The 7 Mountains Mandate-Dr. Lance Wallnau

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the body of Christ is the authorized dealer of the kingdom that means everywhere we go we have keys that authorize us to lock up or open up whole spheres and the challenge that we've had is I was in business in Babylon New York when I got called out into ministry and when I moved into the work of the ministry I had no idea that the kingdom of God was as big as it is because the kingdom is larger even than the local church the kingdom covers the whole earth and the business of the local church is to unpack the kingdom in the geographies surrounding that beachhead that makes sense to you the reason why I'm saying this is because today I believe it's a Kairos timing I believe that there are circumstances coming upon the earth that are going to shake the earth and that there are places and people that have been prepared beforehand so that they would be a solution to the problem and the problem shows up any of you ever feel like how come if I'm called and if I'm anointed and I'm Chum going to church and I'm doing everything right how come things aren't working out better for me right now put your hand up if you've ever had that contradiction well the truth of the matter is Joseph because of the prophetic destiny that was on him was introduced to the adversity of contradicting circumstances because it was within those circumstances that God would shape the deliverer of heathen nations Joseph was a prisoner and even in his imprisonment he did not understand the full meaning of the prophecy that he got think about that he has a prophecy regarding him being the head and his everybody bowing down mom dad the kids all his brothers he's got the picture he didn't know that God's plan wasn't for him to rule in the house of Jacob he would be a ruler over the earth from the house of Pharaoh what if all the prophecies we've had have a far larger application than our original interpretation you're better than Joseph he's a pretty exemplary prophet in my opinion and he didn't know the interpretation to his own word all he knew was that he was doing the best he could and God was with him so here's the deal Joseph when he's in prison is trying to talk as he's interpreting the dream for the butler the baker what does he do he goes to the butler and says to him mom look you know I'm a legitimate guy I'm a real prophet I'm running the whole thing here because I got a gift for the fact the matter is I'm a captive I'm a slave I'm unjustly imprisoned I need to go home will you get me out of here Joseph tried to manipulate his own jailbreak think about this Joseph isn't a prisoner in Egypt he's a prisoner of a prophetic process and if you'll just learn that God is with him in the confinement of his contradiction he will be in the right place the right time to go through the prison doors and literally go from the periphery to the pinnacle overnight because he was prepared in secret you know you know the metaphors we've got all over the place for what this move is going to look like when it happens and there's a move in the air right now there was no sound of chisel or hammer at the site when the building came together because all of the chisel and the hammer to smooth out those stones was done in the quarry miles away the noise and the chaos of the shaping was done in a different location than the demonstration which means God's about to take us out of the noise and the chaos of our personal battles and shaping's in order to assemble seamlessly smoothly and with great stealth a body a manifestation a manifestation of the governing power of the body of Christ at the top of systems now trust me I'm telling you the apps I'm telling I've seen it so I've got prophecies in our on the prophecies when I was ordained China what China looks a long way off from covenants Rhode Island when you're in Providence Rhode Island small Church in the smallest state in the United States we were so small we actually were taking up a collection among the churches to just carpet the state to make it look nice the wrong their governments kingdoms world rulers try alvear I'm thinking right I'm looking at empty parking spots in a small city a small state and I keep on wondering how could these prophecies be true if I'm living in the contradiction that I'm in right now but it was let me tell you I found something out I found that God puts the film into a dark room when he wants to develop a clear picture hey hey you know what he does he's got he's got to actually agitate the film and his solution to get the picture to come through anyway so long story short on you know I get a call from China I got a bunch of preacher friends of mine that all happened the first minute seven mountain meeting seven mountains it's a message that I kind of inaugurated there's a seven mountain meeting happening in Beijing on 12/12/12 I never been in China I'm not at the seven mountain meeting I'm at the government's invitation speaking at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences which is the leading communist party think-tank academically they invited me to go speak I got an invitation go speak for the Communist Party while the Christians were meeting in a hotel and I wasn't even invited to the southern mountain meeting Chuck Pierce was speaking I'm going what's up with it so I take a taxi because I'm in town I mean I've never been there in my life but I might as well show it but I said I'm out meeting I'm sitting all the way in the back nobody even knows who I am and I'm thinking this is very surreal to me what am i doing in China they're talking seven mouths seven apostles from each mountain on a public meeting and they're saying it's the first time we've ever had a public meeting like this because we've been an underground church for so long now we're upstairs and I'm trying to say I just came for the Communist Party this is a weird moment I'm lecturing over I'm speaking to them about how to liberate the nation to work with the church or they don't call it Church they call it charity I'm trying to figure out they said that you won't be come on talk about the impact of charities on culture like United Way I don't know what's going on in China but then as I realize they don't want to use the word church because it's a very explosive word so they refer to it in other ways they call it charities I realized Oh charities like Christian charities don't your question Jerry oh okay believing economists I met over there told me that China has a good likelihood of being thirty percent of the country converted to Christ by 2030 so it's a very very interesting walk going on right now working out the implications of how you can have ten percent of the country already converted but you see the majority the Politburo of the Communist Party is in Christian so here's something which the church has got to figure out we have had such a mindset of separation from the world system that we don't recognize that everywhere we fail to go a vacuum is created where witchcraft fills it think about that every play every parent has to know this that to some degree you've got to claim your house and your kids and be watching over them just because you're living there doesn't mean you're using your authority so every vacuum that we've created is obviously going to be filled with darkness where the light doesn't go the dark goes so we shouldn't be sitting there freaking out when the darkness is there we should be thinking about how do we position ourselves in proximity to where the darkness is because the church is supposed to be located near the gates of hell that great CT stud the the Cambridge athlete who went to Africa as a missionary when he got converted by DL mu T he said some walk to live within the sound of church or Chapel Bell I want to run a rescue shop within one yard of hell run a rescue shop within a yard of hell when Seoul was called to go by Samuel and was told to go save Israel from the hand of the Philistines sole anointed by Samuel had an assignment you know what Saul's assignment was his assignment was to be anointed commander over the Lord's inheritance to save my people from the hand of the Philistines the anointing is on you to command and the command is on you for the assignment and the assignment God has is for you to deal with the darkness for this reason the Son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil you've got to go where the devil's working to destroy it so the first thing that that I'm realizing is we got let's just put a couple of hills here we've got all kinds of hills in Israel that that are there but Saul is told that he is going to go to the hill of God you can read it but I'm just going to cover these fast and you guys can look them up later first salmon the hill of God we're on it's a garrison of the Philistines this fascinates me it's God's hill with a stronghold occupying the top of it filled with Philistines think about this Saul is called and anointed you know we probably should look at this verse and figured if I'm going to preach other we should find it all right you got your Bible with him got your smartphone with you it's always mischievious when people have smartphones I don't know if they're texting reading emails or actually following along with me I tell my people I like to see the old book out every now and then if you don't mind I don't want to hear you've got mail coming in in the middle of a sermon so look at this first channel chapter 9 verse 16 Samuel told this tomorrow about this time don't you love it when you're walking on the flow before Fedak appointment I'm telling you I'm supposed to be here right now talking to you and I'm supposed to challenge you to realize that what God is about to do next is totally out of proportion anything he's done in your past and there's a whole lot of people living in the contradiction of Joseph's imprisonment with personal problems sins they don't want to put their hand up and talk about and it's all part of the testing to prepare you for your own promotion and jailbreak and can you think of anything more dysfunctional then Joseph succeeding in getting out of prison suppose he succeeded suppose he got the butler to get him out of prison the butler goes the Pharaoh hey you got a nice Jewish guy he should even be here I'll go and get him out get in he goes home now he goes home what's he going home to a wonderful family reunion this is more dysfunctional than anything dr. Phil a Jerry Springer ever had on TV hey I'm home the father goes who I hey it's me Dad yo I thought you were dead well he looks with the brothers whole sorry about that Oh wonderful unity is going to be in the house what are you having for dinner I don't know there's a famine oh that's great we got a dysfunctional family fighting with each other the dad bitter with the sons the sun's hitting the kid and no nothing to eat for how long 7 years how come because Joseph figured out how to get out of prison that's why God doesn't answer your prayer because you'd settle for something less than he planned so anyway we got this situation here I want you to see this it's very important to get this because tomorrow about this time tomorrow which means that Tamiya sooner or later you run into tomorrow does that occur to you prophetically as I'm getting older I'm finding out that today was the tomorrow I heard about yesterday tomorrow about this time I'll send you a man from the land of Benjamin when guys about the move what is he sending send a revival no he sends a person carrying a revival think about this God hasn't said deliverance he sends a deliverer I send you a man from the land of Benjamin and you shall anoint him commander how many would love to have more anointing here's a secret you got to find out what your assignment is because the anointing is on you for an assignment it's not upon you to have more intimacy with Christ we think that the main purpose of God is to increase his presence in our life it's not quite frankly you want to increase his presence die you shall anoint him commander over my people Israel why that he can save my people from as where when six year old was written to me from the hand of the Finkelstein's it's the Philistine in other words saul is anointed to deal with the problem here's the amazing thing the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for his anointed me to heal the sick cast out devils to raise the dead to open the eyes the one that's the job description Jesus had I want to suggest to you something your job description is not to be the Messiah every one of us has gifts according to our function if I'm in a corporate boardroom the first time the anointing hit me in corporate and a fortune 100 company fortune vitamin company and I had the prophetic anointing and I'm trying to get out of there to go to plant the church and I'm wondering why this guy got me stuck in Babylon here's what happens I am getting words of wisdom words of knowledge and a spirit of prophecy in a boardroom where the guy who was the former vice president of hair oil company it's like we're all sitting there with all these basically unsaved you know heathen business people in the corporation the the dark corridors of this company and the annoyance army and here's what I'm feeling a prophetic anointing and I'm getting up to give a presentation like Joseph on what the company needs to do to prosper in the future and I'm having conflicted because I'm feeling the anointing and when we had there no any where I grow up we had a kind of an the old ladder rain days we had a there was a little bit of there's a particular style of prophetic and I was groomed and a lot of guys that love King James okay the Lord would say but it was a command in it that the sense of dignity and regality and rhythm here lord save and today this day I am moving in the midst of you and I spoken prophesied and fought in King James I was we were reading King James and I got up in that boardroom and I say yeah I could feel it I thought yeah yeah the lore would say just say it the Lord no III don't know how that's gonna go over you think real fast in those moments I said hey I would recommend this I thought I don't know Lord I don't know I'm just gonna do the best I can to weigh in here and I got to take that that that that that just like interpreting the word of wisdom fum this is what we need to do because of this goodness I'm talking beyond my own intelligence I've got a plan I built that coming millions of dollars I made them and when I got done the vice-president company a bit like Darth Vader everybody in this presence was like this because they're always afraid they're gonna get fired and not Butley anointing is on me and I'm prophesying out exactly what they have to do he stood up like it was the the crescendo of Handel's Messiah and he goes applaud and standing ovation in a boardroom in corporate New York all the other managers hit each other they all got up went like this out of nervousness I thought what is going on and Laura was saying the gift cluster of an evangelist is for overt demonstration so all of you that are going to signs and wonders schools and healing sizing you're trying to find somebody you can do healings on think how much sugar that this really is what if you're anointed like Daniel with a word of wisdom we're not discerning of spirits gifts of faith prophecy and he's interpreting tongues and interpretation by the way many men that my handwriting on the wall was a tongue unknown tongue he's interpreting tongues all of his gifts were more discriminating because he was operated by supernatural inside information he wasn't with a jawbone of an ass like Samson knocking out everybody in court in other words some of you are anointed for the elegant demonstration of the power of God from the inside out not from the outside amp but with the metrics of revival is always some external something happening they they fell down no they did those and I got pay it looks great the healings great don't get me wrong the healings great but ninety-three percent of the body of Christ out there has a diversity of gifts the problem is we haven't been showing people where the hill of God is and the garrison of the Philistines because he's on the top that that garrison the Philistine is on top of the economy media art education and government and if you're going to go in there like a Daniel or a Joseph as a dream interpreter you can't go BAE the Lord would say it'll freak them out I've been there I know what I'm talking about I'll share with the hill of God is they never got there but you see God's anointed you for an assignment the reason why a lot of Christians backslide quite frankly isn't because they're not in church enough it's because they're bored when they leave church you gotta do something for fun you get involved with your assignment you'll have fun and you'll get paid this is a whole new Missionary mentality in the old days we'd be always shaking down people in the church you'd never have any money to support a world mission and the new paradigm we make the devil fund of the mission project how do you do that you go into Babylon and you charge Nebuchadnezzar to be a consultant I thought it was illegal I don't even know if it's appropriate it's like being sportsman like well I don't know these gifts to bribe me I feel like I'm kind of cheating here no you're supposed to do that work with the supernatural Joseph was doing dream interpretation for scenario planning in an economic forecast for a government so if you're sitting there going to somebody's dream interpretation school and you're trying to set up shop walking around every charismatic event trying to give a business card out to get somebody to pay you to interpret their dream you're broke what you need to do is stop slapping Jesus bumper stickers all over your business cards I mean if I like listen I'm really saying these things because I've done all these goofy things either the good China petrol I'm working with the guy from CB Richard Ellis vice-presidency originals largest a billion dollar real estate company friend of mine I was coaching at the executive coach and I of course and getting ahold of these these these business propositions and putting together some deals for friends of mine so anyway so these guys can what do mean is he's got this idea in California for the electric car electric battery because it's what they use in a space-shuttle imaginisce you can compress you know a whole city block worth of energy into these little batteries now that's the Space Shuttle technology developed anyway so he's a Jewish guy and he wants everybody to know about it oddly enough the biggest market he's God is in China and they want to use the electric battery for the buses and he's got the bus business but the Board of Directors brings me in because they wanted to change the name at a company because he's a Messianic Jew and the name of the company is jesus loves you batteries I'm telling you my life is like a Seinfeld episode so I'm in about meeting with these guys I said what's the problem they say well you're not only the boss over here he's uh they would accompany Jesus enough right not the Lance Jesus loves you in China I mean this is our best market and he insists why because in the morning when those people turn on the lights when they get eaten the house they got hot water he wants him to think jesus loves you he's explains to me he wants this electricity he wants the batteries to be able to supply whole cities with jesus loves you energy and everywhere they go when they get electricity jesus loves you can you see a slight problem with us I mean honestly why do you think Joseph shaved and changed his clothes and spoke like an Egyptian when he goes into Pharaoh's presence like I said earlier why didn't they just go in there forget about the dream in your economy let's talk about circumcision I'm a Jew so anyway so I'm praying in the spirit then I'll tell you the truth I'm not that smart I really am NOT I was uh wife lucked out I school my father sent me to a military school to graduate and I never finished college I went back and got a master's degree later because they I got my degree because when the anointing hit me and I started praying in tongues I got a brain but I've always been on disciplined and lazy unless something interests me if it interests me I'm obsessive with it's like obsessive compulsive with what interests me so I got my master's degree and did the doctor old stuff because they let me teach the class I was too impatient to be a student I said the only way I'll get a degree is if I'm a professor okay that's the professor anyway I'd the rest what was I talking about a minute ago jesus loves you battery solicitor so did Jesus loves you battery anyway I'm praying in tongues because I have to come up with a solution and here's my premise you don't have to know what you're doing you have to always act like you know what you're doing and the secret is if you're showing up where God's assignment is hand of the Philistines right if you show up for the assignment is then God will show you how to take out the garrison so for Samuel chapter 10 I want to show you what it says verse 5 so after the anointing comes upon you you shall come to the hill of God where the garrison of the Philistines is see what a versus and so the Lord says I know you want to preach and going to church and you want to be in the revival meeting why am I putting you in government's and business and academies at Harvard in the United Nations and why are you in this unhospitable places where you can't even preach and lo prophesy properly because that's where the garrison of the Philistines is and the Spirit of David is on you so that you can you can become a practitioner of dealing with the garrison so I've pray in tongues a lot because I found that as long as I'm in my assignment I have access to supernatural gifts that God already gave me I don't know what I'm doing but I act like I know what I'm doing so I always say okay I'll go I'll help see what I can do let's face it let's see if you're called as a healer you don't have the ability to raise the dead or make the make tumors dissolve you have to rely on the gifts it's the same thing in any field except we don't have enough of you out doing supernatural stuff in the work place like you're supposed to so you're bored and we're losing the battle anyway so I'm sitting there praying in tongues in it so the owner of the company says I answer when I turn on the engine well they hurt that car I want them to think in China Communist China Jesus loves you and the boardrooms look at me desperately because they want me to convince the owner of the company to change the name of the company so I said jly technology he goes J ly but it stands for Jesus loves you I said absolutely the whole board says absolutely he said all right jail why I can live with that but it's Jesus love you're absolutely as Jesus loves you we got jesus loves you batteries over here I got the other guy over here who calls me up he's got this great window company wants to give me five percent and negotiating that I'm gonna how did it that it's a company called ovv it's a windmill company called almighty wind so jesus loves you batteries I'm starting to think if we could put the batteries together with the windmill technology all night long you can generate power through the windmill that doesn't cost you a thing you can load the batteries and sell it as electricity you become the dominant economic force in the utility market and if you literally take whole undeveloped castes and territories of land where there's no electricity and you can create self-sustaining communities with the batteries and thus India is a powerful idea so I call my friend with Stevie Richard Ellis because China Petra might want to get involved with this and they could put this deal together and this could be very power anyway so the problem is he wants to know the names of the companies I said well it's jly technologies he goes what I stand for is it the name of the owner on my list jesus loves you pause I'm almost afraid to ask what's the name of the windmill company I said well it's obviously as Jesus loves you batteries powered by almighty wind further long and awkward pause he says Lance can't you come up with any normal business partners he says I gotta go to New York I got to sit there in an established institution and I have to tell them that almighty wind and jesus loves you batteries is our future he said let me give you some advice and tell your friends this I have had the claw to get into a position at the top of the mountains and that's how come I talk to some like you as a coach if you want to penetrate world systems don't advertise prematurely what your agenda is because you have enough challenges without waving a red flag that makes people even twice as upset with where you're going he said what you do is you establish your preeminence within a certain field and then you unveil your theology I thought about that and I thought I don't know if that's really true because I am not ashamed of the gospel I mean I've got verses for these things I can back up every mistake ever made with a Bible verse so I thought but I start thinking about it Joseph actually goes in with this Egyptian look so much so that his own brothers did recognize who he was but he was operating and I thought covert is different than overt and I realized that a large part of the reason why we have not succeeded is because a to make this thing very simple it's the fact that we haven't seen that the hill of God that is God's hill is in more than the location of the church we all get that this below this belongs there got of course the church belongs to Jesus I mean even Muslims will tell you that yeah Christianity belongs to crime okay gotcha family think about this how does the devil how does the devil control Nations he doesn't get them born again he can't what he's doing is he's working on our heads the number one power of the devil in the Book of Revelations isn't homosexuality it is Islam and it is an economic it's the power to deceive rulers he goes forth to deceive he adapts the deception brilliantly to whatever the cultural biases so he doesn't care which lie hooks you so long as it's not the truth I mean he's not really pushing same-sex marriage right now in Cairo he's pushing a Muslim Brotherhood in car why because he's brilliant I'll tell you one thing the devil if nothing else he's at least competent at what he does he adapts the truth to the environment or he adapts a lie in such a way to the environment that it perfectly gets sinks sinks in it becomes a belief system it's contrary to the truth so your families basically these are gateways gateways I'm saying that there's do I believe it there's a religious spirit that will try to block you from the anointing that's your battle a religious spirit because it's the most intelligent disguise the devil can use it looks like Jesus sounds like Jesus even quotes the Bible but it's not him or is him in the dimension and he's moved on but it's not moving with him so you got family come on you got family and got the output of pitchfork here so you can see this guy so you got families got all kinds of iniquities coming down the sins of the fathers etc fragmented fans you got education you got all kinds of intellectual unbelief kind of bullying we got 70% of the of the American institutional professions are dominated by people on the extreme left who only represent 8 percent of the population how can 70 percent of the academics be in the 8 percent because the devil knows where to plant the garrison you got government of course he got government anywhere in the world with as a government because they're the ones that make the laws to control what you do so you're going to have a Philistine garrison there and media powerful thing why because media is the vehicle for truth-telling and whoever controls it can distort the truth then artists what are artists they're not the media for truth-telling they're the media for entertain so consequently whether it's athletics or whether it's music or whens Academy Awards the arts is shaping the dialogue of the culture and then finally you got whoever controls the money in then and so you have the business over here and the economics and the banking those are the seven spheres that shape and disciple every city on the earth so if those were the gates are in Jesus says I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail what happens if you're only occupying one gate you can't complain if you only close one window and there's a whole swarm of mosquitoes coming and you leave six of them open what do you suppose a SWAT mosquito saying it's the last days no it was the last window you didn't close so now here's the other thing it's crazy 3% of the population are the gatekeepers this and I'm not even giving you guys like charismatic theology this is sociology 3% of the population controls 97% by the way 3% of the clergy are full-time ministry 97% are not in the full-time ministry meaning the 3% are over here the rest of you is somewhere over there so 3% of the gatekeepers 3% of the population means that if I was strategic what you've got is you've got the enemy garrison of course it's at the top of the hill the narrow place that controls the rest of the traffic so if I was gonna be strategic in the new model in the old model what we would have to do is of course the first thing you got to do is you got to establish a beachhead so you go on to China you got to have the house church then maybe you have like these others now getting the buildings the three-self Church actually has guys that are actually filled with the spirit preaching the gospel so what you do is you start getting churches planted why because this church planting I'm going to use the green for the first time to make this point there's the green the church opens up the atmosphere in the heaven through intercession prayer presence and worship so that all these areas are potentially exposed to attack by the kingdom of God the only problem is God actually needs soldiers to go there if prayer and prophecy could do it we've already would have had an awakening but by the way it would have been the wrong time for an awakening because of God had answered our prayers for an awakening before we had this paradigm it only would have done we would have put it all in this mountain come on you know I'm telling you the truth we would have taken the wealth of the wicked laid it up for the just and what we've done Christian TV Christian preachers Christian books Christian Papa's birthday party drinking program reckon we would have taken all that transfer and we've dug the one thing we know we're called I don't charge and Church by the way the salvation and every activity that you got is there in the Roman Church no this is the beachhead but obviously the point of a beachhead can you imagine camping at Normandy stupid move I mean once you take Normandy you start moving inland well we've got Normandy praise Jesus okay start by first up right there well we're a mount will fatigue them with words of knowledge and prophecy those Nazis won't know what hit him 24/7 sit right here and soak soap till they're broken doesn't work that way so you got this potential atmosphere now what you got to do is you have to start the raise of believers who recognize remember the prophetic the prophetic gives you your assignment in the body of Christ I'll put an envelope there you know the problem is the assignment isn't defined by what you do right now here this is where you get equipped to do your assignment so that means your assignments out there not here so when I said earlier about the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because is anointed me four years I was looking I was on Randy Clark's board Bill Johnson I'm working said and I'm loving the extraverted signs I want to see words acknowledged at the mall get people saved and see and see manifestations of healing and I'm trying to do prophecies and words and not to get people saved it's the manifestations of revival and I'm realizing my whole history was having the supernatural show up to unlock those systems over there and I'm chasing evangelist signs and wonders when actually as a prophetic David I'm called to go in and invade the system the overt just followed Esther the overt preacher is the one who's jesus loves you batteries and there's a place for that telling all about Jesus there's I do that everywhere I go I mean people it's weird I go to Jakarta I got Muslims talking to me they say we know all about your seven mountains we saw you on YouTube you still want me here we you know we also know that you do pretty good business so okay but here's the point I'm really a lousy example of a covert but somehow it's so ironic it still works I remember I went on was in LA I was in LA I was speaking at Anaheim Convention and I'll never forget how embarrassing this was because they had it was an it was a network marketing company that do like a hundred million dollars a year and they brought me in and there was some district disagreement with some of the people who were Mormons and the board because they had already gone on YouTube and they found out that as a motivational speaker I might be talking about Jesus but they thought they one guy heard me in a secular setting I sounded so great he never bothered to do any research on my religious background and he had to defend me because they didn't want me to come into this organization because I might start to preach Jesus and in fact I didn't want to preach Jesus I just want to give them a motivational talk but they called me up and said we want to make sure you're not going to get religious on us and it was I felt I thought this person I thought this frustration it's like oh man it feels so weird I don't have to come speak gonna know I defended you I told them watch it'll be fine that means half that means the Sanhedrin is going to be watching me to see if eyes and frankly it's easier to come to people like you and Tom and it is to go to a bunch of people don't know Jesus and figure out how to do this thing so I brought my wife with me which is what I do and I need confidence and it's the tuxedo formal and they move me from speaking for the opening session of the conference to the last session because I would have marginal damage in the last session and I felt this attack from the devil this the sense of the depreciated value that was a bad day and so my wife says put you get but you know put your put your eyes tuxedo on and go down for the dinner they looking for you like I they don't even want me here I'm here because the one of the guys on the board has me go she goes no they love him they want you here you have to deal with this spirit that's talking to you right now you go down there into that dinner like you own the place alright so she said I'm gonna break that thing off you I got the Holy Ghost wife so I go alright I put my suit on but I did I delayed like an hours everybody's already getting ready to sit and you know cuz I'm and I just want to get in and so I'm standing I love this I'm standing there in the corners and kind of hiding out people come up to me and one of the top executives the company comes up to me he goes is that you Lance wall now right and he's got this guy right in his arm yes that I said yes sir it's me fantastic I want you to meet somebody he's brand new he's opening up the entire Australia Division for us this guy is hi I'm Tom honey he's opened up Australia and the guy and he evidently knows you so does the other one of the owners of the company yeah I go oh I'm trying to figure out because I got praying in the spirit I'm just doing what God tells me to do I'm trying to figure out this weird realm I'm in like the backlash it's a little weird like they're telling me don't Jesus Leon currently so the guy goes eh mate you know how come I'm involved with this company I'll tell you why because I've been listening to your tapes and I was listening over here they're doing business supernaturally and also now in ITB ken I want to make a big offer into her orphanage and I didn't have any money the Lord says you better listen to Lance war now is doing business if in naturally I start listen to you and I'll tell you what I sort of practice in what you did walking around like the to begin praying in tongues and I'm and there's the corporate guys going in that good last isn't that good because there's they want this guy to be happy it's like all of a sudden that's good whatever that Magoo tongue thing and he likes you and you like him and you're connected and you guys sighs well tell you they made a brilliant decision when they invited you to come here I destroy I'm joining that company because you're gonna be here any guys making millions of dollars for the company so I'm like going I don't get it but they'll be the Bible says in all your ways acknowledge me and I will direct your path so what I'm saying I'm not denying faith I'm talking about we don't have to feel obligated all the time to go in with the with the with the you know God you know Almighty win so 3% are the gatekeepers 3% I'll control the top of the systems over here so what does that mean for you that means that in this particular move of God that I'm observing what's happening is the body of Christ you see the body of Christ the church is here but the church is supposed to be a church planting movement it used to be that we would plant geographically which means that we would go into Brazil we go into Mexico we go into Beijing and so you guys have done that but what's happened is the world has gotten so interconnected that pretty much everywhere you go there's a church and there's more than one competing with each other not even getting along with each other so you go to this one you might as well know you're not going to invite into that one but goes that one doesn't like this one so pick which one you start with truth the matter is we got to move from geography to systems we got to be like neo in the matrix we got to go into the agent and stop running from them in to the system why because jesus was jesus said the great commission is going to all the world and preach the gospel go into all the world we thought all the world was geography the evangelize maybe he was saying go into all the systems why because if you're called an evangelist go preach but if you're called to go invade a system don't feel obligated to do the work of an evangelist like Timothy do the work of a Daniel do something so that Ferro gets discipled by here's a crazy thought I know it's crazy but think about this I'm thinking about Nebuchadnezzar with Daniel I'm thinking about Pharaoh with Joseph and here's what I'm thinking I'm thinking that if God doesn't convert the kings of the earth he might have some and I believe is more than you think who are actually facing impossible problems that they can't solve and what they really need you think it's for them to get born again but my suggestion to you is this what they really need is for you to come into their sphere sheep jesus said in the midst of wolves go to the war I sent you two wolves that means we're going to go to the unpause got to preach the Nero we got to go to the wolves at the top of the system but here's the interesting thing if you're if you're in the market place then the way that you go is you go as a supernatural problem solver who has a remarkable track record of getting results no one else can get because they're not going to call for an evangelist they don't know they need to get saved frankly they don't know they need the gospel they do but they don't know that what are they looking for they're looking for psychics and whoever else can give them a piece or whatever belief system can help them solve the problem they got now God put them into their position this will burn your mind God puts them into position then they have problems they can't solve until the right Jew shows up now Joseph pops up now then now Daniel pops over what does that mean that means that God gives you the ability to solve the problem no one else can solve because the demonstrate beat the Methodists when we pray thy kingdom come how you define thy kingdom is how big a tank you're swimming in because if you define the kingdom is again I'm saying buildin spirit in a local church that's what my thinking always for 20 years then I realize I want them to end up there but every time I start the conversation evangelizing for some reason the door closes duh how about this in the overt preaching of the word of God we declare Christ and demonstrate Christ in order to make disciples of people in the covert that's the distinction we teach we don't preach and we create success so that the climate is conducive to the evangelizing that follows after we've established our credibility as experts think of the difference you go to the best neurosurgeon you go to the best doctor you go to the best whoever it is and while you're there they already know that you they're paying you to help them solve a problem they solver and then you notice the Bible or then you notice the picture of the pastor and yes and then they ask you a question a perfect scenario for sharing your faith because they're already sold on the credibility of you so did Pharaoh asked Joseph anything about who his father was until he interpreted the dream all he was was prisoner number 101 in the prison but the moment that you came out and interpreted the dream for Pharaoh Pharaoh goes tell me about your father you got any brothers or they like you because he's thinking man I can't no but what if one of you is his good yeah anybody else like you nobody's interested in your belief system to you produce results nobody else makes but the Spirit of the Lord is upon you to demonstrate the power of the kingdom that is coming you are the evidence of the age to come we that had tasted the power of the age to come reach into the future and bring it into the present to make a manifestation of God in the earth that means that you are able to operate the supernatural move into territory what is the kingdom that I suggest to you like I was in bed one night and this happens to me I get like a lot of it's something I think it's from hanging out with mark Sharona it's like I just got transferable thing hey man I can't get to sleep you know so ever so I start talking you know I can't get this idiot maybe because you're calling me at 3 a.m. anyway so I'm sitting up I have probably getting this thing like the time zones I travel a lot so I'll put on I think this night I had a channel on I don't know what I fell asleep watching all I know is TBN came on now how do I know to the end came on because I have a funny spirit my spirit it's like a reticular activating that has to do with my assignment because I pray in tongues a lot and the Bible still see the president not song advisers up well I believe that when you print it on non tongue you build an edifice to house the anointing that you're missing when you pray in an unknown tongue you build an edifice to house the revelation that you lack put it together the only reason why people fail ever it's because jesus said therefore do you feel why because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God the only reason why we ever fail is in an adequate revelation or an inadequate anointing for that situation when you pray in tongues it's the great equalizer it gives you the anointing and the revelation you lack or it gives you access to the person that has it so my spirit picks up truth like a like a like a no pest fly strip picks up flies it's like if it's near you I'll grab it and I'll make it serve the revelation of God so it's like that's why I got all this stuff so sitting there at night and I'm trying I finally fall asleep but I make a mistake a guy's preaching and my preacher comes on it's creflo dollar creflo dollar's talking I don't know is this microphone but I love all the ministries there are lists of them all but I was asleep and I hear this I heard a lot of definitions about the kingdom of God there's all kinds of Wands but before people have and you know that you know that the the reign of Christ over all you know and all this theological he said I'll tell you what I asked the Lord give me a definition of the kingdom because it's about seeking first the kingdom I got to know what it is simple he said here's a gargle gave me the kingdom now I'm asleep and I hear this the kingdom it's simply God's way of doing things God's Way of doing things that means that there is a kingdom revelation for every situation on planet Earth because there's a word that covers every scenario you could say the kingdom of God is the word of God and the will of God manifesting the way of God in planet Earth but all he said was God's Way of doing things and I thought right away God's Way of doing business won't put you in debt as a nation God's Way of doing family won't have a break up and infidelity God's Way doing education won't teach the kid had become an unbeliever in order to have an intellect God's Way of doing government won't swallow up everything else it is in its own to sustain it so God's Way of doing media is truth-telling then I started thinking wait wait wait we're called to demonstrate the power of the age to come what is the characteristic of the age to come blessing and honor and glory and power and wisdom and riches and strength bless honor and glory and I realize that each one of those is a manifestation of the kingdom over one of those realms so it's it's blessing and honor and glory and power that each realm is capable of revealing the blessing of the kingdom if the right ecclesia or leadership is making decisions at the gates what kind of leader should be at the gates leaders that are called to rule over their kingdom in that area meaning they're called the government like Michael Krotz the senator who was raised from the dead I was talking about another message here's the thought what if you have an anointing a cluster of gifts that is meant to take territory outside here and that being connected to here this becomes the apostolic hub of a new apostolic missionary movement what if those seven spheres are released seven mountains seven mind control areas that the enemy uses to control culture what if it's seven mission fields what if media is a mission field what if the artist is a mission field what if economics is a mission field what if education is a mission field what if collectively those seven spheres shape the minds and disciple nations and you're called to teach nations to make disciples so so a covert believer is someone that gets an anointed strategy meets with other people prophetically sets themself apart and is sanctified to take territory get as high up they can to become a necklace SIA that intercepts the will of God blocks the will of the devil and manifests the kingdom and God's way of doing things in that system and if you're getting results Kings look good this is what I found out when the Kings realm is prospering what a ruler's realms prospering and you're the consultant that made him look good they don't have a problem of your religion don't even say the god of Daniel is the one that weird occurring of the Gotha you know I know man henceforth come against the God of the Hebrews but have them make petitions and prayers for the success of the King every day because it's in their enlightened self-interest to have these these people in their kingdom like Dennis Malcolm said it's a very powerful thought and I told these guys the Communist Party guy said you know what Christians make the best communist it sounds crazy but think of it they're not going to foment revolt they're not going to stab in the back they're not going to your problem with corruption is you don't have any Christians in the Communist Party yet Christians they would be stealing it's like huh that's a different thought but that's a different kind of Christian what kind of Christian is that as where I am what kind of Christian is that it's the kind of Christian that is a laid down lover of Jesus as revival 24/7 devotionally worship and prayer intimate as the atmosphere we have here you know why because David's tabernacle is an environment that is pregnant with the intimacy of throne room worship so I'm not saying that's not part of it that's essential the problem is that we have to figure out how to weave that element of worship intimacy in Bridal devotion in with the taking out of the garrison of the Philistines which is the assignment that Saul had that he failed which was the assignment that David had which he did very good at which is taking the devil's out dealing with the demons that are occupying influencing positions so that people can be brought under the influence of the gospel that means we need warriors so we have to have worship bang lovers of God who are also warriors and that creates a little bit of a confusion because some people are cultural warriors or the intimacy people but very seldom do you have a blend of a bride in special forces but then you add the third anointing the third is prophet priest and King is in this dated mix if you add the third anointing it's the anointing of a ruler or a king and Kings have dominions and quite frankly we're very versatile novices at this but when you're working with a government guide there are certain times I don't want to be in the photo and I don't want them photograph with me laying hands on them and then falling down because it could kill their campaign and there's some very dense Christians that love to exploit connections with celebrity CEOs and politicians because it makes them look like they got something in fact is that they were really smart they'd be hidden because the goal is getting the client to succeed not not for you to succeed by basking the reflected glow of the fact that they listen to you so what I'm saying is Kings have to know which battle to get into when it's used when necessary for them to take a position for the kingdom and when it's not necessary because that's how come their case they are administrating an agenda of truth or principles and values and they can't always be confused with theology makes sense plus trait is that there's a depth to this thing that is that it it works the king has to take territory so they have to run the business and they have to do it right where they've got suspicious people around them watching for them to trip up and make one statement it can be exploited by media it's led to be wise the Prophet is the warrior and they're engaged with taking on the enemy the lover is the devoted bride but I say if you mingled together the bridal anointing with revival with the prophetic anointing of the intercessory warrior with the kingly anointing of the person who knows how to dominate culture and territory you put those three together you have a new species of sheep you now have a killer sheep and that's what David was David was no ordinary sheep he was dangerous because he was devoted that God the Psalms is all this told melodramatic therapy has worshiping God and writing down you know is his lament then he's there killing Philistine so much so that when it's time for him to build a house God says look I know I called you to kill felicities but you did it with such zeal a little too much so you're a bloody man and he expanded the Empire I believe that other numbers are 8 100 times larger than the administration of Saul was the amount of territory he took in his administration which means he balanced the kingly prophetic and worshiper in the alchemy of a David and it's the tabernacle of David God wants on the top of those mountains that's and we need killer sheep in those Tabernacles and we can have gatherings with worshippers and minstrels in intercession of a unique quality when you gather the right gatekeepers together better taking Hollywood now we're doing it smart rather than having one lone artist trying to stay sanctify while they climb up the mountain by themselves makes sense all that teaching is in favor doing business supernaturally will help you access millions if your call to it level 10 trainer is training I do by the way oh I meant to tell you guys this I didn't do this in any of the service I'm so sorry you know what I got free coaching for everybody that's involved with business and ministry free executive coaching this is funny because I charge a thousand dollars an hour to teach the same thing but I give it for free here and people prefer to pay for it I don't know why they do that but Glantz learning got bits go to the business site and you get all the stuff that I'm teaching for free you can get it there right but we're just going to finish off here and if you stand up we'll just do our custom memory as one prophetic hi-yah and so I will just simply do is we're just going to bring our hand down to the count of three we're going to say as one and I got this from the movie Gladiator all right right hand up in the air and watch it to cover your interest in what happens and we're going to redownload as one number it's the quick as one I can't believe you have your hand in your pocket three times I've said the casual I said this in fact California has like the Gulf for gladiator it's like as what take them down I like it it's kind of like a laid-back type of warrior alright so the count of three we'll bring it hand down as one and what we're doing is we're breaking the seal how many of you would like to have an impartation what I'm talking about I'm serious I I had what I got into proximity with this calling I went my income oh well let's just say it but among us to multiply like ten times the moment I got aligned with the fact that God wanted me to see a transfer of wealth by going across the river where the Philistines were and taking territory rather than believing God for Ravens to feed me on this side of the Jordan I crossed over and it changed so the count of three I'm going to pray for that as one unity to help you cross over into your sign we'll do this with a count of three as one women were louder than the men in the last one we need to mend a gorilla one two three has good eye one observation quickly that was powerful but I want you to double the intensity I noticed something that the as one how you do anything is how you do everything that's what I've learned from from my consultants so what I want you to do is I want you to follow all the way through not just it's almost like don't make a mental stop go for the top I like that don't make a mental stuff okay on the count of three that's one one two three yes high five you you
Channel: Shiloh Church Oakland
Views: 126,635
Rating: 4.7407823 out of 5
Id: cZ1h8-WMMUQ
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Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2013
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