The Shift W/ Dr. Taketa Williams LIVE 1/10/18

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this is a word network special presentation [Music] just ready for the shift with dr. Taketa Williams [Music] tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] good for you this ship [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] yeah shared with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] are you joking oh you have Sabrina get to the word Network than a sec look tone em to the ship [Music] and come on dig until you see [Music] whoo Jesus is a seat hallelujah we welcome you in the name of Jesus you just tuned in to the word network [Music] tonight you're going to receive a prophetic word you're gonna release receive a release you're gonna receive a fresh anointing you gotta know what God is saying concerning this next year I came to prophesy that the worst is over for real this is not discouraged [Music] and I know you wanna listen tonight it's gonna be incredible I want you to know that the operators are here with us tonight they're here for you right now I need a breakthrough I need something amazing here with me tonight tonight [Music] [Music] tomorrow McKinney it's what the Lord told me about tonight tonight there's a special anointing that is going to be released on you I want you to get your spirit ready I want you to get your faith right there's a special anointing and a special grace that it's going to be release this anointing the Lord told me to claim it and name it and call it a cycle breaking anointing listen this is your year of new beginnings this is your year of new things and to do something in your life ever being done but the Lord says in order to walk in your new there's some old cycles that have to be broken did you hear what I said there's some old cycles I'm gonna show you something tonight we have our new prayer cloths for 2018 many of you know I am a woman of Prayer I live in that place it's not just what I do but prayer for me is a place that I go oh yeah I go to I go all the way back to the Holy Ghost a song the Lord gave me these it's called a psycho breaking prayer cloth we're breaking the cycle and on here you'll see that we're going to be breaking cycles here we're gonna be breaking cycles of struggle cycles of loss cycles of lack cycles of poverty cycles of misfortune cycles of generational curses cycles of sickness cycles of disease cycles of depression you know that emotions oh yeah we breaking that cycle of depression that cycle of defeat noble losses total victory and we're breaking the cycle of failure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh I'm gonna give you a command and when I instruct you under auspices of the Holy Ghost I want you to respond and when you respond you're gonna receive one of this problem for new prayer clothes and a fresh bottle of consecrated anointing oil to go with and I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna tell you exactly what you need to do so that you can get your breakthrough and man stay right there I'll be right back and I want you to open up your spirit to receive everything God has for you in other words I want you to get ready it comes on the ship pray see singing I'm ready [Music] the kinda blessings that's about Apollo [Music] victory is huge kick the beep out the door [Music] [Music] [Music] come on this 2018 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Wow [Music] messing up with me [Music] [Music] new dream [Music] [Music] [Music] come on don't be afraid just with those hands before your mama saying sometimes you gotta do things in code with God so they gonna be don't know what I thank you so we see [Music] [Music] cuz it know what is about to do fire [Music] I've been waiting [Music] [Music] we say early [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where you are telling Lord I'm ready for the overflow we prophesied that your dry season it's come to an end I hurt the Lord as squad was ministering in the praise team I heard the Lord he said tell him that it had to be over in order to get them to the over flow see the flow couldn't come until it was over so be not dismayed about the things that God ended in your life I heard God say if he was ministry it's over but now get ready for for over from who's ready for the pools ready for the overflow you watching others and the Lord said before you go any further he said prepare prepare the prayer clothes he's a preparing I've known him with all y'all and in a few moments I'm gonna tell you to down eight five five seven-30 word when I tell you that's when you move when you respond and do it click when I give you instructions when I tell you what to do I want my guests I want you to come with me pastor Alvin apostle a stranger pastor McKinney and even our spotlight pastors I want you to come and just join me right here the Lord sitting right here right at this funk release the overflow really see over there release the over there Oh Shia Craig if the bank could give me something prophetic yet out I will come back here so they can see the breasts these pretzels and when you get one your whole house is getting ready to be breast that cycle that cycle that cycle that demonic cycle that strong code that the devil has built a ball around your life they're strong Cosette you ain't go no further enemy even though some of you don't suffocate oh but this year be the same tell you this is your new beginning and you get ready to walk in back with this new [Music] some persons with breaking cycles versus tonight [Music] two things [Music] we do everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you better get yours you cyclocross and just got ropes on the stretch I wanna break the cycle of generational curses when you break that cycle man oh god oh come on just lift your hands up even at home I see an anointing that you open up in this place I hear the Lord say the heavens are being opened up right now and the Lord says in your home in this studio ever you're watching he says I'm opening up the heavens and loosing glory there is a cycle breaking and already be loosed over you right now and I come again generational curses generational curses of poverty generational curses of depression that the devil said you'll never rise you're breaking the cycle right now everyone pray right now we loose a cycle break Illinois I think a generation [Music] [Music] seven refill well you better get it you get it and 18 said release [Music] cursors breaking my shots broken a five seven-30 word $80 and 18 cent release David said I can't take anything that belonged to the Lord if it don't cost me nothing it'll cost me nothing I'm telling you something it's there's a matter Lisa there's a mighty breakthrough that's getting ready to hit your family the curse was broken off your son I want you to break the curse of depression tell the devil not this year for something not this year we need to break that curse my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Feeny a Polish cycle spring better oh soon you're gonna walk in your mood russer upper quartile yeah yeah the Lord is free at you right now I want you to pick up that phone eight five five seven three zero word and I want you to get over this these are trench with all we're sending you these these right through here yeah you right to hit its way the apostle it's way too young you can ready to walk in the weight of this pound eight five five seven three two words some of you you're suppose are so double double of eighty 18 160 36 because you're supposed to soul for you and your whole house pick up that phone now don't wait don't wait when you so I'm gonna call up your man right over it I'm gonna call out your name and we're gonna declare that the cycle is broken we're gonna sing you one of these bless anointed my god this thing is powerful we're gonna send you one to exercise your faith and user the point we're gonna loose the oil they're learning a fresh bottle with you they've been prayed over they've been blessed 8:55 seven-30 word eighty eighteen eight five five seven three zero word 160 36 double decedent's for you and your whole house don't miss this moment we're gonna sell this to you I'm telling you you will not have a repeat of last year because the cycle has been broken God is anointing your feet and he's gracing you to walk in your new and your new is your next I want you to get ready to receive our sponsors tonight we welcome them they were just standing here with me as we prayed over and we bless this special cycle breaking prayer cloths and I know you're calling and I'm getting ready to run in the call center to see who you are and I'm gonna get your name and I'm gonna call out your name as you release your seat tonight don't you let the devil talk you out of this race cause this thing right through here is heavy it's no joke and it's about to drive back introduces our sponsors for tonight thank you dr. Taketa Williams are you enjoying yourself for tonight voices a droplet and shake the foundations of this studio it's my great honor it is my great privilege to introduce the spotlight pastors as they come and they give a blessed word to the people of God on today hey Perez Lord and pastor Marvis McGowan from the shining light Bible Mission Church Columbus Ohio and I just feel compelled to tell somebody that you're the issues that you've had have not discounted you and they have not caused you to miss God I want you to know that God is doing a new thing just like the woman of God said with the cycle chain breaking cycle of destruction and defeat and depression and all those things I want you to know that God will restore you you'll empower you he'll give you the strength to be conformed to the image of his son I want you to know that the naysayers and the scoffers and the fake wannabe Liars that told you that you were worthless and they god have rejected you I want you to know that God that is not of God that he's calling you he has need of you the body has need of you he wants you to get back on the will he was sure to come back to the house he wants you to get back in line get back in position so that you can be used by him listen they told you that you were worthless but God says there is therefore now no condemnation to those [Music] but the devil is a lie hallelujah God will use you and a magnificent wait the same people that told you that you were worthless and you had no value they got issues of their only just don't want you to know it but God is merciful and kind and I apologize for every person that said they know Jesus Christ and their followers of Jesus Christ but have not represented him well I apologize that you had Church hurts use that stuff as a crutch no longer get back in the house and get back on the wheel it's way too late hallelujah your victory is way too important for you to forfeit that but what somebody else says get back online tell your neighbors shift shift I'll tell you something tragedy does not mean it's all over with I don't care what you've been through this year the story of this year is a great chance to do it all over again somebody saved the shift I'll tell you right now that God wants to do something phenomenal in your life I don't know who I'm talking to but I'll tell you all around the world today that God wants to do something phenomenal I want you to know that listen just just Joshua lost his leader Moses Moses had died and the Lord the judge where he said my servant is dead but he asked the man of God he says to arise and I want you to take these people over into promise I want you to know today that this is the year oh god don't want you to have any luck hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] I am in Taylor Michigan in agreement with the woman of God today and we are in the beginning of the book [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what dr. Williams sound like we don't have some Chacho tonight we thank God for our spotlight pastors or tonight and we turn it over to you [Music] ministries and we know you are being blessed tonight inside seven-30 word eight five five seven three zero word I want you right now to pick up that phone and loose that seed of eighty eight teen whatever a man soweth that will he also reap that will he also reap Willie I'm sorry tonight there's an anointing to be reaped it's called a cycle breaking ignoring every cycle of defeat is about to be broken it's being broken off Nash you saw it this blessed anointed Prayer closed along with this bottle of fresh anointing oil is going to be sick to you and your house listen you're not going to be able to make it with this is the you gotta be clothed and declare your release and when they're going to declare breakthrough in your life as you pick up that from and so your cedar I'm not gonna call you a mint declare your cycle breaking anointing over your life haha seven-30 work eighty dollars and 18 cents each let that be your new beginning seed already letter so your new beginning scene because there's a release that God is about to anoint you to walk in listen there's some powerful things happening right now I'm really excited about this year I come out the gate strong this year about a couple things that I got taking place all right first of all I want to tell you about Tuesday night refresh Tuesday night refresh is gonna be in Jacksonville Florida every first and third Tuesday first and third Tuesday's we're doing a 12-week of flow here every first and third Tuesday in Jacksonville Florida if you're in the Jacksonville Florida area anywhere remotely close I want you to meet me this upcoming Tuesday which is the 16th January the 16th we're gonna be at the Sheraton Hotel at 7 o'clock and I would love to see it's gonna be Sunday night January 28th at 6 o'clock p.m. Sunday January 28th at 6 o'clock p.m. will be after JH Ross family conference center and we want to see you there you can go to my website for all the information dr. Taketa Williams stop or we want to see you here with me tonight and I asked her to come she she's from my hometown I'm just excited to see her I haven't saw her and her husband and years and they came and supported our last outport gathering and the Lord used me to prophetically minister to her and I told her at that time I would invite her here and now she is standing in the release [Applause] yeah we welcome you women account to the shift I know God is play something you spit I just want you to introduce your church and then I want you to flow and the Holy Ghost amen god bless you prophetess thank you so much and blessings to you for honoring the Word of God amen and I am Alpha McGowan and our church is the shining light Bible mission church it's in Columbus Ohio [Music] Marvin L McGowan is doing in Columbus and I appreciate the opportunity that you trust the Holy Ghost in me to be able to share a word with the people of God amen because we know that God has said many things to us but our ears need to be attentive to what the Lord is saying because he requires some things of us and in this season God is saying and it's not a popular word and even when God begins to minister to me on what he was saying I had to take that word to myself first and what God is saying to the body is that we need to repent and go back to the first work and before we think that God has been critical about our life it's not sinning but sometimes we're doing things that are weighing us down from doing what God has required for us to do away from those things back to the things of God and God I need a moving God I need you to break some things I need to change God but all the while we're standing in place prophetess we're standing still we're not moving we're stagnant but we wanted God to do something when you ought to say I've already given you what you need for the shift looking at things with our eyes and we understand we know that we're in the flesh in these things appeal to us and there's nothing wrong with that but we've got it a little twisted because we got a little greedy and we got a little fish we're looking at the tangible things of God and we're forgetting the work of God and what is happening is that we're steadily having our hands out wanna got to increase and wanna God to enlarge and wanna gotta give me more and asking God for an overflow but the reality is we don't have the wisdom to be able to sustain the things that God has given us it's refined in the body of Christ where homes are being foreclosed on and we find that cars have been repossessed in all these things that we're gathering are being taken from us because the wisdom to keep it we don't have and the reality is that wisdom that we need it doesn't come from seeking God's hand it comes from seeking God's face first we got it twisted there are souls that need to be saving people are dying God has required us the kingdom citizens to go out and to compel these people but we're so greedy trying to get stuck myself that we're forgetting to see first we gotta focus first word to my people he says I want you to go back and I want you to tell them how dare you not God's words mine but how dare you sit here and begin to profit in your home well my temple lies in ruin so caught up in making sure you got what you need that you forgot about the things of God and listen at one point people were excited about rebuilding the temple they were excited about doing the work for God but along the way they got discouraged because of the naysayers and people who began to talk about them and people who went to criticize the work that they was doing it they looked around and said well I'm already blessed I have enough anyway so why should I continue to work for God when I got what I need but listen God is saying to the PICU because your ways look the world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know what else to do requires me [Music] [Music] because you need you tell me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from New York [Music] New York [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm getting ready to make [Music] even gonna feel right three zero work release Kingston feat release 160 36 double-double release it now ready for standing by we can better rush in the Kohl Center and as you're suing your scene we're gonna jump on the phone and we're getting ready to pray for seven-30 word and not only we're gonna pray for you but we're gonna release this miracle prayer cloth she's psycho breaking anointing prick loss and the anointing oil amen listen we're going and consider eight five seven three zero work release let's see release your faith and you watch God release your promise here comes Tanya Baker and the ship racing singing we lift [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] would you say that my moment Minister Becca nobody can do me like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody's encouraged me something begins to happen with your called Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Lord Jesus we call on the name of Jesus and I [Music] cycles are breaking in the name Jesus snow cones are breaking in the name of Jesus diseases are being reviewed it's try rippers uh putting in the name of Jesus somebody somebody is getting at your life back somebody's expectation is increasing right now because we're gonna be praying and releasing our faith and setting our faith in agreement with you at every cycle of the is from Mississippi Michelle from Michigan Oh from Ohio Oh psycho is breaking check one sheet of 80186 feet 36 we're going to rush you these blessed new consecrated 2008 prayer cloths take it in your prayer closet with you take it to work with you in the morning when you're sick in your body laid on your body Michael you need a miracle anywhere in your life I want you to use it as a point of contact you want you to see the breakthrough Oh people apostle restraint receive these she had stage 4 breast cancer they it was bad but I laid a miracle prayer cloth on her breast didn't even know she had the issue and I want you to know she went back to the doctor as I instructed her to and the doctors wait a minute working power I'm gonna rush you one of these we're gonna send it to you and also your own bottle of anointing oil it ain't no joke up to it ain't no joke it's gonna Jack the devil up and it's gonna drive he'll pack off of your life and you getting ready to see your life take off in another direction five seven-30 word released at a dat release that 160 36 and after after the conclusion of this moment we're gonna jump that dumb them phones and we're gonna declare release over you over you right now right now call that number freeze your work oh my next guest here's an apostle the Lord Jesus Christ and I was talking to prophet Ferguson I said who who who is the Lord oh right now who is really speaking the heart and mind of God who who can come and help me prophesy to the people of God he says apostle Ryan Lestrange he's shaking up stuff in the kingdom of God I said well I wanna know him and here he is today right here on the ship line right here on the word Network we welcome tonight to the ship Ryan Lestrange Thank You hallelujah come on give Jesus a praise tonight I'll tell you there's a chain breaking anointing in this place you know dr. Taketa the devil didn't want me here he fought my play flop my voice plot my body but I'm here and there's a lot of people that in 2017 the devil did not want you to get to 2018 but I came to tell somebody tonight there is a make up breakthrough for you that's what I've been feeling in my spirit the Lord said you're going from micro into make up in a nervous breakdown depression in to enlargement I want to tell you something else see break cycles when God wanted to break the cycle of the Egyptian bondage he said Moses how do the devil flop Moses the devil tried to kill every firstborn child every firstborn male child the assignment of the prey on your property make it after wings I believe we're going into mega miracles I saw my glowing miracles in the spirit I saw the Lord shifting cities I saw the Lord shifting regions many of you pastors and your ministers you see where I'm at is so dead and it's to try but the Lord says reason I can't appear glory in the Old Testament it talks about a canopy of glory I saw the glory of the Lord shifting cities I saw the glory of the Lord shifting reaches I revival outbreaks in 2018 Michael generation has never known we are going for making a breakthrough right now right now right now right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] tonight [Music] get your crazy [Music] [Music] I want to read what inscription I feel the Holy Ghost is gonna take this thing over my cat 2:13 I was praying the whole time Lord what scripture to read he said I want you to decree make a breakthrough like a 2:13 this is the word of the Lord for word network I heard the Lord say that's the word network is about to release voices of miraculous the Lord cyber Asia this network to release voices of the Baracus to demonstrate it's time we stop this preaching and we start moving in the power in the glory in the supernatural in the mega signs in the make of wonders dr. Taketa I heard the Lord say there's gonna be mega restoration over you that every demon that is tried to steal from the mantle on your life and robbed from the scenes not told you to do every curse every witch every bit of witchcraft it's been broken and the Lord said this is your here of the mega restoration I want to read the scripture like a 213 someone needs to say this is for me the breaker is come up before them listen now they're broken up they'll pass through the gate they're gone out by it and the King shall pass before them and the Lord some of you are breaking up dr. Tina we've gotta break up to break out 2017 some things are broken up some alignments were broken up some relationships we're broken up some assignments were broken up and we ended many of us weeping but the Lord said there is makeup breakthrough for here in 2018 it's not over it's just getting started the Lord said I got I got bigger I got crater I got higher I gotta make a breakthrough he's broken up broken out watch this to bring you through the gate you know what the gate is it represents a place of authority God is about to bring some people out to bring you into a place of authority God set the devil thought he had shut you up someone watching this 10 you're in your bed right now you've got no life you're not no movement your body you got an incurable disease but the Lord just said to me to count to three I'm at least a mega healing NRT and the heart said it's time to get up the devil told you it was over like God said it ain't over God said there's a make a breakthrough for you the time to father in the name of Jesus for every invalid every pen read in person I can't sell the assignment of the spirit of death in the name of Jesus and I loose a mega breakthrough dr. Williams help me one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I heard in the spirit I'm hearing he was going on in the house a prayer release from prison and when it was released in prison he walked to one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] strange suppose a mega see $1,000 when you sew something you've never sold before when you step and you say I'm going to make up help against the shake so right now [Music] get your seat someone shop [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a anything you want [Music] [Music] [Music] we're coming to meet you as you saw you'll see something tereska and the ship racing singer you're amazing see we're really see [Music] and he's wonderful he's a favorite color [Music] your son your face you are a you're so nice you healed the sea [Music] you see [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's a god my god listen my god he's an amazing guy tereska the way she goes to God listen to rest is gonna be up the outpour with us and I want her sitting in that same song Sunday January the 28th Columbus Ohio 6:00 p.m. you gotta be there and she's gonna be declaring how amazing God is Columbus Ohio Sunday January 28th at 6 p.m. JH Ross conference center go to my website by clicking Katie William Snyder you can't miss it and listen you can't miss this moment with releasing your seed because something amazing if you need a mega amazing miracle mega amazing miracle pick up that phone release your faith by releasing your sin apostle of strangers in the call center right now he's in the call center praying for those that are releasing their faith and releasing their see he's back there pray that's right pick up the phone release your seat and that Apple Spelling voice then apostolic power it's getting ready to jump on that phone and break something off your life off your family every generation of coach listen I feel a strong anointing for breaking generational curses and yeah I'm telling you I'm telling you you said woman I can't seem to get I don't know what's going on with my kids and you've been overwhelming you've been by I don't know what's going on in the finances I don't know what's going on in my family it's a generation of cows that God wants to break there's an anointing to break generational curses tonight if you need one broken eight five five seven three zero word release that 80 18 release that double 160 36 release that $1,000 mega she'd do with God's sake give the Lord your yes there's a release of something mega Florida release her 88 Virginia 88 Carinthia from New York Jesse [Music] [Music] [Music] right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] anyhow [Music] it's gonna say something you told me to tell you when you release the C 80 18 when you release the C double summers double soda 160 36 [Music] something is about to break every hijacking spirit my gosh I Sheila from Pennsylvania she said her face in agreement in Seoul Robert from Ohio Lakeisha from Texas Stella from New York Kelly a reconfirm the we seen to make it from Tennessee comp seven three TV deals shop seven-30 work Jacqueline from Florida addy from North camera oh my god sue 160 36 Carol a five seven three zero word what's your ring what dimension of the enormity you wanna throw up machine release the 88 ingress release 160 36 release that's an annoying to get he guards to do something huge God's getting ready to take you somewhere you ain't never [Music] [Music] five seven three zero work release you'll see this is the crucial moment don't you disobey gosh I'm telling you your miracle it's on the other side of your beating 80 18 we didn't come here to get nothing from you but we came together miracle to you there's a stronger noni that is in this place in this get rid of the break of a couch every curse every house as you loose you'll see cops give it in a little shoe from the power of that curse that's an order let's get ready to break some cycles this year won't be a repeat of last year he is befo due to a new sink you'll get me to see isaiah 43:19 to do a new single see seven-30 word 80-85 seven-30 worth 160 36 855 seven-30 worth $1,000 see that's a break he's told me to tell you he told me to tell the people that this year he's getting ready to anoint them to conquer deck alliance [Music] [Music] you know with you you can medical check the lion his name is revolution his name means revolution revolution comes from the word reborn somebody say revolution say revolve revolve means to go around and around and around in a circle revolve it's literally a psycho the lion represented a demonic cycle that was in operation and Israel's light the God raised up for David was a prophetic anointing to break the cycle that was operated to the spirit of Goliath and the Philistines [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoever bring down this enemy and whoever break this cycle off of the paper told me to tell you if you obey Him like chicken come on mega demons are coming down right now mega demons over your family mega demons over your finances mega demons over your home what should the praise you got may seem little the siege you got may seem little the prayer you've got facing little but when David ran up on the front lines all he had was a stove but he began to at least what was in his head deliverance day [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] solution [Music] I get [Music] [Music] this has been a word network special presentation brought to you by the friends and partners of the word network all over the world the Bible declares that faith the size of a mustard seed is all you need to do powerful works and accomplish what seems impossible and now you can where carry and have this mustard seed package as a symbol of your faith in God when you sow a love gift of $78 or more you'll receive the complete mustard seed
Channel: The Word Network
Views: 6,171
Rating: 4.7746477 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 2sec (7142 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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