The Signs of the Last Day - Abdullah Hakim Quick

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Oh the person alhamdulillah rabbul aalameen for a hockey battle in muttaqeen when I read wanna heal all of Bali mean Russia wa la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah why shadow under muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh someone a voila voila early he was happy women Darby da what he was telling abhi so naughty balaiah Nadine were seldom Taslima and kathira a mob at our praises are due to Allah lord of the worlds and surely the best reward is for those who have taqwa and surely there is no animosity except for the oppressor and I did a witness that allows one and has no partners and then Muhammad the son of Abdullah is his servant and his last messenger and may allow always and constantly send peace and blessings to Muhammad and to his family and his companions and all those who call to his way and establish his Sunnah to the day of judgment as to what follows I began with the greeting words of paradise assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah and I bring you special salams from your brothers and sisters in South Africa especially from the native Aboriginal people there who by the mercy of allah subhanaw taala are coming into islam the zulu and the cosa and su2 and SWANA and the people who have populated that land for thousands of years alhamdulillah Allah has blessed them to begin to enter into the world of Islam and I pray that the day would come that their voice would be strongly heard amongst the Sioux foof of the muslimeen I also bring you special salams from your brothers and sisters in North America alhamdulillah our just last year over 300 thousand people have accepted Islam in the United States alone if you consider the prison population which is now larger than the university population the people are entering into Islam and crowds I want to take this moment also on a personal note to give special salams and also greetings and solidarity to the Aboriginal people of this land and especially to our brother Muhammad who is here tonight it is part of our way also to ask permission of them to speak I am also part of the Aboriginal people are an African American by culture but my grandmother was a red Indian mohawk and they are Aboriginal people of North America so it is part of our way to also represent or to also respect and to show solidarity with the oppressed people of the land 100 in now it is a great pleasure to be with you here tonight and it is purely by the will of allah subhanaw taala that this has come about there is no other logical reason why I would be here with you tonight and why people have so many colors so many races and nationalities are all joined together in Brotherhood there is no other system of life there is no religion no ideology that has the ability to bring together the black and the white to bring together the Arab and the non Arab and so we have to thank allah subhanaw taala constantly that he has made us muslim we say al hamdulillah and that he had an ally ha de la Marck una le Ngoc Thien ly not Adia Lola and her dad Allah we thank Allah constantly for having brought brought us to Islam because we could not have entered Islam if it was not by the will of allah subhanho wa taala and just recently I have the opportunity to travel to the north in the furthest west western part of the United States and Canada to a place called Alaska and in this place in an airbase a city called Fairbanks Alaska this is a strategic position of the American armed forces which was a key base right in front of the Russians and so their key military observation equipment and the most powerful strike force sitting in this base and by the will of allah subhanaw taala part of a group of what they call their reconnaissance commandos an elite strike force who fly helicopter gunships were sent into Somalia during Operation Hope you remember when Operation Hope happened in Somalia some years ago and they went into Somalia and by the will of Navarro's Allah they saw the strength of the Somali people living in the desert and living under those conditions and a large group of these people accepted Islam they came back to the airbase and established a salato junghwa and called us there in order to give Dawa I went on the air base myself and I even felt embarrassed I don't usually feel embarrassed with my Islamic killed everybody had fatigues on army fatigues the brothers had folks and it was June ocelots and we established the Jumma on the airbase and then we went downtown now this is a place in Alaska and it is something of the miracle of the Prophet Allah Allah how far Islam would reach that in Alaska it is so cold in the winter that it goes down sometimes to minus 70 degrees and the brothers have the Gordon train after fire they have to put on special equipment and they had to run outside and to train to get used to the environment there in Alaska and they were brothers from Bangladesh from Senegal from all of the Muslim world very hot places that were living there in the cold and so we went downtown and we established the dollar 100 in now some of the people there are embracing Islam the people called Inuit you would call them Eskimos these are the native people who live in the north and it is so cold in that region that they build their house of ice and the ice protects you from the cold and you put skin on the inside of the ice and it becomes warm and so even though it is so cold and so far away 100 and not they are beginning to accept Islam and the question that the people had in that area is why did it take you so long to get here they realize what Islam is their question is what took you so long if there are Muslims who have power in the land in the sea and we are living all over this planet then what took you so long to get here and so we reflected with them on the condition of the Muslims and the condition of the Muslim world and so it is in their spirit that I speak to you tonight as allah subhanaw taala has told us ruther billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem yeah you have Medina Armour otaku allaha wa kunu poland sadita yes alaikum Manickam when you have a fella from the new become Rome aut allahu wa rasuluh for advisor frozen edema or you who believe that the consciousness of allah and speak a straightforward word he would repeal your deeds and forgive you of your sins and whether obeys Allah and His Messenger has surely gained a mighty triumphs and so I speak to you tonight in that spirit of speaking a straight forward word because we need to speak to each other not just from the mind but from the heart we need to be sincere with each other in these times because the contradictions we are facing today are reaching the level where is seldom found in the whole of the course of Islamic history a time when the contradictions are becoming so great for the Muslims I say this because Allah has blessed us with numbers we our countries sit at strategic points our coastlines are some of the largest in the world over 50 percent of the mineral wealth on earth lies under Muslim countries some of the richest people in the world are Muslims but yet and still we have to watch children being gunned down and murdered in philistine we have to continue to watch in Chechnya and now in Cydonia the Muslims in Eastern Europe being shot down standing up for their rights but being killed where are the armies of Islam if there are millions of Muslims capable of defending themselves if there are billions of dollars that have been spent within the Muslim countries then where are they it's a contradiction if there are countries where people are throwing food away and across the border there other people starving to death then something is wrong something is missing in the body of Islam and it is reaching a point of serious contradiction and there have been a few times in history when we have reached this point in contradiction we look at the situation in Bosnia and what happened when the Serbians were raping Muslim women it is said that they raped over 50,000 women this is unprecedented in history and the time of the Khalifa Al Motta symbol ah well the great hall afar of the Abbasid period and many people look down on the ever see they said well that's not the whole of our Arashi Deen but they had essa in those times they had essa they had power and self-respect and it is repelled that one woman was captured by the Christian forces and she cried out while not test him up and the word got back to the Khalifa the Khalifa wrote a letter to the Christian King and he said released a Muslim woman if you don't release her I will send an army to you whose beginning will you and the end will still be coming from me when he heard that the Christian were back somewhat are here on a Bay and he sent her back to the Muslim lands with party God's female bodyguards to watch her on the way to protect her till she got into Muslim lands that is the Izza that Muslims had during that period and that we now need to consider within ourself because for a long time we buried our head in the sand we looked at the world events and we said oh no that's not us we're Muslims this can't affect us we looked at the crises on the ground drug addiction in our communities know what Muslims that can't affect us then we looked at AIDS HIV spreading around and we said well this is a disease of the homosexuals it is that's how it started probably but now it's in our own community so we denied it for a long time and we thought to ourselves that because we have the key table and the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW solemn that we cannot fall into this but I remind myself and you of a hadith of the Prophet SAW so long founded Abu Daoud with the parson Solomon said oh ma T ha ve o Martin umma Lisa alaihe Arab until a qura an Abu hafidh dunya al fittin was alisone well uttered Prophet peace be upon him said this my nation is a is a nation that has mercy upon it it's punishment is not in the next life the punishment is in the dunya Sitton szelezon ATO the plural of fitnah is a trial is a test is a temptation it's a punishment and sometimes in a fitna the one of the worst forms of fitna is a gray area you're not sure which way you're going you're not sure where to go to the left I wanted to go to the right you can have a mass of Muslims they can be inside of a Masjid and the leadership is fighting against each other and so the master although the people are graded number they have no impact in society it's a fitna the second point is a lhasa earthquakes the Prophet said we would be purified through earthquakes and natural catastrophes and now look at what happened in Turkey look at other parts of the Muslim world and see what is going on allah subhanaw taala has his sunnah and he has purified us on many occasions the last point is a lot oh and now we see that we are being killed in large numbers it is a serious contradiction and it is growing so great so much power the numbers but you're not doing nothing with it we are at a crossroads we're at a crossroads we can go in a direction of light or we can go into darkness and allow punish us to get us out of this darkness in 1258 of the Common Era a climax reached because of the same type of contradictions the Muslims had reached the point at that time it was the Golden Age of Islam and in the city of Baghdad the Muslims had great orlimar they had enormous wealth it was the most part information on earth but it is reported that a slave of the hand of the Khalifa al-'ardi autocracy the slave of the Khalifa his land used to bring in over five hundred thousand dinars per year the slave of the Khalifa whereas the only man who were teaching in Baghdad would only receive a few hundred dinars per month but the slave of the Khalifa his mand would bring it over five hundred thousand dinars it is also reported that before salat on Eid the people had to wait for the Khalifa and his retinue to come in to sit down you can't mix a lot elite until the Khalifa comes in with all his slaves and his fanfare and everybody must come in and sit down then he makes a lot it is reported around the time of a great crisis they didn't make Serato Eid until midnight you know you're supposed to pray fairly soon after feza they didn't mix a lot the Khalifa's people didn't reach and sit down till midnight then they made salat indeed there was no Hajj from Baghdad no group to go to make the Hajj the horsemen the soldiers of Islam in Baghdad were only about twelve thousand and then by the will of Allah a great change came about in Southeast Asia and in Northeast Asia in the deserts a group of people by the will of Allah were changed and went into a form of what we would call history almost group insanity and the leader who called himself Genghis Khan he sent emissaries into the Muslim world at that time the Muslims were broken interstates the Khalifa was only sitting there symbolic each state governed itself no unity and so he sent in his bodyguards or he sent in his emissaries and they were disgraced and killed and one was sent back he sent in another group and they would disgrace their beards were cut off they would disgrace and they were sent back he went to worship in his way of worship to his Sun God and he said there can only be one Sun and it can only be one hand only one and so he basked out into the Muslim world with no mercy moving through the lands of Islam and killing everything in sight and the Mongols on the whole had no mercy on anybody who could not stand if you could stand then they would have mercy they go around the other way but if you can't stand against it they would kill you take your women slaves and put your heads heads on a mountain and they continue moving through when they reach by the God the photos of Islam they said no this can never happen to us because we're Muslims but they came in and they captured the halifa and the astrologer of the arm said you can't let the blood of this man go on the ground there's some kind of a superstition if his blood hits the ground you're going to be cursed so what did they do they put him in a carpet and they rode their horses over him till he died well yeah the burlap the river tigris and euphrates ran red with blood then they took our books and they threw it in the river and a lot about tuffsy is a lot of a hadith a lot of things are lost at that time and the rivers were black with ink from our pens and the disease that cave over a million people killed was reaching even Syria then they took they turned their face toward Egypt and then they wanted to go to Mecca and Medina but la supernote Allah raised up people coming out of Egypt among Luke so Tom Davis and they stood in the path of the Mongols and defeated them at high angelou law support Allah gave them victory but it didn't stop there this is how Islam goes it didn't stop there then they gave power to the Mongols and they became Muslims and then later they became the champions of Islam then they ruled Islam in many parts of Afghanistan into India even great top seers great works were done by them and so Allah use one group to purify another group the contradiction was so great something had to be done so not to laugh and so we see ourselves in a similar position and we need to consider the signs that are around us we need to spend time reading into our sources not just reading the Quran for till Allah alone but reading it for the meaning as one of the great scholars of Islam in Morocco Syria Meza Luke Rahim of Allah who said you want to be sincere to the Quran - three things taxi until our t he what a dumb boy IRT he were it by Allah MIDI he beautify the recitation with touch we'd reflect upon the ayah think about it how does it apply to your life and then follow the commandments it is not enough just to read the book we have to now live the book also the signs of the Prophet SAW assalam are there and he left for us a road map leading us into the signs of the last days and where we are standing now it is reported today that the average American person Christian the average Christian in America believes that Jesus Christ is going to return in the next twenty years the average Orthodox Jew when they look toward Philistine and holding the West Bank and Gaza they are holding on to that territory and maintaining it because they believe that a messiah is coming they believe a messiah is coming and they're holding on to it they're looking at the signs of the last days they make us watch TV they produce the films for our children to watch so our children are busy watching aliens and watching all the wood heroes but then looking at the situation on the ground what is happening it is reached the point where recently the Pope made a trip to Syria you remember that way did the Pope go they said he wanted to go along the journey of say Paul to see where Paul way but you know what he did also he went to the romaine mosque and they say it's the first time that a pope went to the Masjid why would a port bow to the master what is the purpose for him to go to the O made master he could be anywhere he wanted to why because in the signs of the last days it is said that ISA alaysalam would would descend upon the Lunada Bay that the white minaret in Damascus so the Pope is covering all angles even though he doesn't believe he wants to be sure if that's really is coming I want to see what it looks like so the Pope is studying he studying us is he he wants to know what we're about but we are self I'm not putting in the time to know what rasool allah saw someone has met first treasures of knowledge gems of wisdom he has left for us in terms of the signs of the last days and we should realize that the signs are many and realized that in terms of the minor signs that the purpose of solemn said even that the scholars say that the minor signs have been completed and there are many signs that we are seeing in front of us now in the society we see the disrespect of the young people for the older people we see wine and intoxicants spread all over the land we see lying kept in Tushar camp lying has become a profession turn on CNN BBC and then you will see professional Liars who can take the truth and make it same thoughts and they take what is false and they make it seem truth they distort things and have the ability to distort things and so the Prophet peace be upon him did not speak from himself he spoke from the revelation and from amongst the science that he said he said and it's interesting some of the minus signs in one sign he said laughter for Messiah uh Turkel rocky after shem is medina the last days would not come until the fruit of syria is eaten in medina now when when the Mufasa teen looked at this they said well how can fruit in Syria how can you eat it in the Dina by the time it reaches Medina ill go rotten so he said maybe it's dried fruit they couldn't figure it out and we read this idea then we went to the store in Medina and we saw oranges and apples from South America fruit from Syria from all over the world flying into Medina sadaqa Rasulullah sallallahu taala he also said in a hadith that a Bedouin would talk into his riding-whip you never dare call because this year Karla pedals were it's not supposed to be a nice design on your head right it's a lighting whip so how could the Bedouin talking to his riding-whip then we saw one day going down the street we looked and the vendor was talking into the walkie-talkie you know it has a piece of engines like that so the products also I'm singing this day hanging there where you would not know what it is he's talking into it and so the public peace be upon him also said in diminish our kisara he's our character to hear our modify that people would give their salams to each other I will modify because they know them well because it's another Muslim and you see it sometimes and so I will eat the people are all thousands of people if somebody says Aleichem he looks another person he goes to the next one Salam alaikum he only gives salams to his cousin or to somebody who looks like him but the Salam is supposed to be for all Muslims regardless of color regardless of nationality it is for all of us to respect and to love each other as brothers and even closer than our own families the Prophet peace be upon him also spoke about malt and feta he said that a type of death would come sudden death and the people would be dropping dead then now we see our attack coming amongst us people dying of heart attack from the foods that we're eating from the chemicals that we're putting into our bodies and the Prophet peace be upon him did not speak from himself in another hadith the person assalam said in the bay near their scientists lima Hafsa were fish with dijanna hot tureen el marzo jihad a lotta giada were cuttin out on was a habit Azur were kids mangia a little hoc war the war a column this is in the most motive Imam Muhammad the Prophet peace be upon him said verily amongst the signs of the last hour would be the special salams and wide and widespread business until even a woman would help her husband with his business and then cutting family relationships people cutting family relationship they don't want to see their father anymore they want to see their mother anymore and also false witness and also hiding the true witness and the widespread appearance of the pen was a war column and now receivers even more than any time with the computers and the Prentice going in things riding and riding all over the place some people have so much riding in the office piles of paper and books all over the place Muslims have wrote books and they ever had before but they don't have the practice of the people who have no books and so we need to look into ourselves and as Allah tells us in the law now you pay you to my becoming hot are you ready to not be alpha see him Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves we have too much arrogance and to cut board some people feel that they are high and mighty because of their family some because of their nationality some because of their language too much arrogance and pride if it was blood alone and we always respect the family of the Prophet lesotho Salam but if it was blood alone then what happened in the case of north of the Prophet nor alehissalaam weapon to his son what happened to the wife of luth a laser what happened to father Ibrahim alayhi Salam and Abu Lahab was how she meet he was a shimi in his blood but Allah has written him in the Quran to the day of resurrection punished in the fire so blood alone and family alone is not enough it's an illusion it's a delusion which is being spread around amongst us in these final times and the Shaitaan has become so sophisticated that the attack upon us is not necessarily in many parts of the world a attack and a hot war but the attack can also be a cultural war and in these times we are seeing everything moving toward one-world government globalization one world culture and we see it now in clothing we see it in a food and I never understood this until last year I went to Mecca and I used to live in Medina for many years and got to know the people of Medina and especially the young people in Medina and we went to Mecca and he needs the salat in the autumn and afterwards we went outside to a new building then down and we went inside the building and there there were people there vendor innocent people from the Gulf area in the new abs and in their clothing and they were waiting for Mecca lat Oh the mecca lottery they're waiting for the lucky number to come around and you put your lucky number next to the Kaaba and then it's time to eat where do they eat at McDonald's Kentucky Fried Chicken baskin-robbins this is where they eat the young people all over they don't want their food they're like their spices they want burgers and french fries globalization one world culture and one world government in Medina we saw we made so lots in the masjid masha the number we and a little boy was making salat he made he stood up and he had his thorbourne and he had a baseball cap on that's the new style they have a baseball cap and a hope okay I'm not saying it's Haram to a baseball cap right then it was changed to me to see him in this baseball cap and a foe because a baseball cap need something to person from America right we know what it really means so it's time for some and he turned the baseball cap around to makes a lot and the name was Levi's Levi's is levy a Jewish tribe a family of the yahood in New York City who made millions of dollars making pants so now he's got your on the top and then the rest of them is is oughta be is from air dollar and so they attack you right through the nausea right through your head using that to win the television send them the message straight into the control part of the brain and so this is happening to the young generation so they feel more comfortable in the West enclosed and in their own Islamic close one world culture moving towards one government it is not yet that the job because he's a person but it is the javac' type of culture making you hate yourself you're living in a house paradise and when the de Jong would come an elder Billa he will have something that seems like agenda and he has another one it seems like a fire that's his test and so you look at the discotheque the lights are flashing and everybody's smiling and the Olympics are here and then on the other side they say look at so Mohammed on they can't eat and this happened to us in Cape Town in South Africa they had one of the largest events was happening on the Millennium and the Millennium night was falling in Ramadan you remember that only odd nights in Ramadan last 10 days no and they were targeting Muslims in our city it is so bad in our city because there's a hundred and twenty mustards in the city and the movement as potential to grow they build the discotheque it looks like master Al Aqsa and they have seven levels of dancing called wave seven levels like seven heavens and they even have a special place inside the discotheque for some Muslims who I may be hypocrites whatever but if you're hungry you can eat all our food they have halal food in the discotheque you see oh is that the catch the Muslim youth it's to catch the Muslim youth because they are preparing for the last days they see it coming they see a mageddon a major where and if our young men are like little girls with rings in their ears and ponytails and they're not short they're male or female how are they going to stand up against the enemies of allah subhanaw taala how are they going to do that so they attack in the youth sending them messages to take them off the path and we need to consider this we need to look into our communities and to provide alternatives for the use teach the young men I want to be Muslim men let them play sports let the real martial arts take them out into the woods let them get up in the code and make facia teach them or junuh to be men otherwise they will be taught to be little girls so they will not be able to stand against the enemies of allah subhanaw taala we have too much asset we have too much hatred Envy in our hearts is too much man if a Muslim makes a little bit of progress the other ones look at him they get jealous he gets a new car or they get a baby and the other ones look they either hate it now I said if he has a new car and you want one that's okay but if you want one and you don't to have his that is Hassett you understand you want it and you don't want him to have it they have the baby you want a baby a beautiful baby but you don't want you hate this and the shape Tyler uses this evil are feeling in order to hurt the people and the purpose or sometimes that yakone will asset for in neurosurgical at Casa Nattie Camacho Coronado hot tub beware of jealousy it beats up your good deeds like a fire eats up firewood you go to edge you fast acid burns it up he pays a cow also destroys it everything you try to do and one had these apostles of them and his companions were sitting and a man came walking down the lane the participant said this man is on the people of paradise he came down the lane again his vehicles wet was with him and the pond so solemn said this man is on the people of genda the third time he came down again he said this man is on the people of jemna and so afterwards one of the Sahaba mayor asked for the law um came to the man and said I want a trumpet I stayed by you for three days I have some Hodja a need he said okay stay here and so he watched him he watched him daily he watched them at night after the third day he said I have to tell you the truth I don't have this Hodja I don't have the need but you the Prophet said you will be of the people of paradise what is it that you do you didn't even get up and make to object what do you do and so he said oh yeah then I said I saw you as you turned over you said Allah Akbar Allah but that's how I saw the man said I'm just like you I fast like you I pray like you but I don't have any jealousy in my heart for the Muslims I don't hate anybody don't hear anybody and I have no desire for the property of other believers I have not his heart was clean inside this is a key issue that we need to look at in these coming times the internal Muslim to reanalyze our relationship with each other we analyze our relationship with our community close ranks if there is a Muslim who is 90 percent similar to you 10 percent different why do we look at the 10 percent we spend most of our time looking at the 10 percent instead of uniting with the 90 percent if he's different make dua for him give him the Seahawk give him advice and make dua for him but don't bring him down there don't attack him we have too many enemies it is a slick deceiver that the Shaitaan will yell bubala is using deception on us using deception we look at taqwa every time when they when the fatigue gives the Juniper he talks about taqwa Al Helfer Rajah fear and hope and one of the great scholars of Islam even Kodama al not mercy for him of Allah he looked at this and he said I'll have for Raja these are two stimuli it stimulates you to do something if you fear something you run from it if you hope in something you move towards it and he said anything that takes you that that stops you from action it makes you sit down it is hora it is deception and eugen or delusion because something is holding us down even we come to the Masjid something's holding us down to go further to establish more Islamic institutions to spread the message out in society some forms of war comes like in the case of a man who is deceived by IATA dunya and Allah support Allah tells us were men hyetograph in matarĂ³ who wore the life of this world is nothing but material deception and in canada a man won the lottery 21 million dollars and the people said he's in paradise what else does he need 21 million dollars and his data they came him and his daughter on TV but the man said may God help us he had some sense right they started the crawlers house they wanted to marry his daughter they wanted to start a business with him he had to hide himself he changed his address he had to hide with his family so the money that was supposed to liberate him put him in jail were mile-high after dunya in Lama Tahu or another man in the UK he won the lottery twenty five point five million pounds the whole societies that he's in paradise everything that and he started to eat food he ate food until he weighed 310 pounds and he dropped dead so the money that was supposed to give him life took his life we're not high after dunya in Lama taharoa another form of deception is the one where the family the person thinks because his family are good Muslims then he's okay so he said I don't have to give sadaqa I don't have to make salat my father used to give sadaqa my father used to make fire I don't have to make fudge oh he is deceived because he will stand by himself on the day of resurrection another third deception comes when the person does Hassan out and say he act good deeds and bad deeds he wakes up in the morning and he makes esterified and he asked Allah to forgive him a hundred times then the rest of the day he curses people he backed bites he scandalizes he says everything comes out of his mouth but he thinks because he made his to the fire that the other deeds don't mean anything he is deceived because the person saw him said I encourage em now my mom the one who spread scandal will not enter paradise another field of deception that is coming in is a form of deception where the students people coming into Islam are learning el milky laughs they learn the knowledge of disagreement so before they learn the assumed the basis of their faith they learn how to argue with other people so they argue with you both fickle a argue and argue and argue and we spent all our time arguing distant arguing about that the purchase of them said Madame la omen up by the hooter in their all to jiggle that people would not go straight after guidance until they were given argumentation it is a form of deception and so we need to now realize the slip program that is going on outside coming culturally coming to deceive us because we are moving rapidly toward the last days and we pray that Allah supports Allah would have mercy upon us and would give us the strength to unite ourselves the major signs are close but if a leader comes to unite the Muslim world are we with him will we be with him the signs are coming close may Allah give us the strength to prepare ourselves and may Allah help us to prepare the younger generation make them strong give them knowledge give them confidence in themselves build their taqwa break down tribalism there's no difference in white and black no difference in Arab and non-arab it's only taqwa that makes the highest individual may Allah have mercy on us and unite our ranks and give strength to the Mujahideen in Philistine may Allah give victory to the Mujahideen in Macedonia and in Kashmir in Chechnya we could limit Canada every pleasurable Alamein Roberta acting up at dinner asana with alacrity hassan alpena harbor now well kill no gender male DeBlasio Yaga far yellow Balala mean Akula pony ha that was thoughtful Lali welcome wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 132,046
Rating: 4.8106508 out of 5
Keywords: islam, allah, quran, koran, muhammad, terrorism, prophecy, hell, heaven, war, jihad, sharia, west, usa, america, mujahideen, kafir, deat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 44sec (3044 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2008
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