The Secrets of Pokémon Legends: Arceus! - Real-Time Analysis!

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[Music] oh my god tris i can't believe there finally might be an open world pokemon game called pokemon legends arceus so uh you're here to help me go through this trailer together as we do a real-time analysis are you ready for this dress yeah it should be a good one in all honesty this is really exciting and really different than what any of us are expecting it is very different yeah i mean i think everyone had hoped at some point we would see an open world pokemon game they've you know they've hinted at that a little bit or not hinted they've done it a little bit with the wild area kind of but this finally seems to seem to be them embracing the concept of what it could be of what it could mean to have a truly far more open experience uh it to a point where this trailer definitely evokes breath of the wild vibes like even the music sounds like breath of the wild it's it's got that like that somber wild tone to it which it's actually really interesting because most pokemon games are very like light-hearted happy exciting yeah this one's this one's very uh a little somber maybe not somber but like very serious and uh not quite as colorful and i'm all about that like hey sign me up all right so we've already been going through the trailer a little bit so let's go and back it up here and let's start at the very beginning as we start our uh in-depth real-time analysis so real quick tris anything going on here with this is this actually so this actually gives us a nice close-up uh uh well outside of you know a nice desk it's not actual gameplay footage as it says but the pokeballs over here uh i know there's official art release for them but according to twitter it says they're made mostly of wood and they use steam to work so instead of like lighting up to show you like when you're going to catch the pokemon emit steam and we can actually kind of see that because you see all the way up top there's like the little uh there's like a little hole almost like a bottle cap on the very tip of it where the steam would come out and it's kind of funny because it the the mechanism in the middle of this wooden poke ball almost looks like the lock you would see on like a suitcase yeah that's a good point it actually does look a bit like a little bit like a lock so that's pretty interesting um and i'll say and and it's really fascinating because the idea behind this of the pokeballs the pokedex they're not supposed to exist this far back in the past the pokemon lores like poke like professor oak and basically modern modern society in quotes sort of invented these things i think so if this is meant to line up at all with the mainline pokemon games in any way shape or form they're doing something interesting with history here right and just to be clear in case some people somehow missed it like the whole idea of this is is we're going back in time like we're we're exploring the earlier uh form of this region and uh yeah it's pretty wild so uh anyways we'll continue on then as we uh as this book opens up giving us a a drawing view of the world and this actually uh oh go ahead uh i say um before it even gets to the village i do actually want to say with the book i think this is actually how the pokedex is going to be done so it'll probably be these notebooks and when not not that you yourself the player will be filling these in but basically instead of the digital looking pokedex when you fill it in it'll probably take on this very um oil and like pen work style too i hope so that'd be amazing but i'm already digging uh how they do it here so good point it wouldn't make sense for them to have a full on pokedex at this point but then again now they do pokemons but whatever so with this village here um because i have notes for this too um not in this specific trailer but the same scene from the sort of little overview they talked about later on they say like and from the actual pokemon presents they talk about how it's a it's a specific prosperous village like it's a certain one they don't name it but they make it sound like it's meant to be known okay and i decided to do some digging into the different towns and cities found in the sinnoh region and it could be an early form of eterna city or celestic town because both of them are really old like the oldest towns in the region and they're supposed to be preserving the history of the entire region i see oh that makes sense even though it may not like actually match up with what those places eventually come to be this may imply like uh one of the settlements around there and i almost feel like this might be well the implication they say sorry let me let me rephrase that the implication of how they deliver what this town is they make it sound like it's the only town in this region the first town in this region and it i think it says a lot for what kind of a world we're exploring in this case i think you're right uh that was my take too like i think this might be the only the only town although what if they go nuts and you actually found other towns in the game that would be cool all right we'll probably have more to say about the town uh once we get to the actual scenes i imagine um we see some of your favorite piplups there so yeah a lot of people upset yeah cute stuff um and the pokemon is having a good old time out in the wild before the era of being captured do fight relentlessly um no i do like one thing real quick is this transition so it does seem like a big focal point is going to be this this mountain doesn't have a name truss or yes the mountain i gotta scroll to find the exact name of my notes uh mount coronet i think it's called that's how we're confident you're saying a tris yes mouth mount mount corona there we go it is in this it is in the center of this inner region it literally divides the region in modern day but here they say it's directly in the center of the region so that's really this is actually interesting for a few different reasons i think one i mean there's a the lore implications of how this ties into the future as you already kind of touched on uh but two is that this probably will act as like a central like focal point i imagine to kind of help ground you oh it's always there as a landmark exactly like death mountain like the mountain exactly although i think in this case uh well i guess it depends on the zelda but in this case you'll probably i imagine you might be roaming around the mountain i don't know they may not even go that far maybe you don't have full uh coverage all uh all around the mountain or the volcano what do you think you may because in in pokemon like uh diamond and pro you actually do climb up climb through and to the the peak of the mountain so we actually may find a way to do that in this game maybe not in the same conventional sense of nothing but upwards tunnels but right who knows you mentioned death mountain earlier in the like there's something like a smoke around the mountain that kind of evoke the idea also all links awakening and the uh the egg yeah the wind fish eggs and just look at this view real quick i mean in case there's any doubt that they're like this they're like absolutely evoking breath of the wild here like with link looking out on the cliff upon the world um same idea here it looks great so and yep anyways uh here we go look i guess at a you know at a pathway so it seems like there are there are paths in this world it seems stressed it's not completely on uh like un explored by human explorer yeah yeah um and we actually see a few more signs of that later on other than that i don't know there's a whole lot to say here you can see uh water's gonna be a focal point in this game though like with rivers running through which i like yeah actually that bridge i think is something we see later on too closer up so keep that in mind i i do think i do think it is the same bridge we see later yeah okay whether this this path has literally only tapped in the game tris it's actually not as up as anything it's just a one path out of town and then it fades out because they haven't gone too far you can go anywhere you want in this world as long as it's on this one path all right continuing on we've got a cute close-up of uh again pitbull up um yep yeah i like i like that they're in the wild here despite being the the starters in sinnoh originally so uh this this implies before they were the starter pokemon you found them in the wild a bit more i do like that a lot uh do you know what's going on is there anything unique or anything interesting about the structure here but it definitely looks unique in the back but it it it doesn't remind me of anything specifically from cinno but it almost looks like a crab claw like pinching it's like a giant rock formation reminiscent of that and to the right of that those all look like burnt trees i don't know if that's the case it could just be a draw distance issue to be honest but they look like uh almost like a burnt forest yeah let's go and zoom in there and yeah it sure does look like that might be like a burned down remnants of like a forest or something and it almost makes you wonder like could it be going all in on the breath of the wild angle with like these different systems in play where maybe that was a that was a natural occurrence i don't think so but hey i got speculate here i i think it would be interesting to see things happen in the environment like that i mean you do have your fire type pokemon but one of the legendaries in the cinema region uh is heatran which is basically a volcano pokemon so there we go that could happen but i i don't think that one will be the focus it would be kind of amazing to see like a charmander like running around or whatever a fire pokemon this region just lighting everything on fire as it's just you know running around all right next up oh no let's see yeah but a bunch of bidoofs and the purple flowers yes which is kind of this is just like a gorgeous gorgeous picture i mean just look at this like i mean again like i just love how like even compared to a wild area this looks so much more uh dynamic or um just so much more range and so much like there's way more elevation changes happening here yeah that's that's what i'm wondering i was trying i was having trouble looking at that too because it it looks a little too specifically shaped to be like a rock formation and a tree it looks like to the right of it is a small building and that's some sort of like carvings in the rock or something yeah maybe who knows all right um it do and do these pokemon tend to move around in herds because it seems like they may hear i mean i could see it i don't know if they normally do but i can see it you tend to find them a lot in groups and uh in the wild so maybe all right next up we got a better look at the actual town uh that was drawn earlier and again the drawing is completely accurate to what we see here as far as i can tell including uh yeah there's a bell in the left tower here um or what i think is a bell yeah it looks like a bell um it looks like you can climb up there too so oh yeah that's true what what i love about this is how this camera i i i know this is probably just a nice special camera for the trailer but this this town feels just as open world as the rest of the game does so i hope this means there isn't like loading screens between them basically like a tease for what we got from the uh the wild area and the crown tundra where the whole area was just one big connected open place there wasn't like a loading screen between the town and outside the town right yeah that's a good point um something else i noticed is and maybe you have more observation about observations about this tourist you can't see that mountain that we were talking about earlier so could that be behind the camera here i'm assuming i have a feeling it would be um because we can't see in every single screen but then again yeah it could be to either one of the sides you're just out of view um i also notice it looks like there's not a whole lot going on beyond this area i don't know if there's like potential ocean there or this is or if we're at just the edge of the open world here or what exactly is happening everything's just hidden by mountains the the other thing worth pointing out is the building's on left and right the one on the left having the red coloring makes me wonder if it'll function like a pokemon center and then on the right uh the first door there on on the right actually has a little sign on it which uh the blue roofing to the house or to the building makes me think it could be a shop oh yeah that's a good observation that very well could be so um i mean it looks like there are a lot of doors going there are a lot of doors here so yeah there's a lot of doors um at the end of the stretch of houses here on the right there is another building that's separate but i can't quite tell what it is it looks like it has something in front of it but it's like facing the entrance to town so we can't quite see it right i see it right there yeah a little awning that also that also could be it almost looks like a pokeball shape i noticed so that also that actually might be the uh pokemon center in quotes good point yeah it might be so there's uh yeah i'm very curious to see to find out what's actually happening here at some point because we don't see any other do we see any other characters at all in the trailer no and that's so weird despite being this flourishing uh village they mentioned there's no other npc game or yeah in the gameplay so yeah that's very unusual it could be because it's an early build maybe there's a lot of you know distract from the focus of the trailer so anyways yeah um oh and it looks like at the start too there's another there's two more buildings separated like the one you mentioned uh yep the very started here so oh this actually might be the one you're talking about originally oh yeah anyways i mean there was there was sign of the blue one too but yeah that one also has a sign all right continuing on yes we got another good look at the world again this so invokes breath of the wild look at how big this is like this is really stretching as far as the eye can see um and i kind of do wonder now uh if we still assume the the mountain i keep bringing its name the volcano mountain the hot is behind us yep i wonder these mountains over here act as i wonder like are these a barrier of the world like is that as far as you can go um or is there more beyond them because we all see anything there's nothing there's nothing beyond the world we can see yeah that's fair it would it would i i suppose it would make sense if the uh like breath of wild almost the entire region was kind of enclosed by bigger mountains but um i almost feel like that wouldn't be fitting to steno itself it's meant to be like a giant island but maybe um on a similar note though uh specifically focused here there are other things we can see in the distance such as uh like directly above where you just had the mouse there's a tree that's really faded it's it's like right above the player's head that one it's it's a large looking tree that stands out from the others um and it even looks like there's like a zigzagging path up to it is it is this a trick yeah yeah that one so it looks like it might be important there's that weird rock structure to the right of it and then to the left of it uh kind of further off is that weird like geyser looking thing if you see an emotion it's clearly some sort of like water yeah you can see it going up and yeah up and down so that's pretty interesting i think this is also a good time to mention the player characters since this scene followed by the one right after is a good look at both of them it's quite literally dawn and lucas the the two player characters from diamond and pearl so these hats are like their ancestors or something right possibly it can't be the same character is that right well well i kind of want to go into that actually here because this is a good time to because we can see from that outfit well obviously they're in like a nice period outfit it's it's the same characters as an outfit that makes sense for the era now what's interesting here is the yellow markings on the sleeves um because that looks very very style styled sorry it is styled very closely to the team galactic logo which there absolutely shouldn't be a team galactic and feudal japan era right um but it it's gotten a lot of people online thinking and i i've seen people talk about this um i'm gonna give a specific shout out to a specific user on twitter who translated this uh uh takaha on twitter the logo there looks like the kanji for uh for geen and geen is the first kanji that appears in the kanji for uh ginga which means galaxy which is very fitting to team galactic which implies they have some sort of bigger role here oh man and this this pushes even further with theories that people have remember how you mentioned the music was very somber right kind of it very fitting the goal of the leader of team galactic was to make a spiritless world wow his goal was to recreate the world yeah that is really dark his goal was to recreate the world without emotion and spirit and theoretically the feelings invoked by this imply he might this actually might be it so he might have won this is his new world and in this new world your player character since you got in his way a lot is just filling the same role you originally had just filling out a pokedex and if it's a recreated world that would explain why there's pokeballs pokedex all these different things that shouldn't really be a concern in the past so you're so what you're basically saying is this isn't the past at all this could be a modern day or future based story more like a a recreated world that's now set in the past but yeah so it it would basically the the modern diamond and pearl happened but the villain won and then recreated the world and now this world is in the past but time travel interesting well that's uh definitely food for thought um next up we i felt like the best place to mention that yeah i know that was a pretty heavy topic so get back into actual gameplay uh we can see the character running through some uh through some grass like again breath of the wild although it doesn't seem to react oh no it doesn't actually react a little bit so okay just bend around here as far as i can tell um you can see i think it looks like some distortion there it might be the shadow uh yeah there's something definitely bending yeah so then there's a bridge i mentioned earlier um which i believe we were viewing it from up there before is that right i think we're actually viewing it from further back further back got it okay yeah that makes sense right so now we're crossing it and then we can see it's lit by torches on the side uh so yeah clearly you know uh these pads will be traversable and night as well i assume there'll be a full day night cycle in this game um it would be shocking if not so many pokemon games have it yeah exactly that would be surprising and then we see some pokemon around the corner here who are these dress uh so those are shanks but before we even get into the pokemon let's talk about the little dive role that the player just did if you back it up so as cool as that is that's that's definitely like a dodge roll into like a sort of like crouching sneak uh if we continue it forward a little bit afterwards but yeah but like interrupted though like they just they just rolled and then walked a bit and then so these are two these seem to be two different things that the player can do so you can have the dodge roll which i'm scared of the dodge roll for the implications that that means the player can be attacked by the pokemon why do you say that because when we go to this scene later on there's a scene where it looks like the trip the trainer almost gets wiped out by pokemon this is like standing right next to it as it anyways i'll see if i can find it later but yeah um so the dodge roll implies you might need to dodge pokemon attacks which is interesting because i can't think of why else you would have that idea outside of just you know a zelda roll just to kind of move faster but but then this this crouch the sneaking is probably a good way to avoid getting detected by pokemon which is helpful for catching them as we see 100 i mean even beyond that it seems like you'll be the one taking advantage of tall grass this time being able to sneak around again like breath of the wild and uh creep up on these on these uh pokemon yeah let's go ahead and move on then to another uh pokemon battle or a pokemon our first park pokemon battle i guess yeah yes this is the first actual battle that we see which looks very cinematic it does look at the camera now what's interesting here is if we can battle pokemon to catch them because the very next clip we see here is throwing the pokeball at it why can we also just throw the pokeball at them in the wild like with the shanks yeah it's almost like a combination of like let's go or pokemon go mechanics and traditional pokemon so how does that work that's a great question maybe maybe weaker pokemon you can catch we have to battle stronger ones or maybe maybe maybe this pokemon's already been beaten down and now this is just you capturing it after but you're right we've seen other pokemon before where you are we're the one just before this where you just throw a pokeball at it so yeah i don't know so maybe yeah maybe you have to weaken pokemon first um and then then you would leave at the traditional battle in order to actually throw the pokeball maybe i i think that would make sense but what's also nice that we see from that little battle clip is that you're not in like a whole separate place for battle you're still in the same area because it when we when it changes it looks like the camera was basically just spun around that's a good point yeah that that's kind of cool no longer uh as far as we can tell no longer being taken to like a german battle arena or something so yeah and when when we see other battles later it looks to be the same sort of thing so that's actually a really big deal and again just look at how big this world is although in this case you can you can kind of see some of the limits here now where you can see how the barrier of the world is kind of restricting you to this large field in this case um yep and i wonder yeah like i wonder like what's like straight down that way though like that's a path like i guess it leads up to the mountain perhaps or it seems like it would or at least close to it yeah just fully funneling you toward it so and we haven't seen any climbing mechanics yet so that's one big breath of the wild element uh potentially missing um tom real quick is that something right there or is that just like i think it's just another pokemon i couldn't figure out which one though it's it's really hard to tell yeah it is i'm trying to because it moves slightly so it looks like it might be another pokemon yep i'm not sure uh real quick i just noticed there's a actual like shadows on the ground from clouds you know that's not unusual these days it's a neat detail so all right next we see them sneaking up on another pokemon uh if one is moving like 10 frames per second if that yeah yeah this is when the the lower fps started to become a bit noticeable for some of the pokemon i imagine that would be better closer to release since this is still this still seems pretty early it's kind of consistent too i mean we've seen this i mean we haven't seen this for every pokemon so i think it is i think this will be fixed this doesn't come out the next year anyway we're a year away at least so right and what are uh what are these guys over here got some uh bronzours okay cool i don't think there's a whole lot else to say about this scene so we'll continue onward yep encountering a bidoof a fateful encounter here is we can see this odd looking i don't know this is the same this is the geyser again or it looks like some kind of like weird lighting it looks like a geyser i think actually yeah it looks like the same i think it might be this might be the same geyser yeah all right continuing onward and by the way the time of day is clearly changing too further selecting the day and night cycle here we go this one's talking this is looking for look how close a trainer is being just wiped out there about this guy that's terrifying so it might add creatures to the idea that maybe you have to get out of the way of these attacks or maybe or maybe maybe when you're not engaged in battle pokemon can be dangerous like when they're just roaming around perhaps maybe but since it seems like we're um the battle safe place in the main world what triggers a battle is the question do you have to have a pokemon out for the trigger battle and if not it just they could just hurt you like yeah that's a there there's a lot of unanswered questions there are that's what's kind of fun about this yeah exactly there are a few other things of note here outside of the outside of the guard chomp finding the glade uh on the very far left at the start of the clip there's a mossy rock behind some trees of some sort looks like it's a horn yeah it looks like it might be like a tree or something coming out of it but i can't quite tell what it is other than it looks like it might be something of interest i wonder if it's like pokemon shape like how there were structures of pokemon snap that we've that oh that chair were shaped after actual pokemon yeah that's true actually it could be in which case i'd expect it to be another horn on the other side as well i don't think you might see it so and then the other thing i've noticed behind the guard chomp there's a bunch of water so you can see there's some islands or at least some sort of water dividing the landmasses right either your player can swim or more likely uh you'll have a pokemon with surf that can help you get across these areas i hope surfing's as fun as it is in uh bowser's fury [Laughter] all right next up we're chasing down some birds who are these trusts yeah got some starly that we're unfortunately harvesting it scenes yeah that's not very nice it's trying to get away yeah it is we're literally chasing it oh man all right but i don't think there's anything else of note here other than that nope and the kind of standing for but well there's here with the chimchar but just before the camera pans down there's something back there on the right it could be it looks like another torch and something next to it i can't tell what that is though yeah i don't know what that is either that caught my eye too um yeah it's hard it's difficult to make out so it might just be like a rock behind it or something i think it might just be a rock behind like oh yeah that's fair that might be it might just be the perspective in the shadows it could be something or it could be nothing um to see if there's anything else here but no i don't think so another pokemon battle now we got yeah another pokemon battle with the lucario and i believe a star raptor [Music] just some nice flashy effects it's kind of like an odd maybe it looks this is an odd looking mountain right there like really round i think that's that tree actually that really big tree that we saw from earlier based on the show oh that would make sense yeah that would explain the shape so that's yeah i think that's a closer look at it so interesting thought oh look at this i love it yeah i just love how uh the mouth is like still wedded in the night sky or evening sky so great yeah it's actually a really beautiful shot here to be honest this is the good side of the world yeah i don't think there's anything else going on there uh here we got a little pikachu hanging out um there's an archway over the water here so hopefully you can swim underneath that on hopefully not seeing too much else here just trees lots of trees in this world oh and the background there there's our closest there's our nicest look at that thing there's that tree we can actually see it now yeah otherwise you didn't need to zoom in on that geez yeah really yeah awesome and there's a little church wig on the right cute here we are back in town walking in and that brings us to what's basically the end almost the end of the first trailer but then we have this odd scene here which what is going on here so this looks like the start of the game where you're selecting your partner pokemon dude you know this is selecting your main pokemon instead of having the the starter pokemon from cino they have these four they have cyndaquil they have rowlet and they have oshawa and while it's interesting to see a gen 2 7 and 5 pokemon be your starters part of this actually makes sense i was looking into this a bit um so rowlet eventually becomes decidueye which is an archer pokemon and oshawa becomes samarat which is kind of like a samurai tank like poco it's like a four-legged samurai i don't quite understand cyndaquil's pick here but the other two almost feel fitting to the period yeah that's uh such a good point and then well speaking of the period though is it just me or does this this area looks like looks it feels more contemporary than what we've seen yeah elsewhere yeah i think the it's the odd desk in the background with all of the papers stacked on it that feels a lot more modern than everything else yeah it feels like we're in like the white house or something or he's got the flags there too so i i don't know if that means anything oh yeah the the flags do have that same logo right so so do you think this is one of the buildings we saw earlier then or is there so much stuff happening here this is probably uh one of the main buildings because you probably start in that town this is probably one of the main buildings then the poke that's probably like the professor's office okay and since you're making uh the first ever pokedex and catching pokemon uh maybe that's the professor's office and this is kind of where everything starts and they're in charge of the organization you work for which might end up being team galactic i i i'm very confident in that theory like having read up on that that could be now what is interesting in the background um there's a pole where the there's almost like a bird perch on the right next to the flag so i guess rowlet originally would have been up there oh yeah good good catch yeah that does look um like that could be the case i like the detail and then you have pages for the other two probably somewhere and is there what's on that is there anything on that poster no just uh yeah you can't really tell yeah it's some sort of easel at first glance i was worried it was like some sort of giant screen i was like please don't tell me this ancient world has a giant ipad well that's exactly thankfully not yeah that's what i was wondering like is it possible that there could be like some time time stuff happening here and this scene's actually from a different point in time i don't think so but that would be the yeah i don't think so all right let's go ahead and uh is there anything with a design of this rug by the way i i was trying to figure that out but i i don't think we see enough of it to be able to tell what it what it is unless it's the same design as the logo that's like on the sleeve and the and the uh the flags in the background but just too blown up to see fully we had some pot of flowers here too by the way oh yeah all right uh we'll move on to this next short scene uh which basically wraps up the official reveal trailer of the game closing the book okay really good look at the pokeball here yeah latch the suitcase latch [Music] and then we find out about the creation of this world yeah a little bit from arceus and it's it's really nice to see arceus actually have a big role in this since this this legendary is or there's so many different legendary pokemon or mythical pokemon or whatever you want to call them there's so many different classifications but this pokemon is basically meant to be a god so that's a little ominous in this game yes it's a little disturbing so did a pokemon god create all the other pokemon then or who knows there's a lot of random lore implications that i'm sure we don't need to get into for sure all right let's continue on because there actually are more [Music] and we're reopening gamepl book going back in oh or not we're just gonna cut away from the book all right so we saw we saw the stuff earlier there was a town against there's actual people there are people that live here seemingly yep or at least all right come on here we get to look at the two trainers yeah yeah there's the official art of the trainers that shows the logo a little bit better that's what people have been using that that's what people have been using to kind of compare to the the kanji that makes sense all right i think we saw this scene earlier yep a lot a lot of the scenes at the same time yeah that's a fun part but the big yeah this gameplay one's the big one because this is actually very similar to normal pokemon combat yeah gameplay like from like sword and shield for example it does yeah it looks this looks modern uh almost for me a little disappointingly so because this this looks like pokemon which is i know a lot of people will like but i'm like oh maybe i mixed up a little bit but i do like the visual style where you have these weird slash graphics yeah that uh cover or that highlight the pokemon's information um is there anything else different going on here like we can see it looks very similar like you have you still have pp for each move and yep yeah and it looks to be the same amount as usual too but what is interesting is this glade is level 70 and the player has all six uh pokeballs filled up so they have a full team and this is seemingly pretty late in the game uh yeah i guess so because you want to be a candidate i mean i guess you could encounter level 70 pokemon earlier on the joke in the world right well well the the the players is level stuff oh players also got it that's the thing yeah that's what's interesting maybe it's really carefully snuck up on them and captured a level 70 pokemon all right this also would be in there i also like the camera's doing that cool uh battle thing again too it's a little bit more dynamic um yeah than some of the other games this is what makes me wonder about how battles differ from the actual gameplay of the open world though because as we see here the looks at battles we saw before seemed like it was the same screen just the ui was gone but now that we see the ui clearly at some point you transition into battle for all of this to pop up yeah that's a great point we still don't know what initiates that and also real quick is that the mountain behind us right there is that just a mountain i don't know i think it's just amazing i'm not i'm trying to find it in the background then and you don't get full through it could be it could be but yeah it's hard to say yeah i mean it's about we're too close to say but that's a great shot that is a really great shot yeah as you run along the side of the cliff yeah as the river like cuts through the environment and we're actually i mean we are some ways i mean this has been the case throughout the trailer but we're pretty far away from that mountain so yes again apply a pretty large explorable area we can see this um this like dirt covered wall here like it i mean it looks different compared to the rest so i don't know if i don't know what's happening but um another i'm catching a bidoof here yep with a river just in front i believe or a small yeah i think a river a small pond or something yeah a small body of water yeah this one's just cute just kind of observing pokemon in the wild there's that dive roll again bam i really want to know like yeah what are you using that for so here we are again oh give us we give our look at the buildings here so there's a small shield on the side of this one that actually might be the professor's the pokemon professor's house maybe um interestingly still no sign of the mountain there so it's got it's i'm sure i think it's behind the town so um and like like i said before there's not a whole lot going on back there seemingly so that we might be at like the world's edge here perhaps um but you know that's a speculation um i like this shot yeah maybe so there's a nice shot there's a little island down there there's the pathway between the two between the two cliffs there it kind of looks like i i don't know this is at all related to when it looked like we're being funneled down that valley earlier too remember um oh that's possible yeah i wonder if they're the same so anyways it's hard to tell based on the mountain oh here's here's something that's interesting i have a notes here because that ruined structure back there if if and this is this seems to be right under the giant tree by the way oh right so what's neat about this is if this is meant to be so far in the past and kind of one of the first civilizations here how are these things what built this yeah and it looks ancient already it does that's so interesting it's possible i wonder this is related to that weird thing without earlier by the torch assuming it wasn't just a rock or something could possibly be related to this but yeah and the you're you're right the location is interesting being you know the prominent tree why is it destroyed who made it in the first place what is happening here yeah um again though this is a very breath of the wild ish right where you have civilizations you know ruined and just reminisce right um so yeah and uh another pokemon battle here wow that looked like a mean shot all right powerful moves yep and then bam the money shot look at that yeah yeah there's the breath of the wild shot right there oh that's so great we can see the uh we can see a little bit more of like the geyser or something there i almost it almost reminds me of like the bottom of a waterfall but i don't see the waterfall that would be causing that i mean what initially reminded me of the weird aura you would see in breath of the wild at night on one of the mountains yeah but it does it does have a watery appearance to it so i am thinking you might be onto something with that um and this real quick is there anything else about this view from this viewpoint we can see again no signs in the mountain right now so it could be behind us there's that tree again so it's going to be a central focal point so that is right down there is where those ruins presumably are that we just saw and again i am thinking that this mountain range might be might represent the edge of the world uh yeah especially especially from this view it definitely looks more like it's meant to be the borders exactly um so yeah i don't think we're talking quite about the wild scale but hey by pokemon standards this is massive and i think that is interest so is there anything you want to touch on in this video at least we haven't brought up yet um just the fact that so so we kept talking about how we don't know how it'll get into battles and whatnot the way that'll play out and i can't help but i i wrote this down in my notes in quotes because the trailer describes it as an action rpg adventure yeah and that that makes me think of games and it's not quite accurate but it makes me think of games like xenoblade chronicles where um you would basically initiate battle and then all the ui pops in so i wonder if we'll have a seamless transition into battles with pokemon as well which would be incredible if we do that'd be cool actually you know one thing i wonder now is let me get back to a battle scene i can't help but wonder do you do you retain control of the trainer during battle i don't know because it looks like they're always standing a specific distance yeah they do so that seems unlikely yeah you're right they're always right next to it so probably not um but it does yeah i mean your point is is interesting and i think how yeah how exactly is the action elements going to be incorporated into you know what's traditionally a slower paced you know turn-based um type gameplay and you know while still mixing in those elements as well it's a very interesting um thing they're going for here so yeah any other thought stress at this point it's just that i i really want to see more of this i'm very excited for what this could be yeah i am too this looks great this is this is as close as we may ever get to what i've wanted for pokemon and this is looking awesome um i love that you can sneak around similarly catch up you know try to try and think about pokemon i love that it's open world oh this is great so i really am excited to see more of this game so well i think i said everyone for our real-time analysis that doesn't mean we're done though we may very well have more after this so stay tuned uh for more pokemon legends um as we uh continue to take a look at this trailer and uh of course stay stay tuned for other stuff coming out of the pokemon presents too that we'll be covering so make sure to click the subscribe if you haven't already check out the other videos on the right for other pokemon videos we want to see and otherwise we'll catch you later bye [Music] everyone
Channel: GameXplain
Views: 43,259
Rating: 4.8397865 out of 5
Keywords: pokémon legends, Arceus, switch, pokémon, pokdex, sinnoh, analysis, secrets, details, pikachu, trainer, open world, botw, breath of the wild, discussion, pokémon legends arceus, pokemon legends
Id: c7sYPUy2vdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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