Lewis Hamilton Replies to Fans on the Internet | Actually Me | GQ Sports

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is Louis Hamilton the goat I mean I know what I am but that's something I'll continue to try and show you what's up GQ this is Louis Hamilton and today I'm going undercover on the Internet it's actually me let's check Twitter feel like not enough of you are conscious of the fact that Louis is a sir yeah I mean it's only an English thing isn't it so I think it's pretty cool to be a night of the English realm or whatever they call it yeah it's a shame it's not back in the day cuz back in the day they you know when you watch movies the Knight could go around and KN his friends or other people I'd be nighting all my friends but can't do that now I said nobody thought about telling me that those Hamil's afraid of onions for some reason I'm not afraid of onions I just hate onions particularly raw onions I don't mind if it's cooked in a soup or something like that but onions and chives are the things that uh I don't know it just reminds me of Bo you know when you round someone that has just the worst Bo and you want to get away from them what is your fondest memory you have had at the Met Gala oh jeez these two pictures I think the blue one was one of my first times that I went I think my fondest memory is the last time that I went it is such a glamorous and beautiful event and you feel really privileged to have the opportunity to go but I really I kind of over time I was kind of like okay I've been I've been a few times I felt like I wanted to utilize the opportunity to help people so I felt like I was like maybe that's a good opportunity to bring some great young designers that perhaps would never have the chance to go to the me and really kind of put the spotlight on them and which we did it was really beautiful I see the attention they got doing covers and styling people within Vogue getting the cfd award just to be a little bit part of that really like made me proud to be a part of you can eat only one food for the rest of your life what are you choosing one food for the rest of my life oh jeez like one meal I think it's that's a difficult one I I think it would be a curry love Indian food there's one food that I do eat all the time when I get home and it's just minr soup and I just have the same minr soup all the time I don't never get tired of it so or avocado toast super crazy what's this K Kora now on to Kora what obstacles is L hon had to overcome during his career well I mean it's been a long a long period of time that I've been racing since I was eight obstacles were funding finding sponsorship and support was key to to me getting to where uh I am today not really fitting in in a sport which was white dominated and wasn't an area that was diverse we were the only black family on the scene so experienced a lot of racism a lot of push back and so just trying to fit in and struggling with that acceptance was a big big obstacle to overcome failure in my sport you're constantly faced with challenges you can't always win naturally the natural highs you get are amazing and then you have these lows the challenge of the mental side mental stability mental health has been a huge part of my whole journey probably since I was 11 I would say is when it really started to become a a real challenge I went to do karate when I was six cuz I was getting bullied at school cuz I wanted to be able to protect myself and then I was seeing other kids getting bullied and I wanted to be able to help them but when I step in I'll just get beaten up too and I was a small kid so those are things that I that I encountered and I wanted to be able to overcome what exactly are the things Louis hman is good at and then someone's answered he probably the best on the grid under the brakes which is a big part of why he turns in good laps and good overtaking that is definitely an element of of my strengths that actually started from right house my dad when we started racing when I was eight my dad went and stood on the track and he was watching like the quickest kid at the time there was like two or three kids that the fastest in in the class that I was in and he went and stood where they were breaking and then he made me break and then he walked like several meters later 5 m later whatever and then he said this is where you break and I was like yeah but Dad I can't break there and at the time believing that can't it was a part of my vocabulary he says yes you can so I practice practice try and break there spin off and over time after thousand tries or whatever it was eventually I could break there just shows it firstly there's no such thing as can't or can't whatever the Americans say and then when you fail you try again you fail you try again there's no such thing as actually failure it's just a lesson the animal F1 refus back every outfit time one in 2023 season I wonder what he would choose as his favorite of the season I mean I don't remember them all there's a lot of outfits of 2023 season one of my favorite pieces was Vegas Donatella faace did me a custom jacket I didn't actually wear that to the track I wore that like Sunday night that was very very special back to Twitter does Rosco have a favorite toy he likes squeaky things mostly anything with a squeak in it particularly like a tennis ball with a squeak in it honestly he's just been a good boy ever since he was he was young there was one time I was home in winter when koku was around and for some reason I don't know maybe it's jet lag but one of them was pooing in the in my bedroom in the middle of the night the room started smelling and one of them kept pooing in the exact same spot which was right over like a vent so the smell was just hitting me and waking me up and I just remember Rosco just sitting there like it wasn't me dad Lou H is in fortnite yep I got the opportunity to be in fortnite it's a game that I've played for a long time but I said only if Rosco could be in it they were like no problem so Rosco is like in my Jetpack like hovering behind me as he's my psychic everything we know about the upcoming Louis Hamilton Brad Pit racing film Project which the F1 star says it would be the greatest racing movie ever erasing Top Gun please let this be true it is one of the most exciting things that I'm fortunate to be a part of I'm learning a lot I've this from the beginning when we were sitting with Brad and you know Aaron the writer and um Joe I think from my perspective just trying to make sure that it's authentic the it's as authentic a racing movie as possible which having watched a lot of racing movies is one of the most difficult movies to depict I think um and to to capture obviously the technology is much more advanced than it was back in the day when they had you know the cameras like cell taped to their heads love watching movies since I was a kid seen like Interview with a Vampire a thousand times seen Top Gun and all these great movies where you see these these individuals who bring these movies to life and then to be standing with Brad talking about racing and him wanting to learn about racing and explaining them to him from the breaking point to the turning point to Apex all these different things and then being on the track with Brad and having him drive we were in LA and we went to this track and I showed him around and nearly put the car on a wall actually I was just on the edge wasn't really near but he's hair raising moment he's got a real neck for it already so he's just been working on huning on that skill but every now and then you just like oh that's Brad can you please ask S what his four favorite films are oh shoot uh Coming to America Trading Places new one is 6° of separation and then Scarface is there anything that you can't do yeah I'm terrible at languages I'm terrible at tennis not very good at golf terrible at maths there's plenty of stuff that I'm not good at but whatever it is I still give it a go even though I might not to be the best of things I still try I keep trying and just never give up with it even if you get frustrated back to Twitter we want to know when you're going to be releasing some music yeah jeez I've done music for so such a long time I think I started doing music when I was like 16 properly record my first song till I was about 21 but I have some new stuff so we will see one of my bedrooms at home I have set up with some really great speakers so I have my own little set up and I just record myself when I'm in La more often than not I'm go to a studio of recent we rented a house in December and did this whole writing camp and I had a whole group of people with me that massively talented individuals and we had three rooms and I was bouncing between each room and so uh did that and when I was in Jamaica I was doing music every day I got some new stuff I need to finish it put it together and then maybe I'll share it with you what's your favorite drink the wife wants to know honestly I like promoting stuff but my favorite drink right now is alave it's my non-alcoholic tequila that we've spent the last like 20 months putting together and going through the whole tasting process going out to Mexico City and out to halisco where um tequila is made understanding the process and that's been so exciting and see something born and then something that you generally love you know cuz I don't drink so it's a perfect one to be able to wind down particularly after a long day how do you pick the countries to travel to when you're on your break and are there any on your bucket list there are I have been to India but I've not actually traveled through India I want to I really want to go back to India one of my dreams is to travel at high hike through the Himalayas I want to climb Mount Everest one day that's definitely on The Bucket List there's still a lot of countries in Africa that I really want to visit like Nigeria Ghana Madagascar I mean there's a lot there that I still haven't been to see and experience I've downloaded this app and I've just and I've put in all the places I've been I think it's called been I've only seen like 33% of the of the world so there's still so much to discover how I pick the places that I go to nowadays is apart from places that I've been to before that I feel comfortable in I feel you know where I'm made really fully unplug and disengage from this crazy world that we live in but I like to try and do create great memories on that on a trip I want to learn something as well so I want to learn things about cultures and these different places that I go to yeah I wanted to be a bit of a learning experience I don't like being on the beach what is your favorite Sporter outside of Motorsport Serena has to be Serena she's just she's just a bundle of fun great energy serious competitor loves karaoke like with a real passion and um and just playing she's just a really playful person time for some Tik Tok I wonder what does he want his legacy to be that's a one to ask short but I think helping people is something that I that I'm passionate about education knowing that my education was probably the worst part of my life and it is for so many people that are struggling so many people don't have access to education but so many people are being excluded within schools so many people are struggling with so many different things going into school mostly often affected from things that are happening outside of school whether it's on the way to school whether it's in Social settings or at home and I would really really want to help tackle that cuz I've been and experienced that through my life if there's a little me or little young girl out there that's experiencing something similar I want to work towards fixing that that everyone gets a good education no matter where you're from and what your social economic background is that's it signing off
Channel: GQ Sports
Views: 911,178
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Keywords: actually me, celebrity goes undercover, f1, formula 1, gca, gcas, global creativity awards, gq, gq sports, lewis hamilton, lewis hamilton actually me, lewis hamilton brad pitt, lewis hamilton f1, lewis hamilton fashion, lewis hamilton ferrari, lewis hamilton gq, lewis hamilton instagram, lewis hamilton interview, lewis hamilton roscoe, lewis hamilton style, lewis hamilton tiktok, lewis hamilton twitter, lewish hamilton, sports, undercover on the internet
Id: 2poXdQK-VXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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