"The Shepherd King" Revival Series Part 10 - David's Great Sin

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[Music] [Music] well we're continuing our series in the life of david nearly concluded with this kind of a comprehensive study we've been doing and i almost wish i could skip over this section about a chapter and a half of course all of god's word is is good and is edifying but uh the story we're dealing with today the title is david's great sin talking of course about david and bathsheba and that sordid episode in the life of this great hero we've been studying is in a sense a great disappointment because here you've got this man of faith this inspired psalm writer this giant killer and and there's so many things we admire about david and then there's this despicable behavior in the middle of it all almost everybody here i assume has heard the story people who never darken the door of a church have heard that story i typed in just out of curiosity the phrase david and bathsheba in google it was a long list hollywood's made about 10 movies it's the kind of material hollywood loves you won't have hollywood make a movie about the holiness of david but they will make a movie about the adultery and and i guess it it's especially unusual because god in spite of this identifies david as a man after his own heart even after this dark debacle with david and bathsheba god refers to david as a man after his own heart matter of fact the first human name that you find mentioned in the new testament is david's i'm saying aside from jesus who was superhuman you've got david matthew chapter one the last human name you find in the new testament in the bible is david jesus is referred to as the son of david such an extraordinary person and yet you've got this chapter so in our study today just so you know ahead of time we're going to be looking at second samuel 11 is where it begins through second samuel 12 verse 25. i may not read every verse but we'll be covering that material and so why don't you turn with me and we'll go look at second samuel 11 verse 1 it happened in the spring of the year at the time when kings go out to battle that david sent joab and his servants with him and all israel and they destroyed the people of ammon and they besieged rabbah that was the capital city and then you've got these last few words but david remained at jerusalem and i think that's key he's talking about joab and the soldiers going and fighting and in every other passage we've been reading david's been with them fighting but here david is not involved in the fight instead of attacking he's relaxing and this can be part of the reason that he got into trouble now up to this point as we've been looking at the life of david it is you know if david was a stock you would have wanted to invest in him when he was a shepherd boy and you would have seen that stock go up because he just continues to go from and he has some downs where he's being chased by saul but he continues to succeed continues to get more victory he ends up with all the possessions of nabel and then he becomes sort of a clan leader among the philistines and then he becomes king of hebron then he becomes king of israel and then he's conquering the nations around him he conquers syria conquers the philistines and it says david this is going from victory to victory never loses a battle and now he's at the zenith of his popularity he's respected by all the other kingdoms there's really only one one more outstanding kingdom that basically the ammonites started the war with david by um basically insulting his ambassadors and so he's probably thinking look joe army's well trained they're seasoned a siege can take a while i'll let them take care of it you know how often we get into trouble through not being involved david if he had stuck to his principles and stayed with the man and been involved in conquering and doing what he did best probably would have stayed out of trouble but as you read on the story you find that he's relaxing and if we're involved in fighting we're less involved in falling you know you might be thinking well don't don't soldiers deserve some r and r yes but let me ask you does the devil ever take a day off so when it comes to fighting temptation when do you get a vacation there will be episodes i mean even jesus after he fought the three temptations it says the devil left him for a season but you never know when he's going to come back and that's why peter said be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil is roaming around he does not let up and so you just can't let your guard down and david he had been so successful and he'd been so popular that you know you can start to relax in your success and let your guard down he had become very confident and he started becoming lacks in his relationship with god he was prosperous he had now taken his treasuries are bursting with all the money that he'd taken from other kingdoms and while he was outwardly very successful and he was in his prime inwardly he was neglecting his spiritual relationship with the lord even though he had been called by the lord and he'd written inspired psalms there's no psalms written during this time in his life because he becomes self-dependent what god says to the church in the last days is what had happened david how many of you know about the church of laodicea it described describes the condition of god's people in the time just before jesus comes and it says there in revelation chapter 3 verse 17 because you say i am rich and have become wealthy and of need of nothing and you don't know that you're wretched and miserable poor and blind and naked and during this time the reason david got into trouble is because he was healthy he was prosperous he was respected he had arrived he was living large and for a period of months or maybe even years he had pretty much forgotten about god and he didn't know that within he was rotting in his soul and sometimes it can happen to us where we seem to be prospering on the outside but we're neglecting spiritual growth you know one reason the children of israel got into trouble when they entered the promised land is the lord told them when you enter the promised land there are seven nations that you need to get rid of if you don't thoroughly get rid of them they will become thorns in your side dirt in your eyes and they will become a plague to you and when the children of israel got into the promised land and they conquered enough of the enemies to get comfortable we're tired of fighting let's just relax and it says the people they let remain in the land ended up becoming a plague for them and david had almost conquered the last uh outpost but he decided to relax before the final battle was fought and that's the danger sometimes is you can't let your guard down by the way in the christian life you want to continue growing are you the same now as you were last year spiritually you know you're never stagnant in your relationship with the lord you are either growing fighting and growing on in your faith or you're backsliding and by the way to backslide requires no effort you can stand still and slide and that's what happened to david he didn't know he was backsliding god had warned the children of israel you read in deuteronomy that they were at risk and we are too in deuteronomy 6 10 he told them when you come into the promised land so it will be when the lord your god brings you into the land of which he spoke to your fathers to abraham isaac and jacob to give you listen large and beautiful cities that you didn't build houses full of good things that you did not fill hewn out wells that you did not dig vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant when you have eaten and you are full then beware lest you forget the lord who brought you out of the land of egypt from the house of bondage is there a danger that when we become comfortable and when we are satisfied we forget about god and can that happen in a country where you have great prosperity or maybe we're even more at risk a mama whale told her baby be careful when you get to the top and start to blow your spout that's when you get harpooned david was at the top and he'd started to feel self-sufficient and that's when the devil got him you know the devil will get you when you're down but you know the devil will also get you when you're up and the devil can also discourage and destroy people through want and poverty but he destroys more through prosperity and he couldn't get david when he was running for his life but he got him when he was resting on his throne and so going back to our story it says he's resting in jerusalem while the soldiers are out fighting in the field and it happened one evening that david arose from his bed when it says evening here it means he took an afternoon nap during the heat of the day and around sundown all right he gets up and he's walking on the roof and and he's you know there in jerusalem he's at the top jerusalem's on a hill he's got his own palace he's on the top of the palace he's on the top of the world that's how nebuchadnezzar got in trouble just looking out from the top of the world saying is this not great babylon that i built and david's looking out of the window and from his window he's got a pretty good view i mean everyone wants a nice house with a view but unfortunately his view also looked down into the courtyard of a neighbor and he saw a woman bathing now as soon as he saw that i mean you know you can accidentally see all kinds of things you should say oh excuse me and you look away but he didn't look away he thought well nobody's watching i've got this private voyeur view and it the first look was not a sin i mean sometimes you see things you say and you register and say oh that's a beautiful person but that's not appropriate and you turn away that's not a sin sin is when you look and you start to lust and that little lingering forbidden look turned into little sin come on looking how bad can that be i used to hear guys i'd work in auto factory and guys nothing wrong with window shopping i know i'm married i'm just window shopping and just looking that lingering look forbidden look turned into lust and longing and then it went from there to line and murder and adultery and just everything in the book but it started with such a little thing and so i think we should be advised that sometimes we think oh just looking you can get in trouble that way so he looked and she was beautiful to behold now he had old harem of wives and the bible says that they were beautiful well at least it says abigail was beautiful i'm assuming the others were and but you know he just wasn't satisfied he didn't have a lord in his heart at this time and so nothing will satisfy and he inquired he asked the servants he said you know over there on that street uh who is in that house oh well that's you right it's how often that would be bathsheba his wife and david sent messengers he said oh yeah you're right he's off in the battle she's alone she's probably lonely come to think of it i'm a little lonely now too and he went and sent for her and she came to him and he lay with her for she was cleansed from her impurity the reason that's mentioned in the bible is of course there was a time of month when they were not to have intimate relations that also happens to be the time of month where you're technically not fertile and so it's basically saying they got together at a time when she was clean and fertile which ended up playing out the wrong way and she returned to her house and the woman conceived you know someone said you can't be sowing wild oats saturday night and pray for crop failure sunday morning and we just had a lesson children's story on that and she said to david she didn't say i've got a fetus i just want you to notice she said i'm with child it was a living human and now i probably need to pause here and just fill in a couple of details about what's going on before we get any further david had become a little bit self-sufficient paul said in first corinthians 10 12 therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall what happened to peter when he said though all men forsake the eye will not forsake thee we all need to guard our souls because all of us can be tempted proverbs 6 18 pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall and david might have thought well i'm just looking but we saw what happened to that look one of the reasons he got in trouble was idleness we think about the sins of sodom and gomorrah and typically the sexual sins come into mind but you know the sexual sins were connected with what ezekiel says in ezekiel 16 49 it says one of the sins of sodom and gomorrah was idleness because david was not busy fighting god's battles he started just looking for entertainment and i'm just gonna surf the internet a little bit and you got to be careful surfing david and bathsheba on the internet don't go to the internet and ask me why try and find out why i told you that but it's a tree of good and evil and a lot of people get into trouble with the internet with looking job says in job 31 1 i've made a covenant with my eyes why then should i look upon a young woman now at some point any man or woman that hopes to get married someday they're going to look how many of you looked at your spouse before you married him come on be honest anyone here going to say i didn't look they did have arranged marriages in some places where the girl was veiled until the wedding day and there were some probably amazing surprises but uh there's a time to look but once you're married and job was married and david was married to a whole harem you need to make a covenant with your eyes proverbs 6 25 do not lust after her beauty in your heart nor let her eyes allure you and you know what jesus says about looking it says but i say to you whoever looks on a woman to lust for her and of course this applies you know it says that a man put in the ten commandment says you should not cover your neighbor's wife but everybody knows that also means a woman should not covet her neighbor's husband and so you know it works both ways here and jesus when he says if you look on a woman to lust for her it also means if you look on a man to lust after him you can commit adultery in your heart because adultery begins with an attitude before it turns into an action and that's what happened with david it started with a look and then it turned into lust and then he said well you know maybe we'll just i'd like to meet her she's probably lonely we'll just have a bite together and then they started to share a little bit together and maybe a few intimate thoughts and david said you know i know i got a dozen wives but i'm just not happy that's how it happens you know at the office people start getting friendly and they start having private time together and next thing you knew uh david said you know i've got this terrible crink in my neck i wonder if you can give me a massage and that touch just oh just you're just going to rub the neck make them feel a little better and one thing leads to another and we don't know exactly and people might want to know well how did that get that far i probably ought to pause here and say well who is bathsheba the bible tells a little more about bathsheba i i've heard some pastors and when i was looking i listened to some other pastors talk about this subject i'm kind of shocked at the things i hear david did not rape bathsheba but he did i think take advantage of his power it was an abuse of his authority i don't think david needed to rape bathsheba i think that david was a good-looking man her husband was away at war david could sing like nobody could sing he said come on in let's just talk a little bit here let me sing the latest song i wrote boy if anybody could swoon a woman david was tall dark and handsome actually never says he was tall but we know that he was handsome and he was i mean here's the david the giant killer and so i'm sure that there was a lot of seduction taking place there she was very intelligent i'm surmising that but bathsheba does speak in the bible later in in other places and she conducts herself well it tells you about her you read in second samuel 11 it says bathsheba the daughter of eliam the wife of uriah now who is eliam eliam you read in second samuel 23 verse 34 is the son of a hitherfell the guy light a hitherfell was the counselor of david and i'll tell you what it says about a hitherfell says his counsel was so brilliant that it was like inquiring at the oracles of god when a hitherfall said something he was always right and not only that she ends up having a son that becomes the king bathsheba's son solomon what does the bible tell us about solomon's iq yeah so bathsheba was beautiful but she was also bright i think she was very intelligent becoming the queen of israel um the single queen after the or the queen mother i should say after uh david dies and so i just wanted to give you a little more information there but then they got together and one thing led to another now david as he got involved there are a couple of commandments that he's breaking first of all it says they told him when he said who is it this is bathsheba the wife of right there that ought to have been the end of it because even the pagan kings that had harems and david was patterning his kingdom after the eastern kings they showed their power by having to hear them they also had to hear them because when you're going to have a monarchy and you want your children to rule you got to make sure you have lots of sons in case one gets sick they had a high mortality rate and so he used to have this just king ahab had 70 sons he only had jezebel his wife how do you think jezebel had 70 boys or did he have a harem also and so this was the practice it wasn't god's plan caused all kinds of problems but david tell all these other wives but even the pagan kings said if she's already someone's else wife they're off limits so as soon as the servant said she is the wife of uriah not only was she married she's married to a friend that compounds the despicable thing he did even more committed adultery ever hear about the wicked bible ever tell you that story there's a bible that was printed in 1623 by baker and lucas in england it's now known as the wicked bible the bible was a good normal bible one of the new king james bibles everything about it was great except there was just one three-letter word that had been left out it happened to be in the seventh commandment that word was the word not you know where it says thou shalt not commit adultery what do you end up with if you leave out the word not and when the bibles began to circulate and someone read through that they brought it to the attention of the king and the king not only of course collected and burned the bibles the printers were fined so they eventually went bankrupt well you've got to be careful those details the bible said thou shalt commit adultery now there are few remaining editions of the wicked bible out there and they're very very valuable today but that was the only thing unique about it but with what's going on in the world today and the way the media portrays sex you would think that's the bible they're reading isn't that right and the world acts like you know it's like shaking hands and where the bible says it's a it's a sacred relationship to be reserved for a marriage covenant covenant but and then i ought to tell you a little bit about who was uriah the hittite you mentioned bathsheba uriah was first of all a hittite they were another nation so uriah either was the children of someone who had converted to the god of israel so it says that he has hittite ancestry or he himself was a convert but the hittites were another nation and one of the nations they fought against to throw out but somewhere early along the way uriah joins david when he's running from saul and he's fighting side by side you know talks about david's mighty men uriah was one of david's mighty men you can read in second samuel 23 39 and it mentions the list of the mighty men and you know who's on the the last one that's mentioned is uriah i think it just shamed whoever wrote that yep the one that david had killed took his wife he was one of his mighty men now you've got to i don't want to i don't want to take this too far but i just want you to understand how treacherous this was the mighty men of david loved him so much that when david was hiding from saul in a cave and just in the back of his mind one day he blurted out and he yearned and he said oh man this awful water here is sulfur water in the cave he says oh what i would give for a drink of the water from the well of bethlehem when i was a boy that sweet cold clean clear water from bethlehem and he said something like that his soldiers heard him three of his mighty men left the cave of adullum they went into jerusalem they went to bethlehem rather where the philistines had occupied the city and they had a garrison they fought their way through the philistine garrison one of them lowered a pouch down the well filled with water from the well of bethlehem fought their way back out of the city and they brought it to david they loved him so much they were going to lay down their lives to give their commander a drink of water would god all of his servants today felt that way about jesus the son of david that we would lay down our lives and bring him living water anyway david poured it on the ground he said this is the blood of you man i'm not going to risk you doing anything like this again and risk your lives for me and he said i'm not going to drink it i don't want to encourage this but they loved him that much so when david then does what he does next i just want you to understand this is somebody who really cared now you'll find out more about uriah in just a moment because what he says is amazing go back to the story so your bathsheba back in the second samuel 11 she sends a message and says i'm with child and david said uh-oh uriah is out in the field this is going to be a problem and he begins to calculate what can he do he says i've got to get uriah and bathsheba together so nobody will ask questions they'll just figure this first child was a little premature and so david tells joab send me uriah the hittite well that's not that odd matter of fact the um the historian josephus says that uriah was joab's armor bearer and so he says look i want to get an update on the war i can trust your eyes send him to me so he sends uriah job asks no questions uriah comes to david i'm in verse seven says how's joab doing how are the people doing and how the war is prospering and so david said to your eye thank you for the report he says now relax you've come a long way go to your house wash your feet so uriah departed from the king's house and a gift of food the king says look i'm going to send some catered food and i'll send a couple of candles and and i'm going to try to create some ambiance so he and bethebel will do what you would normally expect to happen and the gift of food follows him but david is shocked to discover the next day it says uriah slept at the door of the king's house with the servants of his lord and did not go to his house so the next day they told david saying uriah didn't go to his house bathsheba appreciated you know the catered food and all but uriah didn't come and david is david is shocked he said why didn't you go down to your house your right is wondering why do you care why are you asking why is it so important to you and uriah said to david now this is the only time your eye speaks in the bible this next verse and this is 2nd samuel 11 11. and uriah says by the way you know what the word uriah means ah means um jehovah and your eye means fire means the fire of jehovah that's a good name the fire of god is what his name is and uriah says to david the ark now the first thing out of his mouth is connected with god he said the ark and israel and judah are dwelling in tents and my lord joab and the servants of my lord are encamped in the open fields shall i then go to my house to eat and drink and lie with my wife as you live and that makes you a vow as you live and as your soul lives i will not do this thing wow david is confronted by one of his soldiers that really is a better man than he is uriah would not go to bathsheba when he had the right because he wanted to be a good example to his soldiers and it is possible you might be thinking why would he do that i ought to pause right here and just ask a question of you wives how would you feel if you were bathsheba and your husband comes home and he doesn't stop at the house would you appreciate that you know we always uh talk about we make fun of men because we're so task oriented and women are a little more relational oriented and i know that's a generalization it's probably a safe one but you know i think god made men to be the way we are and uriah thought the battle is not fought yet the battle is not won yet it is possible that he made a vow that some soldiers would make that they do not engage in intimate relations until the war is one there used to be an ancient belief that the more veril a man was the better he fought and it could be he just thought how am i going to go back and be an example to my men this battle isn't won they're out in the fields i'm going to say oh yeah i was back relaxing and he thought this won't be a good example now the thing that shocks me though is uriah has a right and he wouldn't take it david had no right and he did take it he had no right to bathsheba but he took it uriah does have a right and he doesn't take it uriah in many ways here is the hero of the story his principal concern is the ark of god god the people of god the battle that we're fighting he's thinking about the war that needs to be won and if you're a christian we're involved in a war right there's a battle going on and he's interested in the victory of the battle and now david he says look uh stay one more day david now is ringing his hands he's saying what do i do this guy's got ethics he's got scruples i've got to get him drunk so he'll go against his scruples and david says stay here one more day and i'll send you back to the battle tomorrow and when david called him he ate and drank before him and he made him drunk instead of giving him the grape juice that might have had one or two percent alcohol in it he gave him the stuff that was 10 or 15 percent and then david said hell i'd like to drink a toast to joab and david pretend to drink and you ride a drink and he said now let's drink a toast to the soul let's drink a toast of the you know he's whatever he's doing he's somehow getting them drunk he's trying to be polite and he's drinking this wine that is intoxicating him by the way in case you wonder about wine and the christian or alcohol and the christian christians shouldn't drink alcohol at all uh noah got drunk and wandered around naked lot got drunk his daughters made him drunk and he slept with his daughters david knew if he could get he thought if he could get uriah drunk he would go against his conscience and a lot of times there are young men or women that try to get the opposite sex drunk so they can get them to go against their scruples your guard against temptation is definitely down when you are under the influence of a drug and so when people say oh well jesus turned the water into wine he'd turn that water into grape juice it wasn't going to get anyone drunk he did not make 30 gallons of booze for a party as some people i've heard people say it that way it's pretty clear right here why he wanted uriah drunk because he knew better chance of him going against his convictions when he's drunk so if you want to take a drug that's going to make you go against your convictions you can argue for alcohol all you want friends but you're kidding yourself it never makes you a better christian the bible says be not filled with wine which is dissipation but be filled with the spirit because you can't be filled with both at the same time tries to make him drunk but even drunk he would not go down to his house it says afterwards he stumbles out to the gateway and he lays down with the servants of david but he had made a vow he wasn't going to go against it in the morning it happened david writes a letter to joab and he sensed it by the hand of uriah that's about as despicable as you can be basically he gives the death warrant of uriah to uriah seals it and he puts it in a letter and here's what he says to joab set uriah at the forefront of the hottest battle and then retreat from him leave him behind that he might be struck down and die so i can you imagine this now uriah he gets back he's made this trip he's probably still a little hungover he gets to joab on the other side of the jordan river they've got the city of robba besieged and the the fortifications and there's little skirmishes going on as they're fighting against the different gates of the city and uriah hands him a sealed scroll it's got the official seal he sees it's not been opened he opens it up not knowing but something from the king he reads it and he looks at the letter take uriah set him at the front of the hottest battle he says here uriah's standing there and job rolls it back up and he uriah has been a good soldier like i said he may have even been jobs armor bearer but david is the king and he's given him an order he's basically saying give him a suicide mission so that he dies now your eye doesn't know what's going on but you know uriah's already got blood on his hands because remember he killed abner and he should have died for that there was total treachery abner was he was coming in peace they had signed a peace agreement job took him aside and killed him and so you know joab's the nephew of david they've got this family bond and now there's something treacherous happening here but job said he's a king don't know what's happening but i'm going to go along as this is not only a despicable thing for david you think that the general would say i am not going to deliberately kill any good soldier but he takes him and he puts them he finds a part of the city where he knows they've got their best soldiers the ammonites are going to be firing from the wall and he says uriah look charge the gates we'll cover you and he gets all his archers behind him and he tells you where i had charged the gates and so they charge the gates and uriah's got his platoon of men and they're firing up against the wall and then joab gives his covering men the signal he says retreat leave them out there and they abandon them and then the soldiers get back up on the wall and they hail down arrows on your eye in his men and they're killed now don't miss this not only is uriah killed but it says some of the other men are killed doesn't even give us the number which makes us think he didn't say one other guy got killed several other men are killed in order for david to cover his sins so it's not just the murder of uriah it's the murder of many all to cover his sin and so job does it the men of the city came out and fought with joab and some of the people of the servants of david fell and uriah the hittite died also that's what they were planning so job sends and he tells david the things concerning the war and he told the messenger tell him when you finish telling the matters of the word of the king and the king gets mad and said what in the world were you thinking when you approach so near to the wall didn't you know they'd shoot from the wall how did abimelech die the son of jerebel was it not a woman who cast a piece of rock from the wall that's another story in the bible abimelech was killed a woman put a piece of millstone through it off the wall and he says if david says what kind of tactics are these why did you do they says you tell david by the way uriah the hittite is dead so the messenger gives the message to david and david it says the archer shot from the wall verse 24 at your servants and some of the king's servants are dead and your servant uriah the hittite is dead and then david he says well tell joab don't get discouraged don't let this you just keep on fighting you know the sword you know the sword is sword with hours one as well as another that's war wow that's just how it happens well he knows he plotted the whole thing and so right after bathsheba gets word that her husband uriah had died and her morning was over david sent to her she went through the customary ten or two weeks of mourning david sent to her and she became his wife and bore him a son but don't miss this the thing that david had done displeased the lord now that is probably understated it displeased the lord it enraged the lord that david after all the good that god had given him had done this now several months go by she has the baby we don't know how old the baby is he's a few months old maybe and and uh david's making no signs of repentance no sign of turning to god it seems like he's just going to go on like nothing happened no remorse no outside remorse no record of it finally god tells nathan the prophet i want you to go talk to david and the day king david is sitting there and he's he's um listening to different cases that come to the king there was a time each week when the king was the supreme court and difficult cases were brought to him and he'd make a final determination and nathan comes ostensibly he's representing a terrible thing that had happened in the kingdom and nathan says to david there were two men in the city one rich and one poor and the rich man i'm in chapter 12 of second samuel the rich man had exceedingly many flocks and herds but the poor man had nothing except one little you lamb which he bought and he nourished and grew together with him and his children and had ate of his own food and drank from his own cup and it lay in his bosom and it was like a daughter to him and while nathan is telling this story he picked just the right parable because david's thinking back to the days when he was a shepherd and did david care about his lambs did he lay down his life to save them he fought bears to save his lambs he fought lions to save his lambs they had names for him he knew their characteristics he fell asleep with his head on the back of a lamb and so david's relating to all of this he's going yeah yeah tell me what happened i know that poor little lamb what happened they drank from their own cup and david's laughing yeah we did that too it lay in their bosom and it was like a daughter to them the family pet and the travel came to his rich neighbor and the cusp was you'd sometimes set the fatted calf for some food before the neighbor but instead of taking from his own flocks he took the one lamb of the poor man and butchered it to give to the visitor and david's anger was greatly aroused wrath his fire was shooting out of his eyes and smoke out of his ears and david said as the lord lives the man who did this will surely die what a terrible thing to take that one man's land when you've got so many of your own and he's going to restore fourfold for the lamb because he did this thing and he had no pity and then some of the great epic words of the bible this is something that just jumps out in scripture nathan says david you are the man it's like when they're going around the table and jesus says one of you is going to betray me and i will say lord is it i is it i is it i and judah says is it i and jesus says thou has said this is even tougher he says you are the man thus says the lord is like that moment when king as uhera says to esther who is the one who would dare to think to destroy your people and haman's going yeah who and she said it's you one of those aha moments he says you are the man thus says the lord god of israel i anointed you king over israel i delivered you from the hand of saul i gave your master's house and your masters wives into your keeping and gave you the house of israel and of judah and if that had been too little i would have given you much more you know you can't wonder how many of us god can say that to us too you're not satisfied if you pray for good things i'll give you more jesus said you have not because you ask not you just wonder you know what more what you've given david david was you know seemed like he was satisfied he says if you were unsatisfied i would have given you more but not when it involves breaking my law i would have given you much more why have you despised the commandment of the lord to do evil in this sight you have killed uriah the hittite with the sword and you have taken his wife to be your wife and you've killed him with the sword of the people of amen you're not fooling me it wasn't the ammonites you killed him now therefore the sword will never depart from your house because you have despised me and you've taken the wife of uriah the hittite to be your wife thus says the lord because i because of this behold i will raise up adversity against you from your own house and i will take your wives from before your eyes and give them to your neighbor and he will lie with your wives in the sight of the sun for you did this thing secretly but i'll do it before all of israel you know jesus said those things that are done in secret will be proclaimed from the housetops so david said to nathan i have sinned against the lord now some kings when prophets confronted him like this they had the prophets put in jail how dare you talk to me like that micaiah was put in jail because he talked like that to ahab and some of the other kings were persecuted or they harassed them in some way some were killed some of the prophets were killed because they told the truth but nathan when he talked to david david still had something of the holy spirit left in him and he was overcome with conviction he thought nathan spoke the truth it's this is god's word he's right and he was overwhelmed with waves of grief and he realized what has become of me what happened to me that i would come to this and he confesses i have sinned against the lord and then as soon as he confesses how long does he have to wait before he's told he's forgiven immediately nathan the prophet says god has put away your sin and you will not die wow so what is the delay time now karen we're in this new house now and whenever i dial a number it drives me crazy on the land line we still have a landline i dial the number i've got to wait 10 seconds for it to ring now that doesn't seem long until you sit there for 10 seconds i mean every other normal phone when you dial you wait one second two seconds but 10 seconds we had the phone man come back and say why does it take 10 seconds the delay before the phone rings so that's just how far you are from the terminating post out there sorry nothing we can do about it and every time i dial i'm going oh one one thousand two one thousand i'm just waiting there's something wrong with phone no just gotta wait three one thousand the delay time between your repentance and your forgiveness is nanoseconds in the bible as soon as you genuinely repent and when david burst out i have sinned it came from a broken heart right there and immediately god said you are forgiven now wait a second now how can you do that after all he's done that's terrible what he did don't you think you ought to not forgive him you ought to have at least you know 50 days of lost time before you forgive him that should be encouraging for us but he says even though you're forgiven uh there's consequences that won't go away jesus forgave the thief on the cross but he still died on the cross didn't he he was still a thief because by this deed you've given great occasion to the enemies of the lord to blaspheme you know how long people have been making fun of uh what david did because of david's sin down through history people have said yeah you can believe in god but look at what those people do remember david and bathsheba and people have used that as an excuse for sin all through history because of what you've done you've given great occasion to the enemies of the lord to blaspheme the child who is born shall surely die the nathan departed to his house and the lord struck the child that uriah's wife boarded david and it became ill and david therefore pleaded with god for the child because often the lord you know you pray the people of nineveh repented god relented he pleaded with god for the child and david fasted and he went and they lay all night on the ground so the elders of his house arose and went to him and raised him up from the ground but he would not nor did he eat food with him then on the seventh day now you just got to pause here and remind you of something about david that if you haven't noticed solomon david's son wrote whatever your hand finds to do do it with all your might uh david when he fought giants he went out when no one else would go out and david would sing louder than anyone else he would fight harder than whatever david did he did with all his might when david made up his mind to sin boy he really went for it why didn't he i mean to what he did and taking bathsheba and lying about it and murdering lying trying to connive and manipulate uriah and then murdering uriah and just acting like the whole thing whenever david did anything he did it with all his might but the good news is not only did he sin great he repented great and he went and i always hear people make excuses and say well i know i sin we all sin look at what david did all right if you want to use david as an excuse for your sin then i want to see you repent like david repented david went and laid on his face all night i've not seen too many people do that for seven days he would not eat he was brokenhearted and if you just wonder go to psalm 51 please and i'll close with this i want you to read the introduction to the psalm as much as anything to the chief musician the psalm of david when nathan the prophet went to him after he had gone into bathsheba so if you want to know what david was saying and praying during this time here you have it recorded for you have mercy upon me o god according to your lovingkindness according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i acknowledge he confessed my transgressions and my sin is always before me how can i ever forget what i've done against you and you only have i sinned all sin is ultimately against god and done this evil in your sight that you might be found just when you speak in blameless when you judge behold i was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me behold you desire truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part you will make me no wisdom purge me with hyssop and i will be clean this is what they used when they dipped it in the blood and they put the blood of the passover lamb they used hyssop seen purge me with hyssop the blood of the lamb and i will be clean wash me and i will be whiter than snow make me hear joy and gladness the bones that you have broken may rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out my iniquities create in me a clean heart oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within me do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your holy spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with your generous spirit i said then once again instead of being an evangelist for the devil i'll be an evangelist for you i will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will be converted to you it's a beautiful psalm and i'm not going to read it all by the way you can read psalm 51 and you can read psalm 32 but i want to jump back to something some of you hear the story and you think that doesn't sound right here david sins bathsheba suffers uriah dies the baby dies what did the baby do what did the baby do well i mean why did the baby have to suffer you know who had to die that they could be forgiven and the kingdom could be salvaged it was that baby was the son of david are you getting what i'm saying is there another son of david that had to die that sin could be covered that baby that died for david's sin the baby was innocent it represents another innocent baby that came into the world and died that we might be forgiven another son of david that died and you know just to show you how thoroughly god forgave david it says after the child died he laid on his face for seven days and he wanted to eat and finally the child died it doesn't say what the child died from and the servants were afraid to tell him verse 19 they thought oh man look at how he's mourning look at how he's he's beating up himself because of what's happened once he's praying for the child seven days fasting he's he's pouring out his heart how do we bear news to him that even after he prayed and prayed and prayed for something he didn't get an answer not the answer he wanted have you ever felt like that you prayed and prayed and prayed for something you didn't get the answer you wanted and they finally told them they heard david heard him whispering he said tell me is the child dead and they said yes he got up he washed his clothes took a bath change his clothes said bring me some food and they said what are you doing you mourned and repented and cried like this praying for the baby was alive and now the baby's dead and you're going to eat usually people start mourning and fasting after the the death he said i was praying that god would save the child he says i can go to the child now he won't come to me he said god's given me his answer why should i fast can i bring him back again i will go to him but he'll not return to me now here's the part i want you to get verse 24 at second samuel 12 24 then david comforted bathsheba because he's not the only one suffering through all of this it was her baby he comforted bathsheba and notice a little word there it says he comforted batsheba his wife now did god say i want you to divorce bathsheba it talks about him sinning against uriah and taking the wife of uriah but when he repented and i'm sure bathsheba repented at some point you cannot unscramble scrambled eggs and he accepted all right she's your wife there's going to be consequences for what happened but i'm forgiving you i'm forgiving bathsheba and it says she ended up because she was his wife they continued relations she had another son and that son's name was solomon and it says the lord loved him a lot of contrast here you've got the first son of david and bathsheba dies because of their sin they have another son together she's now called david's wife and says god loves that son and he becomes the next king of israel the son of bathsheba which makes you scratch your head if you're like me you think now wait a second if jesus came through david and if jesus came through bathsheba what wasn't he supposed to be with sheba but that would mean that the lord was an accomplice to what david did and how and i got a theory i can't prove it you can't disprove it if david had looked at bathsheba that day like he once had looked at abigail and said that's a beautiful woman but he did not take nabel's wife nabel died and he got abigail uriah might have died in that battle anyway and he could have done it the right way and jesus would have come through the line of bathsheba i mean we don't know i can't prove that it's just speculation but it makes you wonder but god blessed them and he forgave them there was lots of problems that came later and we'll get to some of that in future studies but the most important thing i want you to know is david committed a great sin but because he confessed and he experienced a great repentance he had a great forgiveness now when i talk about david you know i think i ought to just mention i know i've gone longer than usual um god is calling us to lives of purity here david was a man after god's own heart and yet he struggled with some bad behavior god is calling us to purity first thessalonians 4 3 for this is the will of god your sanctification that you should abstain from sexual immorality first corinthians 6 9 do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god don't be deceived neither fornicators or idolaters or adulterers or homosexuals or sodomites or thieves or covetous or drunkards or revelers or extortioners will inherit the kingdom of god now that would disqualify a lot of us right there except he goes on to say and such were some of you david was an adulterer but he repented and turned from it he says you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god if god can save and forgive david from that sin and bathsheba from that impurity then he can forgive us amen and as david said in his psalm he can wash us and make us whiter than snow [Music] you
Channel: AmazingFacts
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Id: N_cSzlfQDH4
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Length: 56min 10sec (3370 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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