Revelation Now: Episode 17 "The Daughter's Deadly Dance" with Doug Batchelor

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hi friends you want to hear an amazing fact there are a number of very wealthy religious institutions in the world but probably the wealthiest by far would be the roman catholic church it's hard to put an exact fix on their assets but when you take into account the silver the gold the priceless artworks and the real estate all around the world it's in the trillions you know bible prophecy talks about some very powerful and wealthy religious organizations in the last days stay with us we're going to talk about it in this presentation of revelation now hello friends we'd like to welcome you all to revelation now everything is about to change we want to welcome those joining us across the country and around the world part of our extended audience in this in-depth bible prophecy seminar looking at some of the most important prophecies in the bible tonight we have a very important presentation getting into the very heart of revelation so you might want to tell your friends to tune in even now to participate in this special revelation seminar we'd also like to let you know that we do have live spanish translation if you'd like to get that just go to the amazing facts latino facebook or youtube channel and also as mentioned before we are doing sign language for the deaf and that's also available at the revelation now website we want to thank the many of you who have written in to tell us that you are participating in this series and i just want to mention a few of those that we've received some emails from alvina from liberia writes i just wanted to thank you from the depths of my heart for these wonderful messages and this series revelation now we have katana listening from micronesia she says it's been a blessing watching all of these presentations i have learned a lot thank you esther is listening from mozambique she says we are enjoying these powerful presentations from maputo mozambique we have learnt a lot thank you for your ministry and then finally we have a picture we'll put up on the screen for you this is uh felipe from el salvador and he's got an interesting story he says we installed speakers in our town and there are about 50 families listening every night thank you for these great presentations so we'd like to greet all of those in el salvador that are watching this program we also want to thank our translators who are translating this program into spanish making it available for so many people in south america and central america as well as the other translators who are translating in serbian and several other languages well our program tonight is entitled the daughter's deadly dance and as we usually do we have a lesson that goes along with the presentation and that is available for free download at the revelation now website just revelation now click on the resource you can download tonight's lesson and we encourage you read through it you'll be able to open up your bible look up the verses fill in the different answers and you'll be encouraged by that our free gift for you is a book entitled america and the ten commandments if you'd like to get this book for free just text the word commandment to the not to the number four zero five four four and you'll receive a digital download of the book if you're outside of north america you can also just go to the revelation now website and you'll be able to download the book america and the 10 commandments well at this time i'd like to invite pastor doug to come forward as mentioned we have a very important presentation tonight so we want to give pastor doug as much time as possible we will be taking your bible questions as we normally do following the program tonight so if you're watching on facebook you can type in the comment section type in your bible question we'll try and answer as many as we can amen all right pastor let's start with prayer and we'll get right to it dear father we thank you again they'll be able to gather together and open up your word and we have an extended audience across this country and around the world who are studying together with us so we want to ask you a special blessing thank you that your spirit has promised to speak to our hearts help us to understand these important bible truths we ask us in jesus name amen amen thank you pastor ross and again we'll be back doing bible questions so don't go away after this presentation we just take about a two and a half minute break we hope that you'll be facebooking us in those questions and we'll do our best to answer them afterward welcome everybody we're so glad that you've tuned in tonight we have a very important presentation talking about really the usa in bible prophecy and you know i just want to give a little shout out i heard pastor ross say some people in micronesia are watching and they mentioned before the broadcast i think it's the island of ponape and i was there twice doing some mission trips and i learned how to say good evening everybody i think it's so tick mount carusia now i'll never get to do that again so i just wanted to give a special greeting to our friend well i can say it in russian dobrevia what is noches amigos wait wait i got one more aniwalikum malivonicum that's in tamil i think anyway got to use up all the foreign language i know that was it right there so we're just so glad that you've tuned in uh we need to pray as we go into our study tonight because we are talking about some oh it just doesn't get any bigger and heavier than this and i hope you put your seat belt on and you will pray for me as i share because we're going to delve into some of the most important bible prophecies we're going to be talking about america in prophecy and we'll also be talking about what happened there in europe according to revelation babylon revelation 17. but before we do it's always fun to go out on the streets and listen to some of our citizens around the country answer the questions about is america mentioned in prophecy i do not believe the bible talks about the usa in prophecy the bible does does not talk about the united states in the prophecy no the u.s has not been mentioned in bible prophecies specifically because that would be impossible the bible's written three thousand years ago well i'm trying to remember the scripture right now but right now with covert 19 going on and the thing is going on in 2020 this is in the bible i believe the united states plays a big role in history um i don't i don't know i don't know how to really get too deep into it but i it does play a really big role uh babylon was uh the big sin city it was a of i would kind of compare it to the united states in some current times right babylon has always been the area where city whatever you want to call it that it's very wealthy a lot of decadence and uh and that sort of thing so the harlot is that babylon well there you have it friends we've got uh interesting spectrum of views on whether or not bible prophecy talks specifically about america i'll tell you right at the onset that i believe it definitely does and we're going to give you some biblical answers and reason for that in our presentation study tonight is called the daughter's dance and that title really is reflecting that in bible prophecy women are often synonymous with a church and we have a story that we're going to look at and the story comes to us from the life of john the baptist who you find mentioned in several gospels he was the forerunner of jesus he's the one who first announced that jesus was the messiah behold the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world jesus declares that john was the greatest of the prophets but because of john's bold and honest preaching he made a few enemies he called the religious leaders a den of vipers and that didn't win him any awards but what really got him in trouble is when he told king herod the tetrarch that he should not be married to his brother's wife that it was adultery and this king who is supposedly acquainted with jewish law should have known better well the woman he married herodias she was a pretty sinister character and she wanted to plot how to get rid of john you can read that in luke 3 19 and 20 but herod the tetroc that's the king he was basically the the governor of judea under the romans being reproved by him for all the evils which herod had done shut up john in prison but he was afraid to do anything more than put him in prison because he really believed that he was a man of god so he's trying to make his wife happy and and try not to make the people angry well she was plotting how she could get rid of john before her husband let him go again and herod had a birthday party and everybody that was anybody in the area was invited and and he had uh a few too many drinks and then he made a promise he see his stepdaughter salome the daughter of herodias he said if she would come out and dance he'd give her anything she wanted up to half his kingdom so it says she went forth and she danced and i guess she entertained the guests and the king said what do you want up to half my kingdom you've probably heard that expression before and she went to her mother herodias and said what shall i ask for and she didn't ask for a credit card or a new transistor radio mother said ask for the head of john the baptist so when herod heard this he was reluctant but he had made a promise in front of all these guests and a king's word is law so with dispatch he sent an executioner no fanfare alone in prison john was beheaded and jesus said he was the greatest of the prophets and you know tells us there's a lot of god's children his servants his martyrs that have died alone in prisons through history then you know the expression head on a platter the head of john the baptist was brought to the daughter and the mother on a silver platter and that of course became a metaphor for a person that's receiving severe judgment we're going to go to our first question in our study tonight we've got a lot of material to cover tell you ahead of time may go a little longer and cut into our question time but i want to cover this well i've got an old timer used to say if you're going to cut wood make every lick count and so i'm going to try and make every lick count because this is my opportunity to make this subject clear what other mother-daughter team persecuted god's people in the old testament well you can read about first kings 18 13 jezebel slew the prophets of the lord so what you have here is you've got a very famous old testament story where this pagan queen uh jezebel she was from the uh the region of the zidonians tire and herod the king i'm sorry ahab the king jewish king married her and this pagan queen manipulated the state her husband the king to persecute the prophets of god and replace the prophets of god of jehovah with the prophets of baal and during the time of her reign there's three and a half years of severe persecution in famine and elijah the prophet is hiding in the wilderness he finally comes out of the wilderness and there's a great judgment that falls on the prophets of baal so you've got this 1260 year period of time from during the famine in the days of elijah jezebel now jezebel had a daughter jezebel was in the northern kingdom of israel the southern kingdom where jerusalem was judea her daughter athaliah married the king joram and she persecuted the prophets down there and when athelia saw that her son was dead she arose and destroyed all the royal seed she did not want the sons of david displacing her so she killed the ones that rightly had the right to the throne but one joash escaped here you've got another mother-daughter team persecuting the people of god well i thought i'll throw in one more um many people don't realize that even in the book of esther the book of esther begins with a three and a half year period in the third year of the reign of ahaziwaris the king had a feast lasting 180 days at the end of that time someone is cut off there's always like a cutting off at the end of this period of time vashti is dethroned he begins the process of looking for a new king ends up being s queen rather ends up being esther so the next question i jump past what is the second angel's message in revelation 14. you read there another angel followed saying babylon the great is fallen babylon has fallen has fallen that great city because she made all nations drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication so first of all you notice that babylon is a she you're reading in revelation 14 and she's got wine and this wine that she is intoxicating everybody with is going to bring judgment on them it's the opposite of the saving gospel it's a counterfeit gospel and it's filled with falsehoods so how does god symbolize babylon in revelation 17 all right time to go to the bible and i'm going to read the first few verses of revelation chapter 17. here's where this prophetess this false prophetess i should say is introduced revelation 17 verse 1 then one of the seven angels who had the seven bulls he came and he talked to me saying come i will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth had been made drunk with the wine of her fornication so he carried me away in the spirit now listen carefully to the details into the wilderness and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet colored beast which was full of names of blasphemy having seven heads that's the beast not the woman seven heads and ten horns and the woman was arrayed in purple scarlet adorned with gold precious stones and pearls having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations in the filthiness of her fornication an honor for hidden name is written mystery babel and the great the mother of harlots here's that mother-daughter team and abominations of the earth and i saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus and when i saw her i wondered with great amazement and you know i'll jump down to the last verse in chapter 17. we don't have time to read it all it says the woman that you saw is that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth so most protestant scholars through history because a woman represents a church in prophecy and it says this woman is that kingdom that reigns over the great the kings of the earth who was reigning over the kings of the earth when john wrote revelation it's rome and so it narrows it down really quick who this is talking about because it says it's a woman it's obviously a rich woman a powerful woman that is in rome and ends up being a persecuting power and there's only one big church in rome that fits this description that's why the protestants had real issues with what was happening with the roman catholic church there in rome so the answer the woman that you saw is that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth what other evidence from revelation 17 proves that babylon is referring to papal rome now we're going to look at a lot of evidence here first of all it says she is guilty of blasphemy blasphemy is when a person two biblical definitions one when somebody takes the prerogatives that belong to god they either say that they should be treated or worshiped like god or they say that they have the powers of god and the church meets this definition according to the bible you can read a number of places popes quote it themselves this one is from ferris's ecclesiastical dictionary the pope is of so great a dignity and so exalted that he's not a mere man but as it were the uh god and the vicar of god he is as it were god and the vicar of god well i i respectfully disagree but i think that we all know if you you know look at the way that the the pope is treated living in uh one of the greatest pieces of architecture in the world that everything is gilded and people come and you know they bow and they kiss the hand you know they used to kiss the foot tell you a quick story you know how he ended up with the anglican church while king henry viii could not get the church to approve his divorce he sent an ambassador to meet with the pope to see if they could reconcile and that pope would agree to uh you know prove his divorce so he could remarry and when the ambassador came he had a large like afghan a russian wolfhound dog he took with him every day everywhere this ambassador from england and when he came in to meet with the pope the dog was at his side and the pope thrust out his foot so that the emissary could kiss his foot the dog misunderstood that intention and bit the pope's foot the swiss guard immediately killed the dog which so outraged the ambassador that he turned and left back to england without completing his mission you've got the anglican church that was what sealed the deal but now they're reconciling so that's another interesting bit of prophecy says she's dressed in purple in scarlet well this is something that can't be misunderstood you know it is the custom whenever they have any kind of official occasion that the cardinals wear scarlet and the bishops wear purple and you can you know look at pictures online everywhere and see those are the colors of royalty that are worn by the church says she's adorned adorned in gold and precious stones and pearls and if you are tuned in for the opening amazing fact we just highlighted that the roman catholic church has more priceless treasures it's not it's hard to determine whether their wealth is greater in the real estate or in the priceless treasures because you know how do you carve up the sistine chapel and sell it and all these statues of michelangelo and these great works of art that they possess and all the gilded and the silver saints that are in all of the churches quick story oliver cromwell during his reign in england they ran out of currency and he sent his servants through the kingdom to see if they could find some currency because they were just out of money it was all over in europe they came back and they reported it's the only silver we can find in the kingdom is in the churches in the statues of the saints and cromwell famously said well maybe it's time we melt down the saints and put them into circulation which by the way is a good policy for any church we need to put the saints into circulation but so they they're fabulously wealthy and you've probably seen some of the regalia or if you've ever traveled to rome then you won't question that now they've lost a lot of cash in the last 20 years because of lawsuits so their great assets now are really in the the real estate all over the world whenever new civilizations were spreading the the priests and the jesuits would go to these communities that established churches the churches would grow up around the these communities would grow up around the church all through south america you can see the churches in the middle of town they own that real estate it's like you know st patrick's cathedral in downtown new york city just multiply that towns times thousands around the world there's phenomenal wealth just right there she's called the mother now what does the catholic church say about itself you may be interested to know that the pope is not only the leader of the catholic church and he kind of rules there in the vatican but he is also the pastor of the lateran church there in rome he is a pastor of a church and this is the marble plaque in front of the church and i'll translate the latin to english for you it says the sacred lateran mother and head of all churches of the city and the world so when we use the word mother that you find in the bible we're not just trying to make it fit this is a title that they use themselves and the appeal of pope francis and others before him has been for the strain protestant children to come back to the mother church they recognized that most of the protestant churches fragmented and broke off the mother church martin luther was a catholic broke away calvin was john knox wells and many of the other great reformers answer d she has harlot daughters who are also fallen now i know some of you are getting ready to change the channel because you don't like me using that word i have to use it because it's in the bible i'm not using it to be derogatory keep in mind god in the old testament said israel was his people he chose israel he also said that whenever they were unfaithful and compromised the truth or they compromised with other religions around them he said they went whoring after idols he calls them very specifically his whoring church his whoring people and i know that's strong language but that's how god feels when his church that's to be his bride begins to follow the religions that are counterfeit in the world and he says you're being unfaithful to me you're committing adultery with the devil and so this is the language you find in the old and the new testament not just for the catholic church but for protestant churches for the jewish church any of god's people through history when they've strayed from the word he said they went whoring after other gods so sorry for the strong language but it's in the bible it says that the daughters when the protestant churches broke away from the catholic church they retained still in their bosom characteristics from the mother church many of them did not break away completely like my lutheran friends while they broke away on some very important points they still continue to baptize babies and a number of other things that the bible said is not biblical or teach you know eternal torment in hell things like that so they still had some vestiges of compromise they got from the mother she persecutes and martyred the saints great numbers and this is from the history of the pope's page 334 great numbers were driven from their habitations with their wives and children stripped and naked many of them inhumanely massacred and i think i mentioned earlier in another broadcast that if you want to get just a glimmer of what happened during the dark ages between 538 when it the catholic church really became a political power and began to persecute heresy from 538 to 1798 literally millions and millions of christians and jews were persecuted or killed or tortured just look up spanish inquisition the spanish inquisition was just not in spain it was happening all over europe and so you'll get an idea of what happened she sits upon seven mountains so it tells us that this woman sits on seven hills okay if if you're watching wherever you are if you've got a smartphone all you've got to do is google seven hills and you know what you're gonna come up with rome is called the city of seven hills those twin brothers according to the legend romulus and remus they were born there and grew up among the seven hills of rome and it's always been called the city of seven hills and here's an excerpt from uh i forget where the excerpt is from i think it's from encyclopedia but i forgot to put it in there rome was founded in 753 bc the seven hills a term used for centuries to describe the capital loan grenero vemenel esquiline kellyanne aventine and palantine hills surrounding the old city and i probably slaughtered the italian but anyway you can read that for yourself g she rules over the kings of the earth it's telling us that this woman we just read about in revelation 17 uh it says she's sitting on this beast seven heads and ten horns when you sit on a beast it means you're really you know you supposedly the cowboy should be riding the horse directing it and so she is in control she's riding and you know uh if you've ever played chess that game grew up during the time in europe when every king every monarch in europe there was a bishop in the court or two that were clearing any decisions that the monarch made with the church the church really had power over the state because the kings might be able to control people while they were alive the church says we can control you after you're dead whether or not you go to heaven that was up to the priest to forgive you had to confess your sins to the priest and so they had tremendous power and if the church declared a person was excommunicated or if the pope said that a kingdom was intradict and they would declare that everybody in the kingdom was going to be lost unless the king cooperated the people would turn on their own monarchs and even to this very day pope john paul ii pope benedict pope francis they have audience that the united nations will gather to listen to them speak they won't do that for billy graham because he is a head of state and you can just look in the headlines how the pope became involved in trying he brought the president of palestine and president of israel together a prime minister of israel to try to work things out he got involved in trying to reconcile with cuba and the u.s and he's very much involved in politics and frames himself as a peacemaker and nothing against the individual i mean francis it reminds me of my grandfather actually looks very much like my grandfather seems like a very nice sincere man i'd love to meet him and give him a bible study so it's nothing against the person it's the office that they hold that protestants have always said fulfilled the biblical definition for that first beast in revelation 13 and the woman of revelation 17. so how do the beasts of revelation 13 and 17 compare hopefully you got our study on revelation 13 a couple of days ago and you realize there's two beasts in revelation 13. first one we've been telling you we believe is synonymous with the roman catholic church based in rome leader of the orthodox churches you know even the greek and the russian orthodox patriarchs and even the english archbishop of canterbury have all come to rome to reconcile with the pope the pope is he's the head dog there um and the second beast in revelation 13 is the united states now i've told you where i'm going but then i'll be proving it as we move along it says i stood upon the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns now if you're driving down the road and you see a sign that shows goose crossing you know that there may be geese crossing or it might see a deer or an elk crossing or a bear crossing and if you're in alaska it might be a moose crossing but i bet you've never seen a crossing sign where you got a critter that's got seven heads this is obviously a symbol but notice that this symbol appears several times you go to revelation well 13 1 upon his heads the names of blasphemy now look in revelation 17 3 i saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast full of names of blasphemy there it is again seven heads ten horns clearly the same beast look in revelation 12 and there appeared another wonder in heaven behold a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns now notice in revelation 12 the beast with seven heads and ten horns does not have a woman that's because this was the roman power ruled by caesar's when you get to revelation 17 now you've got the roman power that is commingling with a woman a church can't be misunderstood well it could be but friends what i'm sharing with you is not some new teaching of pastor doug this is a teaching people just have not heard for years but all of the great protestant reformers believe this i'm giving you a quick sampling of some of them right now i don't want to be tedious i could read you 30 different quotes charles spurgeon is called the prince of preachers and he said behold upon her forehead the name mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth the church of rome and her teachings are a vast mountain of rubbish covering the truth of god he said that the roman church was obscuring the truth john knox who had been a catholic priest he came out he became a presbyterian he sought to counteract the tyranny which the pope himself had for so many ages exercised over the church as with luther he finally concluded that the papacy was very antichrist son of perdition of whom paul speaks you can read in roger williams one of the founders of founding fathers of america really founded the separation of church and state there in rhode island pastor williams spoke of the pope as the pretended vicar of christ on earth who sits as god over the temple of god showing himself that he has got him finishing the verse exalting himself not only above all that is called god but over the souls and consciences of his vassals he is the son of perdition that is prophesied in second thessalonians chapter two that's roger williams cotton mather who was a congregational really a puritan theologian this guy i understood he had memorized the entire new testament it's pretty impressive the oracles of god foretold the rising of an antichrist in the christian church and the pope of rome fits all the characteristics of that antichrist so marvelously our answer that if anyone who reads the scriptures does not see it there is a marvelous blindness on them and you know friends think about it for a second i have to agree with what he's saying if you want to know a prophecy in the bible that is easy to understand about the last days you look at revelation 17 a woman is a church you just apply the symbols says it's that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth that was rome by the time john had his vision it tells us scarlet and purple gold precious stones drunken with the blood of the saints oh i haven't even gotten to it all wait there's more okay john wesley in his commentary on the bible that is europe this beast is the roman papacy as it came to a point 600 years since stands now and will for some time longer to this and to no other power of earth agrees the whole text and every part of it in every point and again he's talking about in uh the same verses we are looking at revelation 17 first thessalonians chapter 2 this beast is a spiritual secular power opposite to the kingdom of christ a power not merely spiritual or ecclesiastical not merely secular or political but a mixture of both that's what we've been saying in the last days you're going to have the commingling of church and state there's never again going to be a one world government to rule the world daniel 2 says the others will not cleave one to another but there is going to be a religious glue that's going to bring together these governments and it's going to be led by the pope in europe and the united states in the western hemisphere if you read the book all roads lead to rome he says a great cloud of witnesses wycliffe tyndale luther calvin kramer in the 17th century bunion the translators of the king james bible and the men who published the westminster and baptist confessions of faith sir isaac newton john wesley whitfield jonathan edwards and more recently spurgeon bishop jc ryrie and dr martin lloyd jones these men among countless others all saw the office of the papacy as antichrist we're not trying to be unkind like i said we're not talking about people and in case you didn't hear me say this earlier we believe there's going to be millions of lovely catholic people in heaven from different orthodox churches different protestant churches there'll be some people in my church that won't make it people are not saved based on a denomination but we're talking about prophecy that foretold powers these beasts in the old testament in the new testament were kingdoms and powers that influence god's people some of you remember when we talked about daniel chapter 2 it talked about head of gold let's see if you remember what was that babylon then you got the silver arms were made of persia the bronze belly and thighs were grease legs of iron are rome the feet of iron and clay the divisions of the roman empire interesting iron is still there rome clay it's religion a mixture of man was made out of clay and so you kind of got the co-mingling it's also what you used to make concrete iron and clay which is the number one building material but in those kingdoms are we saying those are the only kingdoms that were in the world back then no you've got great inca empires a great empire in china they're great empires in india and different countries and so we're not saying those are the only kingdoms we're saying those were the kingdoms that had power over god's people during that time babylon medo-persia greece rome they all occupied god's people now those have spread around the world and so now we're talking about global power what is the meaning and origin of the word babylon well you can read here in genesis chapter 11 verse 4 6 7-9 you know after the flood they didn't want to scatter upon the earth they said let us build a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven the lord had told them don't do that he said go spread out subdue the earth be fruitful multiply and they said god might flood us again we better build a tower in case we need to save ourselves and they said we want to do to make a name for ourselves god was not pleased with their disobedience god said let us go down here's an example of a trinity plural let us go down there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech therefore the name of it is called babel because the lord did there confound the language of all the earth and to this very day if you say someone is babbling and the reason you have the word baby because babies babble and it means when someone is speaking in a way that no one understands so right there at the beginning you've got these kingdoms that are in conflict between babylon and jerusalem the early word for babylon was babel early word for jerusalem was salem where melchizedek was king they both grew and they sort of became opposite poles of god's people and the kingdom of lies that the devil ruled over how does god describe babylon in urging his people to leave and he the angel here in revelation 18 verse 2 he cries mightily with a strong voice by the way friends you're hearing that voice right now he cried mightily with a strong voice saying babylon the great is fall and has fallen and become the habitation of devils and the hold of every fowl spirit come out of her my people gotta just pause there god has his people this is what this says jesus said i've got other sheep that are not of this fold the lord says i've got my people in babylon keep in mind the children of israel were captives in babylon he called them out abraham brought his wife out of mesopotamia as did isaac as did jacob they all came from across the euphrates and god before jesus comes he's calling his people out of the confusion of babylon into his fold that we might be one people and reflect him this message is going to the world come back to the bible in the truth if you don't notice what it says come out of her my people that you be not partakers of her sins you might say what sins are we partaking of when you support a movement that is teaching lies you are basically underwriting their sins you become an accomplice and become responsible for spreading untruth and if the truth sets you free lies enslave jesus repeatedly indicates uh in indics babylon for making the world drunk with her wine what is this wine notice revelation 17 verse 4 having a golden cup isn't that interesting in her hand full of abominations and you read in the catholic encyclopedia the chalice that's used during the eucharist the mass is the most important of the sacred vessels and the big battle in one of the big battles in the protestant movement was what they call transubstantiation in the catholic church they say the priest by going through the latin rites of the eucharist you probably heard the expression before hocus pocus because there's a phrase and i can't say it but it's the corpus is a word that the priest uses when he's supposedly transferring the uh the bread into the actual body of christ and people were teasing the priest he said well when he goes through his hocus pocus when he spoke in latin he said i am converting this into the actual body of christ and blood and luther said that's blasphemy you can't create god a man does not have that power and there's a big battle over the golden cup and the mass something else you'll find interesting is jesus when he had the last supper with the disciples he gave them grape juice he was unfermented wine christ said i will not drink this again until i drink it with you new in my father's kingdom the gospel of christ he says you don't put old wine i don't put new wine and no wine scans it's the new unfermented the bread was to be unleavened bread that was a symbol of sin if it was leaven unleavened bread and unfermented grape juice but in the roman catholic services it is intoxicating drink and i remember as i was a kid i went to military school new york military academy and every sunday i was required to go to services and i didn't want to go anywhere because my parents were pretty much agnostic my dad had been baptist growing up my mother was jewish my parents had sent me to catholic school and so i would rotate from week to week between protestant jewish and catholic services and i remember going to the catholic service the priest had to hold several services that day and he drank a little of the grape juice he gave all of us the bread but he didn't give us any wine he just drank the wine but he was tipsy by the end of the day and i thought even as a kid i thought there's something wrong with that and i also remember him smoking during the mass but um so it just seemed really strange to me but do you see that very picture don't we it tells us about the woman has a golden cup and in the cup is the wine now what did what did jesus say that grape juice represented his blood it's the gospel it's the truth the teachings of christ that washes us from sin but in the cup of babylon it's not pure it's got something rotten in it that's what fermentation is and in the doctrines there are some true doctrines that i would agree with my catholic friends on there's things they believe i believe in reverence there's things they believe i believe in but they've got some doctrines of devils that have compromised with pagan religions that drifted from the teachings of christ and we're going to find out what those are for one the ten commandments are not binding this is some of the wine of babylon that you the ten commandments have can be altered or changed by a man here's an example you can read in daniel 7 25 it says this beast power would think to change times and laws now i've got a picture here this is in front of a catholic church i think in miss in michigan and you can look online this is the catholic version of the ten commandments you'll notice something right away that the second commandment about idolatry is not there the other thing you'll notice is the third commandment says sabbath that's supposed to be the fourth commandment and the tenth commandment the way they keep ten is they divided the tenth commandment that said don't covet your neighbor's wife or his house or his ox or donkey and that's all one commandment for the jews and the protestants but in order to get rid of the idolatry one they cut that one out and they change the sabbath from the seventh day to the first day think to change times and laws and they say we have that right sunday sacredness here's an example of that nowhere does it say that the first day is to be a holy day that was the roman day of the sun they worship the sun have you any other way this is from the catholic catechism have you any other way of proving that the church has power to institute festivals of precept yes answer had she not such power she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her that's actually not all but that's what they say she could not have substituted the observance of sunday the first day of the week for the observance of saturday the seventh day of the week a change for which there is no scriptural authority so they said we've got the power to change the law the secret rapture the idea that jesus is coming secretly and the saints are going to be caught away you know where that came from no protestant church believed in the secret rapture all the protestants used to believe when the lord came it would be visible glorious everyone will see it and that would be jesus catching us up the world would be destroyed the lord comes like a thief the elements melt with fervent heat and then at the end of one thousand years we returned down to earth but when millions of catholics began to pour out of the roman catholic church because they were listening to the teachings of the protestants they read revelation 17 they go wow that's hard to miss what the catholics had to do then is they had to come up with a counter interpretation of those prophecies the people say well if it doesn't mean what luther they're saying what does it mean and they hired a couple of priests alcazar and francisco ribera jesuit priests and they wrote this whole new interpretation of prophecy that's called futurism well they had one version that's called preterism they said oh all these prophecies were fulfilled by nero because nero wore purple and scarlet also and he had gold and so they they tried to fit that and the other idea was we're going to get it to go into the future anything but point at them and this whole new future interpretation of prophecy came out it was adopted by um darby and it was put into schofield's bible and then how lindsay read schofield's bible and he wrote a book called late great planet earth and it went from just a few churches believing the catholic version called futurism to now most protestants are teaching the catholic version of the second coming about the secret rapture and we do believe we're going to be caught up but it's not a secret and the tribulation happens before jesus comes so that's one of those doctrines they got people all mixed up the immortality of the soul we went through this in our study where in the bible does it say that we have immortality without jesus those who believe in him have everlasting life those that don't perish god and god only has immortality and so this whole teaching that you can't die that's what the serpent told eve in the garden of eden and that's what many pastors are telling their congregations he said you're immortal you'll live forever in heaven or you'll live forever in hell but you can't die you're immortal like god the bible doesn't say that bible says the soul that sins will die you have two choices life or death there is a resurrection there is punishment but you don't live forever and ever in the fire think about that eternal torment that's where i was heading right now not to eternal torment but to the subject yeah the idea that um and this became convenient they took this kind of from greek mythology and pluto in charge of hades and the hounds of hell and the idea being that um if the church does not pray you out of purgatory and if you do not pay your relatives out of purgatory or out of limbo then they're suffering this incredibly horrific torture that you can't even imagine and it was a very powerful way to manipulate millions of people with fear that's not what the bible taught god is a loving god god is merciful he's making a universe where there is no more pain no more sorrow more no more tears all things are new there's no more sinners even satan himself the bible says i'll bring forth a fire from the midst of thee and it will devour you and i'll bring you to ashes on the earth in the sight of those who behold you and you will be a terror and never will you be any more you will never be you cease to exist god says i am that i am he's eternal satan is not eternal and so god's going to destroy sin he's going to destroy sinners another doctrine that many protestants adopted like the mother church that is not in the bible confessing your sins to a priest well the bible says confess your faults to one another and pray for one another never says to confess your sins to a priest it means as christian brothers and sisters we say you know i'm struggling can you pray for me or i've got this weakness but you don't confess your innermost sins to a person and that person can't forgive you and the idea that you have to confess all your sins to priests first of all i would hate to be a priest and listen to people tell me all their salacious problems all day long what's that got to do to a person's mind that can't be healthy and you have to listen to that and and um you know you've heard the expression too much information god says we're to confess our sins to him god and god only can forgive your sins is what the bible teaches jesus said call no man father you have one father which is in heaven and yet this church says call the religious leaders father the word papa if the for the pope it's meaning the great father counterfeit baptisms the bible says that before you're baptized you need to be taught you need to repent you need to believe with all your heart baby can't do that now parents may have dedicated you as a baby and they called it baptism but that's not bible baptism bible baptism is where you consciously understand the gospel you repent of your sins and you come for that cleansing it's a choice like marriage jesus was dedicated as a baby but he wasn't baptized till he was 30. so if you had to get baptized as a baby joseph and mary would have done that back then and then you've got this confusion of tongues that's become part and parcel of so many churches and again i'm trying to speak graciously i'm hitting things quick because i've got so much i'm trying to cover but before pastor doug learned the things that i know now when i first accepted jesus you heard my story i was living up in the mountains in a cave almost no christian background i mean i went to two different catholic schools and i went to some jewish schools but i knew almost nothing about the bible and i read the bible started going to church on sunday most of the churches i worship with were evangelical charismatic churches a lot of good friends lovely people i expect to see many of them in heaven but they would break off into speaking in tongues and they'd say doug you don't have the holy spirit unless you speak in tongues i said that's not what i'm seeing in acts i just couldn't and they said well you need to just let go and let the spirit take over and i said well i i don't say this well here just say hallelujah say hallelujah say it quicker hallelujah hallelujah and they try and get you to keep saying hallelujah until you're just stumbling over yourself they'd say that's the gift of the holy spirit i said no i don't see that in the bible jesus said you will speak with other tongues he told his disciples he had 12 very bright but formerly uneducated apostles he said i want you to go tell all the world you will speak with other tongues acts chapter 2 on a holiday when devout jews from every nation came to jerusalem he pours out the holy spirit he gives the disciples the ability to speak other languages they had not formally known or studied miraculously the people listening know what they're saying they said how do we every man hear them speak the wonderful works of god in our own tongues wherein we were born they were miraculously given the the ability to speak in other languages that's the gift of tongues and the gospel went everywhere but the the repetitive the empty babbling where a person doesn't even know what they're saying you do not find that happening in the bible so and you read all three examples of tongues in acts 2 acts 10 acts 19 the people present in all three there's multiple language groups they all understood what was being said prophesying they're talking about god it was for the purpose of spreading the gospel when there were different language groups that didn't understand so but that's been taken to just a whole different level today babylon babylon it's one of the examples of what's happening in many churches what power will support the beast in the end time and i beheld another beast here it comes coming up out of the earth not out of the water you read in revelation 17 the waters are multitudes of people tongues and nations two horns like a lamb now when we read revelation in the bible lamb good or bad jesus behold the lamb of god two horns like a lamb starts out good dragon good or bad goes bad two horns like lamb b starts out good but he speaks like a dragon the waters represent a populated area that must represent if the waters represent a populated area the earth coming up out of the earth must represent a sparsely populated area you read in chapter 17 of revelation the angel told john the waters that you saw where the woman sits are multitudes of people languages and tongues it's talking about densely concentrated place rome came up right in the middle of the mediterranean surrounded by literal water and civilizations great heavily densely populated civilizations what continent began to suddenly spring out in history following 1798. it's interesting 1776 is when we signed our declaration of independence but we were not recognized by the other countries of europe as an independent country from england until 1798. and there's no question about what country this is talking about it's north america united states in particular and we we kind of like to use the buffalo as a picture because compared to some of the big oxen and bovines they've got in africa and europe it has small horns like a lamb but it's a pretty fierce two-ton beast two horns represent the two big principles of strength that made america great unlike europe we had a government without a king they tried to make george washington king and he turned it down he said no we don't want to go back to what we just rebelled against and uh they had a church without a pope freedom of government freedom of religion were the two horns that gave america its strength and its power and everybody wanted to come and by the way they still want to come today because in spite of its flaws it's one of the best places in the world to be so starts out with two horns like a lamb many of the founding fathers though they were imperfect they came and they were really looking for religious purity they wanted america to be that city on a hill that would share the gospel with the world and you can read the documents of the founding fathers and sometimes they were very sincere but sometimes they even persecuted those that did not go along and but they started out with you look in the constitution we believe that our creator has endowed us with certain rights and so the founding fathers believed there was a creator and that's where we got those rights and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him starts out like a lamb freedom explodes with growth between world war one and world war ii becomes the premier super power in the world he causes the earth and then the dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed that's interesting because if europe if the central power in europe in rome for religion was their the papacy roman catholic church america was the beach head for protestants of the world you know in the last 50 years the united states has sent more money more bibles more missionaries around the world than any other country and the united states gives more charity around the world so it has represented just the protestant ethics but it's going to rejoin with the mother church and recreate an image of what happened during the dark ages that beast that was wounded it came back that persecuting religious political power i don't know if any of you remember this article from february 24 1992 called the holy alliance time magazine the great report that explained that what brought down communism was an alliance between the united states and the catholic church ronald reagan had a very important meeting with pope john paul ii i think i showed you a picture my father met him once years ago and through solidarity they knew they could undermine europe and poland and if they could do that they'd get a foothold and it would begin to fall like dominoes all the countries would want freedom and it worked and you can even go to poland now i think this is in warsaw they got a picture of reagan and the pope in bronze not a picture of a bronze statue of them walking it was the union of protestants in the united states and catholicism trying to restructure the world who could forget this picture when john paul ii died here you've got three u.s presidents on their knees before the pope and you know what's really strange is that protestants don't believe you pray for a person after they die but in the catholic church they do and all of those presidents are ostensibly from a protestant background and then in 2015 pope francis came to united states and i mentioned this earlier and i repeat myself because i know some people don't get every program he went to all the places that were the founding for the us government our capital used to be new york city philadelphia washington dc he went to all those places plus he addressed a joint session of congress and the united nations in one trip what was left out and uh received superstar status and coverage nonstop on the media things have changed you know when the united states this is what's really amazing see that picture here you've got of course the vatican flag which is state flag and the american flag side by side on the capitol mall and the washington monument i don't know if you know but when the washington monument was being built the u.s said that if there were some of our friend nations that wanted to donate a marble block we gave them specifications that we would put it on the inside they needed to have matching marble on the outside the vatican sent them a marble block and that so outraged some of the builders and masons in particular they took it they threw it in the potomac river they said we don't want anything from the beast well how have things changed between then and now and it says an image to the beast kind of interesting you get the romanesque architecture in the vatican the dome and i don't want to make too much out of it i just think it's an interesting visual of the united states capital and the vatican and then you've got right in front of the the u.s you've got the tallest obelisk in the world in the washington monument and then of course in front of saint peter's you've got another one and it says the u.s will make an image to the beast that they'll be reaching across the gulf and joining hands according to prophecy what drastic change will take place in america starts out like a lamb but he speaks now how does a nation speak speaks with its laws with its legislation a nation speaks through its laws our legislative body in the rules and telling people how to live and what to follow interesting right now 50 years ago every member of the u.s supreme court was a protestant now there are no protestants now i think there are seven catholics one's anglican catholic and two jews and all lovely people and i don't think religion should be a test for office i believe that i'm just saying i think it's interesting it's noteworthy people ought to just go i'm making a note of that it's no protestants anymore and they used to all be protestants and if you know i frankly believe that a person's religious beliefs will influence how they think if your religious beliefs do not influence how you think you need new beliefs saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by the sword and did live the the beast received a deadly wound by the sword from the protestant reformation and you know the bible's it's interesting martin luther he translated the bible into the language of the people the gutenberg press first book they printed was a bible bibles began to go like crazy throughout europe everybody could read the bible and they said wait a second here we're reading revelation oh this is this can't be a coincidence scarlet golden cup purple pearls roman city woman and they said wow and all these people began to flock out of the church and they lost a lot of power finally of course when napoleon took the pope captive it was looked like a death blow received a deadly wound but they were reinstated as an independent country during the time of mussolini in 1929 and now they're reconciling the wound pope francis says over and over we want to heal the wound with our protestant brothers and sisters and he's working very hard to do that he's met with the coptic patriarch the russian orthodox patriarch the head of the greek orthodox church the anglican church everyone from rick warren to joel osteen he's been very active kenneth copeland meeting with protestant leaders saying we need to be one keeps quoting john 17. what three powers will unite against god's people in the end time and i saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth this is talking about speaking of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet that says frogs because frogs of course an unclean animal frog catches things with its tongue so it's with the words and it says that they're going forth to the kings of the earth to gather them together to the battle of armageddon just like in the old testament the witch did signs and wonders for saul before a battle where he was judged and there's going to be spiritualism will these diverse organizations ever effectively unite says for they are the spirits of devils working miracles that go forth to the kings of the whole world to gather them together to the battle of the great day of god almighty then the bible says jesus inserts a phrase behold i come quickly i said read a letter in your bible it says he gathered them together to a place called in the hebrew tongue armageddon what effective methods will this end time coalition utilize united states catholicism and spiritualism they are the spirits of devils working miracles there's gonna be signs and wonders and but are they real miracles didn't jesus say beware of false prophets that come to you false christs working miracles he does great wonders so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men to deceive those so these miracles are going to be used to get everybody to be very sincere about persecuting bible believing christians and they're going to do it in the name of the lord jesus said in john 16 the hour is coming when he that kills you will think that he's serving god you know the apostle paul he was killing christians and he thought he was serving god until god got his attention and he deceives those who dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles that he had power to do in the sight of the beast and what will prevent god's end-time people from being deceived what's going to be our safety so that we're not overcome or deceived in the last days friends it's going to be thus saith the lord the word of god to the law and the testimony that means the law and the prophets the word of god if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in them that doesn't mean well you know if they got 70 right then don't worry about that other 30 percent of air or maybe we'll tolerate 20 of lies and 80 truth god's going to call together people in the last days that are going to return to the faith that was once delivered to the saints the faith of the apostles it's going to be a bible-based religion during this seminar we've been inviting people to come out of babylon and to be part of god's movement and you know if you're wanting to know more about that i hope you'll go to the revelation now website you can contact us we'll pray for you we can put you in contact with people where there are bible believing churches in your neighborhood if we can find any we will certainly try and but this is a time for that message to go out for god's people to come back and you will experience an abundant life joy and blessings and and uh the lord will get you ready for his soon return he's got a work to do in you and through you so today god's calling people out of babylon says come out of her my people that you receive not of her place that you're not guilty ever since jesus said i've got other sheep they're out there in babylon they're his sheep he says my people but he wants them to hear his voice and come out you don't just come out of babylon you come into the body of christ you become part of his people we'd like to encourage you to make that decision friends and say yes i want to i want to take a stand for god's truth and be part of this people and friends i hope you will choose to be part of that remnant church in the last days i'd like to pray with you before we close and don't go far we're going to have our bible questions in just a few moments father in heaven we just thank you for the the power and clarity of your word we just since we are living in the last days we see these things being fulfilled before our very eyes we know that you're looking for a people that will be part of that church and it's based on the rock of jesus and his teachings and i pray each person listening will have the courage to know how to take that step of faith like abraham and come out of babylon into the promised land bless each one lord be with us in our meetings that remain we thank you and ask in christ's name amen don't go away we'll be back just two or three minutes with bible questions an international pandemic killing thousands riots ripping communities apart a global economic implosion many are wondering is this the end of the world few question the military economic and technological might of the united states so if we really are facing the last days if these worldwide catastrophes are really harbingers of the end shouldn't we expect the united states to play a key role in the final events of bible prophecy what does the bible say friend the book of revelation provides unmistakable clues and to help you understand them amazing facts is releasing america in bible prophecy the future of earth's last superpower revealed it's going to take you step by step in identifying the global forces at work in these last days could religious freedom be at risk in this land of liberty you might be surprised what the bible really says you owe it to yourself to find out so get yourself a copy of america in bible prophecy [Music] welcome back friends to uh revelation now and it's time for your bible questions so if you if you do have a question go ahead and type it on the facebook page in the comment section we've got some that's already come in some very good questions past the doug so we're looking forward to answering them and we do have some that we'll put up on the screen to get us started this evening so our first question today is did satan's kingdom called babylon originate at the tower of babel well i think it originated technically a little before that with a nimrod or you know tells us before you get to chapter 11 about nimrod during the genealogy and it says the beginning of his kingdom was babel i think that's the first mention the tower part may have come after he had people congregating in the area but yeah and it even after the tower fell apart it seemed like people continued to live in that area because you got these great mesopotamian kingdoms um many of the empires that we read about in the bible were in the area where we have iraq today and our son was stationed in the marines there during the first gulf war and you go look at the old ruins of babylon and so yeah that not only during the time of nebuchadnezzar but you remember reading during the time of hezekiah messengers were sent from babylon and even before that and then we all have heard about hammurabi the king of babylon you know it's also interesting to note the the old testament sometimes being described as a as a story of two cities you've got god's city symbolized by jerusalem then you have the enemy of god's people symbolized by babylon and you have throughout the old testament the story going back and forth and eventually the jews get captured captured by the babylonians but then they get set free and they come out of babylon and then you find that parallel even in revelation so it's an interesting theme that you see throughout the bible yep especially old testament contrast to the two kingdoms all right second question that we have will the new age movement play a major role in the final end time conflict between good and evil well i'll say yes but i probably ought to define things a little bit when you say new age movement we don't hear that phrase as often today but i think it's talking about some of the mysticism that is in a lot of the the church is the idea of meditation that kind of came from some of the eastern mystical religions and uh it was really big uh you know uh in the hippie movement when i was uh going through that age in the 60s and 70s where everyone was you know meditating and believing in reincarnation and the spiritualism and and you know some of those principles have infiltrated christianity i think it will play a part i don't know if we'll be calling it by that title or that's going to be a major movement major part it's interesting there is a push in towards spiritualism even amongst protestant churches where we set aside the authority of the bible and we go with some sort of a experience or a feeling that supersedes the bible so you're going to be well stated that's what sort of a christian form of if you want new age or yeah spiritualism all right our next question that we have is revelation chapter 16 12 what does it mean when it says the waters of the river euphrates being dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east yeah this it says in the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river euphrates and the water thereof was dried up that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared i saw a news report that kind of i think i shared it with you kind of got my attention that during the isis fighting they had shut off the floodgates of a dam upriver from the euphrates yeah up the river from baghdad and it said the headline said the euphrates river is going dry and it gave me a little goosebumps i thought wow that sounds a lot like the bible prophecy and it is a this is not the fulfillment but i think it is interesting to note that because the nations upstream turkey and others are taking so much of the water with euphrates they used to be able to navigate the euphrates river and they can't do it anymore it's it's like a bunch of stagnating pools so it is literally drying up but that's not what revelation is talking about knowing the history not all of it's in the bible but knowing the history of what happened to babel and how it fell when cyrus the persian was besieging ancient babylon you can read about the handwriting on the walls in daniel chapter 5 that he ultimately diverted the river euphrates into a dry lake bed and where it normally ran under the walls of babylon the water level dropped so much that a contingent of the persian soldiers got under the walls they were able to they had left open the inner gates they never thought they'd get scuba dive underneath and they opened the gates to the city they then opened the gates for the army to come in so the drying up cyrus drying up the euphrates meant the fall of babylon and so in revelation when it says the drying up of the river to make the way for the kings of the east well that was like cyrus and darius in the old testament but the kings of the east the bible tells us and i read it today in my devotions in ezekiel it talks about the lord uh it as the light of the east and so these kings of the east talking about god the father and the son and the holy spirit are coming and it's the liberation really it's all saints to know pastor that watering bible prophecy you probably mentioned it today in revelation 17 represents multitudes of nations and tongues and kings and so the drying up of the river euphrates also symbolizes the withdrawal of support that's been given to this power of babylon in the last days when people begin to realize they've been deceived and they withdraw their support that prepares the way for its downfall absolutely which culminates in the second coming of christ it's it's basically the harbinger of the fall of babylon is when the waters go dry okay well we're gonna look at a few of the questions that folks have sent in and this question is in 1798 the catholic church received its deadly wound is there another prophecy that talks about it getting its power back well it says in chapter 13 it talks about the deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the beast and so it does mention the healing of the wound and then when you get to revelation 17 it shows she's alive and well at that point and that's really i think talking also about um what happens in the last days revelation 19 when jesus comes to judge babylon and you've got revelation 18 i think is the fall of babylon it must rise again for it to fall again it's also interesting you mentioned that as far as receiving the deadly wound and the wound being healed i think you mentioned it tonight 1929 when the papacy actually became an independent political power the smallest kingdom on the earth and now it's if we can just see in the headlines how that the papal power the vatican has grown in influence around the world oh yeah so the wound is well on its way to being healed it's not fully healed yet but it's well on its way you think about you get a country with a thousand people roughly i live in the vatican 109 acres and look at the international clout that they have very influential there's no other country i mean liechtenstein yeah they don't have a big impact on the world affairs but the pope does yeah yeah it's interesting all right another question that we have what bible version should one use well good and of course this would be our answer here is going to be subjective it's going to be either my or pastor ross's opinion um you know we don't want to dictate what and i imagine you're speaking of english translations because you know you go into different languages and they've got different names for their versions but i typically i love the king james version because i think it had the greatest defining influence on the english language but it's you know it's a little archaic and so i use the new king james version which is translated from the same manuscripts called the receive text or the texas receptus new american standard is a good version the english standard version is a good version i'm reading through the whole bible i'm always reading through the bible every morning now i'm going through the english standard version reading different versions sometimes gives you a little deeper insight because the translators pick things up and there is a difference between a bible translation and a paraphrase yes you know we have that radio program and we get people calling in typically around the beginning of the year they always ask the question we've heard it many times so uh did the angels come and have take wives are here on the earth and giants as a result were born and part of the reason why people come up with that as they start reading in genesis is because a paraphrase that doesn't quite accurately translate the original hebrew yeah exactly and you'll find some of the paraphrases that's just anybody i could make a bible call it the bachelor bible and i could just put it in my words say this is what i think it really means not all of them are done very carefully you get to revelation 13 i know one bible i think it's a good news bible it calls the mark of the beast a tattoo and that's great liberty that is not really in the original text it doesn't say that so it confuses people okay how can you tell if you have the holy spirit in your heart well jesus said you'll know them by their fruits and if you see the fruits in the life you know the reason he jesus said a thorn bush doesn't produce figs so if you've got a thorny heart you're not going to have figs you're going to have thistles so you know you'll you'll start seeing the fruits of the spirit in your life love joy peace long suffering goodness patience temperance meekness and you can ask your neighbor if they think you've got the holy spirit and they'll probably tell you a family member ask your spouse just wait find the right moment to ask that question okay another question we have is why is china not referred to in bible prophecy seeing that it's such a big country yes and i'm just finishing that you and i go back and forth we're reading different history books we like reading history also i'm finishing up the adventures of marco polo and boy china was such a massive country and it has been for millennia and but the countries that are typically mentioned i said during our lesson tonight are the ones that had a great impact on god's people now china is mentioned in the sense that jesus said we go to every tongue a nation and it is one of the tongues and nations and a matter of fact amazing facts has got a very popular website one of our most popular websites is our mandarin website chinese website so there's a law the christian church is exploding in china even in spite of the persecution and i've seen it firsthand okay another question that we have here's a good question what do i do if i'm a lukewarm christian well what does jesus say there in revelation chapter 3 he said repent he says i wish that you were hot or cold now that doesn't hot or cold does not mean saved or lost hot means that you're you're in touch with the lord you're on fire you're out working for the lord you're zealous cold would mean you're in a state of repentance and seeking after god god can work with either of those conditions it's when we think everything is okey dokey and it's inky stinky to quote lucille ball sorry but uh then if folks think i'm rich and increased with goods and i am need of nothing he can't work with that condition so he wants us to buy of him the gold and the i salve and the white raymond talking about the love have our eyes open with the holy spirit accept the righteousness of christ and really have a conversion experience you find it through the word which brings convincing bottom line says we love him because he first loved us so if you want to be converted and love him you need to know him you know him through his word if you spend time talking to the lord in prayer letting him talk to you through his word work to serve him you will find your love for him grow and your conversion experience will deepen okay another question we have can the devil read my mind no uh the closest he can probably get is what a person can get in which sometimes you can tell what a person's thinking if you know them well enough and just as god has guardian angels i expect the devil has got demons that are assigned to different individuals study their weaknesses and when a temptation comes they can sometimes judge your your facial expressions and body language and figure if they're getting through but they can't read your mind i believe it's well there's three or four places that says only god can read the hearts of man one is that uh first kings chapter eight verse 30 for god and god only knows the thoughts of men's hearts and jesus knew what was in man john chapter 2 mark chapter 2 says christ knew what they were thinking only god knows what's going on in your gray matter okay with everything going on in the world today how can i overcome anxiety christ offers you a peace that passes understanding and you know when you know your sins are forgiven when you know that he's given you a gift of everlasting life and you know he'll never let go of you as long as you keep your eyes on him and stay with him you have nothing to fear and no matter what happens in the world the bible says a thousand may fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but only with your eyes will you see the reward of the wicked that's psalms and you just have a peace that you really you know god's spirit wraps you up in his arms and you can sleep like a baby at night because you know your life is in god's hands god jesus over and over even in a storm he told the disciples where's your faith he doesn't want you to be in fear oh by the way can i do a plug here i just finished a book about how you can live in peace in a world of worry and you just come in it's like the ink is dry and because so many people are worried right now they got a bunch of principles in there about how a person can just ask for pastor doug's worry book when you call amazing facts okay here's another question you might have to give a little bit of a background on this passage what happened jephthah's daughter good now the bible tells about one of the judges whose name was jephthah and he made a vow before he went to battle with i believe it was the midianites and he said lord if you'll give me victory in this battle whatever you give me i will uh say when i come home whatever comes out of the gates of my house i will offer as a burnt offering to you you know back in these rural ranch-like communities when they'd come home i used to have goats when i drove home they'd all run out to meet us there are farm animals they're sheep they're goats you know nathan tells a story to david about a family how to pry sheep they'd come out and meet him they'd always want to come get fed pastor ross and i visited somebody when the cows started chasing us he thought they were attacking us i said no they think we've got food so jeff the thought that the he'd come home he was victorious he thought he'd come home and one of the family animals would come out but his daughter was first out of the gates and he said i'll ask my daughter you brought me very low i've opened my mouth to the lord and i cannot turn back and she said father do to me whatever you promised so she bid her girl friends farewell he then brought her to the temple and dedicated her as a living sacrifice to the lord he did not burn her the bible said that you know for every firstborn you were to make a sacrifice you god did not endorse human sacrifice and it says that the daughters of israel would go up yearly to weep with the daughter of jephthah she was still there just like samuel's mother after she dedicated samuel would come every year and bring him a little coat during the feasts the daughters of israel would come and visit jefferson's daughter you read in the new testament about anna who served god in the temple from her virginity and jeff that could never jephthah's daughter could never marry he would have no offspring it was his only daughter and so it was a real tragedy she was consecrated to serve god and that's one place where some of the catholics get the idea of a nuns never marrying they use jeff the his daughter as an example okay uh here's another question it says i am 10 years old and i've always wondered did king nebuchadnezzar ever change his wicked ways and will he be in heaven yes yes it's kind of wonderful you read at the end of daniel chapter 4 and whatever the name of the person is i hope you'll go look that up nebuchadnezzar was very proud but god humbled him he basically turned into a little more than an animal for seven years at the end of seven years god let his reason come back and he said i now worship only the god of heaven i know that he can set up or take down even the basis of men and i've read in the spirit of prophecy that you he was a converted man he wrote one of the chapters in in the book of day yeah he chapter four is his composition right okay another question that we have in the last little bit here should christians get tattoos uh leviticus is a chapter 19 verse 18 it says you shall not get any tattoos nor make any markings in your flesh i sometimes mix up i know it's in leviticus i mix that verse up with the one that says i shall love your neighbor as yourself that's 1918. this one might be leviticus 18. just type in tattoo if you get new king james version it'll come up pastor ross and i we search for bible answers i always tell him to look on his computer or google it it's there i know i've seen it we're getting old friends pray for us it says thou shall not make any cuttings on your flesh fleshy not to make any markings not to cut the corners of your woods it talks about for the dead but it's very clearly says you should not get tattoos yeah can't put my finger on it you know part of the problem yeah it is okay leviticus 19 verse 28 20 you're not making any cuttings in your flesh you know part of the problem is we read both the king james version and the new king james version and the word sometimes the wording is a little different so you're searching in the new king james and using king james language it won't fight computers are dumb sometimes i don't always do it's the computer's fault honest all right our last question then for this evening let's see let's get a good one here um how can we recognize a true prophet from a false prophet oh good question if i don't cover all this in our time then ask it again but first of all their life will be in harmony with the word of god they will not prophesy anything that is contrary to the word of god if they make a prediction it will come true moses said if a prophet makes a prophecy and it doesn't come true then they're not a prophet they'll be humble if they ask you for their credit card your credit card number before they give you a prophecy they're probably not a true prophet you don't have to pay a true prophet to get your prophecy the two prophets in the bible gave it whether you paid them or not matter of fact elijah said keep your money and so a prophet says that right there will eliminate most false prophets that one thing there but there's several other things we have a lesson i think that talks about does god inspire psychics and astrologers and in that lesson if i'm not mistaken we've got a list of criteria on how you can discriminate between a true prophet and a false prophet and of course that's available at the revelation website just dot com click on the studies and look up the one does god inspire psychics or prophets and uh i want to remind our friends in the last few seconds here don't forget about the free gift that we have america and the ten commandments if you'd like to receive this just text the word commandment to the number 40544 and you'll be able to get a digital download or just visit and of course pastor doug want to remind friends that we will be meeting again tomorrow evening a very important topic yes talking about babylon's buffet okay friends we're going to be giving you some secrets how to postpone your funeral if anyone's interested in postponing your funeral don't miss this study tomorrow night i think you'll be greatly blessed and i think you're going to find you'll smile a little too along the way not too late to invite your friends to join us so tomorrow evening look forward to seeing you again here on revelation now [Music] you
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Length: 88min 34sec (5314 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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