Hot Honey Pork Belly Burnt Ends | Grill Nation

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hot honey pork belly burn-ins first you're to go ahead and get your eight pound pork belly make sure the skin is off cut it into about an inch and a half strips and then the inch and a half cubes like you see right here placing them on a wire rack and season them generously on all sides that leftover seasoning don't worry pick it up with your unseasoned pork belly and we're good it's firing up our smoker 250 degrees we're gonna let these babies sit for about two and a half to three hours remove them placing them in aluminum pan with butter brown sugar and honey you can find this whole recipe on my website link is in the bio we're going to place them back on for about an hour and a half in the meantime we're gonna make our hot honey sauce this is on the website as well once you make it whisk it let it simmer for about six to eight minutes remove those pork bellies in another pan with that sauce let them glaze for 20 minutes and they're absolutely money you got to try these out
Channel: Grill Nation
Views: 275,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K35XLs60740
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 55sec (55 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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