The SoD Warlock Levelling Experience

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warlocks are the coolest class in classic wow doing massive damage and slaving demons and being almost impossible to kill now my goal for this s journey is to get all the runes reach the maximum level and be the most powerful gnome warlock you'll ever see our story starts of launch day where most people took time of work sit in a queue for 10 hours now as is usual on Fresh the Stant Zone was swarmed with sweaty nerds fighting over mob tags now as a warlock a class of pretty much no instant damage abilities tagging mobs was going to be a pain in the ass so to combat this I tried hiring a dwarf hunter called bakugo after winning him over with some of that Homeless strip I got myself a new companion speaking of companions I went to my warlock trainer Alamar Grim for the Imp Quest but he also offered me something new turns out he left a chest in bumfuk alley by some trugs and he wants me to retrieve it I open it up and there it was my first Rune now I'm going to compare it to my at the time rank one Shadow Ball HT does almost double the damage is instant cost places a debuff that makes you do more Shadow dot damage and heals you once the effect ends my point being that's way better than anything else I have at the moment with my new spell and my new friend I proceeded to decimate the local blue Jamaican population for some fever charms to summon my new imp slave nalos lame NPC names aside there's also something new in the building an altar of the light pray to the altar to receive the wisdom of the light Yo God when I get my succubus give her fake F and as cringe as a literal Satanist praying to God in I did it anyways and believe it or not he answered my prayers with a buff we kept on farming mobs and levels when suddenly my best friend of the last 30 minutes not yalos sat down on the fridge of snow and disappeared I never heard from bakugo ever again but that aside I finished all my quests and finally got the opportunity to leave this level one sesp of a starting zone and move on up into the world into Don Mara here you'll witness a level seven gome warlock solo a level 11 Elite Yeti yeah you f while helping a dwarf steal weed of some trolls I wouldn't ask why I spotted something new that I haven't seen before a ritual Stone now my free remaining brain cells figured out that this probably had to do with a new warlock Rune d and a dead demon next to it now earlier I got some unique items from the local mobs blood from a wendo and a jawbone from a wolf these were regans that most likely be needed for the ritual regans like conveniently left in my bank despite this I felt I was still missing one now instead of being lame and looking up the Rune on wad I decided to question another warlock who then told me to look it up on wad oh never mind he told me the troll is haveit I went to the troll cave and after stabbing enough troll nut TXS I got myself the book with it I summoned a massive demon called saos more like Sabo cuz I kicked his ass he dropped a rune demonic Embrace and this is one weird Rune it gives you a 30% crit chance and a 30% Dodge chance but only for 6 seconds and a 20 second cool down its short duration combined with its Global cooldown makes it so that you can only really cast one spell that has a chance to crit also you can't use this ability if you're Demon's dead it's all right but it's pretty weird moving on my next Quest s be to the goldar Quarry a place infested with demented cave dwelling British people one of these Brits wasn't seized in a block of ice so I teamed up with two other midgets to melt it away after overheating the ice more than my old PS4 it melted away causing the trog to drop dead Scavenging his corpse we find a new rune for chaos ball this ability was amazing allowing it to launch a literal nuke at the enemy Target the only problem though is that it shares a rune slow of ha it's still bis though speaking of runes there was this new NPC in town gagli void twist who had an offer to make he needed the soul of one who is innocent and one who is wanted the former is easy I never like your polygon ass anyways but the latter not so much for the tainted Soul Shard I first thought I would need vagash since he's literally wanted but after vigorously sucking his soul I got a regular ass Soul Shard from there I scoured the entirety of of D Mara sucking everything in my sight but in no avail but then I spotted a group of black dwarves mining their own business and I knew what to do I turned off my body Cam and cleared my way to the big boss where draining his soul gave me a tainted Soul Shard giving dick twist the soul shards gets you another Rune Soul siphon but I'll get to what it does in a second as I was heading to felar for the flight path I stumbled upon a traveling Merchant he had on sale a malevolent pie but despite the sus name I ate it anyways like after most Slavic Cuisine I suffered violent nausea but seconds later I go full on vit getting my next Rune deemed Master Chandler this is easily the best Rune so far turning your drain life into a DOT and making you stupidly op Oh and about solo siphon it's absolute garbage just use Master Chandler instead in the forl cavern the rat's ass of Iron Forge I'm told by my warlock trainers that I need to go to Stormwind for further training this is due to them being investigated by the feds and I don't blame them one dude has a painting of his favorite twist streamer on the wall and judging from his surname he's probably into some weird so like a true pleb I go take the public transportation and besides the occasional homeless person it was pretty all right I help a pirate capture some rats and I took the tram to the other side I delivered the rats to his brother who tells me he's mentally ill he know and compensates me with a handful of rat kebabs M crispy I went to the Warlock basement to talk to my warlock trainer Terry Cruz he told me about his student Serena who ran off for some defies sck usually Terry Cruz wouldn't give two shits but she has a magical choker and he wants it I went to the brackwell pumpkin patch where her free was rudely interrupted and while the dudes went on to harass a warrior I stole the tag stole her choker and stole her remaining material wealth I returned to the basement to summon my void Walker he learned the hard way that he's now my and his one true purpose is to get sacrificed whenever I get jumped in PvP a few levels go by and I end up in southeast ladan being challenged by an arrogant NPC called Daryl he Wagers ion kill six birds in 15 minutes I accepted darl dun's Challenge and I hunted the birds one by one that was until I looked down at the excavation site and saw some demonic remains now upon reading that needs cursed energy I quickly jumped down my obsession with finding ruines making me disregard my timed Quest I tried using on it most of my warlock spells but nothing happened it was only after using curse of Agony that an oversized Gremlin dip Shake called the GRE spawn nalo silently weeps as I forced him to kill his own Brethren loting this mob gets me the sh Shadow volley Rune and it is very dope this Rune as the name suggests makes your Shadow Bol hit multiple targets at once it does a lot of damage and was always weirdly satisfying to use but using it in deadmines I constantly had spell knock back from all the Agro I had but as I said it was really fun to use now back to load and I managed to escape the excavation site complete the timed Quest and complete the one after that now after you do these timed quests you get a new one from veren swiftwind who would be a baddie if not for the scuffed as 2002 EverQuest l model she told me about the time when daral the was hunting a bear and the bear politely told him to go away by permanently scarring his face she thought it would be funny to jump scare him with the head of saided bear I'd rate this prank a 9 out of 10 rivaling the likes of Logan Paul here you'll witness a level 17 warlock kill a level 20 Elite fat for a bear solo well I would have if not for the four others waiting for the tag and my inner people pleas are overpowering my ego trust me I could have done on my own gang Shadow Vol was pretty cool but I would only find my next Rune in southeast red rdge originally sent here by the Ops to confiscate illegal Weaponry there I would find an elite mump shriveled in this cave like a Discord mod he thought he was a big man because he shoot fire from his hands I then told incinerator garam to Garg on these nuts and he took the L he dropped the incinerate runin which was like Shadow Ball but did fire damage instead other than that the Ops put a bounty on two or gang leaders hold up in stone watch keep first was paralon where it teamed up with a human Paladin and a night elf hunter we EAS L killed him took his head and ioned at sexy T slop bag gaffo however was a different story we had to wait a few good minutes for him to spawn and when he did alongside some other Elites the game was on I used onog all my dots and I tried to burst him down mean while the hunter was attacking an entirely different Target the Paladin kept on using Divine storm getting everything to attack him and causing his premature death GA then started running towards me I need to act fast or I'll turn into noome Kebab I sacrificed my void Walker and jumped off the ledge exploiting his 2004 paing into taking his stairs after he died to my dots I swooped in to loot his head while the hunter got slapped into Oblivion I jumped off the stairs yeah again and ran out of the keep the only one still alive that Soul Survivor feeling was very neat and If This Were hardcore it would have made for a very click bity thumbnail but that feeling was not to last because of my next class Quest the devour of souls this Quest was for my succubus where Terry Cruz casually told me to off all way to to the Barons to talk to this one NPC now there were a few ways to get there you could go through strangle forign Veil to booty Bay to get both to ratchet but being gangbanged by gorillas doesn't exactly have a broad appeal you could also swim to the port from the westf lighthouse but I don't want to get my clothes s so the only remaining option was to run to medeval Harbor take the boat to Aline get to darn asses get the BFD buff holy I'm fast lose the buff to an undead Rogue I kept on going through the tunnel through the that's windsh crack through primarily poor territory sure I did get gangon no one can resist My Level 24 gome busy but I eventually did geted card Deere that took like 2 hours by the way he even told me to go back to ashenvale for a magic twig that'll lure the succubus into the mortal world instead of heading straight back to Asheville however I decided to go take this flyp to the Southwest my plan being to fly from there back to astronau a few things just getting there I spent half an hour getting wrecked by Red mobs this fight path can win the award for the dumbest location for a fly path and finally I couldn't even use the fly path at this point I gave up trying to go back and I half back the Stormwind now I had to do pretty much the entire thing again all for a twig by the way I half back the Stormwind again to summon my succubus I defeated her handed in the quest finally reaching level 25
Channel: Czompi
Views: 337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gD0E64nlegQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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