The Slap That Changed Chris Rock's Life Forever | Joe Rogan & Akaash Singh

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that looks C look at that dog look at the dog man that's crazy do you remember how bad the dogs looked in I Am Legend the Tigers the Lions rather do you remember that scene yeah I do there's a scene when Will Smith is going through New York City and the lions are out and the lion takes out a deer in front of them and it see if you can find it it looks so CGI it's so corny they shouldn't even even put it in the movie It's I I wonder if at the time you think it looks real and then you go back and you're like this is the worst no I remember at the time I was like get the [ __ ] out of here cuz I I watch a movie like 10 years later this deer look dope Mustang now look at that Mustang [ __ ] yeah driving around a Shelby yeah so watch this he's hanging out here and he sees this deer and he's about to shoot this deer cuz he wants some food yeah yeah watch this line look how fake this looks yeah it looks terrible look at fake that looks so bad it looks so fake it looks almost as fake as his marriage almost not quite not quite almost some people live in hell they really do they stay living in hell yeah Oh What a Sad case that was man he meant so much to me as a kid and now it's just all with one moment where he couldn't take a joke yeah or she couldn't take a one moment and the whole guy's reputation is gone now all they had to do is just laugh it off I know laughing G Jane mild [ __ ] not even remotely and this is a it's D it would have been one thing if she wasn't trying to be famous and he just brought her into a joke if she wasn't a celebrity but he's not making fun of your wife he's making fun of a celebrity no that g was a badass movie yeah also she's [ __ ] awesome in that movie She's is like Navy Seals she's training for in that movie yeah okay God forbid Beast yeah God forbid you compare my wife to a Navy seal how dare you that was like a big thing in the movie where uh Demi Moore said suck my dick did she really that's fire dude in the movie that's fire yeah she's a beast yeah I would love for my wife to comp compar to this Navy Seal saying suck my dick it's hilarious also she's still hot in the movie yeah she still hot bald she looks great like what's the big deal yeah J still looks great I don't even know she really got the whatever alabia is that real looks pretty uniform what drove me crazy is I saw a video when we were talking about on flr you're looking at stuff right you're researching and there was a video of her being like all I can do is laugh about it now that's all I can do so then someone made a joke that's your opportunity to laugh about it but you just took it so poorly well she just rolled her eyes gave sideways face and then will whatever's wrong with them yeah that's what it was like whatever is dis whatever he's trying to prove to her whatever chaos is in that relationship or maybe it is alapa maybe it's like that's just so sensitive that he realized [ __ ] I got to go slap him it's like the hot button topic around the house she's losing her hair I don't know but either way like what a terrible decision yeah what a and also but also it showed you how vacant Hollywood is that they uh gave him a standing ovation Just moment afterwards insan insane for playing a guy who there are abuse allegations around yeah Richard Williams yeah yeah D crazy there's yeah just what a crazy [ __ ] thing man yeah just the whole thing was nuts and it just showed how insane Hollywood is how disconnected they are and then it took the next day or so for the rest of the world to be like hey what the [ __ ] yeah and then it all fell apart but those dummies were willing to go along with they like clapping amazing even though you just smacked a guy and ruined the Oscars yeah assaulted a guy who's what half a foot foot shorter than you maybe and weighs eight pounds yeah Chris Ro's he's the least intimidating guy that's ever held a mic the I have something to say about I think might [ __ ] him up really I think so okay fair enough I don't know want to find out I don't know maybe he'll get you but the point is it's like he's this is not a threatening guy and to go up and physically assault him it's just crazy but it's just you know people lose their minds man they lose their minds they yeah I remember I remember thinking about this in like 07 I did like a student film obviously nothing I barely got paid anything but I remember I went to go get Chipotle and then the people freaked out they're like hey have you you want something you just tell us we'll go get it for you you don't need to and I remember being like Oh I could just ask for anything I want and you I would get it and they were like yeah and I was like that's crazy so imagine actually being famous imagine being Will Smith no one says no to you ever if Will Smith was like fly to Columbia buy me coffee beans every day before I shoot they would find a guy to do that right how do you come out normal there's no way to be normal and healthy and all it just I can't see it well you have to not participate in that you have to not be that guy you have to recognize that that's a dangerous road to go down you lose your Humanity it's hard though I imagine and the one good thing about comedy is you will get humbled I will bomb at some point So eventually and it will remind me oh yeah yeah I'm not better than anybody else Yeah comedy's a different animal Chris Rock woke up for sure because Chris Rock standup got better yeah like everybody that saw him after that like Tom saguro went to see him when he did the arena in town he wases bro he was on fire he goes it was like bring the pain Chris Rock he like he was like markedly than he had been before really he goes it was amazing yeah it was amazing and that's what it was it was like he realized like [ __ ] those people I was trying to get those people to like me I was trying to do movies and I got slapped and they applauded that guy afterwards [ __ ] them he's too good for that gig anyway that gig sucks and then he had to try to go do jokes after he got smacked yeah which was the worst saying I'm not going to address it I mean that is the worst when he tried to like do material after he got smacked the whole thing was crazy we're not we're not talking about anything else Chris I you're my hero we're not talking about anything else well he didn't know what to do he probably never would have imagined that that would have happened there was a moment when in the moment where he goes will said something he goes boy I could and then he just goes on and finishes giving the award I know why he didn't and that was the mature thing but I wish he had just unloaded yeah I wish he had just gone it cuz I I'm positive a thought crossed his mind and then he decided against it and I would love to see Chris Rock just I think the best thing would have been to do would be to say no one's going to do anything about that like someone could just come up here and hit me and you guys don't do [ __ ] yeah and you want me to host your Awards yeah like say something real in the moment like that but how that's Monday Morning Quarterback who the [ __ ] who knows what and you risk looking like a [ __ ] being like nobody's going to help me which true You Will Smith's a big dude you're not but it still you look like a bigger [ __ ] getting slapped at me like are you guys not going to do anything about this you look like a Karen or whatever well you kind I mean it's like Jim car said he should sue Will Smith for like $50 million and I was like yeah that's you're on board with that this guy's career is forever altered because of that yeah this guy made some of the greatest comedy specials in the history of the world and we're going to talk about the slap right there with that if not before that [Music]
Channel: University Of JRE
Views: 208,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRE, Clips, Podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience
Id: BywAY8XadGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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