This GREATEST Rivalry Changed Formula 1 Forever

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so you're in May 9th 2006 the moment when formula 1's most exciting rivalry breaks out hark back how last year Fernando Alonso became the youngest world champion ever together with Renault they devastated Ferrari's era of dominance the defeat prompted scaria to make serious changes especially when it's Michael Schumacher's last season in his career that I'm uh going to retire from from racing and believe me he's definitely not ready to lose again as a result 20 6 brought us a wild duel between the young Fernando Alonzo and the legendary Michael Schumacher so who the hell would win the story starts with the first Grand Prix of the season in Bahrain qualifying results proved that Ferrari had a great car Michael Schumacher came in first and his new teammate came in second young Felipe Masa replaced the loyal rubben barelo however pole position did not guarantee Victory alono is attacking Massa he makes him push to one side massa's weaved twice now he can't I'll do that again at the start Fernando Alonzo immediately overtook Jensen button at this time Schumacher's teammate was supposed to keep the Spanish driver at Bay however he made a mistake while turning and let Alonzo pass him Felipe Masa was desperately trying to regain his position but on the seventh lap he lost control of the car that caused masasa to almost collide with Alonzo the Spanish driver skillfully avoided the accident and kept on pursuing Schumacher however Michael Show impressive speed he set a series of fastest laps the decisive moment of the race was renold's pit stop when Alonzo came back to the track he was right next to the German driver oh Michael's trying to go around the outside and he's not going to let him through just enough on that P stop Fernando coldly pinned Schumacher and took the lead this Victory confirmed that Alonzo won't give up his title without a fight as of 2006 Formula 1 was expected to switch from 3 l V10 engines to 8 cylinder 2.4 L [Music] engines that's why the next Malaysian Grand Prix may have a lot of engine failures no wonder that during training the Ferrari team decided to change the engines on both cars such Replacements were punishable by a penalty of 10 positions on the starting grid so Schumaker started the race from 14th Place and Masa from 21st Fernando Alonso once again showed impeccable skills at the start he managed to climb from Seventh Place To Third what a beautiful start by the world champion after overtaking he moved up to Second Place Schumacher was also gradually regaining positions but his teammate seemed to be faster so in the end he finished ahead in the past a similar situation would have resulted in an immediate order from the Ferrari team to let Michael go ahead but that day there was no team tactic at that point it became clear that Ferrari had undergone big changes in the Reynold team the co-pilot was also faster than the leader therefore Gian Carlo fysik became the winner perhaps the problem lies in the Ferrari's cars reliability however the next Australian Grand Prix gave us a much different answer Schumacher's first failure occurred during qualifying due to unexpected rain Michael started the race outside the top 10 while button took the pole position the race started with tension at the first turn Massa collided with Williams this caused the safety car to come out at this time Alonzo used the brake to effectively warm up his tires this allowed him to easily pass button however the race was soon interrupted again due to a Red Bull accident the driver made a mistake while breaking and collided with the barriers oh nasty lost it badly under breaking meanwhile Schumaker was slowly but surely gaining ground by lap 24 he moved up from 11th to sixth place however coming out of the last turn Michael went to too far off the track and crashed into the barriers oh is that Michael Scher it is Scher pushing enormously hard trying to cat Jens some button he has dropped it this meant an early end to the race the failure greatly affected Shumacher embarrassed Michael mistakenly turned into the Toyota pits instead of his Ferrari team this moment clearly emphasized the contrast with Alonso at the same time the Spanish driver was confidently moving towards his second consecutive victory after this race faith in the success of Schumacher and Ferrari gradually disappeared Michael was already 17 points behind the need for immediate changes was obvious fortunately the next race was to take place at the Imola circuit for Schumacher this place was of particular importance it was here a year ago that Alonzo had defeated him amazing defensive driving by fando alono his hand is out of the CIT if Michael was really expecting to fight for the title it was time to change the situation in the championship Michael Schumer again and now we're going to go to Ima in IMA Schumacher was first on the starting grid he set a new record of 66 pole positions it is symbolic that Michael broke Aon senna's record in San Marino however Alonzo did not intend to give up the victory easily in the middle of the race Schumacher faced Tire problems the Spaniard made good use of it and stayed on his tail however ima's configuration made overtaking difficult so Fernando made a strategic move he was the first to make a pit stop that forced shoeer to accelerate and demonstrate several incredibly fast laps thanks to this he retained the lead after his pit stop until the end of the race Schumacher did not make a single mistake finally Ferrari won the race Michael later revealed that he and his strategists had deliberately provoked Alonzo to make an early pit stop this tactic proved to be the key to success not only in San Marino but also at the next European Grand PRI PR Fernando Alonso took the pole but there were two Ferraris behind him when the leaders competed with each other chaos rained in the race the day was over for Jensen button Christian cleen Frank Montana at that time Fernando Alonso entered the pits for his last stop Schumacher started to move quickly on the track again he showed incredible laps after his Pit Stop he took the lead and brought the Scuderia its second victory in a row Ferrari strategists have once again managed to beat Renault but would it last it was clear that renault's cars were much faster therefore the next Spanish gr Prix was a real test for Ferrari on home soil Fernando Alonso won the pole position during the race he had no trouble breaking away from Schumacher that day the only thing Michael could do was try to reduce the Gap Alonzo's victory at his home Grand Prix was historic 130,000 fans cheered along with Fernando Schumacher who took second place he watched his championship slip away is that the end of the story well you know that Schumacher would do anything to win just as he did for example in Adelaide 1994 now we can add Monaco 2006 to this list in the final minutes of qualifying Michael showed the best time however it was clear that he would not beat Alonzo however schacher had a plan B he did what he does best cheat at the penultimate Corner Schumacher made a mistake and blocked the track as a result his competitors were were unable to complete their final attempts now Ferrari took the poll but doesn't it seem strange to you I just think it's cheap for the sport you know and and somebody who is prepared to do cheap things like that should really consider if he's in the right spot you know maybe should do something I think the time has come he should do something else the teams requested an investigation it lasted for 8 hours you have your enemies and you have the people that believe in you and whoever wants to go one or the other direction I will not be be able to convince them anyway I mean that's what they want to think or or not think but in the end Schumacher was stripped of his pole position because of this he started from the last place I think you can guess that in Monaco this meant suicide however not for Michael to fight for points Ferrari developed a unique tactic did it work we'll talk about that later because there was a fight between Alonzo and reikenen in the race okay okay Kim's engine caught fire as usual at that point the cameraman showed my favorite moment r and decided to relax on a yacht instead of analyzing his race in the paddock at the end of the race everyone was happy Michael made an incredible comeback Fernando celebrated another Victory but that's not the whole story Red Bull took third place which made Christian Herer fulfill his promise he jumped naked into the pool Alonzo increased his lead over Schumer to 21 points will the Red Baron be able to catch up with Fernando however Alonso launched an unprecedented two- win streak he won the British Grand Prix Canadian Grand Prix it was his fourth consecutive Victory the Spaniard increased his lead to 25 points it seems that the championship can be wrapped up two weeks ago Ferrari were looking to the North American races to reduce the Spaniards lead now all they can do is minimize their losses however the US Grand Prix changed everything fans realized that the championship was just beginning so what happened there you see there was a reliable team behind every achievement of Michael Schumacher together with scaria they got out of even the most hopeless situations therefore thanks to the skill of Italian Engineers the f248 Ferrari reached New Heights the Indianapolis race proved it the difference in speed between Ferrari and Renault was impressive therefore both red cars easily took the first row of the grid part of the success was also due to the Bridgestone tires so so the scaria had no problem making it a double Schumacher scores again in the United States with the help of Bridgestone thus reminding us of the Damn Race in 2005 watch a video about it on my channel Fernando Alonso managed to finish only fifth but the next Grand Prix will be home for Renault and Michelin will they be able to make a comeback the sun hit the track during the French Grand Prix once again Bridgestone tires proved to be the perfect choice no wonder Ferrari took the top row of the starting grid Massa loyally defended Schumer throughout the race the only thing Fernando Alonzo could do was take risks during the second pit stop the team refueled Fernando for the rest of the race however would he have enough fuel when Masa pitted for the third Pit Stop Alonzo easily finished in second place however he had no chance to catch up with Schumacher therefore Michael reduced his Advantage by two points he had finally started the battle for the championship this was only the beginning of renold problems after the race in France the FIA joined the chat renault's unique Advantage was the mass damper it gave the car an advantage when cornering and hitting curbs let me explain this with some footage from the game you can see how smoothly renold's car moves compared to Ferraris who wanted to deprive Renault of this Advantage perhaps Ferrari no it is not McLaren proved that the mass damper is a moving aerodynamic device but that's just ridiculous Mass damper has been in use for a year and a half before the FIA took action maybe they wanted to keep things intriguing in the championship we will never find it out but one thing is certain the fia's decision was a big setback for renold at the German Grand Prix their biggest achievement was just a good start all of a sudden Alonzo who had been in perfect form started making mistakes that's why Ferrari easily won the race for the first time in the season they left Reynold without a Podium place this was Schumacher's thirdd victory in a row he reduced alonso's lead in the championship to just 11 points reyal faced a difficult task namely to regain its previous performance otherwise Schumacher would easily win the eighth title however the Reynold team should not be underestimated they knew how to deal with challenges last year the French proved how quickly they can adapt their cars to new requirements could Renault be up to the challenge at the next Hungarian Grand Prix during qualifying Alonzo and Schumacher received a two second penalty each as a result both drivers started outside the top 10 the race day turned out to be quite difficult although the forecast called for warm and dry conditions it started to rain early on Sunday morning oh man everyone was surprised about that rain expert Schumacher had a phenomenal start look at bar up into second place then Michael schumacker is that schumacker he's up in fifth or sixth place what a phenomenal start by Michael schumacker he moved from 11th place to Fourth but the Red Baron faced a tire problem while Bridgestone dominated in hot weather Michelin had no equal in rainy conditions the difference was so great that Alonso surpassed Michael by a full lap he led the race without question when Fernando entered the pits for the last pit stop the car was refueled for the rest of the race however Alonzo could not get far his mechanics didn't spin the rear wheel properly he's off Fernando alono is off the world championship leader has stopped have you also wondered about the ideal conditions for Schumacher delosa made the pass he goes deep Schumacher resists what's happened what's happened is he through or isn't he however he collided with Nick heidfeld who tried to overtake him this led to a breakdown of Michael's suspension none of the championship leaders scored any points Jensen button won the race it was his first career victory at the Turkish Grand Prix both Ferraris took the first row of the grid again however don't be too hasty in thinking that's all after all Schumacher was in second place Fernando Alonso was right behind him the race promised to be fierce from the very beginning Schumaker put up a fight he broke away from the Spaniard by 5 Seconds however the safety car changed the game during it the Ferrari team sent two cars to the pits because of this Schumacher was forced to wait for his teammate to be serviced Fernando made use of this chance and moved up to Second Place Michael was constantly pressuring Alonzo Michael schumacker alono a little bit slow there out of turn four down the hill to five surely schumaker's going to get him he's got him in his sights now on the run to seven but the Spaniard was used to such conditions therefore the fight quickly turned into a cat and mouse game Filipe Masa won his first race in Formula 1 for Michael Schumacher the race turned out to be a missed opportunity this begs the question why didn't Ferrari adopt a team strategy after all scho marer has not been able to to catch up with Alonzo in the championship the Red Baron was 12 points behind each race reduced his chances of winning the championship therefore Schumacher had to change the situation immediately and there was a perfect chance for that at his home Grand Prix of Italy qualifying was Exceptional from the start the stewards sent Alonzo from fifth to 10th place because of massa's blockage Fernando strongly condemned this decision I don't consider any more Formula 1 like a sport the Spaniard wasn't ready to give up he fought hard for every Point therefore on lap 43 he was able to gain a foothold in the third position however monza's magic worked oh who's that it's Alonzo it's the world Listen to The Crowd Alonzo's time was over for the first time in two years Fernando had engine problems Michael managed to win the race and get his 90th Victory after the celebration he said something that shocked absolutely everyone he going to be my last Monza race I'm going to do at the end of this year I've decided together with the team that I'm uh going to retire from from racing although Schumaker denied the importance of the title fight because of his retirement everyone realized that he wanted to end his career on a high note there were only three races left to beat Alonzo would the Red Baron succeed in winning his eighth title the Chinese Grand Prix started with a setback for Schumacher the reason was that it rained during qualifying the result was that Michelin customers once again had a significant Advantage you can guess who took the pole at that point Schumacher did his best and got six plays and that was just the beginning at the start he kept fighting for sixth place however the weather on the track was changing because of this Schumacher's Pace was constantly increasing already on the dry track the Red Baron began to catch up with his Rivals still Alonzo was 25 seconds ahead the situation changed dramatically when the Spaniard had a problem with his front wheel that's why he stopped for a pit stop because of this Schumacher and fella overtook him Fernando's Gap has been slashed this could be the chance for Ferrari when Alonzo came in for his second pit stop a disaster struck another problem with the right rear wheel costs him time as a result Alonzo lost 20 seconds and his chances of winning the race once again those damn technical problems fizy Kella was renold's only hope after the pit stop he returned to the track first but Schumacher easily overtook him all that remained for the Red Baron was to win and he did it perfectly finally Michael caught up with Fernando Alonzo on points to be honest with you all the fans wanted Schumacher to win Ferrari and Michael were in great form the psychological advantage was on the side of scaria and that's not all there was a symbolic moment with champagne on the podium [Music] it emphasized the belief in Schumacher's Victory the next Japanese Grand Prix confirmed Ferrari's superiority Bridgestone provided the team with excellent tires at home what was the result the first row of the starting grid was taken by red cars this added even more confidence in Schumacher's Victory although he finished in second place Ferrari's management decided that there was no need to repeat past mistakes that's why Felipe Masa let Schumacher go ahead at the start all he had to do was finish safely will everything end so easily in Formula 1 know who that oh hang on a second it's Michael Sher no don't believe it Michael Sher in the Ferrari leading this alono JS him to take the lead and it's all over for the first time in the last 6 years a Ferrari engine burned out imagine how Schumacher felt at that moment but this was only the beginning of his disappointment Alonzo took advantage of his Pit Stop strategy and got ahead of Masa he passed the smoking Ferrari and could not believe it second surprise the biggest surprise of the of the race for sure the Rivalry that had lasted for months changed in an hour and a half of the race shoemaker's chances of success remained minimal as usual I want to do well I mean as I as I told you I don't really feel very different the Red Baron claimed that at the last stage in Brazil he would fight to the last if you watch the race on air you'll remember how eager everyone was for schacher to win millions of fans hoped for a miracle however during qualifying his chances of winning decreased again that's because Schumacher encountered technical problems because of this Michael was forced to start 10th now Alonzo had to finish eighth to win you can understand that losing the title is almost impossible at the start of the race Schumacher showed his refusal to give up Michael instantly gained four positions I and moved up to sixth place soon fizzy Kella became his Target the of's got to hang on to Sher will need to go left immediately oh no there was some contact definitely Martin there was definitely a bit of contact with Vella Gian Carlo hit Schumacher's wheel causing the car to spin out of control unfortunately the chances for the eighth title were lost despite the pit stop Michael did not want to give up he continued to fight for the championship from 19th Place he managed to overtake FY Kella again making an incredible maneuver past reenan by side don't Collide guys please don't Collide reenan gives him R Schumaker is true the crowd Go Bananas but in the end he finished fourth Schumaker proved to be the best in the world although he failed to win his eighth title it was an epic end to his career after 16 Seasons the Schumacher era was over it was symbolic that Michael decided to run his final lap in Monza the Red Baron said goodbye to everyone and put an end to his impressive career he going to be my last uh mon of race I'm going to do can you describe Michael schumacker in one word um Talent a king at that time Fernando Alonso won his second title in a row but how did he succeed click on the video to see how to beat Schumacher
Channel: Formula History
Views: 460,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This GREATEST Rivalry Changed Formula 1 Forever, This Brutal Rivalry Change F1 Forever, schumacher vs alonso, 2006 Formula One Season, 2006 F1 Season, most brutal rivalry schumacher vs alonso, story of 2006 season formula one, F1 2006 Season Review
Id: a1d5aAx7R7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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