5 Guitar Tips PRO Players DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW!

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most of the tips and tricks me and my man david ask about are about hairstyles and just being manly gentlemen of the modern age but every now and then people ask for guitar tips and tricks that's correct so uh in this video we're gonna do something completely different and we're going to tell you a uh insert a prime number of guitar secret knowledge it's got to be prime i don't remember even number tips yeah me neither only prime mm-hmm that professional guitarists don't want you to know about and they don't tell you about it no they've got we're actually we may be kicked out of the guitar guild for revealing some of these secrets you're right just like the magicians they're not supposed to reveal secrets you know and if they do they get kicked out this is us so this is literally the secret knowledge and we have like a number of tips prepared for you yep so just prepare to have your brains blown out and you better be grateful because we're throwing away our careers to help you the common man or woman at home yeah well basically we'll never get a gig at disney again no never again hit us with the first tip first tip that every every professional playing guitarist touring guitarist improvising guitarists should know is to be able to play a scale starting with any finger like what does that mean so most people think you start a scale and you start at the beginning and this index finger is number one and this is where you start and you start on the thickest string a sixth string or if you're playing a seventh you know you play seven guitar seven string guitar you start on the seventh right right so that's kind of like yeah i get it that's where you start but it becomes really limiting because your point of view is locked to that perception and you would actually unlock more positions and more shapes if you learned to play it from any finger so what i mean let's take uh let's take a g major okay people's key the people's key and let's do a scale starting an index finger with three notes per string [Music] that's one way to do it that's one way to do it is that the only way to do it that's not the only way to do it what if you want to start with your second index finger which is the middle finger what you got two of them yes those are two you didn't know that no this is the london greeting yeah oh what do we have oh we have a lock indented went one backwards yeah one backwards so now you are in a more versatile playing position because you can start and play from anywhere yeah let me move up the neck a little bit and let's do like uh c major on the from the sixth string three notes per string starting with index finger [Music] now what happens if we take this scale and we start with a pinky no we start with a pinky on the c we have a minor we have a minor scale once you start seeing this all the positions stop becoming positions and they become a fluid construct of seeing the fretboard i guess right yeah yeah so every every performing touring guitarist session guitarist they know the secret and they don't want you to know about it but here we are spilling it sean hit us with the next one all right so most of his tips and tricks are going to be about being technically awesome and amazing most of mine are going to be about how to cover your mistakes when you're playing live all right so for example let's say we got a chord progression g to d to b minor what's that fourth chord [Music] back to g then in the time that i bought to think about it i remembered it was an a okay so buying yourself time to remember what you're supposed to already know is a great tip the way to do that stay in time never lose time never the active picking hand just muting just hold the strings you can just do this sometimes i've done this for entire sets right and then after the gig i remember what i was supposed to play now the kind of supplemental tip that goes with that so guys let's say i gotta i'm gonna skip over that part i should have known that's an a7 but i'm gonna actually slide slide the slide just put your finger anywhere and slide back and if you do it fast enough and with intention people won't know where you were supposed to start or end that slide but you always end up home kind of a close cousin to this tip same thing anytime you see a musician do this anytime without exception they're not building suspense no no no they're trying to remember what is actually supposed to go in that spot you just leave space you just keep the beating and then you end up right back where you started buying your brain time to recalibrate the gig and that is my tip to you that is brilliant thank you very much you use that you ever use that one i use a different one for the same problem modern problems require modern solutions oh do they yeah and a lot of you know other guitarists that i know and you know talk to they use this one too so let's say there's a chord progression for the sake of the argument in the key of c major okay so now shawn's going to play whatever chord progression in the c major i don't know the chord progression but there's a particular chord shape that's sort of like an empty chord which only consists of the fifths and octaves and almost every single chord will fit into that progression so you can work yourself out of the problem with this particular shape what is this chord does it matter sounded good it just works he's playing every chord in the c major [Music] what is this chord is it seems like a neutral neutral core it's just fifths and octaves i take my index finger on the fourth string fifth fret basically this is a g then same index finger presses down uh third string also on the fifth fret which which is c and then my pinky octaves them up amazing i'm learning so much another way that you can add and the professional guitarists touring musicians and improvisers don't want you to know you can add this shape is closely related to a pentatonic minor pentatonic shape [Music] so now stop through it so let's say this could be your one this could be your uh your your tonic chord this could be your dominant chord and we're not going to get into much that that's going to be the next tip but basically this blank shape of a chord just it's it's the same notes as a power chord but it's higher up and because it's notes are in the higher register the lower harmony such as rhythm guitar that's actually doing different power chords that are constantly changing as well as the bass guitar because you're placing yourself in the higher register you can get away it's right it just kind of blends in really well with the lower rhythmic stuff kind of to make it easier for you to remember you can call it the u2 chord like with or without you okay so and the only thing that's changing in that song is the bass line extremely useful yes [Music] so he's doing all the work and i'm getting all the credit that's messed up yeah just like just like bono didn't get any credit anyways if you'd like to learn how to add these flourishes in a more extensive expansive way how could you do how could you do this before we jump into the next tip that pro guitarists don't want you to know and they won't tell you we have something to tell you yeah in the description below there's a link to a course that sean and i have made it's to how to solo on the guitar like a pro and for a limited time yeah you get a great value for a discount amazing discount over three hour footage it's ridiculous it's gonna help us out because by revealing these tips to you we will be shunned from the musical community yeah and lose most of our livelihood you're gonna have to pick up the heavy lifting yeah just just do this one solid for us it's not gonna kill you you know what i mean how to solo and then guitar like a pro oh it's amazing there's a what's the discount it's like forty percent off forty percent off what link in the description yeah now it's messed up today i know basically we're giving it away basically yeah yeah yeah you're welcome but how about another tip next tip all right so this is one that i can't stress importantly enough i perform with a lot of singers a lot of different singers sometimes you need to be ready to change to any part of any song at any moment's notice it doesn't matter how many times you rehearse how many times you know it's two verses then a chorus then a bridge then two verses the singer will invariably arrange their own composition of how the structure is supposed to happen on the spot so while i realize this may run contrary to my first tip in which i was the one that forgot what i was doing during the changes between sections that's when you need to be hyper aware yeah you can take time off during the chord progression that's being repeated but once you know you're going to the change you definitely need to understand be like all right i thought this was going to be a chorus but get that slide slide into the first chord because we're back in the verse people you need to be able to do that at a moment's notice this happens all the time happened to me last week actually and another way to counteract this is actually our next tip next tip that professional guitarists don't want you to know and they won't tell you nope it's communication within the band just like a professional football team or a baseball team has a sick like secret hand gestures that means something that other people in the opposing team don't know the meaning of the same in the band of working musicians however there's this one thing that's a little bit easier it doesn't really vary from band to band usually the same body language or gesture signals mean the same thing yes and it's important for you to to familiarize with those like sean was telling me earlier he had a singer nod to him so the nod occurred let me tell you the tale of the nod we were in the bridge of the song that we'd not really rehearsed before and then i'm like okay are we staying in the ridge or we're going back to the chorus so i looked at her and she nodded to me yeah so i switched to the chorus she thought the nod meant to stay on the bridge and i was like oh no no no you need to watch this video because the nod or the intense stare which is kind of the same as the nod right that means it's time to go to the next thing or time to to ramp up the end of the song yeah generally right or your turn or whatever but yeah the nod the nod doesn't mean stay right here stay right here is big eyes stay probably the most universal the most wildly wild wildly whatever the most used is this you know what that means that means it's the end of the song this is the last note do you know how many times i've done this at the jam session filled with beginners and they think it's like oh let's increase the intensity and let's keep going on this jam it's like that does not mean that that means the end i always thought that meant bass solo you're telling me i didn't know this is news to me we didn't go over this one before base is so low no you know what bringing it back to sport ball for a second when i was in little league i thought take a pitch you know what take a pitch means we had we had a signal that meant to take a pitch right so like if you have three balls and no strikes you're one ball away from getting it you'd take the pitch which means you just let it go by you do not swing under any circumstances i thought take the pitch take it take it like take what's yours so every time i was 3-0 on account my coach would always be like take it and i'm like smart they would they would never expect me to swing in a wildly [Laughter] unsteady pitcher so for the longest time i just swung wildly at whatever pitch was coming on 3-0 and then one time one day he was like you know what take a pitch means didn't know wow take a pitch means don't swing just like this doesn't mean base solo but now i know thank you for that for that great tip you're welcome all right next secret tip no one knows nobody knows nobody knows this one they don't want you to know about it they don't want you but we're telling you chord scales what is the chord show the scale g major scale we talked about it before those are just single notes what are you gonna do with that nothing you gonna write a song with those single puny notes no chords are what songs are built from they work just like a regular scale right no remy chord scale [Music] right once you see chords as a scale and see i did this with bar chords you don't have to bar them but at least think of the shapes right major minor minor major major minor half diminished if you're saucy yeah and then back to major right once i have this pattern that never changes very you know not a lot of songs really do key changes and stuff like that this everything fits inside this chord scale that's just g yep key of a start on a then where we go we get that chord scale once you have a chord scale down songs become infinitely easier to remember because you don't have to like memorize like g then c then two d is the e minor everything gets simplified yep so you have to learn your chord skills more than you even have to learn your regular scales i think yeah core skills should actually probably come first because once you can organize that information it's all a lot easier definitely but they don't want you to know that they don't want you to know that no they won't tell you that no they won't tell you that we will yeah you're welcome can we tell them how you can maybe organize that to to think of those chords in a memorable way next tip this is some secret wizarding knowledge here this is very advanced magic yep exactly this is chamber secret stuff nashville number system nashville the good people of nashville they've done it again or just the number system because we have the number we have that number system in europe and no one knew where nashville was somehow nashville's taking credit for counting to seven yeah but cool yeah so what you will notice that a professional guitarist will never play with a capo yeah totally right sure yeah so what nashville number system just like sean showed you a chord scale let's say from g [Music] translate that into numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. and when you communicate with other musicians you can say 145. [Music] you can say one six two five rumba [Music] you can say uh one 136 in the key of a [Music] party in the yeah usa knew it i knew you're going to go there yeah yeah this number system will help you to organize the ideas and when you're learning songs and interacting and playing with other musicians it will make the life of everyone so much easier because everything becomes uh like a mathematical formula that you can unlock regardless of any key and then you can especially if you're trying to sing and play chords and maybe learn a song it'll be incredibly easier to transpose it to any key as opposed to trying to understand the relationship between f sharp and d flat you'll just know what that one is one and four is four and then you can just place it where it's comfortable for you to solo where it's comfortable for you to sing it it's nashville number system and every chord is a number totally i used it in this video you're playing with or without you and you too on a c chord that i think that song's actually in the key of d yeah one five six four that's it right yeah it's like i i don't i don't know how to play that in c but i know it's a one five six four five six so nc boom c g a minor f done done there it is i think we hit him with the prime number i think that's it i think we're at prime these are the tips that a lot of people won't tell you about the this information does not usually leave the guild no usually you have to pay prime money yeah to even access such knowledge to get a guild member to turn coat dude no but we were kind of already on the outs anyway yeah we're the rebels yeah the games don't tell them we gotta get back in there i've got unfinished business in that guild so hopefully this is helpful to you let us know in the comments any additional secrets you would like to have revealed that's right and check out the description down below our course that is forty percent off it's amazing what a deal how to solo in the guitar like a pro and if you haven't checked out my man's channel you have to because it's the greatest youtube channel of all time i would say number one ever thanks for stopping by everybody
Channel: Sean Daniel
Views: 230,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, sean daniel, guitar lesson, sean daniel guitar lesson, intermediate guitar lesson, beginner guitar lesson, easy guitar lesson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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