The Shadow (1954) Full TV Movie

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[Music] this was where it started suddenly and began the case of the cotton kimona just a moment darling just a moment [Music] somebody's in an awful [Music] hurry I'm sorry I wasn't dressed for you yet sweetheart I was just [Music] good evening Margo Lamont sorry to walk in on you like this we were on our way to the theater we are on our way to the theater well uh aren't we guess I owe the department something for that retainer they send me every month AF you'll have to throw yourself on the Maro I know the commissioner's Mercy I haven't seen a play in six months I'm sorry homicide needs the help of a criminal psychologist well what's it all about the cuton Kona killing and a detective Nam from Springfield the girl was killed on the forth up to date we've gotten practically nowhere where does detective Harris from Springfield coming well Springfield was Chadwick's Hometown Harris was assigned to the case my girl had only been in New York for a few months so we contacted Springfield we got a lot of pretty useless data then 4 days ago detective Harry Harris of the Springfield police entered the case he's been added like a Trojan ever since I think he needs the kind of help you can give what's his trouble I brought him along show him in Margo I really think he could tell you better himself drop in anytime commissioner and bring your friends thank you lont I'd like to see him alone commissioner oh certainly of [Music] course come right in Mr Harris [Music] it's a d aren't you thanks well how do you like our large and noisy City don't get to see much of it I'm at work by 7:00 in the morning I'm at home by 10:00 p.m. you see I knew since she was a kid I knew her people Mr Cranson what have you found out so far not too much they didn't locate the murder gun until today found it in the grading Behind The Madison Apartments where lived it's been traced yeah Stone from Lewis meny's porn shop on 6th Avenue what about the girl did she have any underworld tiing I don't think so any enemies none that I heard of any boyfriends yeah Alex Brum Oregon 75883 he's a shipping clerk of course you went to see him with a couple of boys in uniform I don't want to sound like a wise guy but they let him get away with murder you went only once no I went a second time he didn't like the questions I was [Music] asking Miss lay may I present Mr Braum good evening Mr Braum you're not married are you Mr Brum you know you don't have to answer of course you're not I've never seen a more totally male apartment are you two in the right place oh undoubtedly you know this could be a Charming room Mr Braum doesn't believe in the decorative Margo except unless I'm mistaken for this a little out of key wouldn't you say Alex put that down put that down and get out of here my name's Cranston Lamont Cranston you may think of me as an emissary of Mr Harris the little man who dropped around here a couple of times a couple of times where' you get a couple of times that H has been on my back morning noon at night I get up and go to sleep with him looking down at me he's been here more than twice I lost count of the times so you tell him will you would you tell him you might as well lay off me because you'll get nothing more out of me I don't understand that br you keep the dead girl's picture so she can't be too bad a memory and yet you refuse to help us I can't help you any more than I have I told Harris everything I know but he keeps on after me if I could help you catch a guy that kill why should I hold out after what he did to her the m I'll be in the car pretty broken up aren't you were you in love with her it won't help to lie bra they've traced the murder gun to a porn shop in 6th Avenue the proprietor Lis Mendes won't have much trouble identifying the man who stole it by the time I got there that night she was dead she was a nice kid she worked in an office five days a week wasn't interested in running around wasn't interested in anything I guess much except me on the job and her singing lesson her singing lesson she took singing Liston this guy she took from yeah he used to to call her after hours bothering her when he had no business and then one night I got sore what did she say well she understood she admitted he was nuts about her she said she was going to tell him once and for all to cut it out the very next day when was it let me see yeah yeah it was the day before she was the 3rd of February who is he I'm not accusing anybody who is he grimau R grimau he's over on 58th Street in the Dunwoody [Music] studio now miss bettinger let's go on up very nice by the way very nice continue [Music] [Music] not a great voice Mrs bettingers but she has the will to sing that's all I require of my pups the will to sing very Democratic of course it doesn't hurt anything if they also have blonde hair blue eyes and hail from the Midwest with figures that remain glamorous even in a carton kimona do you have a warrant sir that permits you to come here and question me no then how dare you sir my time is worth $20 an hour and for the untalented is unavailable at any price you're disturbing this lady go on Mrs Binger good day sir have it your own way Professor but it won't take long to get a warrant or even a subpoena I'm afraid I'll have to put you to that trouble don't apologize it'll be a [Music] pleasure well you've had worse ideas then what deciding to wait here over a soothing cup of coffee we're going to need help on this my lady help from an old friend The Shadow [Music] see there you're quite sure very well I want you to take this message tell him [Music] that message oh yes messageer I think I'd best call back later I don't know I [Music] [Music] what's that what's wrong with you I had a laugh have no fear for your sanity gribar you are too shallow and evil for that escape who's there I am the Shadow the shadow only the guilty need fear me and I see that Terror in your eyes my friend I'm all around you here at your side though your eyes see [Music] [Laughter] nothing you cannot Escape me gmar what do you want of me Justice for the death of Chadwick no I didn't give her I swear I swear you cannot lie to me the shadow knows no I'm not lying I I was in love with her but I I didn't kill her then who did who did this much I know this much I'll tell you the night before she was killed I went to call on her she didn't expect me I walked in without knocking go one and do you know who was there with her in her room who it was the [Music] man how did you get in here I had a key all right this time we play no questions and answers I didn't come for questions and answers I'm going to take you down what I'm going to take you down and prove a murder rap what you're gone even if it's for my murder you're gone you had an argument with her was that it she kissed you off maybe you got there early and killed her because you was sore was that the way it was I don't know maybe you didn't kill her I don't know anymore look there har you're de on your feet you've been going on like this for hours it was my angle my suspect look will you do me a favor leave me alone with him look pal why don't you let me look I brought him in remember yeah but do you know what you doing something I got to do I got to come on cine if you don't we will now comes a tough part getting you in here was a walk away getting you out isn't going to be so easy what are you talking about I've thought this thing through now put two and two together you didn't kill her Alex yeah then get me out of here that's what I said isn't going to be so easy maybe maybe that's the angle what do you mean reasonable doubt that's it reasonable doubt now look there was a murder committed here in the city today one there sure that was done by the same guy that killed chatwick now listen I'm going to call him back in here and I'm going to ask you where you were at 400 p.m. today that's the time of the murder are you listening what's the matter I got to sell you on the idea of getting you out of here alive now look I'm going to ask you a question you're going to say you were out in the island at Rigo Park you were out of the city get it you were no place near where the murder happened repeat it repeat it I I was out on the island and Rego Park good you'll be back in your own bed before midnight okay fellas you can come inside it feels different now going to answer a few more questions it's a rule with me always an NA killer when I see one okay here we go again where were you at 400 p.m. today I was out on the island in Rigo park at do oh okay take them cman hey hey what's this you told us Chum you took care of the Chadwick Dame and then you took care of meny's meny's the pond broker you stole the Mur gun from and when we found the gun today and we traced it you knew you had to kill him fast to keep him from identifying I didn't have anything kill him at 4:00 this afternoon in his house in Rego Park I don't know that I should do this it's probably not too wise of me Mr Harris not being at home but oh you two do have such honest faces I don't think he could mind oh and you mustn't mind if I sneak in here in a few minutes to make the bed you may think it's a little peculiar my making the bed so late at night but you know when I have a a rumor who's away all day and I can count on his absence I take advantage of it to do all the little things I missed so going to the circulating Library you know devoting a little time to myself you uh you won't mind will you of course not Charming isn't she H what's there a roundtrip ticket from Springfield how long did the commissioner say the little man have been in town 4 days why very peculiar when you come to think of it what is that chadrick should be wearing a cotton kimona to have dinner with a number one guy would she taking it for granted that she was an average young woman of course she wouldn't why didn't I think of that unless of course everything she owned was of the cleaners or she didn't have anything else to wear look do me a favor will you mhm hop over to her apartment take a look at what she had in her closet oh I do hope I'm not being a b all right lamard you'll be back won't you I'll meet you back at the house darling this thing pretty as a picture I suppose you you find it hard to believe but I look very much like that when I was her age matter of fact people used to call me Dolly though that isn't my name at all uh my name's Henryetta how long has Mr Harris been staying with you Miss Henrietta four or 5 days why no indeed no he came here on a Monday as I remembered that's been two weeks ago not not that I don't enjoy your company but would you be staying much longer I'm going to have to stay Miss Henrietta you've been housing a murderer [Music] Miss Lane isn't it oh Mr Harris my heart what are you doing here thinking and you I'd like to take a peek in this closet may I no law against it thanks a lot it's an idea of Mr Cranston why she had lots of things plenty of things how's that Mr Harris you can leave Braum out of your thinking what do you mean leave him out of my thinking he's booked for murder then they've got to let him go why because he's innocent it may take time to prove but he's innocent he's being held for murder Miss and he did it that's not true I happen to know my business I'm sorry Mr Harry you say cron told you to come up here that's right why well it's very simple if you'll just listen somebody else got here before braam did the night of the murder after all a girl with a closet full of nice clothes isn't going to be wearing a cotton kimona to have a romantic dinner it's ridiculous is it after all she loved him I wouldn't be so fast with ridiculous Miss Lane ridiculous to you maybe with what little you know well if she was going to get dressed up pretty she didn't have much time to do it why not because she was in that kimona 10 minutes before he got here people are always so fast and loose with a talk about love 10 minutes how do you [Music] know if you're waiting for for him you'll have a long wait Mr Cranston I will he told me he was home 10 every night why did he say a thing like that he never comes home before 2 or 3:00 in the morning often wondered where he goes at night this way I never did ask him but one time and he answered me so strangely what did he say he said he'd been with the girl he loved don't you think that's strange the girl he' loved any idea who that could be not unless it's the young lady in the picture what picture I really shouldn't know about this but you won't tell Will you her I have a feeling you understand how it was and you wouldn't want to cause me any more trouble after all I've [Music] had but you'd have to miss Lane wouldn't you you got to realize I can't take any chances on I'm not [Music] a what's happening to me the shadow who's that what was that laugh this is a trick no Mr Harris you are the trickster you've murdered a girl because she didn't love you and put the man she loved Behind Bars that's quite a trick Mr Harris who are you you killed Grim bar to keep him from talking and you killed mes [Music] why did I kill menis you didn't want the porn broker to save brah from The Chair by telling the police he wasn't the man who robbed his shop on the night of the 3 did I say trickster you're a magician Mr Harris who are you I am the Shadow the fear of Retribution in men's Minds I am Justice [Music] who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men the shadow knows a [Music]
Channel: Comic Nerd Herder
Views: 16,898
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Id: UhxZxdCgI0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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