Activating Your Angels

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did you know that you did not lose your guardian angel just because you grew up hi everyone I'm Richard Roberts my daughter Jordan is joining me today Jordan the Bible says that angels are ministering spirits for us who are the heirs of salvation that means Christians that means that angels are ministering spirits for us and we can send them on specific assignments do you remember what you were growing up you and your sisters how we would come into your room and we would pray angels and say girls let's put our angels on do I don't think I really understood it for a while until I was probably a little older and I understood the authority that we had to actually dispatch them but it took a few I knew something we did and I trusted what you told us to do but I don't think I really understood it until it was over well I don't know that I fully understood it at the time but an experience that my father Oral Roberts had really solidified it in my mind and that is he was in the hospital having a small procedure done and as he was laying in the bed he looked up and an angel walked into the room and of course my dad was shocked and he said what are you doing here and the angel said Oral Roberts Dispatch me and my dad said then what do you mean dispatch me he said you have the power to dispatch me to go on a certain assignment well when my dad told me that story on by the way my dad dispatched him from an assignment for our ministry and I began as I heard that story with Jordan I began to understand that we have the right and we have the power to dispatch our angels and that we did not lose our guardian angel when we grew up as a matter of fact the Bible talks about hosts of angels that are available to us to a sign for a specific task okay what kind of task would you assign your angel to well let's just say for example that I was in need of a new job I could say to my angel I could activate my angel and say I'm sending you out to find the right place for a new employment the right pay the right benefits the right hours or let's just say that that I'm in need of finances and I planted my seat now I dispatched my angels to go out and to gather in my harvest and to bring it in Jordan it could be anything that I have need of in my life so are they doing that if you don't dispatch them well you know I don't know I sort of have a feeling that maybe they're standing around waiting for me to dispatch them but I have angels that are assigned to me you have angels that are assigned to you they are ministering spirits for us who are the heirs of salvation that means we Christians can literally activate our angels and I want to say it again to you you didn't lose your guardian angel just because you grew up and we have access Jordan to entire companies of angels and a good illustration is when Elijah was surrounded by a group of enemy an enemy army and his aide aJE's I came and said Elijah I'm paraphrasing yeah it looks like it's over us and Elijah said oh no oh no open his eyes Lord and gaze eyes eyes were open and he saw a heavenly host of angels that were available to them so not only do we have our guardian angel but we have we have access to other angels you may remember hearing me say some years ago that I was aware that there was an angel who stood behind me when I prayed for this now at that point I had never seen that angel but I I felt his presence I knew that he was there and oftentimes people would say to me Richard I was watching you on television and I saw an angel standing behind you or Richard I was in a service where you were preaching and praying for the sick and I saw an angel standing behind you although at that time I've never seen that angel but I knew I felt his presence interesting so you think maybe that people have experiences feeling something that they don't know what it is that perhaps it is an angel standing behind them beside them guiding them guarding them and maybe they've never seen it I know I've never personally seen in the Angels anywhere in my whole life but I have had experiences where you know something or feel something over there and you kind of ask yourself am I going crazy but you know maybe a good explanation would be that it might be Nate well I remember when the Lord said to me yes there is an angel behind you and I said well what should I do he said Richard when you call out sickness and disease and you pulled out my faith take it and hand it to the angel that's standing behind you and it oftentimes you see me you may see me say I'm taking this sickness and disease by faith I'm pulling it out of you and I'll take it and I'll I'll do this to it I'm handing it to the angel and the Lord said the angel knows what to do with the sickness and disease now Jordan that's a very powerful part of my ministry yeah now is that your guardian angels just a different angel well I don't exactly know somebody questions the Lord gave me his name though he told me his name was charisma well then is it the same one that's with you always and it's just with you for these meetings I don't know I'm just awfully glad that he's there me too I had another experience in which I saw angels for the first time up until this point I'm going to tell you I've never seen an agent before but I saw two angels when my father Oral Roberts went home to be with the Lord I was in the hospital room now you know you've heard me say to my my my dad and of course you girls called him Andy there's a girl's nickname boy everybody called it our old on The Andy in our family when he went home to be with the Lord I've said to him many occasions I want a double portion of your spirit you all heard me tell the story for years and my dad would always say to me what Elijah said to Elisha a son you've asked a hard thing but if you see me when I go you'll have it well when my dad passed away I was in the hospital room and when he breathed his last breath on this earth I heard a commotion in the room I thought it was one of the doctors and the nurses because they'd been coming in and going out and all of a sudden I looked up and I saw two angels I saw them they came into the room they were so tall one was so tall his head literally touched this and the other was taller than that I couldn't see his head it was above the ceiling and I watched as they as they reached down and took his spirit and begin to carry it up I got so excited because I remember what happened when that happened with Elijah and Elijah and suddenly a mantle came down in that room and I said that's mine that's the double portion Jordan that's the first time that I ever actually saw an angel but then there was another experience I was preaching up in New York City for pastor Creflo Dollar he not only has the faith dome there in Atlanta but also a great Church in the Bronx in New York City and one of the three nights that I was preaching in the middle of the healing service I looked up and I saw a whole group of angels fly into the room I've never seen angels flying before that must have been a sight George it was amazing I blink my eyes you see I realized I was seeing in the supernatural realm and as they as they came in they had baskets on their arms and they were taking little cloths and they were dropping the cloths on the heads of the people and people were being healed and they were coming forward and giving their testimonies and I began to tell the people what I was seeing and I remember creflo wife Kathy was sitting in the front row and she Stubb said I see them too I see them too so I knew that I was actually seeing a band of angels coming in the room and they were bringing miracles Jordan have you ever seen that again in a service not exactly like that but many times people say I have seen angels moving through your services angels are ministering spirits for us and we have a Bible right to dispatch them to say to that angel go on a specific assignment now Jordan you think about something that you're facing in your life or something that someone who's watching is facing in their life they can literally dispatch their angel to go and a do battle against the devil and his forces and to bring those miracles into our lives so they're battling the demonic spirits the the angels that fell right that way a lot of what they're and what she's talking about is when Lucifer the tried to put himself above God and he was cast out of heaven he was also cast out with one-third of the angels that fell with him they are now disembodied spirits they're here on this earth and they're coming to oppress and possess people's lives and we can dispatch those Angels Jordan to stand against the forces of the devil do you remember the Bible says that Daniel prayed and it took 21 days and finally one of the Archangels showed up and said God heard your prayer immediately and I brought the answer but it took me 21 days to fight through the powers of the Prince of Persia now that's speaking of the devil and his demonic forces so those angels many of them are warring angels they're different types of differences our angels are going out and they're bringing in things they're ministering spirits for us to do things for us Jordan that's it's it's so interesting I have million questions well all of these I wish I don't know that I never question I I just I find it so fascinating because I think a lot of people are interested in the supernatural realm but maybe don't know what it is or know that it exists but maybe can't articulate exactly what's happening in it but you know the even the battle with the angels is so interesting to me and I just I want to know more about them I want to see them to feel them to know their names I just think that's so interesting I want to hear more well I asked the Lord the name of my specific guardian angel and he told me he said his name is charisma and when I get up and you know I get up early in the mornings to pray I always say good morning charisma and good morning to all the angels that are assigned to me into my family and to this ministry I greet them and then each day I send them I had an experience with them with a prophet by the name of Frank Holdren Australian prophet a dear friend who went home to be with the Lord appears he told me in prayer one day that he saw two groups of angels near me he said one group of angels had been with me for a long time but I was stepping into a new arena of life a new era of ministry and it was time for a different group of angels to be at a different level and he said I saw one group of angels just kind of standing around over here in a group and this angel this group armed for battle and he said the Lord said to me tell Richard to thank this group of angels and to send them back for another assignment and and call this new group of angels to take their new positions and so I did that and he said I'm seeing in the spirit he was a very strong prophet with a very strong prophetic word in his heart he said I watched this this former group of angels took off and were gone and this group of angels suddenly came in and and and gathered around me and he said that's the group that's gonna be with you now for the rest of your life that's interesting so they have such different tasks that it did rejoinder we're life different holes you know there were trading places sort of well it's exactly just for a different level of ministry you have a guardian angel you didn't lose that guardian angel just because you grew up and you have access to other angels and you can activate them with your words your words your mouth is so powerful you can say angels and the authority of Jesus name I dispatch you that's what that angel was saying to my father in that hospital room well Roberts dispatch me send me on an assignment and I and my dad immediately thought of a particular thing that we needed in the ministry at that time and he said angel I dispatch you to go and to bring the sand the sand us into our ministry and he did so he didn't him on the task at the hospital for whatever you know though he said it was a nugget task why well I can't tell you why he had something else about 20 was there was something else that he wanted that he wanted that angel to do it was on his heart he'd been praying about and he sent that angel and all of a sudden it wasn't long until those answers begin to come in I think we can do that Jordan you can do it I can do it everybody watching can do it well that's so interesting that it's just literally there waiting for you to take a hold up and you're right Jordan people are looking to the supernatural realm and friend there is a supernatural realm make no mistake about it and whether I ever see this angel that is behind me now or not is not the point I know he's there and you did not lose your guardian angel just because you grew up and I pray right now over you I pray that you would recognize that you have an angel and he is ready for an assignment from you and you can say to that angel in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I dispatch you to go on a certain mission and you can name whatever that mission is and release your faith and believe that that angel will go and begin to do exactly as you say and now you said we're all born with them everyone everyone has every way join with them do we have the authority to dispatch them if we do not believe in Jesus I believe they are what the Bible says they are ministering spirits for us who are the heirs of salvation I believe that it is for Christians Christians have the right to dispatch their angels because they're ministering spirits for us the Bible says who are the heirs salvation praise God I'm praying in the name of Jesus that you as a born-again believer will begin to dispatch your angels and be aware of the supernatural realm you can find angels all through the Bible and their activities and I've got good news they are still just as active today as they were then and they are just as powerful today as they were then and they've not lost any of their numbers they're just as they work it really I find that an interesting topic I don't know if everybody else does but I think it's just fascinating to think that they are around everywhere the same way that the Holy Spirit is around you to minister in your behalf I just I find that so interesting and the Lord is so gracious I said work touch my Angel's name he said his name is charisma and so I call him my name sometimes when I'm preaching he praying out I'll turn around because I'll feel his presence and I'll say hello charisma I'm not her to reply but I know it's there I feel this I have felt him brush up against me I have felt you know doctor you were saying earlier you come into room you you you sense something's there I've never seen anything of that nature personally but I've certainly felt things that I turn your head sideways and think what's that yeah and not necessarily in a bad way in a in a comforting way what that is yeah I'm praying right now that you will get an understanding do you have access as a Christian to the supernatural realm you have access you can activate your angels in the name of Jesus I'm praying I'm believing God in Jesus mighty name now something very special for you and that is right here on this page you can click and get this faith declaration download it's a PDF it begins with I am dwelling in the secret place of the Most High I'm abiding under the shadow of the Almighty you are my fortress now this is Psalm 91 so on both sides it's free it's yours all you have to do is to click right there and you can download you can put it on your refrigerator you can put it in your pocket in your purse in your wallet on your wall or some other place in your home or in your office as a constant reminder of god almighty overshadowing you the angels of the Lord being and it speaks of the angels of the Lord the angels are watching over me and keeping me in all my ways because I have known your way that's part of Psalm 91 here it is on the front and here it is a little back it's yours and it's free just click right there and download it I pray and believe it'll be a blessing for you god bless you Jordan thanks for being a part of this contest each and every one of you see you next time don't forget to subscribe oh oh thank you okay so whenever we put up new videos if you subscribe to the channel which is just kind of at the bottom of this video there's a little button that says subscribe if you just click on it then it will tell you when we've put new videos teach me how to be this generation I show you remember how I show you you just click it so then it'll alert you and you'll tell me I got an alert that so-and-so put up a new video that's why because we subscribed to the channel so all they have to do is hit the subscribe button on our YouTube channel and then they can be updated short videos so if you've not subscribed you can click and you can subscribe that's good I can't do that god bless you see you next time
Channel: Richard Roberts
Views: 68,740
Rating: 4.9056911 out of 5
Keywords: Richard, Roberts, Healing, God, Christian, Angel, Jordan Roberts, Richard Roberts, guardian angel, supernatural, spiritual, angels, prayer, Q and A, protection, ministering, ministry, believers, born again, questions, spiritual questions, Jesus, minstry of angels, angelic, angelic ministry, Oral Roberts, Oral Roberts Ministry, Bible
Id: Dhyy1rFBIKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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