The Song Of Moses AND The Song Of The Lamb

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Are you ready to get into YAH's Word today? I am  as well. I want you to open your Bibles with me   to Revelation chapter 15 and we're going to begin  with verse 2 and I'm calling this message today   "The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb". You  may wonder why we're going to preach on the song   of Moses and the song of the Lamb and the answer  to that question is because there are many who are   in religion today who say the "Old Testament"  is at war with the "New Testament", that it is   law versus grace, that Yeshua has abolished  everything that Mosheh wrote and there's a   great wall of division in Christianity in religion  between Mosheh and Yeshua between what's called the   Old Testament and the New Testament and I'm here  to tell you today that the Bible is one continuous   agreeing revelation that it all agrees and if your  pet doctrine cannot fit comfortably within the   context of the whole Bible it is erroneous, you  need to cast it out. Whatever doctrine that you   espouse must fit comfortably within the context  of the entire scripture, it has to fit comfortably   within the context of the Torah, the Nevi'im, the prophets, and the Ketuvim, the writings. It also   must fit comfortably within the context of the  Apostolic writings, amen? It's not one against the   other, it is both in harmony and an agreement. Can  you say amen? Hallelujah. So Revelation chapter 15   beginning with verse 2 says, "And I saw like a sea  of glass mixed with fire and those overcoming the   Beast and his image and his mark and the number  of his name standing on the sea of glass holding   harps of Elohim." Now they're about to begin to  sing praises to the Almighty, this is the great   throng of overcomers, these are end-time believers,  they believe in Yeshua, they are the children   of Elohim and notice verse 3 it says, "and they sing  the song of Mosheh the servant of Elohim," What's the   next word? "and the song of the Lamb," So it's not one  or the other, it's not that the Lamb has abolished   Mosheh we have believers end-time believers praising  the Almighty and what are they singing? They're   singing the song of Mosheh, the song of Mosheh was  a song of deliverance, it's a song that depicts the   great deliverance of the Almighty when He brought  deliverance to Yisra'el and brought them out of   slavery from Egypt, what is the song of the Lamb?  It is also a song of deliverance, it speaks of our   deliverance from the dominion of sin, amen? Their  hand in glove, they go together. They're unified   so these end-time saints are not just singing the  song of the Lamb they're singing the song of Mosheh   and it's a very small word but it's very powerful  and it is the operative word of this message. "And   the song of the Lamb, saying great and marvelous,  are your works YAH El Shaddai righteous and true   are Your ways O sovereign of the Set-apart part ones," So  these are the set-apart ones and they're singing   the song of Mosheh, these are the set- apart ones  and they're singing the song of the Lamb both   songs. Alright, let's go a little further. Revelation  chapter 12 beginning with verse 17 it says, "And the   dragon was enraged with the woman and he went  to fight with the remnant of her seed," And this   is talking about end-time believers and notice how  the scripture defines the end-time believers. "those   guarding the commands of Elohim," Now what are  we talking about here? We're talking about the   commands of Elohim as given by Mosheh so end-time  believers are those keeping the commandments given   by Mosheh, what's the next word? "and possessing  the witness of Yeshua Messiah." Now people say   well we're just supposed to obey the commands  of Yeshua, well let's read this in that context.  We're talking about a definition of end- time  believers. "those keeping the commands of Yeshua   and possessing the witness of Yeshua," Now does that  make sense? There would be no need to delineate the   two if they're the same thing. Let's get another  witness. Revelation chapter 14 verse 12. "Here is   the endurance of a set-apart ones, here are those  guarding the commands of Elohim and the belief   of Yeshua," So we're seeing that the scripture  defines end-time believers as those who keep   the commandments of Elohim given by Mosheh and  believe in Yeshua again the word and it's a small   word but very powerful, it is the operative word in  this message today. It's not one or the other, it's   not that one abolishes the other, it is that they  are both in concert. Now let's go a little further   and bear it out, Matthew chapter 19 beginning  with verse 16 Yeshua taught that for one to   gain eternal life one must obey the commandments  and follow Him, in other words, He teaches the very   same things that these verses that we've given you  have already stated that to inherit eternal life   one must keep the commandments of Elohim given by  Moshe and have belief in Yeshua. Let's look at it   Matthew chapter 19 verse 16. "And see one came and  said to Him speaking of this you a good teacher   what good shall I do to have everlasting life?" So  this person is inquiring about everlasting life,   this is a very serious question. "And He said to  him," This is Yeshua speaking. "Why do you call Me   good? No one is good except one and that's Elohim.""  So Yeshua's delineating Himself from the Father   and saying it's the Father who is good but if you  wish to enter into life, what are the next three   words? "guard the commands." All right now do you  think Yeshua is lying to this person? Do you   think He's teaching a false doctrine? Is Yeshua  the one that we're supposed to be following? So   here's someone inquiring about eternal life and  the very first thing that comes out of Yeshua's   mouth is if you want to enter into eternal  life you need to obey the commands. Now I know   that runs absolutely contrary to the most popular  Christian doctrines today that it's just a mental   ascension that Jesus is the Christ and as long  as you do that you're saved, are we supposed to   follow religious doctrine or did Yeshua say follow me? He said follow me. What did He say   when He was asked about how to inherit eternal  life? The very first thing out of His mouth was   guard the commands, keep the commandments. Look at  verse 18. "He said to him, which and Yeshua said, 'You   shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you  shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness,   respect your father and your mother, and you shall  love your neighbor as your self,'" Now all of those   commandments pertain to loving people. You see all  of the commandments all of the Torah Commandments   hinge on two broad categories of Commandments,  love Elohim and love people. So Yeshua mentions   all the love people Commandments here, He's doing  it with purpose, He's going to get to the heart of   the idolatry of this rich young ruler, all right so  first He mentions all the love people commandments   and look at verse 20. "The young man said to Him, "All  these I have watched over from my youth what do I   still lack." Yeshua said to him, "If you wish to be  perfect go sell what you have and give to the poor   and you shall have treasure in heaven and come  follow me." So now He just directed this young man   to deal with his idolatry because his idol was his  money, he loved his money more than anything else.   We know that to be true because he wasn't willing  or able to accept what Yeshua told him he needed   to do. He had made his money an idol and so Yeshua  attacked that idol, He said, you got to get rid of   your idol because if you'll get rid of your idol,  go sell your possessions and give the money to the   poor, get rid of your idol. Then He says come follow  me, now Yeshua was the ultimate of Torah teachers,   if you walk in the ways of Yeshua you will  be obedient to the Torah. If you walk in the ways   of Yeshua you will be loving Elohim and so  it's really interesting to see here that Yeshua   is saying if you want eternal life you must keep  the commandments given by Mosheh and believe in me,   follow me, well that's exactly what these other  verses that we've already shared with you have   said. Again the word is "and", the operative word is  "and" to guard the commandments and have a belief   in Yeshua and so the rich young ruler was unable  to do that and he walked away very discouraged.   All right let's go a little further John chapter 5  beginning with verse 39, this tells us the Torah is   a witness to Yeshua, you searched the scriptures  and this is Yeshua speaking, you searched the   scriptures, what scriptures? When Yeshua makes  reference to scriptures what scriptures is He   talking about? Something about the original Hebrew  Scriptures, there had not been what's called a New   Testament written at that time. All right. "You  search the Scriptures because you think you   possess everlasting life in them and these are  the ones that bear witness of Me." So the Tanakh,   the Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim, the  instructions, the prophets, and the writings were   written about Yeshua. As a matter of fact, there's  a commandment in the Torah Deuteronomy chapter 18   verses 15 through 19 where the Almighty commands  Yisra'el to Shema, to hear and to obey the Prophet   like Mosheh, that will be raised up from the midst  of the Brethren and he says if you won't hear Him,   you won't Shema Him then you'll be judged, all  right and so Yeshua is saying the Scriptures, the   original Hebrew Scriptures, were written about  me as a witness to me. Verse 40 "but you do not   desire to come to me in order to possess life I  do not receive a theme from men but I know you   that you do not have the love of Elohim in you,"  In other words, you're not willing to obey the   commandments. See these were religious people who  said they obeyed the commandments that they obeyed   the Torah and yet the Prophet like Mosheh was  standing right there in front of them and they   would not Shema Him and so Yeshua could stand  and charge them by saying you're not obedient to   the scripture because if you were obedient to the  scripture you would Shema me in obedience to the   Torah itself and He says you people just look for  esteem from one another, so Yeshua is directing   these charges against them and they're looking  at each other that they want to go along with   the crowd, they want to say what the next guy wants  to hear so that they can fit in. Look at verse 43.   "I have come in my Father's Name and you do not  receive Me if another comes in his own name him   you would receive, how are you able to believe  when you are receiving esteem from one another   and the esteem that is from the only Elohim you  do not seek. Do not think that I shall accuse you   to the Father, there is One who accuses you and  who's going to accuse them Mosheh in whom you   have set your expectation." See they were saying  we don't have to believe in Yeshua, we have   Mosheh, and yet it's not Mosheh only is it if you  want eternal life you obey the commands of Mosheh   but you also follow Yeshua, it's not one or the  other it is and one and the other. Verse 46 "For if   you believed Mosheh like you say you do you would  have believed Me since he wrote about Me." Where did   Mosheh write about Yeshua? In Deuteronomy chapter  18 verses 15 through 19 and in other places as   pictures and types but specifically as the prophet  like Mosheh if they were truly Shema if I can kind   of mix the Hebrew in the English together if  they were truly listening to and obeying Mosheh   they would have listened to and obeyed Yeshua  because Mosheh commanded them to do so in the Torah. Look at verse 47. "But if you do not believe  his writings how shall you believe My words?"   See don't tell me that you believe the words of  Yeshua but you don't believe Mosheh's writings   my question is are you really believing in  the true Yeshua if you've totally abandoned   Mosheh, how do you know who you're believing in?  If you don't read the words and believe Mosheh how can you say you're a follower of Yeshua? If  you can say in the same breath that everything   Mosheh wrote was abolished because Mosheh is a  witness to Yeshua, how do you even know   Yeshua without Mosheh? The question is do you  have Yeshua without having Mosheh? It may be   that there's a lot of people who have religion  and they don't truly know Yeshua because   they won't listen to Mosheh. Come on say amen, it  goes down a little easier when you say amen. Amen. Now did Yeshua and make this point this is not  a new point? I'm not that creative. All   I'm doing is sharing with you the very point that  Yeshua made. Let's read those words again. For if   you believed Mosheh, you say you have Mosheh, you  put your trust in Mosheh you're justified by being   Torah observant by being Torah obedient and yet  were they being Torah obedient by ignoring Yeshua   by refusing to believe upon Him, they were being  what? Torah disobedient. See if you truly follow   Torah, Torah would be exactly what Sha'ul said it is, a  schoolmaster that will lead you to Yeshua anybody   that truly followed the Torah anybody that had  the Torah and truly followed the Torah would have   ended up believing in Yeshua and some did and many  didn't. For if you believe Mosheh you would have   believed me since he wrote about me let me ask you  this in those days when Yeshua was teaching did   Yeshua ever stand up and say now everybody  turn in your New Testaments to John 3:16? Did He   ever say that? Did He ever say all right now let's  turn to the book of Romans? He did not and so if   He's going to preach to them about His Messiahship  He's going to reference the scriptures that were   available to be referenced, that's why He's right  here referencing Mosheh and his writings. In   other words, you could say it like this, hey if  you don't believe the Bible, how can you believe   me? Because that was the only Bible. There was the  original Hebrew Scriptures, are you following me, so why would you abolish the Bible trying  to find Yeshua. You understand what I mean   by that if the only scriptures available where  the original Hebrew Scriptures then how can you   say that all of that's been abolished when those  scriptures were written about Yeshua? Do you have a   right to abolish the witnesses of Yeshua? The three  scriptural witnesses of Yeshua are the Torah, the   Nevi'im and the Ketuvim. The Torah, the first five  books of Mosheh, the Nevi'im, the prophets, and the   Ketuvim, the writings, Tanahk, all  of the original Hebrew Scriptures, those are the   three witnesses of Yeshua. If you're bold enough  and have so much hubris that you can stand and   say that the Tanakh or the Old Testament has  been abolished then you have abolished the   witnesses of Yeshua. How can Yeshua stand  in court and confirm His Messiahship if He has   no witnesses? When you go to court you need to  bring your witnesses. "If you believe Mosheh you   would have believed Me since he wrote about Me  but if you do not believe his writings," Now they   would say oh we believe we believe yeah but they  weren't obeying Deuteronomy 18 verses 15 through   19. "but if you do not believe his writings how  shall you believe My words?" My question is how   are you gonna believe His words if you don't pay  attention to Mosheh's writings? How are you   going to understand His words if you don't pay  attention to Mosheh's writings when you try to   form an opinion about Yeshua in your mind from  a Roman-Greco Western culture mentality and you   have abolished Mosheh, what do you think is going  to happen? You're gonna end up making some stuff   up and has not religion done that over the past  2,000 years? Made up a lot of stuff. So for us to   truly understand Yeshua we've got to get back  to Mosheh because it's not Yeshua abolished   Mosheh how ridiculous is that you're going to go  to court to establish your Messiahship and you're   abolishing your own witness, are you following me.  All right let's go to Matthew chapter 17 and we'll   pick up a verse 1. Let me give you a quiz real  quick, what's the operative word in this sermon?   And. Praise YAH, some are listening. Hallelujah.  Matthew chapter 17 begin with verse 1 "And after   six days Yeshua took Kepha and Ya'aqob and Yohanan his brother," That's Peter, James, and John in your   English Bible. "and brought them up on a high  mountain by themselves and He was transformed,"   Who was transformed? Yeshua was transformed before  them, before Kepha, Ya'aqob and Yohanan. "and His face   shone like the sun and His garments became white  as light," Look at verse 3. "and see," Now those are two   powerful words together because that's the word  of the Master for us today, we need to see some   things and what is it that we're supposed to see  today in this message. "and see Mosheh and Eliyahu   appeared to them talking with Yeshua." Now what in  the world are Mosheh and Eliyahu, Moses and Elijah   doing with Yeshua? I thought Yeshua was going  to abolish those guys? So we have Yeshua and Mosheh   and Eliyahu together, Mosheh represents the Torah,  Eliyahu represents the prophets, and Yeshua taught   in Matthew 5, He said do not think. Now how many  of you believe that's a commandment when your   Master says don't think something? You need to work  real hard to not think that thought, the question   is how many people in religion have failed that  commandment? He said do not think that I've come   to destroy or abolish the Torah and the prophets,  in other words, I'm not kicking Mosheh and Eliyahu   out and He proves it right here because when He's  transformed before His disciples who's with Him, Mosheh   and Eliyahu, you got the Torah and the prophets  standing with Yeshua. It's Yeshua and Moshe and Eliyahu, not Yeshua has abolished Mosheh and Eliyahu.  You see our religion has gotten it so wrong. "And see Mosheh and Eliyahu appeared to them  talking with Yeshua talking with Him and Kepha   answering said to Yeshua, "Master, it is good  for us to be here. If you wish let us make here   three booths," I mean Peter's ready to build  them all houses, build them all sukkoths,   build three sukkahs, sukkoths. "one for you, one for  Mosheh and one for Eliyahu," Now he was real   comfortable with those three hanging out together  that's because religion hadn't gotten old of him yet. Amen. He was completely satisfied with with  Yeshua and Mosheh and Eliyahu being together,   now this is Peter and so many Christians  put their trust in Peter, they put Peter on a   pedestal and yet, Peter does not have a problem  with Yeshua being with Mosheh and Eliyahu. I wonder why religion has a problem with it. Verse  five "While he was still speaking see a bright   cloud overshadowed them and see a voice came out  of the cloud saying, "This is My Son, the Beloved, in   whom I delight. Hear Him," Now hear Him is the  equivalent to Shema Him so Mosheh understood   Shema because the people were supposed to hear  and obey the commandments of Elohim that came   forth from Mosheh. Eliyahu understood Shema, the  prophets didn't come and bring anything new, they   came and supported what had already been written  and so you have the three standing together, Mosheh   was a servant in the house of Elohim but  Yeshua is the Son in Elohim's house. Amen? And so   you have the three standing together and you have  the voice that comes from the heavenlies saying,   this is my Son, the Beloved in whom I delight hear  Him or Shema Him but notice He didn't say Yeshua's   going to abolish Mosheh or Eliyahu. You know  the Almighty was alright with those three Bible   people characters being together, was He not? Did He  make a delineation between Yeshua and Mosheh and   Eliyahu? He did not. All right can we go a little  bit further? All right go with me to John chapter   onem we'll pick up with verse 11. I'll read through  a little bit of this to get the context and I   want to get to the verse that I really want to  touch on begin with verse 11. "He came to His own,"   Speaking of Yeshua coming to His own people, the  Jewish people. "and His own did not receive Him   but as many as received Him to them He gave the  authority to become children of Elohim to those   believing in His Name who were born not of blood  nor the desire of flesh nor the desire of man but   of Elohim and the word became flesh and pitched  His tent among us and we saw His esteem, esteem   as of and only brought forth of a Father complete  in favor and truth, Yohanan bore witness of Him and   cried out saying, this was He of whom I said He who  comes after me has become before me because He was   before me and out of His completeness we all did  receive and favor upon favor." Now look at verse   17. "For the Torah was given through Mohseh," Now in  many English Bibles you have in italics the word   but, check your English version if you're not in  the scriptures right now. The Scriptures version   which we use here and see if the word but, is there  the word but is a word used in English language to   bring contrast between one thing in another and  so in many English translations that says, for the   law was given through Moses but grace and truth  came through Yeshua Messiah. The but is not in the   original manuscript, it was added by translators  and publishers with an agenda to separate Mosheh   from Yeshua. There is no but in the original  manuscript. You could actually use the operative   word and it makes more sense, the word and in  this translation there's just a dash, it's just   two comments. For the Torah was given through  Mosheh. Well everybody says, yes amen. Hallelujah.   You know, praise YAH for the instructions given by  the creator the favor and the truth came through   Yeshua Messiah. Now one completes the other, one is  not at war with the other, one does not contrast   the other, there is no but in that verse. The  operative word can easily be inserted if it   helps you understand the word and or just leave  it blank but what it means is that Mosheh brought   the Torah within the Torah is a commandment for  Yisra'el to Shema Yeshua, Yeshua comes and completes by bringing the favor and the truth the  favor that comes through His sacrificial   death on the tree for us, the English Bible  has grace there. Grace does not give you a   license to transgress the Torah, grace does not  give you a license to spiritually hate Mosheh,   grace gives you the power to love YAH the  way He wants to be loved and that's through   obedience to His commandments, that's what  grace provides. Grace provides the ability   to accomplish when you have a circumcised  heart what those who had uncircumcised hearts   and stiff necks wouldn't do and couldn't do  and that is to be obedient to the scripture   to the commandments and so Yeshua  simply complements, He simply completes   what Mosheh started. Mosheh is a servant in  Elohim house, Yeshua is the Son in the same   house. When the Son comes you don't tear  down the house and start up another one, you understand what I'm saying? When the Son  arrives we're all thankful the servant has   been there. When the Son arrives He doesn't  tear down the house and throw out the servant,   He complements what's already been done. All  right let's go a little further John chapter   8 picking up with verse 42. Let me ask you a  question, did Yeshua obey the Torah? Would Yeshua   have qualified to be your Savior if He  had transgressed the Torah? What do you become   when you transgress the Torah? A sinner. Can  a sinner save you? So anyone that tells you   that Yeshua broke the Sabbath, Yeshua  did obey the dietary instructions, is   just not telling you the truth. I said  that kindly didn't I? He's lying to you because if Yeshua had broken the Sabbath, He  would no longer be qualified to be Savior, He   would be sinner because sin is the transgression  of the Torah. Does everyone understand that? So   Yeshua was living a life of obedience to the  Torah and what did He say to those that He   called to be His followers? Follow me, oh  follow me but you don't have to do what   I'm doing, follow me sure but you don't have  to love what I love, you don't have to obey   what I obey - well it doesn't make any sense  does it? The scripture says looking unto Yeshua, amen? Even Sha'ul said imitate me as  I imitate Yeshua. Yeshua told those who   were listening to His teaching that if you  imitate me you will be imitating the Master. Alright John chapter 8 begin with verse 42.  Yeshua said to them, "if Elohim were your   Father you would love me, for I came forth from  Elohim and am here." That is a direct reference to   Deuteronomy 18 verses 15 through 19, He's talking  to the Pharisees, religious leaders of His day and   He said if Elohim were your Father because they  were saying Elohim our Father and Yeshua said, "If   Elohim were your Father you would love Me, for  I came forth from Elohim if you love Elohim   wouldn't you love the One that He's provided? For I  have not come of Myself but He sent Me. Why do you   not know what I say?" In other words, why are you  not, again I'm gonna mix the Hebrew into English,   why are you not shema-ing me? Can you imagine  being there in that conversation and listening to   Yeshua, they're saying Elohim is our Father  and Yeshua's saying if Elohim was your Father   you'd love me because I was sent by Elohim. He says,  "Why do you not know what I say?" How come you can't   understand my words? He says, "Because you're unable  to hear My Word, you are of your father the devil   and the desires of your father you wish to do."  Now why did He say that? Because they wanted to   kill Him. Now that's a far cry from shema-ing  Him, hearing and obeying Him, they want to kill   Him. So what is He thinking? You want to murder  me, so He attaches that desire of their heart to   the ultimate murderer who is Hasatan or the  devil, He says you're of your father the devil   because the devil has been a murderer from the  beginning, He understood exactly what they were   thinking. "You're of your father the devil and  the desires of your father you wish to do, he   was a murderer from the beginning and has not  stood in the truth because there is no truth in   him. When he speaks the lie he speaks of his own  for he is a liar and the father of it because I   speak the truth you do not believe Me?" Now this  is the verse I wanted to get to here, verse 46.   "Who of you proves Me wrong concerning sin?" In  other words, who among you can bear witness   that I've transgressed the Torah? Can any of you  bear witness against me that I have transgressed   the Torah? Because sin is the transgression of  the Torah, isn that right? And they could not. They   had no witness, no reliable witness that He had  transgressed the Torah. It says, "and if I speak   the truth," This is Yeshua speaking. "Why do you not  believe Me? He who is of Elohim hears the words of   Elohim therefore you do not hear because you are  not of Elohim." So this is a passage that tells us   that Yeshua obeyed the Torah completely and  that those who were His opponents, those who   were constantly challenging Him could find no  witness against Him that He had ever broken the   Torah. So what do we see? We see the Torah was  given by Mosheh and Yeshua is complete lately   connected with the Torah and Mosheh. You're not that  greatest surgeon to be able to separate the two. You're not that witty in your religious thinking  to be able to separate Yeshua from Mosheh, not if   you're going to stay in the truth you can't  separate the two. John chapter 8 verse 28. "So   Yeshua said to them, "When you lift up the  Son of Adam then you shall know that I am   He and that I do none at all of Myself but  as My Father taught Me these words I speak   and He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has  not left Me alone," This begs the question, why   has the Father not left Him alone? Notice what  it says. "For I always do what pleases Him." Now   if you do what pleases Elohim will you not be  following Mosheh? In other words being obedient   to the commandments of Elohim given by Mosheh? That's what Yeshua's saying. The Father has   never left me alone because I obey the  commandments of Elohim given by Mosheh. If Yeshua abolished Mosheh and no longer  obeyed the commandments given by Mosheh would   He have been able to say this? He said, the Father  has not left me alone for I always do what pleases   Him and what pleases Him is defined by what  Mosheh wrote. Are you following me? All right so we know that Yeshua obeyed the commandments  completely. We know that Sha'ul imitated Yeshua,   Sha'ul, the Apostle Paul. 1st Corinthians 11:1  says, "Become imitators of me as I also am of   Messiah." I'll give you one example of how Sha'ul  imitated Yeshua. Luke chapter 4 and verse 16 it   says, "And He," Yeshua. "came to Nazareth where He  had been brought up," Look at the next few words   here. "and according to His practice," According to  Yeshua's practice. See, He lived in obedience   to the Torah. He went into the congregation on the  Sabbath day and stood up to read so according to   Yeshua's practice, He is in the synagogue on  the Sabbath day, amen. Now what about Sha'ul? Look   at Acts chapter 17 verse 2, this is written about  the Apostle Paul. "And according to His practice,"   Same words used, the same words used to describe  Yeshua's practice are used to describe Sha'ul's   practice, and according to his practice. See Sha'ul who  lived his life in obedience to the Torah, following   Yeshua's example. "And according to his practice Sha'ul  went in unto them and for three Sabbath's was   reasoning with them from the scripture explaining  and pointing out that the Messiah had to suffer   and rise again from the dead saying, "This is the  Messiah Yeshua whom I proclaim to you."" Is Sha'ul   proclaiming a different Yeshua? It's the same  Yeshua. Is it possible to separate Yeshua   from Mosheh? So the Yeshua that Paul is proclaiming  is a Yeshua that cannot be separated from Mosheh. Now this is really going to bring it together  for you. Ephesians chapter 2 starting with verse   8, Sha'ul or the Apostle Paul taught the same thing  as the verses that we started this message with   that for those who desire to receive eternal  life they must obey the commands of Elohim   and possess belief in Yeshua. Ephesians chapter  2 beginning with verse 8. "For by favor you have   been saved are justified through belief belief in  Yeshua and that not of yourselves it is the gift   of Elohim it is not by works," Not by works alone  without belief. See, He was always challenged with   dealing with His Jewish brethren who said we  don't need your Yeshua, we have Mosheh. We don't   need to believe in your Messiah, they would put  it in quotes, we have Mosheh in the Torah.  Sha'ul had to deal with this thought that the Jews  had that they could be justified by obeying the   Torah without believing in Yeshua so when he's  addressing that issue oftentimes if you don't   understand his mindset you can make him out to  be anti-Torah. He was not anti-Torah, he was anti   you thinking you could be justified by obeying  some of the Torah and not obeying all of the   Torah. You say, what do you mean by that? Because  there's a commandment in Deuteronomy 18 verses   15 through 19 that says you must Shema the  Prophet like Mosheh that's coming His Name   is Yeshua. Amen? And so when he says it's not by  works the implication, is it's not by works alone   without belief but he deals with that issue. So  let's go a little further. "It's not by works not   by works alone without belief so that no one  should boast for we are His workmanship." We are   Elohim's workmanship. Elohim has worked in us. "Elohim  has created us," Notice. "created in messiah Yeshua,"   What are the next three words? "unto good works," So  we see belief and we see obedience unto good works   that you've heard me say it before but do you  get to define what good works or do I get to   define what good works are? Can I just on a whim  decide this is good and that's not how our good   works defined by the Torah. The Almighty defines  good works, your obedience to the Torah, when you   obey the Torah you are engaging in good works. Now  I'll bear that out. We'll go a little further in   this verse, this is something Sha'ul wrote. "For we are  His workmanship created in Messiah Yeshua unto   good works which Elohim prepared beforehand  that we should walk in them." What did Elohim   prepare before the manifestation of Yeshua on  the earth? The Torah. This is Sha'ul, this is the   beloved Apostle Paul saying the same things  that the rest of the bible says that if you   want eternal life you have to obey the commands  of Elohim and believe upon Yeshua. Again because   he was addressing oftentimes his Jewish brethren  he said the same thing but he reversed the order, that's what we see here. He says, for we are His,  Elohim's, workmanship created in Messiah Yeshua   that's through belief but it's not belief  that abolishes the Torah, it's a belief that   establishes the Torah. Now you do remember Romans  chapter 3 verse 31 when he declared that we are   justified by belief in Yeshua, he makes it very  clear that that's the only way to be justified   it's by the favor of Elohim, through belief in  Yeshua and Sha'ul who knows when he says that   some people are thinking, well what about  the Torah? You're saying there's no place for the   Torah and the life of believers? He anticipates  that, Sha'ul says does our belief in Yeshua   abolish the Torah? Does it nullify the Torah? Let it  not be, on the contrary our belief in Yeshua   establishes the Torah upholds the Torah, so what  is he saying? He's saying the same thing that all   the rest of the Bible says and all these other  verses that we've shown you say that for us to   possess eternal life we must have a belief that  produces obedience, obedience to what? Do you get   to decide? Obedience to the commandments of Elohim  as given by Mosheh. Hallelujah. Go with me quickly   over to Genesis chapter 15 and I'm going to show  you that Paul uses Abraham as an example when he   teaches that a person is justified through belief  but it's unto obedience Genesis chapter 15 and   verse 2. "And Abraham said, "Master YAH, what would you  give me seeing I go childless and the heir of my   house is Eli'ezer of Damaseq," Or Damascus. "and  Abraham said, "See you have given me no seed and see   one born in my house is my heir, and see, the word  of YAH came to him saying, this one is not your   heir but he who comes from your own body is your  heir and he brought him outside and said, look now   toward the heavens and count the stars if you are  able to count them, and he said to him, so are your   seed." Now that's that's pretty big. You're looking  up into the stars, you're complaining about not   having one son and the Almighty says if you  can count those stars that's how many sons   and daughters you're gonna have, that's a big  thing to believe. And look at verse six. "And he   believed in YAH and he reckoned it to Him for  righteousness." Now there is a period after that   sentence but that's not the end of the story, you  can't stop with belief under righteousness you   have to continue on if you want your doctrine to  fit comfortably within the context of the whole   Bible, so let's take it the next step. Go with me to  Genesis chapter 26 and we'll pick up with verse 2.   "And YAH appeared to him," To Yitshaq. "and said, "Do  not go down to Mitsrayim," Don't go down to Egypt.   "live in the land which I command you sojourn in  this land and I shall be with you and bless you   for I give all these lands to you and your seed  and I shall establish the oath or the Covenant   which I swore to Abraham your father and I shall  increase your seed like the stars of the heavens   and I shall give all these lands to your seed and  in your seed all the nations of the earth shall   be blessed." And look at verse 5, it's as if Yitshaq, Isaac, had in his heart the question, why   are you gonna do these things for me? Because the  scripture offers up the answer why he's gonna be   blessed. Look at verse 5. "Because Abraham obeyed My  voice, and guarded My charge, My commands, My laws,   and My Torot." My instructions. He believed YAH  and it was accounted unto him for righteousness   but for the blessing to come to pass to come into  fullness there had to be more than just a belief   it was a belief that produced what? Obedience  because Abraham obeyed my voice and guarded my   charge and my commands, my laws and my torot and  this was the example that Sha'ul used that's   why we see in his writings that it's a belief unto  obedience. Can you say amen? Now quickly, Ya'aqob or   James taught the same thing. We'll just highlight a  few verses here. James 2:14 "My brothers what use is   it for anyone to say he has belief but does not  have works or obedience?" What use is it for you   to say you believe but you don't obey? This kind  of belief the kind that says I believe but will   not obey this belief is unable to save him, so the  question is your doctrine has to fit comfortably   within the whole context of the Bible not just  some little portion here or there. The question is   if you have a belief that's more of a mental  ascension that Jesus is the Christ and that's   it you don't have any obedience will that belief  save you the scripture says that kind of belief   won't save you now is that in complete agreement  the idea that you have to have a belief that   produces obedience is that in complete agreement  with what Yeshua taught. Of course it is. The rich   young ruler said what do I need to do to inherit  eternal life and what did you say you know the   commandments? Obey the commandments and then he  said and follow me. It's not but, but it's and. Alright verse twenty, "But do you wish to know oh  foolish man that the belief without the works   is dead was not Abraham our Father declared right  by works when he offered Yitshaq his son on the   slaughter place? Do you see that the belief was  working with his works and by the works of the   obedience the belief was perfected?" Your belief  is perfected through your obedience. You see   then that a man is declared right by obedience  or by works and not by belief alone does that   make sense, it's not one or the other it's both.  They're singing the song of Mosheh and the song   of the Lamb, they're obeying the commands  of Elohim and possessing belief in Yeshua. Verse 26 "For as the body without the Spirit  is dead so also the belief is dead without   the works." Without the obedience. Alright I'm  gonna give you two more passages, they're not   verses but they're passages and then we're  gonna conclude this but like an attorney,   I'm building a case, I want you to be  thoroughly convinced by the way you notice   I don't use my opinion. Scripture on scripture  on scripture on scripture. You know the people   that want to criticize can say, you know  he just uses so much scripture, what do   you want me to use? You want me to use Aesop's  fables? What are you looking for? All right go with me to Acts chapter 21. Now this  is a huge point, you know think about this, the   original congregation of belief when you think  about a a congregation of belief that engaged in   more of the supernatural, I mean, signs and wonders  and miracles and angelic visitations and and   supernatural prison breaks and multiplications and  supernatural growth and all of that when you when   you describe a body like that what do you think of?  What congregation is like that the congregation in   Jerusalem? The first 10 chapters in the book of  Acts is all about the congregation in Jerusalem   and it was a supernatural. I mean, if you're a body  somewhere and you're looking for a model sure you   ought to go in and model the congregation in  the book of Acts in Yerushalayim because that   was the most supernatural powerful, YAH was with  them, the Spirit was moving mightily, there were   miracles everywhere, it was awesome. I'm gonna tell  you something about that congregation that you   might not have thought of that congregation was  a Torah obedient, Messiah centered, Spirit-filled   congregation, that congregation believed the  Torah and obeyed the Torah and had all those   miracles and the power of the Almighty was so  present. Let's look Acts 21 verse 17. "And when   we had arrived in Yerushalayim the brothers received  us gladly and on the following day Sha'ul went in   with us to Ya'aqob, or to James, and all the elders  came and having greeted them he was relating one   by one what Elohim had done among the nations."  So Sha'ul was talking about what was going   on in the nations through his service. "And when  they heard it," When the Jewish brethren heard   it. "they praised the Master and they said to him,  "You see brother how many thousands of Yehudim,"   Thousands of Jews. "there are who have believed  believe in Yeshua and all are ardent for the   Torah," Now why am I bringing this verse to you?  Because I want you to see they had belief in   Yeshua but they obeyed the commands of Elohim  and here is an example of a congregation who   had belief under obedience and it is the most  written about congregation in all the Bible   and when you read about this congregation it's  loaded with miracle signs and wonders in the   Spirit is moving powerfully supernatural explosion  of growth, everything you'd ever want to be a part   of is defined in the scripture as relating to  a congregation who was Torah obedient. Now has   not this movement come into it's time? Is it time?  We're actually getting back to the book of Acts.   Amen? If the congregation of belief was birthed in  that kind of power how many of you believe that   when we finally grow up and get mature we're  going to get back to that power and go beyond? We're getting back to the Torah because that's  the part that's been missing, can you say amen? All   right final passage Revelation chapter 21 starting  with verse 9, "And one of the seven messengers who   held the seven bowls filled with the seven last  plagues came to me and spoke with me saying, come   shall show you the bride the Lamb's wife and he  carried me away in the Spirit to a great and   high mountain and showed me the great city the  set-apart Yerushalayim," That's the New Jerusalem.   "descending out of the heaven from Elohim having  the esteem of Elohim and her light was like a   most precious stone like a jasper stone clear as  crystal and having a great and high wall having   twelve gates and at the gates twelve messengers  and the names written on them which are those of   the twelve tribes of the children of Yisra'el,"  What does that tell us? You can't even get into   the city unless you pass through one of the  tribes. The congregation of belief in Yeshua   is not a Roman-rooted Gentile Church. We have been  grafted into Yisra'el and the gates of the city,   now you're gonna want to go in there and to get  in there you've got to get in by way of one of   the tribes. Can you say amen? The entrance is Mosheh and the Torah and the tribes and Yisra'el, can you say amen? Now let's go a little further . "There are three gates on the East three gates   on the North three gates on the South and three  gates on the West," Look at verse 14. "and the wall   of the city had twelve foundations and on them  were the names of the twelve emissaries of the   Lamb." So what do you have? We've gotten almost to the end of the story, we're   talking about the New Yerushalayim where we all  want to be and we don't see that the Lamb has   abolished Mosheh or Yisra'el or the Torah. Amen?  We see the very bride in essence and I know the   believers are the bride but this is a picture of  the New Yerushalayim, it's called the bride, the bride   has 12 gates to get into the city, you got to pass  through one of the tribes the foundation of the   wall that goes around the city the foundation is  made up of the twelve emissaries of the Lamb the   apostles of the Lamb. Do you have the word but  in there anywhere? Are one over the other? What   do you have? And. You have the twelve tribes and  the emissaries of the Lamb, now that's my point   and I've gotten to the end of my case and I hope  I've sold you in the scripture that if you   love Yisra'el you're part of Yisra'el, if you're  thankful for the servant in Elohim house Mosheh,   and you know that Mosheh and Yeshua cannot be  separated, and you love the Torah and you've   received the Set-apart Spirit, the Indwelling  Set-apart Spirit who's given you the want   to and the power to be obedient you believe in  Yeshua then you are a part of that great throng   of overcomers who will sing the song of Mosheh  and the song of the Lamb. You are a part of that   great body of believers defined in the scripture  as those who guard the commandments of Elohim and   possess belief in Yeshua you have become because  of those things the bride of Messiah. Hallelujah.
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 11,331
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Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Jesus, Yeshua, love, Bible, Messianic, Messiah, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Torah, Old Testament, New Testament, Old Covenant, New Covenant, Renewed Covenant, SCriptures, Moses, Lamb
Id: jJI38ngmFFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 41sec (3941 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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