SCP-3229 A Blessed Sea (SCP Animation)

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Everyone in the crew noticed a shift as soon as we entered the cave. I didn't like it made my second-in-command feel uneasy too. We entered the inner caverns through a river of some sort. It was wide enough for the ship to pass through. It led us out to this first island and into a wider space. Further out it looked like a full-sized ocean. Mickie said he could see at least three other islands right away and more of those lights in the distance. I made the call to stop and dock where we were. We slept in shifts to keep on lookout and I was always the one who had to stay up at the deepest hour of the night. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching us in the dark like something terrible was about to come out from the sea. It was pretty much uneventful for the first couple nights but on the third my suspicions were proven right! A dozen of these... fishies we called them ransacked our camp. Some of them even came from the water! They caught us off guard but strangely enough they didn’t kill us. They broke my comrades’ arms and legs to prevent struggling then dragged them into the sea. I lost many friends that night. Some of them were begging me to do something to help them but I... I... I couldn’t do anything. The pistols did nothing to them but I tried anyway in desperation. Even though I hit them square in the chest they didn’t even FLINCH! They just kept on dragging and dragging and dragging... They tore through most of the camp until we brought in heavier weapons to bear. We still weren’t sure how many men we’d lost. Barron told me they tried to capture rather than kill. He saw them dragging people down into the water. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what they wanted to do with the poor bastards. Hello everybody I'm TheRubber Today, we brings you SCP Foundation EUCLID class object SCP-3229 SCP-3229 also known as A Blessed Sea is a spatial anomaly located within a cave system around the southwest coast of Svalbard. The cave itself is situated on an islet approximately 18 square meters. Within the cave is an archipelago of 312 islands of varying sizes. This space is not reachable by any means other than the cave entrance and as such appears to exist on another plane of reality. The archipelago within 3229 is observed to have been inhabited by a pre-industrial civilization which has spread across the entirety of 3229. Currently, 3229 is inhabited by a number of undiscovered aquatic and amphibious lifeforms with the most common entity hostile to Foundation personnel being SCP-3229-A. 3229-A are humanoid amphibious hybrids that are the primary hostile inhabitants of 3229. While some degree of variation exists between instances of SCP-3229-A all entities exhibit a collection of common traits including discolored blue-gray skin coral-like growths around the cranium as well as protruding from near the shoulder blades large dorsal fins glassy eyes and numerous visible SCP-3229-B instances moving beneath the skin. SCP-3229-B are parasitic life-forms responsible for the creation of 3229-A instances. They are worm-like organisms of varying length commonly 2-4 inches in diameter. The entities enter hosts via any available orifice with the mouth and eyes being the most common. SCP-3229-B have also been observed entering through artificial orifices on victims such as gunshot wounds or injuries caused by 3229-A. This form of implantation is less common as 3229-B gravitate towards able-bodied hosts. This is hypothesised to be due to the relationship between SCP-3229-B and SCP-3229-O. SCP-3229-O is an unidentified aquatic organism of unknown size and origin. Recovered sources refer to it as a significant figure within the pantheon of the archipelago's original civilisation. It is known to be responsible for the creation of 3229-B and by proxy, 3229-A. Recovered sources also state that only one 3229-O instance remains with the rest of the pantheon now extinct. An experiment was carried out to study the infection process. Alright, subject D-3231145. Please step into the chamber. Dr. Iseigo then looked towards Site Director Yu who gave him a firm nod. Alright, the chamber is sealed. Now, introduce SCP-3229-B into the chamber. A door on the side of the chamber slid open and out poured the parasites. They swarmed all over the D-class in no time and began invading his orifices. No, no, no not the worms not the worms! My eyes my eyes! ARGHHHHHHHH! His scream was cut short as the parasites dislocated his jaw. They could hear the sound of bones popping. Subject D-3231145 is hereby designated as a host SCP-3229-A. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Damn… <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">not only do they take over your body <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but they also do it in <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">the most painful way possible. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Wait, doctor. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">That’s not all. Look! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">A few minutes later <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">coral-like protrusions breached 3229-A’s skin. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Its face became disfigured <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">due to its contorted bone structure. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">My goodness... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Look at that monstrosity! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">The host had completed its skeletal restructuring. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">A dorsal fin was now visible <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and its lower limbs have became double-jointed. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Its skin became taut <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">revealing more of its deformed skeletal structure <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">as well as 3229-B instances wriggling underneath. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Alright, this has gone on long enough. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Send in the squad... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Wait... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">What’s it doing? <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">3229-A turned towards the observation mirror. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">As if it was able to see through the one-way glass <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">it stared down Dr. Iseigo <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and began to move towards him. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Oh my god... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">It’s coming towards us! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Wait, where are you going, director? <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">The security team entered the chamber <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and attempted to immobilize 3229-A <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">using fast-acting tranquilizer darts. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">The darts hit its body and injected the fluid. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">3229-A lost its strength for a moment <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">as it dropped to its knees <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but it didn’t last long. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Subject has been incapacitated... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Wait, what? <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">3229-A got back on its feet <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and grunted furiously. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">It charged towards the security team <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and sent them flying across the room. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">One of them managed to dodge its attack <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and pulled out his sidearm to fire at it. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Although the bullets seemed to have <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">dealt some damage <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">3229-A simply shrugged it off <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and grabbed him by the throat. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff"> Then, with its newfound strength <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">it hurled him through the observation glass. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">The body crashed against Dr. Iseigo <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and pinned him onto the floor. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Code Red! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">I repeat, Code Red! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">We have an anomaly breaching containment on site- <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">ARGHHHHH! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">3229-A grabbed the assistant’s arm <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and broke it with one violent twist. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Why the hell are you guys <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">standing around like idiots?! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Help me up or... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">or kill this thing! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">or kill this thing! <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">But the staff were frozen in fear. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">3229-A went on a rampage <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and Dr. Iseigo could only watch helplessly <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">as his colleagues were being slaughtered. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Soon enough, MTF Gamma-6 promptly <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">terminated 3229-A with high-caliber rounds. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">The team leader, Agent Devereux <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">pushed the body off <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and helped Dr. Iseigo to his feet. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">I cannot thank you enough for saving my life... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">God, all this... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">carnage... <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">just from one single entity. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Hard to imagine that thing <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">used to be a human being. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">[chuckles] <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">You ain’t seen nothing yet. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">These are nothing next to something even greater. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">You mean 3229-O? <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Agent Devereux nodded. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">He put his rifle aside <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and lit a cigarette. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">I was with the stealth sub SCPF Thurston <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">when the entity made contact. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">It worked fine for dodging the fishies. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">I can’t remember the exact depth <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but we were really, really deep. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">We passed several submerged ruins <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">that we were translating and cataloging <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and we found a lot of intel on the -O <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">like how the parasites are being used <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">to turn people into fishies <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">so they could be closer to their god. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">The fishies are worshipers <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">they probably receive some kind of <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">command from the -O. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">We were maybe a tenth of the way <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">through the ruins when the hull hit something <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and were forced to stop. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">It turned out to be a fishie <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but it’s not one of the usual ones. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">That one had this weird robe on <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">we couldn’t tell if it was clothing <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">or part of his body. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">We sent a couple guys down into the airlock <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">to take it out <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but it just swam right in <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">calm as anything <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">didn’t even seem to notice the guys. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">It was mumbling something in its own language <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">then suddenly it became agitated. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Not necessarily hostile <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but the chants were getting louder <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and sounded more aggressive. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Rather, it sounded like it was panicking <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and scared. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">And that’s when the thing hit us, the -O. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Whole sub rocked to one side. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Massive tentacles punctured through the sub <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and grabbed them. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">It was chaos all around <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">I couldn’t get a good look at it <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but you could tell that thing was huge. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">We fired 2 torpedoes <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">made the thing bleed <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but it didn’t even seem fazed. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Not only did it get angrier <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">damned thing’s body morphed <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">and contorted to repair the damage <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">grew some new body parts as well. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Not only was it crushing the sub <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">it’s making the men go insane <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">with some crazy cognitohazards or something. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Our men started to babble <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">like the fishie we picked up. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">One of the lieutenants was clawing his eyes out <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">kept saying he could feel something <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">slithering behind them. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Some divers went out with the fishie <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">in hopes to divert its attention <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">it worked. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Or, maybe it didn’t even care <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">about the sub to begin with. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Whatever it was <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">something made it lose interest in the sub <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">that gave us the opportunity to run. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Then came another thud as the thing hit us <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but the divers did something to distract it. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">They never made it back. <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">If the entity were to become hostile <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">do you think we could stop it? <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">Agent Devereux couldn’t answer it <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">but to Dr. Iseigo <b><font size="16"><font color="#ffffff">his silence was already the answer.
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 487,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP-3229, SCP 3229
Id: 2qcE1rOmWEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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