SCP-2480 An Unfinished Ritual (SCP Animation)

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This place is wrong the air the people the buildings… Hell, I swear even the sky looks like it’s about to collapse. At night I feel like there’s someone or something in my room everywhere I go I feel like I’m being watched. The locals here didn’t seem to mind us at first in fact we even had a feast during the first day. But now everyone of them looks like they’re avoiding us or perhaps avoiding something that we don’t understand. They just look at us with their shifty eyes. I sleep close to the door because the wall at the end of the room gives off a dreadful feeling I could hear something like a chanting or some sort of an eternal scream ringing faintly behind that awful painting. The walls feel suffocating sometimes I have nightmares about them coming alive and turning into walls of viscera and collapse burying me alive. I see strange men in shrouds at the corner of my vision I smell rot and decay I hear them calling my name Giuseppe, Giuseppe. I am losing my sanity. I’m leaving the TV on tonight so I don’t feel alone. Lietenant Frank Giuseppe MTF Epsilon-6. Hello everybody I'm TheRubber Today, we brings you SCP Foundation Presumed Neutralized Object SCP-2480 SCP-2480 also known as An Unfinished Ritual is speculated to be a dimensional anomaly centred around Bodfel Manor located in a coastal and heavily forested town in Massachusetts with a meager population of just over 9000. Bodfel Manor was the home of Bodfel a millionaire industrialist with an acute interest in the occult. Prior to his death Bodfel was the leader of a secret society known as Adytum’s Wake. It is hypothesized that 2480 is a dimensional anomaly that cannot be directly perceived unless the observer is under the influence of perception altering pill. The Foundation became aware of the existence of 2480 after intercepting and decoding a distress signal broadcasted by the GOC Global Occult Coalition and promptly sent in an investigation team. 36 corpses were found scattered throughout the manor estate eight of which were later identified as GOC operatives. What caught their attention was the manner of their apparent anomalous cause of death such as implosion Disintegration fatal physical reconfiguration all of which are physically impossible to be performed by humans. In mid 1988 Site-13 failed to send a biannual report on the state of 2480. Believing it to be a bureaucratic error the Foundation attempted to contact Site-13 directly without response. At first two agents were sent to investigate. However neither agent has since made contact and their fate remains unknown till this day. The foundation then dispatched MTF Epsilon-6 to re-establish contact with Site-13 as well as to properly secure 2480. They were accompanied by a researcher Dr. Narvaez. Due to their experience and efficiency the task force successfully integrated themselves into the community in no time. They were welcomed as new residents and tourists by the residents in a warm and friendly manner at first but soon enough they began to feel something wasn’t quite all there in the town. The locals seemed to be evading something unseen. On the sixth day the agents were beginning to detect a certain wrongness in the town. A man who greeted Agent Goldstein with a bright smile and then the next day stared him down with dead eyes that never blinked. He began to pick up a lingering smell of rot. Agent Grayson who posed as a tourist started to detect more frequent movement within the hotel especially during nighttime. One night before he went to sleep he heard movement outside his room and decided to check through the peephole. And there he saw a face staring right back at him at the other side. Their eyes met and the visitor began to slam his head against the door. Over and over and over again. As the days gone by the task force was beginning to feel increasingly anxious and paranoid. Agent Lightbody was approached by a nervous looking man on the street. I’m telling you man there are… monsters in the fog! Unspeakable horrors… lurking among us right in front of our very eyes! You just don’t see it… He was found dead the next day. Drowned with an agonizing look on his face. Their encounters were becoming increasingly disturbing. A group of kids were gathering on the street when the sun was setting. When Agent Giuseppe got close to them they turned towards him briefly there were blood dripping from the corners of their mouths. They scattered leaving behind a rat flayed and covered in bite marks with missing Chunks of flesh. On the ninth day Agent Giuseppe disappeared. They went to his place and found his journal all the doors were locked and the TV was left on it was like he just ceased to exist. This town is sick and rotten. Why can’t we just burn it to the ground? What are we even doing here? What is our command waiting for? There’s something wrong in this town. The locals behave in such a haphazard way… Hell sometimes they seem to be hallucinating in the middle of the street! And what’s more… Dr. Narvaez was trembling and sweating profusely. Meet me tomorrow morning in the town courtyard there’s something all of you need to see for yourself… The next day they met up as arranged. The doctor handed a pill to each of the agents. This is perception altering pill it’ll let you see the truth behind this town. As they were about to inhale it Dr. Narvaez said to them: Whatever you’re about to see DO NOT freak out, alright? They nodded and took the pill. Minutes later colors became more vivid to the agents and soon a yellow fog cloaked the town. They began to see people in dark hooded robes their outfits were composed of poorly stitched together leathers and hides. Their faces were obscured by the hood. Agent Lightbody averted her gaze away from them. The locals moved aside when the hooded figures approached never did they make eye contact. Agent Goldstein steeled himself and explored the town. He now saw the buildings in a state of ruin covered in a pulsating flesh. The town church had been replaced by a massive ancient black ziggurat and the robed entities were prostrating themselves before the structure. One of the figures caught his attention it was abnormally tall and was holding several unknown creatures by a leash. The creatures had small unblinking yellow eyes their mouths displayed rows of needle-like teeth. Their flesh was pale yet muscular. They gibbered madly and moved in a frenzied pace. A few of the creatures attacked the smaller one among them. They tore into its flesh with its talons and teeth as it squealed in pain. This is madness! Whatever you’re seeing to my eyes it’s just some kids bullying and kicking a smaller kid. Agent Grayson was slowly losing his sanity he looked skyward and saw tall black spires towering ominously over the town. We need to go to Giuseppe’s place I need to see what it’s really like there. They arrived at Agent Giuseppe’s house. They perceived the house as it truly was rotten decaying and covered in filth and blood. They searched the basement it was an ancient root cellar. On the far end was a large spiral painting on the wall. As they attempted to touch it their hands went through it. They walked through the painting and found themselves in a tunnel. Moments later they reached the end and found themselves in an abandoned farmland. They realized that they’ve arrived at the Bodfel Manor. An air of dread was beginning to weigh on them. Soon enough a silhouette of a massive humanoid shambled out of the thick fog. Its flesh was pale and flabby its face dominated by a large tooth filled mouth. The entity was lacking in eyes ears and nostrils. Its teeth and three-fingered hands were heavily stained in what looks like pieces of human flesh. It charged at them Agent Grayson warned the group but it was too late for Agent Goldstein. The entity lifted him up with a single hand and bit down his torso never in their life have they heard a man’s scream went silent so suddenly. They scattered and ran through the fields. Agent Lightbody found herself separated from the rest. The ground underneath her quaked as she looked down she saw not soil but fragmented flesh and crimson colored tendrils burst forth and seized her by the ankle pulling her into a hole far too small for any human. The sounds of her screams shot through the field. Fortunately for the rest they were able to regroup and decided that they would leave the very next day. On the final day of the mission when they were boarding their boat at the docks suddenly Agent Grayson’s eyes widen and was then turned to slurry in a flash as if he was hit by a great invisible force. What remained of the team felt their lives were spared as if it was a warning from an unseen force trying to tell them how easily it could do this to them. As the boat left the dock the doctor noticed a crowd had formed at the bay. They looked on with faces that spoke to him of desperation as well as the terror and madness of a town where unseen horror lurks. Remember to check out my new animation channel The Rubbertalks. Where I share my life story thoughts and opinions. Just click on the link in the description to enter TheRubber's world. I hope you enjoy today's video Which SCP do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting? 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Channel: TheRubber
Views: 457,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP-2480, SCP 2480
Id: ditGdSjx3O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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