The Cruel Abduction of Reagan Tokes

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video uh what we're going to do today is i guess kind of like we usually do and that is strap on our boots strap on our bags and head off for a tale set in ohio right specifically ohio state like not you know the state but also the state the university probably should have just said that this is a story oh well you know the writing was on the wall but your eyes were closed this is a story about well white tees when i can tell so let's give it a go [Music] grove city frankly it's in franklin county and oh boy oh geez there you'll find every type of adventure oh slow down grove city home of 42 000 people the city of groves lies on the outskirts of columbus and if you are the adventurous sort and i know you are there you'll find plenty of treks trails it's got aqua parks you got paintballing you got all the kind of perks you can think of so long as you're thinking within the limits of parks most cities have but i hear your barking big dog you know maybe you're more of a culture vulture well in that case you're in a look museums there's a couple musicals musicals there be that or maybe you're a you're a crafty sort so well why go anywhere else unless you already live somewhere else okay point is it's a bustling city you have stuff to do this bad boy's got it okay but what about what we're talking about when we're talking about grove city crime well crime is a relatively low well under the national average in relation to to violent crime though theft is a little higher it's a suburb filled with families so it's the type of crimes you could expect i guess if you were to keep driving into columbus you'd come to the ohio state don't really need to go into the university a whole lot it's well known for a good reason it's good it's produced pulitzer prize winners politicians olympians nobel prize winners and as equally well known for the high quality of its education is its athletics and particularly it's football the buckeye is consistently one of the most successful college football teams in america and even that's a bit of an understatement in 2017 a student at the university was 21 year old reagan tookes reagan was born in 1995 native to kentucky but growing up in mommy ohio she was who she appears as in the pictures just a very vibrant happy funny person full of light she was devoted to her family her parents and her sister but also to her friends of which she had quite a few she did have the makings of a varsity athlete playing tennis and lacrosse and was prey at his punch to be a buckeye something she had wanted since she was eight when she attended ohio state to study pre-med later switching it up to psychology after organic chemistry in her own words kicked her butt she though would meet someone who was psychologically the complete opposite to her in february 2017. reagan was successful in college she was having a grand old time and in 2017 she was in her senior year getting ready to graduate come may the goal after moved to cleveland where she had a job lined up and later to open up a practice to help those suffering from addiction and other psychological tolls while studying she had a part-time job but at xing on the side she was working at a little old place called bodega a hip that means cool fellow kids uh gastropub right in central columbus or bear that serves food that'll work too this was about a 15-minute walk from the campus [Music] this week though at the start of february uh 2017 it was a tough it was a tough week uh for reagan she had just broken up with her like college sweetheart and she was pretty heartbroken it was a mutual breaking up they both wanted to focus more on their studies but you know she wasn't in the best form but hey life goes on until the eighth of uh february that evening she was heading off for her shift at bodega it was freezing snow was in the air the shift went grand it was a wednesday mid-week so not terribly busy and she checked out at 9 45 pm she walked out of the restaurant and didn't make it home [Music] she had let her dad know that she would call him as soon as she got home as soon as she got back to her place in the door that was supposed to be at about 10 p.m so when she didn't call he began to wonder cause to her went nowhere and her dad was trying to call her trip tonight till about till he tried to call her true the whole night until 2 a.m when her phone finally died and he was having a real bad feeling about something was off the next morning when reagan's roommate saw that reagan's room was minus reagan well um something was definitely up thinking though you know maybe she just got up early when studying you know it was it was around that time when exams are coming uh maybe she went to the library who knows but as the day you know went on um they began to think uh well ellipses [Music] it was her friends who went to the bodega to see if they knew anything as well it was the last place they knew she had been the manager said it was fine she left you know she finished her shift like normal but her car you know which she used to go to and from work it wasn't in the it wasn't in the car park so where'd she go it was the manager who reported uh reagan talks missing to the police columbus police uh so we had a employee leave work last night and she has not been home her phone is off nobody can find her so i wanted to see what i could do about filing a report uh it's reagan hoax by the time reagan was reported missing she had already been found this was in grove city in a park about a 20-minute drive south from bodega someone had spotted a body in the bark [Music] yeah i think there's a body out here i don't know if this is a secret for what i can't close the body was completely naked sexually assaulted and had been shot twice in the head nothing belonging to the victim was was nearby clothing or any items other than a necklace and a tattoo they didn't have a clue who was until reagan was reported missing that evening and the tattoo matched this was immediately an incredibly tragic incident clearly and not just devastating to her family but to the university as a whole now that the 21 year old talented loved woman was now gone a plea for answers she by no means deserved any amount of harm sent her away so anybody with information please come forward because we need we need to get justice for reagan i'm like this can't happen here i haven't slept all night i'm serious i mean that's all i've been thinking about all night long i also found a man today stopping by the park to place flowers for tokes charles warfield says it's a small tribute from a stranger to a young life lost but the police had to move swiftly on uh to the who it wasn't like she had any obvious enemies you know she was well liked as in when you start to say who could have done this i don't know though maybe there was that one person who may not be on the best terms of her and that was her uh well the person she had just broken up with was it as mutual as it appeared to be now reagan's friends would say not at all he was a lovely fella wouldn't hurt a fly but we've seen that before as had the police so while some officers spoke with him feel him out you know his alibi though would hold up later as solid as a rock others had to track down where did she go after she left work and what happened to her car they found footage of her leaving her place to go to work and then she was seen on cctv inside the day leaving work when you know at the time she was due to after that though she vanished so what the police did was they entered her license plate into this like license plate database you know that you know the system right and so police would scan license plates and maybe somewhere had seen it picked it up whatever that produced this much but then what they did was enter a reagan token's license plate into a separate system that was used for commercial vehicles like garbage trucks and that happened to have found it right around the corner from a children's hospital in columbus reagan toke's car was found on a residential street just sitting there the first clue was cigarette burns in the seats of a non-smoking reagan's car it also smelled strongly of petrol someone probably tried to burn the car and uh well you can see how successful they were also inside the car were cigarette butts and atm receipts someone had been withdrawing in reagan's name a gas canister also led the police to a store not a great distance away that had cctv and so they got cctv of whoever bought that gas canister [Music] and also cctv of reagan withdrawing money the money stamped under seats but it was at night after she left work and it was too dark to see who was in the car with her now little did the police know that the abduction and murder of reagan talks was just the latest in a long string of crimes violent incidents going back about two weeks each one getting a little bit worse than the one before it was the cigarette butts left behind in reagan's car that pointed the finger the dna came back super quick super quick because the offender was in the system as i said it would lead back to someone whose activities had slowly and slowly been getting worse for a couple weeks i mean exacerbating to the point of murder every day but if you go back further than the two weeks preceding reagan toast's death oh geez you'll find just a lot where to begin his name was brian lee galsby and he was 29 years old he had a shitty childhood growing up in columbus he didn't really have a hope his mother was mentally unstable and an addict and physical and sexual abuse were constant for him as he grew at one point he joined a street gang and had maybe a modicum of power and every single thing that was done unto him uh he did unto others uh what's called a reactive perpetrator he would sexually assault both boys and girls as a young teen and was collecting offenses like they were pokemon criminal damaging receiving stolen property theft trespassing the list goes on however he did go away in 2010 when he robbed a woman at knife point as she was like bringing out the bins and then two weeks later it got a lot worse he kidnapped a pregnant woman and her two-year-old son sexually assaulted her forced her to withdraw money from the atm and then sexually assaulted her again for that he got two sentences of six years and they would run concurrently he was out in five and a half so he was out uh six months early of two convictions but the sentences for both them ran at the same time so happy days it's kind of like just doing one really and while he was in prison he was moved around to five different prisons during those five and a half years because we wonder why he was moved around so much because he kept getting into the whole time he had 52 infractions by the end of his time inside including fighting disturbing possession just a model a prisoner right i'm sure you know when when he was being let out the corrections officers were only delighted it's not our problem anymore he was out in november 2016 three months before he would run into reagan tokes now so besides all the i just mentioned which is not a red flag it's a red sail he also had an ankle monitor which really should have been tracking him the whole time he was out the ankle monitor though was really just there for decorations but a bit of bling on the leg you know to make yourself look sharp the reason being it goes back to what i was saying about things getting worse when they finally decided to hey let's check out his ankle monitor they learned that from the 24th of january 2017 to the 7th of february he committed about six robberies using knives a gun he pistol-whipped a woman he abducted a man and forced him to take out 500 books and and more uh this was all over the news in the area that there was someone going around just being a real bastard including this broadcast from the day before reagan was taken this is the third attack in this neighborhood in two weeks last night just before ten o'clock a woman who lives in this german village neighborhood on mohawk and frankford street was robbed by gunpoint and attacked police say the man pistol whipped the woman across the right side of her face and then took off with her purse one thing and then on the 8th of february he began walking around the area of bodega and so with the dna hit swat arrested him where he was living a half mile from where reagan's car had been abandoned supply searching again before we put him in yep no we're going to double check marissa real quick all right cool thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] brian you're not here by accident all right just happened that somehow you're here because we have a pretty good amount of evidence on what happened now he said he had he hadn't met her that night he knew they had you know dna evidence so it's hard to circumvent that so he said he'd robbed her but murdered her though get out of town [Music] did you drive receiver [Music] well how much money did you get initially i don't know how many times i could say that giving away telling you i think i don't know how to say that [Music] i'm not the only one in this city you don't even know i told you i left as soon as i met her get out of the car i made her stop right there i told her to stop she said right here she looked back up like yeah don't move for 30 minutes i got in the car i turned around he wouldn't budge so the police tried another tactic they tried the old here's an escape route old buddy ol pal we know you were there but you know i'm not saying he did it maybe there was someone else involved what do you think now they had no evidence someone else was involved they knew it was brian and brian alone but maybe this would open him up spoonful for daddy and it did enter tj tj doesn't exist i know you didn't pull the trigger i know somebody else would do this who was it i'm in a passionate scene he's in the backseat behind her we [Music] get down to the park he said check off all your clothes get out he's just walk until i tell you to stop she walks she's naked he gets behind you but then he goes she falls she's laying on the ground i'm looking on the car and he bends down i friends describe her as an amazing very loving and happy person from the church service in mamie to a graveside service in nearby perrysburg reagan tokes was then laid to rest all across ohio people have expressed feeling a connection to reagan tokes and her family thank you your honor man please support the first case on the docking this morning the state versus brian lee goldsby case numbers uh 17 cra 3038-3059-3074 the defendant was charged by complaint by detective forney from the rose city police department with aggravated robbery kidnapping and rape brian was charged with aggravated murder rape kidnapping and robbery he stuck with the someone else did it he's innocent story you know the story the police gave him one to count three of the indictments a felony murder specification the county prosecutor filed a motion asking that brian goldsby be held without bond the judge agreed golsby hung his head while pleading not guilty to all charges it was a horrific crime it devastated the community the city and when everyone the family the friends the locals learned of what i told you that he had a long history of doing and getting away with it they stopped being so devastated and instead were very pissed the fact that he did so much and got a very short prison sentence and once again did so much in prison and no one cared and he got it early if he hadn't reagan wouldn't have died and then you can buy that with the fact that he did so many crimes before reagan was was killed and nobody bothered to check well it seems that when reagan was getting into her car after work ryan launched he forced her into her car holding a handgun and then he forced her to drive to two atms to withdraw cash both declined he then raped her and went to another atm to try again and he got 60 bucks they then drove to the park he told her to strip and walk and while she was walking he shot her in the back of the head then when she was on the ground he walked up and shot her again he then drove to his girlfriend's house he gave her some gifts gifts being reagan's handbag and her purse and then he tried to set her car on fire and he was obviously incredibly successful the trial began in spring 2018. mr goldstein as he continued to lie and blamed his fellow tj uh they learned what his explanation was and he admitted only enough progressively that he learned that they could prove but didn't at least then back off of this mysterious fellow as being the person responsible that actually forced him because he had to explain his dna that was in her anal academy he claimed that tj marked her out in the field and murdered her so we have his dna in her body we have him on surveillance video buying the gas pan that's in her trunk the clothing he was wearing that night on the sleeve has what we call gunshot residue you have to presume mr goldsby is innocent unless they prove proof beyond reasonable doubt it was a slam dunk they had his dna on the cigarettes his dna on her body the cctv and the fact he had confessed to two friends that he had done it he was sentenced to life in prison on the 21st of march 2018. today i would like to apologize to the talks family for the clients i committed against your daughter and friend family um when i first got locked up a lot about everything said it was a tk there was no teacher tj is not real i made tjf because i was trying to whip him my way out of the crime and i committed but only other thing i have to say is um please have mercy on me you get spared because of your background and yet she forfeited her life she did nothing wrong except be at work life imprisonment without parole signed by all 12 jurors subsequent appeals even up to 2021 were dismissed it was all smiles and celebration for many of the graduates and their families [Applause] the ohio state university held its spring commencement where nearly 12 thousand students felt the joy from receiving their degrees today her family got to see her hard work at ohio state pay off reagan delaney tookes to receive the degree bachelor of arts the tock's family while battling their emotions received reagan's posthumous degree on her behalf and released this statement soon after which reads in part reagan delany tookes wanted to be a buckeye ever since she was a little girl today her dream became a reality as she was awarded a diploma from the ohio state university as her parents and family we are so proud of her [Music] this case created a well-deserved storm about the failures that led to brian being able to do what he did reagan's parents sued the ohio department of rehabilitation and correction saying they were negligent and weren't properly monitoring brian that was later selled the reagan tokes act was also later introduced in 2019 it aimed to address the sentences prisoners got for for example the fact that brian could serve his concurrently and get out early even when he had over 50 infractions wow obviously nobody cared why not commit a million and there you have it at least some you know changes are made in the system to try and ensure something like this it doesn't happen again but it doesn't bring back reagan an incredibly smart hard-working gal taken in an incredibly heinous way brian i mean he was he was screwed from the start with his upbringing but it seems like nothing was done on his long slide into being just the worst so if someone goes through this kind of treatment you're describing they will not commit crimes after they do it i could never guarantee you all i'm telling you is there's a great likelihood that had he received proper treatment trauma-informed treatment it's a much better likelihood that he would have had a fighting chance at being very different hopefully it will mean there won't be any future ryan goldsbys but if you could see my uh to-do list which is which is very long it's like my two cover two cover case lists uh there's a lot of them here these are all the ones i have to get to um thank you by the way draw suggestions which are sent in by you guys that's where i get all my topics from so thank you judging from this there is no shortage thank you so much for watching um i really appreciate taking the time to do so um i'll be here with me ah come on hey listen that's badish all right i'll round it up uh here i'll see you as always real soon in the next old video but until then please take care of yourselves because i love you bye [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,393,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, reagan tokes, brian golsby
Id: 2nFtsvQ-ixQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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