The Self-feeding Fire Fallacy (Napisy PL) Ognisko Bezobsługowe = Nieporozumienie
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Simon's Discoveries
Views: 257,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ognisko, ogień, fire, V fire, selffeeding, bezobsługowe, samodokładające, bushcraft, survival, maintenance free, test, review, how to, know how, BS, BullShit, Fallacy, nieporozumienie, faill, all night, overnight, overnighter, całonocne, nocka, w lesie, las, woods, forest, wood, tree cutting, felling tree, ścinka, cięcie, powalanie drzewa, husqvarna, hatchet, axe, siekiera, toporek, piła, saw, forestry, tree, drzewo, drewno, outdoor, outdoors, nodia, Rakovalkea
Id: BFtNigzcndA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2017
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