92 Degrees In A Campfire Heated Tent

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Hello, welcome to another video from far north bushcraft and survival this, is the video that quite a few of you have been waiting for it's a video, highlighting the modifications i made to my homemade Baker's tent made from tarps let's get up here a little closer and check out the changes See what you think? Okay a, little later i'll show. You what this looks like with about it had undergone about four or five inches of Heavy, wet snow and? as you can see It held up fine that was actually This the later clip of the snow, was actually recorded before this So and as you can see the the taped steams the whole Tarp construction tent construction held up great Ok, first off you can, see i've got a, little fire reflector there, made from reflective casualty blankets i think they're called That was, also on there in the last video but. You, may, not have noticed it Alright let's take a look at some other changes i've made Ok, notice the the ceiling here I've got two of those casualty blankets taped together side by side So that they stretch almost almost the full width They're, like seven feet, by, five feet wide each So with them taped together they're. A little less than seven feet, by ten feet okay, so That will not only Help to reflect the fire a heat And help keep it to reflect it back into the the living area But it will also insulate it'll be surprising how, much that insulates just adding a second layer i Don't know if i'll be able to show it in the video Or not but it creates A couple inch gap Between the two layers generally speaking okay Here's another change that i made Okay as you recall i had some clear quote-unquote clear plastic covering, the front and the plastic, was so white it wasn't letting in Much radiated heat it was reflecting the radiated heat, wasn't allowing it to penetrate Quite a few people several people in the comments recommended Clear shower curtain, well initially i was not I was not? Very positive about the performance of that i assumed that it was vinyl same as as most of the older? Shower curtains that i'm familiar with. vinyl does not handle cold weather well well i found out after doing a little bit of research that clear shower curtains are not made of vinyl they're made of peva P.E.V.A. Poly, ethylene vinyl acetate and that handles cold weather really, well That'll handle as cold of weather, as we will ever experience so let's pull this down. And see what it looks like? As you can see it's Fairly, clear it's quite clear So with that Okay, let's talk about how. I put that on Okay, i just left The the plastic sheeting on here as it was installed you know. The white plastic if i was to do it all over from scratch i would use tarp material i I would use the leftover tarp to put on the outside here around the perimeter of the shower curtain of the peva plastic okay anyway i Just laid this clear shower curtain over on top of the pla plastic and Then i taped it on and then i went on the inside and i cut it out The, white plastic. And then place the tape on the inside Same as on the outside there were magnets in here To, help the shower curtain, stick to a, metal bathtub i removed those magnets there were also suction cups on it i don't recall, where they were probably right here i cut, them off So basically the whole sheet is clear alright i have got a Fire lay here ready to build up i got a little carried, away with us fire lay i'm gonna, admit i Took, my snow machine out in the woods and? found a dead standing tree cut, it down, and and Then i realized, how, big it was but i think it'll work, ok? So let's go ahead, and get that lit up and we'll see just How much the modifications made and how much it helps this tent stay warm Now if you, want to know. How, to build this tent see the earlier tent video on how i constructed this tent from start to finish and You'll see that video in the in the Link, right up here it also be in a in a link, below, the video in the video description It snowed about 5 inches last night hopefully See kind of how, deep that is it's about 5 inches or so So let's see how, the tent handled it now but There was no heat in the tent i just set it up and left it Now i purposely left the the back Guylines loose here so that the back would sag Down and provide a steeper Angle to the roof, which would cause, hopefully the snow to slide off better Which it did very, well? Now on the front i lowered the front down and tightened up the guidelines so that The snow would do the same thing on the front and As you can probably see right here it did that very, well The snow, would pile up on this roof until at certain, some certain point The weight would get to be too much and it would slide off and So it works very, well so The tent held up fantastic At about five inches of wet snow It's about 28 degrees fahrenheit Hopefully, you can see that okay? All right let's go inside close it up and See what kind of temperatures we experienced inside? Okay, we're inside now and it's all? Closed up in here we're looking out through the the clear front cover at the fire and See it's we've got it all closed up Along, both sides there Okay, while i was talking here? Look, at the temperature it's up, now to, about 92 degrees It's very hot in here i took off my jacket my hat everything So this is much more fire than than, what is required? to heat it comfortable in here So in conclusion The tent worked very, well it heated excellent You, don't need, as big a fire as i had and you know Scoot the fire back a little ways if you need to build a smaller fire Take, down the reflective blanket You know to adjust the heat however you need it But keep in mind that this is a plastic tent and that If it catches on fire it can, burn now i have a knife on me all the time if i have a problem with You know if the tent ever does catch on fire One slice and i'm outside So if you, use this with a campfire Keep that in mind do so at. Your, own risk I see no reason, why, there should, be a problem as long as you keep your fire at a Suitable level you know, don't build a big huge bonfire underneath there close to the tent but If you use a fire with, this tent do so at your, own risk Okay, i thank you for joining, me and i'm glad i was able to share with you what i've learned from this experience and i hope you have found it Educational and learn from it So we'll see a folks on the next video you guys, take, care and have a good week If you, enjoyed this video be sure and give it a Thumbs up and to share it as, well as subscribe so you, don't, miss any more and check out these suggested videos here thank you
Channel: Far North Bushcraft And Survival
Views: 1,778,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Far North Bushcraft And Survival, bushcraft, Survival, Alaska, Tent, homemade tent, tarp tent, baker tent, campfire tent, make a campfire tent, make a baker tent, baker tent plans, baker tent design, baker tent pattern, diy baker tent plans, modern baker tent
Id: tW3OSPhfPMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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