The Sopranos - TONY raging (Part 7)

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touch it on your hair I cut it what do you think I thought we agreed are you gonna talk to me first if you're gonna do something to your head what do you think of it it sure good he eats his carrots for aside what up the age thing they weren't enough [ __ ] picture what you know what are they happy barn it I never want to see the [ __ ] thing again smile ill said for my father alright but you gotta get over it still I gotta be the sake cloud fum for my friends my family your response to sadness is usually rage not humor the [ __ ] is the matter with you any of your associates think about any of this I don't know we don't talk about it why can't we all just get along dammit what piece of [ __ ] the cork and it's stuck in a bottle so what's up you make me late for a table at Abaddonn a [ __ ] green house the real estate business you got nothing coming to you you all come on you're a nice guy but I got my own problems what are you [ __ ] kidding me well I had a dream the other night what do you think the dream means did you just tell me what the [ __ ] thing means I mean you obviously know the meaning is elicited through verbalization and the coccyx ogen his uh friend up by the ramus damn oh my mother would come when she looked at a pot roast oh you're second in the birthing order Oh Carmela is driving the car how [ __ ] interesting maybe it's this maybe it's that maybe it's a fall go what about impulse control I've been sitting in this chair for four [ __ ] years and still duns been done about that the money I've been dropping in here I could've bought a [ __ ] Ferrari at least I would've got a [ __ ] out of that let's get back to the dream I'll [ __ ] the dream it's just a dream Reyes comes up even I [ __ ] horn on the showed up his [ __ ] ass you say goodnight you get out of my sight I can't remember a time when I was nervous if anything you my busy will prick I said it since day one and you're no longer interested in changing in finding a way out no I guess not you believe that Annette the tickets for two years for the [ __ ] about how we never get away so I make it happen top shelf across the board all of a sudden her mother psoriasis is like to be been a [ __ ] plague you know what my phone go I don't know why I bought it this is probably worried for her mother I'll [ __ ] that they got her on a cortisone I know she's my wife and the mother of my children and all but let me tell you something she can be a moody [ __ ] just come on in in buffalo belly here the net 2,000 feet I got a cup of coffee I'm going back to bed mr. soprano finn detrolio Oh Finn the deadest right some day I'm still waiting to hear from dental school you always leave your door open like that I'll protect her don't worry hear that anybody bothers her he'll knock their teeth out then he can put it back in - hey did somebody go through the order make sure we got everything this time just [ __ ] goddamn orange peel beef well call them up you're gonna be plain soup right I'll be finished eating the rest of this [ __ ] by the time he gets back you have to go through the order while they're still here what good does that do you still gotta go get it and come back again what happened they left out part of the order calm up shun on a neat what the [ __ ] [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] [ __ ] don't come up here get the [ __ ] out of it down um what did I do now what did I do preschool assistant the weightlifter I never stole from you who stole Tony Oh me my own wife 40 grand from the birdfeeder bird feeder listen to yourself you sound demented Irina open a [ __ ] door KitchenAid shouldn't have been drinking in the afternoon how about a little sympathy what are you gonna [ __ ] I seen you mean I had eyes in my veins and your uncle couch most expensive piece of ass I ever right she's not out Denton she's the one who taught me to [ __ ] buy it in the first place I'm on the streets [ __ ] Falls he talked to you all poor you he made me feel like I mattered you know you asked me other day what Irina's cousin has that you don't have and I thought about it cuz it's pretty good [ __ ] question and yes she's sexy enough even with the one pin gone but that's not it I could converse with her cuz she had something to say I am here I have things to say beside Frieda [ __ ] chairs down and did you sign delivered trust free to sit back for 20 [ __ ] years and fiddle with the air conditioning and [ __ ] [ __ ] until plain and [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] to me to your priest [ __ ] Oh rim shot what I think Tony is you're trying to make my life now it's hard on me financially as possible or should be easy um unbelievable what do you think you don't need Catholic here Camilla I'm old school I don't believe in a separation [ __ ] and divorce even if my wife was going after some [ __ ] immigrant Jesus Christ Almighty come on will ya your marriage of 20-something years has collapsed no doubt there are issues with your children can I do something that's just for me for a change it would be for you you pay till I tell you them to pay no more I don't give me that face you know how many tabs how many dinners I picked up over the years like a richie up real fat [ __ ] Gerry Anastasia those guys killed me at Benihana I forget if they want a steak I put her going on Peter lubbers brandy cigars champagne put him on a [ __ ] plane I hear you Tom but that was before inflation ever you don't like my values honestly yeah no okay like what well you're not a truthful person you're not respectful of women you're not really respectful of people I don't know people maybe you love them I don't know you take what you want from them by force or the threat of force I couldn't live like that I couldn't bear witness to violence aren't you your [ __ ] ton the [ __ ] is this hey you gotta try this he's really [ __ ] good it's not like being in the joint to teach at it he's another man's tensions displaced I'm gonna pull one out all of a sudden turns into a [ __ ] slumber party none of your [ __ ] business we cited a bed I wake up on Jesus it's just an expression [ __ ] I don't tell me don't know what I'm talking about or not Reggie van Gleason boy you fat things have changed around here I'm the boss of this [ __ ] family you're crowding me you don't make fun of me got it got it knock off the massage [ __ ] it's a place of business not a Jack LaLanne oh yeah I'm having a [ __ ] time stay out late come on drunk [ __ ] anyone I want yes and what's the difference I don't know did your [ __ ] linen truck what about my dope I yeah yeah it's okay fire glad what about a [ __ ] Street for like that he could do this mazarron thing if it goes what the [ __ ] is wrong with you the man is trying to go straight don't you give a [ __ ] about your cousin I'm sorry - you're right [ __ ] him guys [ __ ] useless to me what the [ __ ] did I say I'm sorry T I just thought that I gotta unfuck would you just [ __ ] up gonna do something nice for Johnny like what what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do are you close to John you have any ideas oh yeah asking here before he never even had the makings of a varsity athlete your point being white junior no no forget it he's just he's just breaking balls your father never had the makings of a varsity athlete Oh what up what the hell would you what it's not true I let it in football you never played college ball College those guys from Seton Hall were seven feet tall some of them small hands that was your problem yeah daddy always said that that's not the point what is it with you in a subsection with this varsity crap Tommy relax it's not a big deal it's undermining and it's the kind of stuff I'm teaching my kids not to do so I don't want to hear it again and your subject so coming down I heard on the radio looks like the Jets gonna grab that kid from Tulsa that tight end we still get those season tickets big brother all I know is you never had the makings of a varsity athlete Oh what did I just tell you not to say that again say what you don't like the way I talk get out of my house here we go Tony now Tony [ __ ] get your coat we're leaving I don't have a coat well they get more with god damn it well someone please tell me what's going on it's my last Sunday dinner here that's what's going on what Tony it's me listen it's your uncle he's gone you mean he's dead no no no no we think he might have wandered off [ __ ] him he said he was going to see Johnny you can wander off the Palisades for all I care he's [ __ ] dead to me he may have Alzheimers I don't know good maybe you'll forget my phone number there may be something seriously wrong with him [ __ ] him should we put yourself you sure did you're gonna give me advice on marriage you know Tony there's a lot I can say right now that I am NOT gonna say [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] think I don't know what you're doing here jack huh trying to pawn this [ __ ] off on me your whole [ __ ] life whatever it is a family property the shirtkin duties are you run a [ __ ] away run away too bad a [ __ ] burglar I was 18 years old and I was 60 will you let me another house with our headcase of a mother who you all of a sudden relate to so [ __ ] well I was merely saying I agree spirit Janice rebel without a cause well I see the admired in a [ __ ] trying to be a good start while you're off droppin acid and blowin roadies roadies oh you don't want to know that that is not true Tony nay youth you tell him that that's not true well [ __ ] Janice she's so [ __ ] depressed poor [ __ ] Janice she can't get up off the couch cuz she's so [ __ ] tired from her epstein-barr poor [ __ ] Janice Vavoom ghoul I want to tell you the truth being my uncle we don't talk much anymore um sorry to hear that don't be he's a hostile prick look the doctor said you may not have known what you were sayin what are you talkin about the varsity [ __ ] why you gotta be somethin mean why can't you repeat something good
Channel: Kenneth Gainz
Views: 1,718,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tony soprano, the sopranos, sopranos tony, sopranos, james gandolfini, gandolfini, tony raging, tony raging series, kenneth gainz, tony rage, angry tony, tony yelling, yelling, raging, rage, hbo, mafia, mob boss, mafia boss, sopranos compilation, sopranos clips, raging videos, angry people, compilation, tony compilation, sopranos funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2016
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