Amazing Angelic Warnings - "Give Him Glory" | Dakota Day

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[Music] oh [Music] be my glory [Music] shall find rest beyond [Music] i'll watch [Music] till [Music] amen good evening everyone how are you guys doing this evening praise the lord we want to welcome you thank you so much for showing up tonight to amazing angelic warnings my name is dakota today i'm very excited to share tonight's message with you titled give him glory how many of you want to give jesus glory amen title give him glory we want to also welcome our online audience it's a blessing to have you guys with us as well uh all around the world people are joining us and we thank you guys so much uh for taking your time out to study the word of god with us and to be better prepared for the coming of jesus amen all right your faithfulness and we thank you for these amazing angelic warnings that you've been giving us in your word lord we ask that your holy spirit would lord grant us wisdom and knowledge help us lord to not only have knowledge but lord to apply this knowledge to apply your word to our lives the lord that we would take heed to these amazing angelic warnings and that lord we would indeed give you all the glory and help us to learn this message lord tonight in all of these messages in this series that we may be able to go and share them with the rest of the world of course we ask this in jesus name amen give him glory this is when my mom and dad would leave uh they would always tell us listen do not answer the door for what strangers how many of you else had this role in your house do not answer the door for strangers and my sister would be a teenager so she was at the age of babysitting age where she could take care of me and my brother and help us but there would be those times that my parents would leave and they would go away on a date night or or to go get groceries they didn't want to tote all of us with us they needed room for their groceries and so it was my older sister brandy my my older brother ryan and then i'm the baby of the family and so my sister would sometimes babysit us and um my mom and dad would go and do what they got to do and they would always tell us before they lived whatever you do do not answer the door for strangers and i'll never forget a lot of this had to do with you know my parents would see people out uh out in the news who would have been kidnapped and who had been you know there had been some kind of home invasions and and they were always concerned that nobody uh that came up to the door we wouldn't answer the door for them and um i remember my mom and dad even told us that it kind of made up this little story to kind of frighten us with a holy frighten you know you could frighten someone with a holy frightening i'll tell you how they get made up the story of the sackman they said dakota you need to watch out if you open the door for strangers it might be the sackman and i was like sackman what are you guys talking about sackman and i said oh yeah the sackman might get you he said he drives this white van this beat up white van and they kind of really just put it on man they said he drives this white van and he tries to lure little kids into his van he might show you a puppy and he might try to give you some candy and offer i mean they really because this happened all the time all throughout the news we would see this now i grew up in a mayberry neighborhood you know like you would see on andy griffith where there wasn't much violence or anything going on but still my parents were very cautious and they always told us don't answer the door for strangers now why would you not answer the door for a stranger because you don't know them you don't know what they're capable of you don't know what they might do and so there was a danger behind that this was a rule in our home that we always remembered i remember my friend jordan moore he's a canvasser and now he's an evangelist of amazing facts but he canvassed for many years with the watchdog hills college and uh he he told me an experience one time that he had going door to door knocking on doors he said that he walked he walked to this one door and he knocked on the door and a little old lady she had the screen door open or the screen door closed but she had her main door open where you could still have a conversation and hear everything that was going outside she could see him and everything outside but he couldn't look inside it was one of those screens when i went when i would door knocking in sacramento there was a lot of doors that had that and the neighborhoods that i were in and so he was telling stories so i couldn't see her she could see me he said and this lady said who is it and as she was kind of slowly walking from her couch over to the door he said well she asked who it was so i told her well my name's jordan and she responded and said i don't know you and she slammed the door in his face and he heard about three locks lock on the door right afterwards he said dakota as i was walking away and as i was making my journey to the next door to do more canvassing and put out more books in literature he said it hid me what she said i don't what's that word i don't know you i don't know who you are so she didn't answer the door for me because she did not know me and then he connected it to of course the experience that we see in the bible which we're going to study here tonight the entire first angels message which we're going to be looking at tonight in these amazing angelic warnings of revelation chapter 14 it's all about god wanting to have a deep and meaningful relationship with humanity it's a plea it's an appeal it's a warning to the world saying listen you need to come into a relationship with me because judgment has come and the time is drawing nigh are you guys with me these are the messages that we're going to be looking at here revelation chapter 14 beginning in verse 6. notice what the word of god says then i saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth to every nation kindred tongue and what and people so we've talked about this scripture we talked about the everlasting gospel and and the beauty of it and so this message is going to all of the world and then here's what the angel goes on to say with a very loud voice notice what it says in verse 7 saying with a loud voice fear god and notice we highlighted that part we're going to come back to that just a bit it says and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters now we're going to unpack all of this verse of the first angels message and really understand it for ourselves tonight but we're going to break it down we're going to start with this highlighted part here fear god why is the message in the last day to fear god well it's self-evident in the sense that god is calling the world to fear him because nobody is fearing him most of the world is not in fear of god and you might be saying well what does that word fear mean it doesn't mean to be scared of god right shaking your boots like shaggy and scooby doo that's not what he's talking about it's not talking to be frightened of god but in fact the word fear means to revere god to reverence him to respect him to honor him and my friends indeed it also means to obey him let's look at this in the bible here in psalm 112 beginning in verse 1. notice what the word of god says praise ye the lord blessed is the man that feareth the lord that delighteth greatly in his what in his commandments and so the word of god is very clear that those who fear god is connected to those that are obedient to god and obey him and keep his commandments can we say amen saints amen notice ecclesiastes 12 and verse 13 it says let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear god and what and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man so what we see in this whole picture here is god is saying listen he's saying i need you to fear me and keep my commandments to reverence and respect me and what is connected with fearing god and referencing and respecting god and giving him honor obedience giving him glory so this message fear god in the last days is not a message to be scared of god god is saying listen i need you to be an obedient people i need you to get back to understanding who i am what i am how much i love you it's all about relationship we're going to see that as we unpack this more and more and proverbs beginning in chapter 1 verse 7 it says this the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge did you catch that what's the beginning of knowledge the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge what is the message in the last days fear god right the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction is there a lot of people that despise wisdom and instruction today you better believe it so i love what this scripture says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge you know when you come to a relationship with jesus you have knowledge amen amen no doubt about it you have knowledge and so i i we live in a world today where people they pride themselves in their uh you know their worldly uh education now there's nothing wrong with education definitely not against education we should be educated but a lot of people pride themselves in the worldly education and the philosophy and all the things that they learn and people come to me and say i have a phd you know what i say i have a phd too i'm preparing for his descending amen we should we should be preparing for his descending my friends and this is what the first angel's message is all about prepare to meet thy god notice proverbs chapter 8 and verse 13. notice what it says here the fear of the lord is to hate evil pride arrogancy and the evil way it says and the forward mouth do i hate you know what this is talking about this is talking about listen beloved a heart transformation notice you and i naturally do not hate evil we do not naturally hate pride we do not naturally hate arrogancy or the evil way we are born with the messed up equipment are you guys with me we're born with a broken heart we're born with with tendencies and propensities to sin and to go into sin and so my friends i'll tell you we have to have a heart transplant come on somebody amen we gotta have a heart transplant we have to have a frontal lobotomy we need to have a different mind a different heart and this is the message of the first angel god is saying listen i need to transform you the fear of the lord is to hate evil you need to have a different heart a different mind isn't this the new covenant experience by the way you better believe it absolutely and so there is a reason why jesus said you must be born again there's something wrong with mine in your first birth this is why he said to nicodemus you cannot enter into the kingdom of god unless you are born again now let me ask you a question the message is fear god that's the first part of the first angels message fear god how can you fear somebody which is reverence and respect and honor somebody and obey somebody that you do not know did you guys catch that you cannot honor somebody respect somebody give glory to someone who you do not know so what is this message ultimately telling us he's telling us i need a relationship with you again this is an appeal from jesus i need a relationship with you notice what it goes on to say here we talked about the fear of god saying with a loud voice fear god and and what give glory to him what's the title of our message tonight give him glory my friends this is the message of the first angel give glory to him now why is the last day message give glory to god because most of the world today is not giving glory to god now we need to ask ourselves what does it mean to give glory to god notice in matthew chapter 5 beginning in verse 16 let your light so shine before men jesus says that they may see your good works and what's that word glorify your father which is where in heaven so how do you give glory to god by letting your light what shine amen by letting your light shine that men may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven now i was doing a study on this glory about the glory of god give him glory and as i was doing a study i came across a passage that brought a question to my mind what causes the glory of god to depart because isn't that the problem with the world in the last days do this right here some of you look confused do this right here this is the problem with the world in the last days no doubt about it they are not giving glory to god are you guys with me they're not giving glory to god which is why god's saying give me glory give glory to him and so what causes the glory of god to depart the glory has departed which is why god's saying give me glory when you go back to first samuel chapter 4 you read a story about how the ark of god remember that story had been taken from the children of israel eli had a daughter-in-law her name was well it doesn't actually mention her name but he had a son named phineas and his wife had a son and she named him something very specific does anyone remember what his name was ichabod that's right notice what it says here first samuel chapter 4 beginning in verse 21. so this is the question what causes the glory of god to depart notice what it says and she named the child ichabod saying the glory is departed from israel because the ark of god was taken and because of her father-in-law and her husband so why did she name the child ichabod which mean the glory had departed because the ark of god was what taken now what is the significance what is the significance my friends of the ark of god his presence that's our first that should be our first answer the ark of god was where the presence of god was what else was significant about the ark of the covenant the ten commandments the law of god right the character of god that's supposed to be revealed to planet earth right and so what we see here when the glory departed when god's law or the ark of god or his presence had left his people now was what did it leave his people because god just didn't want to be around his people is that why it left do this right here no he didn't do that no that's not why why did it leave his people it left it because of their own sin and their own disobedience in fact if you go back to ezekiel chapter 11 you read about how the glory of god left his own temple why did it leave his own temple because you go reading ezekiel chapter 8 and you read about how paganism and the worship of false gods and abominable things had taken over the house of god and so ezekiel looks and god says i'll show you greater abominations he sees all these abominations going on where is it going on beloved in the temple in the sanctuary the sanctuary on earth now check this out what is your body come on somebody what is your body your body is the temple of god we see that in first corinthians there your body is the temple of god and so all of these abominations had been going on in the temple and so god in chapter 11 he says i got to leave my own house how would you like it to have to leave your own house because of all the abominations that are going on so the glory of god departed when the arc of god the presence of god and his law had left his people in jeremiah we see something very beautiful too connected to the glory of god let's check it out here jeremiah chapter 9 beginning in verse 23 thus saith the lord let not the wise men glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his mind let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him that glorieth glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that i am the lord which exercises love and kindness and judgment and righteousness in the earth for in these things i delight saith the lord and so what do we see here god is saying listen you glory if you're going to glory glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me glory in this that you understand it and what's that word and knoweth that you understand and know god this is what god is saying this is how we glorify god my friends are we together all right now let's ask this question how do we get eternal life with jesus let's go straight to the bible let's go straight to jesus himself he'll tell us how we get eternal life john chapter 17 verse 3 and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true god and jesus christ whom thou has sent so so this this whole message so far is god saying listen i need you to get to know me what are we talking about we're talking about a relationship can someone say amen we are talking about a relationship beloved all of this is connected to the first angel's message fear god give him glory any man that's going to glory glory in this that you feareth and knoweth me amen that this this is how we are to give glory to god and so how do we have eternal life with jesus jesus says this is life eternal you want to know what life eternal is this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true god in jesus christ whom not a sin so that word no there in the original greek the greek word no is the word gnosco in their greek and it means deep meaningful relationship so jesus says how do you get eternal life you get eternal life by coming into a deep meaningful relationship with me amen that's powerful how many of you remember the sermon on the mount matthew chapter five chapter six in chapter seven notice what the sermon on the mount says in matthew chapter seven beginning in verse 21. jesus is brought to you know land the plane he's about to bring the sermon to an end and then he says this not everyone who says to me lord lord notice they're calling him lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father in heaven is obedience connected here you better believe it again obedience is connected this is the message that god has given to the people of the last days he says but he who does the will of my father in heaven and then notice what he says here many will say to me in that day speaking of his second coming lord lord have we not prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name now i got a question what kind of people is going to be casting out demons in the name of the lord professed christians or non-christians what kind of people is going to be prophesying in the name of the lord professed christians or non-christians professed christians people that that are professing his name that would call jesus lord what kind of people is going to be doing wonders in the name of the lord professed christians are non-christians professed christians beloved and so what do we see here god is saying listen you don't have a relationship with me and then their response when when they don't make it here when they don't make it they're saying lord have we not done all these things it's the second coming of jesus have we not done all these things they're realizing they're not making it to the kingdom of heaven and what does god say to them notice his response then i will declare to them i never look at that word new you depart from me you who practice what were they practicing iniquity or lawlessness this was a people who was a lawless people they were professing the name of god but they wanted to live how they wanted to live do we see that happening in our world today you better believe it you know our world's wanting to flush christianity down the toilet because of this very thing christians we speak grand thoughts but we live horrible lives god is wanting to correct that by showing us listen by showing us his love god is not just saying to the world listen you guys need to obey me that's not what he's saying you go and say that to a regular person out in the world who doesn't know anything about jesus they're going to say why why do i need to obey you right because they don't know god so god is connecting it all here to a relationship he says i never knew you that's the same word gnosco in the greek which means deep meaningful relationship is it possible to know a lot about god and to not really know god absolutely you can know a lot about somebody but not really yet know them you can know what their what kind of car they drive where they live what their favorite color is what their favorite you know food is you know all these things about them but not actually know them is it possible that you and i could know the word of god but totally miss out on the god of the word absolutely is it possible we can know the rules and not know the ruler is it possible that we can know the doctrines and not know the doctr absolutely all of this is very possible and so god is pleading not only for not only for by the way the people outside of church but even for the people inside of church because remember these are people that profess god's name they think they're christians they think they're going to make it at his second coming and god says listen i don't even know you wow what kind of words to hear from your savior you see what all this results in is lawlessness when you don't know jesus the result is lawlessness are we together not knowing god is the cause of lawlessness and lawlessness is the effect of not knowing god all of this is connected you remember the story of the ten virgins matthew chapter 25 you read about the story of the ten virgins the parable of the ten virgins my friends what do what does a woman represent bible prophecy a church a woman represents a church of bible prophecy and so we see these ten virgins these ten women they're pure they all have their lamps what does psalm 119 105 say thy word is that lamp until my feet and a light unto my path but what makes the five wise and the five other five foolish the five wise have oil for their lamps which causes their lamps to function to work come on somebody and the foolish they don't have enough oil oil is a symbol of the holy spirit we read that in zechariah chapter four now why did the five five foolish virgins when they made it to when they made it to the door remember there was that door that they were all supposed to enter into when they made it to the door by the way jesus is the door speaking of salvation the ark remember the ark that noah had built how many doors were there to the ark one door there's only one door to salvation jesus is the way he says i am the way the truth and the life in john 14 6. when they made it to the door to enter in the five foolish who didn't have enough oil remember the response notice what was said to them on why they can't enter the door notice matthew chapter 25 beginning in verse 12 but he answered and said verily i say unto you i know you what not and again that word no is the greek word gnosco which means deep meaningful relationship it seems like there's a reoccurring theme here that the reason why many people don't make it to heaven is because they don't know god are you seeing that theme notice in revelation 14 7. let's move on now let's talk about the judgment saying with a loud voice fear god give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is what is come you see the word judgment means tribunal or court and and this isn't talking about the execution of god's judgment where he executes his judgment and everything's final but it's talking about the court of appeal are you guys with me that there there's a court of appeal for you to get your life right for you to come into a relationship with god because that's the only way you can get your life awry amen is to come into a relationship with god and so this this judgment that's come is all about a a probationary period my friends for all of humanity to search their hearts that's what they did on the day of atonement which by the way the word judgment it's all the day of atonement was was the judgment it was a day of judgment it was a day to set your heart on god to to to search your own heart to look within yourself and say is there anything in my life that is out of accordance with god's revealed will and if there is surrender it to him amen amen again this is not the execution of god's judgment but this is the court of appeal it's the time for you to have to get to know him the book of malachi speaks of the book of remembrance you know it would do us some good every day before we go to bed to ask god god what did you put in your book for me today amen every thought every action every single thing that you do in your life my friends is recorded in god's book have you been serving him do you can you actually say that you know jesus revelation 14 7 it continues the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that what that made heaven earth and the sea and the fountains of waters and we'll get to the maid part in just a bit but i want to focus on now is the worship hymn worship him it says now the word worship is the word proskuneo in the greek do you know what that word means prosecutor has a couple of different applications one of them is to literally fall prostrate with your face to the ground that's one of them but the one that i really am going to emphasize tonight is is the main definition for proskuneo it means to kiss like a dog licking his master's hand now how many of you have pets out there dogs come on now dog people where's my dog people that oh man i love dogs i don't know about you they're they are probably my favorite animal hands down the word worship again means to to kiss like a dog licking his master's hand this is my dog honey it's an actual picture of my dog honey and let me tell you something she is one of the sweetest little animals i have ever seen she's a golden retriever she's not really little anymore she used to be but now she's a big old dog she's huge and honey's nicknames in the house we call her the sweet one that's what i call her she's so sweet every day and i go go in my rv she's so sweet and she's just smiles she's so happy another nickname we have for is honey bun and another one that we have for one of her popular ones is esau now you might be thinking esau that's weird she's a girl right her name's honey she's a girl why would you name her esau well if you know what esau means in the bible esau means harry and if you've ever had a golden retriever in your home or ever been around a golden retriever ever petted a golden retriever you can't pet one without getting hair all over you especially if you're wearing black it's a nightmare my wife and i have to vacuum like 10 times a day it seems just to keep our rv clean and nice and neat you know honey is one of the sweetest things that's ever happened to me in my life she's taught me so much about myself but if there's one thing i've learned about this dog is that she loves me and anna unconditionally i mean she loves us unconditionally from the start of the day to the end of the day and and when we're gone she's depressed she's just uh she doesn't want to be her she just wants to be around people she loves people in general but she really loves us because she has that relationship with us we've raised her from a little puppy all the way up to be a grown dog and every single morning it never fails to amaze me every single morning when i wake up i wake up to honey right to the next of my bed and this is an actual picture of her she comes right to the edge of my bed and this is what she looks like listen every single morning she is smiling from ear to ear looks like she has slept with a hanger in her mouth and and she's just got the squintiest eyes going on she is just so happy and full of joy full of abundance she just loves us and and the moment that she hears any sound of us awakening sounds like oh it's time for them to get up we might just be rolling over in bed she's over there and you can hear her tail beating up against the wall boom boom boom boom it's like drums going off you're like oh honey go lay down baby are you with me because we are just we are we are the highlight of her entire life she doesn't like to play with her toys alone she wants us to play with with her she wants to let's play tug of war she wants to play frisbee she just wants to be around us all the time what if we were like that with jesus what if every single morning soon as we woke up we had the biggest smile on our faces because guess what we get to go and spend time with jesus we get to open up his word and just the biggest smile smiling so much you can you squint your little eyes oh man jesus i want to spend time with him oh man jesus i want to pray to him i want to talk to him i want to let him know how much i love him you know it's true about all dogs their way of showing affection and love is to kiss with their tongue that's all they know how to do that's all they got is their their mouth right and every single morning when i wake up honey comes to the side of my bed and my arm might be laying off the side and she wants to lick my hand what if we were like that with jesus every day you know nature teaches us things amen revelation 14 7 let's continue this worship him he's talking about relationship it's all about relationship my friends it's all about knowing god worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters now notice the verbiage here don't miss it worship him that made why is god calling the world back to worshiping him that made because listen beloved the world has stopped worshiping the creator and they've started worshiping the creation and god is saying listen i need you to worship me the creator i need you to know who i am notice his verbiage though him that made heaven the earth the sea and the fountains of waters there's one other place in scripture that i know of just one other place where we see this same exact verbiage almost quoted verbatim where is that ed it's in the law of god believe it or not it's in the law of god let's look at it it's in the fourth commandment known as the sabbath commandment notice let's read it here exodus chapter 20 verse 11. it says for in six days the lord made heaven earth and sea and all that in them is did you see that directly quoted there from revelation 14. it says and rested the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and he hallowed it so let me ask you a question why do you think this message in revelation 14 would use the same exact verbiage the same exact words almost quoted verbatim to be going to all of the world because listen beloved what is the sabbath all about what is that sabbath commandment all about it's all about spending time with jesus getting to know jesus getting to know him personally that's what the sabbath is about it's not just about resting from from your physical labors no you what do you think adam and eve did the very first sabbath that they ever got to spend with jesus if you think about it the first day that they ever got to spend with jesus was what day it would have been sabbath it would have been in the sabbath day the seventh day of the week and and they would have went into jesus i want you to imagine what that would have been like they're created first time they're just now having to learn all these things right some learning i'm sure was already you know computed in them but then they they had to come to jesus and jesus sits down with him and what do you think happened do you think there was a relationship do you think there was a conversation do you think they spent that whole day together you better believe it my friends they spent that whole day together jesus sitting down and telling adam all about what he has done who he is and telling him all about his character how much he loves him how much he wants to be with him all the time amen see this is what the sabbath is all about how many of you know the parable of the lost coin you know that commandment did or that that uh passage in scripture the parable of the lost coin my friends what's amazing about the parable of the lost coin is that it's actually a prophecy it's a prophecy about a coin that would be lost let's read it together parable of lost coin luke chapter 15 verse eight either one woman having ten pieces of silver if she lose one piece does not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently till she find him as as and when she had found it she called her friends and her neighbors together saying rejoice with me for i have found the peace which i had lost and so now she calls her whole family together right and she starts telling them about the peace that she's lost she's calling everybody together now what does a woman represent bible prophecy a church a woman represents a church in bible prophecy let's let's prove this from scripture jeremiah chapter six and verse two it says i have likened the daughter of zion to a comely and delicate what woman right so god's church is his people is like an unto a woman we see this again in second corinthians chapter 11 and verse 2 when paul says i am jealous over you with godly jealousy for i have espoused you to one husband that i may present you the church as a chaste virgin to christ so there's no doubt about it a woman represents a church in bible prophecy we have a woman how many pieces of silver did the woman have 10 pieces of silver 10 pieces of silver what is the silver a symbol of in bible prophecy or in the bible in general let's take a look psalm 119 72 the law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and what and silver and so what do we see here the law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver so she had how many coins 10 coins and she lost how many one coin this is speaking of the church my friends the church lost a coin coin silver coins is connected to god's what law are you following how does the woman find the silver she's obviously in a dark place right she can't find the silver get it because she's in a dark place the dark ages and what does she have to do in order to find this lost coin psalm 119 105 thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a what a light onto my path and so what we see here is that this woman has to light her lamp to find the coin amen and so god's people in the last days they're gonna have to light their limbs to find the coin amen now what does the woman do when she find the coin when she finds that coin what does she do verse nine she when she had found it she called her friends her neighbors together saying rejoice with me for i found the peace which i had lost hence the first angel's message worship him that made heaven earth and see all that in them is amen so the message is listen we need to get back to worshiping the creator which is what the sabbath commandment is all about it was instituted at creation as the the day that god rested the day that god blessed the day that god sanctified and he set apart for a holy use and so the first angel's message is all about god saying listen i need you to spend time with me i need you to get to know me because the commandment of relationship had been lost what did i say the commandment of relationship had been lost and so now god is reminding the world about that relationship that you need to get back into you need to come to know me because the commandment of relationship has been lost many do not know jesus which is why this sabbath is so important in the last days are we together for us all to get to know jesus and spend that time with him this is a picture of me and my beautiful wife anna when we were high school sweethearts we were high school sweethearts in school i moved to her school um when i was in my junior year of high school it was a very tough move because i went to the same school my whole life and then out of out of a sudden nowhere my parents decided they're going to move and i was kind of a little scared you know moving to a new school is kind of a scary situation and and so i'll never forget my the first period i had in school my first class i had animal science and i walk in that first period classroom and i saw my beautiful wife anna which at the time she wasn't my wife she was just a girl that i didn't know but when i saw her i was like man this girl is beautiful right i was like man this girl is she's something else and she had this beautiful golden hair i'll never forget it beautiful golden hair that just looked like it looked like gold man it was just so beautiful and she her hair colors changed down through the years but i'll never forget when i saw that i was like man it's still beautiful today but i never forgot my first time i saw her i almost remember everything she was wearing and i'll never forget when i saw her i thought to myself wow this is a this is an interesting girl i really like this girl but you know something i didn't give my heart to her immediately you know why because you don't give your heart to someone until you get to know them isn't that right you need to come into a relationship with them you might fall in love with the way they look but you really don't know them to be able to give your affections your heart the intimacies of your life and to share that with them and i'll never forget as i spent more time around anna i had the more i fell in love with her her character and how she was just so cute i just look at her like she's just so cute and i as i would watch her character how beautiful her character was she was almost like the mediator between her and her friends her and her friends was just like you know these girls you know you know flip the hair and uh her friends would always come in arguing and fighting and fussing and stuff and anna was always so quiet she was the only girl in my whole school that never spoke to me and i could i couldn't quite catch it now this school was very small it was a one a school now if you know what that means there we had about 22 students in my graduating class yeah it was small very small school this was a public school and and i'll never forget when when i saw her character how sweet she was and how like she wasn't a loudmouth like so many of the other girls she was just humble and loving i thought wow i literally like this girl i really like this girl and i started asking all the other guys it's like what's the deal with this girl why come she's so quiet she don't ever talk to anybody and they're like well she has a boyfriend and i'm like oh i'm like so why does she talk though and he's like well she's loyal to her boyfriend she doesn't flirt with all the other guys and stuff i was like i like that that's a loyal girl i like i like that characteristic she's not willing i mean and she saw me day one she never spoke a word to me i was there for several months and she never spoke a word to me i was like wow so when i started learning these things about her she had no idea but i had my eye on her i'll never forget his our relationship progressed we just we spent more time with each other as after obviously she broke up with her boyfriend eventually relationship just didn't work out she sent me a message on facebook i'll never forget the day that she sent me a message apologizing for it had never spoken to me and just said listen i just want to let you know i wasn't trying to be unfriendly i just was trying to be faithful to my boyfriend that's all it was and when she sent that message i was like i was like hopping around in my bedroom at home on my desktop computer i was like man this is i can't wait to get to know this girl now i can get to know this girl this is the one girl i'm interested in it was a beautiful beautiful relationship i'll never forget this is another picture of us this is my senior pictures by the way in high school all i could think about all the time when me and anna started dating was how i just want to be with her more how many of you remember that anybody ever fall in love you just remember that i'm the only one anyone else out there come on guys any romantics out there anymore okay yeah man i mean i just wanted to be with her all the time i'll never forget it i would get she would write me notes right how many of you remember those days when you would write notes to each other i still have all of the notes that me and her ever wrote each other we kept all of the notes and we have them in our safe in our rv we carry them with us everywhere and uh i i still remember those notes and i would take a note that she would write me and i would be too scared sometimes to open it up in class because our teachers were like hardcore they caught you opening up some they'd make you read it in front of the whole class and we didn't want that you know because a lot of our notes were just like i love you so much you're so incredible and you're so amazing and all this right and so i would go to the bathroom where it's stinking and move and i would i would i would just hold my breath and read all the notes i'd be like and i would just read the notes and i wouldn't be i would i would endure that are you with me oh man you know relationships are wonderful i'll never forget all the late nights remember this anna all the late nights we we stayed up late late and we just stayed on the phone and because we didn't want to say goodbye to each other anyone ever done that before you stay up all night long and i would just be on the phone with her and she would be on the phone with me and i'd be like have you fell asleep yet and she'd be like no and we would just be like almost out of it and many nights we fell asleep on the phone with each other wake up in the morning and fill out we didn't slept eight hours and our phone had been running for eight hours that's love can we say amen what if we were like that with jesus i don't want to say goodbye to jesus i i gotta have more amen i gotta have more you see relationships are great when they work out but sometimes they just don't work out right sometimes there's times of breaking up adam and eve decided to break up with god they they were lied to about the character of god and thus they decided to break up with god anyone ever been heartbroken out there anyone yeah you can relate no doubt how does god feel about when we break up with him they decided to break up with god how do you think god feels about that notice jeremiah 2 verse 2 god says go and cry in the ears of jerusalem saying thus saith the lord i remember thee the kindness of thy youth the love of thy spousals when thou wentest after me in the wilderness in a land that was not sown and then he says in verse 5 thus saith the lord what iniquity have your fathers found in me that they are gone far from me and have walked after vanity and are become vain listen to what jesus is saying here what have you found in me that you've gone far from me what did i do to you to cause you to leave me to break up with me to go to other things verse nine he says yet wherefore i will yet plead with you saith the lord and with your children's children while i plea god says i'm still going to plead with you because i love you verse 13. he says for my people have committed two evils they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters and i've hewed them out cisterns broken cisterns that can hold no water i used to live for two things in this world basketball and video games used to be the only two things that interested me in life basketball and video games when basketball would eventually become boring i would go to the video games and guess what i would eventually beat that video game or or or you know it would grow old to me and then i'd run back to basketball and i would try to slurp up as much you know satisfaction as i could from it but it never filled up my happy meter anyone know what i'm talking about i just i was always thirsting for something always wanting something i would see the new movie on tv advertising i'm like oh man i can't wait to go see this movie it's gonna be great and i would go to the theaters and watch it and watch it and watch it and watch it and eventually guess what you watch it so many times the movie becomes old to you jesus is saying listen worship me who created worship one the one who made we spend all of our time worshiping creation and we don't think to worship the creator notice verse 21 he says yet i have pleaded uh i have planted thee rather a noble vine a holy right seed hell then earth i'll turn into the generate plant of an estranged vine unto me and then he he finishes up chapter two by saying these words listen to these words he says can a mate forget her ornaments or bride her attire how many how many brides out there on your wedding day you forgot your wedding dress anybody you show up at your wedding you're like can you believe it i forgot my dress no you ain't gonna do that you know why from the time you were a little bitty girl you know playing teapots with your make-believe friends or whatever you have been dreaming about that day that prince charming would come and swoop you off your feet and how the wedding day would go and how all that would look like what colors you would have for your wedding right you've been you've been looking forward to that day your whole life you're not gonna show up and forget your wedding dress god says listen can a mate forget her ornaments or a bride her attire no but then he says yet my people who's supposed to be his bride by the way you're supposed to be showing up to the wedding you're supposed to know who your groom is who your husband is yet my people have forgotten me days without number now jeremiah 3 goes on to say in verse 3 yet the showers have been withholden and there has been no latter rain why because thou has a forehead and refuses to be ashamed now you remember there was a harlot woman in revelation 17 that had a very interesting message written on her forehead god's saying listen i can't pour out my shower as a blessing on you because your forehead which is your mind needs to be changed you need to come into a relationship with me amen amen this is what god is the whole first angels message is about beloved philip yancey a famous christian author he decided he was going to take a couple of weeks and go to a friend's cabin of his and the rocky mountains of colorado and he was just going to take some time to read through the bible in that week or two weeks that he was going to be there he wasn't trying to break any records he was just going to read from genesis all the way to revelation and he was looking for an overwhelming overarching theme that was really just a reoccurring theme all the way through scripture and when he finished his reading of the bible in that week to two-week period he was asked what did you come to the conclusion of this was his response philippians the entire bible can be boiled down to one attempt after another of god seeking to restore a broken relationship with humanity is that not so true is that how we read in the entire old testament leading on to the new testament but you know what god continually gets today he gets rejection do you remember what it was like to feel rejection how many of you have ever felt rejection before maybe you were engaged to who you thought was the love of your life man and you you had it all figured out to find out one day that she just breaks things off and now you're left with this ring or whatever you know whatever you sealed your marriage with that's what a lot of people in the world today sell their marriage with you don't know what to do you're left with the furniture you were planning a marriage you were planning all of these things you you don't know what to do anymore maybe you were married and everything went bad you know my school growing up public school we would invite we were invited to come to prom right to and go to your date and invite your date to prom and you had to go and ask and maybe you were that one who went to the date you went to who you wanted to be your date rather and you said hey would you would you like to go to prom with me and they're like are you kidding me really hey guys did you hear that he wants to go to prom with me in your dreams maybe you know how that feels maybe you auditioned for a team basketball team a sport team a play a choir and you were told you just wasn't good enough maybe you remember those moments at playground on the playground when we were kids and it came time to play dodgeball or kickball or basketball or whatever and it was team captain time and the two team captains get up all right guys all right choose your team and he goes you're out there in the crowd and you're just sitting there like all right guys i'm right here and they choose him and him and him and him and him and you're like okay any time now and then him and then her and then her her and her and her and her and you're just like um i'd like to play two and and then finally all the players are left you're the only one left there and then the other team says ah we don't want him maybe you remember what that's like i saw it happen all throughout my childhood rejection isaiah 53 verse 3 notice what the bible says he that is christ is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not i'll never forget when i was in high school ninth grade year before i met anna i uh had a girl that i fell in love with never thought i'd fall in love with the girls the first time i'd ever fallen in love didn't even know i was in love and this girl me and her were like peas and carrots for a short time for a few months we dated and man i just i thought my whole world was you know better because she was in it and i was sitting in english class one day we were reading lord of the flies i'll never forget it and she she passes me a note just like this she hands me the note you know real fast and i grab it and i'm looking around i quickly open it up you know i was always excited to open up notes and and i open it up and i read on the on on the note i never forget it dakota i was thinking that maybe we should just be how did you guys know friends how did you know did someone say it to you or did you say it to somebody and i knew what that meant when she said i just want to be friends i knew that man i don't want to see you anymore don't don't walk me to my class anymore don't take my books for me anymore don't come by my locker anymore you know if i see you in the grocery store walking down the same aisle as me go the other way i don't want to sit beside you in church anymore i don't want you texting me anymore i don't want you calling in me anymore i just want to be friends that's what it means right you get stuck in the friend zone and i'll never forget i didn't understand why i'm like why does she not want to be with me anymore i don't understand what i did and i went around and begged and pleaded only to feel rejection and i'll never forget i made her a a mixed tape how many of you remember those days mixtapes yeah i made her a mixed tape and i i put it in her locker and i put just listen to track one boys to men you know i mean business right i put it on listen to track one i only defined the cd broke into pieces and thrown in my locker i was like i can't believe it now looking back in hindsight i'm so glad that stuff didn't work out amen because i found a much better woman but i'll tell you my friends it was heartbreaking you see that's how jesus feels he wants to know do we love him i remember this story of him and peter sitting by the sea and peter had denied jesus three times and then jesus asked peter three times loveth thou me peter says lord you know you know that i'm only fond of you that's what he said jesus asked do you love me unconditionally do you love me peter responds again you know lord you know love do you love me peter why is jesus keep asking peter peter do you love me why does he keep saying that here's why god just wants to know if you and i really love him can we say amen it's really that simple this scenario is telling us about jesus he wants to know if we really love him the same problem that attended jesus at his birth is the same problem that he has today there was no room for him in the inn no room revelation 20 11 says and i saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from who's the face in the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them this is speaking of the wicked by the way there's no place for the wicked because the wicked had made no room for jesus in their life jesus says in revelation 3 20 behold i stand at the door and i knock and if any man will hear my voice and open the door i will come unto him what's up with him and he with me jesus wants a relationship my friends how many of you remember puppy love relationships remember that those days i remember this little blonde headed girl walked up to me in the third grade she come up to me and she got me and she gave me a note she ran away real fast i looked at the note and it said will you be my boyfriend check yes or no and i was thinking normally they have their friend to go tell their friend to go tell their friend to come and did it herself i was like wow that's bold check yes or no that's what i said do you want to do you want to be my boyfriend check yes or no and i looked at it and i never forgot something you see it was on september 11th 1995 and his album titled straight out of the box george strait saying one of the most popular country songs of all time titled check yes or no haven't you heard this song before on the radio before you can admit that it's all right well we're christians right i'll never forget hearing this song the the song was about a young boy in the third grade who fell in love with this little third grade girl and how they you know grew up together and fall in love and got married cute little song really if you just listen to it it's a cute little song but the lyrics is what stood out to me the lyrics says do you love me do you want to be my friend and if you do then don't be afraid to take me by the hand if you want to i think this is how love goes check yes or no my friends i don't know about you but have you been drowning in the sin of the world like peter have you taken your eyes off of jesus for just a moment by all of the world's distractions god calls you back into a relationship with him to fear him to give him glory for the hour of his judgment is come to worship him who made like a dog licking his master's hand jesus says to you all do you love me do you want to be my friend and if you do well then don't be afraid to take me by the hand if you want to i think this is how love goes he would know check yes or no if you're here tonight you say you know what i want to check yes i want to be in a relationship with jesus i want to invite you to pray with me now as we close our father in heaven as we've learned about this first angels message here tonight we pray lord that you will help us to fall in love with you more this message is all about a relationship with you it's all about a a communion with you lord that we will be saved help us father i pray to come into a relationship with you to love you lord unconditionally that father we will do your work and finish this work so that we can all go home we praise you and thank you and ask you this in jesus name amen amen amen how many of you say amen to that all right so now we know how to give glory to god amen tomorrow at seven o'clock we are going to continue going through the three angels messages and we're going to look at a very important topic of a very interesting title that pastor carlos has for us the insanity of babylon how many of you are interested in hearing about that well let's come back tomorrow night and we will see what that title means so god bless all of you have a wonderful evening we'll see you tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: AmazingFacts
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Rating: 4.9699249 out of 5
Id: rTu2BVDsFNo
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Length: 59min 2sec (3542 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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