The Snowman SCP-4230 It's a Christmas Miracle! (SCP Animation)

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In the small town of Joi Alaska there is a local urban legend about the legendary Ice Demon. It is believed that if one walks alone in the forest on the coldest days in winter they will be approached by the Demon and offered two gifts. The first gift is not a physical one but rather a magical one. If this gift is selected the person will have bestowed upon them the immunity to ice and cold. Of course that doesn’t sound amazing but for someone living in a frigid environment it can definitely make life a million times more bearable. The second gift is a large snowflake in crystalline appearance around three inches in diameter and does not melt no matter the temperature. More importantly the snowflake is pure gold. Nobody knows why this snowflake is gold and still almost weightless or why this is one of the gifts at all. Perhaps it knows of human’s greed who knows. Dozens of children from Joi would wander the forest for hours taking turns to see if they could find the Demon and have their chance at getting a gift of their choice. After years and years of doing this one child was lucky enough to find the Demon Avery Anderson. This little girl approached a snowman-looking imp creature that darted around in the snow. Its red eyes and button mouth watched her as it did so. Carefully she approached the thing as it stood on its back legs and cocked its head around inspecting her as she happily began telling it which of the gifts she wanted. Avery gasped in fright as the little button on its face popped off revealing a large pit of a mouth filled with sharp human-like teeth and lunged at the girl. Her friends heard her shouting for help. They rushed towards where she was and her cries became more desperate and frantic until a crunching sound was heard followed by scuttling in the snow. Finally her friends found her but it was already too late. There she was in the snow in a tree in a bush her body parts scattered around oozing blood as her throat was pushed inward with chunks bitten out of it. After her friends stopped crying panicking and vomiting they ran home. Their parents called the police. Upon arriving at the scene her body was gone and all that remained of her was her blood soaked up by the snow. Urban legends are never to be trusted. Hello everybody I'm TheRubber Today we brings you SCP Foundation EUCLID class object SCP-4230 SCP-4230 also known as It’s a Christmas Miracle is a 5-foot tall crudely constructed snowman that consists of dirty snow leaves rocks soil and other earthly matter. This entity can be considered the evil twin to frosty the snowman minus the show tunes. 4230 does not melt and it is immobile giving it a very unassuming presence that one could approach without issue. However when a human or some other animal life enters within 12-feet of 4230 it will then activate its anomalous effect. This effect has been dubbed SCP-4230-1. 4230-1 consists of the complete and total reconstructuring of the victim’s body on the cellular level in order to convert them into another snowman similar in appearance to 4230. This process has been noted to be extremely painful as the body is forcefully transmogrified slowly over the course of a week in some cases 13-15 days. After coming into contact with 4230 the victim will come down with the classic common cold and no visual changes are seen other than feeling quite cold. On the second day the victim will experience bouts of dizziness shed nearly 85% of their body weight causing them to have the appearance of having severe anorexia and deathly white skin. On the third day a new chemical is found in the femur and fibula of the current victim as those bones dissolve. The fourth day will yield pain in their lower body due to all of their remaining blood and fat collecting there. At this stage they will begin to feel their cells bursting organs shift and their body breaking down on itself. Acute dehydration sets in. On the fifth day the skeletal system will begin to crack break and splinter in order to take on a more spherical shape causing great distress as bones pierce the flesh. After 14 minutes their arms involuntarily raise outward become immobilized and undergo calcification. Several researchers asked to be given amnestics to forget what they had seen at this stage which was granted and they were moved to another site. An unknown liquid begins oozing out of cracked skin and any orifice available freezing on contact with the skin and transforming into snow. Other than that the victim becomes blind and is no longer able to move. The eighth day sees the victim dead and is now an instance of 4230-A. The insides of the snowman contain human flesh and their rounded skeletal system. All D-class personnel that have been subject to 4230 have begged for death within 2 days not out of fear of becoming a snowman but the fear of experiencing pain as one D-class put it worse than the fiery pits of hell could ever offer them. Till this moment none were granted this grace and all subjects became instances of SCP-4230-A body hosts that carry small snow-like eggs that hatch creatures which then designated as SCP-4230-B. SCP-4230-B instances are extremely hostile organisms resembling 0.6 meter tall snowmen with bloodied eyes similar in design and identical in function to those of an insect. They are capable of motion and have shown the capability to hunt in packs in order to take down bigger prey. They have been shown to be exclusively carnivorous hungrily devouring all D-class and animals thrown into their containment area. One silver lining to these monstrosities is that they will melt and fade from existence after a single day and do not naturally melt until that point in time. In order for the Foundation to keep the 4230-B population in check instances of 4230-A are to be neutralized so that the population of 4230-B stays below 20. Should 4230-B instances reach above 20 MTF-Delta-14 or Winter Wonderland will be dispatched to deal with the threat. Similar to the Creepy Crawlies they are outfitted with flamethrowers and incendiary grenades. However as the task force found out in an incident fire does not kill them only keeps them at bay. They could only hope these creatures would at least feel the pain. During the accident 37 instances of 4230-B hatched. After 15 seconds they reached adulthood and promptly broke free from containment. Several researchers and security personnel were quickly overrun and consumed. They ran throughout the Site and hunted down in a coordinated fashion. Any security officer foolish enough to discharge their weapons at 4230-B were killed immediately after realizing their bullets had little to no effect at stopping them. A number of survivors including 3 researchers 2 security officers and 3 D-class locked themselves in an office and sent distress signal to MTF Delta-14 Winter Wonderland. Unfortunately at that time most of the members from Delta-14 were either on mission or KIA after a joint operation helping subdue a rampaging SCP-076 Able. The remaining 4 members were Captain Donovan Sergeant Rose and two new Privates. After arriving Delta-14 entered the building and were immediately attacked by 3 instances of 4230-B. These creatures were quickly sprayed with flamethrower but only deterred slightly. The squad recorded multiple dead bodies with chunks of flesh ripped off and most likely eaten. Organs were draped over furniture and blood stained the walls. They could hear the scampering of those little demons as they howled looking for more prey. Alright the survivors are on the second floor. Rose on me. You two stay here and keep our exit clear. Fire seems to do jack against these bastards so stay out of sight and do not engage unless you have no choice. They quickly made their way up and encountered several more instances of 4230-B but managed to forced them away with the use of their incendiary weapons. Eventually they located the office where the survivors holed up. The only thing is there’s a large pack of 4230-B instances blocking their way. As soon as the two were noticed the pack wailed and rushed towards them. Not wanting to block off the way to the office Captain Donovan and Sergeant Rose used their modified shotguns to selectively shoot bursts of fire at the ice entities so as not to accidentally burn the place down. This method proved successful. Captain Donovan held them off while Sergeant Rose ordered the survivors to make their way downstairs and out the door with the two new recruits. They did as instructed. Sergeant Rose turned to aid his commanding officer but froze when she saw three 4230-B’s fall from the ceiling and sink their teeth into his back neck and face. Argh! Damn it they got me! Run! After some brief hesitation Sergeant Rose turned reluctantly and followed after the survivors. The captain struggled to take out an incendiary grenade off his vest. Let’s see how you dirtbags like this. Damn it I was just about to retire guess I’ll be going out in a blaze of glory. He pulled the pins off the grenades created a miniature firestorm burning all the instances of 4320-B causing them great pain and slowing them down considerably so that they would cause no further destruction until they dissipated. The mission was considered successful and Sergeant Rose was promoted to Captain. Remember to check out my new animation channel The Rubber Talks where I share my life story, thoughts, and opinions. Just click on the link in the description to enter TheRubber's world. Before we end this video we are proud to present these incredibly sweet pieces of fan art A Big thank you to all of you! You can now send us your fan art and we will be more than happy to show off your best art piece in our next video! Check out our description below on how to submit. I hope you enjoy today’s video. Which SCP do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting? Let us know in the comment below We will draw your story and share it with the world. Don’t forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the bell. Please share it to your friends if you liked this video. Thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video. Bye bye.
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 912,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP-4230, SCP 4230, SCP snowman, SCP christmas, EUCLID
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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