The Sensational Debut of Lewis Hamilton

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it's the start of the 2006 United States Grand Prix there was chaos pandemonium and want and destruction all around there were bruised Egos and literal bruised bodies being thrown into the sandbox surrounded by bits of what used to be your car ain't the most ideal way to go about starting a race but then again these kinds of things just happen so most people just took it for what it was an inent but once the dust settled and the drivers started to walk away no one and I mean no one would have believed that this very moment would ultimately lead to arguably the greatest rookie season the F1 had ever [Music] seen back in these times the gp2 series served as the last step on the route to Formula 1 therefore to win this Championship would mean everything this was the third to last race of the season seon and the title battle is still raging and for the two drivers involved a lot was on the line I mean obviously apart from this particular Championship their prospective Futures as Formula 1 drivers were hanging in the balance for Nelson PK Jr he might not have been the most talented driver the world had ever seen but he did have a lot going for him regardless the team was behind him I mean it was owned by his father after all thus the machine was behind him a Championship win would help him get to F1 but for now he didn't have that added pressure of being the leader of the gp2 driver standings whereas the driver of the number two red and white AR Grand Prix car did he had a bit of a buffer in the points but not that much and pretty soon in this race that lead of his was about to be thrown into turmoil this spin had dropped him down from eighth place to 18th this was a disaster he probably remembered at that moment that if he would have lose that Championship it would have damaged his chances of getting a drive in Formula 1 and with PK in front scoring valuable points that left this driver with only two options break down and cry like like I would or do what he did and charge like hell car after car after car he sassed all of them displaying some brilliant racecraft things you only really ever see of drivers that have the innate driving ability within them he kept moving up through the pack he got into the points past rival PK up onto the podium and ended up finishing in second place sure not quite a win but to go from 18th to second in a drive like that was incredible it was a performance that is still talked about today and is one that for a lot of people put that driver on the map his name Lewis Hamilton Lewis had been a McLaren Jr driver since 1998 and had tested Formula 1 Machinery since 2004 McLaren had a lot of faith in this kid but even though he would go on to to win that gp2 Championship that year McLaren didn't have any immediate vacancies in their F1 driver program they already had top 10 talents kimy renan and Juan Pao Montoya as their drivers for 2006 and for 2007 they had signed the two-time reigning world champion Fernando Alonso I know I know three contractor drivers and two seats the math ain't mathing on that one even though Martin whitmarsh sold hopes and dreams to Lewis about a prospective drive for 2007 there was no guarantee of anything especially with all them driver contracts but McLaren decided that whatever the plans were for 2007 Montoya was not going to be a part of them and then at the United States Grand Prix after walking away from this crash a crash that he caused a crash that took up both he and his McLaren teammate he shocked the murder racing World by announcing that he would be leaving the McLaren team and Formula 1 as a whole effective immediately this left McLaren and limbo and pissed off team principal rondena so much that you would think that this was some kind of personal offense toward him and it probably was and with Ren and announcing is leaving to Ferrari for the next season McLaren after initially having three drivers under contract were all of a sudden searching for a new driver come 2007 but who would it be after Montoya took his ball and went home McLaren deputized their test driver Pedro dear Rosa to drive for the remainder of the year for sure Pedro was the greatest driver never to be considered great but Ron Dennis always had eyes for better drivers after having renan and Montoya as his lineup this with all du ECT was a step down they had a long hard think about what driver they really wanted to run with for 2007 they had all the data they knew the options they had and after a some total of 14 seconds worth of thinking the call was made in late September for the Hamiltons to meet at Ron Dennis's home and it was there that he along with Martin whitmarsh let Lewis know the news that for 2007 that second McLaren seat was his for a lot of reasons this was significant the last time a rookie made their Formula 1 debut in a top tier team was jacqu vov at Williams in 1996 and after over 60 years this marked the first time a black person would race in Formula 1 full time something long overdue for the boy from stevenage this seemed an almost impossible dream achieved Lewis understood the weight of an opportunity like this he knew that he just couldn't afford to mess something like this up he had heard tell of drivers of the past Waltzing into the padic driving the car then leaving the circuit without even uttering one word to the mechanics not even a hello or a goodbye just just nothing Lewis didn't want to be this type of dude but rather he wanted to follow the footsteps of another driver he had seen the dedication that the great Michael Schumacher had put in that ultimately made him the god of Formula 1 for decades on end Lewis applied himself at the factory in working ahead of the 2007 season in anticipation for what was to come but no matter how much he applied himself the reality was that Fernando alono would be his teammate the two-time reigning world champion one of the quickest drivers you would ever see in a Grand Prix car a ferocious competitor whose heart matched his eyebrows Lewis was being thrown into the lion's den even if he felt he was ready for Formula 1 even if by compared to the Rockies of today he would have a lot more testing and thus be better prepared it's impossible to know for sure at least until those five lights go out and so there he was the boy from stevenage had achieved his dream of becoming a Formula 1 driver he thought he was ready but was he ready he was certainly nervous hitting into the weekend I mean how could he not be all the commitments as well as the aura of the weekend before him did begin to get to him in the days leading up to the race but he did Vanquish these relatively quickly apparently and soon enough he was back in the space where he needed to be his first qualifying session saw him place his McLaren forth on the grid not bad even if Fernando was quite a bit faster he admitted being a little bit disappointed not to out qualify him but this was his first weekend you don't have to get that that bra ring right away bro not too much was expected other than just staying out of trouble and getting some decent points but through months of expectations all the talk positive or negative those that saw him as a prodigy those that thought he wouldn't stand up to the task once those lights went out it was only then where the world would see what Lewis was really made of he got a good start but the BMW salber of Robert kubitza slaughtered in ahead of him they all darted to the inside and Lewis knew that this would box him in and leave him vulnerable so at that moment he thought f it I'm going to make me some moves here he went to the outside trusted in the grip and when he came out the other side of turn one he was ahead of alono that was a hell of a statement to kick off your F1 career he was now behind Nick heidfeld but his main objective apart from not slamming into the wall and dying was to make sure them eyebrows were a mere Speck in the mirrors just keep pushing keep going don't make too many mistakes and he didn't but then he got bulked by super agues and spikers which ultimately threw him behind Alonso he was a little dejected about losing out to his teammate but for God's sake man it's Fernando Alonso a living legend of not just Formula 1 but motor racing as a whole and hey dude in your Formula 1 debut you got onto the podium from around 18 months ago where he briefly lost his McLaren backing as a Formula 3 driver he was now on the F1 podium in his Grand Prix debut as a McLaren dri standing alongside if you just got robber the two best drivers in Formula 1 at the time then thought started rushing through his head of was this just a oneoff can I sustain this whatever may come though seeing his father Anthony down below the podium he knew that he had done his family proud to come this far already after everything that it took but he also knew that after this everything was about to change Malaysia is always one of the more grueling races on the entire calendar the heat and humidity can Le drivers to lose 10 lb in a race and for it to be the second F1 race for a rookie is Charles by fire in a big way because these were times where inseason testing wasn't rationed like food stamps during a quars outbreak McLaren did manage to complete some testing at the circuit in the 3-we break preceding this Grand Prix so Lewis did manage to get his iron somewhat once again he had qualified in fourth place two spots down on Fernando they were wedged in between the Ferraris but on the run down to turn one both of them neglected to see behind them to see the red and chrome number two McLaren sing past them though it wasn't as if the Ferraris were just going to let him get away both masassa and rikman were on his gearbox for the remainder of the Grand Prix Masa attempted to move down the inside into turn four however in all his excitement he missed his breaking marker and slid off into brunai renan then took he and began to charge after Lewis no matter what he tried however Lewis remained ahead until the very end up at the front Fernando LED all the way to the flag and secured McLaren's first win of the Season it might have been a bit disappointing for Lewis but he did know it was only a matter of time before he would secure his first Formula 1 win the only question was when at the third round in Bahrain Felipe Massa in the Ferrari took Paul position in second was Lewis he had out qualified Fernando for the first time and in the race he would stay ahead of him to keep that second place his tires did kind of not work for him in that second stint although he was getting closer to that win as soon as the race was run however it was after promotional events all across the world from manamar to Shanghai to London off the plane and straight on stage the trials and tribulations of being a Formula 1 driver oh however do they cope of course while the task of explaining why mobile one oil all over castal Edge is a task for Souls braver than mine there was something else that Lewis would have to face that challenges the soul more than anything else racing in Spain with Fernando Alonso as your teammate initially though the Spaniards were all smiles given a lot so had qualified in second ahead of his teammate but on the first lap he was thrown off into into the sandbox after trying to pass Massa around the outside into turn one this left Lewis free to chase after Massa but the Brazilian was on fire yeah I know that's lame but give me that one and it was he who would take the win that day with Lewis finishing yet again in second place that first win was eluding him but if it was any consolation when he left catalunia he was leading the world drivers championship and in doing so he set the record for the youngest driver ever to lead the Formula 1 World Championship beating the records set by Bruce McLaren the founder of the team that Lewis now drives for actually on that note McLaren really couldn't have been happier because despite Ferrari arguably having the bit of car McLaren had the drivers one and two in the standings and the team as a whole was leading the Constructor standings too they had two highly competitive highly Elite drivers doing the job for them but the problem with having two drivers like that in the same team is that the marriage never lasts long that weekend in Monaco the McLaren once again were dominant Alonso was on the poll and Lewis was in second the race was a recession and stupidly dominant Massa in the Ferrari was the only other driver not to be lapped and even he was close to befalling that fate as well alono and Hamilton was how it started and that's how they ended seemed pretty cut and dry but behind the scenes there was a little bit of tension Brewing well maybe a bit more than little over the course of the race alaso was managing his car and keeping it running to the end trying not to throw away a golden opportunity he was also on a One-Stop strategy so managing the tires was a factor too but Lewis on the two-stop strategy was being told to keep the Gap to him to 5 Seconds McLaren didn't want to run the risk of having both cars thrown into the wall but Lewis wanted the win and he made that clear after the race was run it was suggested to alono within the team that Hamilton should have won that race given the pace he had shown Fernando flew off the handle at that and by now he realized that this this whole team Dynamic thing is not going to get any easier for the lord of the eyebrows this was the beginning of the end for him at McLaren at least for this chapter Lewis meanwhile was also pissed he felt he should have won that race had not for the dastardly orders of the team Lewis wanted that first win and was getting away all the time but Ron Dennis pulled him aside and reminded him that there was still a lot of races left in this season to just let a call head Prevail because it was never a matter of whether he could win a race it was a matter of when in Canada alono went into the weekend as the championship leader and he decided to celebrate this by having an absolute stinker on lap one he locked up and went off the track he then got a stop go penalty for pitting too early which to be fair wasn't really his fault and then he wound up being passed by super agues around the outside barely finishing in the points it was in STK contrast to his teammate who in qualifying began his journey by securing his first ever Formula 1 Pole Position a stoning lap that was nearly half a second clear of Fernando on Sunday he was in pretty steady control of the race but safety car after safety car after safety car kept the field Bunch together there was the slight tinge of panic of oh crap I'm going to lose this I'm going to lose this I'm going to lose this but eventually as the laps Whitted down the doubt started to go away he was doing exactly what he needed to do and then on lap 70 he was greeted with the chicken flag and Lewis Hamilton had become a winner in Formula 1 for so many reasons this was an important moment for Lewis not just for winning this really nice vas but because this was a psychological breakthrough for him any and all doubt that he had was erased he had name for the top and he had gotten there just days later he had taken his second po position and won the race again on Sunday and further cemented his lead in the driver standings his consistency thus far had been exemplary not just for a rookie but for anybody with any amount of experience his feet had not left the podium ever since he had broken into Formula 1 things were going pretty well for Lewis and for McLaren at least that was until the Civil War started to kick off over the course of that weekend in the US long began alluding to the fact that perhaps McLaren was siding with Lewis over himself and there is nothing easier on this planet than throwing a European racing driver into paranoia of course McLaren denied this but even if it were true there might have been more than one reason Lewis had been a McLaren driver since before the turn of the New Millennium and since joining the team as an F1 driver made every attempt to gel and work with the team to make the dream happen with Fernando it wasn't quite that way having long been a melin man a lot was made of Fernando struggles to get to grips with the new bridgstone tires and also with the struggles with integrating at McLaren but the main problem he now had was that Lewis was gathering momentum and Hamilton wasn't really prepared to lie down and just wait for Fernando to get comfortable I mean can you blame him in France it was the Ferraris that seemed to yield the bit of package in fact the moment that Kimmy went on by could have been determined as the starting point for his comeback in the championship the only constellation for LS was that after walking away from the weekend as runner up at the next round he would be home ever since Nigel Manel retired from Formula 1 the attendance figures for the British Grand Prix were just never quite the same as they were before but in 2007 that all changed Lewis's success had captured some of the height that the brammy mammoth had achieved back in his Heyday and this was good news for the promoters they'd be earning enough money now to the point where they could stop pretending to be poor but you would imagine that with all this added pressure at home LS might have been shaking like a dog shoting peach seeds the weight of a Nation on his shoulders and to be labeled the British Hope by the the Press is about as much of a curse as getting a dedicated video on this channel on the other hand a HomeTown crowd as well as the comfort of racing in your backyard can give a driver those extra couple of tents is it B yes yes he's done it l hton Goosebumps pure Goosebumps this is the sort of stuff that Hometown Heroes are made of I know how corny that sounds but I'm not totally far off the mark now aren't I and sure race day didn't pan out as he would have wanted he tried dragging his Fuel Man onto the track and ended up missing out on the W but he did bring home a solid amount of points with yet another Podium finish we were now at the halfway mark of the season and the pace exhibited from Hamilton had been very good but it was the consistency that was remarkable with rookie or Season Pro this was incredible it was ultimately what was bolstering him up in the driver's standings and was making him look like a million bucks but like all good things it had to end at some point [Music] the European Grand Prix was a complete write off he went into the event with the flu or a virus or a stub toe or something so he would have had to have Unleashed his inner Michael Jordan to make something of this weekend but crashing and qualifying thanks to a wheel gun man falling asleep wasn't exactly how he envisioned things happening the madman wanted to get back out on track immediately but something about damaging muscles and ligaments doesn't make that the best idea in the world it is actually quite exciting when you're flying you know head first into a barrier the initial part the initial part is actually loaded up on painkillers he made it onto the grid for the race on Sunday but on lap two he spun off at turn one joining the other 300 drivers stationed in the makeshift parking lot some argue that he was unlucky to miss out on a point some say he was lucky to be in the race at all and actually it was what happened after this that would change the course of the championship but most would agree regardless that he was driving too fast for the conditions and ended up throwing away valuable points aan would go on to win that race meaning McLaren was still bagging a lot of points for the constructor's championship a title they were sure to win quite comfortably however in the background there was a lot of noise being made about a potential Espionage situation between McLaren and Ferrari for the time being McLaren denied culpability and it was more background noise to them rather than an actual issue and that was kind of a good thing because internally they had other issues going on at various points over the last few races attention had been brewing between the teammates and alanso was the most vocal one of the both it was clear that he was none too pleased about being beaten by a rookie however frequent and that he was convinced that the team was siding with the Brits and conspiring against them it was the type of paranoia Akon to John CS who thought that everyone who bought the same planis him was a spy and all of this came to her head in Hungary during qualifying Lewis disobeyed team orders and didn't allow alono passed him in the running order he claimed that this was to avoid being passed by riken him but whatever his reasons this put the Lord the eyebrows at a disadvantage and into a dark mood now these types of disagreements happen all the time in Formula 1 s and Prost vov and Peroni L Troll and consistency and each react in their own way how did alono react well toward the end of the final session McLaren stacked their drivers in the pit Lane to allow for space on track for a final lab Fernando was in front of Lewis and when McLaren gestured for him to go he just sat there with ls stuck behind him everyone knew what he was doing he knew what he was doing and ultimately what this meant was that Lewis wouldn't have enough time to set another lap and Fernando would take po position until the stewards decided to step in strip him of set proposition and hand him the death penalty almost initially Lewis thought that this was Ron Dennis's way of getting him back after ignoring those team orders but on the contrary Dennis had thrown his headphones to the ground in a fit of rage he had already lived through one Civil War and his team now he was beginning to realize a here we go again it was had decided that for this round McLaren were to be barred from scoring any Constructor points McLaren would appeal this only for the FIA to say what what's this appeal thing that you talk of never heard of that Lewis went on to win the race on Sunday but over the next few rounds he struggled to maintain the consistency that he held over the first half of the season in Turkey his front right tire blew coming out of turn eight something which bridgstone attributed to overdriving on Lewis's part Monza wasn't too bad with Fernando and Lewis getting a one-w for the team but there was an unwelcome distraction in the Espionage debacle that eventually earned the nickname Spygate while an FIA Hearing in July didn't result in any penalty for McLaren a second hearing a couple weeks later in September did and the consequences were huge when the team arrived at Spar franker shop for the Belgian Grand Prix there were rumors floating around and a team member related to Lewis said the powers that be were attempting to disqualify the team and its drivers and throw them both out of Formula 1 for Lewis the world came crashing down all at once to come this far and for it to be all taken away over something that he had virtually nothing to do with how can this happen but ultimately somewhat thankfully it was only the team that would be disqualified and were handed a $100 million fine the biggest of its type in the sports history that might have been more of a power trip from Max Mosley but while Lewis was queried and later cleared of any involvement in this debacle and would keep his points to stay in the title hunt that year it was the absolute last thing he needed on his mind with only a handful of races to go this was the third to last race of the season and the title battle is still raging for the first time in 30 years the Japanese Grand Prix was held at Fuji and while the track had changed significantly in all that time the weather still remain the same cold damp miserable kind of like England and exactly the type of conditions that Lewis thrives in it was Hamilton and Nando on the front row and by this time both just wanted bygones to be bygones they both wanted to race each other the heart but also fear and square and without any controversy aw I'm touched really down the pit Lane Ferrari were in a world of hurt when they attempted to run intermediate tires in a lake I guess it wouldn't have been Ferrari if they didn't do their utmost to throw away a championship up at the front however Lewis remained untroubled for the majority of the race shipping away going about things getting the job done it was driving that for the time being was going to help carry him to the title on lap 41 a McLaren slammed into the barrier but it wasn't Hamilton Fernando Alonso was out of the race after struggling with contact damage made in the opening laps and he had to watch helpless as Lewis went on to claim his fourth win of the season now the significance of this cannot be overstated there were only two races remaining and a maximum of 20 points up for grabs Lewis left Japan with a 12-point gap over Alonso and a 17-point gap over Kimmy reenan this effectively gave Lewis one hand on the trophy heading into the second to last round in Shanghai Lewis made life easy for himself and qualifying by nabbing yet another pole position this set himself up well for Sunday and if everything went well he would be the Formula 1 World Champion in a little under 2 hours it would be a nice way to get back at the racist coward that were heckling him over the course of the weekend over the course of the year over the course of his life the track on Sunday day was pretty moist thus most of the field started on intermediate tires but as the race went on the track dried up McLaren were determined not to make an extra pit stop and so kept Lewis out on track as his tires started to melt Like Richard Nixon at a presidential Podium Rock meanwhile wasn't struggling quite as much on his tires he kept pestering him lap after lap before eventually Sailing by on lap 31 however it wouldn't matter because at this point Hamilton would still be the champion come the end of the race and so with the lead lost it was decided by McLaren to yank him into to the pit Lane to get him off the tires put them on fresh ones and just get this home and drive in the championship but by this time those tires had won down to the canvas and what this meant was that the grip was reduced to zero coming to rest in the biggest Houser of a gravel trap ever dreamed up by a racetrack designer he was Beed he was done he was out of the Chinese Grand Prix and it was his mistake that caused it not my words his and the the cruel irony is that because of a rule change brought about by him being hoisted back into the race at the nurburg ring once he was stuck he was out there was no chance of a rescue like before and this completely turned the championship on its head renan had won the race and alono was in second this meant that heading into the final round while leis still had the upper hand Fernando and Kimmy were all in with a shot at winning the title it was an outside chance for the Finn but it was still a chance and for Fernando this could be as simple as finishing two spots ahead of Lewis then again when has anything this year been simple and so the Grand Prix circus congregated at the inter Lagos circuit for the final round the Brazilian Grand Prix this Amphitheater of a racetrack serves as the perfect place for the finale and for Lewis rather than being nervous was feeling at ease his dream of becoming a Formula 1 dri was fulfilled he had achieved his goal of winning a Formula 1 grand prix 2 and while fied a lot of it was watching his Idol Aeron Center do just that this was aon's Hometown his home racetrack to Lewis this was the next best thing to home and in the years to come it kind of did become home he qualified second ahead of Kimmy and Fernando first job done now all there was left was to bring it home on Sunday he didn't even need to beat either of them but just stay close enough behind at the very least nothing is ever guaranteed in the sport it's a 17 race calendar and to win the championship you must make all of those races count because you never know when some something may go horribly [Music] wrong it was a midst start for Lewis and after getting bed down by the Ferrari ahead Fernando went on by for third place Fernando was the one driver that Lewis could not afford to allow to get too far ahead he kept on his gearbox and it almost ended in tears he slid down to eighth place behind the Toyota of Yano truy and the BMW SBA of Nick heidfeld now he might have been European but there was no reason to panic there was still a long way to go in this race he got back past truly he got back past heidfeld and [Music] then dead gone there was nothing his gearbox had caught an early flight home and left Lewis to fend for himself cars kept screaming by whilst Lewis was screaming at his dirty no good verman box of Gears then after 30 seconds the car was reanimated after Lewis gave the computer the kiss of life and thus got back into the race however at this stage he had dropped from P6 all the way down to p18 this was a disaster he probably remed at that moment that losing this many posss would certainly Len the championship with riken and and alono up ahead scoring points in all this scenario left Lewis with only two options break down and cry like I would have or do what he did and charge like hell car after car after car he Scythe past them all switching to a soft TI strategy he kept moving up through the pack he eventually broke into the points but he knew that simply just doing this wasn't going to be enough because the Ferraris were wicked fast and renham was leading the race Lewis needed to finish ahead of the BMW salvers he needed to finish in fifth place because if a went to a countback renham would have been the Champion by virtue of having more wins at the end of lap 71 and crossed the line the winner alono finished third and thus left him short of Ranken him by one point in the standings with Lewis his race was run two and his position was Final after 17 races the top three of the championship were all separated by one point and of all of them it was Kimmy renan who triumphed and became the 2007 Formula 1 World Champion Lewis had missed out by a single point that is painful and everyone was left pondering what could have been had the last two rounds gone more smoothly however for lack of a better term that's racing but whatever way you look at it despite losing out on the title this was still a tremendous season he' achieved so much in his first season statistically and took the fight to his living legend of a teammate who was by absolutely no means a pushover in this season but with Hamilton it wasn't purely about the fact that he got po positions it's about how he wrangled the most he could out of that car to get it there it's not purely about the races he won about how he managed the race to get to the checken flag ahead of everyone else showing racecraft and maturity Beyond his years Beyond his experience Beyond any metric of any expectation set before him whether they saw him as a prodigy or just this Fortunate Son who was handed the golden ticket straight out of the gate and you know sure he did walk into one of the best cars on the grid immediately something that just doesn't happen nowadays not even to the best of prospects but he did hold up his end of the bargain and was immediately on the pace you can't hold that against him with what he had he knocked it out of the park ran caught the ball himself and shoved it up the ass of everyone who doubted him there's something else too the mistakes from this year were minimal especially for a rookie especially especially for a rookie in contention for the world championship I mean yeah no big ring and Shanghai happened but no one is perfect that's what makes us human and ultimately it was learning from those mistakes that made Lewis into the Titan that he is today he had an absolute Legend as a teammate and up against a Ferrari contingent that was not being run by Italians and thus good it's cheap to use stats to prop up Lewis's debut season or any season for that matter which is why I won't do it at least not as a be all and end all jacqu via for example got his first po position and race win sooner than Lewis did but who's the better driver really conversely there is no way you can compare lewis' debut season to Fernando's because while McLaren was the class of the field in 2007 manard were funding their campaign with whatever they found lying underneath the table at a Wendy's it's impossible to know for sure what was the best rookie season in F1 history until relative after all but for those of us who remember watching that 2007 season we remembered watching something truly special personally if I had to choose a greatest rookie season of all time is probably this one ladies and gentlemen Lis Hamilton yes how are you to see you after that race Ron Dennis profusely apologized for his Mal cont 10 gearbox but lwis merely equipped yeah we'll get him next year I guess that talk of letting a cooler head Prevail pay dividends in the end because like the time where he was on the path to getting his first ever race win he knew it wasn't a matter of if it was just a matter of when and the rest obviously was [Music] history [Music]
Channel: Josh Revell
Views: 533,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f1, formula 1, lewis hamilton, hamilton, lewis hamilton 2007, f1 2007, formula 1 2007, lewis hamilton mclaren, lewis hamilton debut
Id: pb6CZysNscA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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