- This is not sponsored. Let's talk shutter speed, aperture, ISO, all three things that you
need to know how to use without even thinking about it
if you're doing photography. Let's compare it to this bowl of cereal. Let's call it the shutter speed. I could eat it like this. It's not the best, but it works. It's definitely better now. Let's call that milk the aperture. But I'm still missing something. A spoon. Now all three, a much better experience. I can enjoy this cereal the
way it was meant to be enjoyed. It's gonna work better for me. It's easier to eat. Tastes better. Makes sense. All three things compliment
each other perfectly. (upbeat music) (techno music) What's up everybody? Peter McKinnon here. And welcome back to yet
another Two Minute Tuesday. It's so great to have you here and see all of your smiling faces. Today we're talking camera basics. Gonna try and keep it to two minutes. Can't make any promises. But I'm feeling good about it. The cereal analogy to help
those of you that don't understand that shutter
speed, aperture, and ISO all compliment each other. You can't use one without
using the other properly. You need all three of them. So to take great photos
and be fully manual and proficient with your
camera, your new camera, or maybe your old camera,
maybe you're getting back into photography. Those three things, that's six. Those three things are super important and they go together. So let's start with shutter speed. Shutter speed controls so
many aspects of photography. If you wanna get someone running fast pace and you wanna stop that action and make sure that photo's clear. Maybe you're taking photo's of your kids or your pets and they're
running around really fast, and you wanna make sure
that they're not blurry, having a high shutter
speed opens that shutter and closes it really, really
fast, stopping the action. So let's throw two minutes on the clock. Good luck to me. So breaking it down one by one. Shutter speed. Here's an example of me just doing a straight up jumping
jack to keep things easy. We'll shoot this at one over 320. So that's 320th of a second. (camera click) Boom, that's super fast. You'll notice everything
is nice and sharp. Good to go. Now, if we shoot that photo again, let's drop the shutter down to a 60th. That's much slower. (camera click) So it's opening and
closing over more time. But that also let's my limbs
and things move in frame because that shutter's not
capturing it fast enough. So you'll notice there's
a bit of image blur. A good example of a shutter
speed moving from fast to slow. Is take a look at this
small little water fall here with the water pouring over. A fast shutter speed stops that action. You can see the water clearly. But if you slow that shutter
speed down to even like half a second it captures
half a second of that flow of water making it look like this. So you can see how shutter speeds affect not only just portraits but landscapes and other items as well. Now aperture kind of has
two uses in photography. Yes, it lets a ton of light
in so you can get those nice bright images and
have fast shutter speeds. But it's also gonna
change what's happening in the background. If you're shooting a
landscape, you wanna be able to see that whole entire landscape sharp, perfectly clear, good to go. So you wanna make sure that aperture is something like eight or 11
or 22 or really, really high to make sure you're capturing detail. So look at this portrait for example. This was captured with the aperture at F14 is what it is called. So that's a really, really,
small opening of light. But all the detail is there. Everything in the background. But we don't wanna see all
this stuff in the background. It's not the most pleasing background. So if we open that aperture all the way up as wide as it goes to 1.4,
it's gonna make everything in the background not in focus. Now, we're gonna have
tons of light coming in because it's opened all the way. So we'll have to make
that shutter speed faster, so it's not capturing as much light. And then when you combine
those two things together you get an image like this. (techno music) The background is more shallow. It puts more focus on the subject. The portrait, the item
that you're shooting, the person that you're shooting. And that's where those
two things come together. Now, like we've mentioned
before different lenses are going to give you different results. Not every single lens
can open up super wide. Some are longer than others. Some are short. There's a myriad of different lenses that do different effects. That's why we change lenses. That's why certain lenses
evoke certain emotions. That's why certain lenses
are used for sports. Certain lenses are used for
documentaries and movies. And that's what makes
this whole art form fun. Because there's so many different tools to tell so many different
types of stories. Depending on what you're interested in. Now where ISO comes into play is mostly in low light
situations, indoors, at night. And then on top of that if
we don't have enough light, we can crank up the ISO. For those of you who used to shoot film back in the film days, you
would buy certain ISO films. 400 ISO film, 800 ISO film. The best way to explain ISO
it's kinda like explaining it as fake light. It's the sensitivity to the image sensor. The actual device in your camera that's capturing the photo. When we're changing the
ISO we're changing the sensitivity of that sensor to light. So just think of it as fake light. You're inside, you've
got your shutter speed where you want it, your aperture is as wide open as it can be but you still need a little more light. But if you got nothing
else you can crank that ISO and technically ad fake
light to your photo. It brightens it up. But with each increment of ISO the brighter it gets, the more you use it, the worse the image becomes. The more grainy it becomes. The more pixilated it becomes. Noisy images is what it's
commonly referred to. Now the better the camera is the better they are in low light. The higher ISO's they can
shoot at without getting grainy or noisy. So my recommendation to you is that if you are beginning in photography and you are learning these things, learn them well. Make sure that you know your aperture, your shutter speed, and your ISO. When you know those three things so well you can look at a scene,
you can look at a photo and instantly say, oh my
shutter speed was too high, oh my aperture wasn't opened wide enough, that lens isn't fast enough. I could probably bump the ISO. When you know by just
by looking at a photo how to fix it, that's
when you should move on to the next step. It's like any other skill in your life that you've just forgotten about. When you put your shoes
on you don't think about how you're putting them on. You just put them on and you go. So that's it for me guys. I hope you liked this video. I hope you got something out of it. I'm gonna try and sprinkle
in camera basics videos here and there. There's a large audience. I don't think everyone's
at the same skill set. So I think it's important
to try to kinda curate some of this content to help people that are further along, and
people that are just starting or somewhere in the middle. Or maybe not sure if they're interested. And that's the reason
for a video like this because I realized I don't have anything like this. So I hope it helped you out. Hit that like button if you did. Subscribe if you aren't already. And, and, I will see you
guys in the next video. (techno music)