The Holy Spirit and Praying in Tongues | Richard Roberts

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all throughout the bible you'll find the moving of the holy spirit as i said if the holy spirit moved he is moving today and notice i'm referring to him as a person not as an it the holy spirit is a person he is the third person of the god of of the of the trinity he is the holy spirit god the father god the son god the holy spirit people say you christians you're worshiping three gods no we're not worshiping three gods we're worshiping one god who expresses himself in three different forms he expresses himself as a father he expresses himself as the son and he expresses himself as the holy spirit in the same way that you take water and you freeze it and it's solid you know you you can drink it and it's liquid or you can boil it and becomes a vapor but it's still water okay okay you understand okay so so the holy spirit moved and led god's people all the way through from genesis all the way to the book of malachi and you see abraham being led by the holy spirit you see isaac being led by the holy spirit you see jacob being led by the spirit you see joseph being led by the spirit you see the kings who would allow the holy spirit to lead them being being led by him you hear you hear the prophets prophesying by the holy spirit so so the holy spirit i'm saying this because there's some people who say that the holy spirit is not emphasized in the bible well it's probably because they haven't read the bible to see that he's been what he does okay so he is throughout the entire new testament okay the holy spirit's there now in the new testament we find jesus talking about the holy spirit saying it's better for you that i go away because if i don't go away the comforter the holy spirit cannot come so it's it's better for you if i go away if i go away i will send him he also said if i go away i will come back again that's why we know there's there's a great day coming and i believe it's soon okay so he said it's better for you that i go away so i can send the holy spirit now i want you to picture this scene one day jesus was standing over by the temple his disciples were with him you can read about it in the book of john it was the last great day of the feast the time of feasting when jews from that part of the world had come together for a great time of celebration in jerusalem and on that day the jewish historians and rabbis of today teach that the priests of that day would come out with large barrels of water and they would take the water and spill the water down the steps of the temple and the people in their exuberance began to dance before the lord in the water now that's the historical background of what was going on and jesus was standing there with his disciples watching this now i'm going to paraphrase what he said i'm going to put it in the richard roberts oklahoma language okay jesus said to them you think that water they're dancing in is something out of your belly it's going to flow rivers of living water and the bible says he was speaking of the holy spirit which had not yet been given because jesus had not yet been glorified okay so you need to understand the background of these scriptures what was going on why were the people excited and dancing because there was a time of celebration and he was comparing that to what we were going to feel when he released the holy spirit okay now now go on with me with him to the cross he cuts a new covenant in his shed blood for the remission of sin he takes on our sin and our shame so that we might be forgiven and have a pathway to salvation and he takes 39 stripes on his back one stripe for every healing that has ever been or will ever be known to mankind including covid okay including monkey pox [Laughter] or stupid pox or whatever i'm sorry i will not get political tonight i promise you i will not do it i'm not a politician i'm tempted but i'm not going to do it [Laughter] he is crucified dead and buried he's raised from the dead uh mary tells the disciples he's not there you know the angel had said to him as he stood by the stone which had been rolled away why do you search for the living among the dead he has risen she tells the disciples the disciples freak out they don't know what to do you know jesus had told them what was going to happen but they didn't believe him just like a lot of us and he starts showing himself alive to hundreds of people and he stands on the mount of olives he's about to ascend to his heavenly father after a number of days and he says to them you shall receive power after that though you read that in the book of acts after that the holy spirit has come upon you and you'll be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth now let's take those three places for for just a moment jerusalem jerusalem represents your home judea represents the places that you frequent samaria represents the places where it's tough maybe on your job or maybe somewhere else on your block or in your building or on your street where it's not easy to be a witness you'll be witnesses in your home places where you go and in the difficult places that's what jerusalem judea and samaria represent and then the whole world he said i'm going to ascend to heaven but i want you 120 of you i want you to go to a special room an upper room and i want you to tarry what does terry mean terry means wait i want you to wait i'm going to pour out the holy spirit which had been prophesied joel had prophesied it he had said in the last days i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh the young men shall dream dreams your old men just see visions and on my handmaidens you know that scripture he said i want you to go to that upper room and i want you to tear i want you to wait he said i want you to come together now the hardest thing in the world that i've ever experienced is getting christians to come together okay and if the group in that room were typical of christians it probably took them a while to come together and to drop all of their silly doctrinal differences and to focus on jesus and focus on the holy spirit and this is the problem that we have in the church today because there are those who say well if you don't dot your eye the way i dot my eye and if you don't cross your t the way i cross my t then i'm going to cast you out and that's how the denominations were formed in the first place because they thought they had a corner on god so they built their own little group and now if you're not a part of that group then you're cast out so jesus said terry or in other words come together and stay together until you get together out how long it took if they were typical christians it took a while for them to drop their silly doctrinal differences and focus on jesus and i'll tell you a story about that a little later on i don't know how long it took them to tarry and come together but but it took a period of time when suddenly there was a sound sound like a rushing mighty wind that came into the room and suddenly they were all filled with the holy spirit and they began to speak in tongues a heavenly language as the holy spirit gave them utterance it had never happened before in the old testament the holy spirit came upon men and women but in the new testament the holy spirit was going to come inside them okay and they began to speak in tongues as the holy spirit gave them utterance and when they came out of that room people heard them and they said what is this and peter replied this is that which was prophesied by joel in the last days i'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh he quoted that scripture i quoted you a moment ago and peter began to preach to them about jesus and what he did on the cross and how they should repent and receive christ as savior and 3 000 of them were born again and the church of jesus christ was born that day however peter did not have the understanding peter had the experience but he did not know how to explain what had happened to him and happened to the other disciples it took someone who was more learned it took someone who was deeper in the spirit a peter had been a rough old fisherman and he didn't know much except baits and hooks and things of that nature and and going out and walking the highways and byways with jesus and you know taking out a sword to cut off the high priest's servant's ear and he he was that kind of guy and peter was the kind of guy if you mess with him he cut you off you know like the guy out here on your highway it took the apostle paul who had been a zealous young man coming against christians he had stood by and held the coats of those who had stoned stephen to death so he had been an accessory to murder and he was on his way to damascus with letters from the high priests to persecute to jail and if even possible to kill other christians he was known as saul saul of tarsus he happened to be not only a jew but he was also a citizen of rome and on his way to damascus he was struck to the ground by a great light and a voice from heaven said to him saul why are you persecuting me and saul replied who are you lord and the voice replied i am jesus i'm the one you're persecuting and saul was blinded he couldn't see and the the lord said go into the city to a certain street to a certain house to a certain man by the name of ananias and he had to be led into town because he was blind and when he got there to ananias house it's possible that ananias may have been one of the very christian leaders that he was sent to persecute but ananias put out his arms took him in his arms and said brother saul which was a welcome in those days i accept you type of welcome took him in his arms prayed for him the bible says his the scales from his eyes fell or in other words the blindness was healed and he gave his heart to the lord and immediately was baptized in the holy spirit and paul or saul went off for a few years and the lord changed his name so he would no longer be referred to as saul but he referred to as paul which was his which was his greek name or roman name we might say and so we know him as the apostle paul not as saul in other words he had a new life and it was it was paul who wrote some two-thirds of the of the new testament wrote in letters it took a guy like that who probably was a member of the sanhedrin the greatest greatest council of elders in israel he was a highly educated person he was a very intelligent person he was a deep thinker and you can tell that by his writings it took someone like him to explain because god knows we need someone who can explain the holy spirit because there is so much confusion in the world today in in christianity because there are there are many christians who who do not believe that praying in tongues is scriptural they believe that it is heresy they believe that it's a joke and we who are pentecostals and charismatics are partly to blame because of the of our ignorance because a lot of us are like peter was we don't know how to explain the experience that we've had we and we don't know how to explain the benefits of the holy spirit and we have done a great deal of damage to the evangelical world because we don't know how to explain things uh for example uh as i grew up in the church in a little pentecostal church not my father's church because my father wasn't a pastor but i grew up in a little pentecostal church and they would say things like when did you get the holy ghost well i can tell you when i got the holy ghost i got the holy ghost when i got saved [Music] because you cannot become a christian without the holy spirit coming in and taking up residence and bearing witness in your heart okay so i don't have to go get someone i have already got so pentecost has made that mistake because evangelicals typically know the bible much better than pentecostals a lot of pentecostals and charismatics are like peter whereas the evangelicals are more like paul they know the scriptures they may not have a whole lot of life to them but they know the scriptures and the evangelicals know that the holy spirit comes in and bears witness with your spirit that you're a child of god and we pentecostals did not know how to explain the experience that we had and we took that word terry and we we made it something that it wasn't right when i grew up the formula you had was first you got saved and then you had to get sanctified i'm still trying to figure out what that means and then you had to tarry and you had to wait on the holy spirit you had to plead you had to beg god and you had to say you had to hold on or you had to let go all these things that they told you to do you know and then and then when the time came that you had a a few words of utterance you would think that you could put your badge on now and you could say i have now i have the holy spirit i've spoken in tongues with the initial evidence and i never have to do it again that's that's how many of us pentecostals and charismatics grew up in the 1950s and 60s that's what was taught and it's not scriptural it's not what the bible says when i um when i was a boy and my father was preparing to build the university we would go out on the track of land that we had purchased and paid down on and he would walk through the trees praying begging god to show him how to build a university god had said to him build me a university build it on my authority build it on the holy spirit and raise up your students to hear my voice and to go where my light is seen dim where my voice is heard small where my power is not known even to the uttermost bounds of the earth and their work will exceed yours and in that i am well pleased that's branded inside of me i was there the day that it happened and he would walk through those trees with the rabbits and the birds and the squirrels and i had my bicycle out riding my bicycle through the trees and i could hear him praying saying god i could hear him saying god i don't have any money i don't have any buildings i don't have any curriculum i don't have any faculty i don't have any students all i have is a piece of ground that i paid down on how how can i do what you've called me to do and the reason i'm telling you the story is there are some of you who've been told to do things and you don't know how you're going to do it and it's easy to say you're going to do it by the holy spirit but that's how you are going to do it but you've got to understand how the holy spirit works and he was crying out to god when god spoke to him and said son do you have the holy spirit he said well yes and the lord said to him do you know what you have and he said to the lord i can remember it he said well lord if you ask me that question i must not know what i have he said you have the unlimited power of god he said you have jesus other self unlimited to time and space he said when jesus my son was on the earth he was limited to time and space he'd only be one place at a time he couldn't be in nazareth and jerusalem at the same time but the holy spirit is omnipresent he is omnipotent he is omniscient he knows and sees everything and is every place at the same time he can be in you and he can be in me at the same time and he said oral roberts do you pray in tongues and my father admitted what he had been taught and that is that you pray in tongues primarily after the initial evidence you primarily pray in tongues at two times one when you're extremely happy and the other when you're extremely sad when you're happy with exuberance and you can just launch into tongues or when you're really sad and you don't know what to do and you're at the depths that's when you pray in tongues but most of life is between those two places most of life is not on the mountaintop or in the bottom of the valley most of life is somewhere in the middle and at that time i guess i was about uh 10 or so 10 11. he had a second home in uh southern california and he would go there and base himself from july 1st until thanksgiving and because he had a fever and in oklahoma the hay fever in especially august september and october is so bad it's hard to breathe sometimes for some people some people have a terrible time breathing and he had that against him so he had a second home in in southern california and he based himself there from july 1 until thanksgiving and so i would go to school in california until thanksgiving and i would transfer and finish the rest of the year in oklahoma and i did that for years and while we're out there he met a man by the name of ralph wilkerson some of you may know that name pastor ralph wilkerson and his wife aline i was telling them last night aileen thought she was my second mother she thought i was her son lovely lady and ralph at that time pastored a great church in orange which was about 30 minutes inland up by anaheim near disneyland and ralph was the most knowledgeable man that my father knew concerning the holy spirit and so as we were building the university just starting out each day that summer that we were there ralph would come to our home about ten o'clock in the morning and stay until about two o'clock in the afternoon for probably a month every day seven days a week except for sunday when he had pastored his church and they and they would and they would uh study and pray and learn about the holy spirit because my father had a job to do and he didn't know how to do it and as they did that in the flash of a second god showed him as he prayed in tongues how to get the money how to build the buildings how even though he was an architect how to design the buildings himself how to get the students how to get a faculty how to get a curriculum and i know it's true because i graduated three times i got my bachelor's degree i got my master's degree i got my doctor's degree from from that you know what i'm thinking dr ogle who's with me reminds me of something that i did one night live on television i was talking about the university and i i said yeah i got my bastard's degree there i said you can get your bastard's degree you get your masters you can get your doctorate and i wonder why people started laughing i didn't realize what i'd said and that at the time jeff was uh was one of my deans of uh of the university and he came the next day and she said you know president roberts i i've looked real hard i can't find any bachelor's degrees in our whole school oh my things you say on television uh but anyway uh and so brother brother wilkerson came over just for for at least a month every day and they studied and they prayed and i was in a lot of those meetings in those years i was probably probably 12 by then and we had a very small house a little three-bedroom u-shaped house by the water by the ocean and so i heard it i could hear them talking throughout the house and so i was learning by osmosis it was getting into my spirit okay learning and so college time came for me and i shared that with you last night how i decided to go somewhere else i didn't want to go to the school my father had had built because i wasn't interested in god i went off to the university of kansas and that's where i got sick and that's where i was hospitalized as i shared last night and but when i came home after kenneth copeland had prophesied that i would come home it was two years later i came home and the night that i gave my heart to the lord i went back to the dormitory and there was a group of young men across the hall praying and they were praying in tongues now i had heard that all of my life as i was raised in pentecostal and charismatic services and i was a part with my father in helping to found the full gospel businessmen's fellowship which was a men's business organization uh to help people help men not only get saved but also to be baptized in the holy spirit it was founded by demas shakira and my father was the very first speaker in their very first conference at clifton's cafeteria in los angeles my father had announced on a friday night in his los angeles crusade that uh the next morning we're going to have a businessman's breakfast and all of you men come to the cafeteria this is demon shakira and he's going to start a new business organization called the full gospel businessmen's fellowship international i'm going to be the first speaker he said and the next morning several thousand men showed up and that's how full gospel businessmen got started my dad helped him start it and was the main speaker for i guess at least 30 or 40 years every year in their major in their major conferences and i'll usually go and sing in fact that's where i met kathryn kuhlman but i just gave my heart to the lord i went back to the dorm and this these guys were next across the hall they were praying i could hear them in there but they weren't speaking in english now as i said i'd been i had been associated with people and i'd grown up in the church and i'd heard people praying in tongues but i had never prayed in tongues i'd never had a desire to pray in tongues and this this group of young men had invited me into their room into their prayer meeting a number of times that semester but i'd always turned them down and so this night however i just given my heart to the lord and so when they asked me i said yes so i went into the room and i said what are you doing i knew what they were doing and they said we're praying in tongues would you like to pray in tongues too i said yes and they said let us help you i said well how can you help me and they said well just start with us and i said well how can i start with you i don't know what you're doing i don't know how you're doing it i don't know what to say they said well just open your mouth and begin to say what we say and i said well now that doesn't sound right i don't want to parrot you i don't want to just mimic you he said no no one young man looked at me and said something i'll never forget he said let us prime your pump [Laughter] and i remembered i remember that when i was a boy we lived on a farm outside the city of tulsa and we had an old water well on the property and in order to get the pump to work you had to prime it and there was a little jar of water that was left there and you had to pour some water in if you wanted to get some water out and you had to prime the pump in order to get water to come up and when he said that i remembered that experience and i knew what he was talking about he said start with us begin to say what we say and god sovereignly will take you into your own language i said okay and i began with them and then all of a sudden some words that i hadn't thought of that were different than them started coming out of my mouth they were unusual i hadn't thought of them it sounded like some kind of mumbo jumbo and then one of the young men said now stop and begin to pray in english and see what comes out of your mouth in english and so i stopped and the first thing i thought of i said and i shocked myself what i said because i could tell what i was saying in english did not come out of my brain and i said hey hey that's different and they said we'll do it again and so i said a few more unintelligible syllables this time a few more syllables came out and then i stopped and i began praying in english again and they said the more you do this the more you'll be able to do this now i didn't understand theologically what i understand today i had an experience but i began praying in tongues every day and i learned that the more i prayed in tongues the more i could pray in tongues i i learned it's like when you when you're a child you you the more you speak the more word you learn and and more kept coming out of me i did not know how to explain in those days what i'm explaining now and i began to study and i got with my father and he began to pour into me what i'm pouring into you and he taught me that when the holy spirit comes in the book of romans chapter 8 tells us that the holy spirit in every believer is interceding which means the holy spirit is praying inside of you and he's praying seven days a week he's praying 24 hours a day he is interceding the bible says he maketh intercession he is praying and he is praying in god's perfect will and how many of you want to be able to pray in god's perfect will not praying your thoughts but praying the thoughts of god and when you pray you wonder is that god's will or or not or that me but when you're praying in tongues you are praying in god's perfect will and the holy spirit is not only praying in god's perfect will but he's also searching the heart in other words he is delving deep down inside of you way down where jesus talked out of your belly i'm not talking about your stomach talking about your belly there's a difference in the stomach and the belly the belly is where you feel things the stomach is where you loosen your belt because you had too much dinner belly is where you feel things your belly when you feel happy where you feel it when you're sad where do you feel it this is where you feel things the holy spirit is delving down into your belly and he's pulling up that which you don't know how to say you don't know how to get out of you you don't know how to get it to god because you've been hit you've been hurt you've been struck you've been maligned you've been lied on you've been stolen from you've been cheated and all that is festering down on the inside of you but the holy spirit can go deep down inside of you and pull that up now when i say pull it up let me just stop and say when i got saved when i prayed that sinner's prayer in my bedroom with my dad i felt something coming up i didn't realize that was the holy spirit which means you don't have to tarry you don't have to wait the instant you're born again the holy spirit is in you you can pray in tongues that day i didn't know that but it happened to me and that's why i can tell it to you that's why i know it's so real because that's how i was baptized in the holy spirit i didn't have to wait three weeks i didn't have to roll around on the floor i didn't have to beg god i didn't have to say turn loose let go i didn't have to say all those things i'd have to terry i have to wait no it was an instantaneous experience it happened the same day within three or four hours after i was born again you know and a lot of christians i was taught that you had to wait you had to wait and wait months you know before you were worthy to be baptized in the holy spirit that's not true that's not true and in that in that room that day everything changed in my life and what i learned was that the holy spirit in me is interceding and he is taking that for which there is no equivalent in human speech up out of me he's taking it to god and when i pray when he does that i then can tap into his prayer i can join in his prayer and i can do it any time i want to i am unrestricted i can open my mouth at any time night or day and begin to tap into his prayer because he is seat he is interceding seven days a week 24 hours a day i can shia bra i can begin to pray in tongues any time i want now the problem is and we just read it when i do that i don't know what i'm saying i'm speaking the mysteries of god i feel better i am edified but i don't have any information to go along with it and that's where many christians have left it they just have made it a feel better experience but they leave the church with the same problem they had when they came in so paul took it personally in the later on in the 14th chapter when he said what will i do now that's how you know the difference between the operation of the gift of tongues and your daily devotional prayer language and this is another terrible mistake that we pentecostals and charismatics have made historically we have talked about having the gift of tongues instead of talking about having the prayer language of the holy spirit because the gift of tongues is one of the nine sovereign gifts of god that the apostle paul describes in first corinthians chapter 12 and those gifts are sovereign and are only manifested when god says they're going to manifest you cannot decide to operate in a gift of tongues any more than i could decide when god's going to give me a word of knowledge no he decides that okay and we need to understand that paul differentiated before he was talking about an operation of the gift of tongues that operates in churches a public display with someone who had an operation of the interpretation of tongues but he changed when he said what will i do he said i will pray in the spirit and i will pray with the understanding also now that's when the light bulb came on in me when i understood that i had the right as a christian to pray in tongues anytime i wanted to night or day and then i could stop and pray in english and i would get ideas and insights and concepts and new things new ways of doing things from god that i couldn't think of on my own so i've told people all over the world i told the pastors in pakistan just two weeks ago the holy spirit is my secret weapon i can pray in tongues anytime night or day and then i can stop and pray in english and i get understanding i know what to do i know where to go and i know what to say when i get there because on my own i don't have the information i'm just not that smart i've got to have help and the holy spirit is the helper he is the divine paraclete in greek which means one called alongside to help not just to be with you but to be in you and this is a message that i have been trying to get into the lives of these pastors i told you last night i was going to share a story about a presbyterian minister remember well this presbyterian minister in pakistan came to this meeting why i don't know why he came i don't know but he contacted me after the conference was over and he said brother roberts i have preached against the baptism of the holy spirit my entire ministry but i felt an unction to come and to hear you and i taught just like i'm teaching you tonight and he said as you began to teach you had us do what i'm going to have you do in a minute like we did last night we're going to stand and we're going to release the holy spirit in us i did that with those 15 000 pastors and many of them began praying in tongues uh having more fluidity or fluency i might say and others who'd never prayed in tongues began to pray in tongues it was a glorious time he said i stood as you did that and he said to my amazement suddenly i began speaking in tongues he said i have preached against this all my ministry life and he said honestly i didn't know what to do he said i went home and i went into my prayer room in my home and i began to pray in tongues again he said my wife and my two children came in both of all three of them were baptized in the holy spirit he said i got so excited i went to my church on sunday and i preached what you preached he said half of my church was baptized in the holy spirit he said the next night two of my elders came and said you were wrong you're a heretic we're going to turn you into the headquarters we're going to defrock you take your papers away and he said i became very frightened he said i began to pray in tongues and as i prayed in tongues i stopped and prayed in english and i heard the lord say don't worry about them i'll take care of them the next night the elders came back to his house and said we're so sorry we repent and both of them were baptized in the holy spirit it's happening all over the world it's happening in pakistan a muslim nation it's happening in india it's happening with the group we're working with in in the ukraine it's happening in africa it's happening at the north pole you ask me if i've been to the arctic i preached in the cow you went up near the north pole i preached outside 15 degrees when i finished the microphone was frozen to my hand could get my hand open i preached for an hour i never moved my hand my hand froze on the microphone in a caluette one of the coldest places on earth when it gets down to 60 below zero it was only about 10 degrees when i was there and i preached outside standing on an iceberg but i've been preaching this message wherever i go and it is the most practical thing that i've ever done in my life i don't i don't do it publicly as a general rule because i'm not trying to impress anybody i don't go in and say look at me i have the holy spirit no no i don't wear a bad say look at me i'm baptized the holy spirit no no i'm talking about it publicly i'm going to demonstrate it tonight because i want to help teach you most of the time when i pray in tongues you'll never know it because i'm i'm doing it very quietly this morning in the hotel room i was praying in tongues before i came to the service this afternoon i was praying in tongues as we were back in that back room uh getting ready for the service i was praying in tongues as you all were singing i was praying in tongues because i didn't know exactly how the lord wanted me to go with this i do it all the time and then i stop and i begin to pray in english and when i do i get understanding i know what to do i know what to say because he is the teacher and he is the guide and this experience has transformed my life and i'll never be the same again and i'm grateful to ralph wilkerson for what i learned by osmosis when i was a boy when he was at our home i'm grateful to my father who poured these scriptures into me and i'm grateful that i took the time to study them out myself and i'm grateful that i had that experience when i was just 19 and i've carried it through all the way now the problem that i faced was that over the years i let it i let it wane i let it kind of go lax i didn't do it as much and i kind of got into a routine of not praying in tongues every day and then i met and married lindsay and lindsay was on fire for god and and she was a holy spirit person and she prayed in tongues all the time she prayed in tongues over everything everything that moved she prayed over her tongue and we get in the bed at night and we start praying she start praying in tongues and she just dropped a hat and i i said to her how do you do that i had forgotten i had let it go and she said well let me help you and she began to pour into me again what i have poured into you tonight and pretty soon i was doing it again in the same way and then a few years later after my first our first born child richard oro died in my arms in the intensive care unit of the st john's hospital in tulsa after only being alive for 36 hours with everyone i knew praying for his healing when he died in my arms i reached the lowest point of my life and the only thing i knew to do was pray in tongues and we held each other and we cried until there were no more tears and then we got the dry heaves where you you heave and you try to cry but no tears come and all we could do was hold each other and pray in tongues and as we prayed in tongues i heard myself say in english the lord knows something about this that you don't know and we took that word that came as an interpretation because paul has said let him who prays in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret we took that interpretation and we tried to rebuild ourselves again i was headed to nigeria for a crusade which turned out to be one of the largest crusades of my life and lindsay was going to go with me but our bigger partner lindsay was going to stay home because we expected that she would be taking care of a new baby and i was supposed to go about two weeks after the time of the child's birth and when our child died and we put his body in the ground i stood before our entire student body at the memorial service and i said by the spirit even if god were to slay me yet will i serve him but i was broken and i was hurting and i i said i'm going to cancel the crusade to nigeria and lindsay said oh no you're not and i said yes i am and she said no no you're not going to cancel the the crusade and i don't know about you but i always get the last two words at my house yes honey any man who says he's boss at his house will lie about other things too she said no you're not going to cancel it and what's more than that i'm going with you well she just had a child two weeks before and we just put his body in the ground i said honey you can't i can't subject you to that this is going to be a rough trip we're going to a rough part of the world and because the northern part of nigeria where we're going primarily muslim it's a it's a rough area and she said i'm going that's the bottom line i'm going with you and while we were there we ministered to so many people who had lost children and she had said to me she had pointed her finger at me and said don't ever ask me to get pregnant again now she had already had two or i think two miscarriages before we lost richard oral so she had been pregnant at least three times and no children and god had prophesied over us and said you will have children and we wanted children but we were all having was miscarriages and a dead baby and i couldn't blame her when she pointed at me and said don't ever ask me to get pregnant again but when we got back from nigeria after all the experiences we had there and all the great miracles we saw she looked at me and she said let's let's try one more time and jordan came along and she's 36 and olivia came along she's 34 and chloe who we call oral roberts in a dress [Laughter] she's a little fireball my chloe she's the baby she's 33. she used to line up her dolls and she would she she we said she benny henned them she'd walk up and she'd lay hands on one knock her with him down and then she'd raise him up she's my little fireball oh my goodness but that came because we prayed in tongues and that's how we got through and i can't think of any experience that you have had or are having or will ever have that you won't get help by praying in tongues it's the most practical thing you can ever do and the reason i'm sharing it tonight is not to say hey look at me i speak in tongues now paul said i speak in tongues more than you all and i wish you did now he didn't make it a commandment okay some years ago when i was during the time i was the 14 years that i was president of the university a group of presbyterian ministers came and asked to meet with me there were six of them they had all gone to seminary together and once a year they got together in one of the cities of where their churches were and these were churches of four to six seven thousand people big churches and they were coming to tulsa to one of the large churches there for the meeting because one of the six was from tulsa and they called it ask if they would meet with me and i thought it's very interesting if they want to meet with me these are presbyterian pastors and so they came out on campus and we spent about three hours together and you know what they want to talk about they want to ask me about healing they want to ask about the holy spirit and they want to ask about seed faith it's amazing the three things that god's given me to minister on and and i i i shared with him like i'm sharing with you about the holy spirit and when it was all done one of the pastors put his hand up and said said dr roberts i hear everything you're saying i've never prayed in tongues i don't pray in tongues how do you feel about me and it was a it was a classic moment and i looked at him in the eye and i said sir have you believed on jesus he said oh yes i love him with all my heart i said then we're brothers that's all there is to it we're brothers paul never made it a commandment he said i do it more than you all and i wish that you did and he left it there it's not a commandment and i've helped many people to release the prayer language that is already in them and also i've had some people who weren't interested it's up to them i don't do it because i'm better than anybody else i do it because i need help i don't know what to pray for as i ought but the holy spirit knows stand up on your feet tonight now tonight you have you have received i hope you've received you have received the best that i've got concerning the holy spirit i'm not leaving anything on the table i'm giving you the best of everything that i have learned and i have experienced in my life and what i'm seeing happen around the world and i'm honored to be able to do it most of you probably already pray in tongues but you may not do it on a regular basis some of you may have never prayed in tongues but you could start tonight all you have to do is let me prime your pump [Laughter] amen you start with me and let god take you into your own language let us just begin praying in the spirit now that's it open your mouth it won't happen with your mouth closed now stop remember paul said i will pray with the spirit and i will pray with the understanding also which means you can start and you can stop at will and i've been in services where people were out of order where they would begin jumping up and praying in tongues in a service and pray for an hour in tongues and were totally out of line and we had to usher them out of the service because they made an emotional thing out of it but paul said no it's on he said i determine which means i will i decide i will pray in the spirit i'll stop and then i'll pray in english or my own language and his it would have been hebrew or whatever he spoke at the time okay or latin so you can start and you can stop just the same way you take the faucet in your sink and you can turn it on and you can turn it off you can turn on the water you can turn off the water it's under the control of your will okay now let's do it again casa foreign now stop and begin to pray in english the first word that god gives you the first thing that comes into your mind the first thing say it out loud the first thing all right now begin to pray in tongues again hashtag out of your belly is now flowing rivers of living water that's the holy spirit you're tapping into his prayer the very first thing that comes to your mind now my friends at abundant life if you'll do this on a regular basis your prayer life will change suddenly you'll get information that you've never had before when my father began to do this suddenly he knew how to do what god showed him to do and when i do it suddenly i know what god wants me to do i get information and the more i do it the better i can do it you know it's like when you learn a language when you learn another language the more you speak it the better you can speak it it's not just a sometime thing it's not something that i do once every two or three weeks it's something that i do every day i don't have to think about it i just do it right i'm not trying to get anybody's attention i'm only doing it tonight out loud as a demonstration for you for your benefit let's do it one more time pray in tongues again santa now begin to pray in english the first thing that god gives you for do you not know that by my spirit i created all these things and do you not know that when you pray in the spirit just like the man of god shared with you tonight that i will move heaven and earth in your behalf and you have understanding like you've never had now that's what came as an interpretation for what i just prayed in tongues now yours may be different but that's what that's what came to came into my mind you get new ideas you get new insight you get new concepts and new ways of doing things that you've never been able to do before it will revolutionize your life and where does he live he doesn't live here he doesn't live in your heart people say i've got the holy spirit my heart bull honky you don't have the holy spirit i cleaned that up just for you here's where he lives put your hands right here here's where he lives not your stomach your belly out of your belly right here that's where he lives and that's where he's pulling up all that that's in you and then you can tap into that prayer and you'll never be the same again now raise your right hand and say tonight i learned something about the holy spirit his activity in me i prayed in tongues and i'm going to pray with my own language and the more i do it the better i'm going to do it i'll have more ability i have more fluency i'll practice it on a regular basis in jesus name not to be a show it's for my own daily devotions in jesus name now somebody give praise to the lord [Applause] [Applause] [Music] transform your life praise god hallelujah okay now uh tomorrow morning i'm going to minister the third message in this series on seed faith how many times do i remember standing with my father when god had spoken to build a building and we didn't have one penny i was telling pastor last night he was remarking about being in some of our services years ago in the maybe center in tulsa named after john d maybe who was an oil man in oklahoma he gave the first million dollar gift to build that building and it cost five million dollars and that was in 1972 no telling how much five million dollars is today in today's money but you know it's worth a lot more than five million dollars probably we're somewhere around 30 40 million to build that building now but we had a vision from god to build that building and three or four of us took shovels we went out on that field at 81st and louis in tulsa and we dug a little hole and we each took money out of our pockets and we threw 220 dollars in cash on the dirt and we prayed in tongues and said god this is our seed and we believe that a building is going to come out of the ground and we built that building for cash we never borrowed a dime and it's still standing today one of the great buildings in that part of the country we learned how it seats uh well for a for an event for a basketball to seated ten thousand five hundred for a speaking event we see twelve thousand when elvis holds the the record actually no he didn't hold the record he's second elvis came twice that's where i met him he came twice he he filled the building but the building records held by catherine coleman she not only filled the building but she filled every office around the building she got 14 000 in the building as i was there i sang in that meeting i'll tell you about her tomorrow okay i i knew catherine very well about what i know about the word of knowledge i learned from catherine i traveled with her for several years so tomorrow morning is going to be concerning seed faith and i'm going to share some secrets with you and then tomorrow night is going to be a holy ghost blow out [Music] you don't want to miss tomorrow you might have to you might have to call squad cars out tomorrow night okay we're going to have a hallelujah service tomorrow night but tomorrow morning is on seed faith god bless you all
Channel: Miller Ministries
Views: 182,049
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Keywords: tongues of fire, tongues, praying in the spirit, prayer in tongues, richard roberts, richard roberts healing, richard roberts ministry, richard roberts sermons, #oral roberts son, #richard roberts tongues, richard roberts praying in tongues, #richard roberts pray in the spirit, richard roberts gift of tongues, richard roberts pray in tongues, richard roberts speaking in tongues, richard roberts holy spirit, richard roberts outpouring of the holy spirit
Id: CZD60nGlv58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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