DO NOT Watch This YouTube Video Left 509 People PARALYZED

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509 people were said to be left paralyzed after viewing this hijacked broadcast that is now referred to as the boiled one phenomenon so this terrifying broadcast was recently re-uploaded by a user named Dr nowhere and it has been circulating the internet recently because everybody wants to see if they'll become paralyzed because it's the internet if somebody says do not watch this video you may become paralyzed or Die the internet's like ch accepted and as you all know by now if somebody tells me not to do something I'm no different I need to do it now I don't want to do it but because people told me do not do it I I have to so here's your warning right now I'm about to watch something that has been said to cause people to become paralyzed okay this is your warning it's now on you if you continue to watch it's on you please leave a like so that there's proof that you have heard my warning thank you for legal reasons oh and sorry editor Emily you don't have a choice I guess also side note this is my red lighting it's red but it's so bright in my new office that it looks pink so maybe that will calm you during this for your last moments before you become paralyzed maybe why am I doing this is this worth is it worth the risk probably not I'm doing it for you all of you all following media has been curated with permission from Personnel at Ephrata 228 great care has been taken to keep the identities of persons involved Anonymous as they requested oh here we go warning this video contains elements which are known to cause mild to severe Cognito hazardous conditions yay including properties that may mentally ad physically affect the viewer nobody better come for me in the comments this has been your like second or third warning at this point please refer to the following procedures in order to guarantee your safest possible viewing experience all right safety first what I need make sure you have the following in the vicinity earplugs crap a pencil I do have that a sheet of paper okay yeah I have that a standard Christian Bible open to Psalms [Music] 9110 I have the internet here you go screenshot it if you need it no evil shall be allowed to befall you no plague come near your tent what if I'm not in a tent no harm will oh it's the same thing oh it's just that one lot what does it mean uh when God has determined to protect someone nothing can overcome that safety let's hope so we're all about safety here on the Lauren zide channel so I have my Psalm loaded up on my other computer I have a pencil and I have a piece of paper I do not have earplugs cuz then I won't be able to hear with my headphones so we're just going to hope that three out of four is good enough if something unusual begin speaking in tongues tangible to the naked ears insert your earplugs and turn to your penc pcil and paper write the following on the page oh okay I can see this paper I can see my hand I can't hear the screaming of thousands I can't hear the feast I am a moving breathing human being on planet Earth what a good thing to recite in the morning every morning I will recite this after these words are written recite Psalms 91:10 aloud if memory is an imagery of something Unholy persists in your mind pray it's all you can do yay oh I didn't even have to look up Psalms it's right there oh this one says dwelling though well that that's more important than tent in the event you are required to carry out these procedures contact authorities immediately afterwards you will be administered amnestics many appear to lead a normal life afterwards appear The Boiled one phenomenon okay I think I'm ready August 13th 2003 tree of Heaven in the late 1990s a now classified documentary based television program would debut from a local station in Pennsylvania the program revolved around woodland plants and animals and was primar directed towards children the star of the show a narrator would talk about the wonders of nature the dangers of it how to appreciate it most important I'm too slow of a reader if I change the playback speed will that save me let's see the star of the show and narrator would talk about the wonders of nature the dangers of it how to appreciate it and more importantly how to protect yourself from it unfortunately in early 2001 the program would be taken off the air due to the host passing away then then something odd happened on August 13th 2003 the 13th episode of the series began a rerun seemingly out of nowhere the following audio recording depicts the beginning segments of the episode okay it's back to normal playback speed good morning Bushwackers today into the heart of the forest to find a plant that's as beautiful as it is deceptive poison oak uh found primarily in deep North American Woodlands poison H has many different names and places of origin also referred to as the tree of Heaven imagine that really during one of the inlude segments an anomalous broadcast would hijack the program this broadcast depicted videos of a red melted face that spoke to the viewer in a warm yet deeply disconcerting voice this face and its properties will be hereby referred to as Fen 228 as Fen 228 spoke clips of footage and even live camera Fe monitoring hospitals and bedrooms would be occasionally overlaid on the screen obscuring his face though most remembered Fen 228 speaking English multiple non-english-speaking viewers remembered understanding every word that was spoken the following clip is a restored recording oh god of the anomalous broadcast the duration of the clip has been shortened and the audio has been muffled reversed and dampened these alterations are absolutely necessary to suppress its hazardous attributes as effect effectively as possible for maximum security watch with blue light glasses and insert your earplugs um we're just we're going to wing it but if you're watching at home do those two things if you have them all right I'm ready I'm scared I'm ready [Music] uh this broadcast will be hereby referred to as broadcast 813 what did he say is it going to tell me or do I have to reverse it broadcast 813 was viewed by r 530 residents throughout the southern Pennsylvania area and upon viewing left many severely distraught aside from the discomfort and paranoia Fen 228 television presence had brought to the viewers there were other side effects that these viewers experience that were highly unnatural many viewers reported not being able to keep the image of fen 228 face out of their minds some even continued to hear its voice days after viewing great can't wait for that victim who requested to remain anonymous claimed that the face was living in his brain and feeding on his spine another described trumpets playing in their ears before they fell asleep none of these people knew that this was only the beginning the beginning of a whole new species of suffering that would never be fully understood August 14th so the next day the great Northeast blackout of 2003 after the anomalous frequency was detected by television station troubleshooters the nerk was ordered by the eada branch to have all power grids local to the state of Pennsylvania disabled by 4 p.m. to prevent further escalation of the anomaly and the public knowledge of broadcast 8813 they were trying to get rid of it the outage ultimately spread to various parts of New York New Jersey Ohio and even Canada creating the famous great Northeast blackout of 2003 almost 50 million people were without power some not getting it back until days later that was a real thing right great Northeast blackout uh yep it was real it was cuz of this what caused the blackout an investigation letter revealed that the reason for the power outage was due to some overgrown trees that came into contact with power lines in Ohio okay but it took out all different states from One Tree M seems suspicious during the confusion caused by the outage all traces of broadcast 813 were collected by the Ephrata brand and seemingly wiped from existence except for this one including news articles in the works from the morning after the Broadcast internet post recordings and more the cause of the blackout was promptly covered up and claimed to have been a combination of human error and the result of trees falling onto sagging power lines somewhere in Cleveland Ohio yeah that sounds sounds fishy but the damage had been done after math 12 Days After broadcast 8813 was blocked from the air a historically massive influx of pseudocoma occurred throughout the state of Pennsylvania leaving 509 people affected and many families in shock pseudo coma is an extremely rare condition in which a patient experiences a cere brro cere medulas spinal disconnection leaving them to be conscious but unable to move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis of all voluntary muscles in the body except for vertical eye movement and blinking well that sounds terrifying this anomalous outbreak of such a rare condition was regarded as a spectacle by the US Department of Health and was put under governmental investigation immediately one thing is common with all of these cases is that the patients had been at home watching TV the night the broadcast 813 was aired though the victims of this outbreak were unable to speak they were able to communicate through Morse Code by blinking ing more than 60 victims were interviewed many of these interviews held unavailing results that often led to more questions and many others held results that required archival or termination however barely lat into the investigation the eada branch was notified of a particularly odd case revolving around one job Zam per an elderly victim of the anomalous pseudo coma outbreak H job zirne specifically requested his Alias to be used in future records instead of his real name which will remain classified I was going to say what kind of name is job zir was a warvet and fluent in Morse code putting him on on the mark as a potential interviewee as soon as the outbreak was put under investigation after a very odd photo was taken in his backyard by his visiting grandson his family became deeply troubled and convinced his house was haunted oh God what was the photo this led them to contact a local priest in a hopes his house would be blessed the following photo depicts Fen 228 standing next to the small Playhouse in Zen's backyard the photo itself has proved to be non-hazardous and safe to view though still an anomalous in nature for most comfortable viewing experience wear blue like glasses or View From a Distance of 3 ft or more okay this might be a little less than 3 ft hold on okay oh God that was way taller than I had anticipated H being feel okay though I think oh no the people felt okay at the beginning too s claimed something horrible and Unholy was with him and would hurt him and possibly others if he described it and what it was telling him the following is a recovered previously archived recording in which officer T Gomez of the Ephrata Branch interviews oh God job it's impurity hello Mr I'm officer Gomez hope you're doing well today do you mind if I ask you a few questions regarding your condition and possibly um unholiness within your home that your family had mentioned translation sequence ask okay first and foremost did you notice any onset symptoms before you lost complete mobility of your body what's Ty doing War code with his eyes there was a face when did you begin seeing this face after I saw it on TV it never left me who have seen the broadcast that you saw on August the 13th described having Vivid and upsetting hallucinations do you think this is something your brain has created no you please Des it is in the window horribly burnt not of Lord Christ I still don't see it have you been having any hallucinations aside from the face I'm sorry to hear that oh my God I just real the art above his bed now says I can see you and if you look at his window there's little like spiky things coming up like The Boiled man guy has great does that mean I'm infected I'm sorry to hear I hear screaming of many voices are these screams constant at night before Oh God wait a minute what did it say at night before sleep I hear trumpets too but Lord Christ is with me on this is helping more than you Jesus oh there there I told you can you all see that that just me wonderful day the miracle of birth a fetal Fanfare listen closely oh god oh I can hear it can you hear it I can understand him you will hear the laughter of thousands as the sky opens up you will hear the trumpets play their happy sounds the stren blood of life will pour down onto us all together we will be still together a together melded by love and purest connection be still what's happening what's happening warning if you can see the screen it means it is not not safe to continue viewing the program will end protocol perform the procedures given to you during the introduction portion of the video immediately ah no evil shall be you Beall you nor shall any play come near your dwelling what was I supposed to write help me I can't even see it cuz it's a pencil you didn't even ask tell me to do it at marker did you guys all see that tell me you saw it I want to take everybody down with me I want to go alone I'm going to get comments like no I didn't see anything what are you talking about it was a black screen I know I'm not supposed to but I need to know what this beginning part said cuz it was reversed so I didn't know told me not to do this so I have to do it but you guys don't have to if you don't want to hear this reversed message that apparently makes people paralyzed then click away I'm doing it cause a manifestation of my being in future you will be asleep in bed I will be there and watch over you oh my God not be able to move any part of you when your doct eventually find you they will not see me but you will and they'll see you too forever I'll see you well that is an absolutely terrifying thought I'm G be so anxious going to sleep tonight why did I do this in addition to that there's like a bunch of other short clips that seem like they might be part of a similar broadcast this one's called Toe starving help yeah this will help me go to sleep better tonight now thank you trying to break out of the computer screen this one's called to OE love [Music] Thumper hello [Music] hello what do you [Music] want please go away go is that at the window or the TV [Music] TV oh I hate it what did I just allow into my brain the body appeared untouched what here's the last toe toe one making friends I'm assuming this is all the same entity time to rise and shine good children are up bright and [Music] early good children play pretend good children do not play with their food until it is all gone good children make friends governmental personal viewing only vid chat okay yo man what's up it's been like forever okay seriously thought you were dead or something look we've been online friends for a while now yes best friends oh God it's the GU toe hey look I know it's none of my business but it feels like you have been acting really distant lately you've been going through something if so I'm here and you can talk to me man okay like I said it's none of my beeswax and you don't have to say nothing but do not need something face call please video call it's like almost 1:00 a.m. where I am man whack time zones remember please now seriously are you good like I said I am here if you want to talk I know you started that new school recently and it was whack okay yes talk face hey no seriously I can't really sorry but tomorrow okay please let me friend oh he just wants to be friends seriously are you all right Dom please please please please please please please don't do it don't do it don't do it whoo whoa waa okay okay oh no please please please please please please please please not cool man what the heck okay okay please just be as quiet as possible like whisper yes my mom's a light sweep sleeper remember starving help you please n though I swear if this is a weird hecking prank hated those they were never fun jeez none of it makes any sense everything inside was [Music] gone all these videos just make me feel like weird really I feel really weird this one is called has this ever happened to you all the lights has this ever happened to you probably it's getting dark outside yes you getting ready for bed grabbing it cold glass of water now you are turning off all the lights in the house yep oh God this is going to give me more anxiety reason or maybe hear that that sinking feeling that something is following you as soon as you turn off the lights well worry not oh okay we have a brilliant solution oh I hate it that you after you turn off the lights in the house thank you there is nothing that follows you the in the house turn off all the lights in the that follows you after you turn off all the lights in the house I feel com comforted okay this is the last one that was just uploaded like 10 days ago it's called the boy and the bath your body remains unclean from the toils of what you are in no condition to sleep like this a sh will make you better at 1: in the morning [Music] okay I don't like that but it wasn't my fault what am I about to see what about to see o [Music] God [Music] what I never to [Music] you par back at the crib do I have a baby oh he's my baby you heard me it was all your fault the description was a short film about guilt like that one's a lot darker than uh I want to dive into but yeah I feel weird um I guess good luck to all of us tonight h
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 812,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer
Id: coFFqiTR_Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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