The Signs Before the Appearance of Dajjal - Dr Bilal Philips

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brothers and sisters today I have the responsibility of sharing with you something from the guidance of Rasul Allah Allah who seldom about which he said was the most dangerous and the most fearful trial that human beings would face and the time of its coming would be when people forget about it as he said my Ahuja that job had tired had an ass and decree Mahuta truckin Emma to the kraaho island Manabi the Dajjal will not appear until people forget about him and the Imams stop mentioning him on the pockets on the members it is time that we don't forget that we me remind it about the job not as a story an interesting story but as a warning for what is to come and what may be amongst us already from our own times as our young children our young teenagers are well aware of all of the arch enemies of spider-man Superman Green Lantern etc if you ask them who is the arch enemy they will give you the names of every last one and they will tell you all the details about the enemies but if we ask them about the job the greatest enemy of humankind as the prophet saw Solomon said that from the time of Adam's creation until the last hour there will be no trial greater than that job Mabini funky Adam hereafter a mesa a maroon Akbar woman at the jail this is what the Prophet salsalin informed us and the Sahaba reported that he used to teach them about the jail and included in the doors to be made at the end of our prayers when we say allahumma inni ahoo become in other Jahannam aminadab and cover or min fitna till mejia alma mater woman Cheri fitna till Messiah at the jail all I seek refuge in you from the punishment of hell the torment of the grave the trials of living and dying and from the evil trials of the Antichrist al maseeh at the jail and they said that he used to teach them this draw the way he taught a surah from the Quran that is the importance that he gave it he gave it to them made sure they learned it and used it so this is something we should add to our regular prayers as a reminder to us a daily reminder of the potential danger which lies ahead and the promise of our son Lama told us that all the earlier prophets had warned of the coming of the job he said Allah most great and glorious never sent a prophet without warning the nation about the job however the messages which were given to the earlier prophets are now distorted if we look in the scriptures of the Christians and the Jews the information they have is garbled it's not clear it's metaphorical language difficult to figure out what it's actually talking about but because prophet muhammad sallallahu wasallam was the last messenger to humankind he gave us the full detailed description of at the job and also the detailed description of what would happen during the time that he conquers this earth with no details left out all the necessary details he has given us so it is very important especially in these times where we have many scholars or those who claim to be scholars speaking about the job in a metaphorical sense I'm sure you have all heard at one time or another the job being referred to as the television the big one I looking at you the television or some people say it's the UK the UK England which spread its tentacles over the world and enslaved huge swathes of humankind there was the UK and America is an extension of the UK or people have explanations with the internet it's the Internet Internet is a great evil contains a lot of evil and so on and so forth however when we listen to what the Prophet SAW wasalam said it becomes very clear about who their jollies but he is none of these things that modern speakers lectures may say but that he is an individual a human being as Allah put a trial from the world of the jinn Shaitaan leader of corruption from a spiritual perspective spiritual world not visible to us he also created the jail from this physical world who would be a major trial for humankind and the Prophet SAW solemn described him as blind in the right eye blind in the right eye that his right eye would move twitch as if unstable his left eye would also be defective having a thick film over it by people who have cataracts cetera where there's a film which develops over the eye and the color of it will be greenish a greenish tinge the Francois Solomon said at the jolly I knew hoo-ha draw cuz you judge that the Giles high that is the left eye which he would see with would be greenish like that of glass because copper was used in the making of glass in the past the game tinge a greenish tinge to glass that was made his complexion will would be white white with a tinge of redness ruddy white meaning the white of people who are in the northern parts of Europe Scandinavians and others among them the British so this may be where some people say well maybe it's the petition he will have a broad forehead they broad forehead I mean where his hairline is whereas eyebrows are is white not narrow and his neck will be widely will not have a small neck but a wide neck and he will have a powerful build and when he stands when he walks you know people who are lifting weights and not they kind of walk something like this he will have that same punch of the mustn´t individual and his feet would be set wide apart he wouldn't be walking as we but people will usually when they get bulky like this they start to walk something like this so he will be like that he will have long curly here thick curls so much so that they look like small snakes coiled one on top of each other he will be sterile he will not known to have had any children and the brother Salim had said he most closely resembles Abdullah sorry Abdul Allah even upon from the most alakh clan of the Hazara tribe who died in three Islamic times so he's described as looking like a particular individual so all these stories about television and Khan trees and internet etc we know it's bomb it's nonsense the prophets are silent descriptions is of a human being he does add that between his eyes will be written the word kafir said mark tobin Boehner in a kafir on Yahoo who could movement in Catalan or a riccati disbeliever kafir would be written between his eyes between his two eyes on forehead it would be visible to all the believers whether they were literate or illiterate whether they are literate or illiterate what does that mean if we write the word Allah whether a person is literate or illiterate Muslims he will know this is the word Allah in the similar way the believers will know him and he will appear in the time of the Mahdi you may be hearing things about the Mahdi on the internet claims that he is about to show up he's about to rise this happens every decade the word spreads the Mahdi is coming and the Prophet SAW Solomon said even if only one day remains in this life Allah would lengthen it until a man from my family the Mahdi appears his name will be like my name Muhammad Evan and his father's name like my father's Muhammad ibn Abdullah he will fill the earth with justice and fairness as it was filled with injustice and iniquity so if he hasn't appeared again and he hasn't claims that that John is amongst us now obviously false the prophet saww Sullivan said when Jerusalem flourishes Yathrib will be in ruins when Jerusalem flourishes Yathrib will be in ruins the ashram is Medina Medina - rasool allah allah salla that's what we called it its original name is Yahweh and Yahshua is included in Greater Jerusalem in the plans of Israel but when Jerusalem flourishes Medina will be in ruins and the great battle will occur Christians call it Armageddon this is the world war of a scale not seen before and Constantinople will be reconquered means that we will lose Constantinople and then it will be taken back then the Dajjal will appear but while that process is taking place the Prophet SAW Selim informed us that there will be three years before the jail actually appears while the Mohave is leading the struggle how long that war of Armageddon will take Allah knows best but during that period of time and perhaps prior to it there will be a global drought developing the first year of that global drought Allah will withhold rain from one third of the earth Allah will withhold rain from one third of the earth in the second year following it he will withhold it from two-thirds of the earth and of course you can imagine as soon as rain is withheld we start to have droughts this is a serious drought where people start to starve and all of these other things start to happen although in that time due to technology maybe starvation will not appear as it appears right now so we can't really say exactly but we do know that there will be a drought and connected to drought is in general starvation crops dying etc two-thirds of the earth by the second year and the third year in the third year then rain will stop completely there will be no rain anywhere on the face of the earth so these are clear signs very very clear science about which we should have no doubt the gel is not going to appear until this takes place and this our children should know that they be aware of these signs to know of the coming the signs of the coming because we're it not important rasul-allah solaris and i would not have given us these details we have to believe that it is vital for him to have spend so much time to give so many details to include it in our daily prayers so it is something we should take care about make sure that our family is aware about share this information from authentic sources with them and i ask allah SWA Allah to give us that care that concern that fear of the trials which would motivate us to ensure that our families know about this and those who are not present here today our extended families to keep this knowledge alive a cool look only hada was stopped for a lolly well upon release iran Muslimeen AIMIM couldn t them fast doctor ooh in a fool rahim ask allah to forgive us and forgive our families and for us to turn to him seeking his forgiveness as he is the only one who can forgive Hamlet LeBron Amin was salatu was-salam ala rasulina Kareem while he was hobby oh man extendable Sunnah to heal I owe me dinner all praise is due to allow me allows peace and blessings be on the last prophet muhammad sallallahu taala and and all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day the Prophet SAW seldom went on to explain to us where on earth will that jail appear and he told us that he would first appear in the land in the East called Corazon and this is Khorasan he referred to in his time Khorasan includes parts of Iran Turkmenistan and Afghanistan there is a village in Iran which came to be known as Khorasan later and the Najaf Abad rural district but that is a later naming the region included Afghanistan Turkmenistan and Iran that he would first appear from there and he would next appear from a path between Syria and Iraq and he would engage in battle from there onwards his followers would include those from the east and he mentioned again Horus on and they will be accompanied by people whose faces looked flat will look flat like beaten iron that's how he described it whose faces will look flat like beaten iron that physiologically if we look at the people we're talking about people from China that region that is the physiological nature of their facial features that the faces are flat strange to people in Arabia not part of the world and they will be from his followers those who have Muslim names many at one point he will reach the outskirts of Medina and when he reaches there Medina will be shook by three earthquakes and then hundreds of thousands will leave Medina and join him these will be people with Muslim names promise our solemn call them disbelievers and hypocrites they would leave and join him he will have the power given to him by Allah to command the sky to rain and the earth to bear fruit remember this is at a time when there was no rain for three years people in a state of desperation and this is what makes the trial so great because people will be desperate and he at that point will be able to call the sky call on the sky I tell the sky rain and the rain will fall he will tell the earth grow and it will flourish and he will have with him following him a mountain of bread and a mountain of meat that will follow him how we don't go into the details but he will have a huge amount of bread and meat main staples of humankind and of course those who follow him and accept him will eat those who reject him will starve and he will also have with him what appears to be two rivers one river will appear white and cool and the other will look like liquid fire like lava liquid metal and it's the promise of solemn said that if you are commanded to jump into one of these to jump into the fire because he's dead job what will appear to you to be evil the fire will be his that would be paradise whereas what appears cool white flowing waters that will be hell it will be his paradise but his hot paradise will be him and the treasures of the earth where he goes from land to land and he will go around the world like wind driven rain prophesy Solomon said wherever he enters a land the treasures of the earth of that land will come out to him for him and he will do what appears to be miraculous works among them he will call people and he gave the example of some gave the example of a Bedouin he will call on this graduate in front of the people and say to him if I were to resurrect your parents would you testify that I am your Lord because his dawa is not to being a Messenger of Allah that's not his Dawa and the Bronx was 11 referred to that jaeyoon who would come each one claiming that they were messengers of allah like mirza ghulam ahmed of the ahmadiyya Deanna's and others bahá'u'lláh from iran of the bias etc those are the Judoon but this Dajjal he will be calling people to accept him as Allah so he will say to this veteran if I were to resurrect your parents would you testify that I am your Lord and the Bedouin would say yes if you brought my parents back to life I would bear witness you are my lord because only my Lord can do that then the job will call on to ginnis that will take the form of his parents and they would say follow him my little son for he is your Lord see how many of us would pass that test that's what we have to ask ourselves where will we be if this time comes and he will cut individuals in half walk between their halves then tell the house to come together and they will come together the person will stand up smiling running to him but there will be among them one who will say to him after that John has cut him in half and brought him back together again and asked him to accept him as his Lord he will say no I am only more certain that you are false and he will call out to the people or people he won't be able to do this after anyone after me he won't be able to do this to anyone after me and that job will grab him and try to cut off his head Phil then he will throw him into that river of fire he will appear to be burnt into nothingness but the promise of Solomon said he will have fallen into paradise and he said haha are the moon nasty Shahadah to endure Abdullah Al Amin he is the greatest martyr in the sight of the Lord of all the worlds and he will rule the earth for forty days the first of which will be the length of a year the second of which will be the length of a month the third of which will be length of a week then the rest of the days would be like our days and he will fight the mati that's the struggle he will corner the forces of the Mahdi in Jerusalem and when he is about to finish him off prophet ISA alaysalam will descend will join forces with the Mahdi lead them in prayer and baton buckless and he will turn and he himself will kill the Mahdi sorry kill the job with his own hands that will be the end but this as I said story is a true story it's not fiction is the true story which Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah has informed us about for a purpose for us on one hand to consider the trials that people will face and how we would respond to those trials also for us to inform our families our communities of this danger which lies ahead and to be also ready that I know how to approach these trials the prophet saww Salem had said the one who memorizes the last ten verses of surah al-kahf it will be a protection for him to read surah al-kahf regularly also to seek refuge in formal prayer as the Prophet SAW Salim taught to remember Allah often and to flee from him a more honorable person had said whoever hears of Dajjal should flee far away from him for by Allah and will come to him thinking himself to be a firm believer and end up following the job because of the confusion the job would create in him so my brothers and sisters I ask Allah so Allah to keep at the job in our memory in our family's memory in our community's memory as protection for us from a time to come where we would be tested on a level that we could not imagine ask Allah to and Allah to forgive our parents and ourselves and to make the graves of our parents gardens from paradise rather than pits from hell and that we would also die following them and entering into gardens of paradise rather than pits from hell
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Dajjal, Bilal Philips, Dr Bilal Philips, AntiChrist, Doha Islamic Events, Signs, Appearance
Id: WRs-CjpWgl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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