The Shadow: The Missing Lady (1946)

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[Music] [Music] what about them hold it nothing left to worry you castor yes but what about that fellow upstairs relax I'll take care of him tonight [Music] taking this thing off tomorrow who wanted for a month 22 stitches if I find out who shot me and took the Jade later you still don't believe me huh well I'll show you tonight you'll go back to the apartment when I take care of that nosy Chet upstairs [Music] goes here [Music] who's that been here since Friday must be the last weekend funny thing about the guy he brings all the unfinished drinks and eyelets always check on strangers fade it [Music] [Music] I'm not interested in mr. Blake I'll be 10 grand in it for you enough for a swell funeral to me but listen maybe I'm no lady but I don't want to be missing like the one you want 10,000 if you find the jade lady for me better scram by the Ox is here remember was ten grand you can go places not alone [Music] shall set better get ready [Music] mm-hmm I've been thinking nevermind thinking habit of mine I just had a better off if you double-cross me I turned it down like I'm turning your deal down ox I want no part of the missing lady you know what kill my baby mmm just enough to one out all together I'm shaking don't know what you're told and like it [Music] I meant what I say you have a way with women that's what I like about you if you want anything to happen to your sister gonna get smart I'll rough them up and get them started then you take over and don't miss [Music] [Music] you can have a lot of fun on ten grand maybe I got something there [Music] [Music] go on home pop I'll take over bait it [Music] [Music] Oh take it easy pal don't like it yeah maybe you prefer the Ritz is how we treat nosy stool pigeons [Music] pleasant dreams ox you too pal [Music] hold it how about a light you've gotta clear out of here while you're still able to why do you think you're fooling mr. Lamont Cranston you know me sure so does everyone else down here so get out and stay out and thanks for the light you're going home now boss no I'm going back to that flop house again but not as myself they're wise to me going back is the shadow like the police too easily spotted this Douglas case is a job for the shadow council more like a boss especially inspector Cardona I know the shadows outside the law you were working for it around the corner [Music] okay boss the coast is clear [Music] that's the guy ox I tailed him uptown where he tried to get into field studio and then he sneaked around Ann's apartment and then I tailed him right back here I don't get it I think I do I have to go uptown so you take care of [Music] hold it bars axe he's up town on business what business I ain't talking thanks whoever you are stop don't follow me I'll be seeing you later looks like I'm being followed let's get out of here fast okay but my brakes are terrible if I hit anything to hoping something she did I it was a Thai lady but it was exciting about as exciting as a parachute jump without a parachute a couple of boomer girls batty over elevators complain about how they run those things who are you gonna complain to se and merely hobbies bought this building a month ago this was they gonna race up and down those elevators a couple of characters speaking of characters you suppose the boys will be glad to see its back baby that's basically shreddy oh no way to talk to me oh yes it is miss Margo I know it's ready that taxi appears slows down for brunettes tops for blonds and backs up for redheads mister Cranston's apartment please 705 Jenni you and I trust Lamont and Trevor completely we do since when ever since whoa Lamont doesn't answer he must be out and so shreddy since when do we trust him don't be silly Jenny a woman never trusts a man keep ringing operator seventh floor in a hurry please race you heavy I'll take mr. shredder now girls no tricks thanks miss Effie you'll get a pilot's license any day now you one raised you dare anything goody hello [Music] but well then we had the most wonderful time darling but oh I did miss you so much but miss Margo this is SH revi shreddy would you put them on on the phone please here you are boss boss gosh she's gone well go find him quiet there's a murderous mmm mommy mo hi mo I mean hello boss you see I found you trevi I see you found someone - he looks like a warm number she wasn't out cold hey is everyone here I'm cold oh he's out for keeps mr. Trevi it's okay come right in hey boss you do all right you really do all right what's happened to an oh she's just out for a while I mean she's in but she's out to tell me you know who he is it's alfred castor is he dead yeah who killed him he did I did now listen he shot Catherine he was gonna murder me look he still has the gun in his hand that's what you get for being a good Samaritan the man standing me up at the other end of a telephone line listen the boss had never heard a girl I smell a rat I heard the wreck but he was coming right at me I tell you the man was dead when I came in here well hello darling I'm glad to see your bank but I'm busy right now I yeah she must be very busy with two of them and you too Freddie where have you been right here well these two with the bar we even have a chaperone look where's apartment 704 right there but aren't you the police let's go [Music] but you have the gun of course he didn't gun Jacob's up that room over shot twice how come you're here Cardona someone reported the Moody here about 20 minutes ago because I might know they'd be troubled with you around Cranston well anyway I'm glad you're here dealing with Margaux Jenny's Revie whose apartment is this it's fine name animals I'm Gilda Marsh I was working for mr. field he artist up in 1004 and came down to see and but these people were here and mr. Kester alfred Kester ester the curio dealer now what happened he shot him Lamont don't you be ridiculous I'm mr. Worf would you pray why did you see him do it miss Walsh no I didn't but he had the gun he had the gun in his hand when I came in you've been butting into police affairs for a long time Cranston but this time I think you're stuck Cardona you're not accusing inspector don't be silly I'm not never murdered anyone that I know of David Jacobs stay Hitler medical examiner gets here all right folks we'll continue this at headquarters now why did you shoot Kessler I didn't try and prove definitely put Ann Walsh understand she was lying why should she I don't know said you never met her before tonight no never and why should she lie about you that's what I'd like to know well come on let's get this thing over with is that what you said to kiss day before you shot him I didn't shoot him you had the gun I told you that I was knocked out of when I came to her the gun was in my hand your new Kester was in our curio dealer aisle I've heard of him that he had some strange friend when did you first meet him when he was dead and I didn't kill him I didn't even know the man you need an introduction before murdering someone I know it's a little more polite now about the old clothes that we found in your private taxicab I told you about them you said you wear them to visit a flophouse yeah while investigating the James Douglas murder a case which you have done nothing about yet inspector wagon honest why were you at the flat house because I had a tip someone from there hired a taxi to go to the Douglas home the night that Douglas was murdered so you're mixed up in two murders oh yeah but not the way you were thinking unless I said to you ten times before this month why don't you find the missing lady and as I told you 40 times no missing woman has been reported and you're being questioned not me you think you can accuse them out of murder I'll show you go very well move it what's this about a murder I haven't touched her yet her I'm talking about Lamont oh he's in Cardinals office Commissioner watch I'll see Cardona okay everybody out and now you can tell them all to Burwick you've got a long way he's staying inspector this is ridiculous it's true even if Cranston is your nephew Commissioner it's not true uncle I don't know needs radar even to find his way home now look how are you look and listen you say Lamont had the gun in his hand make a paraffin test he did on me and two women fine any powder stains you didn't Arnie or the women I'm not satisfied with a test what you wanna leave this to me Lamont no inspector just what did happen they're keeping you in jail no I'll be out in a minute you remember the Jeff man case yeah when you had to clear the shadow on a murder right only this time the shadow has to clear me I still have a hunch at the Douglas case is tied up with tonight's murder you're mixed up in something else no wonder they're in trouble investigating crimes without us along to help them but no you have nothing on which to hold him but nothing but coincidental circumstance but well just because he's your name your back turn I'm gonna release you can go Cranston Thank You uncle but be on hand when I want you great and I said when not if Thank You uncle [Music] miss Walsh why did you accuse Cranston of murder I saw him with the gun what did you see when you first came into this room Alfred kissed his body then you screamed yes and fainted yes and why accuse Cranston the gun it was mine so you were being framed what is that to do with the Jade lady in the diamonds the Jade lead then you know yes don't try to leave town miss Walsh I'll be seeing you again soon [Music] [Applause] I wasn't expecting you don't stare at me like that no I didn't talk to anybody I'm telling the truth you've got to believe me [Music] [Music] [Music] No you get hurt sneaking around this way sure and you can too rocks don't try to be as smart as you think yeah come after what belongs to me Oh No from now on it's a case of finders keepers the lady belongs to me and I'm getting her tonight so keep out of my way very funny Gilda what are you doing here at this time of the night I came to see you I found someone searching your apartment Wofford woz got away as I came in well I I wonder what they were out there I wouldn't know if you don't but what are you doing here I thought you might want to know that Chester was murdered tonight in Anne's apartment Chester murdered by whom police have arrested a man named Lamont Cranston Cranston the fellow who lives in this building what possible motive could he have to kill Chester perhaps we should go down and talk to N no no I I don't want to be involved in any murders [Music] you don't cook if she thinks she can accuse LaMotta murder out I'm scared oh we can handle her Oh packing up to leave after accusing Lamont of murder I'll keep her here Jenny if I have to fight her me too let me have a wallet better too now and then huh yeah maybe she went out there I'll bet she went out that way this is a heavy well there's nothing here let's go see what she packed wait for me I'm scared what's wrong whoa where did you get this near her body whose body that woman miss Walsh watch everyone out in the hall for we heard a scream so did we a moment ago oh no she couldn't have screamed because she was dead when we found her and called the police five minutes ago excusing me of two murders in one night inspector I haven't got that much energy station inspector there's no use building shut up now you see you got me doing well Cranston drives me I ride you you rile me and I always end up at the worst of it alright let's start all over again I still think that the murders tying with the Douglas case you're gonna start that all over again the motive for the three murders is the missing lady listen the Douglas people say that no woman in their family is missing they're keeping it quiet hoping to get her back the trouble with you inspector is you don't know who this particular lady is how can I find out who's missing when nobody has been kidnapped or disappeared I said if you need a shot at her she wasn't kidnapped she was stolen Cranston I have a little private talk with your work do you mind not at all I'm glad you're willing to take a hint from Lamont yeah that's what I'm going to talk to him about commissioner a hint yes given you dated Chris then stay out of my hair apart yours with a baseball bat oh yeah get me yeah yeah I do but I still think you should find the missing lady anything else you want to say yeah I want to say I want to say thanks for the hint Lamont oh hello commissioner it's nice to see you too cooperating in police work yes it's nice work I wonder how I'd be as a police inspector Tara but you're too much like that one we got oh so long inspector [Music] [Music] surprise oh how long have you been here I didn't time myself they didn't keep you in jail no thanks to you well I only told the police what I saw mr. Cranston hmm well since we're this close why not call me Lamont why I'd love to Lamont oh yeah now we seem ready for some collective bargaining just where do you fit and what's been going on you don't think I had anything to do with these murders why should a golf club had to be left at the scene of the murder when the victim Ann Walsh died of bullet wounds I don't know what you're talking about oh that's all right I actually do myself well I have to go oh not without telling me why you're here and what you're looking for are you really interested definitely I'm glad it's always so much easier to tell my troubles to a man especially when we were alone good now tell me what were you looking for I thought I left a compact here in that desk you sure you weren't looking for her you mean Ann no no I mean that jade lady that got a raise out of your eyebrows didn't it do you mind if I smoke no no not at all I would you like one no thank you Oh Oh allow me [Music] yes are you all right I haven't fully recovered from meeting you yet you have a terrifically streamlined way of showing it so you've got the keys to my apartment - you forgot your cigarettes I'll be seeing you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no you don't catch me twice like that lady hey you're no lady Adama look this is my private apartment out of public and paws-up where did she go oh so you do know about her are you kidding don't move don't move do you mind if I breathe you're not funny Cranston oh so you know who I yeah well that's pop up and shut up I'm searching this place it looks like you've been doing a pretty good job of it already yeah I'm gonna find that Jade lady yeah someone else out for a change packed quite a wallop better than packing a gun now who are you Terry Blake how about a deal Cranston about what a missing lady I don't have her know where she is might have an idea I think you have so I'll make a deal with you you'll get me the lady and I'll give you a $15,000 uh-huh I can't go a cent higher than 20,000 cash that's nothing to sneeze at what would you do with the missing lady degenerate to her family what about the police they can't make deals with cops okay you'll get me the lady and I'll give you 20,000 I'm interested oh good I'll see you at Harry's place yeah you know where it is about my stuff my gun now I'm searching the place oh no you're not pull out Ghana no I don't think you will I just took these from your gun I knew you were smart that's why I offered you a deal seeing you I am sure you will see you later boss I'm driving to the jail see if they'll let you out they did oh they did how long have you been here a couple hours playing solitaire and I lost 400 and I'm out here being shoved around and you playing solitaire my pal Oh who shoved you around boss why I'm looking for a missing lady and a girl Oh one for each of us huh did you hear that I did buying honda then I heard Bismarck on Jenny coming after us I want to see another girl first come in sorry to interrupt mr. field it's time for a rest Cranston isn't it yes that's right you wish to see me I wanted to talk to Gilda we've met before oh of course she told me about last night and we met a second time oh I'm sorry but you did upset me oh no you upset me buddy then it hurt let me kiss it and make it better oh you kiss him and he'll feel worse and so will you hmm I'm Shawn people oh and I'm Margo Lane Jenny Delaney oh and you're an artist too you do lovely work yes right on the beam you two make a lovely picture you see he has a true artist I Jenni he do he does perhaps he will let me pose you sometime soon Oh oh my who's that in the picture grandfather hi you for still life paintings oh it's sealed Bennett grandfather oh yes he died and his ashes are in the urn that's the way everybody acts when they learn they're holding John's grandfather oh what a loud laugh you have grandmother so you found the missing lady he did as if you didn't know what missing lady hey I think you'd better go come on Margo perhaps you two will return to real soon I've got an idea install the girls okay boss mmm good bye girl goodbye dearie well where'd he go oh yeah oh he went he went that way see what I mean no that's a good idea you'll stay right here I'll go find him lucha would know anything about it you must remember Oh Millie he must mean that's the 9kc what night when I had a passenger and Millie didn't my passenger got offered the 7th floor so absolute lady and I won the race and now see Daisy and I lost yes the night that Esther was killed did your passenger enter miss Walsh's apartment the formas walks dead you sure oh yes we peeked we always think he must be looking for a missing lady you know about her you know where she is she's in this building let's see it was exactly six years ago when she disappeared six years ago she just walked out and only came back today with a brand new husband well that did it girls you gotta let me out now I'll go on are you really happy oh I bet you collect all the girls but you better not let me catch you telling them has he found Lamont yet stop talking so much and put mr. Lamont on the phone but he ain't back yet he's looking for more girls haha oh no not without me I mean just a second everything all right boss okay the mystery is beginning to unravel we're going out tonight and don't let the girls know well where are we going they're going to Harry's place on the east side then to the Popeyes looking for the missing lady oh so he's looking for still another girl is he well we'll be there tonight Jenny too but that's a tough neighborhood when we arrive there we'll look and act as tough as anybody else at that place [Music] [Music] they went in there we're going in too if I can ever learn to walk the way you've showed me the Bowery bounce is easy well I've never bounced like that before you just never lived in the right neighborhood that's all Trey hello hello Mike say we have two girls they're on their way well they must be riding them two horses I've been on a two horse pilot and never came in [Music] what a boys club good one and a mustard plaster for my back drunk derbies hmm well it's about time you two got it I mean it is if you're the two best looking dishes Michael send me he's sure slipping yeah what are you here so you might go to work and you get us out of the bar - Jen's from Uptown Z and remember you'll get 10% of all that they spend their belief I mean they're the coppers say thanks for the tip you babes been around what the hell [Music] you know you remind me and my wife and you do too but how's that I'm I'm a brunette and she's a blonde oh you mean your wife died her hair now is she just died and then I'm married that's why you remind me of her and you remind me of her to me you know you know why I'm here my wife intercepted the pass I made it a waitress and I've been afraid to go home ever since you know this is atomic bomb is causing all this trouble you don't have to stand in line they're right around the corner all you want three bucks a pair well cut me in make it a dozen okay Rose I'll be seeing ya thanks for the tip named the other woman is leaving boss you stick here [Music] so you're back again yeah I want to talk to you suit yourself about the missing lady I don't know anything about anything so you're forgotten about the party at John feels to be over fewest guests were ox no the marsh Kester and Walsh you thought told you couple of birds name of Effie knowing so what somewhat of net party killed Douglas stole the lady then lost Rick and the same night after being hit on the head look even a few doomed I want to stay out of trouble you can't rose because you know who got the jade lady I never remembered names the police won't forget yours so charge you an ox with murder have you finished dreaming you're a nightmare not mine you look like a right guy Cranston so why don't you clear out of here [Music] I never start anything I can't finish so will you come along and put both talk talks you're asking for trouble maybe I can save you one out of it shall we go well let me make sure that we see ox alone you come up in a few minutes don't say I didn't warn you [Music] well mr. Blake again yeah you haven't forgotten our deal no no I intended to take care of you it wouldn't be a threat but at all just a promise [Music] [Music] Rose Rose what happened never mind her it's happening to you you don't have to live down here I do get moving pigeon go on go on so you want to talk to me huh yeah yeah but not this way you're too particular Chum Archer said you'd only talk to him Oh talk that's all you want to do and you do it too much wait a minute doc get out you're a well-behaved thug he doesn't like my Manish yeah get him a chair Mike sit up he said sit down not lay down I'm sitting pick up that chair and sit down now Jim what makes my business your business lay down here you try getting nothing here's your hat your hat Ochs what did you show up at ran wall stud what do you know about that she was your wife when a wife is murdered police always look for the husband two against one thugs never give anyone an even break do you my handkerchief wasn't in the laundry I'd bust out crying yeah well you'll cry all right when they get you put the murder of kester Douglas and your wife so you're a smart copper you're fooling me Chum ring you doesn't make me very smart now why don't you keep your head on you saw because you lost the G lady aren't you why do you know about that I know that you stole her and lost her again didn't you getting hit on the head with a golf stick you're too smart pick up your head I didn't say any yeah I was the elevator you let us out of here I give up come on oh now you're gonna try to take my wags away huh your which if this is what you call a new technique yeah yeah you're divorced let's NSU people no it can't be no but I'm afraid it is what are you doing down here well I was gonna ask you we're looking for a flophouse I'm one prance to talk about oh that's right over here he's all yours ox this is it inspector boss French thing you look awful feel worse why are you here want to pick up the Ox he's on Walsh's husband what happened to you a missing lady how would they live to you Oh will you stop talking about a missing lady especially when there's no woman missing it's a lady I'll show it to you however in my apartment tomorrow night oh is that nothing I think everything's all right now what do you mean everything's alright now everything's all right now I mean it Cranston if you don't talk sense I have them the motive for the murders is as missing lady stop talking about hair if any more women get in this case I'll need a complete no fighting system and I know nervous system pounding in space that's my desk look if you'll do as I suggest this hole shut up Cranston inspector Hey okay come here so now you take over no LeMond why should we have these people you named at feel studio tonight to find the missing lady areas notice there's no lady missing from the Douglas family oh yes there is uncle her name is Connie uh-huh no member of the Douglas family has such a name yes she's about seven hundred years now see you Lamar dance about a foot high no sort of a pale green if you don't talk sense be there tonight meet her Oh the tri-state insurance company will tell you all about her to what the entire state insurance company goes to show you how far you can get with that nephew of yours why he don't know is hello Tri State Police Department here you know anything about a lady in the Douglas case about seven hundred years older she's a foot high small for her age named Cole coach something huh huh oh well the missing lady's a Jade statue with a quarter of a million dollars stolen from the Douglass place tri-states had a detective on it for nearly a month why don't you find out these things inspector commissioner that's what I keep asking myself no more upsie dances for me i had too many last night in an elevator no I had an aisle seat at the movies but your party is waiting for you upstairs bared enough to snap a man up and down in that thing without yelling Geronimo but mr. Lamont said to give you the works so he did huh where's field studio are you two going with you because Lamont said we should those two sisters are dizzy than the rides they get here in their elevators well where's Kristen waiting for the last guest [Music] we're alone now walks [Music] [Music] you see what happens when your nephew takes charge how long do we have to wait after all Commissioner prop them up now listen Cranston now listen Cranston you froze you bet what I told you about starting things you said that you always finish them this is the finish chalice I'm tired of listening now it's your turn to try it and you'll hear plenty do you remember a party that took place in this room about five weeks ago yes you said that a couple of birds you and your girlfriends well cast Hernan Walsh were here with you gilded ox and field tester was an arterial critic with a police record and Custer said that night yes well kisser didn't say that keep your seat Chum you made a deal with Kista and murder douglas and stole a jade lady you're crazy I know ox we went to the flophouse we pick up your pal Mike he talked plenty this is what hit you on the head ox after you lost what you'd stolen you hit me you've got the Jade lady you're the one huh this is Exhibit A there when I told you that the missing lady was the motive for three murders Kester knew who stole the Jade lady and he was killed because she was frightened and ready to talk and Walsh was shot where is this Jade lady killers got it no I have this may be John fields grandfather but this isn't the Jade lady was i jealous of her me too she must be some dish to have so many people running after bike I told you I'd take care of you this covers my end of the deal yeah $20,000 for the police fund from the tri-state insurance company blank as their representative insurance detective Blake if you insurance detectives anyway vector $20,000 for the police fund oh yeah yeah [ __ ] the ox only for theft and the Douglas murder well in the book fields pervs only for stealing the statue from OC's who kill damn walls and catch that Rosie oh she's the one no the only mistake she made was holding my hands a little bit too long she what I'm sorry about that Lamont I believe you are rose goodbye huh goodbye Ann Walsh was my sister that's why I was mixed up and well if I never see you again that doesn't mean I'll ever forget you who Killian lost and Kester certain people in this case knew too much to be entirely innocent I was told that someone entered anvil to the apartment right behind tested so only that person could be the murderer who was it her got a gun yes that's what she used to hit me with twice and then shoot an Walsh what she uses for that hit ox and she's left at an Anne Walsh's apartment hoping to frame field and she tried to frame me for the customer derp well case is yours inspector but don't ever accuse me of murder again I don't like it Oh congratulations Oh what that's what I keep asking myself you
Channel: bgP
Views: 271,990
Rating: 4.6893425 out of 5
Keywords: shadow, movie, pulp, hero, old, school, comic
Id: J35kZ6WJdPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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