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hey what's up [Music] chocolate rain i blow my nose and then i step bowie boogers coming out of my brain [Laughter] ah [Applause] [Music] homer didn't look like a gorilla there he looked like some kind of like weird [ __ ] cult member in a red robe what's this how homer usually [Music] there he goes that's mode seven someone claimed him we already saw this don't you wanna see it again this is an old episode turn it out okay i get it i get it yeah start it play the game let me go stop play stop play the start button's not working oh okay [ __ ] that looks ridiculous to give up dad are you unfamiliar with this game chris did you ever play this i tried playing it on an emulator when i was like 14 and i couldn't get past this part okay that's all you do huh yeah interesting yeah you jump into pieces of paper to play levels this is a nightmare uh yeah this is a bad dream i guess he doesn't like this movie i literally walked up and down that street for like 20 minutes yeah you have to find pieces of paper to jump into there's a lot of stuff in this game you're just not going to known to you're quite intuitive i think i'm just dead oh no i got trapped if there's fire it means it's too low and you'll die if you jump on it why is there evil maggies in the back because it's a nightmare this is what he fears the most i think i'm just dead again god damn it i thought you said you were the speediest runner of this game i never said that you said you wanted to play it was what happened every time he jumps there should be a noise oh no [ __ ] oops i would never see it coming it doesn't look like it's low enough here here's how the health meter works you ready yeah these z's you have to catch them with bubbles you blow but see the bubbles you blow they're also attached to a collectible so you have to collect bubble gum so you can blow bubbles and then use the bubbles to collect the z's which go in the z meter at the top of the screen but disease can only go inside these boundaries set right here and also you have to hold the y button down if you want to move the bubble around which the game doesn't tell you what this is crazy what what the hell okay say it just say it what what were they thinking oh my god you turned her into that guy from teenage mutant ninja turtles wait [ __ ] give me that no come back get the z here let's try this one which one's this you know that by heart this is the bloodstream one the [ __ ] how can you how can you make a simpsons game and make it as non-simpson's as possible because it's a nightmare so you're allowed to do whatever you want and you don't have to have any context are you telling me these germs are not a reference they're not from like season two episode eight they're the germs that come to the nuclear power plant they say we're going to take over this one grenades at bart simpson over is like why are you here just to talk ill of my boy there was a green one in a red one and there was a little quality he was from an episode that was season one why is he in your blood because he's small because he's a reference to the show what is the circle what is that uh that's like a shield around the paper that you have to break by collecting these it's so confusing what the hell they may never be so confusing intuit any of this who's saying hello is that him yeah that's what he's saying i'm not collecting him because these guys throw grenades i don't even care about what his name is it's smiling bob or something the smiling joe vision is that i think that's it's a very like ambient game with no music there's music it's just very subtle here that's them popping i thought it was really cool that's a cool melody that got going there i want to remix that [Laughter] no that was close so those grenades kill you that's the only way to die during this one get the [ __ ] paper yeah oh you did it where's the basketball get out of here get lisa oh no this is this is not gonna happen you're getting absolutely owned by jebediah's head okay you ready you ready nope nope not yet okay i didn't jump wait there we go this is fun we now get some more paper to have more fun so you get health for doing that oh uh you get like it extends your meter so if you can skateboard without hitting anything uh it's a good thing oh this one's this one's great okay that is willing to accept it uh has he ever lied to me before only two buttons really matter on this one and the controls don't really make any sense yeah tell them you gotta describe uh i'm hitting the a button to shoot here the b button shoots there right on the d-pad shoots a fireball there right on the d-pad up on the d-pad does that what the [ __ ] dude this is so stupid you know what i've realized lately though why actually no i've realized this before but screams are the funniest thing really funny i was playing some weird sega game the other day and it had the stupidest [ __ ] screams i've ever heard i was laughing every time someone died [Music] what was it called mario [Laughter] mario should scream they don't make him yell enough mario could be great we brought it up uh pretty recently we were playing mario world and i i miss that in that one when he dies he has the stupidest [ __ ] face ever that his eyes get all beady and his mouth is open real wide yo editor do me a favor find a long play of mario and uh every time he kills a goomba or dies put this over at the super big crush [Music] wait i gotta do a better one there you go that one was pretty good [Music] you did it it's not over have you ever played this game called rampage i've seen this on the avgn imagine playing rampage but you don't punch anything yo blue screen out those windows and put in that episode of baby gn this one just put an episode in each window yeah and you have to track everyone too why is marge martha because because she's garbage thread they start with and that's a good joke that's bart's brain did that his subconsciousness did that i am off you're not doing the voice right just live out the rest of your days knowing that you did your best i feel really bad for her she can't do it anymore she literally does sound like she's dying i'll say i sound like about irish no you don't you sound like my where did my wife go you can barely hear me yes i am oh i hate her oh my god we're almost there are you ready i'm really surprised none of these have music but like i'm not bothered by it it's actually fine no it's actually great it's wonderful i'm not bothered it's okay yeah sure that's homer there's hamar he looks funnier in the show as a monkey why is he dressed like that he's a peasant from ancient times a giant peasant yeah see it's big crushed and hilarious [Laughter] i'm glad you enjoyed your response wasn't left or it was you going say i told you that's how you know it's funny you're so right i didn't even laugh [Laughter] i was on the defense oh oh he's trying to abort you yeah with this into a board board oh wait we got to get that do you know what that does what does that do like three of them it gives you an extra uh meter when you run out of health that bus comes out of [ __ ] no yes it does and it's really annoying because it blocks your view it's a foreground element it sucks also you move slower when you have this but you're invincible see that didn't hurt i wish grandpa was walking in the background following you whistling this song i wish there were ghosts of grandpa here that's 50 of them walking around i feel like that's more believable of a nightmare for bart does grandpa show up in this game i don't remember no i don't think he does this is a nightmare there you go it only took you like 10 minutes to find face the facts this game just isn't that good uh it's better than most it's one of the better simpsons games it's not very good but this is the the famous nostalgia critic let's play i think i think it gets points for being weird i remember he referenced that video that he said like well i don't want to have another bart's nightmare but it's like i don't think you understand why that video didn't work because it's just like his regular content you pointed out that the same thing happened with the wall and that it was the idea of like every time he it's when a different community gets exposed to it yes that it's the idea of people that are not used to putting up with this [ __ ] they're like who the [ __ ] is this and then the next video his next nostalgia critic he does a big apology in front of congress it was real there's real footage of him going out public you can tell that he's not like commentating over as he's playing you can tell it's like done in post it is yeah you can tell that's some of those which is a very strange decision hello i like barrett's nightmare why is he a cat nostalgia cat nostalgia kitten right wasn't that a thing i was such a kitten was that a thing i want to say it was a it was the first contest it was the first time it was the first time who did that did he want they won by making it the nostalgia croc but it was a pokemon but he didn't know so he he wanted a furry of himself yeah he should have been one of those long-nosed monkeys the ones with the hook yeah the the no no i'm thinking of [ __ ] gonzo that's not even monkey yeah that's not a real monkey or not ganzo is actually a muppet and doesn't exist yes isn't he from space anyways he's an alien i saw muppets in space in the theater and i hated it did you i saw it on tape yeah i remember seeing it on tape a lot but i never knew nothing about being disappointed yeah i think that movie killed the muppets i wouldn't be surprised because i i remember being around that time the idea of like oh you can always depend i mean they have muppets tonight do you remember that they tried to bring it back during like the 2000s no and it didn't really last it was you talking about the one where it was like adult kind of adult-ish not really sensibly adult yes it was trying a little bit of that that's really sad i just want kermit the frog to succeed what do you think of smithers with green hair what do you think smithers with blue hair why is his coloring so consistently inconsistent because matt graning has been consistently inconsistent about why matt grinding just sees like flashing colors everywhere every day he sees everything in rainbow vision everything's constantly changing like mario invincibility it's like the it's like the windows movie maker uh filter the hue shift one that everyone always exactly and all he uses or all he hears is very his eyes it's just the blue screen with white text on it saying i hope you have a good night and goes to bed is that a toxic cloud you're almost done that's a green cloud do you get health yeah but not alive please be careful dude you're so close it doesn't help that they're shaped so weird you don't know where the hitbox is well it's because also bart's hitbox see it changes based on what angle you're moving in so they want you to go diagonal but you're probably still going to get hit you have to just get used to like his pose as he goes into that such [ __ ] now tell me it's continuous damage at least so it's not the worst who designed this tell us the history of bart's nightmare i think bart did right this is his brain brad bird made this game all on his own it was somebody who made atari games was like higher up on this oh my god i think he quit the project later i don't remember the full details i don't know the history of this one too well but acclaim had the rights to the simpsons they had a lot of these games coming out left and right they never really tried too hard with a lot of them uh there's prototypes of some of them out there virtual bart has a prototype out there that takes away like your entire yes it does it's really annoying he tries to leave too if he shoots all of them so it's faster to just let him shoot them and destroy them who's huge dude that's why they don't use him in the show anymore he was too frightening he was growing between each season and got too big they couldn't fit him on screen anymore why do you talk like that i do not know what you're talking about baby hungry baby want pizza is that what bert says baby hungry baby one pizza is that what bart sounds like yeah baby hungry baby we want pizza you gotta go through every member of the family this is season 32 remember they're all just baby hungry they're all just sitting around in the living room nobody's moving baby hungry baby want pizza that's stewie no that's mr prince maybe [Laughter] what the [ __ ] are you doing i'm waiting for the stupid page to appear this is what happens at the end of the game you just start walking hoping it'll appear eventually i'll go this way are there actually like fewer of them on the map now it's that it has like a spawn rate that you're ticking down on by walking in the right direction but it's kind of a random number anyways so i'm gonna be stuck just walking until it decides to appear this is a really bad game chris what you're not the one playing it you don't even know i bet if you were holding the controller right now you would be you would change your two yeah you would really be appreciative of it it would be in symptoms you'd have a bartgasm this would be the most fun you've ever had a bartgasm do you turn into bart like what is that your hair spikes your hair spikes up for like a brief moment [Laughter] wake up boy you're having a nightmare [Laughter] watch out the bullies dude with their wrongly colored outfits colored isn't that fun getting all over no this is the most frustrating thing i've ever seen in my life why is there two laces there could only be one that's the worst part of this game have they watched the show his two sisters oh now he has a touch i know maggie kind of looks like lisa but they're different what the hell are they escorting you yeah they try to take you away with them they're male escorts they're your bodyguards because you're the president they're very annoying and from what i remember they slowly drain your health if you get stuck with them for too long but i might be wrong about that that's what i remember though yeah it doesn't matter if you have the suit there's a soda can you can get it makes you belch and it just kills them immediately what do you think of all these rules chris that nobody tells you yeah what do you think i still haven't used the watermelon seeds i have those too don't worry good game honestly the watermelon seeds you use to shoot your tv i love it and that's the only thing you use it for it's the only thing i think it's one of the only things you can do with it what do the stars do i gave you a collectible for that what are those guys called again jimbo kearney kearney dolph i think it's dolph jimbo kearney and dolph does dolph like adolf like kind of like that i guess maybe i think that's exactly the train of logic they were following when they came up with that name i'm not too into the others but i think jimbo is pretty consistently funny he is is jimbo that's because you like him when he's yeah he's the one who goes i me is he the one who [ __ ] bart's girlfriend probably yes i don't remember that episode excuse me though that's not it's called bart's girlfriend he looks super in the trees hey kid look at this is there i'm sure there's an episode called bart gets a girlfriend no he does he's a crush on the older girl in the green in the green jacket i only remember because i had a crush on no that's the episode you're talking about i know his heart gets ripped out yeah that part's [ __ ] strong it is jimbo yeah i i admittedly am only familiar with the first couple of seasons have they ever done a full episode about uh kearny and his child i bet they have they probably have at this point it's because they've reached the point where they're like we're out of ideas they literally just give an episode to every side character to every like small joke it seems to happen to every show that goes for too long though they just start paying attention to every little bit of content they have left him having a kid was like a throwaway gag that he [ __ ] at a very young age and that was the joke yeah but they would probably make that into an episode because it's hard being a single simpsons fans in particular they're really like into continuity they're really into the idea of like this is not consistent mrs carvalho is supposed to live on the other side of mr hibbert yeah it's mystery mystery mr hibbard [Laughter] always got to hit the wrong watch out a basketball why did they put him in a restraining contraption that's a crazy can roll him up crazy cam how do you do watermelon here now with crazy oh my god there's too many buttons what is that what just happened it's a screen wipe with the when he rolls up why is he why does he turn into a white he goes into a soda can it's a nightmare oh it's a so haven't you ever had a bad dream where i formed a soda can around me uh oh my god you're not bart simpson are you ever going to find this [ __ ] paper no it was in the tv because there's too many things this has been going on for so long there's too many things i have to manage how many jesus christ true what conversations have we had on this one this one occasion don't worry plenty of health meg this dream's never gonna end whoa bird dude your nightmare uh jesus uh chris write another simpsons episode uh you don't have to be in it just make up one uh okay otto drops bart off at school they don't use auto anymore shut up start off at school you think the camera's gonna fall apart into school but instead of follows auto back to his house where he starts uh he turns on his webcam he gets naked i was gonna joke that he starts masturbating but he went to the same place he starts an only fan and he calls it a big auto for auto man and then the school finds out and they fire him so then he moves into the simpsons house again again and he starts teaching lee sin [Laughter] have they done a streamer episode i could see it i could see it like lisa becomes a v tuber and she goes i don't know i'm popular online but not at school should i reveal my true identity they'll do that no they'll do that in five years when it's too late yeah i could see that but i could also see them doing it having done it already because how many [ __ ] times have they done the idea of like oh one of the members of the family it gets really popular online they already did the they do the same ideas over and over but with different twists well lisa being misunderstood is always the premise and it always i hate that it always reverts back at the end like i i get it to an extent but when they become famous and popular like 70 000 times homer was an astronaut you know it's true he went into [ __ ] space and that was like season four and he almost got them killed too yeah he tried to orbit his baby in space orbit his baby maggie came on the spaceship with him you put on a little sign that said baby on board baby on board i killed her with my sword bart's nightmare really is my nightmare ah what a piece of [ __ ] when i turned the game on it pissed me off and i said [ __ ] what a nightmare why is he yellow why is he wearing a red shirt he's wearing a green shirt on the on the box ooh that's ticking me off look at bart's mouth when you're not moving he's so [ __ ] upset [ __ ] dying he's scared he's running for his life he's getting invaded in his own home by immortal creatures that you need to use the dip on i like that moose hang on i miss i missed old simpson's stuff do you think this was just an actual like hand cannon originally and they put a plunger on the end of it because i assume it looks like it's just a gun because it uh like just a regular old-fashioned gun that would be a itchy and scratchy thing because it's it's back into just a gun and uh rum hacked those vacuum cleaners into marge because you're killing them with a gun is that what you associate with marge specifically yeah is that bart's nightmare or bert's dream that's bart's ecstasy dream it's his wet dream did you finally beat the [ __ ] oh my god no let it in are you ready you want to see all the chaos yes please what what oh oh this is where marge was cooking maggie remember look i forgot why was maggie was in the oven she was cocking her she was putting the cat and maggie in the oven gee i don't know if there's enough things on screen also the floor is real slippery why is the floor like i have no idea you're getting bonked pretty hard i don't think he's gonna have much brain left after this i don't think he had much to begin with imagine being a kid and this is what you dream every night you just wake up every night every night have a [ __ ] you'd have such a bad life you have to play through bart's nightmare every single night it kind of feels like a because there are there's dreams that drag on would you want to kill yourself at least three hours every single night yes for your entire life if i had to look for a piece of paper every single night and took like four hours to do whoops how long was yours how long would you be sounds like scratchy yeah are you talking about it i got confused how long would it take before you like had enough would you be able to put it up i could do a few nights all the way to your adult life i could do a few nights i'm playing it right now i'm not killing myself but not every day not literally every night like magically even as a baby when i was a kid i played this like every night would you really because you tell the story because you had to i think i've told the story before we had a we had a rule at her house that you had to finish a video game you had to beat it before you could buy a new one like your parents set this room yeah for like a few years that this was this was the game that just made a lot of trouble that is the weirdest thing i've ever seen so i had to learn this stupid thing inside and out now what it was it just because they were like oh we don't want to keep buying you new things yes and it's fair games were expensive games still are expensive they're getting more expensive definitely some studios want to increase prices i grew up poor i could only have a couple of games so if they sucked it would have been bad should games not be getting more expensive you're the expert with inflation with how much games cost to make now i mean the thing is it's that budgets have been running out of control because everything keeps improving and getting more expensive what was the budget again for gta 5 like half a billion or something yeah but they made like they made so much more well sure they made the money but it also means you're putting all that trouble and effort and time into it all those developers working on crunch and everything too it really sucks for that especially because a lot of them even aren't getting paid that much in a lot of positions it's really thankless work i guess that's a good point whether or not the inflation should be going that drastically would come down to like okay how is the pay getting well yeah are you actually properly paying them or is it just some of the executives that you need are they taking us for themselves get another 21 million bonus at the end of the year i would say it's probably excessive because whenever i see [ __ ] i mean 22 is one of the ones practicing it so i don't really have faith in that e3 in the game awards whenever i see those [ __ ] stages with like 50 foot screens i'm like this is i don't think this is called for but julian they take so much money from shakhydrobot what's that that was uh at the game awards they had a giant robot who was uh everyone was posing with him going whoa [ __ ] hydrobot way cool now was that the same year as the dorito king thing no the dorito pope thing never happened yeah it's because what happened was jeff keeley did a video where he's like cold dead gaze looking at the camera sitting in a chair and he has was it's master chief with like mountain dew models all around us she has doritos bags on like a table and doritos contacted him and said we'd pay you a few million if you come out on stage at the game awards dressed as a dorito pope and he was really insulted but then it's like you have chick hydro bot what's the difference yeah just he doesn't like the religious connotation that's oh that's a good point yeah too far because i could that could hurt things with advertisers you don't want to do that why can't you be the pope of something else can't you oh he's a big pig or you have like a giant hot pocket on your head i don't get why you can't be the dorito pope he should just be the dorito poe he could be the dorito god the dorito bishop the dorito angel it could have been funny no i bet he wasn't still like i have not looked at that no i mean let me get back to advertising that's exactly that's what happened he was offended by it but it's like it's what people know you for come on just go with it that video particularly his eyes they look devoid of that and he listens he always looks like he always looks like that [ __ ] off jeff kelly looks like he's fed up with everybody constantly the only time i've ever seen light in his eyes was when he was [ __ ] with the angry joe it's true would that not do it for you he did a good job he did he [ __ ] owned it he even messed with him he told him that final fantasy didn't come out that year final fantasy final fantasy mmo yeah this year not this year not this year exactly didn't come out this year okay okay stop stop right here you can tell right away this guy's [ __ ] with me uh he's gotten better with his content but it was funny the angry joke yeah i got nothing against the guy i just think that's the funniest [ __ ] ever whenever somebody gets offended by like a really innocent child it's not he came in thinking like i'm gonna mess this guy up jeff keeley you better watch out i'm ready for you and then he wasn't ready it was just a funny situation to see play out plus jeff keely it's jeff keely i don't know he's always very cold he's very emotionless he always seems really angry it's funny to see both of them in weird positions like that being like antagonistic to each other it's a war between these two titans just like this episode itchy and scratchy wait did you know that this last time it's not too dark no i beat it oh okay it's too hard like on different papers they they make you come back to this level again and you play a different thing with them yeah these aren't episodes i know this is an episode i mean it was later on we're watching this they had the halloween special remember yeah he meets his his childhood idols and they kill him to death they're laughing at your pain sometimes when zach comes over we'll put on the simpsons just to see how bad it's gotten um and we put on a halloween special and it didn't actually even feel like a halloween special anymore it's just okay we can do something out of the world we can do something non-canon now it's like reference a movie there's no dark colors or like you know what halloween's like all orange and like green and purple like it's just it's just like daytime in the simpsons every single skit it's like what what is why my god we also watched an episode that came out and it was supposed to be a really serious sad episode about santa's little helper and him having like uh ptsd it's like the most bizarre santa that's a very strange thing it's the most bizarre episode ever it's like it's taking itself super seriously and it has really like they've done before yeah i know it's so weird it's like i don't care i know they did like a sequel to camp krusty recently did they really like a few years back they i it seems because i always hear from people i'm always curious i'm bummed when people don't have conversations because i know a lot of people get scared of just saying like they didn't enjoy something right because people i mean it's just the natural thing people don't line up some people like things some people won't but i'm always really curious to hear from people when they say the new simpsons is actually getting pretty good it's really coming back i i want to hear why people feel that way because i haven't seen any yet i always just see really mundane boring episodes we watch bart the gamer for example and it's just okay yeah esports i get it what was that comic book guy is suing homer over his car or something really was that one we watched yeah it was i don't know it was the day we already talked about this on the show i thought oh well we watched we watched family guy and we watched we watched the newest episode at the time of family guy in the newest episode of the simpsons and family guy was better yeah which is weird they're both still somehow getting worse every single time because you just can't run anything that long also now it's under some work family guys it's trying to also i didn't think about that family guys doing this thing now or they're like uh in the episode apologizing for jokes they've made and be like we're not in the episode yeah like uh they're like we made too many gay jokes we're not doing that anymore and they don't they'll make that into a joke and but it's not a joke because they they really do no yeah they actually then they'll still make fun of other things it's like why just make fun of everything or stop give up throw in the towel it was very strange disney money chris yes if disney offered to buy you and put you on disney plus uh would you do it um well if i was allowed to create a new idea yeah no ony plays is now going to be on disney plus uh no i mean technically didn't they own pewdiepie for a bit they bought maker yeah i then realized maker wasn't worth it and then pewdiepie went on that infamous bridge and said those infamous words and disney word that's not good you can't say that you know the word i'm talking about the [ __ ] edward [Laughter] oh my god what do they say i picture him grabbing somebody by the collar and shaking them don't worry mickey he's a gamer they can say he has 60 million subscribers does he actually i don't know i think he has over that or something he probably has a big number say a large number it's probably around there 550 at least 20. this this is the worst game we've ever played this sucks i hate looking out yeah i have to do this i have to do this for a while because you have to grind your score what's worse oh you're right this is how you do it i forgot about though where the [ __ ] tell me look at games i'm on ign it has to be a hundred thousand put up put something in that one no see it is fitting because when you have nightmares sometimes they drag on it's like a cat or something yeah put a nice cat it's just [ __ ] random live-action footage but one of those giant hamsters just have a man looking at bart very intently yeah put put like a cool like black and white lighthouse-esque like old man [Laughter] you can have all the characters walk in there's barney tell me how many points i need this music is driving me insane did you get the score yet it's like the soundtrack to me looking this up so i'm like panicking get the score turning into krusty i can't editor i'm really sick of this music turn off this music and the sound and just put in anything else this is really frustrating at several points in this walk through it has a header that says points it says the points in the top corner are your scores for the entire game this will be in all the stages please help me i don't think you need to get points i think you need to just beat all the minigames no you need to do you do need points yes it gives you a grade at the end and it's based on the points this is all we have this is all we're doing if you're that viewer you can make your own fun put on another video and give it a shot on your monitor close this one no no no no don't do that press print screen take this into ms paint and post your creations yes who is bart spraying right now that's so like these [ __ ] kids insert a photo of yourself bart's spraying you i really don't know print it out hang it on your fridge i'm not coming up with anything you finally didn't even get the 16 000. [Music] whose hand is that i don't know oh silence bart doesn't even do it ringing yeah life sucks don't it i hate this yeah we shouldn't put this probably no we shouldn't have put this on shut it off i wonder who suggested this game i wonder who wanted to come out and record this game i did it drove eight hours just to play i mean that was a good stammer have you seen the video of the guy who says hey i've got something to ask flat earthers have you seen that i don't know it's the funniest video ever what does he ask i don't keep up with the web culture these days he just says hey i have something to ask blasters and his eyes are like really watery and pink so he's clearly high and he just goes [Laughter] uh i have a question for all you flat earthers out there it's a good question oh my god that thing sped up it's the funniest video you want to talk about chuck i guess that's the last piece of web culture i've kept up with chuck e cheese was streaming he had a little puppet and he said poggers but it's really weird you have to see the video itself it's really it's that he's like feeling out the room like he's looking around nervously the way he's being puppeted his mouth is kind of flapping a bit yeah he takes a deep breath you can kind of hear him gasping and he just goes poggers i don't know what it is i don't know why he doesn't cause he doesn't know what to say about the game his mouth i don't know if he knows what it meant as if like that was dangerous that he just said he's thinking oh my goodness like everyone was encouraging him to say it and he finally did it and now he doesn't know what he just unleashed i imagine the 80s chucky cheese with the big fat head no it's the new one at least the 80s one looks funnier he does a little young rocker he makes himself jewish that's how he says it it's really funny look it up on your phone right now look at options your impression's so funny it's what he does it's what he does i think you should be a voice actor yeah for chuck e cheese well can you do a pathetic moan after saying it i really want to the kids really like that they like their awkward humor you know [Music] they're self-loathing humor that's the thing they're into can you make chuck e cheese really sad make jokes about how you know pathetic he is that's not wrong that's what the that's what the millennials like they like pogba's especially coming from a familiar rant he's a mouse is he he's he likes cheese but so do radishes like make his mask out of rat that's that's something that was messed up that's in the pizza bread wrapped up in pizza [Laughter] podders [Laughter] i'm crying too late chuck too late you missed it [Laughter] poor chuck i feel bad for him his his musical career didn't take off the fact he whimpers right after it makes it seem like someone's like you better say pogba's oh you're like like people in the chat were begging for it or something you guys really want me to say it i don't know what it means okay i'm not gonna get in trouble for this everyone subscribe to the chucky cheese twitch i would [Music] barney walks in hey bart wake up from your night bag he kisses him on the head please my special little guy he dreamt about barney had a nightmare about him did he really yeah he killed him in the previous level remember he was bart man uh oh doesn't someone have a nightmare about barney where he goes la la la la la homer he's in the bikini yeah that's homer that's homer when he's trying not to think about mindy oh yeah and then she turns in he turns into mindy's so [ __ ] hot would you eat a donut with her yeah she's too fake for me would you gagging gargoyle on a doughnut with it in the sense that like she's so like artificially written to be perfect for homer i mean it's the idea of the episode i feel like you could make it more believe that it's all supposed to be very coincidental that it lined up the way it did that this is the perfect match and that he stays loyal i think larleen works better oh yeah has like an actual character they punish the [ __ ] out of her you see her like at points in the series later yeah i love the voice clip of homer when he says now we have to have sex he sounds very sad his voice is cracking because he's like about to cry thanks i don't want to have sex leave me alone get merged right now what if they cut that scene out good marriage i won't merge for sex what like an extended three-minute scene of that i'm not getting your wife get my first thing it runs down the hallway and grabs everybody have you ever enjoyed double jumps in video games yeah like fighting games i like uh because in fighting games it makes sense it's you're keeping your direction while you do the double jump it can be handy jumping backwards yeah i've seen people say like there's no point of double jumps just make the one jump higher yeah but i always thought like it adds some more complexity it's that you still have to yeah make the judgment as to when to do the second one to do it sometimes you can like steer yourself depending on you yeah what i was gonna say is i really like specifically whenever there's a hover mechanic i like yoshi's islands hover mechanic is my favorite because there's like a varying height to it yeah yeah yeah if you seriously can do it in one frame you can increase your height with it i think hmm which is the fact that it goes up at the end like he he goes up and down in the air i think double jumps are perfect for characters jumps that are like super quick like really fast i mean the thing is too it can be a thing to fill in for like a mistake if you didn't get it right it's just kind of handy to have as a as a movement option i don't mind it the thing is i don't know game discussions gone weird over the years too people have like absolute rules yeah that's always the idea of like is this thing outdated and you're like well i mean that depends almost everything is a variable it's hard to accept concrete i think that's just kind of a problem with internet culture in general it's the very absolutist true it's the idea of like okay either either uh you we have to make a rule you guys everybody's got to agree on this one thing this is the stupidest video game imagine growing up with uh yeah i feel bad for having one this one game well i have babies kids after don't worry you also have babies babies kids babies kids because you like the movie so you got that i mean you like the movie yeah i grew up i grew up with beyblaze kids that's fun i grew up with that film i watched it like every day on vhs did you really i think it was like an hbo recording of it or something but i watched it constantly and i had a choice on my birthday of a game that i could buy and mega man x was always at blockbuster i always rented it so i saw bebe's kids and i said you know what that game's not a blockbuster i don't know what it is i like the movie let's get baebae's kids that's one of the worst which is your favorite level [Music] did you like the part where he picks his nose i bet you shrieked in pleasure i had to think because it's like yeah i guess he does you mean robin harris right that he likes his nose while waiting yeah he just picks it looks at it and flicks it away i do like it running up to the car it's like a two-sided animation with his legs really far i'm also running up to the window and everybody's screaming is all right it doesn't look anything like him it doesn't even look like robin here is people running at the camera and people screaming is always funny it's true like fat albert that's good gully she's crying i'm gonna really make her cry i'm gonna make her not cry ever again don't worry i'm coming also why the [ __ ] is she watching fat albert anyways she was crying and she just wanted someone doesn't she invite a friend over at the end like come on you have to watch the show it's really fun it's called fat albert they learn lessons every episode please dear god beat this indiana goans level i think i might have gone past the part that i was trapping me guys i'm sorry i'm not the best at bart's nightmare it is true it's okay dude chris i got a really good parody for you you got a what i got a really good parody for you you should make a cartoon called indiana bone and he's like a skeleton because it's not it's not jones but it sounds like yeah it sounds similar it's honestly a good idea i don't know how i never thought of it uh alternatively rather than a skeleton it could be like an adult animation where it's a guy who's like hey oh he's got a ball i'm indiana bones and i i bone girls a lot i love that catchphrase this catchphrase yeah do you think you can catch on this character you think this could work you get a web series going mondo media there's this catchphrase that is the weirdest thing i ever heard i love bugs what's your favorite thing about him his perfect little nose his can-do attitude his can-do attitude he's can-do he's candy his candy personality his can do physicality his sweet sweet can and they would have said can that's a very simpsons oh yeah that was remember that's the edited footage yeah with the gummy sweet can you're right do you guys want me to provide music up right right yeah this is only plays now only backseat games also if you stand on these too long i think you fall through i'm gonna sing a song for you don't join that one and you have to listen to it too everybody is really fun a bunch of big old children chris did we watch that with you on the fed albert box set that they have like a commentary about like the making of and they interview bill cosby about each kid and they get to bucky and he just goes [ __ ] it was it was a kid who had big teeth i think that's literally the end of it he talks about like all the others for a minute and he has nothing to say about that character weren't they all based on his real friends yes meaning he's an [ __ ] who just insulted all of his friends constantly and then went wait i can make money off this i wonder did he ever talk to you to those friends ever again are they real i don't think they want to keep in contact with them anymore anyways the the people in the movie that are supposed to be yes i think those are supposed to be yes i think those are his friends in the movie okay that would be weird to just cast random old people go you're my friend now all of the bart's nightmares experts go [ __ ] themselves you just killed them by saying that i hope you're happy this game oh my god well time to find the paper again it's okay chris you get to think about the simpsons more i don't want to ever play that okay bye skinner i didn't mean to do that you mean airmen tanzarian that's true that is his real name and his real characterization the writer of that episode was just like i don't regret that episode it was a good episode [ __ ] off it's not like it's like that's what's weird the concept it's not the episode yeah it's the it is a shitty idea it's a really dumb idea and as much as i know like matt grening is really bothered by that one oh is he really i think the one he's bothered by the most was the critic crossover wasn't it he didn't really he doesn't even want to be on the commentary for that one but it's like he did a family guy crossover where they put gas pumps into their butts i don't think that's over the critic that all of the writers left for that show i think maybe i remember his thing with the it's what i remember i don't exactly remember what it is but he seemed to just be bothered by the idea of doing a crossover to promote another show like that that it feels like scummy but then they did it later on and they did it with the x-files and that wasn't even like that much that's different the chimp channel also did their own x-files parody and it was hilarious tell the folks at home about the chimp channel why don't you you know about it too uh you seemed more invested i love those channels we were i have a friend who sends me a vhs tapes that he's like sick of holding on to yeah uh and so one of them that we recently watched was uh it was a recording of what channel was it like show time something like that because the commercials were also included in the tape we saw over and over again it was the same ads for this uh this show called chimp channel and it was just really lame uh comedy when i described it to christmas i said it's just al my balls but i actually realized monkey's dressed up as people and doing yes yeah no it's just chimps dubbed over being comical and hilarious but they're not very funny are they it's someone who rubbed peanut butter on their gums so that they're constantly opening and closing their mouth yeah and as we all know they have no self-control so they swallow the stuff and they choke on it so there were probably a lot of dead chimps that had to make that show no no did we we were saying yesterday joke where it's just boulder scully and they're like boulder let's go let's go do the exposing we'll make sure that we have we shoot it in the dark so it's more dramatic it's like that's hilarious look at all these simpsons references look at all these things this is all he [ __ ] thinks about [ __ ] stop it happened one time it wasn't even that big of a deal everyone forgot about it they forgave him it was heartwarming they all cried yeah i cried [ __ ] shut up bart no one cares it was a [ __ ] statue and they found out he was a pirate remember it's true that's a good point a silver tongued pirate no less i remember that episode it really pissed me off actually because i really had respect for jebediah i was very invested in his story i hated when they take my favorite character and [ __ ] all over it does that make him a better or less pers a good person than the founder of shelbyville who wants to marry his cousin what's wrong with that yeah everyone marries their cousin before they get really married it's called a practice session [Laughter] [Music] my boy can't speak anymore he ain't one too many nightmares now i'm having them too i'm living one every parent's nightmare is their son losing its mind or running for 32 seasons i'm disney i've said it once i'll say it twice dan castanella still sounds pretty dang good what do you think of dan castellaneta uh dan castraten my spaghetti what do you think of jim cummings jim cummings very profane name i know he is winnie the [ __ ] he's pete the dog [Music] tigger the bouncing boy and baby the best thing baby biscuit what else is he he's uh every bad guy yes he's a good guy he's everybody also i hate what just happened i forgot to scroll the screen i hate that the fire goes away yeah it's annoying you wish it would just kind of you know what you could do easy solution just tint the block yeah watch out watch out oh my god i'm scared there's a lot of ways you can make this work it's not the thing with this game is there are concepts that could be fun there are many games that could have worked it's just how they executed all of it it just doesn't really work out the overworld i don't mind that as a concept except it's so boring and it's so cool this is actually quite good i think it's all right i think it's already an idea that there's like a hub world to get between games i think it could be fun as its own mini game when you're literally walking around when you're walking doing nothing it's not fun not to mention what there's like ten different collectibles you have to manage and none of them make any sense because it's dream logic watch out they're both [ __ ] gonna kill you right there oh god who megisha oh god the one on your right is going to kill you oh now that when you're on is going to kill you hey oh i'm fine oh my god you're almost there i assume please dear god be careful watch as i just fall right now for no reason it's happened it sure has alright oh god don't jump up don't jump up don't do it that was oh so close oh watch out that one's on fire for no [ __ ] reason i don't know which way to go i don't actually don't know oh no no that one that's what i was worried about the hell it didn't even show that no it's a [ __ ] trap down the one on your right you can go to apparently oh my god [ __ ] christ it's tricking you three times at the end you should start using that for your channel yeah end your episodes with it oh my god let this [ __ ] nightmare be over dude okay you ready yes are you ready for the highest quality bart simpson clip you'll ever hear bring the turkey in i guess it kind of sounds like a turkey gobble i'm not hearing i'm not hearing the turkey i'm not hearing this this is how they go they go like yeah what does it look so was that really the best ending you're an [ __ ] chris he doesn't say cowabunga unless you get the a plus really i can do without hearing him pitch shifted up bit crushed why is he pitch shifted i have no idea i guess because that's how they used to compress yeah the compressed sounds you're supposed to when you take away hurts the pitch gets higher yeah you have to change the rate that it's played back in game yeah they just didn't do it enough no they didn't also the hair they messed up and it's transparent thanks james hey that's racist what about that that's just on point he's being attacked james fink was in this game yeah james fink actually worked on this game thanks james we love you jackson fan of the show art by tiny increase that sounds fake it does and stinky poo i don't think these are real names mark gayness like my anus is gay i don't think that's a real name tiny hershton tiny with two e's even two game smiths helped make this by the way these credits go forever why hasn't anybody done that yet that's a really good idea have the song keep going up in pitch like it's leading up to something well that was bart's nightmare you never have to play this game viewer oh we've done it for you that was so fun i'm glad you enjoyed that was so [ __ ] fun [Applause] [Music] um
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 398,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bart's Nightmare, Bart's Nightmare Gameplay, Bart's Nightmare Walkthrough, Bart's Nightmare Part 1, Bart's Nightmare Gameplay Part 1, Bart's Nightmare Game, Bart's Nightmare Funny, Bart's Nightmare Oneyplays, The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare, The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare Gameplay, The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare Walkthrough, The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare Part 1, The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare Gameplay Part 1, The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare Game
Id: c1KWEzO2Boo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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