank you okay this is too weird he's wigging out over a girl I feel like we're trapped in some kind of alternate universe but I guess it's a good thing right he's been such a train wreck lately I know it's kind of a miracle actually I mean can you even remember the last time Harry got close to anybody you know except for us I'll get it [Music] hi I'm [Music] Cheyenne um is Harry here hi yeah come on in welcome I'm MJ and the mime here is Peter it's really great to meet you okay she's not that cute yeah fine whatever Harry come on I was just asking a simple question yeah I mean who knew it was chicken really I've just never seen at this color go ahead mock please I insist a don't pout honey so Cheyenne did you know Harry's Rich Peter what the hell actually I did know but I decided to go out with him anyway I'm a trust fun baby too money's not really an issue for me yeah she's rich and she comes from a screwed up family we're perfect for each other yeah what anybody up for a late movie oh I can't I got to get up for an early flight remember where you going hella skin in Utah Girl trip wow that is so cool you got to try it sometime the Head Rush is completely insane yeah but seriously when you think about it who needs all that fresh air and scenery why don't just stay here with me instead I've got a much better way to get your adrenaline going tempting but as cute as you are can't do it oh come on me or a bunch of chicks in a helicopter I'm thinking the choice is clear Harry I'm not going to ditch my friends just because I've suddenly got a guy in my life a great guy if you think so seriously I got to go pack think I'm going to take off too if you headed up town we can share a cab yeah sure dinner was fabulous I'll call you when I get back okay it was great meeting you Peter you too last chance to change your mind what' I tell you she legendary or what yeah absolutely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know this is going to sound like a totally lame pickup line but haven't I seen you someplace before I thought we talked about that outfit h yeah well not all of us can wear leather don't you find it kind of chafing I never get that hot with this on anyway listen I don't want to be rude but you're irritating me so what do you want didn't you get your ass kicked enough last time okay the bitter and hostile routine it's getting a little old but hey long as we're getting to know each other what are you doing here you mean a nice girl like me uh no clearly not if you want to know the truth I'm doing this article for Crime Fighters monthly about the inner psyche of the criminal element you know what they say it all goes back to the mother that your story don't you have anybody that means anything to you if you get hurt you get caught what would that mean I never thought I'd hear anything so full of crap I mean did you really think this Oprah moment was going to give me some kind of epiphany come on 2 seconds I just want to talk don't need therapy tell you what I do need though a date H tomorrow night nine sharp it'll give you a chance to see what I can really do don't want to miss that do you great hey so what's up don't tell me you're packed already you need five pairs of shoes to go pick up a newspaper don't exaggerate I only need four I decided to postpone no snow no you I got to tell him I'm supposed to be supportive tell them how great she is how happy I am for him that's my job right I'm his friend easy for you to say you don't know what this guy's been through but this girl he's going to get hurt I know it yeah yeah yeah and just deal with the consequences I I hate [Music] consequences hey morning there's coffee if you want it great uh Harry can I talk to you about something I just hi Peter hi so what's up uh nothing no big deal it can wait till later did you ask him well I was just going to Cheyenne decided to leave tonight instead so we thought it'd be fun if the four of us could hang out together this afternoon MJ's already on our way over uh yeah I don't know I kind of have a lot of work to do my butts dragging in chem lab come on Peter Harry says you're a genius a few hours of sunshine isn't going to kill your grade point don't try to argue better men than you have [Music] tried remind me again why we decided not to go rollerblading cuz I'm so much better at rollerblading losing steam there but I guess all working no play makes Peter a slow boy oh yeah bring it [Music] on [Music] wa gotcha almost lost it there [Music] thanks like her any better now I mean she did save my life your life good thing somebody's majoring in drama there's something about her I just I don't trust her you know no I don't Cheyenne seems like a totally great girl she's smart she's funny she's nuts about Harry and he's completely crazy about her yeah and maybe somebody's jealous me of her well she's taking up a lot of Harry's time which he used to spend hanging out with you listen Peter I know this might be a New Concept for you but some people actually have social lives maybe you ought to try it one [Music] day a date nine shs hey um you up for a pizza or something I thought maybe we could hang out you know watch a movie or uh oh man Harry I can't right now I've got plans oh come on can't you break them I don't know if I could handle this thing with Cheyenne you know I mean one minute everything's going great and the next it's like a wall slams into me she freaking Terror I just really need to talk listen I I've really got to take care of something but if you want I'll be back in about an hour you want to wait yeah sure whatever no big deal I'm probably blowing this all out of yeah whatever right I'll see you [Music] this year's Tech Convention featuring the next generation of data Communications technology an unbreakable encryption security system that can be used on any device from anywhere in the world sorry I'm late couldn't do a thing with my hair yeah that's why I have the mask [Music] so why am I here need help shopping for some nice encryption software well the holidays always seem to be right around the corner yeah fine now that we've done the whole witty banter thing can we just cut to the Freud and chase this can't really be what you want to do with your life is it cuz trust me most of the guys I run into in this business idiots I'm talking morons okay you're not like that you're way too smart what is your problem why do you care I just do okay you seem better than this yeah well here's a little career advice for you stick to the crime fighting at cuz you suck as a social worker and by the way that thing about me being way too smart I am stay where you are you're under arrest the firing at us C for back up this how you set up all your dates cuz I'm thinking candy and flowers might win you more points [Music] Cheyenne how did you know my name stay where you are put your hands [Music] up Cheyenne let me help you you don't know me don't even think you know me [Music] wait wait slow down okay what what are you talking about I thought we no I don't I then just tell me why I think I deserve so I'm just supposed to Cheyenne don't that didn't sound good she's not coming back until when I don't know never maybe I she's moving just like that no explanation no nothing just just she's leaving and has no idea if she'll be back damn it listen why don't we go down to Monty's Donut House scarfed down about a dozen glazed we can talk if you want no wonder I never get too close cuz this it sucks I know believe me what about a half glazed half jelly you got a deal and by the way you're buying think of it as payback for you blowing me off earlier on the next episode of Spider-Man we are Terra we want Spider-Man or everyone here dies oh my God [Music]
Channel: Hall Of Heroes
Views: 6,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hall Of Heroes, Superheroes, Superpowers, Super Villains, Villains, Spider-Man, Venom, Iron Man, Underworld, Blade, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Marvel Cartoons, spider man, neil patrick harris, full episode, the new animated series, peter parker, green goblin, spider man cartoon, spider man 2003, scarlet blox, computer generated imagery, disney junior, disney jr, spidey blox, cgi, disney xd, comic book, cartoon, spiderman 2003, tnas, electro, retro cartoons, episode 5, keeping secrets
Id: 2oWWwDs8hsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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