The Secret New Windows Tool Nobody Is Talking About

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There is an incredibly useful tool that was added  to Windows relatively recently, but not many   people know about. It’s called “Power Automate  Desktop” and it’s basically a way to automate   almost anything you can think of, and it’s GUI  based so you don’t have to know how to code.   These automations you create are called Flows,  and you can see how you have an enormous list   of possible actions you can have it do step by  step. Anything from copying or deleting a folder,   to taking a screenshot or printing a document, to  setting some variable to use in another action, or   even checking if a window contains a certain text.  And of course, you can set conditions to only do   steps in certain cases, and loop a set of steps  as long as you need. So if you aren’t someone who   knows how to code, this is actually a good way  to learn some of the basic high level concepts. If you’re on Windows 11 it should already be  installed, but if you’re on Windows 10 you can   just install it through the Microsoft Store.  At this point you might think this is cool,   but you aren’t really sure of the  practical use of it. So I’ll give   you a real example of an actual automation  I created, and I think it’s pretty cool. Before we do that though, speaking  of cool programs and services,   I want to thank today’s sponsor, Mine. Mine lets  you find out which companies have your data,   and let's you control where you do or don't want  to keep it. You start out by going to,   and just sign in with your email account you want  to analzye, and give it a minute to do it's thing. Mine will only analyze the subject line and  sender of the email, the first line preview   snippet, plus some metadata to figure out  which companies you've interacted with,   but as their privacy policy states, they  do not collect the content of your email   for the analysis. Then when it's done,  it shows you the results. For me there   are over 250 companies that have  data on me... a bit concerning... On the 'my footprint' page I can  see a selection of these companies,   but I prepared myself and looked at the tab  showing all the companies, and it is eye opening. By clicking on a company, it shows me for example  that EA stores info like my financial and identity   data, and even online behavior data. And I can  see that it has a pretty elevated exposure risk.   Here's another company that I barely remember  signing up for but never ended up using,   and I don't really want them having  my data, so I can just click reclaim,   and it will compose an email that will be  sent directly from my inbox to the company. And this is important because companies  generally only honor requests coming   directly from the person. Then, after you  allow it to send the email, you can track   and review your requests, and cancel it  within an hour if you change your mind. And since privacy is important for businesses too,  Mine has created a solution for companies to help   manage their own privacy operations, including  automation of handling requests from consumers. So if you want to start reclaiming your own  data, be sure to visit and sign up.   And I'll also put that link in the description.  And with that all being said, let's continue. Alright so for this automation, what I wanted to  do was actually pretty complicated. Basically,   I wanted to know when Microsoft publishes  a new app in the Microsoft Store,   because they’ve been known in the past  to quietly release some cool apps without   really telling anyone. It’s easy enough to  see a list of all the apps they publish,   but there are around 700 of them, and they  are not sorted by date. Gee it sure would be   nice if I could have a program automatically go  through the entire list and show me if anything   new was added since last time. So that’s  exactly what I created, let’s take a look. First let me finish explaining the interface so  you know what's going on. On the right side you   can see a list of all these variables, most of  which are automatically created for the action,   and it’s not as complicated as it looks.  For example, you can use the action to   get the current date and time, and then it  creates a variable called “CurrentDateTime”,   but you can also rename it.  At the top you have controls,   including one that just lets you record what  you’re doing, so if the task is simple enough,   you might not even need to set anything  manually. You can also copy and paste actions,   move them around, disable them, and run the  flow starting at a certain point. You can even   set breakpoints which will pause the flow at a  certain point, like to debug or check a variable. Alright so now let’s go through how my flow  works, because it has a good mix of various   functions to show you what this is capable  of. The first thing it does is launches a   new Google chrome window to that web page  that shows all the Microsoft apps. This next   part was tricky though, because you see  on this page, it doesn’t show the whole   list. It makes you keep clicking “show  more results” until all 700 are shown. Fortunately you can create loops, so I found  a javascript code snippet online that lets you   click any button on a webpage, and I set it to  just click that “Show More Results” button. Then   it does that a number of times, which I set  it to 20. Then it checks if that “Show More   Results” button is still there, and if it is,  it goes back and does 20 more again. I could   have it check every time it clicks the button, but  that goes way slower than just spam clicking it. Next I used the “extract data from web page”  action, where it basically asks you to select   a couple examples of what data you want,  in this case I want the names of the apps,   and then it's smart enough to auto detect all  the rest of them, and turns it into some text.   These next actions are just little things to  clean up and prepare the text, like removes   any blank spaces at the end, converts it into a  list, and sorts it alphabetically. It also puts   this list into a variable called LatestAppList  for later. Next, it opens a new Excel file,   pastes the list in there, then saves the  spreadsheet with a filename that has the   current date. That way by saving the file, I  can use it to compare the lists in the future. But next is where it starts comparing a previous  list file I’ve made before. So it pops up a   dialogue that lets me select an existing list.  This function even lets you choose which folder   to select from, and filter to only show certain  files if you want. After I choose an old list,   it copies the data from the spreadsheet and  puts it into a variable called OldAppList,   and uses this function called “Subtract Lists”,  which compares that variable to the LatestAppList,   and creates a new list with only the  entries that are in the latest list,   and not the old. So now I have the list of  only newly added Apps, and it puts them in   the clipboard. Just as a finishing touch,  I even have it open Notepad and paste them   for me to see. There’s basically no  way I could have done this manually. But like I showed, this just scratches the  surface. For example, if I wanted to get fancy,   instead of having to select the Excel file myself,  I could have it get a list of the files in that   folder sorted by date and pick that automatically  and continue on, so it would be fully automatic,   and then pop up a notification only  if there is a new thing found. Wait,   I did actually do all that! As you can  see here. In this more advanced version,   I also made a variable for the path to the list  folder so I can just change it by just changing   that one variable, and then a bunch of the actions  below reference that. And I made it write to a   text file as a log in the case it does find new  apps, so it really does everything for me now. Now as cool as this Power Automate program  is, it’s not perfect, there are some really   dumb things about it. For example, you can’t  just have it run it offline, you HAVE to log   into it with a Microsoft account. But at least it  keeps the flows backed up in the cloud I guess.   Speaking of backing up though, another stupid  thing is if you want to export and save a flow,   like to share with a friend, there’s no official  way to do that. What you can do is select all   of the actions in a flow, then hit copy, which  will put them in text format. Then you can put   them in a text file, and if you want to restore  them, just copy all the text, and hit paste   in a flow and they should all show up. So it  does work, it's just a little bit convoluted. Oh and finally the dumbest thing, is even  though it’s literally an automation program,   there is no way to automatically schedule a  flow to run, you HAVE to run it manually. So   if you want to automatically run something on  startup, tough luck. Apparently they reserve   that ability for business users, even though  it’s included in Windows 11 Home. VERY Dumb. Also quick random note I’ll just throw in here,   if you want the browser and  web actions to work correctly,   you have to make sure you install the browser  extension for whatever browser you’re using. Now when you go and open the app there  are a few examples, but if you want to   mess around with the one I made, I’ll put a  link to that text file in the description,   so you can just copy and paste it into your  own flow. You’ll just have to change that first   variable to a folder you want to use, and then it  should be set, though the first time it runs it   will display a message that no previous lists  were found. Yep, I added a check for that too. So hopefully this video gave you an idea of what  this could be used for, and maybe you already know   something it would be good for, so definitely let  us know about that down in the comments if you do. Thanks again to Mine for sponsoring the  video, be sure to visit so   you can start reclaiming your data too.  The link is also in the description. And of course do all the usual stuff,  click that big fat thumbs up button,   consider subscribing, and also clicking  the bell to enable notifications,   because these days YouTube might not show  you the videos even if you do subscribe. If you want to keep watching, the next  video I’d recommend is about another cool   website that lets you scan files with  basically every antivirus all at once,   I’ll put that link right here. So thanks so much  for watching, and I’ll see you in the next one.
Channel: ThioJoe
Views: 954,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power automate, power automate desktop, windows, cool free software, free program, cool programs, free windows software, free windows apps, cool windows app
Id: --cHILkVUtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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