The Shawn "Clown" Crahan (SLIPKNOT) Interview

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how are you doing man doing good how about you I'm well I'm well just uh just just trying to exist and do the do the life things man those are always the fun it's always fun going through that but yes we it is yes we're live here everybody we got Sean again you know clown the legend himself from slipnot and dude yeah it's it's it's been cool because I mean I've been listening to you guys since since I was a kid so it's great to see you guys just evolve as a band over the years and I've just I definitely have a few questions you know in terms of things but I definitely have to start by asking how much do you actually play Minecraft well honestly that's why I'm I'm doing this today you know it starts with you growing up with us okay so number one in 93 991 whenever it was I'm even a little bit before that I'm playing Wolfenstein Doom into Quake into all these kinds of things so so moving forward I have four children right and all four kids played Minecraft in a way that you can't comprehend okay one of my my oldest boy would make aircraft carriers that were miles long I mean just I I can't even explain they would make slip knot stages wow they would make explosions and um I would always watch and i would support it and I always gave them um you know the computers and things to play I thought it was a really um safe game um you know you always gotta worry about people being online with mass amounts of people you gotta worry about that kind stuff so I always had to be around to monitor uh my children playing but my Fascination came with watching my own children play Minecraft and I never really got it for myself and I'd mess around with them and then I started to uh invent games um uh the big Square guys I would dig holes and I'd build mazes and the first Square guy to fall loses and we'd have some dinner on the bet you know what I mean so we'd sit there for hours and just drop them and finally one would go and you know that's kind of my introduction because I was so fascinated watching my kids but I'm going to be honest with you I've wanted to make a video game my whole career and as you know uh it's a lot of money and the reason why it's a lot of money is because it's a lot of hours and developing and um you know a lot of people just don't know that stuff uh that that there's just so much time behind what you're looking at to make things run correctly in a in a in a weird world right right so I'm very interested always in coding and stuff and the only thing that I didn't continue when I started the band was like doing websites so I continued in Photoshop and Premiere and things of the artistic nature but I couldn't keep up with the Flash and the uh the HTML and everywhere that it went I just couldn't keep up because we were touring so then Unity came around and everyone came together and made that organization unity and my tech uh introduced it to me he's really good at that stuff and we started making a world and I bought a world Creator and I basically wanted to make my own Deathmatch world so one you need to know all of this has come because of Deathmatch period story is that your favorite type of game mode like death match versus like you know last man stand like what yeah is that your go-to for video games that's why I'm like telling you like when you were a kid I was death matching capturing the flag and and but the bigger story is this I'll keep it real quick when Quake put when Quake came out it was in open GL and you know we were all like oh my God we could get our hands on this stuff so for instance there's a rocket launcher and it shoots so many Rockets a certain way so the fans learned to take the Rott Waller that was one of the very first Bots that would follow you okay so it's very scary that you're now entering a game where a bot you run around the wall and this thing is following you mathematically of course right right but that was a Evolution to a game the game so what did kid what did fans do they got in the you know the the terminal whatever the console got in replaced the Rockets with um Rott wallers so you're shooting Rott wallers and you can shoot seven at a time I believe okay that's how much it held okay all of them were Bots that would stay on you to they either killed you or you killed them right they just kept jumping up at you so my best friend would run by and I would just unload a rocket launcher full of RW wallers and I would just watch him from afar with seven raws jumping up and down and he can't move he's trying to get out the next thing he's just got shut down die or shut it down computers are not fast things aren't working very good online right so that was my Fascination and then of course you learn how to rocket launch yourself up okay so what happened was we would rock our launch you know we would jump up using these rockets and would shoot us up and then you'd be up there and there'd be things up there and you you would have the Epiphany that these guys knew you were going to be up there right but they didn't allow you to be up there they waited till you got the openg GL and went in and did it yourself and that was the beginning of all of it for me that we as a United culture of Gamers and people that needed that sort of like recless of an imagination stimulation musically visually you know story line rewards grinding so moving forward I I became obsessed with World of Warcraft oh I know a lot I know a lot of people that develop in there and you playing classic yeah um well listen my best friend started on it and did did started on it and then you know I'd make fun of him and but it was really because I was interested you know and I finally got on it when you could let level up to 120 I think it was oh yeah so I never did the classic classic the hard hard hard vanilla back my brain wouldn't be able to do it I'm I'm not that patient that break stuff I mean even classic when they re it's it's still a patient game that takes forever it's the real it's off the re yeah you know so so anyway you know I'm not I'm not saying anything bad about World of Warcraft but World of Warcraft becomes one of these obsessions where grinding for reward but it's not tangible right okay it's not there's no fulfillment I I might spend some money on it it's gets ridiculous for me when I have to do things on a bigger scale for me to to feel good about myself right so let's just skip forward okay created a world in unity boom how many hours do I play at Minecraft so when covid hit and we finally went back on the road I was already deep into my world and the way I got into it finally was I got involved in an nft project okay dealing with Minecraft so I got in because of the nft obsessed with that stuff learning the Fulfillment was you got a you got a plot all the way up all the way down and and I just got obsessed and I started building a world based off of artistic schizophrenia so when you ask me when you ask me today how many hours you could ask anybody that works with me or for me or in the band I would get up and I would probably play the nft Minecraft I'd probably play at 18 hours a day oh my goodness that's because I start building right and I building for our fans I start building immediately for our culture so I could Bridge a gap for the young minds the old Minds that love stuff like Minecraft and if they're not familiar with slipnot I could maybe they would see a sense of my art in something I built and they would be like I can smell this scratch I can taste it feels like it right and this would be a way for me to show them like the artisticness of where I go as a person this is more me than anybody um but it's just a way of showing like everything I do so what it became was I made this world and I was probably then it got to be about 12 hours now the reason why I was playing so much is because in the nft world I was getting paid coin for being on right so while I was playing I was earning okay you you follow I'm following you oh yeah okay so I was like receiving in both ways and you couldn't be on if you were stagnant for three minutes they kicked you off like a specific it's like a specific um you like run serice okay yeah gotcha yeah the the the the I debated whether I'm going to talk about it or not but it doesn't matter because I still like it or whatever I still own it I'd still like to see it Go the the nft project was called Critters Critters okay Critters and it was it was really going good in the beginning you know and then I don't know I want to I don't think Minecraft uh likes nfts so I think that that might have been yeah well I know nowadays with with nfts especially like in in the music world it seems more chill but it when it started to go into like the influencer space with YouTubers and streamers there was a lot of a lot of you you know uh influencers took advantage of that and then it gave it a very bad rap so I know in the music scene even you know when people start mentioning that word it's like uh oh what's going on here you know I think I think it's you know it got a bad rap it still does people will come around and they'll understand you know but we need righteous nft projects but I've always believed that the nft has got to be more tangible for reality right so that's what I why I got obsessed so moving forward I just kept grinding and I started making this world man and it's my brain right so when you're walking around you're like what is this and you're like but I made it so then you understand you're like well he made it so I'm sort of understanding because it feels like everything I do do you have any little in the world like slipnot breadcrumbs and stuff like that lying around for people to well so so I got to the point point where no one was showing up there and I was spending money and making coin and I was like this isn't what I want to bridge a gap with people that don't know the band yet or bridge the gap for people that know the band that need to know more about this game like I've learned through my oldest is 30 my youngest you know is 20 I mean these kid my kids played Minecraft since it came out right you mean i' I can't tell you how many hours I watched my children be creative you know and one of my children has passed and she she played a lot man you know and a lot of this is for her too like I have a dedication to her in here so I don't want to give it away right I'm interested because you know when you were talking about it it's it's exactly what it is you know it's a kind of random right so moving forward I got frustrated I said look I'm done with this someone would tell me something so then people were talking and then I I at one time I asked some people involved with CRS I'm like why don't you just sell it to me okay and meaning like I'll I'll put my socials on it and maybe get it going but the point is is I I just think the business of it's hard right and they're like they're really proud of their server so I was like screw it I called somebody and I said I want a server and they said you can absolutely have one and I at that time I hadn't really remembered that I could own my own server right so I bought a server and when when it said the team of developers that team is like my daughter um uh an a couple assistants that work for me as tchs on stage develop these are like what I consider my culture gotcha so I'm not working with anybody that's not part of the nauan way naughty in way and this is not for yeah this isn't for anybody outside like anybody's got a problem they can just go and we'll make them go this isn't for anybody but my you can kick them from the server literally no no we'll get to that we'll get to that we'll get to that remind remind me to talk about that yeah do you have you guys do you have rules yet like specific let me get let me I know I'm taking a long time but I'm trying to give you everything and when you're done you'll be like whoa I didn't get to talk once but he told me everything okay your thing yes I'm almost done gotcha so what happened was I got a I got a server and then someone told me that within Minecraft you have the ability to make a schematic of your build and move it around onto your own server so I took the the nice people of Critters were awesome and they gave me the ability to take all of my build that I made there which was like 17 or 20 plots I bought I bought this big middle finger I bought the plots that look like me giving the middle finger or the metal horn stuff it was funny it was a good time man I was having a great time like they have this giant map you have to buy plots people were earning coin to buy plots but it was in I I was on so much I had so much loot that I could just buy plots right right and no one was working as hard as I was so um I moved everything over to my server and then the schiz artistic schizophrenia went Bonkers because instead of moving everything together I put something over here and I put something over there so listen I'm gonna invite you after this conversation I'm gonna invite you into my Dome oh my God I'm gonna invite you so what's happening is this I want to make something very clear Minecraft is a wonderful beautiful artistic expression that gives you a lot of tools to allow different scenarios like they give you a rail system right yeah what I'm saying is whether you like the way it looks or you don't like the way it looks it doesn't matter you can throw rail down with a card get in it and it'll you know that's badass like for me to make a video game we're talking about millions of dollars in years and I'm 54 and it's just not happening so Minecraft's giv me the ability to make verer which everyone will understand later because I'm giving you the tools to understand where I come from right I come from you know Wolfenstein I come from Doom one and two Quake you know rampa Rampage redneck Rampage Duke Nome Duke um let's not forget I have a box I have an original Atari promo box in my sto uh Studio unopen they go for like 10 bills I think I it goes with my modular synth on stage I play asteroids why because I was there when it came out you you were still maybe a thought in someone's livelihood okay in reality I was playing asteroids prong all this pong and all this crazy stuff so like while on stage you're throwing that just as theu I do weird stuff man I got modulars and stuff and this big thing I'm making is like this spaceship and I'll be able to play with fans and I used to film fans while they were watching so I'm always trying to incorporate into what the future is anyway put my own spin on it like this is what clown does with AI this is what clown does with a server this is you know I I don't I don't want any of this other [ __ ] but anyway so what it is is this let's make it very clear for everyone all right recently I was told my vision is too big and every time I get on the phone I want things and they haven't even completed the things that they can't get done yet in your Minecraft server so yeah because it's developing it's huge right we've been working on I've been working on it four years by myself and I've had developers that are family that I've hired Builders and developers come in for two two and a half years and basically last week I was like what what are we doing and what can we do and they basically said look man this well actually this was like a month ago they said we we should go into an alpha stage where we invite so many people to come in and what will happen is they'll come in and we'll let them break everything and then we can really just hone in on what needs to be done and because when you see my world it's just it's not right it's not it's not it's not it's scary it's Escape From New York it's brutal oh it's like I've made a dome the whole thing is about my Dome and my Dome I don't want to spoil it but but I want to invite you to come in with me thank you I'd love to make you a staff member we can fly I'll show you around let's go man I'll show you around throw some block but I can just show you I want to show you some block I want to show you because because I want you I want look I want to bridge this Gap man I'm 54 I'm in slipnot but what I didn't play games I don't love games most my guys are on Call of Duty all the time they're always buying new systems on the airplanes they got people all over the world they talk to me I'm a death matcher man I'm a camper I'm waiting for you to blow your brains out around the corner in a death match game that's why I built the whole thing I got you I just wanted to bring back old school deathmatch and then have tangible reward right so you asked me earlier are there slip not thing so the most wonderful thing that I can do is I can take the awkwardness of someone who may not know what slip knot is and make it very private for them where they're earning their love of Minecrafting so you get a chest you open it up there's a note you read the note it says email this with this code you write the office you're like I got this note it's got this code on it the office says you w backstage passes that's cool so I got coin being made you're going to be able to earn the coin go to the merch stand tap the phone metamask bo bo you know I like the future but I want to harness it our way right Community Way for I'm not forcing anybody to believe in crypto or nfts if they don't want to but I'm also trying to bridge a gap where like you need to go with change or change leaves you behind so this is the clowner [ __ ] doing some of this stuff like this is me playing with crypto this is me playing with nfts this is me giving you fulfillment right so let's not worried about these these Apes over here come over here and come to a show and meet me you know buy this piece of art that's huge print it hang it on your wall because I would have sold you that anyway and then take these two backstage passes and come learn what slip knot is and I'll even give you parking and you come in and learn and maybe you fall in love with this culture and we're here for you and maybe you teach me how to build a castle with my kid you know because we're doing it together so my daughter my oldest when I fly you around you'll see these huge slip knot logos she built them because her mom taught her how to um Stitch and when you Stitch you use these patterns with squares and you count that's how you get your colors so you can apply those pieces of paper to Minecraft you can write slip knot on a stitching square and you can know exactly how many squares to go throw block right so this family thing um now I'm going to be very serious and I know I'm all over the place a very very very majority of why I'm doing this is for Behavioral Health okay for mental health uh because a I found that when I got up and I got to live in the imagination of the world I wanted to make I had a lot of reward there and I made myself a promise that I'm going to throw this block I'm going to make some weird villager town and then I'm gonna go work out because the show's the most important and then I'm gonna take a nap and then I'm gonna spend an hour and a half calling all my family and then I'm gonna read a chapter in a book and I'm gonna be very like I'm gonna try and do real things for myself right to offset playing a playing a game yeah and what I found was that all the people that I would work with that I have made friends with from around the world that are helping me that I've met through Critters and other places that are literally helping me build right now they have all instructed me that they need it because they need somewhere to go and they love the ability to be able to on a different level speak with me on a creative level and have a reward of doing something together that even I have to learn from you on and then you can see my progress as the clown building a glass building or right I'm trying to build all these automated things that just blow me away with redstone I can't comprehend it and it just makes me love the game but so what I'm saying is there's a majority of people that will tell you that you know they need video games things like this to help them in this ongoing ever pushing world of the stress of fake News Real News all the socials the validation the nonv validation I'm old school so I can help a little bit with that and I can harness Minecraft in the ability to have people come in and learn an old way which is hey you're on that team I'm on this team we're GNA do some capture the flag for 18 hours whoever did it the most wins and everybody gets to come to the show I send everybody a t-shirt or what I'm first going to do is when you come into the game if you want to call it a game there's a spawning point and then I've made it where there's some things and then you go out into the Oblivion and that's where you get to just be Minecraft you get to build go do your world make alliances play the game I have nothing to do with it right just go go out into the seed I made it's endless and 20 years from now we'll see what we all build out there but soon the Dome will be open and the dome's never going to be completed because it's uncompletable right because every time I I see something I do something else and it's just a mess so that's the death match world and that's where my castle is okay and I'm GNA do 24hour death matches so you can go with your friends and whoever has who's ever name has the most kills frags you know old school frags frags by the end of 24 hours could be 500 bucks could be 10,000 bucks could be a thousand I haven't decided yet that's but this is be this is a real thing because No One's Gonna Make fun of this bro because I grew up on games right and my generation developed games and made games and your Generations are able to like take them in a way I would never even understand but I was at the root root technology and that's why there's going to be money involved I just I work with video games all the time where slip not once in a while while gets invited and I went over to the Smite World they invited me to their compound and I'm going to tell you what man I walked in and they had all these freezers and they let all the people that come there work at home come in once a week grab all the groceries for a week for free go home and just do what they do because that's what they do in life and I almost had a tear because I'm like do you know how many people you help to offer this sort of line of work just like it was amazing and it really inspired me to say whoa I could probably get out there with everyone again and run around and capture the flag and people see I'm not that very I'm not that good at stuff but well and and I love it to that too I mean I I I grew up in the lucky generation of still like going outside was a thing um but also You' then you'd then go inside you know you'd go to Blockbuster maybe rent game or something or you'd go on your computer open up MSN in the background see see who's around and you'd open up like Counter Strike you know what I mean that's kind of that age of growing up that and then I remember Minecraft coming in and that was a big thing and wow too wow was a very big thing that gave a lot of people an escape as a video game and it was it's a beautiful thing and something I still play to this day um if I could build in World of Warcraft I mean I I'm not trying to discredit anyone if I could build and I had those tools I I I would but they they it frustrates me you know I've met with them at you know um lizon and stuff right and know I mess with them you know because I'm just like you know because I get mad man because like I grew up with coding okay gotcha I grew up with this stuff and I get mad because when I'm in front of the when I'm front of the auction house and there's an orc that's standing in front of the mailbox and he's too big and I'm like what's up bro and he doesn't talk and then he goes and makes his little maneuver that some developer had to program he going to go over here and he sits there for a while and you go over there and you're like got any gold for me you got a you got a mount for me right do you talk can you do anything but this so the thing is is that game is so big they could never shut that game down in my opinion right they could never shut that game down and Repro program that bot got to once a month give you gold so I was like you know what I'm just going to do it did you did you raid and wow were you a Raider were you a were you just I everything I mean I I again I not the best player and I'm not the smartest player but my kids are my son is the psychopath my best friend and my son my son's so good like we'll go into a dungeon do stuff and raids and he'll steal what I win somehow he'll get my stuff and then three months later he'll tell me oh yeah I've been stealing your your [ __ ] you want a mount I got it like what what what are you even talking about how do you do that whatever but I do love World of Warcraft but not on not on their fault because they will play it for the rest of my life but I end up spending a little bit more money than I want for what the reward is in my head and what the reward is I would like to be I would like to be spending the time for all of us in the culture of the not yes to where a safe place has been made that's artistic and I I I know that people are going to come in and go when people when when when it's all right now it's breakable it's BS I I need these hundred people or so to go in and just go what's your problem you need this this this well the community is a big aspect of especially building communitybased things and I'm sure whenever you get that open you know and if if it's a pretty open thing that mostly anybody can get into like you'll probably wake up one day and see entire cities built that are dedication you know to to that world and slipnot and even even with all that I definitely have some questions too right because I I love the idea of how you tell me yeah go ahead yeah you ask me go now you I've touched on I've touched a little bit it's too big to explain to you without you being there and me going here's this part of it here so there's like five parts okay you know and there's only one that's open and then they'll mag it out right and unleash and start breaking but eventually real soon here they're going to get to go to the Oblivion and that's outside of spawning oh that's when you just get to play right and that's just the regular Minecraft experience you can get killed out there it's not safe you got to hide your [ __ ] or make alliances and it's just the reg you don't have to acknowledge slip knot you don't have to live this world it's just regular Minecraft server you're going to see me and and then everything else is a little more dedicated and when when the word slip knot is used you have to understand it's just that my participation in the band is more of an artistic participation and that's what I'm doing with this like there were guys in the band like Craig this is what we did we I mean Craig made Craig made doom and quig characters 25 years ago or whatever it was I mean I had a clown blue coveralls we ran around Death Match Death Match death matched people all the time right we had a whole slip knot thing we played music We we played this uh offset thing called painke keep and it was the funnest man because people they had this Cube that you could throw out and it would it would suck you in it was a warping thing and if you threw it in a pool you could tread water and watch people just get stuck slowly because of water you just laugh you know you're just watching your friend while you're talking to him on the phone I'm watching yeah good stuff but anyway go ahead now let spend time you asking me everything well yeah because with all and obviously you you're very passionate about this you can tell again myself being I I've been a gamer since I was a kid I arguably was a gamer more than actually a musician or any of this stuff um and I love seeing your passion with it and I love thinking of the idea of okay here's a big universe especially when I like I saw the flyer I was like this is so random but I'm like that's cool like you know I I haven't played Minecraft in a minute I used to play a bit and you know you know you get as far as like killing like man or something and you're like okay did I win I don't know what happened but you build your bases you have fun and it's you know it's something you can literally sit there in 12 hours go by you don't know again I grew up playing wow Minecraft all that stuff too and with that and seeing your passion within the artistic you know thing to build this big world on the again other side of things too because myself too I don't understand as much the nft world and all that I like you hear that word and it's like this ah you know like cuz you can have a beautiful gaming world and then you hear the word you know you hear the word money or nft or this stuff or like Battle Packs even with stuff like fortnite and people get scared including you know myself when you hear those words cuz it's it's like me too me too it's one of those things of nft in the sense of like people expect okay you have this digital piece of art you buy and you don't know what happens to it why am I paying for a piece of digital thing that someone can screen print or is it more in this sense again trying to understand this this world of like you just play the game and you can win cool slip knot stuff or like related I mean let let let's break it down to zero the bottom line is the way I've done it because it costs money to make it and it's going to cost money because there's more bad people that want to mess around with video games than there are good people so you have to have a team constantly monitoring safety for the well-being of everyone and I'm talking about Prejudice I'm talking about bullying I won't tolerate it so I have to have team of people that monitor that 24 hours a day and also make sure no one is hacking it and these things because it's a it's a Target so it costs so here's the deal the way I believe we're breaking it down is you you're going to be able to come in and choose your involvement so the involvement is this for mental health and for me and for you and for the love of reward of building and vibrant colors and mathematical equations on uh electrical motherboards that we're playing with visually right you can do it for free you can sign on spawn okay an area run out a door you'll see a thing that says beware you're you're entering Oblivion and basically Oblivion is Minecraft when you're out there you're on your own I can't do anything about it you're building castles you're underground you're making friends but it's the regular game so you got looters that are part of the game coming over skeletons spiders you got some jerk that's over here coming over here trying to steal your block you got to take out right it's regular Minecraft okay because that's something I think a lot of people would question instantly again including myself is like uh you're creating this and it sounds really cool again I'm a fan of slip fan of what you do and hear like a cool you and I just got work it out you just need to know what's going on exactly yeah so that's why I think just that clarification understanding too of okay here's a really cool place you can go escape play Minecraft be with a community of of people you can relate to and have fun with right and play a sick game is there going to be an entry to barri or just to you know borderline start playing the game or be a part of that community that you have to spend some sort of money or even let's say even know the word nft because again that is a thing which I guess B yeah nfts are not part of this it was how I got into it okay got you you know with Critters I had some Financial people say hey here's a really good company doing some really good thing with coin and stuff like that I was like I'll go check it out because I'm learning and I need to know these things um so so when you sign on you'll you'll start in a big island let's say and it's the spawning world and there's a lot there there's there's things there it's like a not Fest Festival basically there's tents there's things but there's a couple exits right away you just walk right out and go to your world and that's Minecraft that's it it's got n slip not n you're just out there for free on my server I'm supplying you a safe place where we can all hang and be alike like you love slipnot I love slipnot you love Minecraft I love it you have kids that maybe build it I do too I'm on here hopefully with my grand grandson one day you know blah blah blah now the other experiences are um you know we haven't it's not even a thing to me to worry about these things but because it costs you have to do it so one of the tiar will be basically where you go to my Dome and that's strictly death match and Capture the Flag it's so big right it doesn't matter if you think you know you don't know anything because I'm crazy with this so one day I just decide I'm going to do a tunnel system okay I stay on that for a month because I'm nuts yeah you asked me how many hours of play I'm not exaggerating man you could ask my wife ask people in the band how obsessed I got for four years after covid I just found it really good for me on the bus I got my iMac set up it's on at all times I come on I'm like I'm going to build my castle for everyone you know so I build a castle with nine heads where we meet and do the guys from the band play as well like Minecraft are join like once in a while or so I couldn't tell you who does or doesn't because we really haven't I told you this is more my thing right yes but but but what I I'm trying to get it done for everyone to be interested in it because like you know like Sid he'll he'll come in and scratch in one of my buildings he'll be there you know meeting people and you know I'm making it so the band if they're interested can get in there and I'm sure they will and we'll do a performance or I mean it's gonna it's just so nuts that I had to just go you know what no one's gonna like it because it's so disorganized but they're going to love it so much the potential they're going to help us get it going quickly yeah so these hundred people are going to be able to rip it down in the philosophy and we're going to be able to help fix it quickly and get us on that page so the paying part will be come to the Dome maybe I'm offering money for this week's death match or Capture the Flag or maybe it's tickets or maybe it's a signed album or it's whatever we want to do or what people are requesting right but on the inside of the Dome while you're running around there's [ __ ] everywhere right okay that's cool because well it's more like competition competition and like competitive like almost like you know signing up for like tournaments and stuff like that which is which is okay so let's what I would call is I would call it a tournament okay so I would say this week's tournament is a 24hour death match your single name if it has the most frags in 24 hours you you win this right and the prizes are going to vary it's I'm definitely going to put my own money up on it right because I love this so much and I and I want to help people yeah well that that's again that's that's very cool a different perspective because again especially now in day and age of gaming where again as a gamer I'm sure you know too you see a game and it's been in Alpha for five years you know what I mean and you're like and it's like out and people are buying it and they're like what is what is this what's going on you know what I mean or there's like seven different battle passes to be able to just like hit double you on your keyboard you know what I mean like and if it's something that is a passion project which obviously I can see very clearly it is you know and creating this really cool community and world it's good to know that okay there can be a safe place where the gaming world and if you're a slipnot fan or not you can go and hang out and have fun starts with that yeah it's that most importantly it's that first and foremost that's what my kids did right that's what I still do I still get bored and go start a whole new seed and build something then go what the hell am I doing I need to go back and finish what I've done but I've done it for so long I'm losing okay so because that's a very cool as s sorry C you are like that's a very cool aspect obviously and that's why yeah I know bands are doing like very like nft like avenge does nfts and they're very successful I don't know anything about awesome yeah yeah they're awesome at it they're very knowledgeable they know what they're doing they do great stuff and I they're very good everything's great yeah they're doing their thing and they obviously can connect with a lot of their fans in a unique way which is different than again myself I come from the content creator world and I hear the word nft and it's like the scariest thing cuz all you see next today in the in the news you know cuz it's the word nft you're like this person does this or you know invest in crypto and all that so that's why trying to get that clarification even just myself being a fan of like is yeah I want I I need to explain a couple things though like when when the tiar for pay comes in if I'm not if I'm not wrong there may be a couple tiers and the reason why there's a couple tiers of paying is because not everybody's going to be interested in everything so they're not going to want to pay that right so for instance for instance there's a spawning area consider it its own Island okay that's got two exits out into the Oblivion that's your Minecraft craft safe world free on my server right beautiful come on on come on on do your thing I'll see it for the next 20 years as long long as I'm alive I'm going to be checking out your stuff cuz even with I mean I'm sure you guys have such a massive Community I can't even imagine the day you guys are like hey slip not Community server Live come click the you know come come join and you I'm sure we're we're hoping everyone understands that like I'm 54 years old I've been playing since asteroids hit Atari right I love video games man I and I and I want to know I I'll give you the final thing at the end but listen okay so you have the you have the free you have the spawning areas free you're in there they're going to do things like parkour uh you can steal steal block from the spawning area to take it with you to your place we're going to supply you some free Block that's hard like diamond or gold or some stuff that would take you a little bit to get just some stuff and then there's all kinds of hidden stuff because I'm an Easter egg guy and that's really wild the game um but so there's the tournaments that I'll be putting on and I can't tell you right now all the prizes I can tell you sometimes it'll be cash sometimes it'll be tickets sometimes it'll be merch from 25 years ago could be a mask could be coveralls could be meeting the band could be riding the bus with me for a day I don't know but it's gonna that would be a great it's GNA be it's the world I come from it's the world I come from is these kinds of things right I'm only doing this for my culture ult man you know this is this is going to be real family this this stuff so so then and and I have a question because I I know people are going to ask this too right I know it's pass if that being that intensive with that is the any money portion at all involved is it just to help like what what's the purpose of the money portion is to help to F the server you know like thank you for that well anything worth doing in life is worth doing for money my friend just like you're doing your podcast so we got to make that clear to all all everyone in the world needs to know if you devote your time it's going to cost money and this world is a very very very very expensive world and I'm already too much in the hole and I don't care because before I leave this planet I want to have this community right because without sounding weird I've already made it that I live forever in it you see so I'm nuts I'm nuts with this stuff man you know so what you're about ready to contemplate you're going to go well this is some I've done some heavy things man and when I say community I mean I'm gonna sign on and people are going to be by people's Graves and stuff and we're going to sit around and talk on DA's birthdays and stuff this is real deal man this is like my culture like I'm burying people here and fans are going to be buried here I mean gaming is I've the whole culture of gaming is I'm it's even relating back to wow when one of the biggest streamers passed they like had an ingame wck full ingame literal like funeral for guy you know like why would you this is Humanity this is something we made I want to be a part of it because I care and I love this environment so uh definitely definitely definitely all kinds of Charities every month for instance one of the first ones is my daughter I've always wanted to set up my wife and I a a pit an American Bully uh uh something something to help rescued bullies misunderstood breed rescue them from fighting things like this that would be one uh Foundation we would set up for our daughter for people uh breast cancer anything and everything that can be brought to me I do a lot of make the Wish Foundation which is I don't like to say that I do a lot of that but we do do that that's great um and no it's great you have to do it but I'm saying I wish we I wish there was no one that had to have that you know um um um so I'm up for everything and anything um we're going to do everything and anything because that's what culture is about and then of course the business of it you know we're we're planning on making this a conglomerate and I'm getting older and I would love to be able to retire and just play Minecraft when I can on the side and do the kinds of things right my wife's going to get busted hold on second okay no they're gonna get me they're going to get mad at me later when I tell them that that that they were on film that's you can't you can't really see inside that yeah oh I know it's just my my wife just gave me a look so I was like all right I'll move this I'll move this I'll this so you know number one who knows if there's even going to be any money to be made um but in order to keep the doors open it costs a lot and you know no matter what for anybody to even do this I have to hire a company to make sure it stays online right and that everyone is safe from any harm that's done in a digital world so that and regarding that too sort of cut you off I do have a question because obviously your guys Community is so big and a lot of communities nowadays in the gaming space right obviously are so massive and so like loyal and especially you know slipnot fans are some of the most loyal fans ever right that yeah the community runs them like themselves almost like they can moderate everything they can run have you thought of that as an alternative and it and if being for focused is that and it being the community G be yeah you know I mean absolutely I mean we have a big Discord program coming with it um it's gonna it's everything and anything you want it to be without it being anything you don't want it to be and it's never going to be some money thing where people are upset because I don't want to divide things um from our fans it's not what's happening here but what is happening is if I were to just put up a server for everyone to play in the safe space and have to have a company make sure there were no racial right emblems logos made or teams of people pretending to be something bullying people I have to have that that costs money I can't do that that is a literal program of people making sure it stays up away from being taken down from people and and um people losing their stuff this so we're just trying to make it as fun as possible and get everybody in and really if you can understand this I was raised with business be gets business I told you very early on in the conversation I'm making it my duty to be the leaon with people who game but might not know slipnot right so I'm going to bridge the gap to bring them from their isolation or their gaming into the reality of a show where they can sit down and I can shake their hand and give them no pressure and introduce them yeah you know and say look you might have never come here so that's important you know that's what's it it's all about so what I'm saying is if if this person was playing and they had a small tier and they come you know I get to make maybe they buy a t-shirt that helps all of our families right um maybe they go home and tell everybody about next time they buy tickets I don't know what I'm just saying is I'm not worried about money with this it's not what this is about this is about Behavioral Health mental health this about my community helping each other being there for each other in a righteous way yeah proving to each other we can take care of each other when I did the Iowa State Fair when snot did the Iowa State Fair which I grew up going to my whole life the city pretty much was so worried that they called us the black shirts okay all the black shirts were coming well there wasn't any arrest I was told or any ambulances or no fights I was told that our crowd was one of the most polite best things ever and it was beautiful and then they had a bunch of other bands from other genres and we won't name them because I can't bring the facts legitimately right so I don't want to downgrade anyone but let's just say there were some other genres not metal Hard Rock and they had arrests and ambulances and fights and all kinds of stuff so I like to still prove that the world can come together in my culture and help each other and I'm going to be very proud to fly around and see everybody working together and making sure we're all good and we're all talking and we get to know each other I mean this world already happens and I'm just taking it upon myself to make a very specific spot that isn't anything that's out right now right like you have the ability to go do all that I'm just making sure we as a community have a server where you know that everybody's on it probably has some sort of love for slip knot or the culture and the music's playing right at all times all the albums are playing you can go you know one of the things is you're going to go find the discs to put all your music collection together right but um I've I've held things for 25 years t-shirts backstage passes plaques masks gonna give it all away gonna give it all the way to people that need it and stuff and then they can pass it on when they need it it's not about money to me but I'm telling you you're going to be you're acally G to find this hallway and you're G to go oh I don't know Clown's weird I'm gonna go see what it goes and then all a sudden 10 minutes later you're going to wind up and there's going to be one chest with one note and there's going to be a plaque for you you know well that's that creates that excitement to again as as a gamer and that's why too I L like the things you're mentioning too like you know for you know mental health and all that contrib to that it being a community thing and it being a looking to your own mind that's why I think all those aspects are so cool and a lot of thing that gaming has missed for many years and that's why I definitely do want to ask just even for when people ask especially like my the communities and all that about when it's you hear the word that word nft in front it's it's scary because there's there's no nft yes there's no nft okay yes that's to clarify everyone yes well I mean listen I mean we as a company we if if we want to incorporate nfts in any way with this it would be because fans some fans love that okay but this isn't operated on n T's this is you get a server address you make sure you have the right patch from Minecraft right and then you download the Minecraft thing and boom you're in you don't need to get metamask you don't need to buy an N you don't have to have crypto there but when I said that I was making coin I'm making a not coin you know oh okay yeah that's Co just like you go to the auction house and have to pay gold yes to get some confetti to throw up outside and it's gone I'm going to have the same thing right currency on the Ser yeah you're going to go out I'm going to have currency on the server right that you're grinding for that you make like gold that you can put in your bag and take to my merch table and say I now how does it work maybe you do need a metam mask at that moment but maybe you don't maybe it's Apple P maybe it's [ __ ] PayPal I don't know I'm not even close to that what I'm letting you know right is you don't need anything nft to play this you're gonna get an address and you're gonna go play awesome awesome yeah that's the other thing because I know a lot of people do like that too right and that's why but and a lot of gamers are scared that's why I'm to clarify people watching to myself no no no this did you read something that it was that way or I think somewhere when I was reading the uh um what was it the the not Fest thing it it was like going towards that or like there was speculation that it had to deal with that and that's there you go there you got your answer right there speculation that's a bad word in this world it was made for bad things I don't speculate I you you did a podcast last night I'm on the phone today right so there's no speculations it's just reality and truth so what I'm saying is if you know what gold is yes in World of Warcraft I'm gonna have not gold right gold yes of some sort of currency that while you're in there grinding you're either collecting or F I think you're gonna find it you're GNA find it okay put it in your inventory it's going to collect you're going to be able to come to a show and somehow whether you just sign on to your I don't know we're not that far because here's what I have all right I have the spawning point that allows you to go just go go be go be and have fun that's that's all I I just needed to do it because we're a mess right you know like I let one friend of the family let his nephew go in and the kids's like where's the auction house where's the fairis does the fair wheel moved why doesn't the roller coaster move I'm like all the physics stuff you know it's gonna be $100,000 before I even get anywhere with all these requests because the veloping is developing Minecraft you think they play Minecraft yeah if developers they they don't know what they just develop they're just making [ __ ] sure you know stuff works but okay so in the future maybe there's some nft stuff but it'll only be because fans want it and it'll be incorporated but if you have a world you're not going to be forced to live in an nft world in Minecraft after playing for two years go I'm giving you my word that this isn't you know the reason why I left Critters is because it was an nft thing and it was conflicting things gotcha okay I'm like I just need my own server where we can play Minecraft and that's what I have right well that's and that's I'm because I'm asking you not even not as a musician as a I'm asking you as a as a gamer you know what I mean like out of pure curiosity as a gamer right you're gonna get an address yeah and as long as you have I know I need a I had to get a I had to get a Microsoft account and I had to buy Minecraft yes and then I had to download a certain patch of Minecraft an installation currently was running 1 point2 and that's it that's all you need okay and then you're gonna sign on and you might have to download certain things that are with the server but you don't have to pay for it you don't have to pay for anything and the first thing I'm gonna do when I get off the phone with you is I'm going to call up the office and I'm just going to make sure I understand for the next time we talk exactly what the tears are but you have to understand my friend I am not sweating money I'm not sweating those things and that's why we just randomly put it up because I want the community to help me when you guys come into the Dome you're GNA be like why didn't you just let me in the dome to begin with and I'll be like well there's just a million other things that need to be established like you to be allowed to go play Minecraft right you might not want to come in the Dome and be chased down by me right you know so does that make sense that makes sense no yeah that starting with the spawning which allows you to walk out and start your new world where you never ever even have to talk to me if you want but I'll be there I'll build I'll come hang we can throw some blocks bro let's go you'll be like dude I need to make a farm I'll be like this is all I know I'll help you for an hour we'll talk [ __ ] you'll talk about music we'll text back and forth maybe we got the stuff and we're just growing down I'll say hey man I'm tired I got to go and believe me listen as long as the fans don't take advantage of that they know me everyone that knows me knows me man right I talk as long as anybody wants to talk I talk to my fans outside so why I can grow an ugly beard because I'm not on the road right now I don't have to wear a mask that's a full beard but you got a nice beard roll on there it's it's it's filled out dude this is Minecraft beard man this is the This Is The Magician's beard the magician but I I'm growing a beard right now just because I'm not on the road and we've been on the road three years and I just thought man I just give myself a favor and not have to have that pressure and just right go but listen like as long as everybody the culture is cool man I'll I'll talk to anybody I'll hang but it can't be you know like if everyone wants to talk no one's gonna talk so it's like if everyone wants to build a farm together everyone can freak out that I'm over here throwing block but the point is is I want to talk to everyone I love that terminology throwing block that is that is that common cuz I again I haven't played Minecraft in a minute but is that common terminology in Minecraft is that your thing when you see I'm just throwing block I I don't know where I picked that up so I don't want to take credit for it but I just know that when I get on with my people I'm like let's go throw block just go throw a block and that's how I say it maybe it seems like I had to have picked that up from someone so if someone watched this they'll tell me who they were and then I'll tell you who they were that told me that's all we do is throw a block and to be honest when I found out that Minecraft was a giant digital circuit board to make automation right right it's it's insane I remember playing that when it came out and you could like you said do the rails and you're like how is this possible like I watched I watched this kid make a machine make dirt and it just moved it was like and it just made a world dirt just grass forever it's probably still making it right now I was like this is the most incredible underrated invention in gaming ever because they give me the rail right they give me the lights they give me the signs I can write when you come into the Dome you're gonna freak I wrote all the signs I laid the rail the rail takes you everywhere but maybe when you're on the rail and you look over the left you're like I think I saw something over there you got to jump off and go over there and check it out right you will not believe in a million years what I've created every time I take someone there they just even my developers they thought they knew and then I got them in there and we just kept going down and then we went up and then we went out and they're like all right bro we got to have a meeting I'm like yep I'm lost I'm completely lost I'm just building an ongoing Dark City movie I come in and I just pick an area and I make something the next day it's something else the next day it's something else have you thought about stream I feel like if have you thought about streaming this process or something like you just playing Minecraft I feel like no no we are going to stream it oh I'm well when I'm on you're gonna the way they have it worked out on my computer system and I listen man I can't keep up with everything so I'm not as knowledgeable as you I just know I have a lot of good people help me stay relevant in the Digital World um I have a lot of learning that I have to do to stay in touch with premier Final Cup Pro socials are kicking my ass every day I got to come up with something new and I'm so big bro that you can't find me so I have a YouTube page that I'm trying to give all the kids my stuff you can't find it because everyone's like hey clown here or clown here so you're like where's clowns are you go to find me my newest video that I did that I directed it's like I got like 332 views and slip Knot's got like 20 million so what I'm saying is that's another reason why I have this is so I can be with my people yeah well cuz I mean streaming is a fun way to also like you know obviously Discord which you already have which is cool and and of course the Minecraft but streaming too like that's a fun way to interact with the community I'm so funny I'm way more funnier than any of you guys I know you are that's that's why I think You' be a good streamer dude I am so brutal I can't wait to stream with you because come on we'll I'll stream Minecraft with you dude I am so so bad at it I'm the worst but I love it everyone's be like he tries he he does he tries clown tries he's doing better you see what he did last night with the rail he's doing better we we're proud of clown you know so what I'm saying is they got me hooked up now on some sort of system with the server that that that I'm playing in front of me so I can play but there's a a monitor above me where I can see all of you and everybody talking to me and my character but I'm engaged in playing like right in front of me right but then the Discord or the the streaming is above me and beside me so it's all encompassing I'm not good at texting and talking and all and throwing block like I get really like have you have you thought about like streaming even with like like Simon I know by the way love vended vended is super sick thank you they are they're on their own Merit they're they did it all by themselves I'm very proud of them I just heard about the corn show last night yeah huge congrats all by themselves and yeah that kid's a Minecrafter man you should see the stuff he made when it was but say what say that's what I'm asking if I would love to see are you guys ever going to like do all like fatherson stream Minecraft like that's that's a stream right there dude my oldest daughter's going to be a moderator of it she's going to really take over be in charge of it and like help people and so Simon I don't know if he's got a lot of time but he'll come in and maybe head up one Death Match he'll be on one team and I'll be on one team maybe we'll capture the flag and and you know he knows his dad's trick so it'd be fun he'll be like I know where my Dad's hanging out you like you know because when he comes into my world he's like oh okay okay so when you you I can't wait to show you I build stages and man so let me talk about a couple other things okay I built a plot world and it I guess it could if it were going to be an nft world I guess the plot world would be the easiest way to do it so okay there another world within it that you can you know forward SLG go to and what happens is you spawn and the F there's plots they're like 51 by 51 or 52x 52 block and there's squares which streets and it's infinite it's just Square Street Square Street it's a community right and the way I built it is that you are GNA earn I better start asking them what we were riffing we've been building and riffing riffing is like what the final stuff is g to be right I think what we were riffing was that maybe you win a death match and the reward is you get one of these you get a pick a plot you don't have to pick the one nearest the spawn you can go 10 miles and pick one and then you get to build whatever you want on it no one can come in and break it or throw it unless you give permission someone can help you if you give permission right but no one can break and it's so and what we were going to do is throw that up onto Discord for people to admire your build and then others could but see they didn't win to get in there so they can't run around they can only see it on Discord so it's a way an incentive for you to win to get in there and then I think maybe there was a conversation about we turn your thing into an nft that you get to sell and make money on that's your own money through slipnot potentially and maybe a fans across the street saying Hey I want to have this whole neighborhood for my gang you know and he buys The Entity from you you get the coin you buy another one and we're all in that world and I'm helping you learn it and it's not so scary out there it's in here and you understand it perfectly okay um the reason why it would work in there is because you can't get in there unless you won anyway so once you win it's yours you get to pick a plot and in the far future maybe we turn that plot into an nft for you okay and then you get to sell like I know I said that twice but I'm trying to make sense of it but but we can't even offer you that plot yet because I need people and the plot is not an nft it really was you won you won the death match let's say you pay five bucks a month to get into my Dome to death match okay okay so like let's say a thousand people come in and everybody pays a dollar okay that's GNA be how I'm gonna give people money on the death match and that's why making the death match be 24 hours because you're really going to earn this [ __ ] right so to clarify them with that that's more like a subscription again because a lot of people I played wow too I can't promise you what it's called but yes it's some sort of subscription okay some sort of thing right I think it's hilarious I think it's hilarious that we're doing this right now because it's like I guess it can be that confusing people have made it that freaking confusing I am not making that confusing I am promising you right now that sha cran the clown has bought a server that I am gonna let maggots and our culture beond anybody who wants to come and learn Minecraft is going to come on and we are going to be the brother you know the the world of fans who go hi you don't know Minecraft but you love slipnot we're going to teach you welcome hi then there's going to be people who know Minecraft or know slipnot that don't know Minecraft yes of course everybody's just gonna keep helping each other that's free great that's infinite it's a seed that I laid down it goes forever that's SI it's forever it's forever and that I have nothing to do with that um the spawning area is free we're going to have games in there parkour uh you know I don't parkour but I guess people like it so one way to parkour is Jump Around break you know get up here and break that diamond block and take it with you to your hut whatever so there's just weird things that are going on in the the the spawning area that are fun I have a I have a tent with art I have you know I sell whiskey there's just bottles it doesn't mean you can buy a bottle it's just it's all slip knot stuff you know right right that's cool you've seen it's the not verse it's the not Fest do you do you cuz I you have so many ideas I think it's I love the creativity I think it's very cool do you have like a master like are you a notepad dude like Microsoft Word where's your where's the idea list for you it's called the Death Star and I have about 30 notebooks just full of scribbles and [ __ ] and I got about at least 10 people that work with me wow that can't keep up with anything I can't and the only reason why they can't is because they're fulfilling one thing and then I'm asking for 10 more and it just doesn't work that way and what I've done is I personally have gotten the whole team behind by requesting things when we've needed to get it ready for people now let's skip forward why am I doing it all now is we have a 25y year anniversary coming up in June so I'm releasing the overall whole thing in June oh wow that's in order to do that and yeah but the reason is because it'll never be done bro when you get into the Dome and you're capturing the flag of it you're like this is endless potential it'll never end as long as I live it'll never end be like look the clowns in here building some crap again he can't even finish this he's over here finishing this so June will I don't know what day in June but it will be before the actual anniversary of our album okay there'll be all kinds of promo in Minecraft all kinds of things to win show prizes I'm mainly doing it to clean out storage I have drum heads and drum DRS and outfits and it's time man I've done it for 25 years a quarter of a century most of us grew up in slipnot right you know I'm blessed to do it every day I can after this and I'm going to give it as hard of a go as I do but when we're on a bus we play games when we're in the dressing room we play games people are doing Call of Duty the other guys have gone on and played people and Call of Duty and stuff but I can't move that quick I can't keep up with the graphics it's too advanced for me it's too like too fastpaced too much yeah too fast people are too good they know too much I'm like duh and all I can do is K you know so what I've done is I've taken all my experience from Doom Doom 2 Wolfenstein Quake unreal R redneck Rampage Duke Nukem world Warcraft all the beautiful stuff that I love I've taken everything I've learned from the auction house to mount to rails right and everything Minecraft offers and I put it all in one crazy mind of mind so when you're in there you're like this is the mind this is one of the minds of slipnot and it's it's sort of what I do in snot is a lot of art right not that no one else does everybody does their thing right um but what I'm saying it's like what I do right I do videos I do album covers things like that so I'm hoping you'll go in there and you'll be like I mean I can't tell you man but I've you just got to come in with me so you can tell the lovely people of the world what you saw I would love to do that I would I would love to try it and see what's I haven't play like go when you want to go on you know well I'm gonna make it so you're an admin oh wow this is too much power Sean are you sure no no I have all the power so let's do it what I'll do is I I'm WR the check what do you want I'm WR in the checks I have all the power right um it's all good I'm just having fun I'm having fun but what I it'll be too hard if you and I have to walk around yeah gotcha I'll make you a staff and you'll fly we'll be ad mid that way I can fly you and all you got to do is double space bar be in the air and fly around with me and I can show you things on your own Merit and you'll see things and you'll you'll want to see it and then you can ask me questions and all right you know we should make it for a couple days because I want to see if I can get the headphones so we can talk so I don't have to text gotcha yeah I'm not very good at texting and flying and it feels like I'm late and it doesn't feel like I'm getting anything done so I can get the headphone thing I I we can get a lot more done okay that sounds I I'm excited and thank you for the invite I I look forward to it I I'm again I I grew up playing games and I played Minecraft for a bit so I'm always like excited just to see what's going on and I maybe maybe you have a friend that likes to play we'll invite them him or her too maybe maybe one of the fans wants to join us y'all you just everyone in chat is going to go CRA me me there you go yeah I'll tell you what why don't you offer someone why you offer someone on your end of what you do with your world okay offer something that you feel good and I'll offer them flying in with you and I um um but uh they have to actually love the game and play it and know it to understand what I'm going to show them and then they could be the liaison of the community to go back and start telling people what they saw so it's very important for me after your podcast last night just to spread a little bit more knowledge on it and I'm really I told the office earlier I need everybody to know it's a great big mess but the reason why it's a mess is because I need the community to help me very quickly get it ready for June so the whole world can come in and then I can start offering cash prizes and masks and secret appearances and dinner with your grandma and like the whole deal man I want to have a good time bro my wife and I want to come to your house as long as your Grandma makes authentic food and we can eat it my Grandma makes Slavic food you want like some like uh oh yeah we want to come and we want to watch her make it cabbage rolls bro like cabbage rolls progis progis absolutely my wife and I will come to your house as long as your Grandma's making it I'll yeah we'll get her and we can watch her and see her little Riz on it you know she's like I like to turn it up just a little bit more you know and I'll be like oh got a little Heat going and then we sit down say a little prayer our way to be thankful and blessed for being able toat in a hard world yeah show our fans introduce some culture that's what I want to do on the way out of all this you know man I love to perform and I love to play and that's not going to stop but I like to give back and I've been giving so much man I've been giving so much I want to really get back and uh I'm proud to say I was in an outpatient program and saved my life after Paul Gray passed which was only a little bit after my father had passed and I hadn't grieved my father and then Paul had passed and my wife was in a hospital and I just had no time to understand how to do anything things like this are what help you you know gaming and imaginations other people's creative outlooks to just get me locked in for a little reward and grinding and feel good and be in a car and a crappy ride but thinking about what I made to help me with that ride it's a wonderful world and I want to do it so proud to say that I know everyone you know Co really did a number and I want to help as best I can um and I just think I'm G to give a space when we first started I remember fans telling us we would take riffs of songs we were working on and we would start we would Loop them like measure two to measure three instead of one to two right so it was out of context right so youd like I this is familiar but I don't know what it is and it's because we mess with it but I remember kids telling me fans telling me that after school that they would just go in their room and like just get that Loop going and like do their homework with like this possibility in the back of their head and the possibility was our possibility of what we might create but then their imagination would run because there was no vocals it was just a loop of guitar and drums and bass right so they were thinking about I'm going to go mow the lawn and then I'm going to watch this show and then I'm going to call my girlfriend or something so I always remembered that that we could create space that you could be with us even if we couldn't be with you and what's so great about this space is you could just be playing and turn around and there I am I'll be like what's up planting corn you know like what are you doing you know like I mean that's how cool this is is that I can just you're going to have a corn with like the band reference when you're planning corn though you got to have that all kinds of friends play man I'll have friends in there I'll have peers in there there's all of us play man it's not embarrassing it's like it's like when you're a metal head and people like think you know you can't say you like Beethoven it's like we all like all kind goes hard it's it's if he was alive today he would play metal that's a fact come on let's be still can't do what he does right right you know so it's like there's nothing really funny about this it's random you know but it's really it's a way of kind of connecting a DOT for me in my life that I've done for a long time and honestly I've wanted to make a video game with us in it forever but it's just so much money but I know that once my community comes here and then all the you know the smart shoes come in they'll be like why don't we play make a video game and I'll be like already got it already got it it's done I mean it's cool that you want clown to have a baseball bat and this but this is just as good man we're building cities up in here do do you have a baseball bat instead of a mining pick though um I don't now but we're like I said I've recreated some stuff you're going to freak out on I have gone very over and Beyond to create a new experience so you're going to see things that are familiar but are different and then I know coding so I know how to mash the mathematical equations to mash up some other mathematical equation that's doable because it's just math and it's what's built in Minecraft gives you the ability of what they allow and as long as you're in the realm of what they allow you can change all of it right that's cool so for instance you know one block block has one skin another block has another skin yeah so you can tell this block to be two skins because it can already be a skin right that makes sense I just tell it to be another skin so you could take a gold and take one possibly one side of a gold block and make it a diamond you have a gold and a diamond block possibly okay I like it's just just Java do you have a favorite BL what's your good what's your favorite you have to pick right now I'm I I just thought I like what the game can do and I like the fact that crying obsidian has it has a glow okay and then it drips so it's a multiple used block the mathematical bot that is moving that is pretty cool it's a ma mathematical equation in the computer World working and then when you have a thousand of them and they're dripping you're really push some numbers so I like I like that block but I also like the I just think it's cool that you think you know how blocks can go together but then all of a sudden somebody comes in and puts a different combination and the block you ha it becomes your favorite block yeah you know I I love the my the first thing my developers did was destroy my rail that's the first thing they I didn't use torches or a redstone block every block was red stone and every block was gold Rail and they're like bro it's just too much so they destroyed it all and then I rebuilt it all right and getting into sharding where we can make it easier for the server to load so I stopped all production on the visuals to go in and make sure I could have a railroad railroad system that of complete Insanity right so the game already has so much automation I have things making gold i' you know it's just it's so fascinating wait until everybody comes in you're going to just flip out people G to be finding like the first song sick and put it in their chest in their juke box and tell each other I just got the whole album I've been grinding for a month I finally found tattered and torn in some weird building down the street that's cool yeah you know just anything you can think of I'm G to do man so it's uh but it's all for us it's not for anybody else okay it's just for the culture and if and if you like it any other way you're going to come in but you know you'll be slowly phased out if you're not one of us I think because we'll just make it impossible and I'm not talking about you I'm just talking about the world in general right you know we just want well we're gonna be blocking so I I'm I'm fine we're going to be blocking it up bro when you want to block I'm just let me know man send me send me the DM when we're going to block we'll block it up maybe let's use all tomorrow to get it done and then maybe we'll do it Friday Friday or Saturday but I'll have uh the office call you okay they'll give you right for now you just need a Microsoft account and Minecraft I have Minecraft I already got it you're in man we're good to block man I'm gonna let you build something in my Dome you're going to be the first Outsider to be able to build some so you better practice up on your skills I don't know this is too much pressure so I want am I going to build it's got to be good it's the first Outsider thing to build I'm gonna give you an area you're not going to get much I'm gonna give you no I'm going you're going to be able to make a you know you'll be able to come back to it you're not going to have a time limit you be a how many blocks square footage block footage are we are we talking I'll give you I'll give you something minimally 30 by 30 okay you know 30 you know at least but probably something more like 51 by 51 something decent you're not g to be able to go down but you can go up we can go up that's fine but you can only go so far up because I've capped it ah yeah go in it's it's called a dome for a reason that's ah at the top of course well Sean I know you're busy Ding and thank you I've never in my life talked with somebody about Minecraft for an hour and a half but I'm I'm happy to do so so I appreciate you coming on the show let's keep it random let's just let's keep surprising everybody with most random conversation but I I honestly before we go I just want to let everybody know like look this is something I'm doing but I I you know you use the slipnot name because you know we want to share in music and and stuff and I want people that game to come to shows and right I'd love it if the guys come in there's space for them and it's all of ours I did it for all of us you know and it it seems like a real awkward thing and a real strange thing but you need to know that I've watched all four of my kids throw block build the most beautiful things they still have their stuff they still we still look at it and Simon will uh you know bad will have their world I'll probably have them do an inport signing where they'll come in with their characters everybody sign on and talk to them in the digital space and get t-shirts or what whatever we can come up with we're going to do it's always been loose on fun man it's never been a money thing and the only reason why money ever came up is because you can't get a server without buying it you know paying for a thing so I'm already a lot into it it doesn't matter I'm having a good time and I think when everybody sees my Dome and everyone right now knows that the Dome is created for capture the flag Death Match mainly it's going to be an ongoing thing like I'm gonna have a 31 day Death Match I'm only gonna let so many people in it and yes you're gonna have to pay to get into it but it's not going to be like something you hate it's not like hey I need $10,000 so we're not talking any of these crazy I brother I don't know what other Gamers do I don't know what other streamers do I don't belong to any of it right I don't have time I devote all my time to gaming into what I'm creating and that's all I do I don't play World of Warcraft anymore because I don't have time I don't play Quake I don't play Doom all these Throwbacks all I'm doing is Minecraft and I'm making it so I can play the last thing I want to tell you is I've made a I've made my [Music] own so I made it that if you came on and you were Prejudice I could just destroy your account immediately like you were a memory I have a keystroke of keystrokes right there you will disappear get a refund and you'll be gone for life that quick in front of everyone you'll be gone it'll be that it'll be keystroke it'll be a big thing you'll be buried and I created a jail I have a jail that someone made as a schematic a long time ago I brought it in okay it's funny because we joke that we think the jail is going to be too small and it's huge but the way the gel is is once you're in it you can't get out so once your character isn't up to any good and you're not part of what we are which is love your account's gone and your character will always be in there for people to look at as an example we got to have a Brotherhood here man we got to do good we got to help each other this ongoing world that's complicated and I want to live by example and I know it's hard this world is hard and if it's hard for you come join us and maybe we can help maybe maybe so um I've created a console for me Lightning earthquakes glass pigs I got stuff man so it's going to be a lot of fun fun when clown shows up up because clown can only do things that clown can do that no one else can do and it's amazing what I what I've programmed it's fun and I'm G give people the ability like you can earn this ability to strike people down with lightning right oh D can I earn that like my is that yeah everyone's gonna I'm not gonna be the only one forever to be able to strike people down with lightning okay but good you know we're gonna we're g to make things happen and it's uh it's a very interesting world and it wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for that great game and they just made something that has really been beautiful for everyone and I just I want to help I want because you know Minecraft like you can get bored because like you love it so much you're like yeah I gotta go over here and I'll do this and you're like but I'm just still you know so I'm trying to make it where you get to throw block do all your things but have some music involved and feel like you're getting tangible fulfillment you're like this t-shirt actually came in the mail right wearing it while I'm playing that's cool while clown is streaming and we're making fun of him because he's horrible what's what's do you already have a Twitch account or what are you gonna call it what what's do you have a name for yet I do oh this is how dumb I am that's how I'm gonna do it twitch I forgot that's it that's that's what it is one of my assistants has it hooked up I do I'll have it to you by the time we throw a block I've never been on it but they've set it up theyve set it up so that's the world but to to get this all St started I just need to ask for the alpha I got it right and to explain that a little bit too I want to let you know the the other was I wanted to hire some people to come in and build for me but we were they were suggesting that these Alphas that will come in we will we'll find two three people that are serious Builders and then I can talk to them and say hey are you enjoying this they'll be like love it I'll be like come and help me build so we can get this up in June so that was another reason is to to to get introduced to some real people that love this and maybe they'll acknowledge it that they're having a good time and want to help and then I can get further along instead because right now it's like me and three people just cleaning it up and closing it up and making sure that it's that it's understandable but you know how the nether is it's just like all this falling apart stuff that's what my Dome is you're just GNA be like what's in here and you're like whoa is this a different server like it's just Insanity it's too much imagine me being online for four years minimally eight hours a day to where I could prove it anyone that knows me will prove it they will tell you right because I have I barely sleep so I do it late at night uh eight hours a day for four years let's just say make it two years what do you think I could create in two years nonstop eight hours a day a lot a lot a lot so that's what that's what you're gonna see sounds good man well thank you so much again for coming to talk about this I I can't wait to throw a block with you I think it'll be uh it'll be fun we'll see what we can build um you know definitely we'll make sure that that gma's got perogi heated all up and ready to go and some any any any requests she she's Ukrainian any ukrainians back well I'm glad that yes what what it is is this my I my wife and I are older and she's got some ails some you know some things um so we're vegan okay well no no no no no we're you know once in a while I gotta start eating some fish and things because I just get weak okay and um I do all I can but what I would say is we we want to do this and then we want you know everyone at your family to come to the show and be my guess and let me return the favor after we eat you know so I'm going to come over film it hopefully and uh let everyone know culturally what we did the only thing is I just need to know a little bit of what we might eat so it doesn't interrupt what she has going on for her health but we're we pretty much can make everything work okay we'll figure it we'll figure it out there's a little no no easy Grandma will love it she'll be like I got this that's exactly grandma can't wait like I my grandma was the best cook and my my uh my wife's mom and you know we just we love we love food and culture we like to hear stories about how you know you get to those cultural stories you know when I was a kid we would sit by the ocean and and I want fans to hear that and I want to do my part bringing everybody together in a world that's got a lot of war and a lot of misunderstanding and a lot of BS and I want to be an advocate of rock and roll knowing no skin color right not being driven by you know money or religion or anything you know it's just uh you know those things are all things of these planets I have no right to talk about any of them I'm just saying I can do my part to have the Church of the KN where everyone and anyone is accepted for any reason under under God music God energy you know just the vibration of music so that's all I'm doing man I appreciate you last night having a moment and no problem I'm here to pick it up and make it I I care about what my our fans think right also well speaking of fans too if you don't because I I've had this question a million times and it's related to both slip knot and Minecraft so if if and it is the new slipnot drum drummer Enderman Enderman that's a real really good guess it's just that Enderman stares too much ah he's not GNA Focus right there's no Focus what I can tell you is in about one hour I'm on my way to practice okay oh oh okay there we go yeah there we go well everyone I can say there's a big big old smile on my face and it's not there's no drama in my life man I'm just Liv you know I'm just living I'm happy to be live I'm even more happy to be able to still perform and play music I'm even more blessed to be relevant with a bunch of great guys and really why I told you is I'm just proud because I know fans are watching you I'm just proud to tell all them right now that yeah in about an hour I'm going to rehearsal there you go that's that's for all y'all chat there we go well everyone again Sean Gran of slipnot clown the man the myth the legend Sean thank you so much for coming to hang bro I appreciate it and I look forward to throwing block man let's let's do it up let's let's throw some serious block and let's uh let's help everybody hey man thanks a lot last night for just taking some time to pull it out the ether and I just did the same thing today because it matters to I don't want anybody confused and I I think it's get everybody on page and let's have some fun and let's make some loot throw some block throw some block make some castles take down Enderman whatever sounds good thank you so much man have a beautiful day and yeah we'll throw block soon right everybody be safe out in this world we'll see you soon see you dude have a good one bye I've never talked with someone about Minecraft for an hour and a half but let's go
Channel: Nik Nocturnal Podcast
Views: 90,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The shawn clown crahan (SLIPKNOT) Interview, slipknot, shawn crahan interview, clown slipknot, slipknot live, slipknot 2024, slipknot drummer, slipknot new drummer, metal music interview, metal podcast, nik nocturnal podcast, heavy metal, youtuber interview
Id: mZjzWlUOmx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 39sec (5799 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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