Jimmy Carr On Andrew Tate & Men's Mental Heath Crisis

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this idea of um you know depression is essentially thinking about yourself too much you last time we spoke on the podcast you talked about I would say yeah sorry that that feels to me maybe a little bit too harsh because I think people suffer with depression and that's a it's a disease and it's incredibly serious and we think of suicide as being something that stands alone it's not it's a symptom of a disease called depression right so it's the it's the permanent solution to a temporary problem you don't want to feel feel this way anymore but actually you don't want to feel nothing anymore uh you like to feel better so it's that thing of like I don't we talk about it enough but I think that thing of you know thinking about yourself all the time I think just leads to a can lead to a Melancholy a sadness I think depression is maybe a slightly separate thing not to nitpick but it feels like it feels like that's a disease and there's also a lot of sadness in the world MH and you're lucky if you're sad because if you if you're sad it cir stantial and you can do something about it you know are you depressed because you have serotonin imbalance in your head and it's a heritable trait or are you sad because your life hasn't worked out the way you want it to work out well if that's the case the latter you're in luck because you can change that it does feel like there's a bit of a crisis going on within young men at the moment and I think your new show on Netflix shines a light on many of the difficulties that young men are facing I I was really excited to talk to you about this particular topic CU I've been trying to arrive at a position myself on why so many young men appear to be lost and suicidality has increased and there's you know these new masculine influences or masculine influencers that are really rounding up this cohort of young men who who are we talking about Andre T Andrew Tes of the world well Andrew T interesting isn't he because um who made the I think John meany made the observation Trump is a poor person's idea of what a rich person looks like yeah I got gold Taps and I think so and rate is like a 14-year-old boy's idea of what masculinity might look like like it's really it's it's and and of course nature abor a vacuum and there's a real vacuum for um Elders like we now we don't learn how to shave from our fathers it's a YouTube video and so you lose something in that in that bonding so there's a big bit in the new show where I give a young guy an audience member a pretty tough time like we have the talk and I give them advice on how to uh be with a woman and it's I'm not wrong about anything it's really funny and it's really rude but I'm not wrong about stuff it's like it's about consent and it's it's I think it's really it's really good because it's I've sugared the pill of the message because people don't want to talk about it people go it's obvious what consent is yeah not to 17-year- old boys or girls it's like actually what what does that look like and how should that be so it's uh yeah it's a it's a really fun routine it's really fun routine to perform right what is it to be a man these days cuz it's quite confusing in ter even the conversation around like chivalry and understanding you know well people talk about toxic masculinity and easy fix be a gentleman be a mench that's it this is done be a gentleman be a mench you know a gentleman is never rude by accident it's Christopher Hitchin line great I I don't know I mean my thing about young men today if I was going to give young men advice it would be get the drugs and the real thing right in real life live in real life right so why young men are obsessed by video games right obsessed they're spending hours and hours and hours online playing video games why well that's a proxy for career right video games you think about the levels of video games and what people do on video games it's that's a proxy that's like a uh it's a it's a substitute for the career that they're not having and then they spend a lot of time you know fapping to to Hub or uPorn or whatever and that's a proxy for sex and my thing would be George Orwell wasn't right our power won't be taken away from us by some authoritarian master we're going to give it away for cheap dopamine and the cheap dopamine of video games and online porn and living online is is is getting in the way of real life so it's risk right that's that's what we're not allowing young people to do because we're we're saying to young people you can't take risks in real life we're we're helicopter parenting we're not giving them the freedom how much Freedom should you give a kid as much as they can cope with right 14-year-olds used to be babysitters they now need babysitters that's not good right so you should allow them more freedom in in the real world because otherwise the only place they get freedom is online and no freedom in the real world you're not allowed to go to the park and hang out but you're allowed to do whatever you want online well that's a that feels like a very bad social experiment that feels like a bad idea yeah it feels like we've inverted um Ma you know maslof this P pyramid hierarchy of needs and you go well food and shelter and warmth and all the we've got all the bottom stuff worked out in our society right we we kind of can't see it we're not grateful for that because we can't see the hot shower the hot shower we can't see the third world and we can't see the people in the past having a tougher time than us so we take it for granted but we' worked out that stuff they hadn't worked that stuff out 200 years ago but they had the top of the pyramid sorted everyone knew who they were they had their identity and they knew what their purpose was everyone knew who they were what they were about and they were connected to to the others in the in the group and now we're kind of free floating individuals we kind of worship the individual as if as if we can survive as individuals I always think of that thing of like there's no such thing as a baby there's a baby in a mother there's a baby in a father baby and an auntie but there's no such thing as a baby because a baby on its own isn't anything it's it's dead it's you it needs taken care of we're all still babies we all need the connections you yourself yeah sure there's there's a lot of yourself that's that's within you but a lot of it is out in the world it's connected to other people and it kind of it mediates who you think you are and that's you know that's that's slightly missing from society where you kind of live online and you're kind of a self-authored thing you're just on on the computer on the screen and you're not connected and you're not taking risks taking risks is really important is this art due to the rise in atheism and agnosticism I think we we both me and you lost our sort of religious Faith around the same age think sort of early mid mid mid2 I think it's a weird thing where you go you can lose your I I don't believe in the stories there's two types of fools right there's people that take religion literally and there's people that think it has no value okay both both idiots for different reasons like it works as a thing religion I quite I miss it because the reason the ceremony Works isn't because God's pleased it's because the people came together and so I think we look for things that that are um proxies for religion and sometimes that's could football it could be environmentalism you know because you go well I I need something I need purpose in my life I need to feel like I'm I'm adding value and what a great cause I'm going to save the planet it's a big thing to think about it's got a religiosity to it but I don't think that's the you know I don't think that's necessarily the answer you know some people do it with politics they think politics is going to is going to be Heaven they're going to they're going to come up with some perfect system I think you're putting too much pressure on politics first time I've ever said this actually but when you just said I think I miss religion I think I miss religion it's nice wasn't it it's a lovely thought as well when you lose someone that you love very much it's a lovely thought I mean Heaven is just it's a lovely thought and I think in a way in our culture Fame and Fortune has replaced Heaven it's the land of milk and honey and where you can feel like you're um uh everything's okay everything's taken care of um and it is good but it's it's not it's not heaven I don't believe in an afterlife I believe in a next life so I don't think anything happens after you die but I think you can have a next life a very different life so it's interesting you're at this point of your your life when you're thinking about well might we might start a family it's a whole other life it's a whole other you'll hardly recognize yourself you and your partner will be saying what did we do what did we do all day now we're not at Peppa Pig World or wherever you find yourselves this really just struck me that I do kind of Miss religion but it feels like when I lost my religion I put a backpack on a backpack full of weights on and I think that's what the responsibility and individualism is I mean for me the the loss of religion was A Rush of Blood to the Head it was like oh I I this is my life and I need to make good on this and I need to live it the tragedy is most people don't have that kind of they don't get to kind of follow their their their dream if you love the dver CEO brand and you watch this Channel please do me a huge favor become part of the 15% of the viers on this channel that have hit the Subscribe button it helps us tremendously and the bigger the channel gets the bigger the guests
Channel: The Diary Of A CEO Clips
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Keywords: the diary of a ceo, podcast, the diary of a ceo podcast, life lessons, ceo, Steven Bartlett, Steve Bartlett, life advice, doac, diary of a ceo, diary of a ceo clips, Steve Bartlett Podcast
Id: v8mlrSIMhD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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