The Secret Sauce of Great Guitar Playing

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now that we're far enough into 2024 we can give up on the Superfluous resolutions that you've made like being a better person or getting in shape and just focus on the guitar part so today we're talking about getting away from open chords but doing the same stuff in the same key with stuff that is a lot more fun to play a lot more engaging and we can move everything around in any key all right so we're going to do this in the supplemental people's key the key of C real people's key is the key of G we're do this in the key of C and we're going to do that progression that everybody knows which is C major to G major to a minor to F major it's like that one chord progression like you've seen the annoying YouTube videos like play a 100 songs with this one stupid chord progression but we're going to make it cool it's not going to be annoying like those dumb YouTube videos this is going to be a cool guy YouTube video all right so first we're going to replace some of these chords with extended chords of the same class what that means is instead of playing C major like this which you've done a million times and you're getting bored of quite frankly we're going to do it like this okay C major 7 in the classiest position the third to the fifth fret the the fourth and fifth fret might be Uncharted Territory for you but here we go this is actually just as easy as playing a C major open chord in fact probably a little easier because you don't have to stretch as far it's pointer finger third fret on the a string ring finger fifth fret on the D string middle finger fourth fret on the G string pinky fifth fret on the B string now you can get this open e on top if you want not necessary I'm playing this finger style because you can that a little more Panache get that hit right so we're going to go from this to a G chord but we're not going to do the people's G chord we're going to do the same position right here now a lot of you are thinking like this is a bar chord you've tricked me I've already been tricked 2 minutes into this video this isn't a bar chord look it's actually the third fret on the E string fifth fret On A and D middle finger G and that's where it ends you can leave the top two strings open look at that right there leave it open let it ring out or just use your fingers or your pick or whatever and just focus on those bottom four strings right the thing about guitar playing that like a lot of people don't realize it first myself included you don't have to play all the strings you can get selective of it and then just kind of you know focus on maybe sounds and parts that you want to hit so from here to here also to I like getting that b in there because again that's the same thing as having open B here but now we're doing it in a way that is going to line up with a lesson I taught a couple days ago about using the minor pentatonic scale along with your chords which we're going to get to in a second but not quite yet all right so stick with me we got C to G which doesn't sound so different from C to G but these are alternatives right C major 7 to G major now here's the trick if you've if youve followed me for a while you know that minor 11 cores are the secret sauce that every guitar player needs to know sounds like a great title to a YouTube clickbait video The Secret Sauce right here minor 11 all right middle finger on the A on the E string which is the fifth frat we're skipping the a string or you can leave it open if you want but we're getting ring finger and Pinky on the fifth frow of the D and the G string so there's a minor 7 chord minor 11 chord secret sauce right there third fret of the B string okay now the nice thing about the shape is look at like my hand right there's the one chord c major the five chord g major the sixth chord a minor there's not a lot of movement there right I mean especially and especially if you just do the regular Minor 7 whereas here ah ah ah ah it's so much why do we make people do so much in the beginning we're changing the game rewriting all the rules C major 7 G major with that open string on top a minor 11 it already sounds so much snappier and now it's like oh that F major bar chord is coming no it's not I mean it could you could use that same shape for the G and then just have a open F but then open f with a b and it sounds a little dodgy which again if that's your Vibe no judgment you know what I mean we're just we're just here vibing however weird you want to make it it's okay with me but we're going to make it major 7 because that's just what I love to do so pointer finger first fret on the low E string and then you're making an A Minor with your other fingers right you can make it like this here's a minor make a a minor without your poter finger you end up going ring finger 2D pinky 2G middle finger 1 B and then wrap your pulling your finger there again way easier but also adds a perspective like oh an F major 7 is really an F underneath an A minor chord right all this stuff will start making a lot more sense especially if you sign up for my patreon real quick note about the patreon I I don't do a great job of plugging this but it's not like your typical YouTuber patreon where's like you get access to my to my videos 53 minutes early if you just give me free money no that's stupid the patreon is actually just a way for me to like have an entire comprehensive list of lessons from your very first guitar lesson hundreds of lessons deep so it's a lot of stuff you can cancel after one month like if you if you want to brush up on your theory it's a great way to do that try it for a month cancel it it's fine I'm not going to be mad if you cancel I'm happy that you're learning check out the patreon link in the description also a full set list of songs on there and how I play them to get live gigs is on there too so get it patreon amazing learn all the music the Theory and the guitar exercises that you want but here we go so now we've got C major 7 to G to a minor 11 to F major 7 instead of which sounds great open chords I'm not mad at you you know you're doing great but maybe you're just kind of a little bored with that and of course I'm playing with more Panache to get my point across OB L now the last thing we're going to do before we start spicing it up with lead notes is we're going to replace that last chord that F major chord with another F major chord but guess what you already know it it's that first chord this shape is just a major 7 shape that happens to be C major we can move this to the eighth fret where the eighth fret um the a string is an f and now it's an F major 7even chord so this chord and this chord are the same thing but guess what they have a totally different vibe so what I think sounds really cool is replacing the fourth chord in any progression with another voicing of that same chord and then you get like a lot more movement and Vibe for example see a minor second time [Music] around see it kind of like adds a little bit of variety and as you know variety is the spice of life I don't know if I agree with that I feel like spice is actually the spice of life but variety is good to have too uh let's start adding some cool lead stuff to it why not if you watch that video I did a few days ago which I'll link in the description why not it's using the minor pentatonic to spice things up now I just can't get the the word spice out of my head but minor pentatonic in a minor or C major same difference which you would know that if you sign up for the patreon is 58575 75758 58 so we can use these like middle 57 57 57 to spice any of these things up so we could do is add space to it and then fill that space with these notes in any kind of way for example c g a f then maybe the next [Music] time and again that was kind of fast but because I just had a giant cold beo coffee so I'm talking at warp speed which everybody loves in it beered to intermediate guitar video right but think of just like all right maybe if I want to count it play with a backing track that's really cool play with a metronome if you want backing tracks are far superior or just a drum machine just a drum Loop is way better than a metronome in my opinion maybe just strum the C chord and then get into the 57 57 57 adg Hot Zone one 2 3 and four and g 2 3 and four and a 2 3 and four and 1 2 in fact that's a good exercise maybe let's just take this 5757 as the three and four and okay so 1 2 3 and 4 and g 2 3 and 4 and a 2 3 and 4 and f 2 3 and four and and again does it sound super musical not really but I think getting in the the vibe of chord into a shape really sets yourself up [Music] or and then once you kind of get in the just the vibe of like all right you know I've got this chord and I can jump into this spot fairly quickly right and again that's what Bor pentatonic is great because you can just line your lead finger your pointer finger up with anything and then you're like all right there it is fifth fret anything goes right talk about judgment free zone minor pentatonic does not judge you can rip it in country you can rip it in hipop you can rip it in bluegrass always does the trick right there's one spot that it does a trick better than anywhere else though and that's on my patreon page so check that out in the meantime we're going to move this entire thing this is really just a 1 five 6 4 progression why that is is because in the key of C CDE e f g a b those are the seven notes one C CDE e f g five one to five C to G six a comes after G in the musical alphabet not the real alphabet six and then four CDE e f so 1 5 6 4 now if you see this as like the root notes you're going 3 a 3 e 5 e 1 E this is kind of like the root note street map and how you can make any key here right the great thing is because we're not using open chords we can do this anywhere so let's do the whole thing in the key of V [Music] all I'm starting is I'm starting on an e and you can learn all the notes one 5654 in this key or you can just take any single root note and be like I'm just going to f like all right where's it E flat or a d Shar like a a b c c d d six frat I don't even have to know any of the other notes any of the other chords if this is my home base everything moves in parallel to that I don't have to know what the relative minor is in this key all I have to know is it's like all right there it [Music] is there's my minor pentatonic because I always know it's two Frets down from where I start this major 7even chord so super movable super fun I think it's just a more fun way to do it you can like extended chords or not like extended chords but it definitely does kind of open up a little bit of your ear and how you hear things and I think it's a perfect way to make connections between stuff that you'll find useful no matter what genre you play in so thank you for watching thank you for signing up for the patreon I'll talk to you guys soon
Channel: Sean Daniel
Views: 89,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, sean daniel, guitar lesson, sean daniel guitar lesson, intermediate guitar lesson, beginner guitar lesson, easy guitar lesson
Id: KaZJ6UB5o_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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