[OLD] The Simpsons Skateboarding - Caddicarus

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greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the Ken icarus show where I do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged well you may or may not remember that I shot my beloved ps1 and now because of that I briefly got move over to another console and so logically let's move over to the darling son of the ps1 the ps2 but what game do I play what game do I play oh there's just so many of them I guess the only way to go and find out mister go in check five four three two oh wait yes ah here we go mine the mood for Oh Tony Hawk's Underground [ __ ] and play this in years so many memories but now I need a cheap and carbon copy Tony Hoare game one that appeals to the hip and extreme cool audiences of nowadays Simpsons skateboarding yeah why not I mean right I mean Simpsons hit and run was a fun little not to GTA so you know uh maybe this would be quite good let's go and set this bad boy up oh yeah they cleared it to the Xbox what a bummer Simpsons games are like Lego games you know what I mean we're not in short supply let's be honest the show has been going on for eons and along with it seemingly endless supply of episodes the games have been there since the NES and Game Boy Commodore Master System era there were some good games and some games but we've jumped ahead a little into the ps2 era where the games kind of evolved in the same way that the show's began to poking fun at pop culture and constantly copying or referencing it one way or another you know that would make this crazy taxi this GTA this as everything and this as Tony Hawk where these games have been very mixed they were mostly playable I guess but this one in particular oh dear seriously I mean all they had to do in this case was copy a Tony Hawk game and then slap the Simpsons logo on it it couldn't have been that hard well I guess our the only way to find out is by playing it so let's do it and let's do it insufficient space good do I want to try again no oh and this game was made in 2002 I seem to have jinks this before even staffing haven't I Santa Claus saves there so here's a fancy Fox intro that spins around and I cool [ __ ] on that one I mean how honestly everything I know about space and matter is being questioned right now do you get this I hope you do because I sure don't let me tell you oh and then we transition into the worst intro cutscene I've ever seen in a game the composition the music the effects and it doesn't even include half of the characters that the game features good start guys and I really don't know what this music is put homeboy it's strenuous on the ears oh wait it's just a shy T remix of the theme song you know big mob hit well the first thing I've got to say is that this game looks like total [ __ ] and we only have four people to choose from at the moment so I'm gonna be Homer abs whatever okay the original voice cast is present so I guess they got that right but what's this the stats of our characters are only displayed after a stupid little intro from them why I want to play the game so stop wasting my time I and now I've got to go back and choose someone else who I have no idea how they play until I click on them I like it a lot well Homer seems to play like ours so using my excellently analytic intuition I've come to the conclusion that Bart would be the average one I love that whoa at least the game has given me too much to work with what do i do first so many skills school skills with a Z big more hit show me what you got Simpson skateboarding what have I got to do then only four times are you kidding me it even tells me how to ollie before I start the challenge so what's the point of this exactly and like any season Tony Hawk veteran I hold the X button to move forward and I don't I bend down for the ollie but I don't move turns out that forward gets you moving it's gonna take a while to get used to this Burton this logical I guess anyways I do the challenge that glitch happens and I win straight to the head of the class whatever you say Skinner and that's brilliant and everything but what do I get out of this ten cents this has just got me thinking in this game what am I actually working towards what's the story but grand prize as it were loser what [ __ ] that [ __ ] you know just have a look at the annual tongs and homer and Otto plunk here we go mega bucks prize of $99.99 so let's try the next challenge shall we oh wait let me guess due for grabs I'm starting to notice a pattern here so we get on with the challenge and oh okay apparently I did something did I am I completely blind or does that look like a normal Olli where's the obvious indicator that I'm grabbing the board you know I need an idea of when to hold and let go of the bloody grab okay I'm sorry that's a little bit of a nitpick there I'm sure I can give this game a fair chance oh I can't spin honestly I can't spin in a skating game I'm trying my hardest over here what am I doing wrong is my copy broken I mean in the intro I saw people rotating left and right like goddamn kick Bambi bats okay ten cents [ __ ] everything all to oblivion let's move on to another mode oh yeah this is more like it listed objectives a Tony Hawk approach the correct move so we begin this epic story and Bart doesn't give a [ __ ] I don't blame him but then I make him give a [ __ ] so what's this okay so start what where oh god no wait stop okay all set and apparently Bart can't tre flip on the street skate terminology I used to skate I still can you know one thing kind of led to another and basically not being able to do that kind of sucks and what also sucks is the most annoying cat Rahman commentary for whenever you do anything shove it 360 kickflip oh the humanity better bring in the copter oh oh and it never stops I mean you could farm get a commentary out of it but it's okay because you're only gonna hear mr. Brockman say wow I don't know five different quotes because the trick Department in this game is surprisingly lacking I mean there are barely any tricks to execute over here anyway I follow this [ __ ] arrow up there to somewhere and I come to a clock challenge get this many points in this much time basic stuff but what what's this I've come across and glitched galore by the looks of things I really didn't want to do this but I'm definitely adding a glitch counter right yeah yeah that's a good place not only are the glitches here but these controls make this much trickier than needed there's no pump and there's no flow with these controls it's really hard to explain but let's just take Tony Hawk for example you hold X to ollie and you also kick and speed off sure it's unrealistic but it keeps the gameplay smooth and slick you can just get on with whatever you want as quick and as easy as you want it's a constant it's a living and breathing mechanic and it's fun I mentioned earlier that you have to keep on holding forward to keep moving and apart from it taking a while to get used to it doesn't sound terrible but then when you're in a halfpipe or a bowl and you're holding forward to keep your top speed up when you come up to a ramp to then get some air you'll fly straight forward and off of that ramp because you're holding forward trying to keep your speed up which where it works in games like skate where both sticks are constantly used here it's just [ __ ] awkward and unnatural I mean I know it's really not fair to criticize a game over my preference over controls but I think my point is if you've got to go as far as to copy a Tony Hawk game you should copy everything that made it more fun it's almost like this game wanted to be notably different from its carbon copy and so mess with the controls to make it more realistic but then you end up bailing and then immediately holding X expecting to speed off and write your wrongs but no such thing happens and while we're talking about control Jesus it ain't half jittery before you know it you're in the air and you know practically instantaneous and even when riding from objective to objective you can't go for three seconds without flying after [ __ ] Jupiter but that's not gonna stop me I will pass this challenge [ __ ] let's try again come on okay this time I'm definitely gonna do it I've got the hang of it now yes I bloomin did it God's sake how long was I on that for this had better be worth it I must say that I'm not even fond of this music either it's a stock and repetitive as any kind of nineties esque extreme sport rock backing track would be expected but more hit but I mean you could use a selection of different songs well how about more Simpsons related ones or hell how about some licensed tracks don't tell me that the Simpsons couldn't get the rights to them alright yeah I see I guess that would have made this game a little bit more tolerable and that clearly wasn't what they were going for I suppose I could add something in my no a car huh anyways how'd you grind in this game the triangle button sweet let's do some Splore een cos flooring is fun and I want fat so I move around and test up my newfound grind ability my first attempt goes pretty well but the growing balancer didn't seem to work properly so I only on the same rail to try and grind it again and then it just goes overly sensitive and I fall off and die down this hill oh well I'm not a quitter let's see what else I can find oh look and I can go upstairs go figure oh look it's screener but then that meeting is short-lived as I just went through a rail come here Skinner come here girl I'm getting bored of this let's see where else the arrow takes us and it seems to have taken me back over here well now that I'm a master grinder I can give it a jolly good tackle okay I was clearly near enough to that rayo to trigger a grind oh hey hey wait no no I stand corrected I even bloody touched that rail I touched it but it won't grind after the counter well I just tested it out and the grind definitely works so come on I can do this but the main problem with this is that this curve is here as soon as you clip it you fly up and hang temporarily in the air in a dead straight and unchangeable midair track meaning that you need to be absolutely positive you will hit that rail after the brief clip and what makes it worse is that you can't actually ollie over this curb and onto the rail you need to get it perfectly aligned no matter what else you try sometimes you can be perfectly aligned but either clipping the curb knocks you off or that you time your ollie just a millisecond off meaning that you missed your opportunity to grind it I know it sounds like I'm being a big whiny girl about this but this really bugs me this gang right here sums up this game's entire design and it was one of the [ __ ] worst ideas to ever conceived into a skating game so here's a rail with a collectible on top it's a pretty big rail so you need to run up to reach it but it's missing something it needs something special what does it need yes David [ __ ] God oh well I eat whatever's on my plate so let's do this whoops I missed again and again and again and again okay let's get a bigger run-up missed again one more time I'll get so straight I couldn't possibly oh come on I was dead straight there ah bugger this anyways after a glitch into this bowl over here I then begin to question when the hell did Springfield do this to their town but saying that no nosin murder for every skate spot is randomly placed and overall just [ __ ] ly integrated and built into the game's design nothing feels like where it should be and nothing has any rhyme or reason I mean nothing seems to link to other obstacles to keep combos running or anything I mean I don't care about the inner physical state of your artery hey Jimbo Jimbo oh okay a challenge when where how what why find for other people skipping school hey wait a second aren't I Skippy let's go get Jimbo again Jim Bob Willy Jimbo Jimbo Han Wow this arrow seems to actually be working now now I'm stuck on a bench I haven't got time for this I'm gonna challenge yes I'm free I haven't got long I can do this and now my times up no $0.10 for me this time so let's just go somewhere else shall we and I will say right now along with these controls completely sucking they sometimes even delay causing me to bail over this ramp for no reason and that really sealed the deal for me any extreme sports games first priority is tight controls this is just sinful Oh looky here it's Buhner again as you can probably tell I gave up on this ungodly mess of a game a while ago but what I can tell you is that this lady here is the scariest person I've ever seen in gaming no matter how much I tried I could never see her face who is she what is she what does her mug look like these unanswerable questions make her easily one of the more endearing and truly terrifying characters in this game just remember everybody true fear is stemmed from what one cannot see okay well let's just get out of here [ __ ] it okay turn around and try again alright this game tries far too hard to be a parody and a homage to the Tony Hawk franchise and instead of playing it safe and copying the way that those games play they instead throw new mechanics and new designs into it to throw you off the fact that it's just a shameful Tony Hawk wannabe and guess what everything new that they throw into the table is either just broken or plain annoying awful control awful design awful visuals awful music awful gameplay everything is awful not even the fact that it has Simpsons logos slapped onto it makes it that little bit more playable this was easily one of the worst investments I ever made as a kid and one of the worst ps2 games I have ever played in my life okay maybe I'll give it one more chance I mean maybe I'm just being too unfair with it maybe the disc is a little bit dirty maybe I just suck I don't know let's get a real skater in on this and then we can get both sides of the story with this well it's a skating game tell me what you think can't be that bad surely skating this game [ __ ] sucks and deserves a slaughter bollocks either if it's your birthday today were watching this video and happy Frank birthday to you and remember to stay beautiful stay beautiful what the [ __ ] was that I'm in your video so I get to the gnarly something no you [ __ ] [ __ ] no you don't do that this is my [ __ ] show you [ __ ] I invited you in from the cold that's the least you could do for me is that me [ __ ] do my own ending bit no no no and don't forget to [Music] [Music]
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,355,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, james, caddick, reviews, funny, terrible, game, simpsons, skateboarding, tony, hawk, hawks, hoax, pro, skater, underground, tricks, tre, flip, street, skating, fakie, the, completionist, jontron, jon, tron, brutalmoose, jimmy, balrog, nintendofanftw, nintendo, fan, ftw, balrogthemaster, master, fresh, prince, of, bel, air, theme, tune, song, pbg, peanut, butter, gamer, peanutbuttergamer, top, 10s, 10, did, you, know, gaming, didyouknowgaming, dyk, dykg, gameplay, walkthrough, glitch, glitches, egoraptor, grumps, cheats
Id: 6ak2ssG56q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2013
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