The cult leader behind Ruby Franke’s house of horrors

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you don't get to sneak you don't get to hide you don't get to have secrets not in my house do you see how loving that is I I don't love this hi my name is Sydney welcome back to hell and as per usual before we launch in today's video is sponsored by me and my new little Tea Company Lions Tea Exchange which you should go and check out if you haven't already I've created a bunch of artisan tea Blends that use of course real tea leaves and these giant pyramid tea bags the feedback so far has been so positive and so lovely and I worked really hard on making something super high quality that tastes absolutely incredible also considering the fact that this video is 100% getting demonetized if you want to support me and the channel buying a box of my tea is definitely a way to do it and I hand pack all of your orders and ship them with love it also tastes really good and I put a lot of effort into it and it's not weird and drop shipped I I promise now there was once a period of time where family channels here on YouTube were all the rage and many of these accounts grew very large followings for reasons I can't really understand I guess I'm not really the Target demographic But as time has gone on a bunch of the people behind these channels have either been called out by their audiences for abusing or harming their children or have literally been investigated and sometimes arrested by police for their parenting and the focus of today's video Ruby Frankie is no exception now if you've been following the news at all recently you will have probably come into contact with this name and if you haven't lucky you for the next few minutes cuz I'm about to tell you all about it Ruby Frankie started a Family Channel back in 2015 and went on to gain a lot of attention over the years mostly for negative reasons though but in late 2023 she and her business partner Jody hilderbrand were arrested and charged with child abuse in February 2024 the pair were also found guilty of said child abuse and both women were sentenced to up to 30 years in prison things got even more intense very recently when police released a bunch of information related to the case audio recordings videos images most of which I'm not going to lie are very brutal and I obviously won't be including them in this video for obvious reasons but if you are interested they're not that hard to find to date Ruby has been the primary f Lucas for most people and I completely understand why after all it was her children who were the subjects of the abuse in this situation in this case and she is I guess a big Infamous player in all of this but in my travels of the internet I happened upon a video of a young woman called Jesse hilderbrand who happens to be the niece of Jodie hilderbrand Jesse lived with Jodie as a teenager and was exposed to a tremendous amount of abuse under her roof in this this particular interview Jesse said that while Ruby was absolutely at fault she believed that jod was actually the ring leader behind the horrible events that happened but it's interesting to watch the world respond to her and kind of putting her as at the Forefront and I understand that she's the mother of these children and it makes sense but the philosophies and the therapeutic modalities that she's using are jodies so yeah it's been a it's been a really interesting experience watching everyone focus on Ruby and I understand why but this is jod these are Jody's words these are Jody's ideas these have are over decades old I won't lie this comment definitely got my wheels turning and I decided that I wanted to look into it a little bit further given that I hadn't really seen anybody addressing this issue besides Jesse from this perspective and just to be clear here so there is absolutely no confusion Ruby Frankie is absolutely 100% % responsible for what happened to her children I'm not trying to downplay that I'm not trying to say that she's somehow innocent in all of this she's clearly not but sometimes two people meet who probably should never meet and it and it's just a recipe for disaster kind of how a lot of us feel about our exes but the more I looked into jod hilderbrandt and what she's all about and she's a counselor mind you and that's her whole claim to fame and all of this I realize that Jesse hbr's assertions are probably correct so that's what we're going to talk about today the absolutely depraved individual behind Ruby Frankie's house of horrors and obviously Ruby Frankie herself who is also a rotten person of course all of my regular disclaimers this video is by no means exhaustive and there is a treasure Trove of information that you can go and look at in your own time if you want more information about certain components that are associated with this case and the other thing I want to note is that because we're talking about a pretty not okay situations relating to children I am not going into detail of this I'm not going to show you any pictures uh I don't want to be graphic and obviously this is for educational purposes and yada yada yada YouTube please don't punish me you get the idea in late August 2023 a 12-year-old boy climbed out of the window of a home in Ivan's Utah wearing a long ratty shirt shorts and shoes the child appeared at an elderly neighbor's front door and quietly asked if the man could take him to the nearest police station the man was stunned and Confused the boy had duct tape on his wrists and ankles wounds on his body and was clearly malnourished seeing his terrible condition the man instructed the 12-year-old to sit down before he quickly phoned law enforcement during the 911 call the man clearly tells the dispatcher that the child had escaped from somewhere his voice breaking as he describes the boy situation I just had a 12-year-old boy show up here at my front door asking for help and he's uh said he just came from a neighbor's house and we know there's been problems at this neighbor's house he's emaciated he's got tape around his legs he's hungry and he's thirsty this boy has been he this kid has obviously been I think he's been he's been detained he's been he's obviously covered in wounds okay let's get the paramedics headed over that way okay before long law enforcement were on the scene and learned that things were much worse than they had originally anticipated the young boy turned out to be the child of once popular mommy vlogger Ruby Frankie he along with his mom and 9-year-old sister had been visiting the home of Ruby's business partner jod hilderbrand police made their way into Jody's home eventually pushing past her and into the house while she angrily protest tested outside you can't just come into my house without a search W we'll explain everything after this ma'am listen I don't want to come across badly here but I don't know what it is about this clip that makes me just want to ma this woman like you you have the goal to tell police officers not to come into your home without a search warrant when only a couple meters away there's a tiny person suffering with her head shaved like I I just after 7 Minutes searching inside they found the 99-year-old girl cowering away from them hidden in a closet that appears to double up as a safe the child sat mute and terrified even when specialist officers arrived to help coax her out of the home soon Ruby herself arrived at the residence and she and jod were arrested and taken into custody this singular event kicked off a harrowing disturbing investigation into Ruby Frankie and the worldview the belief system that led to the abuse of all of her children but as much as people like to say and act like Ruby Frankie acted alone I think the truth of the matter here is that she was acting under the guidance and maybe even supervision of her business partner jod hilderbrand a very evil woman who ened her Twisted worldview onto her patients and those around her but especially onto children Ruby Frankie started her YouTube channel 8 passengers in 2015 along with her husband Kevin the account's content was pretty normal at first Ruby detailed her life as a Suburban mother of six children and their experiences living in Utah yes they're Mormons they're all Mormons let's establish that from the outset at its height the channel had over 2 million subscribers and millions of monthly views but over time people began to notice the cruel and unusual ways Ruby dealt with her children in one 2020 video one of Ruby's Sons said that his mother had taken his room room from him as a punishment for pranking his younger brother brother the young man admits that he slept on a bean bag for 7 months while Ruby laughs to herself about the situation do you think it's funny because and then I walk out if you think it's funny then you that was 7 months ago maybe you need longer without a bedroom in another Ruby said that she refused to bring her then six-year-old daughter food at school because the little girl had forgotten to pack her own lunch that day this happens quite often when you're having raising children um because I know that her teacher is uncomfortable with her being hungry and not having a lunch and it would ease her discomfort if I came to the school with a lunch um but I I responded and just said was responsible for making her lunches in the morning and she actually told me she did pack a lunch so the natural outcome is she's just going to need to be hungry and hopefully hopefully nobody gives her food and nobody steps in and gives her a lunch other videos show the children sleeping on bathroom floors Ruby laughing about rarely getting her children Christmas presents threatening to behead the kids' toys and frequently withholding food to achieve her ends you don't need food stop crying or I'm going to have you go upstairs and you won't have any breakfast and my kids are literally starving I hesitate to say this cuz it's going to sound like I'm like a mean Barbarian I told the kids I said I'm not even going to let you eat breakfast you're going to lose the privilege to eat dinner soon more and more viewers were caught but in onto just how alarming Ruby's Behavior was getting with some even describing it as sadistic and cruel yeah depriving your kids of food until they do what you want not awesome in May 2020 a petition was even launched to have Ruby reported to and investigated by CPS funnily enough before her arrest Ruby's neighbors had actually gone ahead and made complaints about the welfare of her children to the Utah Division of Child and Family Services but what doesn't seem seem to be widely known is that in the summer of 2020 Ruby's home was visited by child welfare officers during an interview in 20121 Ruby said I remember that morning very well these officers they were two ladies said there had been several complaints about child abuse and child neglect could they come in and spend some time the officers reportedly stayed for a few hours watching Ruby and inspecting her home they interviewed each of the Frankie children separately as well Ruby claims that when they were finished the two women asked her for parenting tips which I very much freaking doubt luckily for Ruby no charges were filed but this entire incident left her feeling deeply unimpressed and this absolutely was not the first time that the content she was posting on the internet had gotten her into trouble in the not too distant past in the spring of 2020 several major advertisers had pulled their support from the eight passengers YouTube channel fearing blowback from the rising negativity attention the Frankie parents were getting before that in August 2019 viewers of the channel went mad when they found out that the then 14-year-old Chad the Frankie's second oldest child had been expelled from school and they'd sent him to spend 10 weeks at the anastasi foundation Wilderness Therapy Program and it's reached a point where um Chad needs to develop some very basic maturity and skills yeah coming from the two people who abuse their small children we're definitely going to be taking maturity advice from you conversation I think it would be a great place to end the Vlog today um we just told Chad that there's a hashtag on Instagram going around that started when you came to anastasi and it's # free chat um these people are like walking aneurysms I swear to God I really do not like this woman for those of you who are not super familiar with these type of camps they exist to help young people basically cultivate personal skills and survival skills out in the wilderness which is supposed to I don't know like make them better that being in society there has been a ton of controversy surrounding them not just the modern ones but also ones from way back when and more and more young people and teenagers are coming forward to report the abuse and horrible circumstances that they found themselves in when their parents or caregiver sent them to these camps and Wilderness Retreats and whatnot so um again can't get into it in this video but definitely something to look into if this type of thing is of interest to you and just to be clear shortly after Chad had returned from the Wilderness Camp which may or may not have been abusive we don't know he pranked his younger brother and had his room taken away for 7 months again people were incensed during the same 2021 interview with the rap Ruby insisted that the offending Clips the ones that had gotten viewers so upset were taken out of context she said the reason we got cancelled was because I was demonstrating as I have done from day one what a responsible mother looks like and it scared the living but Jesus out of these kids who do not want to be held accountable CU apparently she thinks that it's children who are mad at her so that is the motive for the hate being thrown at me I'm the antidote to their acting out and they know it yeah Ruby probably not I changed my own mind Ruby isn't a walking anur M she's a full-on labotomy absolutely no one wants to be ice picked by you mommy Ruby Frankie has always seemed to view herself as this ideal mother figure and in fact it's one of the reasons why she created her YouTube channel in the first place for whatever reason Maybe by virtue of the fact that she has 9,000 kids she viewed herself as a mother who could teach and nurture other mothers and it's likely what drove a lot of her actions from this point forward and helped her cultivate some of these very unfortunate friendships one in particular that in my opinion led to the acceleration of abuse but be patient we will get to that 2019 through 2021 were the years of terrible press for the family and their Channel clips of the family were circulating on Tik Tok YouTubers were criticizing them at every turn and news outlets were reporting all of this in some ways I guess it boosted their notoriety at one point the channel was getting 200,000 views a day and raking in a decent amount in both sponsorship and un sense Revenue but with the mounting hatred for Ruby growing on The Daily this didn't last and soon the channel was dipping Ruby to pulled back on her regular posting telling the rap that she's more aware of what she puts online and how she articulates herself although with this said she still clung to the idea that every piece of criticism thrown her away was the result of cancel culture and out of context C I think it was here that something fundamentally changed for her Ruby seems to have realized that people were going to continue to call out her parenting methods and her haters were only going to keep growing in number and this realization seems to have paved the way LED her down the path to the events of 2022 which more or less signaled the beginning of the end for not only Ruby Frankie's life but the destruction of her families enter connections and jod H brand now from what I've described it's pretty clear that Ruby Frankie and Kevin Frankie were abusive on their own but I am of the belief that jod hilderbrandt and her teachings were partially responsible for Ruby's accelerated Decline and the levels of child abuse that we saw between 2022 to 2023 Now by late January 2022 Ruby had completely abandoned the eight passengers YouTube Channel videos had become less and less frequent as it was but they stopped appearing all together and being uploaded all together around this time no real reason was ever given for this except for a brief video Ruby posted in mid December 2021 where she said that she wasn't posting as much because she was getting involved in the Mental Health Community in this video she mentioned working with a woman called jod hilderbrand and her online counseling company called connections while it's not super clear when she arrived on the scene Jody hilderbrand has been doing something akin to a abusive therapy as as I'm going to name it for at least 15 years in 2010 she started connections a quote unquote counseling service for individuals and married couples with a curriculum designed to help treat those lost and stranded in the darkness of distortion which addictions fear sadness and all other self-destructive behaviors derive from if you think this sounds like cult speak that's because it is M these people just say so much much to say absolutely nothing at all and I am I'm very sorry to admit that there's going to be a little bit of this going forward please try not to cry but at the core of it connections was supposedly there to help individuals take responsibility for their thoughts feelings and actions in a way that would help their relationship succeed jod claimed that her coaching was a unique style of educating about the power of choice and the need for impeccable honesty rigorous responsibility and vulnerable humility what what does this mean she specifically placed a lot of emphasis on Distortion and Truth as she calls it she believes people need to be rid of their Distortion which leads to all negative things in their lives Truth by contrast is the objective reality that is not based in feelings in order for you to see truth you're going to need to know the opposition anytime you go into battle you you need to know the enemy and Distortion is the enemy of Truth we're living in a world right now that largely believes truth is this subjective um ethereal idea like you know what's true for me and you can have what's what your truth and my truth and and it's all different very subjective very based on how I feel yeah it moves it's fluid it changes there's there's very uh a lack of Bas go kick a rock and see how fluid that is I know I know that's flu well it didn't hurt me I don't know why it hurt you if you're feeling lost at this moment don't worry I have watched maybe 25 30 of these videos and I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on I did try to tell you it's just labotomy everywhere trying to make sense of the main thrusts of her idea is it seems that jod hilderbrand believes that you have to Own 100% of what happens to you in your life and if bad things are happening to you they are entirely your fault no this is not a joke there is no excuse or reason behind them they are 100% your responsibility and you need to accept them anything less is Distortion this is indicated in plenty of videos but it's also right there on her website which reads you can have the life you want but you must dispose of distortions ugly lies in order to live in truth connection and freedom whatever that means we do not fully understand what causes Alzheimer's disease jod also applies this same logic to Children whom she doesn't seem to believe are any different in their behavior and emotions to adults which is crazy now on the surface these views although confusing to understand and listen to might not seem that bad but if that is your assertion here I think you're kind of wrong given that for Jody hilderbrand they underpin the catastrophic abuse that she has subjected so many people to for the better part of 15 years and kind of horrifyingly Jody's life philosophies had her Crossing people and hurting people and hurting children long before she ever met Ruby Frankie sadder still is the fact that one of the most outspoken of her critics is her own niece Jesse hilderbrand Jesse lived with her aunt for period of time when she was a teenager in many interviews and podcasts she describes the abuse she endured during this time both psychological and physical abuse in an interview with t news Jesse describes being forced into isolation not being allowed to interact with other people duct taped tied up having her mouth duct tape shut and being forced to sleep outside in the snow among other things the things that I experienced while living with jod I experienced being tied I experienced being duct taped I experienced being blindfolded I experienced uh severe isolation I experienced severe emotional spiritual and psychological abuse that being told I I I shouldn't be around other people being told that I was dangerous to be around um I was people were afraid of me to the point where I was afraid of myself I was I was forced to sleep outside in the snow I was um like I said isolated for up to 12 hours a day um if I if someone wanted if someone spoke to me directly if I wasn't wearing duct tape on my mouth um I had to just stare at them and not respond because she also had systems of people that would report back to her if I broke any of these rules Jesse also details bizarre attitudes jod had towards sex not allowing her niece to use tampons and constantly accusing her of self-pleasuring and having an addiction to online adult content content that he says she'd never even seen at the time she also and this is like a very deep connection and why I chose to come forward to the media rather than just staying with the podcast um she accused me of being a sex addict she accused me of being uh addicted to m to the point where I wasn't allowed to I I mentioned this on the podcast to the point where I wasn't allowed to use tampons um I never was allowed privacy unless I was isolated so that included the bathroom I was never allowed to have the door closed because she was convinced that I was just constantly M she was convinced that I was addicted to PO um I had never seen po at that point in my life I I'd never I didn't even know that people with my anatomy could M and yep you guessed it much of what Jesse describes here was experienced not only by the Frankie children but other very unfortunate victims of jod H brand police officers describe the Frankie children's living condition as a Work Camp like setting according to the Washington County case summary the two youngest children were regularly denied food water beds and all forms of entertainment they were not allowed to interact with others and were hidden in the home when others came to visit they were forced to do physical tasks like carrying loaded boxes up and downstairs and doing ski sits for hours at a time I'm told people in North America call these wall sits like when you sit against the wall without a chair like this you see ah this is uncomfortable they were forced to do manual labor outside in the extreme summer heat without shoes socks or water and I want to remind you that we're talking about Utah here sometimes they were also forced to stand outside on the hot cement patio for hours and sometimes days this all in addition to further physical and emotional abuse which the children came to believe they deserved trying to explain Jody's cruel and unusual punishments Jesse said that Jodie would torture her as a teenager in order to quote Force the sin out believing to a degree that children are vessels for evil and the devil so her rationale to the severity of these punishments and this physical and emotional abuse was she wanted to make my life and this is like her quote like this is what she would tell me all of the time she wanted to make my life so uncom comfortable that it would force the sin out that it would force me to confess so things continuously got worse and worse and progressively more and more intense as a way to get me to confess because she believed that if I had confessed everything if every all of my sins were out and in the open that I would be getting better and so to hear Ruby tell the world that her child is a sex addict a predator and has been addicted to since he was 3 years old it just Echoes exactly the things that she was telling me and telling everyone around me um and I know that I I think if I got I don't know if I got this right but I'm pretty sure that she's saying that he even confessed to it well I also confessed to things that I didn't do as a way of trying to get the abuse to stop Joie more or less articulated this herself in redacted recordings provided by the police in one she says that the devil uses children and uses adults who don't hold children accountable it's all the devil I mean you've seen him I mean I've known you what for five years you've watched him come at me come at me come at me come at me and you're exactly right because he knows I know what he's doing and he uses these kids and he uses all of us as the adults the parents that don't hold the kids accountable so now it's it's abusive to make a kid sleep on the floor that's abusive or it's abusive to you know that's ridiculous it's ridic ridiculous you can't even raise your kids anymore this sentiment was similarly reflected by Ruby in jailhouse recordings where she refers to her own children as evil adults have a really hard time understanding that children can be full of evil and what that takes to fight it you've seen what it takes to fight evil it's not the person you're fighting and it can look like something it's not and you've been there you know that and so I don't know any adults who are going to see the truth as far as Jody's philosophy of forcing the sin out goes this is precisely what ruby and jod were trying to achieve with the two Frankie children in the Washington County case summary investigators noted exactly this writing the women appeared to fully believe that the abuse they inflicted was necessary to teach the children how to properly repent for Imagined sins and to pass the evil spirits out of their bodies ah man there are videos where the First Responders the EMTs or the the ambulance Personnel are working on both children uh trying to help them and whatnot and they're getting theed and whatnot while they're dealing with these two little people and I just yeah I just completely get it it's it's brutal I am the Liberty because it's all getting too depressing oh of course you believe me thank you for being the levity for a brief brief time before we delve back into the depths of sadness this is very bleakly all demonstrated in Ruby's journals from 2023 in the journals which are very very heavily redacted the children are referred to as R denoting the son and E the daughter they almost give a daily playby playay of all the violence and torture exercised on the children some notable examples are Ruby writing that R was forced to stay and sleep outside unless coming in to use the bathroom or to shower she writes extensively about how she would punish her daughter by shaving her head when she refused to do manual labor or expressed her emotions because God forbid you express your emotions Ruby wrote of her son's upcoming 12th birthday saying the child made satanic choices in the next entry she refers to her children as deviants with sinful Behavior say saying she told her son that he emulates a snake that slithers and sneaks the child responded by telling her that he would rather have a glass of water than Ruby as his mother Ruby writes further still about forcing her son to stand out in the sun and when he refused she used a cactus poker on his neck and body although I don't really know what a cactus poker is uh but but I'm going to assume this is very very unpleasant in further entry she details withholding food from her children how R steals steals water from the garden hose and describes how the kids are entangled with the devil and disgustingly all of this mirrors Jesse's experience down to the very specific views jod hilderbrand held and expressed with relation to children being manipulative evil and shameful in recorded calls from their jail cells both women actually go the extra mile and downplay what happened to the children in one recording jod said that the 12-year-old caused the wounds on his body himself self in another Ruby says to her husband that her son spending multiple days in the hospital was unnecessary seems like you know the pictures the pictures are G to destroy you and I'm like we didn't do that we didn't do that those pictures we did not do he did that to himself yes did we put that on him and then he rubbed around and cut himself yes but we didn't do that they're going to be in the hospital for 3 days so weird it's just not necessary they're trying to exaggerate this just to be clear and like I mentioned at the beginning of this video I obviously can't show you these images but let me tell you now these 100% required being in the hospital I just don't know how a mother or just how a caregiver in general could look at the injuries on these kids and be like nah this is this is fine this this requires no additional attention at all these people are insane disturb disturbingly much of what ruby was doing to her children echoed the teaching she had been parting on Jody's behalf through connections while connections is not overtly religious in its public messaging not directly mentioning God or the devil it has obvious parallels in its discussions about truth and Distortion Distortion must be exercised from a person like a demonic entity it is the cause of all bad fortunes and prevents you from living in truth and Distortion is effectively own absolutely everything bad that happens to you such as for example abuse when jod was punishing the children she was using this philosophy and see jod taught that all experiences are neutral meaning that nothing is inherently good or bad and you make conscious choices to perceive whatever happens to you as good or bad this includes even traumatic and painful situations that Ruby's children were experiencing fear hunger exhaustion and pain was simply them quote Living in Distortion and choosing to project a negative emotion on their situation I am not making this up this is what these women actually think which was just by the way entirely the children's fault according to Jody hilderbrand's ideology and that probably sounds insane to a lot of you and that's because it is but in true cult-like fashion I think one of the ways that jod hilderbrand was able to get her little hooks her little tendrils her little tentacles wrapped around people was by convincing them that they were truly awful humans and honestly she did that a lot while researching jod and her General belief system and her counseling I came into contact a lot with evidence that suggested that jod is convincing or was convincing mostly her male patients that they have an addiction to adult entertainment the word I can't say Here on YouTube begins with PE once again depressingly horrifyingly this is the same thing that was experienced by Jesse hilderbrandt the first incident that we know about occurred in 2012 when Jody hilderbrandt was put on probation for 18 months and her license as a clinical mental health counselor was in Jeopardy during this time she reportedly blackmailed a patient known only as John Doe who had been seeing her for several years for marriage counseling rather than providing any meaningful help in his marriage John Doe was instead told by Jodie that he had a porn addiction which he obviously denied when John Doe rightfully expressed displeasure and anger with Hilder Brandt's lying in her actions she discussed his madeup addiction with the Mormon or LDS church in an effort to disrupt his life as she had broken confidentiality with her patient she was reprimanded but in August 2013 her license was reinstated several other male patients have also spoken up and reported similar encounters with Jody hilderbrand who initially started treating them for other issues but inevitably told each and every one of them that they had an adult entertainment addiction and began shaming them for it three men have come forward to say that they went to jod for family counseling but were railroaded into porn and sex addiction treatment even though they did not suffer from those problems this video is so hard to like lighten up like I usually try to do in videos because there's so much information and I know it's dense but also internally I'm just like nah it's possibly the sound of my heart three sizes this day because I don't like this something I'd like to briefly mention here because I do think it matters is that it seems like Jody's very bizarre and messed up Twisted perception of intimate relations seems to have rubbed off on Ruby back in September 2023 during a court appearance ruby made some really intense accusations towards her children Jesse hilderbrand referenced this in a clip that I included earlier if you guys remember Ruby claims that one of her children began looking at adult content at the age of three she also said that one of her children did things of an inappropriate nature to their sibling this child apparently confessed to doing inappropriate things to 20 people including cousins and neighbors she then said that the same child teamed up with the sibling they touched inappropriately and the two of them began harming other children together like a like a creepy Batman and rubbin situation I guess honestly this is just like what the [ __ ] look it's entirely possible that this is true and these things actually happened I mean it's it's not the craziest thing in the world but given what we know about jod hilderbrandt and her belief system and her ideologies and the way that she goes about putting them out into the world it's this kind of feels like this is a Jodie thing and if we go back to what Jesse hilderbrand was saying it's pretty obvious that this child confessed because the only way to make the pain and the torture stop is to confess I just really can't imagine what sort of a person you have to be to do this to children to tiny little pudding humans and then you know put this on them and they have to live with that for the rest of their lives like I can't even fathom that I also think that this is Ruby once again fabricating memories which we'll come back to shortly but in the inim the person that I would like to draw attention to now is another family member who was accused by probably Jodie and by Ruby of having an addiction to intimate content to adult content and that's n other than Ruby's own husband Kevin who we haven't actually discussed yet in this video Kevin and the children were in many connections videos over the years but after June July he was notably absent before this Kevin had been very active with connections even making a very long video discussing how much the program had helped him with some of his personal issues issues connections I came to realize that the principles that are taught here in the community that that supports one another and hold each other accountable this isn't a money Community this isn't a a sex addiction Community this isn't a this is a a community and and a group of individuals who are dedicated and and desirous to live their lives in truth however behind scenes Ruby and Kevin were in absolute turmoil at some stage the Frankie parents had invited Jody hilderbrand to move into their home while she was experiencing some personal issues a short time later Ruby asked Kevin for a quote inhome separation meaning Kevin could still live in the home but they would not act as a married couple Kevin said that suddenly there were rules on how he could behave in his own house such as leaving whenever he wanted but needing permission from Ruby to come back not being able to go into the kitchen to eat until Ruby gave permission and he wasn't even allowed to go upstairs in his own home at all as this was Jodie's space kin described the atome separation further saying I can't describe to you what torture and hell it was to live an entire it was more than a month really in complete isolation believing that I was like evil and manipulative and lying and selfish and that I had abandoned my family and that I was more interested in my selfishness than my family and when he refers to selfishness I actually think he's talking about the uh made up addiction to adult entertainment that uh jod had told him that he had but we'll get to that in a second in July of 2022 Kevin and Ruby officially separated while he says that his wife had asked him to leave the home and he did so complicit he also said that this was in part because he was struggling with an adult entertainment addiction that I just mentioned in the early days of the family's relation reltionship with jod she had convinced Kevin to attend her men's group therapy sessions where men talked about their struggles with different addictions during his police interview at the time of Ruby's arrest Kevin said there were probably 10 men in the group it was on Zoom all of them were working through various stages of sex addiction adult entertainment addiction and drug addiction it was like a 12-step group for General addiction therapy during this interview he also made several alarming comments such as that he hadn't seen his children in a year that his wife had asked him to leave and that he still respected Jody hilderbrand and connections I think it's important to also note that Kevin told officers that he had no idea anything was happening to his children which I personally think is a giant copout now I am completely speculating here but I am of the opinion that jod convinced Kevin that he had an addiction to adult content and other not great things in order to to push him out of the home so that Jodie could have greater access to Ruby and her children and to some that comment on its own rightly might sound completely insane but as far as family separation goes orchestrated by jod this has been articulated by Ruby's own sisters in a video from September 2023 Julie Ruby Frankie's sister said that things seemed fine until Ruby Kevin and the kids started seeking family counseling through Jody hilderbrand Julie says that the wider family felt weird about jod and her teachings but didn't articulate these feelings to Ruby seemed to be fine anyway we were typical family she was getting some therapy counseling because their family needed it which I think is great however I think you need to get it from a great source read the reviews jod hilderbrandt and her website or therapy style I don't know what you want to call it connections was not a great resource and we all saw it we all felt weird about this Jodie lady we didn't we weren't comfortable with it we didn't like it we didn't like the teachings Ruby was bringing to the family functions and we were this close to telling her if you come to our family events anymore we do not want to hear what you were learning through connections because we don't like it we never did say that to her but we thought it she goes on to say that out of nowhere Ruby suddenly cut off her friends and family without a single word except to her mother whom she C up and verbally abused no literally nothing she did call my mom and yelled at my mom on the phone for 45 minutes and accused her of things that were not true it was almost as if Ruby had been making up memories from her childhood she was trying to grab at anything she could and she would exaggerate on everything so she started all of her lies back then lying to everyone in her life getting rid of all of her friends and family the comment Julie makes about Ruby fabricating memories is really interesting because her other sister bunny articulated this too saying Ruby accused their parents and her siblings of things none of them remembered happening bunny also blames jod for the family distress that took place through Ruby as as things have unfolded now we can see that this is something that Jodie has done is she gets in people's lives and she plants these ideas or accusations against people when that it's just not true and so we really came to the conclusion that the things she's saying are untrue we don't know why she's saying this we don't know what her end goal is in the beginning I just thought well she's making things up so that she has something to discuss in therapy during sentencing Ruby's family made it very clear that they believed jod had brainwashed her in a written statement to the court her parents said we noticed a shift in Ruby's thinking the summer of 2020 and by that full she had cut all ties to us her siblings and close friends for 3 years what brief Communications we had with her she accused us of either things that never happened or she grossly exaggerated the events that did she was delusional she was so deeply brainwashed we could not recognize her this sentiment was similarly reflected by ru's attorney who also argued that she was indoctrinated by jod hilderbrand saying Ruby has unwrapped the layers of Deceit and deception forced upon her by Jodie on this point something that I think is really interesting and 100% worth mentioning is that in the early jail Cole recordings that were released by the police Ruby starts off defending jod but right before sentencing it's very clear based on Ruby's own words that something in her perception of situation shifted and maybe that's due in part to her lawyer repeating back to her her own beliefs in a way that made her realize that they're crazy pants but also because Ruby learned that jod was denying having basically any involvement with what happened to the children because of course she did I think the I think putting the pieces together and just seeing like she knew she was lying the whole time like I it and it's embarrassing to just like repeat it it's like oh my gosh how gullible was I oh my gosh how how much power I gave this person and I didn't see it but when I realized so so she had her attorney's name is Doug Terry and mine's Lamar and Lamar you know maybe a month into it he's maybe not even that long he's like Jody denies everything she Den I having anything to do with this and I was shocked I was like what and I'm I'm still telling Lamar like you know all all of the justifications and all of the you know I'm talking like a criminal I sound like a mad person he was so patient with me he was so patient with me he would just look at me and like kind of dumb sounded like like I said 2 plus 2 is seven and I really believed it and he would just stare at me I'm like what am I saying that's so off and um but but that's cuz I really believed it but but then when I heard that jod was not talking like that she was denying the whole thing it told me she knew all along and she's hiding it and then I was like crap what what am I sound and that's when things kind of started turning I was like she was she's not been honest I didn't I didn't know she wasn't honest I didn't know she would lie and it's like what else has she been lying about where else or have I been deceived the reality is that with these recordings you never actually know if what these people are saying is what they truly think and believe but I think as far as Ruby goes this is at least just my opinion I think she really did work out there at the end that she got completely duped like just absolutely head dunked under the water repeatedly just like I am the Lord of stupid town I mean seriously how could you not I guess prison really does give people a lot of time to think the last little thing I want to add here is that there was a third woman involved in all of this a woman called Pam buter B boder I don't know how I don't know how to say this who is listed as the president of the connections foundation on the website Pam and her husband seemed really taken aback when police rolled up on their property because they had one of the teenage Frankie children in their home who they said came over and clean for them in the body cam footage that we have access to Pam says that Ruby is her friend but didn't seem terribly surprised when police said that she'd been arrested for child abuse Pam's husband similarly was more concerned about his wife being cuffed in the back of a police car then learning about the child abuse as well so there's that I really don't know how they fit into all of this and maybe they don't at all but I feel like they probably do and so therefore it's probably worth mentioning but I I don't really know what to make of it so there you have it now like I said at the start of this video there is obviously so much information about this case and there's even more information about jod and Ruby and their relationship that I haven't included because we'd be here for 15 years it's also worth mentioning that it's quite hard to get a hold of YouTube videos for both the eight passengers and connections YouTube channels because YouTube terminated both of them and apparently people who re-upload the content risk being banned so you know there's uh there's that too ultimately Ruby Frankie and jod hilderbrand were a match made in hell as far as this situation goes and while Ruby already had the makings of an abusive parent it didn't really take much in the end to push her further down the road of abuse and violence you know perhaps the greatest tragedy in all of this is that these pudding people Ruby's pudding people are going to have to live with this for the rest of their lives and the harm to them came from their mother the one person in this world that they should have been able to trust so many people around these kids completely failed them including their father who basically abandoned them when they needed him most and ultimately I find it really quite remarkable that jod hilderbrand was able to carry out this level of depravity for as long as she did even while while working for her church and basically in a way being protected by her church but perhaps what makes an already horrific series of events even worse is the fact that in most retellings of these events Jody's participation is almost treated with indifference acting as though she was a simple bystander to Ruby Frankie's hellish plot rather than a key participant and perhaps even The Mastermind behind all of this to begin with does not do justice to the depravity experienced by the Frankie children in the end I am certain that there is much more here to uncover but what we do have paints a picture of a woman who wanted to abuse children and a mother who helped make that a reality now on that really happy and pleasant note and before I open the floor to all of you this is just a reminder to check out Lions T exchange my little company using the link in the description we have a bunch of really really yummy flavors the raspberry elder flower Ros is definitely the crowd pleasa so if you're into teas that are very delicious go and check it out go and buy a box like I said it definitely helps support the channel and allows me to make content like this now open the floor to all of you what do you all think are you on my side of the fence and believe that jod hilderbrandt was probably the Mastermind behind all of this and the levels of depravity that we saw or are you thinking more so that Ruby actually was just acting of our own valtion and jod was there along for the ride well what do you make of their bizarre relationship and how all of this started to play out do you think that Ruby kind of would have ended up here anyway given that she was already displaying abusive behaviors and this was just the logical next progression of her own behavior what do you think of Kevin Frankie who I know I didn't really talk about too much but what do you think of him kind of not participating in protecting his own children do you think that he was complicit do you think he was not complicit what do you make of that situation and what do you generally make of this issue of rooll as always if you have made it this far in the video congratulations I always like having you along for the full ride especially in this case cuz this video is what double double how long my ones usually are if you are not subscribed already and you would like to see more of me and more of this kind of content feel free to subscribe to the channel as well as leaving a like on this video and a comment because I do love reading your comments I read the majority of them and I always like hearing your Insight of course thank you so much for sticking around to the end of the video I very much look forward to reading your thoughts and feedback on this case and I will see you pretty people in the next video
Channel: Sydney Watson
Views: 253,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 52min 2sec (3122 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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