The Sinister Case of Dr Neulander

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this whole video we are uh well we are going to our old haunt of uh opening New York to talk about a doctor and an accident question mark that was like three of our favorite things outside of Syracuse you'll find DeWitt inside DeWitt you'll find a big old mansion and a big man The Doctor Is In internet though is the question and a decade later do we have an answer or just more uh questions that is the question so maybe we should give it to you [Music] We are booking it to do it this time a delightfully old timey named place in Onondaga County it's a northern New York and dates back to the Revolutionary days fantastic stuff it has about 25 000 people living in it most of them well to do it's the well-to-do town outside of Syracuse it's surrounded by lakes that look like fingers it's surrounded by some beautiful nature and it is surrounded by dun dun where isn't though but let's talk about one specifically this story takes us to September 2012. if you can believe that a call was made from 6916 uh Shalamar way right therein lies a mansion but what are those you holy [ __ ] Mansions I can't even afford to look at it I have to avert my eyes every time that was the humble abode of the newlanders that's Robert his wife Leslie and their children Jenna Harry Ryan and Emily well mother Leslie lived there and died there this was in the very wee hours of the 17th of September 2012 when the daughter one of the daughters 23 year old Jenna newlander she dialed nine double one [Music] problem [Music] our way my mother I don't know if she's breathing but she's laying on the ground in the shower take a deep breath we're gonna get somebody started okay my dad my dad's over there he's over there he's in the bathroom I'm not in the bathroom okay so your dad called your dad is with you can you can you go to her now and stay on the phone with me started ma'am Pam hello [Music] [Applause] Jenna was alerted by her father her fatherhood found her mother looked like she'd collapsed in the shower in her home Robert upon discovering Leslie he shouted at Jenna for help and to call 9-1-1 when the police arrived they found Leslie you know she was in the bedroom the daddy Roberts he had he had carried and dragged his wife from the bathroom to the bedroom because he wanted you a bit more air space you know to do the old CP uh CPR um well because he was Dr Roberts newlander nothing could be done by the time the Emergency Services arrived with their bits and Bobs she was a goner [Music] this was a shock you're not just to the family but to the community in Syracuse as a whole the newlanders they were well known they were flattropists Dr newlander he was an obstetrician gynecologist and he delivered thousands of babies in the area he was catching up left and right but sadly he couldn't catch his wife a 61 year old Leslie she she fell to her death in that bathroom in that shower Robert would say she had she had vertigo so she she fell from time to time and it looked like Yoshi Falls she cracks her skull open on the tiles or whatever the edge of the shower good night there was a lot of blood that was some crack she got but even Jenna said it herself and not no one will call the medical examiner upon well examining the body would later rule the cause of death as blood Force head injuries due to a fall they would rule it an accident she hit her head on the stone shower bench in the shower sad but well case closed well that was the end of the case then so right no what would happen later like I'm talking a years down the road is that the prosecution and the defense would ultimately both try and use Jenna to prove guilt and prove innocence Jenna newlander the only person who was actually in the house when it happened and the person who made the 911 call the DeWitt Police when they arrived and examined the scene they were very surprised to find her in the bedroom so far from where she had allegedly Fallen and the amount of blood was shocking blood was not just where her body had been laying there was blood on the carpet here in different spots around the room pooling everywhere like like Robert you know in his attempt to drag her from the bathroom and save her life uh you know he had um it's like he'd given her a good Shake battering shake you know it even spotted all over the wall he was really given CPR there's plenty of different types of blood stain patterns you got drip impact spotters void swipe transfer cast off flow pool and saturation Different Strokes for different incidents right and what they what it looked like they had here was impact and with an impact the harder the hit the smaller the spatter and if the impact her hitting the stone bench was in the bathroom why was their impact spatter on the walls of the bedroom so they needed to solve the mystery of the blood the mystery was solved by the good doctor himself who said that when he returned home from his morning jug he found his wife in the bathroom he carried her 60 feet to the bedroom and laid her down past lots of areas he could comfortably do see pure but he really wanted the bed you would think though that like a doctor would know it's a bad idea to move somebody who is a head injury or neck injury or whatever I mean I'm not a doctor and I know that even Jenna was saying his daughter was saying it protesting stop moving her in the call in the 901 call but as I said at the time it was rules an accident blunt force head injuries due to a fall from standing height those uh those Stone benches are the real killers how do I say don't take any chances but SHINee the investigators on the medical examiner ago they differed but the investigators eventually deferred to uh what the doctor said you know accident all right and Jenna she backed up everything her dad said she said yep he dragged her out of the uh out of the bathroom to the bedroom he was doing CPR he had tried to save Jenna's mother he did everything he could keep Leslie alive you know his wife soon to be ex-wife wasn't always that way though Bob and Leslie had for many years a very loving marriage they were a strong public couple in the community they had four children while two were from Bob's previous marriage and three grandchildren friendly successful the huge house sets out of Syracuse and another in the Caribbean too rich yet unpretentious they didn't flaunt their wealth understated classy and Dr Bob he was beloved having delivered half the children in the New York area a top OB GYN Leslie she too had worked in the medical field she had been a nurse before giving it up to raise children full time and as her children grew she played a major role in local and National Charities rebuilding homes after Hurricane Katrina supporting orchestras community centers and schools no making sense [Music] separated but it was like they're two plus two and equaling five but months would pass and rumors would grow rumors about uh difficulties in the marriage of trouble in Paradise and maybe the whole chi-ching lifestyle they had became more of a womp womp see Dr newlander used to have his own practice in Camillus a town on the on the other side of Syracuse he used to back in the Glory Days because his thriving practice of over 25 years it went kaput in 2009 three years before the incident he had been in an eight-year legal battle with a health insurer they accused him of well basically overcharging the insurer by almost 2 million dollars he called [ __ ] on that one so they went to the courts you know they said pick one and the judge picked the insurer Ergo the dictionary told me means therefore Bob lost pretty much all his patience right he couldn't work with that insurer anymore nearly all his patients had that insurance so they left his practice to go to find another doctor who was still with that insured the business collapsed and Bob didn't have he didn't have an arson's trousers after that this in turn led to some marriage disagreements they had been sleeping apart at the time of her death so that was what the folks were talking about in the weeks and months following the fall on one of Leslie's friends close friends she happened to be the previous uh Chief County Medical Examiner now she had retired she'd been a couple years out of it but somebody basically asked her was like hey would you mind having you you know and she was shocked by what she saw she couldn't believe this had been ruled an accident she had been the injuries were so bad it was like she had been whacked and whacked and whacked again she had bruises she had scratches this is not like something you would get if you just fell and L bang your head off a stone bench this was like she had been in a car accident she'd fallen off the top of the Empire State Building that kind of injury the Onondaga district attorney William Fitzpatrick he received an anonymous letter basically saying that Leslie had been trying to leave Dr newlander Dr newlander walked around like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth but people were saying that's he's not that guy so the D.A on the previous chief medical examiner decided to talk and then the house which had since been sold by Robert was Revisited by investigators and more blood was found again in places if where you know what the doctor said was true how did it get there behind the headboard blinds on the other side of the room if he was just doing CPR he was really dealing with zbr Robert too by the way he happened to get um well that yeah half a million not bad uh he lured up well this has been an Open Secret and a subject of uh Gossip and irresponsible rumor now for months Dr newlander has not been charged with any kind of offense apparently the police think that their conduction their their investigation is best conducted by leaks to the media um I can confirm that a search warrant was executed that Dr newlander's apartment uh yesterday and certain items were taken uh one thing that the police did not find was their own tail which they have been now chasing for eight months um that uh Leslie newlander died as a result of a tragic accident and sadly nothing's going to change that um Dr newlander is a wonderful person as was his wife these are irresponsible rumors um and they are further hurting his family he eventually over a year after the murder was interviewed about it once again I'm going to talk about uh the events regarding the death of your wife September the 17th 2012. we may very briefly talk about the night before just to set the stage uh we're going to also talk about your relationship with your late wife you were sleeping separately okay what was the reason for that uh we had uh thought about a trial separation okay and when you say separation I assume you mean more than just separate in-house you mean that you were going to thinking about getting divorced perhaps that was not the thought process we were talking about and we never did but we were talking about a trial separation that's the only thing we discuss do you remember on the 17th about what time it is that you woke up somewhere between 6 and 6 30. so you wake up 6 6 30 what do you do I decided to go for a run which I normally do it took you about half an hour approximately a little less than that LSU your best recollection as to what time you got back home I would say it's somewhere around maybe 7 15 7 30 somewhere in that vicinity I go pick up the newspaper and then I put on coffee I bring a cup of coffee to Leslie every morning she needs a cup of coffee to wake up so I bring one a cup of coffee to her you take it to Leslie in her bedroom yes I take it to her in the bedroom okay tell us what happens when you go into her bedroom uh the shower is on the door is locked to the bathroom I hear the water running and I place it on the nightstand next to where she got out of bed did you have to open any doors to put the to get to the point where you put the cup of coffee on her nightstand no okay and you say the bathroom door is locked no it's closed okay uh you know if it was locked or not I I don't okay in any event you can clearly hear the shower running that is correct you do you hear anything else other than the shower running no so when you get up to that your doctor tell us what you do well again I knock on the door in the glass door okay and what did you do then I opened the door too honestly yeah and did you see any signs of life I basically I reached out to him your apostles [Music] the theory that the investigators and prosecution was going on was going off was that in the wee hours of the 17th of September you know while Jenna the daughter who's in the house she was fast asleep she saw and wouldn't get a room Roberts why Leslie was asleep he bludgeoned her to death in the bedroom then he moved her body to the bathroom he dropped her head on the stone bench to make it look like what he wanted it to look like then he tried to clean up the scene he got the murder weapon he got some bloody sheets and stuff like that he went off on his jug and chewed away see blood was everywhere in the bedroom except the bed you know the biggest thing in the room then when he returned home he found Leslie and moved her he moved her against his daughter's protestations because he needed to explain why there was blood everywhere in June 2014 the medical examiner changed the manner of death from accident to homicide Robert was then charged with the murder of Leslie his children stood by him the trial went ahead in March 2015. now you might recall this D.A over here D.A uh Billy Fitzpatrick ol' Fitzy over here he was uh the prosecutor you remember the Stacy Costa case talking about a while back she was in the Onondaga County she was poisoning people antifreeze he gave her a good balican she's gas man so now we know he was murdered what are the odds that a guy who's thinking about killing himself is being murdered on the very weekend and he gets killed it's like well Gary Diana Lou Gehrig's disease that's an unbelievable coincidence well he would now be in charge of not letting the good doctor get away with any of this but it would be a hard job right they didn't really have any motive uh they didn't have a murder weapon it was really just blood spotter the defense said well I mean it's not exactly scientific saying where blood will go and some of the evidence was collected way after the fact Emergency Services were everywhere then at the time of the incident too disrupting the crime scene they said in fact some of the blood could have come from the EMTs like for example if they were trying to resuscitate Leslie blood might have got on their gloves and you know which was then flung from the gloves to the wall Leslie was also known to have vertigo she could have fallen but the prosecution said she'd been hit more than once if she fell she felt good few times she had bruises and scratches only on her head and it just didn't make sense that she could fall and hit the edge of a stone bench and that would cause this Jenna would take the stand and that 911 call uh it would come up mainly because of one thing Jenna said as well which was this he was called blood everywhere right but at this time during the call Leslie's body was still in the shower Bob hadn't started dragging her to the bedroom so um well how will there be blood everywhere if he hadn't started moving her yet the prosecution said her story didn't make sense either the things she did in the time frame she said she did him wasn't possible but she stood by her dad she also said that in the bedroom she saw her dad take off a blood-soaked shirt and tossed it across the room hence that could have caused the blood spatter on the walls right but the shirt was never found after three days of Liberation the jury ultimately found Robert's newlander guilty Justice was served there weren't too many people in that courtroom speaking for Leslie but Leslie wasn't the only victim in this case as I think I indicated during the course of his trial but my reaction is one of professional satisfaction that Justice was done for this uh poor woman who spent the last moments of her life struggling to survive from her husband Bob newlander is the most honorable person I have ever met in this case has been a travesty from dark to finish it is not finished that's all I have to say he was sentenced to 20 years to life I love my wife Leslie and I now and it's forever to continue to mourn her every day though I've been tried and wrongfully convicted my family and I are now suffering pain and anguish of an innocent man condemned to prison my head is by the verdict of this coin for an innocent man has been wrongfully convicted I would not or could not say this if we're not so I love my wife Leslie very much and I mourn her every day now and forever [Music] see one member of the jury was well they were found to be being up to no good on the day he was found guilty an alternate juror contacted a lawyer saying one of the actual jurors who condemned him had been texting throughout the three-week trial at the trial I've had 7 000 text messages she later tried to cover this up failed and the conviction of Bobby was thrown out he was released on bail in 2018 and in February 2022 trial number two begun how did this one go well much like the first though this time the prosecution told of a motive they didn't use before that Leslie was leaving him in fact she was going to sign a lease on an apartment the day she died also some new evidence was that a crime investigator found a piece of Leslie's head on the headboard not well for the second time a jury in Onondaga County Criminal Court finds Robert newlander guilty of killing his wife Leslie then staging the scene in their DeWitt Mansion to make it appear as if she had taken a bad fall in the shower this has just been the travesty of Justice my father my father is innocent and we're gonna have to do it all over again I mean the fact that my entire family is standing behind him after 10 years do you think we'd be with him if we thought he was guilty and there you have it that's the story of Dr Robert newlander I mean today that is to be honest to God who knows where where this would go again there's already been a couple of twists and turns but to the point I'm posting this video that's the story a tricky one in which uh the scene spoke more than anyone else ever could his family stuck by him and he stuck by himself till the end his children suffering the most and what they believe is the wrong verdict uh their father never killed their mother guess you gotta ask how well children know their parents knowing them well or or not at all you can see why his kids would stick by him and in fact a lot of people suck by Robert newlander to say they still don't believe he killed Leslie and the evidence is you know a bit Dodge as well I suppose in that it's not entirely convincing you know it's not definitive it's spotter but Shanae Dr Robert newlander is now uh Bobby Newland the new ones being prison thank you so much for watching um I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this whole video with me uh here go on I'll see as always real soon in the next whole video Until then though you know please uh look after yourselves all right take care because you know I love you I like it [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,284,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, robert neulander, leslie neulander, dr robert neulander
Id: yeW65z2q7LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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