The Self-feeding Fire Fallacy (Napisy PL) Ognisko Bezobsługowe = Nieporozumienie

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[Music] hello and welcome to Simon's discoveries today I wanted to talk to you about something that I have been uh asked about a few times and I have even gotten into a debate or an argument on uh Facebook and YouTube over this and I'm talking about this type of all night fire self-feeding type of fire um which has been circulating in social media for a while now and I think the idea of this self-feeding fire may have come uh from this type of uh fire which is actually a fire with a reflector behind it so I'm not sure I'm just guessing because it looks very similar it looks as if somebody saw this one and but uh how about we put two together on either side and make it a self-feeding fire so my problems with this isn't strictly whether or not this is going to burn overnight all night with absolutely no maintenance uh maybe it will maybe it won't but the problem with this particular fire is that it's actually especially um tricky and can even be dangerous I mean just look at this fires usually burn upwards right that's what you you do when you're trying to set something on fire you set it above the flame not below right that's why the upside down fire is supposed to burn so long because it you started on top of your fire lay and it gradually makes its way down if you do something like this with this v-shaped type fire obviously if you do it wrong then it's going to catch fire instantly and the whole thing is just going to burn within minutes now I know there are people that will tell me that okay you just use Greenwood or something that doesn't burn as fast and stuff like this well we could do that the problem is if you use Greenwood and use something that doesn't burn as fast then you simply aren't going to have enough heat to keep you warm at night especially in weather conditions like tonight like today when we have about minus5° Centigrade which is uh you know pretty damn cold oh and by the way speaking of cold weather I remember when I first posted pictures of my Boreal shirt on Facebook some people expressed concerns that I might be a little too small for this size or this size is a little too big for me uh well I actually thought about this and back then when I was taking these pictures of somebody my wife was taking these pictures uh it was onlyus 8 cenr so you know I wasn't dressed up uh in layers as I am now because simply wasn't it simply wasn't that cold right now I'm wearing the Boreal shirt I've got my polish Highlander uh wool sweater and I got some other stuff underneath and uh this thing does definitely not look like it's too big anymore because it's just stuffed with other things uh to keep me warm so that was my plan all along in case you were wondering but to be honest with you I don't really believe uh in all night fires burning on their own warm enough for you not to have not having to get up play around a little bit and go back to sleep because I've done this and and you know it takes a really extra really special skills you would need some really fine supply of special type of wood for this to work sometimes you just don't have a choice you know you just burn whatever around you and it will simply not allow you uh to make whatever you would do in an ideal word but okay you may say and you'll be right that's just Theory let's do it in practice and let's see how it actually works if it actually works so to build this fire to begin with I'm already experiencing some frustration because as you can see this isn't even my firewood before I get to cutting firewood I have have to build a support I have to BU build a frame okay so it took me uh I don't know probably about half an hour just to build this Frame and if it turns out I've been building this thing for a while and it doesn't even keep me warm at night oh man and you're screwed so sometimes even your life may depend on it it's a very unlikely situation very unlikely scenario but just in case don't buy into everything you see on YouTube and I just thought it'd be a good opportunity to show you how to uh cut a tree down because obviously I'm going to need fire fuel um so I need to take down this dead fur tree um there's plenty of dead trees around I've had questions from people from Germany and other places is it legal to do this in Poland um well technically I'm not really killing anything I'm just rearranging what's already here so let's just say it's everything related to Bushcraft is kind of semi-legal in Poland as well as in many other countries to be honest [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] you know the problem with the problem with every type of allight fire is that uh fires don't burn evenly that's a given you just can't assume that you're going to make this perfect setup and the conditions around you are going to obey by the rules you said I mean uh there is just so many different things at play that you have no control over you know sometimes your wood is going to be rotten a little bit more on one side than on the other and as a result is going to burn differently you're going to have wind blowing from one side a little harder than from the other and as a result the wood is going to burn out faster on one side than on the other and you're going to have to get up uh play with it a little readjust it go back to sleep uh that is obviously if you rely on your fire for warmth at night if you don't then you might as well just abandon this idea alt together and save yourself a lot of time just bring a really warm sleeping bag with you and you're going to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] fine so right now we can see that the self-feeding part is uh actually working pretty well um you know if it catches fire a little too quickly I can always adjust it with different type of wood uh my only concern right now is that the whole frame is going to start burning at some point and uh the whole thing is going to collapse but you could just see this thing move uh it slid down a little bit so uh yeah I think this part is going to work pretty well uh and again I mean I could have used a Greenwood uh for for the frame uh I mean obviously after some time even the green wood is going to burn through and you're going to have to readjust it but that's like they said um I don't believe in uh maintenance free fires it's just there's no such thing so we're going to have to do something about your fire sooner or later so like right now you can probably see this uh this is caught on something yeah I'm not sure it's it's got stuck on uh some kind of knot or something but yeah like I said this is this is to be expected don't expect your fire to work on its own with without your um intervention sooner or later but you know the really important question here isn't whether or not this is going to burn and self feed because this is obviously up to you like I said uh the really important question is whether or not this thing is actually going to keep you warm warm throughout the night I've seen a lot of those videos claiming that oh this this uh and that type of fire is going to burn uh forever like two days straight and I see them do that actually I see this they show what they show you is essentially like this is still warm there's still Embers in there yeah okay that's fine I can agree on that there's still Embers in there but uh Embers aren't going to keep you warm at night let's agree on that right so is this going to uh keep me from dying if I lie down here like this the thing is most people when they create an allight fire they want to make a long fire as as long as possible because that makes sense right you want your head to be warm as well as your feet what happens when you lay in front of this type of fire entire heat is basically reflected upwards because you have those two screens on either side and whatever little heat you have left is basically just directed somewhere around your belly button right now we can see exactly what I was talking about if you're not careful with this type of setup this thing is going to catch on fire in no time your frame is going to burn and the whole thing is going to collapse and if you do this in a different type of environment right now I'm surrounded by snow so I'm not worried about that but if it was a little drier this thing could get dangerous especially with inexperienced people so yeah be skeptical because things usually work in videos I mean if you make if you want to make it work real bad it's going to work if you want to prove a point but uh you know it doesn't always work like that in in real life so yeah my frame is already caught on fire it's already burning so okay so the fire is definitely feeding itself but another problem with this uh other than not giving enough heat because all the heat is reflected upwards you normally wouldn't be sitting perpendicular to the line of your fire ideally I'd be sitting here or here because that's where the most heat is obviously that's the most surface area right now I'm actually limiting the amount of heat that's reaching me but another problem important problem with this setup is that uh you know normally when you have a fire and you build a refle reflector that would look like something like this there'll be the reflector here and the fire here you'd be sitting on the other side and the wind will be blowing parallel to your fire that's exactly what you want to do you want to create this tunnel uh for the wind uh for the air to actually blow between your bed or where you're sitting and the screen the reflector right now you're actually positioned in such a way that you are in the way of the wind you are in the way of the smoke so you're blocking the air movement to the right you're blocking the air movement to the left all that's left is right in between and you're in its way so that's creating a huge problem with smoke because wherever you sit sooner or later it's going to get you all right guys so it turns out I wasn't wrong um this is what I'm talking about so as you can see this can work I mean fire is fire so it's going to uh keep you warm the difference is how warm you're going to be how much work you're going to have to put in into creating a sufficiently warm fire how save it is and um how convenient and comfortable is going to be sitting or laying by this fire all right guys this has been Simon of Simon's discoveries thanks a lot for watching please Click Share like And subscribe visit my website simonis follow me on Twitter that's simonis discoverers as well once again thanks for watching and see you next time
Channel: Simon's Discoveries
Views: 257,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ognisko, ogień, fire, V fire, selffeeding, bezobsługowe, samodokładające, bushcraft, survival, maintenance free, test, review, how to, know how, BS, BullShit, Fallacy, nieporozumienie, faill, all night, overnight, overnighter, całonocne, nocka, w lesie, las, woods, forest, wood, tree cutting, felling tree, ścinka, cięcie, powalanie drzewa, husqvarna, hatchet, axe, siekiera, toporek, piła, saw, forestry, tree, drzewo, drewno, outdoor, outdoors, nodia, Rakovalkea
Id: BFtNigzcndA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2017
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