SCP-096 The Shy Guy (SCP Compilation)

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it wasn't new but it hurt just the same a small child sat at the base of a tree surrounded by hundreds of children pointing at him the child's face was buried in his hands his body bunched up with the knees held close to the chest the small child rocked back and forth against the tree the tree itself was oily black with thousands of branches reaching far up into a bone white Sky small drops of blood leaked down from the tips of the branches to the base of the tree then there was a sudden change in the distance someone knew was approaching someone else to judge him someone else to laugh at him or perhaps someone to finally put him out of his misery 096 the child looked up at the approaching pair of eyes hidden behind a mask it was SCP 049 the plague doctor the children the tree and the sky all fell away they were now in a cold white cell the creature that used to be a child rocked in the corner sobbing to itself and shaking it was all bones and skin with little muscle under the pale flesh that covered its body the doctor approached the creature and looked down at it an authoritative voice boomed from the speakers now deal with him good luck hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you a tale from the SCP Foundation the creatures soft cries reverberated off the walls around the doctor all loneliness and pain he walked over to the monster and laid a hand on the top of its head it stopped crying and its breathing slowed the doctor looked perplexed as if he had expected another reaction he recovered quickly and looked down at the creature while stroking the top of its head child you do not have to fear me please let me see with his free hand the doctor moved the creature's hands from its face the thing let out a mournful cry as the doctor looked into its eyes I cannot save you fresh tears begin to stream down the creatur's pale cheeks but I can help you give me another 5 minutes with that test and I'll guarantee that he won't get out of here alive SCP 682 roared the doctor looked down mournfully from the observation chamber above the cell pest pestilence plague he muttered to himself Dr Carver walked in with a folder in hand here you go info on what went down when we let these two at each other just some notes though no footage you'll have to use your imagination the doctor thinked him with a nod then proceeded to study the notes as Dr Carver exited the room 682 has just swallowed 096 I can see movement in 682s abdomen x-ray footage shows 096 has begun its attack on 682 frantically scratching from within 682 Roars in agony and rage as the side of its abdomen begins to tear and bleed 096 is tearing its way out of 682 ripping out Its Ribs 68 two shows signs of distress but nothing you would expect from a creature having their ribs pulled out 096 is working his way toward 682 snout he's stretching his arms and legs 096 has broken 682 jaw severely tearing the tissue around its mouth 682 is sustaining severe damage from 096 however it does not seem to be having a major effect on 682 furthermore 682 is already regenerating lost tissue 682 snatches up 096 and begins crushing him using both four feet 682 rips all the Press from 096 his body reducing him to a skeleton hanging from his own skin held by 682 682 leans over the skeleton of 096 and spews acid over its thrashing bones 682 flings 096 to the opposite side of the cell 096 remains dripping with acid as it flails about 682 slumps and makes no attempts to attack 096 096 begins to calm slightly and starts crying to itself in the southwest corner 682 lies still in the North End of the room approximately 85% of its initial mass is absent recontainment teams retrieved 096 with relative ease the doctor closed the folder it was a grim account of the never-ending battle between two Immortal beings it may never reach a conclusion there were great sorrows in his cries the doctor was taken aback by 682s sudden somber tone I don't know why but I feel sorry for him the humans they locked a son here experimenting on us beting us against one another the humans hat us I can see it in their eyes they are the real plague on this Earth humans the real plague on this Earth the doctor muttered with this the doctor pulled a bag from his robes and produced a syringe he slowly reached out to the trembling creature you'll feel a slight pinch but it'll be all right trust me the doctor could feel the creature resisting as he gripped its arm there was fear in its touch unlike the Tickle Monster as the doctor held the joyful slime he felt a sense of bliss welling up inside him something he rarely experienced in the foundation I wonder if 096 is capable of feeling such Bliss Dr brigh stopped writing and turned his attention towards the doctor in 999 well you'd be surprised when 096 breached containments lots of people died that day our guards open fired but it was useless they were bed down merly nines being the Curious one might have followed the sounds of gunfire and screaming when he found 096 it just went and hugged its leg didn't even think twice nines tried to stop its Rampage 096 was confused at first then it turned angry as usual it Unleashed all its rage upon nines poor poor nines he was Torn to Pieces wholly unrecognizable for a moment even now it breaks my heart to recall how I found him pla marks and uneven patches on his body chunks of spoiled slime everywhere nin's regenerative ability simply couldn't keep up with 0 96's Flurry of Blows oh how he beg and pleaded at 096 his feet all while enduring its abuse yet nines didn't waver one bit no matter how much 096 was tearing him apart nines just kept going back to it when we arrived they were hugging each other crying their hearts out however unlike before 096 sounded as if it was at peace I remember on the way back I was angry at nines just St slime why couldn't you just stay put why must you put yourself in dangerous situations why must you make me worry but when nines looked back at me I felt grateful as cliche as it sounds it's funny how kindness managed to accomplish what guns couldn't sounds of shouting and scratching echoed from within the containment cell door the creatures whales grew louder and more intense the doctor was trapped in a dilemma he reflected on his own life cheering the pestilence was his Grand purpose but here was someone suffering was he not a doctor was this not his higher calling for a moment he saw a glimmer of hope in the creature's eyes underneath all that hatred shame and rage perhaps a key to C the pestilence the doctor then made his decision he allowed the creature's head to go limp as he positioned the syringe right on top of its pale arm with a slight application of pressure the syringe slipped into the vein to deliver the medicine suddenly the doctor and the creature were beneath the tree The Laughing children were gone as he drew closer to the creature he noticed shallow Cuts with blood leaking out all across its body he reached into his bag for something to stch the flow when the creatures head suddenly snapped up to look directly at him its eyes were red and swollen as if it had been crying for hours the creature slowly stood up then sprinted at the doctor with its arms outstretched for a moment the doctor was taken a back the creature running into him in full force it rocked him in place then embraced him and sobbed into his robes the doctor shook his head and tried his best to comfort it the doctor sat down with the creature until security dragged him away for a little while the creature rested for a little while it was content and loved then somehow it cried even harder 2 days had passed since scp096 breached containment leaving the foundation facility is smoking pile of rubble and ruins since then the world was on fire but 096 cared little for that it simply wished to make its way up there and reach its Target then utterly crushed them it Le Leed again from the top of the mountain its hand reaching out to the Stars reaching Heights Beyond imagination as it made its way back down to earth like a burning meteor 096 could see flames and smokes at various spots of the planet places that had passed by on its journey to hunt down the one who had seen its space it crash landed somewhere else this time creating yet another massive crater and sending shock waves through the area just like that an entire city was destroyed when 096 got up and prepared for another attempt it noticed a helicopter hovering above him with a man holding a camera suddenly it felt more eyeballs upon its disgraceful Visage all from different parts of the world rage and Desperation grew within 096 again it let out a decking cry then launched itself towards the helicopter like a rocket completely obliterating it it landed and started running again so many targets from so many directions obliterating the ones Within Reach brought it a little bit of Peace but it didn't last it wasn't enough it need to get to space hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you a tale from the SCP Foundation the d-class squinted through the Space Station's window struggling to understand what he was seeing what appeared to be a lanky humanoid figure riding a top of Rocket was slowly getting bigger what the hell did I sign up for that picture he was holding on to was the source of all his problems it was a photograph of scp096 the shy guy just a week ago he was assigned a very special and easy Mission he was to transport a manila folder of sensitive material to the foundation's space station once there he would open the envelope and read the contents to the space crew then all hell broke loose on Earth as they laid eyes on the photo the crew rushed to a glowing Monitor and flipped from channel to channel all news reports the first channel showed an electrical Dam in ruins the valley was flooded and full of dead animals the next Channel showed a small town on fire the newsman interviewing a cowering citizen explained that the whole nation was experiencing a power outage apparently the monster had brought down the power stations this is Jimmy Callahan from Channel 9 reporting live from the very Place laid waste by an unknown monster hold on it seems that we have its picture and here it is folks that's the creature responsible for the Mayhem so far hang on I've got another message coming through what don't show its face but we've got it right here the broadcast was cut short as shy guy made its Cameo appearance on National Television there was a moment of silence between the crew a certain tension between them they realized that most people's screens weren't installed with the Scrambler anyone who had seen the broadcast was doomed they then turned towards the d-class standing by the window standing stupidly with the folder and the photo in his hand he he can't possibly make it to space right right presently scp096 ran with grim determination stopping for nothing whichever place and countries it passed by all were reduced to ruins in the end all that just to find the people who had seen its face with its Fury as its Compass it sensed a signal from somewhere far far beyond the clouds 096 smiled to itself when the extensive mountain range came into view it ramped up its speed and made for the highest point soon enough Shy Guy reached the peak without breaking a single sweat 096 could feel the eyes on it from above using its momentum it leaked into the sky so high that 096 could see the curvature of the earth then falling back down hitting and slaming against drous Force the impact caused a small earthquake Elsewhere on Earth the slight trimmer was soon followed by a historical seismic event that devastated yet another major city 096 more leaving the Earth behind this time reaching even greater Heights as it could now see stars in the sky but yet again it was pulled back down by gravity its body was set on fire burning like a shooting star as it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere when it landed the impact was so significant that it caused the Himalayan Mountains to lose over 5,000 ft of height the potent shot devastated nearby Villages causing mudslides that killed thousands the stubborn monster didn't stop or relent but no matter how hard it tried it simply escap Earth gravity 096 pounded its fists against the ground in frustration hot tears welled in its eyes and trickled down its face why it kept asking itself why do these creatures insist on humiliating him why do they see and judge him for how he looked all this bottled up shame and rage was all let out in a deafening Roar that shook the mountains they will pay for making him feel like nothing it thought to itself the crew watched the screen for live updates new tragedies emerged by the second it didn't surprise them when reports came in that 096 had ran right through a nuclear power plant causing a nuclear explosion that wiped out an entire nation all this and for what the somber voice of the foundation ground team came in after a short delay we wanted to test if scp096 is determined enough to chase down someone in Space the d-class and the crew watched the Monitor and held their breath the monster now found itself leaped up into the sky its expression full of Despair and rage it was clear to everyone that it wouldn't stop until it had killed them all well I hope you like your answer because your question is currently tearing the world apart dread filled them as it became clear that they are now prisoners in the space station a few days later the world was still burning smoke and smoldering Flames could be seen even from the space station the news filled the speakers in the space station constantly Nations burned Mayhem everywhere as the Unstoppable monster ran across the globe chasing an unreachable goal every time 096 entered a major city thousands died eventually large cities were deserted Wars broke out between neighboring countries fighting over resources the comm's unit crackled back to life well here's an update for you you probably won't like to hear this but we're done trying to contain the problem we uh we were able able to bait 096 to a space rocket looks like it's about to take off now you're not being serious right the d-class mtha gape tapped on the crew's shoulder and directed his attention towards the screen on it 096 was hugging an ignited rocket that was about to launch Holy I'm sorry good luck you irresponsible idiot the crew looked at each other with the sudden realization that 096 was heading towards them and will definitely kill them all damn it I'll ride everyone to your stations we're going to blast this bastard into pieces the declass approached the window and looked outside sure enough he spotted a rocket with the pale figure on top of it rapidly approaching from afar as the rocket got closer he could make out that it was in fact scp096 hanging on the side with an excited expression on its face what the hell did I sign up for the space station fired an impossibly hot beam of plasma at the rocket the rocket exploded in a fireball the crew cheered from sheer relief the celebration didn't last long as a clawed hand punched through the military great class grabbed the declass by his suit and pulled him into the vacuum that is space a few moments later the rest of the crew got sucked out to the void 096 floated through space with a smile it was there far away from the eyes of the cockroaches in their judgmental eyes where he could finally rest easy it was finally over or was it meanwhile back on Earth the foundation ground mission control breathed a sigh of relief as they saw their own colleagues in space perished along with the station finally it's over all right let's wrap this up let's just confirm the last moments of the space station and call it a day an image flashed on screen an image of the last recorded moment of the space station an image of scp096 smashing through oh no no no no the screen cracked as 096 burst through hellbent on finishing the job one way or another welcome back to Earth Shy Guy what's gotten into you man it's me rubber your buddy man this was supposed to be an easy Mission yeah totally tell me about it guy things just get unnecessarily complicated wait I'm being chased by you who the hell are you the party has arrived oh crap tactical evasive maneuver ow ow ow you seen stars and a giant cake where are you going boy where am I what's all these [Music] doodling am I in freaking kindergarten or something ow wakey wakey sleepy head what the what's going on here ow that was uncalled for so rude honestly and who the hell are you and what's up with the balloons we are the party goers and the balloons you wish you have something this cool and fun you're all square and boring and you got a face only a mother could love ow fine I kind of deserve that how the heck did I end up in this predicament think rubber [Music] think almost there voila I did it now let's see if this works who well I'll [Music] be wait a minute wait a minute the portal works but where does it lead is it safe to go through it will I get back just in time to catch the latest episode of Friends H aha hey rubber get in here for a sec what's up doc ah your buddy shy guy is here too good good you see this portal here here wao shiny well in you go call me back if you need anything forgot my phone oh so bright and holy canoli the sound all this buzzing is driving me insane guy guy you there oh guess I'll have to find him and get out of here we have a chess game scheduled Christ the blinding yellowness of the place is killing my eyes and not to mention the smell yeah smells like wet carpet and sweaty socks I'll have to take care of my weak old laundry when I get back feels like I'm walking around in [Music] circles is that finally water hang on this ain't some kind of trap right nah can't be I think too much should have listened to your own advice idiot huh we've got a live one boys and you guys are oh aha what a devious Bunch you are and you are such a genius now prepare to die since you've got me anyway mind if I take a sip of this I am mighty thirsty uh um sure I guess thanks you guys are nice so that's how I got here can't seem to catch a break in these videos why can't I be in a traveling Vlog or something hey you guys still with me rude wow you guys suck at tying ropes well about time I bust out of here activating tactical stealth maneuver Easy Does It didn't even break a sweat who's the clueless idiot now going somewhere little boy what the you look rancid feels like I'm about to hurl hey you bunch of useless simple tons sleeping on the job wake up and smell the freaking Cofe huh what oh crap I'm up I'm up where are the party at oh hey you guys are up get him hold up hold up time out y'all mind if I bring a plus one uh sure more the merrier right fellas who the hell your friend sure looks are interesting you guys hearing this and here comes the party hey guy feels good to see you ow fine I kind of deserve that I guess but for now let's get out of this mess first attack them get them Guy music to my ears that's kind of mean not going to lie eat this no die no what's happening to him your budd's infected with the partyo virus soon you'll transform into one of my minions and toids are fold you good job you've been promoted to party attender well gee thanks boss oh no no no yeah what what's wrong with him what what is this alien I knew you wouldn't turn so easily and the party goes [Music] on oh classic guy never changes look what you've done to my establish man it's due for a renovation anyway you really should replace the gy wallpapers with a Fresh coat of paint well in that case I'll paint the walls with your blood all right whoever gets the square phase will be promoted straight to party organizer plus bonus at the end of the month what yeah wait no no don't do this see I told you so how can this be he's too bouny we'll never get the promotion at this rate you idiots are hopeless I need more men man Jesus just how many people do you have under your payroll I'm done with your snarkiness and stupid jokes get up time out what now a party is not a party without some delicious cake what are you doing it's that so freaking good cake I knew I'm not the only only cake in this world in chocolate flavor too oh H the ultimate chocolate cake chocolate Supremacy chocolate is [Music] King scp096 seemed to have calmed down after tearing the guards to pieces or at least that's what the shy guy expected to feel after it killed everyone who looked at its face however the killing failed to qu its rage within after a moment 096 let out a piercing scream its voice reverberating within the cell none of this bothered SCP 053 she simply played with her dolls as if nothing was happening 096 threw another tantrum like it was unhappy that it didn't get the girl's attention it picked up whatever it could get its hands on and started smashing and tossing them all over the place broken furniture and torn body parts flew over the little girl-like wishing stars in the night sky at one point Shy Guy stomped over to the young girl like a grumpy child snatched one of her dolls then ripped it in half in protest hey that's rude 053 scolded the lanky creature 096 immediately Reed its claws to attack finally an enemy it thought it had finally gotten her attention somehow and given her a reason to confront it 096 braced itself for 0 53's assault but the girl simply pulled out another doll and continued playing Shy Guy noticed that the doll resembled a certain four-legged monstrosity it had faced before the hard to destroy reptile what fond memories it suddenly came to mind that 096 had seen them playing together before then a sense of uneasiness began to well within it if this dainty little thing can befriend something as terrible as the lizard what else can she do hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you a tale from the SCP [Music] Foundation SCP 053 sat in the middle of a spacious Cell playing with her toys the foundation had spent a lot of resources separating the little girl and her reptilian Guardian moments later a team of five armed MTF operatives carefully wheeled in a heavily reinforced and locked steel box sorrowful Cries emanated faintly From Within all right now carefully unlock the door do not take off your goggles the men trembled in fear as they cautiously unlocked the Box revealing scp096 Shy Guy the blinding light of the cell hurt its eyes causing it to cry even harder gently and carefully the team exited the cell after a few minutes 096 slowly wandered out of the box its eyes now used to the brightness it then picked a corner to continue its crying party of one the little girl paid it no mind behind an array of monitors stood two figures watching as everything unfolded like higher beings looking down on ponds with plants they undoubtedly had everything under control the cameras had scramblers installed designed specifically against 096 the pair were also station far away from 0 53's influence after all they are the foundation and the foundation has solutions for all things supernal in this world you sure this is a good idea I know she's an anomaly but hitting a little girl against that thing is don't worry if it gets out of control we'll just extract them out of the C easy for you to say when it's not your life on the line 053 finally noticed the newly arrived companion puzzled she looked over to the sobbing monster huddling and shaking in the corner H why is he crying she got up holding a teddy bear and walked toward 096 when she got close it stopped sobbing and shaking no the thing's going to calm down Captain let's continue observing the captain sighed and sat back down want to come over and play with me Shy Guy slowly lifted its head and turned to regard the young girl its eyes maddened with Fury yet the girl wasn't phased one bit its growl gradually became louder and more aggressive eventually it shot upright and let out a deafening Roar Fury had completely taken over it as it shifted its gaze back to 053 who simply stared at it in a amazement there was another confusing emotion beginning to well up inside it damnation upon those who saw its face standard stuff nothing new to Shy Guy it was the feeling of anger and shame but somehow this was more than that paranoia looking into the little girl's innocent eyes 096 saw terrible visions of the girl a Sinister smile that cracked from ear to ear taunting it beckoning it to harm her a voice whispered in its ear she's a witch while the Dilemma was raging within 096 the researcher and Captain watched on holding their breaths as the two test subjects simply Stood Still against each other locking eyes what's going on why isn't 096 moving it looks confused 053 stared at 096 who was lost in thoughts she reached out to it are you okay Mr Pale Man Shy Guy instantly recoiled upon feeling the touch of the girl's petite hand on its rough skin the Demonic vision of the girl had disappeared now replaced by the sight of an innocent girl in front of it sewing greater confusion in its mind 096 growled and slapped itself an act no one in the foundation has ever seen the pair in the observation room could only stare at the screen in Silence the slap snapped the 096 out of its days now to act on its impulse to do what it was wired to do by nature to kill it let out yet another Screech and began storming toward 053 determined to inflict great damage and to satisfy its Fury however just as 096 lifted its arm a wave of sharp pain suddenly overwhelmed its heart it clutched at its chest with the pained expression then dropped to the ground aw I was thinking we can go back and play together with Lizzy the Scraggy creature rolled around the floor for a few seconds and then it stopped is this that it have we finally killed 096 the researcher only watched on intently after A Moment Like a Phoenix Shy Guy Rose From the Ashes its rage burning hotter and brighter than ever it roared and charged at the young girl once more but failing yet again as its heart stopped whenever it got close to her get up have another go down again back up then back down again rinse and repeat this cycle of death and Revival continued over and over again until 096 had grew accustomed to it 053 stopped paying attention to it after the first few times and simply resumed her playtime with her dollies occasionally shy guy would join her play session after getting back up would you like some tea Mr pman Mr fuff bottom please pour Mr pman some tea and occasionally 096 would try its luck again only to fail without fail and he's dead again this is going nowhere all right that's enough let's retrieve scp096 and just call it a day man make sure your goggles are on never ever take them off like that idiot rookie did the MTF Squad checked each other's gear and made sure their goggles were functioning then they opened the door and entered the cell H what's wrong I feel like we're missing something here the goggles did their job 0 96's face appeared scrambled to the mtfs eyes protecting them from triggering its wrath the team carefully approached it and began escorting the creature like a Lost Child towards the exit their minds however wait something's wrong with my men when the team leading 096 passed by 053 one of them started behaving erratically he stopped walking and slowly reached for his sidearm get away from the girl now too late the soldier was overcome by the sudden sense of paranoia and the urge to inflict harm on others he shot at his fellow men and predictably a violent and messy Skirmish broke out their fighting was upsetting 096 so it retreated to the corner for a solo pity party the two people in charge of the experiment could only watch helplessly as the men on screen tore each other apart what a mess so what are we testing next let's see SCP 682 and SCP 999 great so we're just going to pit the foundation's most beloved anomaly against yet another near unkillable monster and for what meanwhile on screen 096 lunged at 053 with great Vigor only to fall face down as it flatlined yet again its momentum propelled it into the wall comically well we tried killing it with every means possible knives ballistics bombs and other equally destructive anomalies none of them seem to get the job done so if violence isn't the answer perhaps we can tame it with kindness that's where our Bel lob of Joy comes in the girl poked at the creature which then jolted away that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard the captain scoffed at the idea at first but he eventually came around to it as much as I hate to admit it I think you might be on to something here all righty then surely it'll go smoother than this right we hope you enjoyed today's video don't forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell have a favorite SCP you want to see on this channel leave us your suggestions in the comments Down Below in the meantime if you'd like to see more SCP content then check out some of our other videos right here as always thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in our next video bye-bye
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 12,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP Keter, keter, scp compilation, SCP-096, SCP 096
Id: XZy7O0vpKgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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