"The Shepherd King" Revival Series Part 8 - Securing the Kingdom

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[Music] [Music] really when we talk about david we're talking about jesus because jesus is known as the son of david and david is one of the most powerful types and allegories in his life of the messiah and so really this is a study about christ as much as anything our study today is dealing with securing the kingdom and our goal is going to be to cover 2nd samuel chapters 1 through eight now when we left off last time we realized that there was a tremendous tragedy in the kingdom after 40 years of reigning he was called initially he was a good king spirit-filled but saul became proud along the way and he started drifting further and further from god until finally he was basically demon-possessed and in a massive battle with the philistines uh saul seen that he was mortally wounded he asked his armor-bearer if he would kill him the armor-bearer was afraid to do it um he'd spend his whole life protecting the king and real not wanting the philistines to capture him while he was still alive and torture him to death saul fell on his own sword and you've probably heard that expression before he fell on his sword and when the armor bear saw that he fell on his sword and there was a a great great defeat in the battle that day the philistines not only killed thousands of israel soldiers they then annexed a number of kingdoms all through saul's reign he had pushed back and he'd fought against the philistines they had reclaimed territory of israel but in this one decisive battle the philistines reclaimed everything that saul had had seized back before and they lost a lot of ground well david doesn't know about this you know they didn't have internet they didn't have satellite news back then and and so david is several days away if you remember david had spent a year and a half living among the philistines pretending he was working with the philistines when in fact he was raiding the the amalekites david now had gone up as though he was going to fight against israel with the philistines he left his family in a town called ziklag along with the families of all the soldiers and when they got back they found out the amalekites in their absence they had sacked conquered burnt the city of ziklag carried away david's family and david and his soldiers went and recovered everything they managed to defeat the amalekites they was another big battle and hundreds were slain it doesn't record that david lost a single man in that battle but um they brought everything back they're in the smoldering ruins of ziklag they're wondering what has become of israel in this battle with the philistines this is where we take up our story and so if you go to the first book of i'm sorry this first chapter of second samuel it says now it came to pass after the death of saul when david returned from the slaughter of the amalekites and david had stayed there at ziklag for two days on the third day you know how things often come on the third day biblically on the third day behold it happened that a man came from saul's camp with his clothes torn as a sign of mourning dust on his head so it was when he came to david he fell to the ground and prostrated himself and david said where have you come from he said i have escaped from the camp of israel david said how did the matter go what happened with the battle please tell me he answered the people have fled from the battle many of the people are fallen and dead saul and jonathan his son are dead also and david said to the young man how do you know that saul and jonathan or his son are dead then the young man who told him as it happened as i happened by chance to be on mount gilboa there was saul leaning on his spear and indeed the chariots and the horsemen followed hard at him after him and when he looked behind him he saw me and he said here am i he said who are you he said i'm an amalekite one of the servants of israel he said to me please stand over me and kill me for anguish has come upon me but my life is still in me he was wounded by the archers now here's where the amalekite starts telling a big story didn't happen this way so i stood over him and i killed him because i was sure that he could not live after he'd fallen and i took the crown that was on his head and the bracelet was on his arm and i brought him here to my lord and david took hold of his own clothes and he tore them and so did all the men who were with him now this is really surprising the amalekite messenger you see the malachite everyone knew that david had been running from saul for years everybody knew that saul had been trying to kill david and now he thinks i'm going to be bringing good news your enemy king saul is dead in fact here is the crown and here's the bracelet evidently what happened is when saul was wounded you know he asked his armor bearer to kill him he wouldn't do it he fell on his own sword the philistines seeing all these bodies they went on continued to pursue the living enemy and they rode right past saul in in the chaos of war and his sons and the amalekite coming up around sundown he sees the king is dead he sees he's fallen on his own sword and he thinks aha i will get a big reward rather than just keep the crown i will give the crown to david the bracelet proof because i've borne this message i'll get a reward and he'll be happy because you know after all saul was trying to kill him that's the way it used to work in antiquity but it also not only did you get rewarded for good news you got punished for bad news david later he says to this amalekite messenger he said were you not afraid to lift up your hand and kill the lord's anointed by the way this is probably a good place if you wanted to take a detour and talk about physician-assisted suicide but i'm not going to do that but i will say life is sacred and even if a person is near death it doesn't mean you're supposed to dispatch them and david said this was the lord's anointed were you not afraid to kill him i had two chances to kill him and i didn't take it and evidently the amalekite didn't know that and evidently the amalekite did not know that david had just come from rescuing his family from the amalekites and fighting with the amalekites so it did not end well for him that day he didn't get the reward he was expecting he had one of david's soldiers kill him because he with his own mouth testified i killed the king and you know david it's hard for us to imagine but david loved saul you have to remember when david was a boy saul was the big mighty powerful king he was rescuing them in battle he was winning against the philistines and he was david's father-in-law and so in light of all these things and twice david said he's the lord's anointed and if i ever want people to respect me for being the anointed david thought i need to respect the lord's anointed and so he this man he didn't understand so david then commences to write and sing a lament a dirge it's a song that he writes and you can read about this in it's called the song of the bow and it's written it says in the book of jasher another extra biblical book we don't have the beauty of israel is slain verse 19 the main verse of the song how the mighty have fallen you've probably heard that repeated i don't know why they called it the song of the bow because three times he says how the mighty have fallen how the mighty have fallen you know the leaders were jonathan once had gone against several philistines and one he and his armor bearer killed 20 and saul had run won many battles and he was you know tall and strong but when it says how the mighty have fallen in this lament you know there's a whole book in the bible that is called the lament written by jeremiah after jerusalem falls it's called the book of lamentations a spirit-filled lament and in this lament it's also talking about how the mighty have fallen here was a man a king chosen by god big tall strong spirit-filled and little by little through selfishness and pride he fell so not only did he fall as the king saul had fallen from god's plan for him just as adam fell in the garden of eden how the mighty have fallen and in this song because of saul the good fell with him and david then sings about jonathan and how he loved you read in verse 26 i'm distressed for you my brother jonathan you have been very pleasant to me your love was to me wonderful surpassing the love of women and it talks about the pure love of friendship here that is very rarely spoken about now and then he closes with how the mighty fallen and the weapons of war perished moving on to chapter two now david does something that uh he's not done for a while how did david end up in the land of the philistines because he prayed and god said run to the philistines or did david forget to ask god and he ends up spending a year and a half in a big lie pretending he's something he's not and now david has come to a sense as i think when his family was kidnapped by the amalekites he did a lot of weeping then david said well how did i end up here in the land of the enemy i was never told by god to do this god had been leading him all along the way but now he goes on his own it's kind of like elijah you read the story of elijah god says to elijah go do this go do that he goes everywhere god says and lord blesses he takes care of him but then jezebel sends him a scary message and he gets afraid he runs for 40 days and god says what are you doing here i didn't tell you to go here and so sometimes even god's people spook and they run and david now he turns back to god and he inquires of the lord i mean you've been anointed as king they now have no king the crown princes the oldest sons of saul jonathan aminadab malkeisha they're all dead on the battlefield israel has been taken over by the philistines they need a leader but now david says maybe they don't want me i've been hanging out with the philistines maybe i've been disqualified by my disobedience so he says lord do you still have a plan for me what do you want me to do shall i go up to any of the cities of judah and god says yes go up david's very careful now he not only says what shall i do he says when shall i go and where shall i go he says go to hebron so david takes his wives and his men and they all they all go up to hebron now just a little history about hebron um in hebron it's about 25 miles southwest of jerusalem it's in the land of judah before jerusalem it really would have been some of the the capital of the land of judah you read several times about abraham in mamrie mamre is just a little distance from hebron it's all the same region the word hebron means alliance we're joining together and it was at hebron that the people came and joined together with him um if it was actually one of the sons of levi the city is named after and it's been under almost continuous occupation for thousands of years here in hebron abraham built an altar to the lord it was at hebron that lot parted from abraham because they had so much stuff and he went down to sodom it was at hebron god with two angels met with abraham and said i'm not going to hide from you what i'm about to do to lot and his family and it was there abraham intercedes for them and in hebron is where abraham isaac and jacob are buried so it is a very significant city outside of hebron there was a cave called the cave of mcpella and there abraham and sarah isaac and rebecca jacob and leah not rachel she was buried in bethlehem were buried and so the patriarchs and those wives are there so it's a very significant city david goes there and david from the tribe of judah they lost confidence in saul the elders come to him and they anoint him king now it's been a long time coming but i want you to notice david was anointed king first as a lad he may have been 12 13 years old before he even killed goliath he's anointed chosen by samuel by god now he's anointed officially but he's only king of judah and so he reigns in hebron for about seven and a half years but during that time unfortunately abner who was the general for king saul he's also the uncle of saul he decides you know they don't he doesn't want to lose his position as a general and so he takes a young well he's not that young he's 40. he takes one of the sons surviving sons of saul ishbasheth now how'd you like to have the name ishbashith anyway and so but he only reigned for two years and it goes on to say there was a constant war now between the 11 tribes that followed saul and abner and only the tribe of judah judah was a very powerful big tribe they had really almost the whole southern territory and the war went on and during the war it says here david and this is by the way ii samuel 3 1. david there was long war between the house of saul and the house of david well two years not that long of war there's a war once called the hundred year war but it was constant battle every time they did business with each other there was a skirmish it started out with 12 men from one side and 12 men with other and they got into war and they all killed each other it was very unusual and then a battle broke out between joab who sort of became the general for david and joab is the nephew of david and abner and ishbashith you never hear of ishbashith leading anyone into battle he pretty much stayed home let abner fight the wars somewhat of an incompetent king but you read david grew stronger and stronger and the house of saul grew weaker and weaker and in one of these battles you need to know there a blood feud developed because joab had two brothers the general these are three nephews of david david had one sister those seven or eight boys of jesse and i think i went over that with you once it says seven once it says eight probably one died they had one sister zeruaya she had three boys joab abashai and adonijah and and assahl rather sorry and uh assahel was chasing after ahab in this battle abs in his chariot and and he's chasing after him and he won't go to the right left he says i want to get credit for killing the general of israel and abner knows who he is and he says look turn aside he says if you want to take a trophy it says get one of these men keep their armor says i can't look your brother either having a conversation while he's chasing after him and says assal is as quick as a gazelle and he just runs and runs and he chases after the chariot he wants to kill abner adler says don't do it because how could i look your brother joab in the eye if i kill you and he wouldn't listen and abner who was a skilled soldier you don't get to be general unless you're pretty good fighter he turns back and he stabs the and kills him and a blood feud develops you need to understand because later it comes up in the story eventually if both fish accuses abner of having an affair with one of saul's concubines abner evanelli was innocent of this he was outraged he would even accuse him of such a thing he said how dare you say that ishbashith realizes that his kingdom's in jeopardy and he's thinking ahab wants to be king i have never sorry wants to be king and the way you became king sometimes is you took your enemies wives you remember the first thing that uh absalom did when he took jerusalem he slept with his father's concubines and that basically meant now i'm in control and you remember when solomon killed his brother it's because his brother said he wanted one of david's wives he said i know what you're up to adonijah was trying to take the kingdom and so abner was really upset that he would be accused of this and he said how dare you do this he says you realize it's in my power to hand the kingdom over to david and you're getting weaker and weaker i can see where this is heading you're not a king and any hope for me to still have physician of general i need to enter into a league with david so abner goes up to jerusalem he sends a letter first to david and he says tell you what he says talk to me i'll make a covenant with you and i will hand the tribes of israel over to judah and you'll be king over everything david said good enough he said except one condition don't come to me until you bring me back my wife michael you remember david had killed 200 philistines to get the daughter of saul as a dowry well during the battle saul had now given his wife saul had just declared a divorce david never divorced her he gave michael to another man and david says look i want my wife back and they had no right to do that now part of the reason david's doing this he knows in order for israel to come to him they've all been following the house of saul for over 40 years 42 years now he's kind of showing his right to the throne of saul in that he at least is married to one of saul's daughters and so later he sort of regrets he does this but he he gets michael back he arranges a meeting with abner abner says good enough you know you make me general i'll bring all of israel over to you i'm paraphrasing because we got eight chapters and uh right and david arranges so that joab is not in jerusalem when he makes this covenant with abner well job gets back from some expedition and they said did you hear abner was just here he just left he was talking to david and he said really he said send form and so they send for abner and say oh you david still wants to see one more thing he forgot to cover avenue turns around he comes back job takes him aside and acts like he's going to embrace him and stabs him for killing his brother this is a blood feud it was very common back then that once you killed the family member another family member was responsible to get even you remember that um i'm assuming you've read all this about the cities of refuge if you accidentally killed someone you might have one of their kin come after you and you would go to a city of refuge you were safe there until the death of the high priest and then you could go free so abner is killed by joab and basically david says i can't do anything about this because first of all they're my nephews these are my generals all the mighty men follow joab and he says the sons of zeruaya are too hard for me there's nothing i'm going to be able to do about this but david mourns the death of abner and he wins the hearts of israel and he writes another lament for abner he writes another song well at that point then the elders of israel come to david and they say you're the one and you can read this in second samuel 5. all the elders come to david and hebron and they make a covenant with him in hebron and they anointed david king over all of israel so how many anointings do we have now it's the third one once as a child once over hebron and now once over all of israel finally he's waited a long time david is now 30 years old how old was jesus when he was baptized 30 years old how old was joseph when he began to rule over all of egypt 30 years old how old did you need to be before you began to serve as a priest 30 years old so there's some significance to this it's another way where david and jesus are similar he finally begins his ministry as king at 30 his complete ministry over all of israel and quickly the kingdom he is welded together now you'll notice during the seven years when david is king over hebron over judah the philistines don't fight with him because they thought oh yeah david we know him he's our friend also they gave him the tribes of israel of judah that's small potatoes but now when david becomes the king of all of israel they realize oh wow now he's taken saul's place he's going to be a prom but before i get to that i want you to notice in second samuel chapter 5 verse 4 david was 30 years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years he reigned in hebron over judah seven years and six months and in jerusalem he reigned 33 years over all of israel and judah now do you find those numbers other places you've got um 33 and 7 and 30 and 40. those are all numbers connected to jesus fast for 40 days and 40 nights was jesus 33 and a half when he died and christ's ministry was seven years among the jews and these are all numbers that can be also linked with jesus in his ministry and the next thing that happens is david is finally king he says look i need a capital now david grew up in bethlehem not too far away was a great fortress but it always bothered david that the fortress on this beautiful situation beautiful hill you know they say in real estate what are the three rules location location location jerusalem is a perfectly located yeah on down one side you can basically see the mediterranean down the other side you can see the dead sea in the jordan valley it's got springs on top of a mountain which gives you gravity flow water it's just a great location for a fortress and protection many years earlier there was a king named melchizedek who was king of salem and later they built a fortress there better known as jerusalem and then the we don't know what became a melchizedek but the jebusites one of the canaanite kingdoms they built a fortress there and even after joshua and the tribes had overcome all of the other the perizzites and the gibeonites and all the other ites that were in the kingdom to the termites and all of them they never did overthrow the jebusites because it was such a fortress and but david he knew as a young man and as a shepherd that there was a secret water shaft that led into the city where one person could squeeze through and get up inside these fortress tall walls and david said i want to take the kingdom jerusalem for the kingdom to be the capital it's going to be my fortress we don't want the jebusites to have a fortress right in the middle of our kingdom you don't want the devil to have a fortress in your life and in your heart don't give him a foothold well the jebusites made fun of david they said even the blind and the lame could repel your forces if they tried to get in the city and so that became a proverb later david said even the blind and the lame will not come in to the um the temple site when it was built and so david says all right whoever can be first to get inside the city some of you know the story of the trojan horse they had five men inside this big wooden gift horse and they snuck out and they opened the gates then they left the whole army in if you could get someone on the inside well david said if someone could sneak up the water shaft and open the gates for our armies at night we'll be able to take the city uh and joab did it and he promised whoever does this you'll be general well joab was sort of already general first since he said i'm going to do it no one argued with him and joab did it so david let joab remain general and he was the general for david until the day of his death and he was a good general he didn't do a lot of things right but as far as generals go joab fighting with david never lost the battle and those boys of jesse were pretty tough that family there so david says whoever climbs up by the way of the water shaft and defeats the jebusites by the way i'm in verse eight of chapter five second samuel the lame and the blind who are hated by david's soul he shall be chief and captain therefore they say the blind and the lame will not come into the house and so david then he took the city he makes it the capital of the kingdom and you'll find some confusion in the bible sometimes it'll say the city of david the city of david the city of david and you think now it's jerusalem once or twice it's talking about bethlehem where he was born and they're both called the city of david but they're not far from each other so don't let that be a stumbling block for you so he sets up jerusalem as his capital and what does jerusalem mean when you're jewish and you tell someone happy sabbath what do you say shabbat shalom shalom means peace and you you know we say hello goodbye and when we were in new guinea and we were telling people good night we heard the conference president say go to sleep we're driving down the road he's reaching call out when to go to sleep go to sleep it's like a parent telling all these kids go to sleep he said no that's pigeon for good evening so but then you know we've got a hello goodbye in hawaiian you say aloha hello aloha goodbye and in hebrew it's that way too shalom could be a greeting shalom could be a parting it basically means peace jeru means city of and so jerushalam means city of peace and it becomes a capital which is later a symbol for jesus who will be the king of the new jerusalem that you see in the end of the bible so all of this is connected we have a new son of david that will be the king of the new jerusalem and so he subdues all the nations around him when he gets settled in in the kingdom it tells us that hiram the king of tyres sends messengers now david the tire was like the capital city for the phoenicians and it's a very wealthy city through biblical history david enters into a league with him the king of tyre does not like the philistines either and so they enter into a league and he says look i'm going to send you miller materials because tyre is at the foot of the mountains of lebanon and they've got all these great cedar trees and building material up there jerusalem all they got is stones and they wanted some lumber and timber to build a palace and so now david's got a palace he's got a capital he builds it you can read there where it says that he built the city around um like it says from the millow and that means that the ditch there was this outer ditch and they built up the city makes a strong capital there and then you read in verse 12 david knew the lord had established him as king over israel and he exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people israel he knew that he had done it for the sake of his people well now when the philistines heard that david has settled in the kingdom they go to war and now david has a series of victories subduing the nations around him second samuel 5 17 when the philistines heard that they had anointed king over israel all the philistines went up to search for david and david heard of it and he went down to the stronghold so david went to baal parism and david david defeated them there and that's the first battle and this is all of the philistines it's not a skirmish it's a major battle then the philistines went up once again and deployed themselves in the valley of rephiem and you read in chapter five chapter 5 verse 25 and david so did as the lord commanded him he drove back the philistines from geba as far as geezer now in both these battles you'll find that david is again saying lord what do you want me to do what do you want me to do how do you order the battle he's inquiring of the priests and so he's spending a lot of time depending on the lord so principal enemies defeated the philistines they retake the cities israel retakes the cities that they lost in the battle with saul and eight years have gone by at this point he's becoming very prosperous they're able to start taxing instead of them paying taxes to the our tribute to the philistines the philistines now are paying tribute to them the philistines have iron david is getting the iron works of the philistines he's making good armaments and metal swords before all they had was bronze swords you can read about that here now after he's becoming settled where does david's heart go next he's thinking here i am i'm in a palace i'm in the capital city i'm king things are going great and the ark of god and the temple of god is it tattered they have been patching the tabernacle that moses built in the wilderness several hundred years have gone by all through the time of the judges the ark of god the golden candlestick the golden table the altar of incense all these sacred things they're going to a tent he said look we're a significant kingdom now all these other kingdoms have temples for their gods we've got a tent for our god we can do better than this and so his passion is to bring the ark to jerusalem but david in his haste he doesn't consult the scriptures the priests don't consult the scriptures the last time the ark moved how many of you remember when um during the time of samuel the ark was captured and a bunch of plagues come on the philistines and um finally the philistines said let's get rid of this thing it's plaguiness so they take the ark and they put it on a cart with a couple of oxen and they say if this is god's doing the oxen will take the cart by themselves unattended and bring it to israel so the last time the ark is moved it's on the back of an ox cart that's because the philistines don't know any better and so god doesn't do anything and during that time some people actually of israel they peek into the ark and all these terrible things happen so david doesn't realize it's a problem and he says look let's bring the ark to jerusalem and he has a big celebration he brings out the band they put the ark on a cart and they're bringing it up towards jerusalem and when they come this is second samuel 6 6. when they came to nakhon's threshing floor azza one of the priests puts out his hand to the ark of god and took hold of it for the oxen stumbled he said well it's starting to shake on the cart the rough ground and the anger of the lord was aroused against azer and god struck him there for his heir and he died by the ark of god and david became angry because of the lord's outbreak against zeza and he called the name of the place pereza to this day and david was afraid of the lord that day and he said how can the ark of the lord come to me well david's you ever been mad at god sometimes people go through terrible tragedies they're angry at god have you ever met anybody angry at god maybe you want to admit it but it says here david was angry at god he says here lord i thought i was doing this for you i'm bringing the ark up to jerusalem it'll be the center of the capitol and i was praising the lord we had the priests and then later he feared the lord well finally he realized this did not happen because god didn't love the nation they had disobeyed and there was a consequence nobody was supposed to touch the ark read in the book numbers 4 15 and when aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the furnishings of the sanctuary whenever they transported things they cover it when the camp is set to go then the sons of coast shall come and carry them but they shall not touch any holy thing lest they die do not touch it this is why they had poles going through the ark to bear it a little trivial question how many priests were supposed to carry the ark we don't know sometimes you're going to see artists that are painting one priest on the four corners each holding the pole sometimes you'll see where they had three there's 12 priests meaning three on each pole four times three right um i think it may have been eight and i'll tell you why in just a minute but we're not exactly sure the ark was heavy if you ever see a picture where there's four men carrying the ark you wouldn't want to do that very long and you remember one time you had four priests that were standing in the jordan rivers the whole all the people several million crossed over i thought that was gold it was like a boat anchor and so and i didn't mean that disrespectfully i mean it was heavy so they weren't supposed to touch it finally david has the priest look he's wondering what's going on because they take the ark when as it dies they don't want to take it any further and the closest person is a guy named obed edom and they said we're leaving it here well for three months the ark is at the house of obedient and it says god blesses everything that he has his servants are blessed his produces bless his health is blessed his family's blessings all these blessings come on obed eat him because the ark is there he's probably terrified last guy who touched this thing died and now you've got the ark with me what's going to happen but god blesses them see oh but they eden remembered when first samuel it says the lord struck the men of bethshemesh because they looked in the ark he struck fifty thousand and seventy men of the people and the people lamented because the lord had struck his people the great slaughter because the people in this town dared to open the ark and look inside and so now the ark is left at this guy's house and he's afraid god says don't be afraid if you don't touch it everything's okay and he blesses them david's thinking i want to be blessed what's happening and the priest do a little bible study and they say um this is the most important national treasure you are not supposed to touch it no one is we don't ever want anyone accused of altering the ten commandments what's the most important document for american citizens the u.s constitution of the united states any of you been to see that it's at the rotunda of the national archives there's a picture on the screen it is an alarm cased special vacuum temperature controlled environment that is highly guarded because why it's got the foundational documents it's to be protected not only do we not want anyone changing it it's just something sacred about it well the ark was written by the finger of god no man was to touch that once it was placed by moses in the ark so david finally reads and if you look he now moves the ark you might say this is arc moving 2.0 he wants once again to move the ark and get it up to jerusalem so i'm going now to first chronicles you realize that chronicles and samuel has a lot of overlap first chronicles 15 verse 11 and david called for zadok and abieth are the priests that's two and for the levites this is from the tribe of koath i think uriel aciel joel shamaya eli and aminadab so that adds up to eight that's why i thought there might be eight he said you are heads of the father's house of the levites sanctify yourselves you and your brethren that you may bring up the ark of the lord god of israel to the place that i prepared for it for because you did not do it the first time the way the lord prescribed the lord our god broke out against us that means perez because we did not consult him about the proper order now in the service and the worship of god does god tell us in his word how things should be done is he particular does anyone want to end up like us some people think oh you know it doesn't matter how you do as long as your heart's right well elsa's heart might have been right when he reached up to steady the ark but god said don't touch it or you'll die and they weren't doing what god had commanded and it took someone dying before they finally said let's read and find out again we've forgotten what god's word says and david said this is why it happened he broke out against us because we didn't do it the way god said you won't read that in samuel but it explains in first chronicles what david said he finally recognized it so now when he brings the ark up he's not holding back he says ah god's going to bless we're doing it the way he said and there's a great celebration david wanting all the glory to go to god he takes off his royal vestments and he puts on a simple linen ephod he doesn't want the attention to go to him he wants the attention go to god and so this is parade there's music they're playing instruments that david has made and this great procession is bringing it up from obed edom to jerusalem to a place that god had prepared there was just a big uh jerusalem has a fairly new capital he's expanded the city there's some blank area they set up the ark under a tent in jerusalem now and david's lifelong dream is to build a temple we'll get to that another chapter and so he's so happy he's brought the ark there the ark is with him god's presence is with him david loved the lord and just the idea that he could look at his window and say there's the presence of god that brought him so much joy so finally and this is our last segment we're going to cover and this was also our opening uh our scripture reading now the scripture reading came from chronicles now we're reading it in 2nd samuel david is sitting in his house and he's looking at the ark of god out there and he's thinking about god and building a temple to god and the prophet needs an ascent to him and the prophet nathan goes to him and he speaks to him and a message comes from god says now therefore say to my servant david thus says the lord of hosts this is called the davidic covenant the davidic covenant is one of the most important covenants in the bible because it explains the line of the messiah say unto david my servant thus says the lord of hosts i took you from the sheepfold from following the sheep to be ruler over my people over israel and i have been with you wherever you have gone now did jesus say to us i am with you always isn't that encouraging that what he said to david he says to us i've been with you wherever you've gone and i've cut off all your enemies from before you and god will do that for us and i've made you a great name does jesus give us a new name like the name of the great men who are on the earth and you can read go into verse 12 when your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers i will set up your seat after you who will come from your body and i will establish his kingdom he will build me a house for my name and i will establish the throne of his kingdom forever i will be his father and he will be my son if he commits iniquity i will chasten him with a rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men now before i go on before i read any further here i just want to pause who is this prophecy talking about he says of your sons that come from you it says i will establish his kingdom he will build me a house for my name and i will establish his throne of his kingdom forever solomon jesus both this is what you would call a dual prophecy in the bible how do we know it's talking about jesus does jesus say destroy this temple that is made with hands and in three days i will make one without hands and they said oh it took 46 years to build this temple but he wasn't talking about the temple that was right there when he made that prophecy he spoke of his body christ built a house he built a temple the bible says don't you know that you are the temple of god the church is a temple of god the bible says the evil one the wicked one sits in the temple of god showing himself he is god let's talk about the antichrist in the position of god and so first and foremost this is a prophecy about jesus but did solomon the son of david build a house was he a great king and it even compares jesus to solomon in many ways he was a great wise wealthy king with great glory and splendor all types of christ who is the son of david but then it goes on and says and if he sins if he commits iniquity i will chasten him with the rod of men with the blows of the son of men was solomon ever beaten with blows or rods he did solomon sinned but was jesus the son of david beaten because of our sins and so this again is an allusion to both solomon and david but my mercy will not depart from him as i took it from saul who i removed from before you is it possible to grieve away the spirit of god and have his mercy removed he says it was from saul it will not be from your house now were there several sons of david that were good kings hezekiah azza there were some that were good kings solomon most of the time were there some sons of david that were bad kings yeah were they chastened it says i'll chasten them with the sons of men god allowed different armies to come in and punish them grandson of david rehoboam egyptians came in and just defeated them and put them under tribute but he said i'll not take my mercy away in other words god preserved the line of david the devil tried to destroy the lion of david you remember perhaps reading in the bible where this wicked queen athaliah when her son was dead he was a um jerome was not a good king but he was a relative of david athalaya pagan queen she killed all of her grandchildren trying to the devil was trying to wipe out the line of david but one escape why did that one boy joash escape because god had made a promise that the messiah would come through the line of david how does the new testament begin and chapter 3 of luke also it's says the genealogy of jesus christ the son of david and it begins to trace christ back from david because david was the great king who was a type of jesus the king of [Music] kings you
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Id: dlFt4n0YASk
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Length: 46min 3sec (2763 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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